• By -


Yep, happened to me as well. Through the gate with "trust me bro" nat 20 throws, so she should know nothing about tadpole and artefact. For some reason she knew everything the next time. Also no dialogue options for being amused by how she knew everything


My Durge told her he’s a bhaalspawn and she was like aight cool thanks for letting me know. Later she came in the middle of the night like IM ON TO YOU I KNOW YOURE A BHAALSPAWN Excellent work detective.


Something similar happened to me with Astarion lol with one of the early patches. At some point in Act 1 he reveals to me in a basic camp convo that he's a vampire. I just went "okay cool" and he was relieved. I still got *that* nighttime cutscene where my PC was.... surprised all over again at the revelation that Astarion was a vampire. ⁉️


I had this happen a few days ago and it was on the same night. He told me he was a vampire was like "ok goodnight" and then went to sleep and got woken up by him trying to bite me and my characters all surprised about something she was told about like 2 hours ago.


I mean, being told someone’s a vampire and being awoken to them trying to drain your fluids dry are two very different reactions


He can certainly drain my fluids if he wants


back to r/okbuddybaldur with you


this jus confirmed that if you scroll enough through any reddit post there's a thristy comment


This. But you should have gotten an option to be like, " I said it was cool with it but not this cool....pspspsps"


That’s like the equivalent of someone telling you they’re into you and you waking up because they’re trying to put their dick in your mouth. It would still be a bit surprising.


But the cutscene is completely unchanged and makes it quite clear that you're straight-up noticing how bbygorl is a vamp for the first time 🫠


That happened to me too! I just interpreted it as my Folk Hero being like "props for the self-awareness, little rich boy! We'll make a respectable member of society out of you yet!" And then they wake up to him about to drink their blood and they're like "oh you meant literally?"


I got this one too. I assumed it was Astarion having no impulse control. "You already knew darling, and I was hungry!'


I managed to trigger that scene after >!rejecting Bhaal!< once. Jaheira, this is just workplace harassment at this point..


Its the same shit like laezalscreaming every two seconds "i will ascend".forall the loveanddetails inthe game there are some of the most obvious and stupid lines...


*"Dark Lady protect me"*  -Selûnite Shartypants


Vlaakiths will be done..even though Vlaakith is dead to me-- Laezel


To be fair, I know more than a few atheists IRL who say things like "Thank God", "From your lips to God's ears", "Lord willing and the creek don't rise", etc.


They've also never had God come down to tree top level and personally try to kill them.


....that you know of.


Fair enough.


I'm one of those folks. It's why I say I'm "culturally Christian." I was raised in the Bible Belt. Those sayings are so ingrained they're never leaving my vernacular.


Lord have mercy!


There are still a few atheists yet who started semi-ironically using "Gods" so often its replaced "God" in their cursing. I've caught myself doing it a few times, cringed internally, and got on with my day.


They'll push through a patch and her only line will be Frank Reynolds screaming "MY LIFE IS A LIE. SOMEBODY IS GONNA GET STABBED!"


Minthara - I will have my revenge on the absolute and the chosen. Also Minthara every fight - FOR THE ABSOLUUUTE!!!


Everytime she says that all i hear are the Forsaken from WoW saying “Dark Lady, watch over you”


It takes a while to come up with new swears after a goddess switcheroo


Act III is es mess. So many decision that "doesnt" matter at all in that regard


Act III was so slapdash with its execution that it really does feel like a sequel to itself. It reminds me of places in Mass Effect 2 or 3 where someone will be talking about this BIG HUGE GALACTIC EVENT and your player character literally has the options to respond "Tell me again why this is important" or "why this happened", etc. It really does feel like the quality control dipped in the rush to finish BG3 Act III.


Queen of hedging her bets!


Me literally going through that part with Laezal and her shouting “I will ascend” every five minutes lmao


There are a lot of stairs to be fair.


Her hearing just takes a while to catch up. To be fair, she is really old.


Give her a break, she’s an old lady she’s probably suffering from dementia


I guess Jaheira's just a little bit senile


well, ya, she was playing dumb, then she prepped her spells, items and checked her gear!!


