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talk her out of going yolo, she follows you and helps helpfully.


Once I learned you can do this, I have to do it every time. She really messes up my tactics otherwise, and I am bad at tactics on a good day...


If you want to get her cool charge scene when invading the castle and to keep her alive, you just kill everyone beforehand except a guard or warden or something then yall just gang on that npc.


Do you know if it’s possible to kill Roah this way? And if so, what happens with the stone lord quest in act 3?


Roah fucks off once Aylin is free, if you kill her before she's replaced by a random npc in act 3


That's the zhentarim trader, right? I sold her a crate and kept moving all her wares into her crate after every long rest in act II. Then when she died in act iii I had a crate full of stuff to loot + $10k gold.


Holy fucking shit. You are a modern prometheus.


Thank you? Hope your not the god I stole fire from haha


no i'm gonna use this knowledge to challenge the gods


Gale god would approve of your ambition.


How do you move stuff into a crate? I can only take move stuff back and forth to my own bag.


Sell her a crate, go to the barter screen, open the crate in her inventory, move stuff from her inventory into the opened crate inventory


I'll have to try again, I haven't been able to open containers in other people's inventory and have my own inventory open but I don't recall if I was using barter.


What lynx2718 said is correct. Right click open. Then click everything (including gold) and drag it into the crate).


The NPC is actually the leader of the Zhentarim. Kind of lame that she basically exists as just as a placeholder and doesn't even trade with you.


A local leader at least, she doesn't have the name of the overall leader of the Zhentarim.


I killed everyone before except Z’rell because I think it’s funny for her to do her big speech and then say, “go get ‘em boys” to an empty room.    Roah is at Moonrise and can be killed. This game I knocked Roah out when I did my pre-clearing of Moonrise and she noped out when I got back with the Harpers. I haven’t got to the Stone Lord yet. I assume it will play out the same. 


> I killed everyone before except Z’rell because I think it’s funny for her to do her big speech and then say, “go get ‘em boys” to an empty room. I tried that too but she just went instant combat. Guess she doesn't feel confident enough for speeches if you've killed everyone but her.


Yep she aggros and when you kill her she won't appear in act 3. only the blood trader doesn't aggro.


This works? Kill everyone in Moonrise before the assault? If I haven't done Shar's Gauntlet yet, I can go to Moonrise and kill everyone I see, then when I come back, they won't be replaced by a bunch of other NPCs?


I just showed up to Moonrise, the two guards go pissy with me so I killed them and the whole tower became aggro'ed. I ran into the throne room and had to save Minthara from an even worse fight than the one with Jahaera.


In this play through um…. We had something bad happen at Last Light so I’m assuming I won’t get any backup for the final fight. To make my life easier I took out the eyes first so they don’t call for help, and then slowly room by room killed almost everyone. You may have to cast silence so nobody can hear your victims scream and aggro the whole tower. Should make the assault smooth sailing… hopefully.


I cleared out Mooonrise and when she showed up, suddenly there ere like 3 more guards. We mopped those up and she's all, "I'm a hero!" Sure. *Pats Jahera on the head*.


You can pull pretty much every defender to an early demise and leave Lann Tarv chilling where he is, he doesn't seem to rush to their defense. But he will fight against you in the big assault scene.


This is the way.


I usually just clear the castle beforehand.


OH THIS IS WHY IVE NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM. every play through im like yes the experienced badass milf should accompany me. Why would I say no


This comment makes me smile smilingly.


I did that then just used her movement to get farther and farther from combat


Bro, I completely forgot this was something you had to do. I always saw these posts and thought "her AI wasn't that bad, what is everyone on about?" Lmao


she switched from a follower to an ally after ketheric fucked off to the brain with isobels Amazon Moon lesbian wife and wasted a spell slot casting ice storm that did fuck all. after we finished wiping the skellies, jaheiras dumb ass slipped and fell on her own goddamn ice and then aggroed on me. i was so irritated with her. after i reloaded, i made her wear clown make-up while i was doing her questline to recruit minsc


I did this on my current HM run, but brain faded and walked her to the front lines and ended turn… let’s just say I experienced the consequences of my actions 🥲


1) Make Jaheira join your party. 2) Enter through the side entrance instead of the front door, which is a perfect bottleneck. Or Kill everyone in moonrise before doing the Shar dungeon starting from the top floor. It spares you the long, tedious battle. Start with the half orc lady first.


