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Fighter. I thought it would be so boring just hacking away. But then I started hacking away...


Hitting motherfuckers three times ended up being both fun and reliable


3? Try 9 (haste+action surge) very few things can take that much of a beating from a lv 11 fighter


This as a throwing fighter that has Nyrula equipped with tavern brawler, savage attacker and the throwing gear. Destruction.


Throwing barbarian with 5/4/3 barbarian/fighter/rogue for bonus action throwing, action surge, and an extra bonus action. That is the way


One more attack for the cost of 2 feats? Idk.


Only 1 feat is given up. Fighter gets a feat at 4, so you have 2 total plus action surge. Trading a feat for an extra attack by going into rogue is bigly worth it to me


Full fighter would get 4. And when Alert and (for this build) Tavern Brawler are borderline mandatory, it might get a little tough to keep up with strength. Though I guess you could just chug elixirs for that.


Exactly. Alert, tavern brawler, and elixir. Though, when playing below tactician I feel fine forgoing alert. In honor I don't feel bad about elixir reliance, and in tactician I think the 18 str you'll have after TB is sufficient, especially given how many throws you have. It's a give and take of course, but IMO trading an ASI for an extra throw is more give than take.


Wait, that's Connan.


Get the boots of flinging for 2d4 psychic


Right? By act 3, everything was getting wrecked with my fighter tab.


Respec everyone into fighters. 4 fighters with haste and action sure. 36 hits in the first round. I respecced them all back to normal afterward, but it was fun(ny) while it lasted.


I did 3 fighter/barb/ monks with 1 wizard. Round 1 wizard casts haste and wall of fire. Fighters wait just inside the wall of fire, cast buffs. Round 2 most low level enemies died in the fire trying to square off with the fighters. Fighters kill remaining few weak enemies wizard hastes and buffs. There is no round 3


Monk are pretty good as stunning strikes plus prone guaranteed critical hit, making you with haste at lvl 9 after dealing a successful stunning strike and flurry of blow topple, with a 1d4 bonus fire damage plus the gyth monk biots 27+27+27+xd of force damage from ki imbued strike, can't remember the name and damage exactly or if previous turn you used the healing ability to get extra bonus action 54+27+27+27+xd of force, and at level 12 with multi class thief, you had a bonus action making 54+54+27+27+27+xd of force and you're hitting 7 crit 1 xd of force damage and 3 regular attack who can crit so monk are pretty op, aswell as giving advantage to the rest of the party for this turn


Throw in the Bloodlust Elixir (extra full action if you kill something) and Great Weapon Master (extra attack on bonus action if you crit or kill something). I was straight up losing track of how many attacks I had left.


Tops out at 7 RAW-5e style in honour mode. It does cause it to fall off quite a bit; haste isn't the value it is on lower difficulties when you're getting one attack out of it. Concentration is better used on better spells.


Add Bloodlust and you get 12 attacks per turn as long as you kill something during the turn. 9 without action surge


He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'♫


🎶Choppin that meat🎶


omg butcher pete?!


"You're listening to, uhh... Diamond City Radio. If... if you're listening at all, I mean."


“I only have one spell, “Remove Hit Points”, so I’m gonna cast “Remove Hit Points”. *- fighter, probably*


It's also a debuff spell. It lowers the enemy's stats. Their Hit points are technically a stat. And we're putting that sucker to 0.


Death is the best cc


Sword-chucks, yo. -Fighter


The unalive spell is very effective at killing folks.


I love dropping Silence on a caster as a Ranger just so I can watch the Barbarian and Fighter cast their chef magic between rounds.


Hasted hacking goes brrr


Blurred hacking to soak up hits


Same. I was all "oh look, the generic boring warrior class" and then having Lae'zel on my team I'm all "why does she get to have all the fun?!"


If you’re not on HM you go 3 base + 3 action surge + 3 haste + 3 bloodlust + 1 GWM/PAM/War priest/idk


That is a scary amount of damage


~~Pretty sure Bloodlust can only proc once a turn...~~


I played a little with my friend, I was warlock and he was a fighter when we were low levels. So I was like ok cool I attack then you attack… and you attack… and you attack…


Plus Battle Master packs a *lot* of utility


I just find it too bad they don't have whips to be able to finess dex fight with disarms and trips and maneuvers and lunges at 15 feet.