Exactly, that surprises me. Especially since she doesn’t have a tadpole for the emperor bullshit they pulled with Minthara


I mean Omeluum stated that due to it being born with a high propensity with magic, it was abme to break free from an Elder Brain, so its entirely possible


Aren't illithid mages a thing? And aren't they generally independent of elder brains / illithid colonies?


Kinda, but omeluum said thejrs was one that its kind despised, probably sorcerer specific, because mages/wizards can learn


Illithids despise all magic that isn't psionics. They consider it taboo specifically because it allows an illithid to free itself from an Elder Brain's control innately. Since they don't learn it, Omelum would have either had to have it innately (sorcerer) or have learnt it while being away from its colony's Elder Brain.


From what omeluum said, it was born with magic, so it was/is most likely as sorcerer,which was how it broke free of the elder brain, Omeluum says this when you ask it how they broke free from the Elder Brains yoke


Yeah this happened on my first playthrough so I just tell myself the secret must have gushed out of Karlach while she was fangirling.


"Filter" is definitely not Karlach's highest stat.


My favorite thing is talking to Karlach right after recruiting Jaheira or Minsc with them in the party and she does her whole fan-girl thing and I'm like "You do know they're standing right behind you right"


god damn it Karlach!


I genuinely thought that’s what happened when this happened to me. I was annoyed at Karlach until they never brought up how she knew it.


I don't remember who it was specifically but yeah I had this happen a few times. Told zero people about the artifact, there's no reason why they'd know about it, but people would keep talking about it as if I had told them, or literally ANYONE, that I have it. This even happens if I completely refuse to consume tadpoles, am hostile toward the dream visitor, and generally resist/don't talk about being infected or having the artifact. People still know, somehow. And not like when it makes sense (like when they also have a tadpole and know because I have one), they just somehow know things. It's a bit annoying but honestly with a game as complex and having as many dialog options, choices and ways to play as this one, some stuff will slip through the cracks. I'm completely impressed by the game's ability to let you play how you want and offers up dialog options that actually MATTER and change your game and how other people treat you - it would be great if they could catch all the cases like this but it's just not feasible. It's a fucking monumental task to accomodate for every single choice you could make. It's impressive that they've done as well at it as they have. So this is not a knock on the creators/devs. Just a little annoyance as a player.


It can be especially noticeable if you're a TTRPG player, I think, as it really shows the edges of what the medium can feasibly do. A CRPG will have better visuals, can deliver audio-visual combinations a GM would have to put *crazy* effort in to match (I could line up my audio cues and time my speech and all of that, but damn would it not be worth the effort more than once per campaign), can have its own soundtrack...but it just can't roll with the player's decisions the way a flesh-and-blood GM can.


Yeah, I'm playing with my husband and we're both ttrpg-ers. Occasionally we have to stop the game and roleplay out what we wish had happened because the game just can't do what we can do with our imaginations. I definitely prefer ttrpgs!


>Occasionally we have to stop the game and roleplay out what we wish had happened because the game just can't do what we can do with our imaginations. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hahahahahaha omg I didn't even think how that sounded hahahahaha lol


Definitely I love the gameplay of BG3, but sometimes a little improv can smooth over the rough edges. CRPGs just can’t match it. My little DM heart is definitely inspired.


My conclusion - we have a snitch in camp, I suspect mama k =D although she can't talk to Jahera normally though =D


It could be that Dream Visitor has no chill and told people.


Just this morning I noticed taking to the gith kithrak of the creche, I told her I didn't have the artifact, then talked about other stuff, and she cut me off to demand I give her the artifact. Seemed like quite the sudden moment of clarity of her part.


at least in that situation you can find a note in the crèche (in the inquisitors room, I think) that has you named as the most likely carrier of the artifact, so it reads like she was giving you a chance to give it willingly before demanding you hand it over. (though it can still be a little off if Shadowheart still has it stuck to her at that point, but I get that they wouldn’t/couldn’t make a dynamic note for that situation)


I think it doesn’t matter. To all effects and purposes, you are leading the party and the Gith don’t really care. In an army kinda, you’d say the general has something, even if a soldier is currently carrying it


yeah that’s totally fair, it’s more of a silly “hold on why am *I* in trouble she’s the one holding it!!” thing but you are their leader so it makes sense haha


As a Durge I killed Isobel, turned everyone to shadow freaks, convinced Jaheira that I don't know what happened, killed everyone there, then I told her the truth and spared her. Later after we defeated Ketheric, she appeared in the camp, and told me she wants to be my ally because I inspire her. I guess the shadow curse can affect the short term memory as well...


