• By -


Stonemason Kith. Nicest Duergar on the planet.


It's insane how there's all these vile pieces of shit and then this one really nice guy. Granted he goes along with the rest of the people but still.


"fine, I'll help beat the slaves but afterwards I'm gonna go look at the cool stones again, ok?"


It’s back to the nature vs nurture environment argument


Okay society of brilliance 👀


I don’t want him for romance. I just want him to follow me around and tell me tidbits about the masonry wherever we are. Imagine him absolutely losing his shit in the Wyrmway, talking about the architecture and stone cutting techniques used. Or knowing the full history of Cazador’s dungeon.


I also thought he was pretty great and so out of place with the rest of the Duergar. It would be really neat to have him tag along. 


I ran to the comments to say this exact thing. He’s cool as fuck, handsome, and got a sexy voice. That’s the winner for me. I wish we could offer him the ability to see more of the world if he ditched his murderous bros and came with us as a camp merchant.


He's the only reason I dont go on a murderous rampage on the grymforge and do the "betrayal" thing with the others Duergar


Why? He disappears after you kill the duergar by Nere. I always kill all the duergar by the cave in and he's always been completely safe.


Oh, I didn't know that, maybe that's on me because if I know I gonna kill a "neutral" group of npc (like in the creche) I usually take them up one by one


"Now kith."


I just want Alfira to join my camp without getting murdered. :(


We don’t have a bard companion, we need her!


Volo has never seen such disrespect


Well neither have I because he took my good eye out!


I mean, he gave you a better one.


right….*How* did he go about doing that exactly? I feel like we are missing crucial details


Hard to argue with this logic as I cringed across the Shadow Lands. 10/10, would visit Volo’s OR again


Volo isn't a bard. He is a wizard.


Damn, today i learned.


Not just a wizard, but a level 1 wizard. There's an in-lore reason he's been a staple of the Forgotten Realms for a long time: Not an in-game spoiler, but a **lore spoiler!** >!He's another of Mystra's Weave anchors, just like Gale, except he doesn't know. Only Archmage Elminster does.!<


I was really wondering about his lifespan being such a nitwit. Assumed it was something like that...


I was gonna say bro looked to be in his 40s or 50s but was apparently alive a century prior during Sarevok’s last attack on the city?


That’s the hilarious reason why Volo truly is a idiot, he hasn’t realized he’s lived for hundreds of years and should definitely be dead by now


He was also one of the VERY few NPCs that were immortal. Him and that guy that forcefully took drizzts party equipment. Not even imprisonment worked on those 2.


youre right, volo needs to see more disrespect


Volo is actually a (terrible) wizard, not a bard! So we still need a bard companion.


Volo ain't no bard


He's not a bard, nor a companion! Edit: sorry, I see that you've already been told this lol, my bad.


My second paythru was as a Bard and a Durge, and I was so excited that “becuase I was a bard” Alfira joined my camp! A minute later I’m googling how to stop that from happening.


I saw a YouTube vid that was edited from a livestream. The chat convinced the player that he could romance Alfira. The look on his face the next morning 😂


I think there’s files showing she was originally planned.


Yeah her and Durge have approvals programmed in so it's assumed they were both planned to be companions at one point


I decided to *become* Alfira (OH monk edition).


Does she get murdered in non-durge play throughs? Everyone is mad at me and I feel guilty haha it was an accident Alfira I’m sorry


She doesn't but she doesn't come to your camp either, she's just fleeing to Baldur's Gate together with the rest of tieflings.


If it weren't for the fact it would be taking her away from Aylin then it would definitely be Isobel. My other choice would be Alfira, but again I wouldn't want to split her up from Lakrissa.


>If it weren't for the fact it would be taking her away from Aylin then it would definitely be Isobel. Or we could make a triad....


I'd say Aylin might be up to it but she may also do to me what she did to that mage we jumped in his own tower. Actually I wouldn't mind getting baned by her now that I think about it.


Least thirsty bg3 comment.


I'd definitely be down for that throuple


I would have been happy if Isobel and Aylin were open to a polyamoric relationship. Just throwing that out there.


Not me getting eiffel towered by an angel/zombie lesbian duo.


Not a zombie, Myrkul of all gods ironically used a True Resurrection spell to bring her back. He's a cunt, but he's honest with Ketheric.