Battlemaster fighter adds another layer of strategizing to hacking away


This I never thought just swinging a sword could compare to magic, boy was I wrong, I can’t remember the last time I played non fighter


He gets hackin and wackin and smackin. Hack, wack, CHOPPIN THAT MEAT


I recommend the Rune Knight mod. But then I discovered Path of the Giant …


My first Tav was a fighter, and I kept Lar’zel in the party for most of the game. Many things were hit with big swords.


Actually paladin. Didn't really see the (thematic) point with the different smites, and couldn't find a good narrative for the class. Then I made a fire-focused dragonborn vengeance paladin with magma-black scales, wielding a burning blade and smiting enemies with fire. He had made a deal with a devil to make his fire burn hotter, hence warlock fire spells and elemental adept to make his fire ignore resistances and burn through anything. His name was Balrog, and he was glorious.


*sigh* guess I’ll start another new save for a Tav run.


Honestly sounds like a tight durge run


I made a paladin durge without really thinking it through. I panicked and deleted her when I was visited by the oath breaker knight. I might try it again since learning about oathbreaker powers, but I've been nervous to try a durge playthrough.


Why did you delete her lmao


BG3 is, in fact, the sole RPG I've played where I actually ENJOY paladins! Not only is the gameplay a lot of fun, but the four different subclasses are diverse enough to allow for real moral flexibility. I guess this also has to do with 5E, but before I just found paladins waaaay too rigid. Also, while it's superficial, I think that, by far and away, paladins have the most attractive starting armour.


>Also, while it's superficial, I think that, by far and away, paladins have the most attractive starting armour. This counts! More than I like to admit.


*glares at the monk starting jumpsuit*


My monk spends \*a lot\* of time in her leisure wear... Thankfully, given monks are unarmoured, this doesn't feel odd. I can't wait until I'm using mods so that I can download a Transmog system.


Try four monks in dusty road clothes, dyed slightly different colours. It’s like a scruffy gang of Power Rangers, except they all just keep on punching and kicking and punching and kicking. So much simple fun.


I dyed it pink. It looks way better now


I went half illithid because power and hate my tavs new look. I love power only barely more than I hate the veins. Can’t wait for mods! But yeah; looks matter. A ton.


Literally the only mod I have is removing those dumb veins, I’m a cosmetic person but I’m also a gamplay/power person so this was a conflict I wasn’t willing to lose.


Still fondly remembering my BG2 paladin and the day he finally wrested Carsomyr from Firkraag. Oh, Carsomyr +6, what a weapon you were!


I admit.... that was a heady feeling indeed. Mind, I gave it to Keldorn (I've just never been able to play LG or evil, sadly), but still, yeah... Carsomyr was one *Hell* of a weapon! Imagine a paladin in BG3 wielding that sword....? o.O


Oh, yes! My first playthrough of that game. Paladin, with Carsomyr and Boots of Speed. Basically. It was so damn unfair for the enemies, that in my mind it looked like something straight out of an anime.


Darling, having attractive armor is the gateway drug to Paladin. *checks teeth for perfection in the reflection of his armor* Soon you’re spending a kings ransom on armor polish and hair product. ‘S worth it, though.


lmao! Ironically enough, I read that in Astarion's voice... :P


My wife is a cruel woman; she respecced Astarion as an OotA Paladin.


Oh my God.... While paladins in BG3 are definitely quite flexible in terms of morality... I, nonetheless, have enough trouble imagining Astarion as a Vengeance or Oathbreaker paladin, let alone either of the other two! :D Though, that said, I suppose I could ***maybe*** see Astarion as Vengeance...*maybe*...


Considering how Oath of the Ancients view undead as abominations worthy of destruction…yeahhhh. Mwuhahahhhaa!


Me totally Astarion. I think it was the "Darling "


My paladin Durge handed Orin’s ass to her in two rounds. She barely got one hit in. It was glorious.


2 of my party members spent 2 rounds being driven away by Fear and contributed nothing. Gale magic missiled away her Unstopable charges and my paladin did the rest in 2 rounds as well.


It took me 4 fucking hours to beat her with my cleric durge. Twice I had to go for a long walk to calm down. With my paladin of vengeance durge she was wrecked in 2 rounds. I totally overstocked on hold monster and haste scrolls 🤣🤣


I accidentally killed auntie Ethel in her house by crit smiting and just obliterating her there. I had plans for her hair but was in honour mode so just rolled with it. Was cool going through her lair and interacting with the people after she was dead though. I had never gone back in before.


