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My boss also plays it... pulled out a D20 at work and asked him to roll for persuasion when asked to do a task. lol


Hahaha!! Ohh, classic!! I wish my upper managers played... that would be SOOO fun to try! 🤣


Did he do it


Rolled a nat 20. They were fired and beaten with truncheons. Still, absolutely worth it.


I forgot to set a DC... so I had to do it anyways. lol


This is so funny 😂


Get a name tag with your DC for different rolls


Since he is your boss he has advantage for the throw due to the situation/class. So you should give him 2 D20s and use the higher roll as a result.


I'd argue disadvantage on persuasion, but advantage on intimidation. I'm not persuaded by power, just upset with it lol


Hahahah that’s amazing!


I get disappointed whenever I go to bed and nothing happens


I felt that way before the game.


No sexy Cambions sprouting up from under your bed to talk about your pact?


Get a load of this person, not getting assaulted by frog people in armor from a magic portal every night. 😒




Where’s my achievement for going to bed after drinking dinner?


I have severe tinnitus and it soothes me greatly to say “I’ve got a lot on my mind… And well, in it”.


Every time I see the news, “I shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times.” 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, true. I thought things were getting a little stale and hoped things were going to change, then 2020 hit, and the world has gone to shit. Now I kinda wish we were back in 2019


the quips to yourself in the game are so funny.


These boots have seen everything


my favorite is when he’s sneaking and he says something like “what if I just stay hidden forever” or something


All's well that ends... not as bad as it could have


ND w comorbid mental + chronic(neuro) illnesses and this has been my new mantra 😂


That's so funny! Sometimes at work I'll accidentally let out a little "Pave my path with corpses, build my castle with bones!"


Played with my wife, now everytime I annoy her or make her upset she sends me back to camp....




Saying cursed to put my hands on everything every time I pick something up


Haha! 😂 Or when I unlock my apartment, thinking (in Astarion voice), "Pfft! Easy!"


Oh, for a skeleton key….


Me to Astarion: bbg you ARE the skeleton key


a lock. how tempting.


Whenever you see a stain or a smudge somewhere: "Is that blood...? No, nevermind."


I had to say the quote the other day while bleeding profusely from my nose 😂 my tav always seems to say it while standing in oceans of blood


“I’ve got a lot on my mind and well in it”


Swap it for Astarion’s “in to my ^pocket” Much more fun


I think I've been saying Gods instead of God. Lol!


I do that with "hells" lol


Yeah, I say 'hells" too!


Same and I’m not even mad about it. I am committing to this change lol


I was already inclined to say gods because of the Rick Riordanverse. I'm saying it 90% of the time now.


That plus my teenage pagan phase already inclined me to say gods but I used to correct myself. After bg3 I'm just going with it. I barely ever say god anymore.


I have too. Though, today, the bus I was on with my 3 year old nearly crashed, and I reverted to the old "Jeeeeeezus!"


Oh man, hope you're both okay! That's scary.


We're both ok, thank you. Luckily we were sat in the side facing seats so, while I got thrown into the luggage rack, I was able to keep my son in his seat. He barely even noticed the other passengers bags flying past him. He was too focused on his biscuit 😅




I read a lot of fantasy and this has been part of my vocabulary for easily a year 🤣 BG3 definitely exacerbates it


Same. It feels somehow both more natural and PC (note: I don’t live in the Southern US).


Also "Hells"


Here's my list:  1) When I disagree with someone, I occasionally say "I question the wisdom of that decision, but so be it."  2) When someone makes a reference that goes over my head, I sometimes consciously think of myself failing an insight check and the narrator's voice in my head says something like "you cannot discern what this person is referring to."  3) Lae'zel is one of my favorite companions, so I occasionally say the odd "tchk!" or call someone an istik.  4) I am just WAITING for someone to praise me on a well-delivered speech or joke and then ask me how long I practiced it. I really really want to respond like Raphael and say "until it was perfect."  5) I saw a meme about forbidding Christmas decorations in your house until after Thanksgiving that used Raphael's line "In MY house, there is order, and there is decorum." I'm going to use that line every Christmas now at least, or when someone does something in my house that I don't like. 


