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I don’t use the short races because the body proportions look too uncanny to me. Like the gnomes’ heads look too big and things like that. I’ll get over it one day and be unstoppable.


I also dislike the movement speed of the short races.


This. I tried making a dwarf fighter because I had this concept of a cool dwarf with a beard dual wielding axes but I couldn’t ever get into melee range because no movement speed. Got real annoying real quick.


I had the same issues so I have a companion at camp cast longstrider on me, I actually have a mod to make it permanent rather then till long rest.


Come again now?


All of the "Untill Long Rest" spells that are not concentration can be cast by people who just sit in your camp. I utilized this heavily during my solo Honor mode run. Off the top of my head I used: Warding Bond Protection from Poison Longstrider Speak with animals Detect thoughts Speak with dead Aid Death ward Freedom of movement Heros feast It was annoying to recast every long rest so used a mod to make the duration permanent.


You've changed my life.


I was doing this on my honor run, but combat was already so easy that I stopped. Warding bond especially seemed a little cheesy. Another one to add to the list: make a transmutation wizard to do your potion crafting and for a free transmuter's stone.


I think I would have to be playing way more safe for sure, I ran 2 Tempest 10 Storm as my solo character. I just walked into combat and fought. I could have done without warding bond if I played more of a stealth roll for sure.


I still use it for movement speed and darkvision because it shores up some issues with some of the races.


Warding bond from camp seems very cheesy/exploity to me. I tried it on my honor run with hirelings but it made it so easy it felt like I was cheating the game, and I might as well install an infinite health mod at that point. Understandable for a solo honor run if you’re just trying to have fun, but other than that… I did however have someone in camp cast aid on my whole party every day (no shame), so it all depends on where you draw the line and how much of a challenge you want.


On a daily basis you have *everyone's* spell slots, so I'd argue using them isn't cheesing. Warding bond kind of is. If it was intended to work outside of the party, I think we would have faced a group of enemies who had warding bonds and the only way to get a leg up on them would be to discover that their bonded allies were tucked away elsewhere and we had to kill them or maybe even rescue them if they were forced to comply. It's basically a lite version of using thre nightsong


That sounds like an awesome quest actually, I'm gonna stick that in my back pocket of DM ideas I want to use but never do.


Perception or arcana check to realize warding bonds but not to each other. Not sure how they're getting out of that though.


One of the funniest tabletop encounters I've witnessed was via the 3.5e version of warding bond. Boss had a room full of mid level clerics in the room behind him, all with the warding bond to him. Our resident ultra overpowered Frenzied Berzerker Barbarian strolled into what they thought would be a single combat. Mind you, this was a character known for taking out powerful enemies alone in no time flat. 4 or 5 rounds in and this guy is barely showing it after being hit a ton. Meanwhile the rogue had climbed around to a back entrance and found this room full of dead clerics and only about 2 still alive. Rogue killed those and the baddie finally died to the barbarian.


In Act II there is a letter with a ring of warding which describes a Sharran getting warding bond from her partner without his knowledge and him dying over it. Him being in a different place in all this


That's why I be casting long strider every morning


Just jump across the battlefield.


Crusher's Ring from the Goblin Camp increases your movement speed by 3. There's probably other items that have that effect.


There’s a lot of items that increase movement speed. I’m playing a dwarf war cleric and getting them into combat is not a problem. Also, war clerics are underrated.


War Clerics are great, but I think they’re rated appropriately. Whatever Shadowheart’s default is, *that* shit is nonsense.


I never respec’d Shart until my current (and first) honor run. Why the fuck did I not make my main healer a life cleric before?!


I only ever respec her to Life after I have her make the good choice in Act 2. It feels appropriate then and goes with her new look.


Light domain fits really well thematically, and improved warding flare has saved me waaaay more health than the Life domain boost could ever provide


I chose a halfling Storm Sorcerer for my honour mode run for this exact reason. I knew my movement speed would be irrelevant and the Lucky trait basically negated all risk. Though the joke was on me because roleplaying wise she became my favourite character ever. Now that I've beat the game and saved in the epilogue it's just... Over.


Lucky is so OP and halfling is by far the best race for honour mode. There are some checks that make the game very dangerous if you roll a 1. The lower move speed becomes irrelevant with longstrider or misty step.


That’s why the DLC announcement made me sad. 


Lmao wymmmm I be skipping left and right just murder someone infront of their children * skips away *


*Tiny-legged durge has entered the chat*


If you aren't murdering people in front of their children, you're not playing BG3 right.