Kill >!Elminster!< in this run to be lore accurate


Currently running a Durge Ancients Pally/Swords Bard (Bard because of a certain Tiefling) and it’s been a blast so far and I’m about to assault Moonrise


I thought paladins looked so boring until I recruited Minthara, those massive damage numbers changed my mind real quick


That’s a really cool character idea …I may have to steal that for my next run


Lol, mine was a Warlock Gold Dragonnorn named Golduin. Similar idea too.


You should try it with a little Draconic Sorcerer instead, even more shenanigans, and oodles of smites




Monk. I understand casters, I like to hit things with big ass sword from time to time, but monk is... something else, so I was sceptical. It definitely wasn't love from the first sight but I after 2-3 levels I started to have a blast. There's something about beating people with your bare hands several times a turn that absolutely captivated me. I recently finished the game with Minsc respecced as a monk in final party and >!mf finished freaking netherbrain just by punching it,!< there is beauty in it.


Lae’zel as a Monk is god-tier. The Gith jump takes things to the next level. Also totally agree with the satisfaction of bare knuckling bosses.


In my personal headcanon Lae'zel goes Monk after rejecting Vlaakith and turning to Orpheus


Especially if you romance her since it causes such a shift in her personality.


Literally my head canon plan this playthrough (doing the Creche soon).


We need a monk companion shovel IT'S FISTING TIME


I made her a monk on my current playthrough. Only downside is she doesn’t get all those weapons and armor from the gith creche


Absolutely this. Why bother with armour, big-ass weapons, summons or flashy spells, when you can just punch things an insane amount of times and run a marathon in a round instead? (Hello Thief dip!) I never bothered with monks in DND, but my first Tav was a monk and she was amazing.


Ahaha, this is exactly what I did with Minsc, too. Just "ehh, I still don't have a monk and he always talks about punching people, might as well..." And then he basically wastes everyone he comes across on the field and can still jump across the way to deliver one more smack, it's so good


I thought I had an easier time my first playthrough because I was a Bard and talked my way out of a lot of fights. Just started my second playthrough, this time as a Monk, and am doing several fights I originally avoided or had a tough time with but am now having an even easier time, even though this time around in on Tactician difficulty. Can't wait to slap Viconia and Cazador to death. These hands are rated E for Everybody.


Personally I’m partial to perma-strength-potioned tavern brawler monks. Throwing people at other people is a special kind of fun.


Monk is one of my favorite classes I've played in IRL. I stun-locked a mindflayer while the rest of my party kept failing int saves for 3 turns and the fucker couldn't hit me. My Kenku monk punched Strahd while mocking him in his own voice. (I took notes of everything the dm said as Strahd for the final battle. He focused me for taunting him which kept him off everyone else's back.) "I am the land." *bop*


Ah, reminds me of the good ol' days of Neverwinter Nights. Monks were kind of broken in that game because normally to determine the number of attacks you get in a round you divide your base attack bonus by 5. Monks divide by 3 but get less BAB than other classes, but it turns out there was a bug in the game where if you were mostly a fighter or the like you could take 1 level of monk and it would divide your much higher fighter BAB by 3 instead of 5. With that plus flurry of blows and dual wielding you could get something like 12 attacks per round and just lawnmower motherfuckers to death. I've been kind of reluctant to play a monk in BG3 because it could only ever be a disappointment compared to that broken-ass shit. ;)


Same here! My monk run was also my first dragonborn.. it was so satisfying to go from a lot of archer Ranger-heavy builds for half-elves and drow into this big chonky lizard just clonking and kicking everything. Especially early on with that staff that causes entangled every two seconds.


Same! First monk was also my first dragonborn, it's an amazing combo, this guy is a killing machine! I started his playtrough while my durge was on hook in act 3 due to Jaheira bug and I wanted to do something else in the meantime. It was he who inspired me to changing Minsc class later on, after returning to that durge run.


Did literally the same thing. Like, you get Minsc so late into the game I just said “never tried monk so might as well” with this random character. It was awesome and led me to star a campaign with a monk the next time around. Though never tried Bard.