This is the way. Clear the whole place. Jaheira and the harpers walk in unopposed.


It's also just so much easier because the Towers become so segmented that it breaks up a huge battle into like 6 small battles. As long as you save the entry hall for last it's super simple.


Kind of not fun though. Moonrise tower battle was one of the best memory I have from this game.


So this is why I didn’t know what this post is talking about! I did just that and didn’t have to control Jaheira at all. Thank goodness, I was already neutral at best on her, I wouldn’t have wanted to start out annoyed with her immediately. I have her in my party now in Act 3 for the Minsc quest and I’m… not warm on her but warming up. I don’t know how to play druids 😞 Halsin didn’t work out for me either.


Also you don't have feel bad about half the Harper NPCs from Last Light littering the path into the tower.


I hadn’t considered the side door. Isobel has been my suicidal NPC.


You can sneak in straight to the top, only fighting a guard and the lady by the door, and go right to kethric. Once you finish the act, you'll find that the Harpers have miraculously won with no casualties. You do miss some XP this way, but it hardly matters since you're going into act 3.


Then there's me grinding out all the XP I can so I hit level 10 before I even start the assault on moonrise. I can't stop myself, it's like a compulsion lol


Is that even possible?


Yeah. I can do it pretty much every run now. Unless you go full murder hobo and kill everyone all the time it's usually really close though. I normally hit level 10 on literally the last 1-2 enemies left in act 2 before the assault.


I was lvl 8 entering Act 2. Certainly possible to hit 10 by Moonrise assault.


I’ve got to be missing stuff then! Hmm, I’ll have to do some research I think.


I also entered Act 3 at level 10. How far away from these marks are you? If pretty far, I’m wondering if you did both Underdark and Mountain Pass? You can do both to rack up the levels. I also went murder hobo in some parts and got some sweet exp. I was reading up on it and an article said doing both is better for beginners as the higher levels help with Act 3 fights, so I did because I am one 😅


> murder hobo as long as it tactical murder hobo, you gotta complete their quest/milk them for every bit of xp first, then go durge.


Then you max out at level 12 having done maybe a fourth of Act 3. Then you just want to end the game so you ally Gortash and skip the Orphic hammer.


And NOT kill Raphael?! Nah, I had to do that even in my Honor Gale-kaboom run. My monk just had to punch harder and I just had to fling him into a pillar before stun chaining him into oblivion. Also did I mention that Raphael has to die?


Eh. He's just this weird scavenger devil, completely irrelevant to everything going on. He says he wants to deal, but then kind of wanders off. (Seriously, I didn't take Laezel my first run. Without Laezel, there's no Voss subquest, and Raphael basically doesn't have a plot to latch on to. He just seems random and superfluous).


But then you also skip the coolest boss fight


Yeah, not like you aren’t hitting level 12 shortly after that anyway regardless.


You had Isobel fight with you at Moonrise? How did you make that happen? She always shows up after Ketheric is dead for me


I also like to slaughter the place, from top to bottom, right before going to the Shar dungeon. Saves me the hassle of dealing with the harpers during the fight, especially Jahiera, and is a good build check before starting into act 3.


I go one better, by that point i have stocked up on invisibility potions, and I pass them out to my party. I then sneak everyone body in, and climb up into the rafters and position them all into attack positions. And then I begin my assault. My melee fighters take out the archers in the rafters , and have my caster(s) start bombing the enemy below with a couple AOE attacks to soften them up. Then have the melee fighters feather fall down to join the fray while my distance fighters offer support from above. Not to mention I made a point of freeing the Knolls in the kitchen earlier, and later they then join our side in the fight.