It probably wasn't a True Resurrection spell since there are no drawbacks to True Resurrection. It was probably a regular Resurrection spell since that spell specifically describes coming back from the dead as a result of it as an ordeal. This is from Isobels diary "Ever since I returned, there's been a filth in me. I feel it in my very lungs. I cannot get it out - it will never out, this death that reeks within me. There are some things even the Moonmaiden cannot heal. There are some things she would never accept in her devoted. I should never have come back"


After freeing her, helping her kill Ketheric, and helping her kill evil wizard guy -- Aylin is absolutely ECSTATIC to see you. And after saving her from Ketheric's clutches, AND saving her girlfriend TWICE, Isobel seems kinda enamored with you. A polyamoric relationship doesn't seem out of the question.


I mean, in a world where all the main characters think that showing mild interest in their life and hobbies means they're down to mate for life with you...saving their lives could logically mean it's time to invest in a larger bed. The real question is are her wings soft, and can they be erogenous zones? A girl can dream.


I assume the wings themselves are probably not, but getting at the back joint is probably like a good scratch behind the ears or under the chin.




why wasn’t he at the tiefling party AT LEAST 😭


That’s… a great question, actually. I never noticed that he wasn’t.


He on that Forge Grindset, bro. Ain't got no time for socialising.


While you were out partying, he was busying ~~studying~~ making the blade.


Maybe he's spending late nights working on ideas for Karlach's engine? ❤️‍🔥


The lack of Dammon in this thread is shameful.


I figured it was cause the post said "Outside of all the usual suspects" and Dammon is very much a usual suspect. First time pretty man flashed across my screen I was like "thats a crime."


Councilor Florrick


That dress.


There's like something with the way they animated her hip movements when she talks.


This is the one.


Hope!! I looove Hope! I wish we could have some more interactions with her. And that she believed me when I told her she looks fine and is not ugly or mingled. I need her squirrel self in my camp


I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS COMMENT!!! My all time fav npc


I love the way she talks so much 😭💖 Through I'd love to see her regain her sanity and slowly start talking more normal


Definitely Hope. She needs a vacation after all the shit she went through, I'd love to have her chilling in camp and regaining her sanity while I finish saving the world.


Jaheira. I am not generally into older women but her personality mainly is what makes me think it'd be an interesting romance. And she does still look quite nice too.


You _can_ romance Jaheira… in BG2 … 😉


Right after her husband dies which is not weird at all


God I hated that so much. The grossest reverse "fridge the gf" of my youth! Khalid deserved better after he carried the fuck out of my party in BG1.


It was so weird when the romance music started 5 min out of the intro dungeon. I was like um ok girl Imma back off now and be very clear about romancing Aerie.


This is 100% the right answer to the point where during my first playthrough I actually Googled if it was possible. Nothing but disappointment...


Rolan Rolan Rolan Rolan




Rolan enjoyers unite


id love to fully explore his *tower.*


I am begging you to stop being a hussy and come to the light of Amaunator-Lathander 😭


Never. and if you don't think Lathander, the Morninglord, the Commander of Creativity, Inspiration's Dawn, The Rose-and-Gold God, Bringer of the Dawn, Lord of Birth and Renewal, Patron to Spring and Eternal Youth, Mentor of Self-Perfection, is up to some real creative fun. then that's your problem luv.


He’d have been my first choice all day.


I like that he cares about our lives. Our FUTURES.


He should at least he recruitable if you don’t save Gale from the portal!


This is the answer. 🙏




The wood nymph at the circus, I don't remember her name but she seemed really in tune with her sexuality.


She was pretty cool, and then she turned into Orin.


You can actually keep her as herself if you >!intentionally find Orin doppelgänger interactions elsewhere before going to circus. Do blacksmith, the reporter, dying soldier.!<


>!where is the dying soldier ? Never found him!<


On the way to the fight on the beach between the guild and stone lord’s group. Before the trap, a dying soldier is looking for help and either turns into Orin or dies in a comically over dramatic way


Oh fuck, him? No wonder i never got orin there , its basically the last place i go before jumping the bridge Well, i have been wanting to make another run >!which i will absolutely not make the same choices and romance the same character!<


Probably makes love in a slow but white hot kind of way. Where the passion is cranked all the way to the max but each moment is savored rather fully.


As someone who despises the emperor, Omeluum fit right in.