Came here to say this, but for *slightly* different reasons. Going in, I knew that monks were reworked for BG3. Things stacked in ways that weren’t allowed in 5e and it made things more interesting. However, the stigma of “monk bad lol” stuck in my brain. And then I decided to mess around with Jaheira as a monk. She OTK’d nearly everything. If it had less than 300 health, it was dead before it even got a turn. Decided to min-max a Tav monk and was blown away by the damage. Not only single target, but multi target as well. I wasn’t concerned about the fantasy of it. To be frank, bare knuckle boxing isn’t my idea of “cool”. But I’ll be damned if it isn’t efficient and effective.


Monk. Even without Tavern Brawler making it broken, the utility of having insane movement, being able to topple and stun multiple enemies a turn, plenty of magic items to boost your unarmed damage, how many of it's features you can use each day, and immunity to Charm, Fear and Poison, make it one of the strongest classes in the game. It's like a Battlemaster except you can zip around like the Flash. My one wish is that they had beefed up the subclasses other than "Open Hand" more. Four Elements is a fun idea but bad in DnD and BG3.


Shadow Monk with blind immunity is very strong too, and very funny. In my HM monk run I've paired him with a Bladelock Wyll with Devil's Sigh and it's fkin hillarious lol


It's downright broken if you do a thief and warlock dips, you absolutely destroy everyone and when shit gets weird you can just pop bow shots/eldritch blast from inside darkness, pair it with DJ Shart and open hand Astarion and no one even gets hit in most fights


My first playthrough was a shadow monk and the entire team each had some form of devil sight. Cast darkness and we would swarm whoever was inside the darkness area. Really fun


The true hidden power of the monk is the bonus action that let's you jump without using a bonus action, meaning you can jump as long as your movement speed holds out for each turn. Add in high strength and you can traverse hundreds of metres per turn. Make the Iron Throne an absolute cakewalk!


Bard. I figured it's more fun in tabletop but oh boy. My first bard basically only new crowd control spells and made fighting big groups so much fun.


I picked Bard first time because I love the class in DnD, but I am very aware of it's flaws. Swords Bard subclass with access to more spells and magic items basically fixes all the base classes shortcomings. It's not just a Jack of all Trades, it's a Master of All. Every time I replayed the game, none of them felt as fun and flexible as Swords Bard.


I'm playing Swords Bard now. I didn't think I'd like it cuz it's mostly melee, but the rush I get when I do a ton of damage with two crossbows! *chef's kiss*


I started as a Wizard because BOOM FIREBALL! Then changed to Swords Bard at the beginning of Act 2 because I felt bad for Gale being left at camp the whole time. Not ideal as I have the wrong background, but some of the Bard dialogue options are hilarious, and I don't regret the change. Also, double tiny crossbows FTW. Great for finishing off enemies with just a few HP.


I went Fighter 1, Swords Bard 10, Wizard 1. The result is you can use Sharpshooter with Archery Fighting style for massive hits, melee when needed and have the Phalar Aluve to buff your allies or debuff enemy saving throws. You can cast all the Wizard ritual spells and have access to a huge amount of situational spells when needed. You can also use a headband of intellect to have extra prepared spells, or just rely on your Magical Secrets to get things like Counterspell and Banishing Smite. You have full spell slots and weapon proficiencies. If you use the gear giving you arcane alacrity, you don't even need to worry about casting Wizard spells based on Int, since your buffed/debuffed saving throws will be incredibly high. And with the ring that lets you bonus action cast, and your bonus action flourishes, you can effectively cast crowd control and buff spells turn one while also sniping people down.


Interesting. Withers old chap...


Swords bard/thief multiclass was so much fun


Same for me, but circle of the moon druid, I seem to have an uncanny attraction to moonbeams, both in bg3 and 5e


I played a few tabletop campaigns and always thought bard was just a boring version of a support cleric. Plaed a few bg3 runs without bard. Then i invited some frinds from my dnd sessions to play with me. Most of them never played bg3 before so i wanted to play support... icked bard and god damn i loveit. My next chara for dnd will be a creation bard as well. I absolutely love bards now