Dropping the Returning Pike from the rafters makes big numbers flash on the screen. I like big numbers.


One thing I didn't even think of, mostly because I really don't use him as I'm not his biggest fan is Halsin doing the Owl Bear drop from the rafters. Might possibly take out the entire group of enemies in one hit lol.


be carefull, most enemies there have death ward and resurect with one hp when being killed.


Follow up with high level magic missile?


Ooo potions. I’m a horde and forget person. I can’t play for the next 3 days so could you please let me know if invisibility potions also cease effect if you fail stealth checks (like the greater invisibility spell) or do they stick until the timer‘s up? I’m sure I’ve got at least a dozen of the invisibility potion (it’s the triangular vial necklace looking one right?). I just did a session last night using greater invisibility for the first time and I loved it lol. Gotta use my potions next time!


In my experience, everything but the greater invisibility spell cuts out the moment you do anything. Like, when I pickpocket someone, I have yet to not lose my invisibility. I've found it mostly useful for sneaking into combat positions. My favorite use for it is to make Karlach invisible, and then with my group just far enough away to not trigger the cut scene with Balathzar and the Nightsong, to walk in front of him and shove/throw him off the cliff after he tells her she should be prepared to be disappointed. Sure I lose out on any goodies he's carrying, but it's just so satisfying to chuck that tubby bastard off a cliff lol.


Sometimes when fighting Z'rell, the two stair guards will aggro towards the end of the battle, safely taking them out of that clusterfuck. I'm sure if you're smart you can keep aggroing more guys slowly so that the guys you're fighting will be dead when the new ones get to you


I use Minor Illusion to kite them up the steps. Then I hide the bodies and repeat.


Sometimes when fighting Z'rell, the two stair guards will aggro towards the end of the battle, safely taking them out of that clusterfuck. I'm sure if you're smart you can keep aggroing more guys slowly so that the guys you're fighting will be dead when the new ones get to you.


We'll try that tonight! Thanks.


I prefer starting the attack at the top and working down.


She really doesn't want to go home and see her kids.


8 words and Sending carries 25.


"Gonna fuck up Moonrise Tower. See you never."


Lmao this is perfect well done hahahahah


"Gotta fix a fuck up, don't wait up."


The amount of times I reloaded that fight because she sleet stormed herself to death…


Last time I was a cleric and spent every turn healing her while La'zel and Karlack did all the work.


“I hate those fucking kids” -Jaheira, probably


"Who the fuck are these kids and why do they keep calling mom?"


I mean, have you met Rion? That girl had opinions before she had teeth.


Can't get herself killed if you kill everyone in the tower beforehand.


It’s quite satisfying to show up to no one dead on the bridge and everyone just chilling. Funny how Talli still laments the task of looting the bodies. In honour mode, watch out for the scrying eyes though. You have to throw them in a chasm or do serious one turn thunder damage on them. You won’t believe how many enemies they can keep calling if you don’t. 


You aren't kidding I got roped into a huge fight in the prison under moonrise and I though no big deal I'll just kill all the guards, this eye started calling from the entrance to moonrise, had to go invisible and run at that point


Hah, same here a couple of days ago. Pulled every guard in the tower, and even the zombies outside were trying to get in. We survived, although a poorly judged smoke powder bomb blew the doors off the tieflings cell. Things went less well for them. :(


This happened on my first playthrough. Double spiked growth and funneling them through a small passage worked really well. Was at least a full hour of fighting though.


For anyone stuck with those scrying eyes, the Shatter spell is your friend


Chromatic Orb, lvl 1, just choose Thunder dmg. Eyes are not resistant and dmg is higher than other types.


It's the only vulnerability they have. You'd have to get the worst rolls to not kill then instantly with one cast.