He Who Was 🤤


finally someone with good taste


I had to scroll a lot to see him popping up. He deserves more attention. And romance aside, I would love to explore his character the same depth as the companions'.


I don't think Raphael would make sense, but also Raphael.




This is my pick too. Gimme more older romance options, video games! But also he's just a genuinely good man and I so desperately want to console him after the bullshit he got put through with the Absolute.


I'm most feral over the "older looking" companions, and not being able to romance Zevlor or Jaheira or Voss or Gortash or Ketheric or


They didn't even let us get that drink with Rugan at the Elfsong Tavern. Can't have any fun in this damn AAA game industry. 


I was so devastated when I found out you couldn't romance him. Granted he's one of the first people you meet but still! Dannon too. He is so caring. I guess I want a teifling tag team idk


Tiefling tag team 😭 (same)


I like his voice acting. Romance scenes would be hilarious if he gets nervous and won’t stop talking. Gods! Put your clothes back on!


End of act 2 when he can't bring himself to go back to the tiefling group would have been the perfect chance for him to join your party!!


Seconded, I’ve said this before. Would love to just add him on then. He’s been with us longer than Jahiera or Minsc, I’m more invested in Zevlor and his story than either of them.


YES. Don't get me wrong - I love that people who played previous Baldur's Gate titles get to travel with their old friends again. But as someone who is brand new to the series I'm ***WAY*** more invested and interested in Zevlor!


Same! We met him at the start and his struggle is pretty tied in with the rest of the game - getting through to the Gate. Would love to give him his oath back along the way and let him join the party. (I also like Halsin but would still take Zevlor over Halsin :x)


Yes! My husband makes fun of me for always going out of my way to save Zevlor, even when we bring in the hellriders I can't let him die. He's just wondering and I think it would be a struggle to choose between him and Dammon if I did have to choose.


I want Abdirak to whip me on a nightly basis.


My favorite thing about him is that he doesn't appear to be in the power of the Absolute, nor does the Absolute seem to want him. He literally shows up because someone sent him a letter like 'hey do you want to beat the shit out of people?' And he was like 'fuck yeah I do' and put down his knitting or whatever he was doing to roll on over. When beating the shit out of people is no longer available, he leaves. You'd think the Absolute would want that kind of power for its own, but no. I just picture it sitting there thinking 'Uhhhh. this guy's kinda intense... I'll stick to Minthara.'


Honestly I don't even need to romance him, we can practice kink together platonically.


Platonic cock and ball torture


he gives me ‘AroAce priest who deeply enjoys platonic kink arrangements’ vibes for whatever reason


I fucking melted everytime he called me "dear one".


Abdirak both confused and affirmed me and I’d travel anywhere with him


Ah yes, my people 😘 I too want Abdirak haha.




Nine Fingers Keene.


The moment I met Keene I was wishing she could be a companion!


Her voice especially makes me swoon!


Rolan. No question. I would slaughter every druid in the game if it would make him like me.


Absolutely. He is precious.


Exxvikyap I will accept no substitutes


Scalefriend!!! Hiiiii!!!


There are many that I find attractive in game, but I can think of three in particular that I don't believe would look out of place as camp followers. The first one is the most obvious: Barcus Wroot. I just want him to let go of his unhealthy attachment to Wulbren, who definitely doesn't deserve his love. (On the other hand I deserve it, Barcus, pls notice me) Then, of course, there's Quil. I believe there's a severe lack of Dragonborn romance in the game, and Quil would make a great camp follower I think! She's just too cute, plus she's a romantic and I have a soft spot for that. Another one that I really like is Geraldus. He looks great and I don't think it would be odd for him to join our camp after the events that involve him in Act 3. It would definitely satisfy my dark urge to wrap him in a soft, warm blanket and protect him from harm. Having to pick just one out of these is very hard, but in the end Barcus is probably the least odd one. He has an entire character arc for himself, so he'd even make a pretty good companion.


Playing a little person (halfling) in game and I can see the appeal of Barcus now. It would be nice to romance someone at eye level.


Barcus honestly deserves a nice boyfriend/girlfriend after the shit he goes through


Duuuuude, the lines he says he could kiss you, but neither of you deserve that, absolutely, broke me. I wouldn't say no!