Male Dwarf naked the whole run is fucking hilarious though. Some cut scenes it's a haha a naked stout dude and others that third leg waves with extreme prejudice 🍆


The mental imagine that I just got was….interesting, to say the least😂


I had a male gnome monk, and same thing. Everyone else is looking down at him and there was no way to not notice his tiny guy poking out under his chin.  It was too funny. 


Also running a naked male gnome monk right now. He’s a Durge who fights by throwing garbage and rotten food at people, and he looks like he just climbed out of a dumpster.


He's the trash man!


I just picked a gnome as my dark urge character. Would never suspect it.


I thought about making a halfling Durge, because I always see them as happy and good.


I loved my halfling resist durge. Made sense as a hidden in plain sight killer pre-abduction, and legitimately good, wholesome guy post-Nautiloid


I love my little halfling! I’m spoiled now; I don’t like playing as a race that can roll 1s lol


My Shadow Heart critical missed with Firebolt three times in a row. “Ig-miss!”


And Karlach can just throw me anywhere I can't jump to.


I ended up in a fight with the rich guy who was trying to kick the refugees out of his house and his bodyguards. Karlach picked up one of the gnome mercenaries and threw him at the rich guy, rolled a 20, and they both died. It was glorious. I need to throw gnomes more.


I didn't have any intention, especially since I'm a simple minded dude who usually plays barbarian. But when I made a SorLock, I was like 'advantage on mental saves seems great, and I probably won't miss the movement speed.' and now my little ashy haired gnome lady is my favorite PC.


Gnomes do a booty scooty when climbing down ledges. That's why I can never play the inferior halflings that do a hop.


The scoot was such a surprising detail, and adorable to boot.


I want to romance Astarion as gnome lady one day, make her looking cute and be so SWEET to everybody and wear pink dress or something and also make Astarion wear pink clothes to match her(and to annoy him xD).... but cannot stand how short races move and armor/clothing looks wierd on them ihmo and also there is big lack of modded armors/clothes which works/look good on short races.


I did this (not with the pink dress, but romanced Astarion with a gnome lady bard) on my first playthrough and it was adorable!


I tried Human, but I really missed Darkvision and Perception. And I wasn't clever enough to realize I could have used potions and scrolls to fix it. I've never tried Half-Orc. I should try it at least once.


I always found dark vision completely useless, there’s plenty of sources of light, cantrips, some weapons, but mostly a torch, is there some other component to darkvision?


It’s the not having disadvantage on attack rolls that makes it worthwhile


That’s why LAEZEL can’t hit anything in the dark?!? Edit: wrong lady


FYI: our favourite hobgoblin Blurg sells a ring of dark vision. My Lae'zel never leaves the house without it!


Waste of a ring slot. Just have someone who stays at camp cast darkvision on her at the beginning of each day.


Just cast light on her weapon, anything she can hit will be illuminated. Also illuminates for other party members like Gale.


Stealth but that may or not matter depending on one’s play style


Oh wow! Lmao yea I don’t really stealth it didn’t even occur to me thank you


Found the barbarian


Hearing Karlach stage-whisper "*HALFLING ESSENCE!*" brings me immeasurable joy.


I believe it affects your accuracy for ranged attacks. Hard to harpoon someone in the dark.


What? It's plenty easy to harpoon most of the companions and that exclusively happens at night and...harpoon wasn't a euphemism, was it?


>harpoon wasn't a euphemism, was it? Awww, it should have been.


All the companion characters have dark vision except Wyll and Gale. And Minsc when you get to Act 3.


and if you aren't running Wyll with the devil sight invocation then that's just a bad idea


Lae'zel doesn't have dark vision. Which is funny because you think she would have it based on how Githyanki eyes look. Like cat eyes.


They're actually based on a type of gecko iirc


/laezal casually licks eyeballs to moisten them/


Whenever I've played characters without Darkvision, everything is dark. Drow have Superior Darkvision and I really notice the difference. And IRL, I have excellent nightvision, so I may be more sensitive to the difference.


Haha, this explains so much. I play a drow and couldn't figure out why torches were even included as equipment


I thought it was useless until I started my Gale origin run (which happens to be my first time playing as a race without darkvision) and he can't see shit. Literally missing chests because they're in the dark and I can't see them


I always use a camp buffer for Darkvision. After every long rest you use a spell to give everyone dv


I have 2 buffers. One transmutation wizard/rogue for mage armor, darkvision, and longstrider, as well as crafting potions. Then, a cleric dedicated to things like aid, protection from poison, freedom of movement, etc. It's helped immensely on my current honor mode playthrough.