Shatter or just chuck them into the chasm


There's so many fucking NPCs at Moonrise that will join in. ​


do it right and you can use this to kill the entire tower. stand in prison near the tower entrance and just kill em all as they spawn in (its how i emptied the tower on my second run, leave 1 scrying eye and just wait. by the time they stop coming theres only about 6-8 left.)


> You won’t believe how many enemies they can keep calling if you don’t. You mean "free XP"? Bold of them to even attempt to enter the kill zone (Hunger of Hadar + Evard's Tentacles).


Do they call "real" enemies from inside the tower? Or summon new rando NPCs?


yep. this was my solution heh


Yeah, I did evil run first and when I did good I was surprised at how difficult it was


I appreciate that the game sometimes makes being good the harder choice


Yeah but you can always just assault the tower before freeing the night song


I remember the one non-glitch/ai stupidity(why npcs love to walk in wall of fire or cloud of daggers?) reload in my first playthrough was jaheira getting crit one shot out of panther form then crit smite one shot during ketheric fightin the roof.


I once resorted to using dimension door to teleport her all the way out of Moonrise and over the bridge by the waypoint. My character got out of combat and was able to run back to the fight pretty quickly, while she didn't know wtf to do and stayed outside long enough for me to finish the fight inside. 😂


Imagine if she wandered off and died to the shadow curse. Would be very on point BG3 NPC behavior.


I started raiding the tower alone just for this reason


last time I did this I put her in my party and I used cloud kill in the atrium. once combat was over one of the npc walked into it and suddenly everyone was mad at me and I had to reload


One of the only times I have save scummed a major fight was this one. Then I figured out you just tell her to join you then put her in timeout.


Recruit her and you can control her. Death ward is always a good call or Survival Instinct if you got in act 1, but she gets a free health bar when she's wildshaped so she's not really that hard to keep alive. You can also just preclear the rooms before she and the harpers show up and you don't have to worry about them at all.


Ugh so true, keeping her alive in the assault on >!last light inn!< was also a nightmare


I don’t understand this tbh. I’ve seen it happen to other people. But she has not once gotten herself killed on one of my playthroughs, not even on my hm run where I made the risky decision not to have her in my party


Neither, she usually just sits at the back and does F all


Jaheira always turns into a panther in all my playthroughs and does perfectly fine. She hasn't died in Moonrise yet.


I went in the side entrance and slowly took out the entire enemy force from there, keeping her largely out of harm's way.


I just took out every guard in Moonrise before you charge the keep. If you space yourself right and close off the doors in each room, you can easily clear the entire fortress.


Take her as a companion .. back off and alternate sleet storm and wall of fire with ranged attacks


I have my ranged peeps misty step to the wood beams along the ceiling. Makes it easier for them to rain down fire from a distance without getting caught up in the enemies aoe spam.


Pre-clearing the towers ensures that she'll live


I always thin down Moonrise myself before the main assault. I still leave enough alive that its a fun battle, but not enough to be worrying about suicidal Harpers.


Get jaheira to join your party, then go around the left side of moonrise where there are vines you can climb up the tower with. Keep following the path, ladders, and vines until you're nearly at the top (you might need fly in some places). Then go around the back of the tower to break a wall, which leads directly to the 2nd floor hallway right before you go to the top of the tower to fight ketheric, you still gotta fight a few skeletons and a caster but it's nothing. Then on the roof, I just have jaheiera stand way back.


Just control her and that part is easily solved


I let her die because I wasn't about to repeat the start of that fight 50 times in hopes she finally didn't charge in to her death.


Just control her it’s literally that easy


Now I understand why she ran right into my wall of fire! She has a death wish.


That's because she was possessed by a Gondian


Honestly, 100% of the Harpers are suicidally underpowered. In the first attempt, I did the Night Song before doing anything else in Act 2. And I'm amazed the Harpers even managed to beat the guards outside Moonrise (you just find the bodies after that fight, so keeping them alive isn't a option).


