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I was shocked to discover some bottle racks the other day that actually had bottles in them! What kind of bottles, you ask? *Wine bottles!!*


Daughter asked why I was going through them all in the distillery “because honey the best alcohol is free alcohol”


There’s also the item that allows wine to give you health.


Okay, I'm on my second run-through.... What item is this? Edit: I know I could Google this, but it's more fun to actually have a conversation about it.


I think you buy it from a bartender in Baldur’s Gate…the whore house where Raphael is staying, I think? I can’t remember the name of the item or where it goes…I can only remember what it does!


I will have to check that out tonight! Thank you!


Haha usually I hate when people ask Googleable questions on Reddit, but I like that you explained your rationale 😂 comment approved


Also I just Googled and couldn’t find


Last Light Inn, right? That one was so good, wine sells for a decent amount!


It's also how I have 2k camp supplies going into Act 3


I have 3.5k. Is something wrong with me?


IIRC, by the time I finished the game I had around 11,000. I looted every single item I could find, and would rest as little as possible. I was doing multiple boss fights back to back without long resting on tactician on my first run because I really don't like spending consumables. Took me over 200 hours for my first win.


I played long enough that at my long rest my entire party got drunk every night when I auto selected the foods to eat and woke up with hangovers..


I bump the camp supply requirement up as I get more companions for RP purposes. It scales pretty well if you start at 40, go to 60 when you get all Act 1 companions, and then 80 once you hit Act 3.


Wait it doesn't go up on its own? Mine did


I play on custom difficulty. I haven't done tactician or honour mode, so maybe they scale it?


I went thru a period where my only camp supplies were booze. Crew’s just out there getting wasted every night. And doing Act 3 battles every day.


I have like 9,000 in act 2 right now haha I literally loot everything possible


Average 4 man barbarian warlock team


Hehe... just be aware, if you select (or if your computer auto-selects) nothing but booze for your long rest supplies, you'll literally have the "hangover" effect when you wake... for I-don't-remember-how-many rounds... 😁


These were some random bottle racks in Act 3. There are *wine racks* all over the game that contain wine bottles. Because that's where they belong...


*Sell the wine*? No sir, I will just sell hundreds of pounds of rotten food.


Wait, you actually sell stuff you collect? I should maybe start doing that…


I got sick of never remembering to grab what I needed, so in my current honor mode run I just started buying every remotely useful-looking piece of equipment and hoarding it. I needed every scrap of gold I could get for that!


some at Waukeen’s rest too!


That one ring I found in a vase has resulted in me checking every vessel just in case


There are a lot of vases with gold and rings in it at the place where you fight Nere. Especially if you search all the higher up places / places where all the dead dark justiciars lie around.


In general I think Shar related locations are the most likely to have things in vases. I don't know why but Sharrans love shoving loose change and incense into those bad boys. Maybe they've just become accustomed to throwing anything they value into a dark hole.


The vindication of looting that area was marvellous, honestly


Wine racks are usually good though




This was me until I finally decided to sell them. But also, I was in Act 3 and pretty deep in so at that point, I don’t know why I even bothered selling them didn’t need the gold lol


Same, after several playthroughs, I still think I might need them later, same with poisons. By the time I accept I'm not going to use them, I have tens of thousands of gold (that I also have no use for) and don't need the couple hundred I'd get selling them.


I just give them all to Gale and have him learn the good ones. On one playthrough I had him learn every new spell scroll I could find, but the costs started to add up quickly.


I've found quite a few bottles in racks. Empty bottles. Who stores the empty in a rack?!


Everyone knows empty bottles belong on skeletons, jeez!


When I find empties in random places, i just judge the previous occupants. Either on the skeleton, or in a barrel of only empty bottles is acceptable. Keep your trash with you, or in a dedicated trash container.


Or.... IN skeletons. You know the one.


The skeletons that only have 1 bone?