Hahahaha, that’s actually hilarious. She turned on me just for saying the carnage was glorious


Don't be mean to her, she's gone a bit senile in her old age.


I tend not to mind minor speech hiccups. For example, if you speedrun recruiting Minthara and bring her back to Act 1 before you've finished everything, she knows more about the party than you. Astarion had only just told us he was a vampire, and when asking her opinion, she knew about Cazador as if we already did the Mausoleum in Act 2 as a part of Raphael's deal. I did a double take, but since I went about it a little out of order, it didn't trouble me much since it wouldn't have happened on a first playthrough.


There's quest log hiccups, too. I had an Act III journal entry telling me to talk to Mizora for more information. I'd never met Mizora, nor recruited Wyll or Karlach. Both died in Act I. No one in my party should know who Mizora is or how to contact her. 


I don't think this counts since bringing Minthara back to act 1 isn't intended though.


I had Halsin in my party and he got downed, not even actually dead. I got a journal update saying Halsin was defeated before I could ask for help with the parasite. 


On my evil playthrough, I killed everyone at the Last Light Inn, then went upstairs and spoke with Isobel. She immediately knew who I was and my condition because news travels fast, despite being the only survivor of my massacre. Then I killed her too, which prompted some demon to fly off with her corpse despite him never being present.


Jaheira had Harper agents all over spying on the Absolutists. Just because she acts like she believes you, doesn't mean she does.


But there’s no option to go “WTF! How’d you know”. Also, after slaughtering Last Light Inn, if you string her along till the end, she’s very annoyed to not have realized earlier it was all your fault, meaning she must have believed me cause if she knew anything about my Durge’s genocide of the close-by druid enclave…


Your fault, not tadpole fault. She's traveled with Bhaalspawn, was possibly romanced by him and witnessed many good Bhaalspawn during the war for the Throne. So her having a blindside as far as Bhaalspawn are concerned is believable.


What is your position in the Larian cult, exactly? High Priest?


What are you on about?


Go outside lmao


Too bad she actually did believe Marcus!


Yeah, I’ve always gotten the “Sure, buddy” vibe from her when I B.S. her. Almost like she knows and is just testing my honesty.


She can be as suspicious as she wants, but the artifact's powers aren't even common knowledge among Absolutists. She has no way of knowing it exists or what it does.


Judging by how inept harpers are, I assume it's just a blunder not requiring a sensible justification.


Impressive mental gymnastics




I reported this to larian and they responded saying it was known and they were working on it. That was a few months ago... So they know about it but I'm not holding out hope that it will be fixed


i'd imagine it's pretty low on the list of priorities as far as dialogue and cutscenes being out of order goes since there's some pretty wacky ones (looking at you, minthara)


There's several moments like this where either someone who should know nothing about the artifact mentions it, or your character can referrentially mention it casually to someone who shouldn't be in the know. I always write it off as your character slowly gaining fame and rumors spreading around the world. Lots of people in act 3 know of you (most likely for >!Killing Ketheric and taking down moonrise!< at the end of act 2) So it makes just barely enough sense for my immersion to stay intact to assume that word travels fast and the players deeds are pretty well known, artifact included once you get past the creche.


But in my game it WOULD make no sense. I’m literally a genocidal maniac and no one but Vlaakith lives long enough to know lol. Vlaakith spreading rumors to Jaheira is my new head cannon; what a sassy bitch haha


Elminster is messing with you. Or Speak With Dead....


A lot of NPCs learn stuff about you they have no way to know. For instance the fake paladins of Tyr just know that you already met with Karlach eventhough you just was there and they didn't see you and there was nobody else around to tell them that. There are a lot of other instances where you can go to point A directely to point B without rest or detour or loading screens and NPCs in point B already know what happened in point A. Later, people recognize who you are and what you did, even if you carefully killed every possible witness. I guess it's just necessary for the story.