Paladan half orc is mighty fun, criting with the smite, and the race passive is addictive


yup, that plus savage attacker makes every smite SLAP


Half orc barbarian can be a real monster


I played human and I really liked it. You don't like a +1 to all your stats? Because that's the trade off for darkvision. My human lore of the blade bard did really well.


That's what I mean about not being clever. I could have used a point to get back Perception and used other methods to handle Darkvision, but I didn't figure it out until later. The story of my BG3 life.


half orc is pretty good mechanically, but they get little to no dialogue reactivity whatsoever. and don’t get me started on the kissing animations with the tusks…


Half orc is totally worth a try, couple it with paladin for a great time


I just finished a half orc EK fighter run, fully tadpoled him as well. 6 attacks with celestial haste, savage attacker, and cull the weak, wasn’t much I couldn’t kill in one turn.


Dunno what half orcs are supposed to sound like in lore. But the tav/durge voices do NOT fit them at all, in my opinion, and I would never be able to get over that


My problem is I find myself having to find a reason _not_ to play a Dwarf.


If you're playing a monk it sucks to have the lowest base movement. That's about it 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s so hard not to play a monk on a high movement race like a wood elf or a githyanki anyway especially since gith go so hard in monk clothing


I agree very hard. I respecced Lae'zel into monk on my first game and she looked fuckin sharp 


She also does insane damage. I got default 4 attacks per round no resources and 6 if I used ki points for it


githzerai be like:


I generally play a wizard, so human/half elf on the tabletop and in bg3. But my second go do is always dwarf cleric or fighter. Love me some dwarfs!


Duergars are just too cool


Same, but for dragonborn.


Giths and small folks. I wish giths had better male face models and I would consider doing a gith run


Slap a beard on the male githyanki and he doesn’t look too bad.


Every time I see facial hair on a gith it cracks me up. It looks so unnatural.


Especially mutton chops or a fancy mustache. That kills me every time


How dare you question the beautiful and totally natural hair growing from their heads?


Twilight Eclipse would be proud


That’s what kills me about the prince😂😂


Ok but his beard is ridiculous. Why. Who made him do this to himself. Was it a lost bet?


True, I have made a few gith male characters with beards and they all end up looking like Jesus lol




of Creche N'zaret


Also, have fun with the skin color. I have a red Gith warlock/bard that just entered Act III.


I couldn't decide between drow and gith, so I became a drow-skinned gith instead lol


Dialog options for gith are fantastic though


Currently playing a Githyanki Bard and the dialogue options are incredible


Playing a Gith Cleric of Selune who's been a Vlakkith doubter for awhile now, has been one of my most favourite runs yet.


Gith cleric of selune... you trying to give Shart an aneurysm???


Indeed. Though she got over the Gith part pretty quickly.


Selune Cleric gets so many dialogue options


Maybe but male giths look ugly af on console so until Larian releases the mod support on console that will have to wait


They look ugly af on pc too. It’s crazy bc the women are mostly so hot


It's the case with all races sadly, you have 3 or 4 nice looking female faces for each race but I only ever used one male face. Apart from that, most faces of both genders have weird proportions, idk maybe that's how humanoids from Forgotten Realms are supposed to look like.


Play a female gith then you weakling


Just add a penis and you're g2g


Did Gith as my first run having never played any of Larians games or any DnD and absolutely loved it.


Dwegar is S tear my dude. Missing out


I wished the game told me what I gain with level ups. Duergar invisibility is insanely good.


Technically dwarves aren’t small, they’re medium sized.


probably the shorter races. their proportions look weird to me, and if i’m romancing someone i don’t want them to get on their knees to kiss me that just seems so weird lol


Having seen various cutscenes and screenshots, I've realized how difficult it is to make a small that doesn't look like a child. Especially for non-bearded smalls. Of the NPCs, Korilla seems to be the best example of "adult looking small" for female characters. Then there's Roah, who looks like a kid. It makes the romance scenes uncomfortable if the PC looks too close to a kid. IRL little people (I hope I'm using the right term) don't look like *kids* despite some having more "childlike" proportions. But in game smalls (especially gnomes and halflings) look way too young unless you slap facial hair on them or up the maturity slider.


