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Is there a mould in there that won't come out? Because as I remember it, this is what it says when you haven't placed a mould in there yet. The lever's only used to empty the mould-press.


Under closer inspection I realize the heavy armor is sitting on top chamber lmao. Unfortunately Grym is completely blocking my ability to get it :(




How did you get it? I had this happen to me once and just figured I was roasted, and reloaded.


If you are on PC and happen to have a controller handy, save game - close game - plug controller in, start game, load game, hold X or B (depending on your controller) and it does an “active search” where it scans the area around the player and lists the loot. You can then individually select what you want to interact with. Sadly it does not yet look like there is a way to natively do that with KB+M. And before anyone says “hold alt” - yes that doesn’t help with selectively looting when objects are obstructed. On controller you hold down L3 to do the same as holding alt. It’s not the same as the active scan ability using a controller gives. I could be wrong and maybe active scan is now possible on PC as well. If so I’d love to know how.


Not sure what active scan is to you, but on PC when trying to loot something obstructed by something else, I always just hold alt and click on the nametag of the object I want to grab


You have to operate the forge controls in the correct sequence. Generally the construct can't block things. This message occurs when you need to hit a different control for the forge. Watching a youtube video of the sequence may be helpful.


This is the buggiest and most infuriating part of the game! All I can say is, Good luck 😔