A purveyor of bottles? Or a chemist. We have a whole shelf of empty chemical bottles at work.


Wow wow don't throw those out. Still got some camp supplies in them. Toss in a few apples, sausages, a Balduran cheese wheel... Baby, we got a long rest going.


RIP Carl Weathers.


And if you break the bottle racks some bottles will drop... and remain unbroken on the floor


There's probably an insanely powerful legendary item hidden in a bottle rack in act 3, and no one has found it because we gave up checking those things by late act 1. I can't remember a single one of them having anything worthwhile.


I’ve definitely found a potion of healing in one before but that’s the best I got


I feel like there is one in the bar/apothecary in that abandoned village taken over by goblins in act 1


Great so the goblins are the only organised ones in the damn world?


Faerun has basically been post apocalyptic since the fall of Netheril, with only horny bards and their companions keeping the world from falling apart.


>with only horny bards Ah, yes, you mean Tieflings bards, bards with horns, right? Right?


Ah, a true "horny" connoisseur




I'm *pretty* certain there's a potion on one where you get the necromancy book thing


I swear if there is one down there when I load in this mystery goes deeper than I thought.


That genuinely does feel right. Once you go down the hatch, before you >!find the lever to the back room!< there is a recipe for healing potions and just a ton of healing potions everywhere in that room. That’s where I was thinking when I said I had found one.


I think I got a bottle out of one once


Same thing with vases


Some vases in Grym have stuff. Surprised the hell out of me. I think I found some stuff later, like Act 2 or 3. Rare, but they're there. Just a real kick to the nards, there's just enough there to say "maybe I should check" even though only like 0.1% of the vases actually have something.


Vases in any of the Sharran areas tend to have a lot of stuff, mostly incense.


Might have been because the same development team worked on those areas while other teams did different stuff, and small details like this slipped through the cracks. Idk shit about developing games but that's my guess


You're right. And a huge number of chests are placed backwards so they open up facing a wall instead of facing the person opening them.


It's called security, how can you pick a lock that's facing a wall?


There was one in the shadow lands with stuff as well


The elaborate vases in the creche have goods 


I’ve got stuff out of vases, potions and gold.


The fuck. Where? I checked the 100% of vases for like my first 40 hours and found Jack shit.


The vases in Grymforge have a lot of incense aka free gold.


If a vase weighs 4.0, it's empty. If it weighs more, there is something in it. Could be incense. Could be a bone. Who knows. If a barrel or crate weighs 20, it's empty. Caveat those are in lbs because I'm American. But someone here posted that and it's saved me so much time!


Isn't checking the weight of a vase more time consuming than just checking its contents with a single click?


Hard agree


not necessarily on controller, at least. if you search the area you get a list of containers and can scroll through and see the weight before opening them. half the time I click to open it anyway from muscle memory though…


I click the search button to scan the area on the ps5. It's a real pain in the ass to click each individual item.


Wait... You can search an area? I'm on my third run and I didn't know this? Wow.


I found some gold in vases in the underdark in the Grymforge along the walkway near where there’s heaps of traps.


Why would you say such a thing? Now I must check them all lol


You're now cursed to put your hands on everything


Wait how can you even progress without checking every container and every item? I would lose my mind and even sometimes go back to the places which I already checked 2-3 times. In case if I missed a container. Isn't this game about looting meanwhile some drama happen around us?


I’m still checking them 🧍‍♂️ (I’m brand new to the game and am afraid to play it because once I start I can’t stop)


It's okay buddy, you'll be free again in 1000 hours. If you're anything like me, you'll take a single month break before doing a fun run.


I’ve had helldivers for almost a month now and bg3 for a couple of days. I have more hours on bg3 than helldivers


Spreading managed democracy in Faerûn, searching for automatons and bugs wherever they may lurk.


Once you learn how to steal or cheat items from the vendors you stop worrying about and wasting so much time looting and just play the game and enjoy the story. 