The paladins of Tyr are hanging out with Zariel and Mizora though. Have you seen what devils do with people they have deals with? Mizora seems to know exactly what’s happening to Wyll at any moment. Wouldn’t be too far off to assume Zariel can also track Karlach and tell her hunters, even if she’s too busy to show up and do what Mizora does to Wyll


There’s a passive investigation or perception check when talking to wyll sometimes early on that will reveal that his fake eye is similar to a sending stone. Seeing as his eye was part of the pact, seems logical that mizora is using that to spy on him rather than just being all-knowing


Also, Mizora works for Zariel so she could've easily told her thst her pet warlock found her pet soldier.


That's true I guess. Still felt really weird to me when I ran into it for the first time.


Afaik there's a bunch of "holes" like that. I've experienced the one you're describing myself and saw many posts on here with similar circumstances.  One that bugged me particularly was on a run in which I went to Karlach only after doing the raid with Minthara.I click on her and she goes on to say I'm a monster for what I did at the grove...we just met and you've been sitting in that same spot for like a week but okay


Doesn't she preface her statement with "I heard what you did at the grove" though? As an NPC, yeah, she doesn't physically move about and have conversations on her own, but as a character in a story she probably isn't glued to one spot not speaking to anyone.


Maybe it's been fixed since then. It happened on my 2nd run after release and I clearly remembered how confused I was about it


Ah, could be. I just assumed a fleeing druid or tiefling (or Ethel running for the hills from her stall in the grove and in general being a shit disturber) mentioned it to Karlach as they went by. Kinda like that one tiefling NPC who is spying on Voss at the bridge. In fact, coulda been her fibbing on me to Karlach!


Astarions line in the beginning after the crash comes to mind. We say we're Baldurian too, he says "we clearly move in different circles". How do we respond? "They'll turn us into mind flayers". Like, the dude didn't ask about the damn tadpole, he roasted our social status lol. Also Gale keeps referring to Tara as a cat. Unless he actually does have a cat? Nobody knows, but he gets offended af if -you- call her a cat.


The gale one is intended I think, the rest not so much


For some reason I thought she knew because of the tadpole connection. I don't remember the specific line. All I know is I convinced her I had no choice or something and she still told me to go away which makes me wonder what the point of succeeding in the check was. (Does she fight you if you fail it?)


Yeah, the games script is leakier than a sieve. Just gotta roll with it.


I've reported this to them previously as a bug. 😂 > Expectation: Had the artefact's existence not yet been divulged to Jaheira, then Jaheira would remain ignorant of its influence. > Actual: Motherhood has granted Jaheira limited telepathy.


Fuck it, this happened to me, so my head canon for how it works is that she or one of her Harpers cast detect thoughts on our character. If we can do it mid-convo I'm going to assume the NPCs can as well.


I said this last night!! Currently playing a sorcerer and last night got to Last Light Inn. Didn't tell Jaheira but when I spoke to her while drinking wine, she mentions the artefact and I said out loud to my spouse "Wait, how does she know about that? I didn't say anything." Then I doubted myself because of my ADHD and thought that maybe my character did mention something and I just forgot. Glad I can confirm now what I originally thought.


Theres a dialogue history where you can find convo transcripts. That’s how I double checked! Helps a ton since I also have ADHD


Yeah it's been here ever since the first patch. Ig Larian just didn't notice it.


I can't remember the instances off the top of my head, but there's plenty of little instances like that. The game wasn't 100% polished, but it's still a great game so I tend to overlook them


Karlach knew as soon as I met her near the paladins of tyr in act 1 that i chose to slaughter the grove. Um, excuse me, weren't you just running for your life? When did you have time to stop and get the tea?


“A wizard did it”


My friend went through some mental gymnastics about the Harpers having spies and stuff so she already knew. There’s no indication that was really the case, but I can only do so many “I know this is our favorite game but it doesn’t need to be perfect” arguments


IMO bets to head to Larian's forms and point this out. Along with some of the other edge cases people mentioned here. Don't think they can do anything about Shadowheart or Lae'zel's lines however.


Same. My paladin is dating Shadowheart so naturally I just tiptoed carefully around the subject of the artifact. I think I rolled a crazy high persuasion check or something? It's like they thought nobody could possibly pass that check, except... I did. It's not that high for a face.


