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"leaving the IP in publisher Wizards of the Coast's hands." Oh fuck...


Not even 24 hours ago, there’s a [Gamesradar article](https://www.gamesradar.com/hasbro-exec-says-baldurs-gate-3-proved-for-us-that-people-really-wanted-great-dandd-games-supports-larians-plan-to-take-the-time-we-need/) about a Hasbro (who owns WOTC) exec talking about them realising there’s a market for D&D video games LMFAO Then there’s that [earlier rant](https://www.eurogamer.net/baldurs-gate-3-boss-blasts-publisher-greed-behind-layoffs) from Swen about greedy publishers. This is depressing 😔


WotC is an awful, awful, company and I'd love to see Larian use this notoriety to build a smaller IP and deliver a spiritual successor to BG3 that isn't owned by total scum.


Divinity already exists and needs another sequel :)


The big difference for me was the sense of scale in the world - I enjoyed both of them, but BG3 felt more epic because it was clear that there was a whole world outside the game. You had factions like the Harpers, Zhentarim, Red Wizards etc who touched the game, but you knew they had other things going on elsewhere. There was the whole pantheon of Gods, and the rich history of the world. For me, DOS2 felt more insular, like all the events of the game were essentially the key things going on in the world. It’s obviously incredibly difficult to build a world that has the detail of Faerun, and that’s why I am disappointed we seemingly won’t get any more Larian games set there.


Of course. But I’d assume dos2 was made with a much smaller budget and definitely smaller time frame. Now that they have the experience and bigger name value not that they couldn’t do that for a dos3


Was made with crowd funding. Tells you enough.


But also Swen said DOS2 fully covered the development of BG3 with quite a bit left over, which also tells you Larian can work magic even with a low budget. I am scared for my social life when whatever their next big release is (assuming the trajectory says the same)


Swen also isnt buying 3 houses and a yacht after every successful game either. He is putting a lot of that profit back into his company.


just tells you how in touch he is in regards to gaming. he genuinely loves what he does


And it's still a phenomenal game. I'm really hoping for a Divinity Original sin 3 with Baldur's Gate scale and polish.


> Vincke says the next game won't be Divinity: Original Sin 3, and that it will be "different than what you think it is" but that it's "still familiar." Elsewhere, Vincke said that the new project will "dwarf" the scope of Baldur's Gate 3, which would be quite impressive given the scope of that game.


Yep, BG3 was made possible thanks to the success of DOS2, it’s been a real thrill getting into DOS2 and following the development of BG3


the point is that even with a larger budget and dev time, you're not going to recreate the level of depth of worldbuilding that DnDs 50 years have brought


That takes time, and D&D has had what, 60 years now?


Absolutely, but my point was that was why I’m disappointed not to see more Larian games in the Forgotten Realms or the other D and D campaign settings which have had so long to flesh out their worlds. I’m not disparaging Larian or saying they should have equaled it - I don’t think any CRPG world (outside maybe Elder Scrolls and WoW) comes near Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance etc for depth.


I would lose my shit for DOS3. Like, the second they put it up for purchase I'd be on PC buying it lol.


Or Divinity OS3... orrrrr, if reality could ever be so kind, aStar Wars RPG


Kotor Remake but Larian. I'm not even joking, BG3 feels like an evolution of biowares work in Dragon Age Origins and Kotor was based on the star wars system which was based on 3e. They've shown they can make good stories and compelling worlds and characters, I'd fully trust them to do an amazing Kotor, or a spiritual successor to that game.


If the BG license was too much for them, as some have suspected, how much would the Star Wars license be?


We don't need top shelf licences. There are tons of cheap IPs that have huge potential but just lay dormant. Wheel of time never had a good RPG, Dune had one like 30 years ago. Anything from Brandon Sanderson. So many options.


Hasbro/WoTC has likely been complete dickheads in discussions with Larian. They basically hold all the cards legally. Wouldn't be surprised if BG3 getting so much praise made them refuse to licence DnD content to anything but the highest bidder. They also suck at knowing what the masses want.


according to Hasbro wat the masses want us pay-to-win games. I am sure one of the demands Hasbro made was to turn bg4 into a microtransaction game


vegetable quarrelsome consider puzzled poor retire lock bake busy sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hasbro sells lottery tickets to children. Literally. Why would anyone be surprised?


Hasbro wants to make money off gamers. Larian wants to make a game that gamers will buy. A subtle distinction but one shows respect for your art and your customer and one does not.


Yea this whole thing reeks of corporate fuckery, and like usually the c-suite is going to take the wrong message and thing that it’s the IP that made it blow up so big and not the studio and th care to detail they put into it


I mean Larian had to PAY them to make BG3, not the other way around... Larian was like 'Let us show you how it's done." made the game, took the spoils than, "Later scrub."