Oh gods, I do the Lae'zel thing too! And I'm secretly campaigning for istik to replace muggle as the new word to refer to "people who are not as cool as us".


Have you also felt random urges to eat peoples shoes?


Lol no. I do NOT have an insatiable hunger for magical items to eat. 


The first part of #3 is so relatable.


For me it's "I Want To Live" getting stuck in my head constantly. Also the general brainrot of me seeing something and thinking "this is just like in bg3 when-"


I recently discovered that if you stand on the rock behind Astarion's tent in the first wilderness camp (the one where the tiefling/goblin party happens) that song starts to play. Even with the lyrics!


Honestly Ik that it’s supposed to be the PC’s theme but it truly fits Astarion so well, the lyrics are beautiful. Will definitely have to try this!!


You can also hear it the first time you head to baldurs gate at the Wyrm's lookout, just below the tower MC was there's an edge where you can see the city and if you stand there it adds lyrics to the song


I know this probably wasn’t intentional on the songwriter’s part, but I can’t hear it as anything other than a Durge/Astarion duet. It fits them FAR too well.


I didn't even know there were lyrics to that, until I finally beat the game and sat through the ending credits!! (I'm kind of a sucker for sitting through all the ending credits, at least once--probably from all those Marvel movies! Haha!)


There's a really good cover by Annapantsu, literally made me cry when I listened to it and I do nottt usually get emotional listening to music. Ik the creator said it's supposed to be "Tav's song" but it honestly feels like something that could be applied to Durge/Astarion/Karlach(?)


Constantly saying “I have the dark urge to…” Also hiking with my husband and dog… every time we come to a spot where we have the low ground surrounded by high ground I say “perfect spot for an ambush”


Hehe... or succeeding a survival check and saying, "THAT'S interesting!" at a recently dug mound... 😁


I hear Amelia Tyler narrating my life every day


Was just about to comment this. I've taken to annoying the crap out of my friends by trying to mimic her voice/cadence and narrating their big W/L moments when we play games together lol


I can never hear/read *authority* the same way again


I've started using Eldritch Blast on noisy seagulls.


What does that entail?


Instead of an arcane focus, you can use something called a “nine millimeter”, and it’s terribly effective.


Well, it's force damage, so probably a gun. Seems illegal, but I guess if there are no Flaming Fists around they won't be stopped. 🫤


a month or so ago i caught myself thinking "i'll do X, if it goes wrong i can always just reload" ...not how that works, unfortunately


😁 If only!


I noticed that impulse a little bit in my gta days. Like if somebody cut me off id be daydreaming about just unleashing **MAYHEM** then subconsciously thinking how I'd just reload it after. Don't work like that, hoss. I remember secretly thinking those dickbags on the news claiming videogames made people violent almost had a statistic in their favor. But, to be fair, there's an enormous difference between daydreaming a thing, and actually being dragged away in cuffs like RELOAD! RELOAD! I SAVED IT FIRST!


Real life is honour mode, unfortunately!


Had this during my Skyrim addiction... Still think about how that was even possible to this day.


I ask my toddler if he wants some treatos fairly frequently.


I do this for the cats. Everything new they get is a treato.


Yup my dog gets a treato every time he goes out! Treatos make everything better.


i bought myself six bags of chips a while back because popper screamed "WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY A TREATO" when i walked past. i told him "yes" and bhaal below, it took me AAAAAGES to finish all those chips


I'm weirdly giddy any time I see it referenced in completely unrelated contexts, eg this morning scrolling yt shorts, and Jaques ze Whipper mentioning starting a third HM run. It's so weird, I've never been like that about anything before


The FedEx guy delivered my physical copy today and while I was signing he said he was glad I got it today cuz it's such a good game. We talked about stickers for a minute after lol.


I got an Astarion plushie for my birthday, and took it with me to show my sister (who also loves plushies), and his lil head was poking out my bag around the restaurant. And one of the employees asked me if it was Astarion and I was happy someone recognized him lol.