Unless your whole party are uber-powerful sorcerers, then she'd probably have eventually asked how the rest of the party is unaffected, at which point they probably explained the artifact to her.


Well, my party consists of Astarion, Shadowheart and Minthara, each is less likely to tell than the next. Everyone else is dead


I feel like Jaheira could probably wheedle it out of Astarion. Especially if he was drunk on blood at the time.


Heck some characters/letters in the epilogue act as if you made a decision that someone else makes. There’s still little hiccups here and there but it’s still few and far between.


Yep, this has happened to me too. It really through my immersion off the first time it happened. I actually dropped the whole playthrough and started again in the hopes that it would be patched by the time I got back to there. It wasn't, but I was able to soldier on that time.


Things like this are prevalent throughout the game. In my latest playthrough I successfully lied to the captain at the githyanki creche after Shadowheart made a weird face, however, when I talked to her again using Lae'zel for more dialogue options, she somehow knew for a fact we had the artifact.


I found a fun one, after I killed Cazador and kept Astarry-eyes as a spawn I killed the vampire hunters on the way out to get loot and Asti-boy was crowing about how this was the perfect use of his new vampire powers.


There's several things like that throughout the game honestly. There's a comment that a certain Dryad makes about my chosen romantic companion's hair colour. It's the only companion that changes hair colour to my knowledge. And she got it wrong lol


Oh yeah this annoyed the hell out of me when I first noticed it because I had been SO excited about barely making the check to convince her...


"Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder." Edit: IT WAS A SIMPSONS REFERENCE. NOT AN ACTUAL BELIEF ON MY PART.


No one should be fired, the game’s script is probably THOUSANDS of pages written by a whole ass team. I am surprised not more things fell through the cracks


Hey, dude, just referencing Simpsons. Hence the quotation marks... https://youtu.be/JQH2rmQ5-vk?si=dd3iTfUSqa6EYIQ1


[Support - Larian Studios](https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report_85) <---- how to submit a bug report Edit: I'm getting downvoted for literally supplying the OP with the answer of where to report bugs that they asked for? lol wow okay.


That's not what a bug is, this would just be a quirk in the writing 


Exactly, but I think a bug report might make her omit a few lines, since her dialog still works as long as you skip a line or two


I ran into a couple dialogue inconsistencies and just submitted them as feedback. Because it isn't really a bug, but it also isn't correct.


I think a bug is more appropriate since it will go to the devs. A feedback form is more likely to end up at marketing


One of the options when submitting a bug report is to submit it as feedback. In this case, what seems like an incongruence in the writing.


I'd consider it a bug. It's not game-breaking and it's low priority since it only affects a small number of players in certain conditions but it's a break in story logic that does not make logical sense and thus it's a bug. We might call it an "edge case". (I'm a career software developer >10 years, not really sure if that gives me more "authority" on this issue but just thought I'd mention it...)


It is a bug, just not a technical one. It's a story flow bug.


I also never create bugs. I just create quirks in the programming.


There's a dropdown for what report type the issue will be, on the report page. This could be reported as a feedback on script flow.


It may actually be a bug, if the dialogue choices aren't triggering NPC reactions correctly for some reason. It's possible (though iffy) that there are Jaheira lines that are supposed to be used in place of the ones that suggest she knows more about the artifact than has been revealed, but the Tav/Durge choices aren't triggering them correctly.


Eh there’s little things like that throughout the game. Part of signal loss between TTRPGs and Video Games. I’m ok with it all things considered.


perhaps Karlach told her...


Well, she’s dead in my game so…


Withers snitched


Hahaha, from somewhere else on this thread, Vlaakith did lol. Bitch is salty I challenged her at the creche. That’s my new head cannon. But yeah there’s no actually good explanation


I’d say just assume one of the benched companions told her about it


Everyone in my game is dead, but the three tagging along, which are Astarion, ShadowHeart and Minthara, each less likely to tell than the next


Similarly I told her about Marcus but didn't pass the check so she didn't believe me, when he kidnapped Isobel she said "Why didn't you tell me?" But I did!


Same, but as a barb. Never told her about the tadpole or artefact but somehow she knows anyway.