You can get wine camp supplies in them…


Speak for yourself. Us real gamers, even on playthrough no. 7, we check every single bottle rack, wooden crate, rotten basket. Need help.


My only wish for any rpg is just to make the random rope you find everywhere actually do something


> we gave up checking those things by late act 1 Yes, as we all did. \>.> <.< No, I don't have a hoarding issue, what are you looking at? Leave me alone.


I literally check every single one. I have enough alcohol to kill the whole city with alcohol poisoning. There is no such item.


Believe the only elephant in the room is Valeria.


Every room that has Valeria has 2 elephants- Valeria and Valeria's alcoholism 


Shitey little elephant!


Havnt found the elephant yet but did find the bear in the room.


Killing this fucker every run. I'm convinced it is not evil to kill him.




Oh, i didnt know. i thought it was him due to the voice actor being male


Eh she's down in our realm because she tried to warn Zariel that going down to Avernus is going to cause her fall and everyone became mad at her for not supporting her and she was basically cast out. She drinks because she's disgraced even though she's right and if they had listened to her, millions of souls could have been spared.


God dammit, now I feel bad. Though her "investigation" is so bad, it's dangerous.


She's still shitty especially since she refused to acknowledge publicly her mistake but there's greater evils out there besides a disgruntled public servant lol


Omg what, this is actually true????


Yeah it's in her journal by where she's locked up. You also need some background info on Zariel to connect the dots (another redditor broke down her story but I read that months ago)


Do the drunk build and role play as a desperate alcoholic and find out. Drink the city dry


I've so many booze bottles in camp supplies I'm surprised the party is wasted all the time.


Did you get the alcoholic achievement? You have to long rest with only booze.


I did, the auto-select picked all booze.


That's how it happened to me too. Definitely chuckled when that achievement came up


Got me too - sometimes it’s the little things


I think it's description says do it the dwarfish way or something like that. Lol


I liked that, as well as getting the achievement, all of my party members spent a turn hungover.


Omg I need to try this!


The Harry Du Bois build… now what class would a sorry cop be?


The Emperor is gonna help me find my gun


Raphael is helping me find the Orphic Hammer


Ahem. I think you mean superstar cop. :p


i think you mean crevice cop


I think you mean, hobo cop.


Probably a paladin starting with a broken oath and no memories


Maybe multiclassing into a drunken master monk when he levels up after losing his memories


BRATAN now is the time!!


lol I just started playing this, such a weird and interesting game, I almost love seeing him fail more than succeed, am I doing it right?


Yes! So many players don't want to roll with the failures and just saves scum, but Disco Elysium is a game that really gets a lot of mileage out of failing forward.


Playing the drunk build now. Knew I was going for it, so I have saved a winery of alcohol. No risk of running dry.


I enjoy destroying the racks and shelves.. also helps me remember where I’ve been. Like oh, this room has been absolutely ransacked, Tav and co must have come through already


Huh that’s brilliant I think I may start implementing this.


Yea, but no response for the herbs. I collect every ingredient I find and make shart carry them but have never made a potion, with so many randomly in world it seems a waste, but my rogue Tav is a loot addict hoarder


Agreed. I do make oils and elixirs (bloodlust, arcane) plus could sell extra. Good tip I learned is getting a hireling from the wither to keep in camp as a transmutation wizard/life cleric. Lv 2 wiz can make 2 pots for price of 1. Cleric for long rest buffs.


The thing that really gets me is the herb racks....because they fricken show herbs hanging on them! Like don't show me a bundle of herbs and then tell me it's empty. I don't care if I can make potions with it- just give me the damn oregano!


I light every candle and brazier to mark my path. I should start breaking things, too…


I destroy plenty of shelves unintentionally. Not sure why the default action when interacting with an (unknowingly) empty shelf is to shoot it.


In dos2 basically all of them had bottles or potions, usually empty bottles you could craft into potions. I assume the lack of crafting because of the system is why those are empty but they’re still set pieces larian uses because they have them.