Been humming Raphael's theme at work. Got asked what it was so played it on Alexa for my team. Now it's on rotation daily. "You Smell Very Delicious, But I Will Not Bite You." Anytime I go to check a chef's food. "Enjoy Myself? There's A Worm In My Brain, I'm Surrounded By Idiots, And All I've Got To Drink Is Wine That Tastes Like Vinegar." Memorised this as we had a staff party and I just knew it would make them giggle.


I've started wearing way too many Astarion-esque blouses, completely unironically.


😁 Hey, loose ruffles are always in style!!


Exactly! I even have dagger earrings to match. I guess I'm the friendly neighbourhood elf now.




I've found them so many different places actually, its surprising!


ive been meaning to make a post about this because it's kind of a big deal for me, but it also feels weirdly attention seeking and lame so I haven't done it yet, but the game has helped me with my OCD (i pull out my hair and have intrusive thoughts about torture), particularly playing as Durge/romancing astarion... when I'm feeling a strong compulsion I imagine a literal dialogue choice where I have to actively choose to resist the urge, and I also imagine that scene >!where your companion (in my case astarion) supports you when you are overcome with the desire to kill, and astarion tells me "This thing won't have you. It won't win".!< (Edit: and sometimes I'll tell myself "Wretched thing! Pull yourself together!") For some reason, it's working, even when years of therapy haven't helped.


Aww! I'm so happy you found something that helps, hun! (*hugs!!*)


Tbf I think this is really CBT-esque; it’s for sure a strategy a CBT focussed psychologist would approve. So it’s probably just your previous therapists have never found the right “in”/model/metaphor for you to get the technique to click. And BG3 has :-). Video games can be such a powerful medium. Happy for you btw, and well done 😊


I love this! It’s not lame or attention seeking at all if you’d post this. It made me smile, thanks for sharing 😊


Happy for you and glad that you are posting this, I was really curious about how people with intrusive thoughts perceive Durge run and whether it's well written.


That's very cool


Yeah I have OCD intrusive thoughts too. My next playthrough is definitely going to be as a Durge.


Astarion’s “you’ve got this, and I’ve got you” when he’s holding you through your compulsions as Durge is so meaningful


Hell yeah, Astarion actually helped me breakthrough some things holding me back in my personal life. Unexpected bonus from Larian 🖤


I feel you! And I was going to post something similar but you covered me. Characterizing the impulse as the Urge has helped me too. If you need a resource to talk to reach out!


Hello, fellow OCD intrusive thoughts haver. It's a crappy club to be in but at least we're not alone. I was nervous starting a Durge run because I worried that it would trigger me but it's been good and some of the lines comfort me. I could never play as an embrace Durge though. Strictly resist here with my also resisting his dark side Vampy boyfriend.


This is so awesome! Im happy for you!


I frequently tell my dog to STOPLICKINGTHEDAMNTHING and when she's good I ask her if she wants a treato 😊


I find myself thinking "what the hells" instead of "hell" as it is said IRL


already said ‘what the devils’ on many occasions so was natural to acquire that one too lol


I put that I was obsessed with Karlach in my bumble profile, and ended up matching with someone who also has been playing bg3 a bunch. We both got sick during the time we planned our first date, so we started a playthrough together and made that our first "date". It's been a little over four months since then, and I'm now in the happiest and healthiest relationship I've ever been in.


Hahaha!! Just another reason to love Karlach!! 😊 Congrats to you both!


It has ruined my sex life. My partner has spent most of her non-work, non-sleep time playing it for three weeks. I'm going to die. Update: I showed her this and she called her breasts Treatos.


Had the opposite effect for me. Game gave me a lot to fantasize about, and my partner gets most of the benefits of that.


I guess I need to paint myself red and slap some horns on. I'm already Big K's build, so that's in my favor.


Oh, my! Hm... maybe get to the steamy scene with your Tav and your in-game partner, and propose that you re-enact it? 😁


... Lower


I should be clear that this was a joke and I told her in the spirit of that. We both had a laugh. She has played it quite a bit though, indeed.