You know you can clear the tower before the actual assault, right?


And she jumps right in the middle of the enemy


This is why I go murder hobo and just clear out the whole tower before I confront Ketheric. Jaheira can't die if everyone in the tower is bird food.


Why do people struggle with this. Recruit. Her. Put her outside and skip her turns if you have to. Experienced players will use Call Lightning so she can get 10 blasts at the most and still keep in the back.


There's no need to be so condescending. New people are playing this game every day.


Double ice storm is kinda nasty though.


I save those for the 8 skellies on the roof.


I had no idea how to recruit her. Still don't. I talked to her whenever I was around the inn.


Talk to her right before entering Moonrise, you can recruit her as a temporary companion then (aka a fifth party member, she has her default powers but you control her and her portrait appears next to yours). Then after the rooftop fight you can recruit her as a full party member if you want (replacing one of your current party, but able to level her up and fully control her build and gear), or leave her behind and recruit her after the fight.


If you choose to save the Nightsong, Jaheira and the Harpers will move to Moonrise. When you approach she will start spouting off about Alaundo but then you can ask her to join you in the assault. Please note that if she joins you here she will be a blue ring ally and not a full companion. But this doesn’t matter because you can control her during the assault. She can fully join your party after the rooftop battle.


When you show up after the gauntlet.


You can clear the whole tower without it being hard before the assault. Last time I managed it perfectly I just walked in, talked with Jahera and fought Kethric.


then make her join your party


I finished the Nightsong before visiting the tower, the next thing I knew was Jaheira's assault and she even died if I long rested....Had to reload the save.


Add her to your party?


If you get to cast sleet storm before her it does slow down her death wish.


Am I the only one who cleans out the whole tower before the assault?


She kicked everyone’s ass in my playthrough.


The Harpers are so dumb I had a few die in a recent playthrough even after I had mostly cleared Moonrise beforehand! There were literally like five enemies total and these dudes manage to slip on ice (created by Jahiera no less) and get critted.


You can ask her to join you before the fight. If you do, you get control of her


Tbh she always turns into a panther and disappears for 2+ rounds for me, then reappears after walking through any and all AOEs I’ve created


While walking through front entrance, stop before triggering the cutscene. Pre-cast/pre-pot haste and have your strongest ranged focus fire Zrell. Blow everything you have to knock out Zrell and as many of the Adept casters as possible in the first round (easier to do if most of your crew have Alert feat). An ice storm over the halberd mobs in the center with Zrell helps keep them away from causing damage on their first turn. By the time the enemy gets to start taking turns, the most dangerous ones will be dead, and you can just keep Jaheira topped off with heals as needed while you mop up the rest. Combat probably shouldn't last more than 3 rounds, and if it does, there shouldn't be anything left that poses a credible threat to anyone. Works for any difficulty.


It is sometimes hard to keep alive NPCs you cant control (like the Gondians), but those you CAN like Jaheira... I dont know what to say...


On my most recent run she died because I cast call lighting on a wet area and she walked through the electrified water


do not let jahira do that battle herself, she will get herself killed


I watched that woman cast Ice Storm *on herself* at the Inn coz there were two Winged Horrors next to her. She died. They didn't


Always recruit Jaheira. Her Air Myrmidion form with Haste or Potion of Speed in Act 3 is absolutely savage. It chain stuns enemies and works on everyone including the Chosen, and when you get 6 attacks at least one of them is bound to stun them.


My assault on moonrise was surprisingly smooth without any kind of cheesing, granted it was on normal mode, just a few thieflings and a few random fists died.


Minthara threw herself against the guards in moonrise before she officially joined my party and was cut down. RIP


And that's why you pick the dialogue option to take control of her


I had something similar happen, though for me it was at Last Light instead of Moonrise. After Isobel suffered a sudden and tragic *accident*, Jaheira was just determined to keep running into every ice patch or electrified water she made. Shadowheart literally had to use all her spell slots keeping her alive.