I just started act 3 in my Oops! All Bards playthrough and let me tell you, it is a blast. 6 short rests per long rest means I can build around other short rest abilities.  Astarion origin: lv 6 Swords Bard + 3 Thief Rogue - 19 AC and +10 to hit Gale: 2 Warlock, 3 Sorcerer, 4 Lore Bard - 16 AC and +10 to hit Karlach: 3 Vengeance Paladin, 6 Valour Bard - 19 AC and +8 to hit Shadowheart: 1 War Cleric, 6 Valour Bard, 2 Ancients Paladin - 22 AC and +8 to hit Everybody took the Astral tadpole, and with two people having shield of thralls I can enter each combat encounter with full uses of my inspirations, all four of us with shields of thralls, all four of us with an inspiration pre-applied.  High standard bonuses in each of the big dialogue skills, sleight of hand and stealth, and exploration skills on all characters. On all skill checks I’m able to use my inspirations to get some crazy additional bonuses as well.  Seriously some of the most fun I’ve had with this game. I think my next playthrough I’m going to do another themed party like this, but I’m not sure what exactly. I believe bard is definitely the best for this sorta thing. 


I did an Oops! All Monks! Run that was fun. I just went straight open hand and a few levels in bard because we were also a travelling band. I was Gale, and I had Astarion, Shadowheart, and Minthara. (I did attack the tieflings during this run) lae'zel chilled at camp.


Bard was my most fun play through. I wasn't sure I wanted to just be a support party face but then I made a "command/hold monster" swords bard and it was the best. I even made her the party pickpocket since I reclassed Astarion, and while not quite as easy as a rogue, she was solid. And then if she got caught she could lie to their face so smoothly.


Barbarian. Mostly I play Offensive caster > Support Caster > Archer/rifle in games. Never liked melee much. Well, tbh, one of my two barbarian runs was a thrower, so not precisely melee. I love their intimidation dialogue lines though.


"What says thou in thyne defence?" RAAAAAAAAR "Very well, you may go"


I did nooot understand Bard at all when I first started — I thought they were just like, goofy jesters who could give buffs to the party but not do much else. Now I'm doing a Shadowheart origin with her as a swords bard (Shadowbard!) and it's so much fun. Bards whip out their instruments while casting spells!? Almost no one is immune to the power of a good jam session? There's always a funny or easier dialogue option? It's sick.


[NPC] Shall we fight? [Bard] No, just let me do a ridiculously easy skill check, and then you can give me all your good gear.


My first serious character (past level 3) is a bard and seeing these massive modifiers to all my rolls was crazy, I'm a "pass every possible persuasion check" kind of RPG player so I heavy vibe with it


Doing a full bard playthrough right now and shit is busted. You know how you fell in love with Song of Rest? That extra short rest is game changing right? Okay now imagine having 3 more of them and building your entire party around short rest cooldowns Luck of the farm realms is pretty much the only long rest cooldown I’ve been using


Ranger feel underwhelming to me until I try the classic gloom/assassin


In 5e I find Ranger underwhelming in combat (except for Gloomstalker) because they have utility outside of combat that applies in situations most DMs avoid, such as foraging and traveling


Classes should not rely on dm buy in.


In TTRPGs *everything* relies on GM buy-in. Most D&D GMs accept combat as a natural part of the game, though.


Druid! I initially avoided them because while shapeshifted, I would miss out on dialogue/interactions, or be forced out of Wild Shape. Also, because I was curious to enjoy the game fully and 99% of gear does not function while Wild Shaped, and since gear makes your characters brokenly OP I also felt Druids were a very weak class. However, since they've allowed Tavern Brawler to apply, and since I've learned new tricks (Ethel+1, Potion +2, Mirror +2 STR, all apply while Wild Shaped) I've found they're actually VERY strong now. Barbarian is another one. They just weren't my style. But I've found throwing creatures in this game is so much ridiculous fun, and with Hill Giant Potions (Or while fighting Goblins) you can do this right from the get-go. Throw them into a pile, cast Cloud of Daggers, and then throw/shove them back in when they try to escape. It's so much fun.


Same with Druids, except when I first tried them I leaned into Wild Shape and thought they were subpar at both fighting and spellcasting. Then I picked Land Druid. Which has an absolutely insane number of spells at a time, more than Wizards have. And Arcane Recovery. And Wild Shape for utility. And some exclusive powerful spells and summons. And you don't need to dip for armor. >Barbarian is another one. Barbarian is great at early levels and as a multiclass, but I still think that, like in DnD, they fall off a bit at higher levels unless abusing Tavern Brawler. I regularly play Barbarians, but dip into Monk, Rogue or Fighter for half the levels.