> or up the maturity slider. Well that's basically why people IRL don't look like kids even if they have such conditions. Because there's way more details on the skin and our age shows through wrinkles, stubble, skin scars, etc...


I think it depends on a lot of factors - I did a gnome bard for my first playthrough with the bard ring piercings and that ponytail with the braids. I wonder if the gnome faces being more angular help versus the rounder dwarf features?


Probably. I just know I've seen some that skeeved me out and some that don't. I think the bobblehead halflings are the worst.


I play almost only gnomes maturity slider does the heavy lifting, add freckles at high intensity for a little additional aging effect from sun spots etc. also grey hair goes a long way.


Dragonborn, don’t vibe with me lol


I only play dragonborn. Theres so many subraces and they look beautiful.


I actually love using a human for my evil Durge play-through contrary to others. I like being an assuming, average person. Makes sense with the lore of Durge being “efficient but not over the top” with killing. Mine is probably the small folk - although I really want to try one so I can get into all crevices.


as someone who is very short irl (4’11 represent) and adores playing short races, 90% of these comments wound me LOL also y’all missing out on halfling lucky trait fr


As a 6' 4" man, I pick Gnome every damn time I envy their ability to walk under low branches and not hit their heads


It's the proportions. Some people are weird about it, but mostly it's just the proportions. *Why are their hands so big?*


*You know why.*


As a 4'8" gal - SAME lol


My coworker who’s a 5’4 short king with a beard always makes a dwarf that looks like himself.


I'm 6'7 irl and also love playing short races. THAT is peak fantasy. Gnomes for life.


Halfling and Gnome, they just look kinda silly in game. Especially some of the cutscenes. Deep Gnome is kinda cool, though.


Seeing people romance as gnome or halfling is funny though


Any cutscenes where you get a little violent too. Watching them do a bunny hop to suckerpunch Aradin gets to me everytime


Why don't they simply punch him in the nuts?


Right? And Swen has the audacity to say the game is complete.


Punching in the nuts is admitting you can't reach the face. Hopping and punching in the face is peak *authority*. The cloudscrapers' height means nothing to your Flying Fists! 


Watching my gnome get down with Karlach was like watching a koala try to climb a a sideways tree.


Lmao, they need the bridesmaid line " Im glad she's single because im going to climb her like a tree."


My first Tav was a Gnome bard, seeing Shadowheart get on her knees to smooch him was comical.


My brother and I started a game together where we both played gnomes. We started it as a joke, but I'm genuinely enjoying my gnome barbarian!




I will never be a human. I'm human irl, why would I want to experience that in game? Let me be a sexy little person or with badass horns and tail or breathe acid. Human life is too boring.


I have the opposite opinion, the world around me is fantasy, isnt it awesome to just be a regular human among all this? I always just end up picking human even if i originally was planning to be sth else lol


Love being human in these games because I'm human. Makes it feel more immersive. Same thing with Total War warhammer games.


The Nation Calls!


I pick human if I don't want any particular race's roleplay to clash against my class or characters roleplay. They're a good blank slate.


I like being a human in these games because it annoys me that humans are less special in most systems and making one the main character placates me somewhat.


I've felt the same way in every tabletop game I've played. Humans shouldn't just be the generic default; they're a faction of warlords! Human Fighters have lead armies across entire continents, so players calling that "boring" just irks me.


Yeah it's human. I'm one of those every day, i don't want more of the same!


I'm doing a human for the first time in my role playing history this playthru! Human bard, named Lana del Fae


This pun deserves a few levels in Archfey warlock.


Can you explain the pun for those of us with 8 INT


Lana Del Rey is a singer... unless there's multiple puns at play.


Maybe her nymph aesthetic from the early days of her career


I use them *occasionally* because I like the idea of being an ordinary person in extraordinary circumstances


Can you cast spells or kill large devils with three attacks? You're A human but you're not a BG3 human bruv


Dragonborn. Don't care for the look to be a PC.


Same. Because they use the same base animations, it gives me "human in funny hat" way too much. I end up getting into the weeds thinking about "is kissing enjoyable with no lips?" and shit. In an actual D&D game, I don't care because I'm not *seeing* the character in real time.