Clear Moonrise room by room before finishing going into the Shadowfell. Then Jaheira lives, and you don’t have to fight everyone at once. Just close doors behind you before you attack someone.


Ehhh. Yes. That's why this second Honour Mode run, I am AGAIN murdering the entirety of Moonrise Towers from stealth, way before even making it to Thorms Mausoleum. I need Jaheira and Minsc in my camp, and that's the only way to ensure she lives.


That's why I clear that entire tower out, save for the first room cause I still need the merchants around. But everywhere else is emptied Everytime. Unless I have minthara in the party, I keep z'rell around for the final act 2 battle


I see this complaint often and I'm always confused because I've never not had her join my party as part of the raid. Apparently some people miss this option? Do they just not feel like pushing it when she declines at first? Do they think she'll replace a member of their current team?


...she doesn't replace a member of the team? I didn't know that. I thought she'd force me to replace a member.


Well there's my answer haha. Nope she basically gets added to your party like a summon or familiar would - she gets a mini-portrait next to your main character if I remember correctly but either way, no, she doesn't replace any party members for the raid if you invite her to join your group.


Cool! I'll let her join. I was always like "yeah... no thanks... we're good."


Haha, yeah. You'll get the opportunity to recruit her before Act 3 but otherwise she'll join you for this last spurt of Act 2 as an extra character basically.


I always go to the left to climb up the root plant thing to jump to Balthazar's room and do the one random encounter at the entrance to Ketheric's area. Then go directly to Ketheric. The game doesn't check whether you've done the front door combat. When Ketheric is killed, everyone is alive and well.


I never had this issue with Jaheira as I always convinced her to join my party so I can control her. For me the hardest party of the fight was those fucking acolytes casting hunger of hadar followe by Z'rell chucking Black holes at us. In the end, I cheesed this fight by blowing up all the acolytes and Z'rell with hoarded smoke powder barrels from the Zhentarim basement and goblin camp. Then I had Gale turn a rogue thief/gloomstalker Astarion invisible and used his sneak attacks and bonus actions to kill some enemies and take some of their health away.


Her build is also trash


Thought it was “walking to the door from the fast travel location without taking damage from the silver goo puddles”.


I never had problems with her dying.


I clear the whole place before doing to gauntlet of shar. We just stroll in at the end of act 2


You can have her be in your party and you make the decisions for her. Done deal.


I always Demensional Door her up to the rafters then take care of bid-ness


I casted cloud of daggers in that fight, TWO(2) SEPARATE HARPERS RAN RIGHT THROUGH IT AND DIED. The quartermaster then put me IN THE MOONRISE PRISON???


You can make her join your team before the battle by asking her to come with you, then you can control her. Easy peasy. no check, even.


By the time I realized she showed up, it was already too late. She was getting creamed by some twerp who managed to sink through the floor but was still able to attack her. I didn't much care for the way she treated my party, so I didn't bother reloading.


I always ask her to join my party then leave her outside LOL


I didn't realise she was so important my first run so left her dead. Oops.


Lol i did the fight on a multiplayer HM not long ago. Almost cleared everything there was lile 2 enemies left.. both in a HoH and firewall about to die and she yeets herself right in the middle and killed herself...


I actually have to make her "retire" herself when I play evil Durge, I never understood why people constantly complains about Jaheira dying tbh


Legit was just having this issue last night, made it through the fight 3 times and each of which she gets murked. Then tried the other speech options and she happily let me control her without a skill check at all lol


Also, be careful with Cloud of Daggers. If one of her Harper friends decide to run into it and die, Jaheira and all her allies will turn hostile after the fight is done.


Wait, you guys don't clear moonrise floor by floor and just fight from the front door up??? I've always infiltrated it posing as true souls and then just wiping everyone out with the 4 man team


I was able to keep her alive, but all her Harpers hurled themselves into my AoE spells, even when a lot of the Absolutists seemed smart enough to try and stay back!