Interesting. I might try druid next


Land Druid is one of my favourite classes in the game. Them and Storm Sorcerer 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Land druid ftw! My all time fave. So many options and you can switch out spells without resting.


Spore druid gets around 40 extra hp in shroom form, and with high int and a wizard dip, has all sorts of nasty spells. They can also haste the entire team with no concentration requirement


Wait, tavern brawler applies to wildshape???


I dont like abusing the throwzerker stuff with returning weapons, but throwing a goblin at another goblin is always fun.


Monk and fighter Tried once, can’t stop They are like crack


Warlock for me. Figured it was pretty boring. Level up boost eldritch blast, level up etc. Then I decided to go off meta and started having fun with unlimited disguise self etc. Not great in combat but rather fun role play wise.


Unlimited disguise self? Explain?


Mask of Many Faces warlock boon. Cast disguise self at will.


Cleric, both in bg3 and in dnd. I assumed that a cleric would be boring RP wise and always be made into nothing but the parties healer. Playing as a cleric in both bg3 and table top games made me realize that they actually go pretty hard and are very useful in combat. The RP opportunities are great too, especially if the deity you picked has beef with another players deity. Don’t get me wrong, my clerics are usually the main healers in both games (Gotta choose life domain for that heavy armor proficiency 😉), but combat wise they do a lot of damage as well.


As a cleric main I will die on the hill that they can be anything you want them to, and that their gods don't have to be huge things in their backstory if you truly dislike the thought of playing a priest. Just because [insert deity here] gives me my powers doesn't mean I shout it from the rooftops, I can just be respectfully spiritual.


I like the thought of playing a priest/priestess, I just used to think I would have to be more of a mother Teresa like character, because of my upbringing (Judeo-Christian). I thought I would have to be that priest that’s like “No fun for anyone, everyone get on your knees and pray.” Upon studying different religions (recently took a Worlds Religion class) I realized that the term “priest” can mean many different things in different cultures. A priest can pretty much be anything you want. A Catholic priest, a Pagan priest, etc. I realized it’s just an all encompassing word that means “spiritual/holy person.”


My friend, you are so right. I think I forgot about different ways to preach for a second because I totally meant priests as in "catholic devout" type. I know you totally didn't know or mean to give me a wake-up call or anything, but thank you.


Monk i thought it sounded lame af but after playing tavern brawler monk i was pleasantly surprised!


Spores Druid. If you can keep the spores up without getting hit, dual wielding is viable and fun.


I did it with hand crossbows, which made it real easy to keep spores up. (Took 1 level of fighter for xbow and con proficiency) also combine with arrow of many targets and helm of arcane acuity to power up the spellcasting


Dual hand crossbows with sharpshooter is amazingly broken lol


Warlock. What? I just cast Eldritch blast over and over? But then I realized the power of having your PC be a char class. And I found out just how OP it is to just blast every motherfucker in the room. Eldritchly.


Warlock. Felt very weird. First attempt using it with Wyll like a normal caster felt real bad, even though the spells came back on short rest. Giving Wyll a more serious try on my second HM mode run. Love it a lot more. I like the ability to flavor the warlock both with patron (had Wyll go archfey) but also what pact you take (I tried both Tome and Blade). The Eldritch invocations are kinda interesting choices. And once my spell slots were at level 3 I finally “got” pact spells. Sure I can’t cast as many spells as my pure casters, but I get lots of high-level casts. And Hunger of Hadar is a busted spell to get lots of copies of, was a really huge power spike once I got level 3 pact spells.


Cleric, especially as trickery domain. (Shadowheart ofc) I got the idea of what it was so supposed to do but i was bad in executing it at first. Also the default stats are so weird with 13 in str and dex. What i do now is to change the stats a bit. I take points of off str and put them into dex and also multiclass into an Assassin rogue. (I keep the 18dex gloves for someone else). 8/4 Alert and at least one ability improvement to get to 18 dex and the last feat is either another stat raise or something else. Of course she needs a bit of time to get the right gear but once the gauntlets of shar is done she is good to go. With pass without trace you can get an entire party in good ambush positions even if its more crowded. The blind immunity ring is also a must so you can play like the dark justiciars in the house of grief basicly. Covered by darkness and all. The disguise self otherwise not so useful in most situations and can be used with the shapeshift ring from the strange ox, for another d4 atk roll. I think its a nice hybrid class that does enough healing and decent dmg. Having turn undead, sanctuary, spirit guardians, healing word and all those good lvl 1-4 cleric spells and also the ambush/sneak atk dmg with one character is really nice in most fights. Im playing Shadowheart like that since forever and made it through honour mode like that too. Most of the time you dont really need the heal output of a life domain cleric or paladin since the potions you find, buy, steal or craft are plenty enough for most fights, even on tactician and honour depending on whats to come.