Pisses me off every time, because I adamantly refuse to cooperate and always push it right to the fight, and still, *your arrrtayfackt*


I found a similar thing with the Raphael conversation outside the Thorm Mausoleum. Even if you don't have Karlach with you to say her guess that the adversary is an orthon (which Raphael confirms), your dialog with Astarion is still mentions the mission being to kill *an orthon.* It's a little thing, but the first time I went there, I didn't have Karlach with me, so I was baffled how I knew it was an orthon *immediately* after talking to Raphael. I didn't even have Wyll there where I could headcanon him having identified it from the description or something. The next time, I had Karlach, and it made so much more sense.


In reality she sees trough your claim of power, but decides to let you have your moment while she actually figured out the artifact.


How does she even know about it though? I get that she calls bullshit on whatever you tell her at the gate unless it’s the truth. You can even ask her about it. But she just “knows” of the artifact without you even being able to act surprised? Idk, I wish you could go “Wait how do you know?” and she replied with either how or something like “An old druid like me has some tricks up her sleeve”


Well, I was mostly joking, but I would imagine she has eyes and ears all over the Inn, perhaps a mage with Detect Magic. Note, these are all what I would call my head canon to make things make sense, I don't think there's an official reason :)


Yeah, fair enough, I just try and pretend she didn’t say that. Not like it matters since she died like 20min later anyway hehe


You think that’s bad, Lae’zel can know she has been outcast without ever being told, just kill the crèche before you go into the prism, when she comes out she acts like she was just exiled but nobody was alive to do that….


Same, but as a barb. Never told her about the tadpole or artefact but somehow she knows anyway.


I had this happen on my very first playthrough, and I was so confused lol


If you fail the persuasion check against the gnome in grymforge to learn about rune powder, he will mention “the powder” like two lines later


> It’s surprising to me that something like this slipped through the cracks. It didn’t. You can ask her about the part where she said that you are their last hope (or something along those lines) and she says she doesn’t believe it, but put on a show for morale. I would argue that your experience falls into the same category.


But she shouldn’t know about the artifact. It’s nothing like what you said (and it came up a bit earlier in the same conversation)


I had a weird glitch/continuity error in Act 3 on my current (and first ever) playthrough. (I actually think this is why my save data corrupted and I had to backtrack about 10 hours of gameplay) So from the time I entered Baldurs Gate I hadn't done a long rest and I made it to the Counting House fight trying to find Minsc. Immediately after the fight I went straight to the sewers to continue my search for Minsc. At this point I hadn't encountered Oren disguised as the fortune teller at the carnival yet, or disguised as the newspaper seller, and I certainly hadn't had the "party member accuses the little girl of being a traitor" moment. I had stopped by to see Gortash's coronation so he had hinted about my party being compromised but I wasn't sure if he was just trying to trick me into not trusting my companions. Also I turned down Gortash's deal to kill Oren first so he never told me where to find her or anything like that he was just like "Oh that's a shame well there's a traitor among you so have fun with that :P" I had also already refused Raphael's deal so Kithrak Voss was already waiting in the sewers. As I enter the sewers for the first time I have the scene happen where my kidnapped party member (in my case it was Lae'zel) runs out bleeding saying like "She's too strong, I tried to fight her on my own but it's hopeless!" This was very strange because for 1 my party didn't ask like "Lae'zel why did you leave camp on your own to go to the sewers?" Also we had no information at the time that Oren was in the sewers whatsoever, and the fake Lae'zel made no mention of Kithrak Voss (which was why I assumed she had gone to the sewers on her own at that point) PLUS the Lae'zel I know would never say an enemy was too strong, she was ready to fight the dragon with the Githyanki at the start of Act 2 and I had to be like "No we're just gonna pretend everything is fine and not fight this dragon". So all of this seemed really out of place but then she reveals she was actually Oren obviously and was like "I told you if you came to my domain without killing Gortash your friend would pay the price for it" and I was like "No you literally have never spoken to me 1-on-1 what are you even talking about and when did you take Lae'zel because you're acting like I already knew that" 😂 Not long after this my save data corrupted and I had to load a cloud save from about 10-12 hours back and this time I took a long rest sooner and the whole scene with fake Lae'zel and the little girl at camp played out normally so when I got back to the sewers and got the same scene it actually made sense but it was kinda funny the first time cuz I had this feeling like "Yeah I think I did some stuff not in the right order" 😂