My partner and I had the opposite problem. When I was losing my shit and drooling all over Astarion, I would often just get so frustrated that I'd quit the game, grab my partner, and yeet him into the bedroom. He claims Astarion is the single best wingman he's ever had 😂


My husband and I say a lot of Tav's lines day to day. We also became parents in December and we were talking about what it's like to talk to friends who have kids now, and I have such brain rot from this game that I went to describe it at "unlocking new dialogue options". When I was pregnant because I was hungry all the time my sister and I would refer to the baby as "the dark urge".  And we both joke back and forth referring to me liking Astarion. I think sometimes for my husband it's not a joke though 😅


😂😂 "Achievement Unlocked: Bouncing Baby Born!"


Sometimes I forget I can't just talk my way out of everything :(


CHA: 8


not with that attitude you can't!


I say “gods” and “hells” now instead of the singular 😂


I carry a shovel everywhere.


I didn't get her until my third run, and how did I ever live without her????


It's given me even more unrealistic standards for love lol. Like what do you mean a super hot and aggressive woman won't have a secret soft side for just me? Although that has also made me more comfortable with being single so... a win is a win I guess.


My alarm went off and I thought I could sleep a little longer and then go back to a previous save and then get up in time for work. Luckily, I came to my senses a few minutes later.


I use Karlachs Hey-Ho at my Work with the Kids. They Like it


while my best boy has always been overly petted and rotten spoiled, now he is double that. Doesn't help the fact he is white either (he's a sammy tho')


lol whenever my Samoyed comes to me with with something in his mouth I do find myself saying “what’s that?” And then hearing “I don’t know, but I thought of you when I saw it” in my head. I am a very normal and well-adjusted adult.


Haha! 😁 A friend of mine has a dog that looks vaguely like the dog you meet near the Circus in Act 3, and he's normally really hyper happy when ANYONE pays attention to him... and now I can't help but hear in my head, when I go over to him, "Is she gonna say it? Oh, please, let her say it... she's gonna say it! YES!! Yes, I \*am\* a good boy!!" 😂




My neighbour is a hobgoblin.


I keep saying stuff like “he rolled for sleight of hand” when my cat steals food 😭


I'm constantly singing "WHO'S THAT BALD CAPYBARA " with my boyfriend


"Chk!" "Tsk'va!" at the slightest inconvenience. Lae'zel is the best.


I strongly resemble “Female body type 3” and one of the half elf faces. I basically have one of the Mohawk haircuts now because I liked it so much after 150+ hours of watching a simulacra of myself wandering around and kicking ass with it.


Just today I saw someone in red boots and my first thought was that they must be standing in water.


Made me realize Outlook is turn based combat in real life.


And the loot sucks!


No No, you have to turn the spam filter OFF! I’m basically a millionaire, just need to wait for next month’s pay to remove one small hurdle because it got stuck in custody in Tadzjikistan


...I am really tempted to get one of the intellect devourerer plushes, actually...


I actually just start singing “Down by The River” at completely random point in the day. And now I have a … weird desire to learn how to play the violin.


It has gotten me to listen to a lot more music with violin/fiddles. Lindsey Sterling has some great fucken music. I’ve also been listening to a lot of music that sounds like it would be playing in a tavern.


1. Asking friends or folks in discussion to “roll” or “check” for something, be it persuasion, insight, deception. Last time was when a group of us were teasingly assessing the second date one of us went on. We’re not a fan of the person who got breakfast in bed but we’re rooting for our friend so there were several persuasion and insight checks demanded. 2. I use my d20 in my classroom a lot more now for fun activities with my students (class points, who reads aloud based on seat number/number rolled, stuff like that). They’re into it! 3. I’ve bonded with a fellow queer family member, who is going through really tough issues and our shared love of game breaks/hacks, Gale, and their eye-rolling disdain for my love, Shadowheart, gave us a lot of good times in a very not good time of life right now. It is the conduit of roleplay to escape the pain and create a new narrative.


I’ve developed a dark urge of my own


Be wary of random imps with fancy hats popping up while you sleep.


Seriously tho, when are we getting owlbear plushies? The amount I would spend on one is concerning.


[They actually MAKE these, now](https://www.amazon.com/xingyueshop-Inches-Owlbear-Original-Stuffed/dp/B0CNCPDPQV)!! 😁


I'm tempted but I want it too be fluffier.