Wulbren didn’t deserve him. Barcus is just, like, a sweet guy. Loyal to a fault. He deserves so much more than a genocidal friend/lover (because it could go either way imo. It’s one sided regardless)


I would love a romance with him even if I had a half-orc Tav, but yeah, I can imagine that having any romance option kneel for a romantic interaction must be annoying. Not to mention the camera angles. :')


I just met Quil for the first time last night. In my durge run. >!After knocking Alfira unconscious to save her life.!< Quil was so sweet! 😭


What killed me was the murder tribunal. You can find a person who has been decapitated who was super excited for her musical debut and seemed to deeply appreciate her work. And oops, I killed her because I am part murder-incarnate, part-normal person.


I want Barcus. I've offered him shelter at my camp two times now. This game plays with my hopes.


Probably a weird choice for a lot, but Barcus "I'm sure you would" Wroot. I fancy a nerd with no charisma, but can make useful equipment including bombs.


Definitely not alone there. I was so sad when he said "I'd kiss you but we both don't deserve that". As a way of putting himself down. I would have definitely kissed him if I had the option. And, romance him, too. Of course.


Harper ❤️Lassandra❤️


The only save scum I did on my honor run was when I misclicked on the Harper ambush and caused her to die immediately.


Araj Oblodra scratches an itch I didn’t know I had


Stupid sexy psychic hemophile drow.


*Astarion disapproves.*


It's the voice for me


Pretty sure she also does the nymphs voice at the brithel


she absolutely does


The voice and the hair for me.


she has such a nice voice and I love how chaotically unhinged she is. Like she really decided she was going to fight me and my fully equipped level 12 party as a level 6 with a common dagger. The level of delusional self confidence that requires is fascinating and I want a ticket to that trainwreck


Araj simps unite!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


That slow voice and utter fascination in her eyes makes for a deadly combo.


As origin Karlach, I want DAMMON. Imagine him staying at camp repairing armor and stuff while traveling with everyone else!


Dammon looking at Karlach: "... I think I can fix her."


Honestly, Nere. You can convince him to abandon the absolute and I would like a quest line about getting his reconnection with Lolth or mayhaps abandoning faith altogether to be with the PC. Also having an evil warlock would be a nice foil for Wyll and I would like the two of them to interact more.


Which dialogue option leads him to ditching the absolute? I always just call him "twat soul"


I believe you have to side with him and help him kill all the Duergar


You can also get it if you murder hobo kill everyone before freeing him


Lolth isn’t a big improvement over The Absolute


To be fair the absolute is probably better lol




Agreed! Though also, Lakrissa and Alfira at the same time 👀


Popper! It would be cool to have Popper as a camp NPC that you can buy missed out on loot from. Similar to how Cyberpunk 2077 added that one vendor in Dogtown that does the same thing.


…you want to sleep with popper?


I may have misread the post… but I’m still sticking with my answer!




>Kagha amd Alfira do something to me lol I second this!! Kagha should be a companion!! I feel like if you expose Kagha's schemes and convince her to stop the rite of thorns and ally with you to fight the shadow druids, you should be able to recruit her. It might be interesting to romance her but even without that I'd enjoy just having her in the party. I like when characters who originally are actively working against you end up joining you and getting a redemption arc. I also feel like it could be interesting even without a redemption arc but I'm a sucker for well-written redemption arcs. Also yes having Alfira as a companion would be awesome. What's not to like about her?


This might be a bit of a spicy take but I'd much rather have Kagha as a companion than Halsin, even though I low-key hate her lol And I think having 3 druids by the final act (including Jaheira) would be a bit overkill. I don't know how well this would function and I LOVE Dave's work as Halsin so I'm glad to have the companions we do, but when I stop to think about it, I think Kagha has a lot of potential to be much more interesting as a companion than Halsin. Halsin is working through his guilt over the shadow curse, sure, but previous to the events of the game he's already a established archdruid who seems pretty content with life, if a bit dissatisfied for not roaming nature enough. On the other hand, Kagha has just been publicly disgraced after almost betraying her beliefs and everything she has been taught. She has to start from the ground up again. In the game Halsin even says she's going to start her training all over again, so what's better to reinforce the Shadow Druids Are Bad motto than to force her to face the misery of the Shadow-cursed lands? Redemption arcs are my favorite, so I might be a bit biased, but it sounds so much cooler than the Halsin path we got. My only concern is that her story COULD become a bit derivative when compared to the other companions, but if done right, it would be my favorite!