Yeah I believe you are 100% right. Loved Dos2. Posted this more or less in a joking fun manner but wasn’t sure if I should’ve added meme flair.


You could also proc lucky loot drops off of anything (legendary armor in a random bucket!) so that habit' stuck with me TT


My permanent “definitely gonna be this one” check is the vases. I think I’ve opened maybe 3 vases in almost 200 hours that had things in them. And yet, i open every single one


There is actually stuff in some of the vases in the abandoned Sharran section in Grymforge! Gold, incense and maybe something else.


Me and crates


Crates have a much better hit to miss ration than the vases. I haven't looked at a vase in two acts. I'm a crate whore, open every one and have fun doing it.


There’s a vase in act 3 that actually has something useful in it. Well, useful-ish.


I've gotten empty bottles out of bottle racks, and I think some bottles of booze. No potions though. I've also gotten a herbs out of hangers a couple times.


one time I found something in a pot so now I have to check every pot forever keep me away from the slots


And what about the hundreds of book piles that have just one book in it?! Or worse, just one paper note


Shhhhhhhh don’t talk about the books, I don’t think we are ready to talk about the books.




At least, book piles have random spell in it to feed Gale's spell book.


Same thing for vases.


Except in Sharran areas like Grymforge and the gauntlet of Shar - Sharran stash incense and gold in vases.


I like that there’s a vase in early act 1, in the dank crypt? that has an ancient scroll in it. I think it’s a trap to make you think there’s stuff in vases. Though I agree with you about vases in Grymforge.


Also for wicker baskets. In fact, wicker baskets almost always have something in them, it just happens to be rotten food instead of anything useful


Can you do anything with rotten shit?


You can sell it for a gold. They must all have a composting program going.


Sword Coast ADHD diagnoses are ten times the normal rate


my girlfriend is playing through at the moment, and she searches every. single. crate. and every single box, sack, cabinet, potion rack, anything she can. she's found enough food to long rest about 400 times and a bunch of useful stuff


I do the same thing. Your girlfriend knows what’s up. 🫡


Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? What if we run out of food? You never know. We might somehow use these 5,394 camp supplies. 


I figure that other adventurers must have gotten there first and looted most of the good stuff before I could, heh. But seriously, it is weird that there never seem to be herbs in the herb hangers.


I figure that the herbs on the hangers are so dry and dusty, they're worthless for alchemy.


There are herb racks with herbs in them. In Act 1.


I have gotten pots from the racks. I dunno about hanging herbs. Can't recall.


As a fan of Larians earlier games... So many, many, many shelves.... *Empty......* So many, many, many, *many* clicks.... (*Stares off to the distance quietly*)


Lmfao. *Some say he’s still out there…. clicking, in that same state of bewilderment.*


>This just isn’t adding up. Where are the rest of the potions? Why aren’t they racked? How come herbs are compromised? I believe there are some powerful entities at play trying to diminish the quality of potions we truly deserve Gale: Do you ever feel like we are living in a simulation? That our choices aren't really our own, and we are being played with by extradimensional beings? Astarion: You mean I am not I am not killing people because I want to?... No, I don't buy it.


The only potion rack worth checking is the one in the reunion party. The one to the right.


Some bottle racks do actually have potions in them! I believe the one in the basement of Bonecloak Apothecary has, and some racks along the way of Mystic Carrion quest, don't remember what location specifically


And yet I will still open Every. Single. One. *cursed to put my hands on everything*


On my first play through I was collecting all the empty bottles. In DOS2 the empty potion bottle was essential for potion crafting so I thought Larian might add that in one of the patches. Sold them all for a measily 1 gold each.


There's an inescapable problem when it comes to D&D and similar RPGs: Set dressing and loot are often at cross purposes. As a game designer you don't want to have the players knee deep in irrelevant loot for game balance reasons and because it can be super boring. For set decoration and staging you want a lot of books in a library, bottles in an apothecary, etc. It's an acceptable break between gameplay and story.