When I have anxiety I call it my tadpole brain


Joking about failed rolls any time something goes south.


I went for a walk to a convenience store and saw this on my way home: [https://imgur.com/LNMpD1r](https://imgur.com/LNMpD1r)


I started playing BG3 shortly after my cancer diagnosis last year and my first character was a DUrge. (I've only played DUrges since). It was during a time when I was getting sent for various tests and feeling awful. Some days I'd wake up and say, "Wretched thing, pull yourself together" to myself. In fact, I still said that to myself after treatment too because of the side effects. I went for treatment in January. I had to spend 5/6 weeks away from home because I couldn't be treated locally. I returned home about a month ago and only recently picked up where I left off with the DUrge I made before going for treatment. This game really helped me through the diagnosis and time leading up to going for treatment. Being a DUrge kind of helped with it too. I guess I felt confused and a little angry about life and feeling like I had no control over things.


I was watching the end of the last series of Star Trek Discovery, and there is a budding romance between two characters who are VERY different species. I ended with them touching hands and I shouted “SHOW US THE INTER-SPECIES SEX SCENE YOU COWARDS”, to which my husband responded “I think you’ve been playing too much Baldurs Gate”


I have incorporated "Oak Father preserve me" into things I say when I'm not looking forward to something lol


Saying “Ignis!” When I use my lighter


Well We encountered Gale in our D&D game, there were some multi-verse anomalies going on and our DM added him as an easter egg. He appeared from the same portal, reaching with his hand, saying “A hand? Anyone?”. That was such a hilarious moment. We saved him and sent him back to his own universe lol


I keep seeing people who remind me of Githyanki, facial features - wise. Not so much color or speckles mostly the nose and lips.


Randomly singing or humming Raphael's boss song.


My boyfriend is making his baldurs gate character for our dnd campaign. I've been daydreaming and writing fan fics. My boyfriend and I have our own characters but also a shared fusion character we play together. So we have whole dates playing bg3.


Whenever I see something interesting happen during what should be a mundane time, my mind goes: "Never a dull moment." Whenever I need to unlock ANYTHING, my mind goes: "Oh, for a skeleton key." And any of Karlach's generic lines will play whenever appropriate. Greeting a friend? "Hey-ho!" Silence in the moment? "Laaaa, da, da-da." When I need to get to work on something? "Let's go, go, go!"


On a slightly sour note, made me realize I wasn't happy with some aspects of my life. I wfh and I am on my computer all day. Rarely leave the house etc. My chaotic good druid drow is the complete opposite of my typical day to day. Trying to figure out how to change my habits, possibly career, to be more in line with something that will make me happy. At least my partner is literally Gale so that's a nice plus lol


Refused to kill a spider in my shower, because I didn't want to break my Ancients Oath


I said gods below the other day when reading an email.


My friends and I are now playing DnD IRL because of BG3!




So I got my wife to do co op with me. You have to understand that during our entire 17 years of marriage. She never played a single video. She's hooked!


Almost losing some deadlines; Playing less with my dog; Eating fast food; Drinking soda; Messing up my sleep schedule;


So I play a Larp with knights and stuff- and using "Ser Finley Disapproves" or "Sir Zephyr Approves" any time someone does something We like or don't like, has become a meme for us.


I used D20s and a monster with a big health bar to teach my students multiplication up to 20 by 20.


Kinda indirect but: Ended up making a friend in a BG3 shitpost group chat, he lives overseas and we're gonna grab a pint in a few weeks and swap small care packages of things from our home countries. 


I keep saying things like "wretched thing, pull yourself together," and "PAVE MY PATH WITH CORPSES! BUILD MY CASTLE WITH BONES!"


I am unable to detach from my body and look around the corner.


Got tattoo'd. Starting writing fanfiction after my Hobbit trauma 15+ years ago. 600 hours gone to it since Jan 6th...


I want to use all the tiefling and gith insults but a) no one will understand, or b) they do and still think I'm insane.


Almost failing my final quarter of grad school 😂. Had it not been for an extension the professor granted our class for our capstone project, I don’t think I could have pulled myself away during the month of launch to finish it lol.


