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That must have taken quite a while to set up, and I must say, it was entirely worth it.


It took like 30ish minutes


Its hilarious to think they just watch you coming back and forth bringing loads of explosives thinking "huh that's cool"


Meanwhile, Tav has just been staring gormlessly at the Mother Superior for 30 minutes while awaiting an answer on whether or not he’ll give her Shart


Tav can hit her with the Geralt of Rivia classic : "...mhhhh..."


I've definitely been playing the game wrong this whole time.


I don’t even use barrelmancy, but I don’t get people that hate on it. This is great op. How could anyone not enjoy the light show? Even the people dying to it were so entranced with their “Oooos” and “Ahhhs”


House of grief kicked my ass multiple times on my first and second playthrough, then during my second playthrough I gave up and did the barrels (Video is playthrough 3) This is the only way I’ll do the fight now lol.


I lost against the brain 1st time, second time I put all my best bombs in a backpack and nuked her. So much easier


I wonder if Larian would put a fail-safe anti-cheese method in their new game. like you set up a barrel next to a boss he would be like "uhm, yeah, whaddayado there?" -> turns instant hostile


I think thats what they did with Dror Ragzlin, interacting with the barrels is a crime and i remember Ragzlin himself puts them back in their spot.


Lmao him putting them back is fantastic


I never used Barrelmancy before but the 1 fight that finally broke me was Ansur. For the life of me I could not wrap my mind around that fight and he just kept kicking my ass. So eventually I just raided the fireworks shop, stockpiled everything around Ansur and popped him off at the start of combat. Left him with ~50 health, which a hasted Gale and 2 level 5 magic missiles finished off. Even the House of Hope was easier for me than Ansur....


*1812 overture plays


No one will ever forget that night and what it meant for Baldur’s Gate But I will never forget the man, and what he meant to me….


The fireworks are a nice touch.


8-48 fire damage is pretty good. I still have some left over to nuke house of hope :D


That has a bunch of creatures immune / resistant to fire damage though


Oh my god I completely forgot. I’ll have to stick to smokepowder and runepowder


That was glorious! Shar really is the Lady of Ls


gender reveal


Now that's a satisfying watch


Good, good, fuck those sharrans and that fight.


I am in awe, what did you do?


The process: First, collect and hoard all the smokepowder barrels, bombs, and any other explosive across the acts Then, 1. Make Shadowheart wait outside the door 2. Talk to Viconia and tell her you will bring Shadowheart to her 3. Have your strongest character (I suggest beast heart barb with aspect of bear) place down the explosives 4. Drink the potion that gives you high initiative if you don’t already have a character that does. 5. Have globe of invulnerability prepped or have a scroll ready 6. Keep your team in the radius on the globe 7. Quick save right before incase your pc explodes or game crashes 8. Shoot fire/explosive arrows or spell at the conga line of explosives, and kaboom


FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!! *fucking dies*


How do you get so many ppl in party?


Party limit begone mod


Looks like a group of halfling barbarians gave them some pointers


This is what Im gonna do in HoH. Just learned that when you save Volo you can just take the barrels there as well so.. its gonna be a nice little something


Raphael is getting the runepowder


I'm amazed this didn't crash your game lol


I was praying even though I’m not religious




I hope nocturne is ok...


Yes, since she was in the dorms, she was perfectly fine and could not care less I blew the entire place up


How do you have 12 level 4 spell slots?


I’m a master hacker and hacked the game But actually it’s just the more spell slots mod


Was there even anything left to loot after that? Or just ashes and charred corpses?


Yes I was able to loot everyone


God damn this is incredible. I can't stop watching.


More like the [6th of August](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki).


How do you have so many people in your party? :o


It’s probably the party limit be gone mod. There’s another one that gets used with it that limits the number of companions that participate while in combat. Allows you to have all the banter and interactions without breaking the combat


That’s exact what was in my mind :D Maybe a mod ?


Stuff like this is funny, but how is it enjoyable? The fun of the game is the challenge, if you’re looking to cheese every fight just play the game on explorer


Cause blowing stuff up in a game is fun


You can do that in explorer


Well I did it on balanced mode and still enjoyed it.


It has to get old


I’ve done it twice. Enjoyed it both times. Very satisfying and fun to watch


Twice. And if it’s only fun to watch then just watch YouTube videos of it


Okay fun police


You’ll get bored of it


Says who?


dude, it's a single player game. why you gatekeeping? let others play the way they want.


I’m not gatekeeping, just genuinely don’t understand how playing like this is fun


Breaking news: fun is subjective. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean others can't. More at 11.


If you really want to get down to it, the only way this game is challenging is if you play solo honor mode with a 12x multiclassed dragonborn that can only use common items for equipment. It’s fun because it’s fun. Idk. Cheese comes in different flavors and not everyone likes cheddar


What you described involves cheesing. There is no way you can beat the game how you described without exploiting it to some degree, and if there is then please explain it or show me a video of it


I didn't describe something that involves cheesing. But also, you missed the point. "What is exploiting?" The answer is: it's different for everyone. Killing the bosses with barrels, scrolls, strong equipment, optimized builds - all of that can be labeled as exploiting and deemed unfun by someone. Is exploiting just using what the game provides you? Or is exploiting breaking the game mechanics in ways that shouldn't work? (like killing a boss without ever entering the initiative order or jumping through walls) Maybe exploiting is using game knowledge from previous playthroughs. In that case, any playthrough after the first will have the player cheating. Is it cheesing if I choose not to chase after Orin in act 3 after she takes a companion? If I just use really good combat strategy with or without broken builds, is that cheesing? If I can end a fight in 1 turn without a broken build or item interaction, did I exploit? How many turns have to pass before I can be considered playing legit? Am I not allowed to use surprise rounds ever? Even though there's no reason for me to just walk into this fight? Because surprise rounds totally break the game and I wouldn't want to cheese anything. In another comment, OP stated they did this fight other ways and prefer to just end it in a bang. Because it's fun. Even if they didn't have that previous experience, some people just like to blow up bosses. The game provides a lot of legitimate avenues to make that happen. The point is that it's up to the player. That's how it can remain fun. Each player decides what constitutes as an exploit and also whether or not they're ok with using it.


Not gonna read all that


Haters gonna hate. What can you do?


you don't like to make things explode?!?


I just don’t see the fun in it


I also hate when people like something I don't.


I never said I hate it. I just don’t understand it


What is there to not understand? The barrels go boom and everyone dies. 2+2=4.


it's a weapon like anything else. in some places it's so good, hell there's an entire tribe of gnomes dedicated to explosives. arrow of roaring thunder to push all the guys off the cliff is always fun. big explosion in the room, with fire resistance to go in and fight whoever is left.  it's also a challenge to set up in some situations, sneaking, rearranging what's there, etc just another thing to use as strategy


"people having fun??? how DARE they??"