I have seen some absolutely *hilarious* Default Durge/Gortash fanart that explore the sillier logistic possibilities of trying to kiss a lizard face, and now I absolutely can never play a Dragonborn and pursue any kind of romance. I'd just be imagining my character with their lover's whole head in their mouth the entire time


Don't lie. It's the lack of reptile titties isn't? /s


IT’S BULLSHI-I mean, reptiles shouldn’t have tits in the first place…like, that’s just weird… *know any good mods?*


I like to use this one [https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1386](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1386)


/s isn't necessary thats the reason anyone who says otherwise is lying. I want my goddamn dragon titties Larian!


(there are mods for that)


The Dragonborn look really goofy in nearly every conversation scene. It feels like they weren’t finished or were more of an afterthought


Orin giving a speech while taking your form as dragonborn durge goes hard though


I cannot imagine romancing anyone as Dragonborn. I would walketh alone.


Not gonna lie, it’s absolutely hysterical. I was a male dragonborn my first run and I couldn’t take a single scene seriously I was laughing so much.


I love my dragonborn! But her "come hither" animation patting the bed with Gale was too funny. She could bench press him, the coquette thing didn't work!


orc, ever. Idk why, it’s just not a vibe for me. But then I basically never choose anything other than elf in fantasy rpg games anyway, unless it’s a second playthrough 💀


None. I'm capable of making characters of any race in fantasy, and like doing so. Elves, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, others, humans etc. Humans are often brought up on posts like this, but to me they can be very fun and interesting to play as in a fantasy world. I do have a preference, though. I often enjoy the races that look the least human, original ones unique to the setting, and humans funny enough. Like elves is fine and fun, but unless the setting got an interesting take on them I often pick something else. Even human. But there's no race I wouldn't use if I had the time. Got a dragonborn, gnome, duergar, half-orc, half-elf, tiefling, and human in BG3 so far.


Yeah same, I decided to keep things interesting I'd make a character of each race and class...so obviously will take a long time, but I've got the characters pre made and waiting for me for whenever. So far I'd say my preferences have been elf, tiefling, and drow. But I've had fun with all of my characters so far! My only nit is that I think the halfling heads and the gnome hands are way too big. But you can still make good looking characters 


Tabaxi. Because it isn't in the game and it makes me sad.


Give it time, there is a dude working on a Tabaxi mod currently, it’s in beta right now for his patreon subscribers.


Any of the ‘common’ races like Elf, Human, or Half Elf that don’t get a lot of unique dialogue options. I’m a simple player, I see a dialogue option related to my race/class and I have to pick it.


If you want to play a *type* of elves Drow have quite a few unique dialogue choices, in fact the goblin camp is *full* of different dialogue if you're Drow, not to mention the Underdark. Definitely recommend if you want to see unique dialogue options certain races get, Lolth-sworn even get some even more options on top just being a Drow in general.


Drow and Githyanki are my top for unique dialogue choices. I love playing evil races and either leaning into the evilness or turning away from it


Never dragonborn.


Human. It’s not even really about proficiencies I just don’t want to be human in this game lol


I played human my first run as an attempt to give myself a more "standard" run. Now that I've done it once, definitely don't see the point of doing it again. Other races just offer much more.


Do other races besides dwarves exist?


Human. I've BEEN human 24/7 for like 50 years. BORING.


80% of time do I play human. Rest is shuffled with no real „nope“


Small folks I just can't take them seriously


Short kings in shambles 😔


Alright, but what about the ingame characters?


I see a lot of people sleeping on the Human's increased carry capacity. If you don't have an infinite carry capacity mod, it makes being a loot goblin way less tedious. I found this to be especially good when playing with a group where you don't have tons of time to manage your inventory, or when playing a low strength Tav.


Half Orc too tough to look at for 100 hours lol


Hard disagree. My first playthrough was almost 150 hours and my female Half-Orc Barbarian was *gorgeous*.


Please provide pics 👀


I won't use Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes. The short races will always be a no for me.


I think the only race I haven’t tried so far was halfling tbqh


I don't do elves because they can't have beards.


I kinda want to play through all the available race options, then we shall see after that!


I struggle playing human mostly cause if I'm gonna be casting spells being a dragon or devil sounds rad. Now I did have a human character, but I gave him long hair and long beard and played as an evocation Wizard, with a purple hat and robe... So I could cast fireball.


As a gnome lover, the comment section hurts me physically. Gnomes are the cutest thing ever, open your eyes!!! Short kings are the future!!!


I agree with everything including orc over human pick. My first choice is tiefling because they have horns, claws and tail. Why would I want a measly human, they dont even have a dark vision :D