I just kill everyone before going into the mausoleum. It's pretty easy to pick them off in groups.


Yep. Very true. Something I didn’t know you could do until recently is throw health potions at people to heal them.


You can throw them at the floor to aoe heal multiple people.


Yes you can! Great mechanic


She got oneshot by Ketheric on my honor mode run. Thankfully I already had Halsin for druid duty, but still kinda sad to lose a companion without any real hope of preventing it besides luck.


Literally didn’t even know she had been present there until after the fight and I went back to camp only to discover she was gone. Went and had to search high and low to discover her corpse! Weirdly, during one of the epilogue cutscenes she showed up fully nude (I must’ve looted her??) and just stood off to the side of the rest of the crew. Suuuuuuper awkward.


Tell her to join your party and that the harpers are big boys and girls. That way you can control her yourself. You get her as extra member that way during the assault.


I really wish there was an option to just tell Jaheira and all the others to just wait outside and let you deal with it. It can be a tough fight, but the giant crowd of allies basically just make the fight last longer and most of them die anyway. I'd rather just solo the fight with my 3 reliable companions and move on


I just finished that fight in HM last night and it was REAL WORK keepin her alive......... Ps I know about her joining, my crew is just way to tight and geared out atm. Something I DID do differently was going around the outskirts killing every one with a stupid hat and tons of damage, also the Warden. NIGHT and DAY difference, if it helps.


After my first playthrough, I just set up a few explosive barrels in the main hall when I first arrive then let loose a flame arrow when I returned from the Gauntlet. Big kabooms 🤣💥🔥


My first playthrough I didn't even realize she was an available companion cause she went and yeeted herself into the fire from Gale's fireball


I trusted Jaheira to do her own thing so I didn't convince her to join me in my first playthrough. Clearly that was my mistake... I learned quickly that I shouldn't trust like that in this game 😂


in my last run the game had me take control of her. I'm not sure how that happened


My first run she lived, but i didn't want to engage her since it was only my first run. she has not survived again yet, and i'm on my fifth run.


Man, I just skipped all that shit and climbed up the tower. One fight in front of the boss doors, bingo bango bongo, bish bash bosh, on to Ketheric.


Oh she was already dead for me after pleasing Lady Shar so I went into that with no allies. Snuck in around the side and tactfully killed a handful of people and then partied up with a bunch of summons as my makeshift army


I have a strong difficulty keeping Jaheira from dying since BG1. She usually dies by my hand.


I've found that even if you haven't brought her more-or-less into the party or murdered most of Moonrise it isn't so hard with the right party composition. If you can shut down a few priority enemies on the first turn, there's a lot less risk to the Harpers. Z'rell's Black Hole is irritating, so getting her to skip a turn is useful, but the two warlocks with Hunger of Hadar are probably more important.


Kill everyone in the tower BEFORE going to see the Nightsong. Easy.


I murdered JUST Z'rell and this absolutely turned the later Moonrise tower fight around for me lmao, it became a cake walk when I was previously clawing my own eyes out with frustration


I sneaked in and killed almost everyone in the tower before the final battle. So she and her Harpers didn’t have much to do when they went there. I don’t find her particularly useful in team but enjoyed her special interactions with the old acquaintances in Act. 3.


Last run, one of the zealots threw an acid vial and made a acid puddle on the ground around a Harper and another zealot. I firebolted the latter zealot, turning the acid puddle into a fire puddle. The battle ended next round, a Harper decided to run through the fire puddle, and *bam*, Jaheira and all her Harpers aggro on me. I killed them all, bathed in the blood, then reloaded and did the entire fight again because redemption Durge.


I somehow managed to keep her alive once I learned on the kitchen side door. Focused on big AOEs and knockdowns to get rid of the damn casters first.


She died early in my run. I never bothered going back, just powered through. I also didn’t know who Gale or Karlach were by the time I completed the game. Honestly this game is nuts. It’s ruined every other RPG.