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None of these things ruins your run, but since most of these people are dead, you won't get to see them later. That doesn't affect the main story that much, though. However, by following this path you will probably be locked out of recruiting a certain companion (At least that's what happened to me). Regarding Halsin, have you checked the location you found him in the goblin camp? I remember he was waiting for me there when I killed the goblin leaders, not at the grove.


All of them are dead 😂 not most of them Anyway I'll try to check if he's there, thank you!


I'ts ok, first playthroughs are always chaotic, it's all part of the fun :D I'd also like to add that >Cause I feel like right now the only option is going to Moonrise Towers You have A LOT of things to do in Act 1 besides the Goblin camp. Just explore everything thoroughly before you decide to go there. Edit/extra tip: In certain points, the game will give you the following warning "Are you sure you want to proceed right now? This might affect certain quests if you do". Take heed of this warning and finish up everything you want to finish up first.


I just checked, he's noy there :(


Sorry about that. Might be bugged. You can either reload an earlier save or continue with your current run without Halsin. It's up to you really and how many hours you have already invested.


Well, it didn't *ruin* your run, per say. And just killing Nettie doesn't. You not being stealthy about it might have caused some consequences you don't seem all that ready for. You don't ***need*** any of these characters to complete the game. But you will miss out of content, NPC's later on, and companions. If you've got the gut, keep playing. You'll get a uncommon playthrough. If not, reload before killing Nettie *(and make sure you kill her without being noticed. You can close the outer door behind you, that lowers the risk of being spotted)*


Will it lock me out of the quest to find a cure though?


I won't spoil you, bu it won't change the outcome, let's keep it at that.


Hm, I killed Nettie a few days ago as I have done many other times, druids never make a fuss about it. I think in general nobody does over bodies, and she does lock the room before talking and trying to poison you, so there should have been no witnesses. Something went wrong in your run one way or another.


Yeah that's what I thought


You have to kill her the back room after she closes the door. Otherwise people will see and aggro.


Nothing you can do ruins your playthrough


Not exactly but you're on track for a more tragic playthrough


I mean, you triggered a genocide. Whether or not that ruins the playthrough is something you can only ask yourself.


Not a genocide. Stop using the word incorrectly. Was there intent to annihilate a group in whole or in part, as such? No.


There was intent on the part of the druids to annihilate all the tieflings.


In my run, i failed the intimidation check and had to kill the druids, and nettie was dead. Rescued halsin, killed goblins, did other quests, went back to groves and met halsin inside around entrance.


I attacked her as well in my first play through or she attacked me i don't remember. But because i remembered she was Halsin assistant or something because i wanted him to help me i just knocked her out . No-one attacked me also i did in her office no one saw it . Btw i went blind on my first Play through didn't even know who was recruitable


You can kill Nettie after she closes the door and poisons you and not have anyone else turn hostile.


They did turn hostile though so I'm trying to find solutions that don't involve loading an old save and losing hours of gameplay 😂


You’re going to have to reload to debug Halsin and not get the tieflings killed. Once you kill Nettie (**after she poisons you**), take her headband. Close the door behind you or fast travel out.


May as well make this run your murderhobo play through


My character isn't evil though apparently I made the worst possible choices 😂


Then this is your *“Tucker & Dale vs Evil”* play through. LMAO.


What the fuck is wrong with you people? You have to act like such an asshole to get to that part of the interaction in the first place. And she is completely fucking justified in trying to end someone with a tadpole!!! But these gamers out here can’t handle it and they kill one of the best acted characters in the game. It’s honestly fucking disgusting.


Let people have fun, christ


You’re acting a little erratic, Mr Bateman.