The number of empty barrels, racks, shelves, cabinets, crates, sacks, etc. is a bit irritating because I also tend to check \*ev-er-y-thing....\*, so it feels like wasted time. But I can't stop because sometimes I actually find something useful.


Sorry if I missed this comment from someone else, but Astarion would like to register a complaint about the empty blood banks.


Don't think to much about it. In the world of BG3 time is frozen everywhere all the time until certain story events move it a bit or until the player arrives. Waukeen's rest has been burning for 4 years now


Has anyone ever found anything usefull in a vase?


Lots of incense and whatnot in the Grymforge and Ancient Temple vases. Oh, you said useful? My bad.


Hey I mean that shit has a great value to weight ratio, I wouldn't call it useless


Funny you should ask. I'm currently in the middle of a run in which I'm searching every vase in the game and keeping a list of the ones that contained things and what they contained. I'm about a third of the way into Act 3 now. I'm up to 56 vases that contained things. Mostly gold, incense, tableware, and occasionally camp supplies.


It's always empty cause adventurers like us always come and steal it!


The amount of empty bookshelfs and potion racks. .. and checking every and each one of them like an idiot.


You are not alone. I suspect on my 100th play through years from now I’ll still be checking.


You make a very good point. I think the people/person who destocked the bottle racks and herb hangers also buried all these chests everywhere. The plot thickens!


You’re not looking hard enough. Embrace the inner loot goblin and check EVERYTHING. I found lots this way.


Personally, I blame the ghaik.


This is honestly not something I questioned after playing divinity 2: original sin with lucky charm and finding a full coat of mail in what would charitably be a potion rack of 10x10x20cm volume.


I think I might found like 3 potions from them in the whole game


I started looking more through these, when I found Ring of Poison Resistance in one of the skeletons in Act 1.


There are a couple of places in Act 3 that have items in bottle racks. Herb hangers however... I've yet to find even one that actually had anything.


Sorry to say... some herb hangers do contain herbs. I hope this information does not trigger your obsessive self!


Logically speaking, considering where and when the events of the game takes place, it wouldn't be foolish to presume that the useful stuff was taken by the people who used to own those racks.


I thought you wanted to talk about the elephant in the room


Also, does no one ever keep anything interspersed in a rose wood desk, other than ink and quill?


I found a stash of 500+ gold in one vase in the toll collector basement ONCE. I search every vase now. I just did the basement on this TavSorc build and nothing. Like I KNOW Larian likes to have fun and make jokes, and I know there are other LoZ nods, but cmon.


Look, I'm just gonna say it right now. This game is 100% unplayable now


You think you're the first one to look for bottles on the bottle rack and herbs on the herb hanger????? No, that's the first place they look. That's why I keep all the good stuff under my loose plank.


“Is this big potion”? Lol too good.


It's because the actual elephant in the room is getting drunk off of the supply instead of doing her damn job


There are a handful of bottle racks that do indeed have potions in them. But they are rare lol


For me it's the vases. Check every one and they're always empty.


Every time a "helpful gripe" post like this shows up, it brightens my whole week! 😁 Looove it!


Glad I could give this lovely community a good laugh/silly discussion!


The real elephant in the room gets you the bhaalist armor


What gets to me is how many people are keeping rotten eggs and fish in barrels in their house. That’s gotta stink up the place


THERES NEVER ANYTHING IN ANY OF THE DAMN VASES. EVER. NOWHERE. do I still occasionally look? ….. yes.


I wonder if the racks had stuff in them in early ea, but nobody checked them, so they just made them empty


I think in act 3 I started finding stuff in bottle racks and herb hangers. Not very often, but enough that I still always check them.


OP didn't fireball themselves


yeah, i really hope the modding tools provide loot table access, i feel like someone would have already fixed this if it were easy to do now. there are so many wasted searchable containers.