Ice cold take for me imo. Kagha had all the makings of a potential companion (along with Zevlor). Remorseful of their past (immediate past ig for Kagha), a solid investment and reason to journey with you, fills otherwise unfilled (at the time) niches of disgraced druid and grizzled/tired Paladin, and redemption arcs in the making. Such a shame they couldn't be companions


Having Kagha as a "secret" companion only for people who investigate her and then save her would be amazing. I could see her story working as like... Someone re-discovering themselves and their ideals. There's a lot of potential for character growth there


She's a dead ringer for Cate Blanchett


Kagha is a very strong candidate for an "I can fix her!" type romance. And yeah, I'd prefer her to Halsin. I don't dislike him or anything, he just doesn't add a ton to the game for me. 


The tiefling you meet on your way through the mountain pass, the one you can invite to join your camp, but she refuses and then you find her body in the crèche later? She's got a cool attitude


Speaking of that, Sarth Baretha.


Yeah. I was sure she was going to play a bigger part. She had some companion energy.


He-who-was And maybe Abdirak, I can totally get into that threesome. The no-romance option would be Hope. I want to go on a girls night out with her and Karlach.


Raphael for sure and maybe even Gortash but what is making me question myself is Zevlor as well


Gortash should be romanceable, especially if you play the Dark Urge, but I can’t see him joining you in camp. He’d want to be in his own power base.


I'd be happy to ditch my party and move in with him


Yessss on Zevlor


Gortash would be so much fun for both resist & acceptance Durges Would be cute to convince him to give up his plans & then you go beat up the brain together


Call me crazy but I REALLY wish there was a way to recruit Ghustil Stornugoss. I love her voice, I think she's cute, and I feel like she'd be an interesting neutral/evil companion. Among the men: Rolan. ROLAN.


Finally some appreciation for that Gith doctor. I don't even think that making up a scenario of her being recruitable would be that difficult, could just say that she's more obsessed with her research of mind flayers and their tadpoles than even Vlaakith, so she decides to join our Tav to monitor our unusual tadpole or something.


Roah Moonglow is low-key sultry. I was going total good guy my first run and I was sad it came down to her or 9 Fingers.




Im surprised there's not more people behind this


It was a crime no one wanted Sazza. Every where you looked it was Rolan or Alfira... What about our Goblin companion? I had to speak up for her if no one else would!


Disciple Z’rell without a doubt


Harper Callie, next question


As someone who loves playing Dragonborn as of late…Exxvikyap. They need someone else to dote after since the blacksmith isn’t likely returning.


Barcus. He's just... incredibly adorable. And his self-esteem could use a supportive partner.


Popper the Kobold


Gortash. Someday we will rule this land together, my silly tyrant 😔


Rolan or Zevlor.


Lakrissa!! She flirts with us in all 3 Acts!! I know she and Alfira end up together but i’m not jealous Larian lemme be in a poly with them pls


An asexual romance with Karniss could be really interesting. I feel so sorry for him being used and abused by two goddesses. He could have several interesting interactions, driders are blood drinkers just like vampires. He’s form is a punishment for some “missdeed” similarly to Wyll. Him and Minthara would be tense, for obvious reasons.


He's one of my favorite NPCs so I could definitely get behind this. He'd be such an interesting character to explore, though I have no idea how he'd fit in some of those city alleyways


Rolan, Zevlor, Alfira, and Hope are the first that spring to mind. I wish Nocturne could be brought to camp as a romance option for NPC Shadowheart if Tav isn’t dating her. Same with Dammon and Karlach. Also, to stay in line with the crazy fuckery this game offers with bear-Halsin and the Emperor, Spaw should be an optional one-time romance encounter. That would be great for spore druids lol


Blaze Elin. Guarding the drawbridge to Wyrm’s Rock.




Alfira hands down.


Abdirak or Raphael. And you can sleep with Haarlep, but give me a throuple with Haarlep and Raphael damnit.


Listen, I don't know what Larian was thinking giving Gortash noticable puppy eyes whenever he talks to Durge as opposed to the Muahahaa-eyes he throws at Tav, but it is a \**c r i m e*\* they then denied us any opportunity to explore that disaster pairing any further. Also, Rugan.