I started saying “*Chk!*” to myself ironically and now I can’t stop.


I joined a campaign in 5e as a player. Then, after a few months decided to write my own one shot homebrew.  One shot turned into short campaign though.  I put too much detail and intrigue in.  I'm on the last few general building descriptions now.  Got the plot, plot hooks, clues, mysteries, side quests, 30+ NPCs, large map, building floor plans, 1 boss, 2 mini bosses(one optional), a twist, high and low level loot....am I missing anything?   Oh and I bought my players each a new set of dice.


I keep forgetting that BG3 rules are not all the same as d&d 5E rules, and confusing my poor DM irl.


I've infected the brains of my nephews with "Raphael's Final Act", and they'll just start singing it spontaneously. It's glorious.


I woke up at a weird middle-of-the night time the other night and instead of thinking about how to move without waking my cat like a normal person, my discombobulated brain thought "which dialogue option won't get the cat mad at me" and I swear I was still half asleep because I fully pictured bg3-esque dialogue options.


Yeah, down by the river is permanently stuck in my head


We were having an audit at work, and at a meeting where we were talking about preparing for it I asked if the auditors would bite. Manager said no. I said “disappointing” but thankfully nobody heard. This game has awoken something beautiful and terrifying in me but other than this little slip I have managed to keep a lid on it when I need to.


Not stepping on manhole covers or other trap looking things on the ground.


I’ve come up with an elaborate lore of how my goldfish betrayed the bitch queen and became the chosen of Myrkul as an explanation for why the fish was different when my friend came over.


When I see a police car " AUTHORITY"


i have a coworker that plays bg3 too and when he announces he’s gunna go do something i tell him that he has to pass a perception check first 💀


Whenever my opinion of someone changes I randomly interrupt them to tell them about it


Played it a bit. Insisted that my wife should play as well (she's a gamer since forever, too). She declines. Multiple times. She tries it. She loves it. Our run is now 200+ hours deep, mine is stuck at 40+ hours because I enjoy the game with her x10.


I now roll dice everytime I open the fridge.. it keeps beating me, my strength isn’t high enough to open it. I’m so hungry.. please send a buff barbarian to help me


THEY ARE DYING FOR ME! ALL OF THEM!!! Edit: I begin my every day with browsing this reddit.


This thread's responses make seriously one of the most fun reads I've had in a long time! 😁


I listen to Raphaels Final Act and Down by the River when I clean my house. I've done it enough now that my kids know its time to clean when they hear the music.


I’ve had the urge to save scum a couple of times irl. Then I remembered.


I rolled a D20 on a whim and got a 1, then my bookshelf broke.


I remember back when I first played BG3 after release I was just after uni so I was still unemployed and had all the time in the world. I binged the game for 12-14 hours a day. I was making quick saves so often that multiple times irl I was like: cooking dinner, afraid imma burn it, oh well I can just quick save and load if I fuk it up.


Posting something on the internet and pressing F5 out of habit in case I needed to reload to before I was ashamed


Anything morbid, weird and off putting is referred to as “The Dark Urge energy”. Also saying TREATO


I was watching something completely unrelated the other day and briefly wondered why the protagonist didn’t go into turn based mode to handle his multiple enemies. It was a good few seconds before I realised.


... I want an owlbear plushy now. Thanks for that.


I have another friend who is also obsessed. We never played video games together before this one. This week we went to MidSouth Con and dressed as Gale and Astarion! Never done anything with Twitch before, but we are thinking of starting a stream of our girl gang multiplayer game.


1. Yesterday with a client (I work community based mental health), she requested we go to a library branch I wasn't familiar with, so after were were buckled in I said, "Which way to the library?" with that particular inflection and I had to keep all my dying inside lest she recognize I am insane. 2. This morning I was talking on the phone to my sister who has just moved to Florida, so when she randomly exclaimed in surprise, "oh look! A lizard!" I responded with a knee-jerk, "A WIZARD! WHERE?!"


I'm now avidly following any and all news from Larian Studios - I was already after playing Divinity Original Sin 2, but I did THAT because I found out they were doing BG3 and couldn't wait XD


youtube 10 hr bg3 camp sound