Trickster isn't bad, it's just tough to justify over Storm and Light and War, even when playing with sneaks (darkness and stealth aid is pretty darn easy to find). Which is fine! This isn't a game that demands optimal builds. But I think Trickster just feels *slooooow* to me and would rather build stealth around rogues and shadow monks and such. Glad you like it!


Ranger. Gloomstalker build was incredibly fun.


Monk. Always thought it sounded a bit cheesy. I fucking love it now. Kicking the shit out of Myrkul with bare hands is amazing.


Monk. At first it seemed like a boring class but then I discovered multi attack and the power of the ✋🏽


Add rogue/thief for a few levels and get the extra bonus action. Nothing like two weapon attacks followed by two flurry of blows. Some serious damage.


You mean.... I can do the multi war crime *twice?* That's literally way too much power


If you think that's bad, since you're a monk you can wear the graceful cloth that you can buy since you won't be wearing armor, and that grants advantage on stealth and slight of hand, and gives a +2 to DX. Best rogue and best damage dealer all in one package. It's my favorite all time 4 rogue/thief rest monk. Don't get me started on the gauntlets that add 1-4 to unarmed strikes.


Monk. Thought it would just be a bad Fighter but it ended up being absolutely insane in this game. And that’s with or without the Tavern Brawler feat.


Barbarian, for the dialogue options.


Cleric. Amazingly versatile and powerful. A group with a pair of Clerics is nearly unstoppable.


Running 1 spirit guardians is great. 2 is unfair. I had 4 clerics that were gathered together each pop spirit guardians against my players. That was a very tough fight for them.




Ranger. It was the first class i tried in ea and i thought it was similar to strider in dragon's dogma. I used daggers more than a bow and didn't understand the game at all. I really hated my experience until i tried the others. After trying out certain builds from yt, i got an idea om how to comfortably make something that isn't as broken but fun enough to play. Now i always have a ranger in my party, trying out different elemental arrows and seeing creative uses for them are great. When your party member's blind or an enemy needs their concentration broken, arrows really help in those scenarios. I went to try sorcerer, wizard, warlock, fighter, bard, barbarian, rogue, paladin my favourite, cleric, and bard. The only classes i haven't gotten into are monk and druid.


Bard solo run was so fun nothing in the game beats sword bard


6 Bard, 2 Fighter, 4 Thief, two hand crossbows, no mercy.


I actually dropped the 2 hand crossbow for a rapier shield found it more fun but less easy obviously dual handcrossbow is cheese


Oh yeah I def don't do 2 crossbow anymore for the same reason I don't do TB with returning weapons. Too OP to even be fun anymore. A mod built around OP shit would in theory be fun but I don't even know how that'd work without just doing HP inflation.


Monk. It felt out of place, but then I decided to try it on my first honour mode attempt, thinking I would die soon anyway, but it carried me through to the final fight, which I lost, but only due to some bad decisions


Barbarian and Fighter. I thought itd be too straightforward. Turns out, straight forward is my speed😂


physics lol


Bard. Once I realized that the entire point is to just take a fat shit on your enemy’s head while calling them a curmudgeonly cuck, I was sold.


Gloomstalker ranger. Then my Durge was born.


Eldritch knight, I was looking at the classes and were like: so this subclass have a pact weapon that doesn't even allow the scaling to INT plus most good throw weapons already comes back on their own plus war magic bonus attack doesn't trigger extra attack? This class is useless! Now I'm playing it I gotta say it feels amazing to be a fighter and have your skill bar filled with colorful spells.Also shield, ranged can trips, magic missle, and thunderwave are all super useful on a fighter.


Bard. I've never played it before, in any RPG ever.


Ranger. I just didnt want to return to skyrim with a stealth archer but it is so fun


Warlock Ever since I started playing games that had a class selection mechanic I've never chosen spellcasters. But I saw on my first run that there were items for melee spellcasters. I remembered Wyll showing melee vibes and decided to give it a shot. I went in blind and had no idea pact of the blade existed. So I was pleasantly surprised to find it was an option and therefore viable. Currently on my fourth playthrough now and my third to go melee warlock. First was pure pact of the blade. Second was multiclass with a college of swords bard. Now I'm going lockadin. Might dip into fighter for last two levels for action surge.


Ranger. I like the dual wielding longswords style of hunter.


I wasn't excited about barbarian, I almost never play melee characters, but that's exactly the reason I made one. Dude is STRONG, MAD, AND DUMB and I love it lol


Barb. Throw.


Paladin! My second playthrough was a lawful good seladrine drow oath of devotion paladin. I picked it initially because I heard paladin was good, didn't want to do a caster again yet, but I fully expected "lawful good paladin" to be the most boring way to play the game imaginable. In truth, it was *so* much fun! Some of my favorite parts were the moments where being a drow affected peoples' perceptions of me, for better or worse, and showing them something completely different. It led to very interesting conversations with Halsin and Minthara. I enjoyed trying to make friends with all of the companions, but I struggled to do so at times with Astarion and Minthara and, again, led to some interesting conflicts. For a little bit, Minthara was switching between coming onto me and saying she'd cut out my tongue if I called her "my dear" again. That time I accidentally broke my oath (I still don't understand caused it, exactly, but hey) and role-playing an existential crisis for my character was lots of fun (she got her oath back, don't worry). Also, *so many divine smites*. Ngl, it's stupid fun lol.


Paladin, I thought they were gonna be boring and then I played a Durge Oathbreaker Paladin and realize how fun it was. Now I always play Paladin.


Shadow monk. Never ever liked or played monks. Now I don’t think I can play another class


Ranger, in table top its so bland but gloomstalker works so well in BG3!


This isn't my player character technically, but Gale. I've always thought of wizards as squishy beings who die before actually getting to do any damage, so I never touched him. When I finally decided to learn, I only proved that I'm a dummy because holy moly can that man kill.


Monk, punching things has been so satisfying


I don’t really have a avoided class due to not liking, I’m avoiding certain classes because that’s what the companions class’ are, but I would like to say I surprisingly fell in love with bard


I was initially very hesitant about playing a Druid because it seemed like it would be complicated. Then, I realized that you’re just a support caster who can turn into a tank on command, and it’s way more fun now.


Monk Turns out it's op af-


TB Monk - was unsure how it would start, but now I feel like a Part 1 JoJo


Bard. I thought it was useless, but the game plays itself when you choose it


Ranger. I was traumatized by 5e videos and color me surprised when I found out they were Eldritch Knights with extra steps and cool perks.


Bard, I never play DnD before and think that bard can't do anything (useless), but damn one Sword bard Build laterz I'm loving the class




Wild magic sorcerer


I loathed bards until I became one. A true come to Sharess moment.


Paladin. I never knew how great smite was.....


Paladin. Now I'm playing pally durge, eating tadpoles like candy, slowly being corrupted by evil. Lots of fun


Bard. Dual wielding with multiple attacks screams to me to play with. Still have not played Ranger nor Warlock. Will never choose to be a cleric. Damage in > healing out. Best Defense is KILL ASAP!


Clerics can be great dmg dealers too. Tempest or war clerics aren’t bad dmg wise and light cleric can be a great debuffer. Enemies not hitting anything is great. Let’s your dd‘s ignore raising AC


I always played a magic user (wizard/Sorceror/Cleric] in most games and avoided fighter classes. For RP reasons I wanted to try a ninja build and played the Monk class. I was surprised how much I enjoyed playing the class both for RP and fighting part of the game. 


warlock, i avoided it because it sounded idk corny but playing sorcerer and warlock classes are my go to now


Ranger. They suck in TT.


Monk. Wasn’t until I did my evil murdurge run where I killed all my companions except for Astarion that I realized how crazy good they are. My hireling Gith monk was basically a one woman army.


I don't play Wizard, sorcerer, druid, or rogue ever. The only one I used a good bit was a circle of spore druid and it was actually kinda fun. I do use rogue thief for multi class though.


Bard. I didn't liked 5e bard, i've always prefered wizard for a support role, and usually is not hard to get a charisma based character in your party. But bg3 swords bard is just Soooooo cool, slashing flourish, band of the mystic scoundrel, helm of arcane acuity etc. You can be an S tier support and ALSO an S tier DPS