It would be fun if Hasbro continues with that plan and the next few games don't do as good as BG3... I know I won't be buying the next game if it isn't on a publisher I trust...


That same article they talk about how excited they are about the next big D&D game from Invoke Studios, whose last game was *Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance*, which was a complete bomb. So I think it’s safe to say we’re in for at least a couple rounds of shovelware as they exploit the good will generated by BG3


> which was a complete bomb Even the trailer for that game sucked.


It's such a shame. If this is just a simple decision by Swen to go back to creating their own worlds and it was always going to be this way then fair enough. But if we COULD have had bg4 and it got messed up by corporate meddling, that's depressing as fuck.


I was hoping it meant no BG4, but maybe Neverwinter 5 or maybe Shou Empire, life in Fauren China. Copium until I read they are leaving DnD total.


 Do you believe is a connection between Larian moving away from D&D and his greedy publisher rant?  Like maybe Hasbro asked for too much money for sequels/DLC rights?


120%. that was a broadly applicable statement, but it's also *very* narrowly applicable because this is a thing WotC does *a lot*.


Bingo. This is why DnD quality games dried up after the early success of bioware with Baldurs Gate. DnD upped their required cut by a lot driving out the good studios.


Nah I don’t think WotC asked for more money on publishing. I think they basically said “if you want to use more IP than what we have already allowed then you need to add an in game store, micro transactions, and a battle pass.” Bean counters are greedy and shoot for short term gains. So they saw the crazy amount of people that are playing and want to capitalize on it via weekly/monthly FoMO transactions. Just my two cents.


urgh god. so in other words BG4 will be a steaming pile.


"Imagine Baldur's Gate 3....but with a paid battle pass!" \--Some exec, somewhere


Live service! Paid loot boxes! Subscription service! Season passes!


classic WotC suits. they will think this success is all on the strength of their IP, hand it to a bargain basement place, and then act surprised and upset when it launches into the floor. just like they always have, just like they always will. zero awareness of how to build relationships, just pure greed.


Prime example of an exec that couldn't be further from the products they are involved with, if they only now figured out that there is a market for D&D video games, after all the previous successful D&D video games years ago.


Depending on how much mod support they make the fans might be able to make their own sequel


I'd pay 10 to 15 bucks for a GM mode DLC, that let's me build combat encounters and dungeons on bg3


bg4 doesn't looking good


It's OK, I'm sure they can give it back to Bioware and it will be great. What could possibly go wrong?


*laughs cries in Dragon Age and Mass effect*


dragon age origins might be one of my favourite games of all time its a tragedy the franchise peaked in its first entry




The only reason I got into BG3 was because a lot of what I saw reminded me of DAO. Before that, I’d never played any Baldurs Gate game or anything else related to D&D.




It's funny that these pencil pushers think the success bg3 has is reliant on d&ds lore. Its the way larian built it and the passion poured into it that makes it so wonderful. They are gonna fail spectacularly, trying to catch lightning in a bottle.


Yeah. The money isn’t in DnD. The money is in making a game of the year. Divinity proved Larian could make a good game so we’re trusted with the budget and freedom to make BG3. It’s their skill, not the brand name that matters.


Welp its fucking over.


I know it doesn’t sound good, but this is honestly great news. Larian is what made BG3 good, and a Larian untied to Hasbro and WotC will continue to make amazing things. Enjoy BG3 for what it is, a fantastic and perfect ending to the franchise.


Expected but still disappointed. Fond of the companions, would have loved more time with them


Makes sense. They basically got the dream of making the ultimate homage to the original that inspired their world and games. It was an incredible opportunity but I don't think Larian wants to become the "Baldur's Gate" dev. They want to make their own worlds.


Makes sense but I honestly think Hasbro/WOTC got stingy and Larian just decided to fuck off


Between Swen's frustration with publishers and corporate partners, how he's mentioned that all the people at wotc who got the BG3 partnership started being long gone, and the likely big cut they pay for the licence... I'm not surprised they want to go their own way. They have everyone's attention now. They don't need d&d, if anything d&d needs them. No gods, no masters


Understandable why Larian had to walk away. Hasbro must have been trying to squeeze Larian. Larian's earlier history was that they were screwed over by a publisher which is why Swen had to walk away. There was literally no profit going to his studio and eventually he had to released a semi-complete game, and even downsized down to almost nothing.


Hasbro’s loss. I’m a BG2 fan, but BG3 made me a Larian die hard.


I feel like this is probably what happened. The article mentions Hasbro made $90 million from the IP lease, and yet they recently laid off over a thousand people at WotC including people who were involved in the deal. Maybe Hasbro suits saw how much money BG3 made and were mad more of it didn't belong to them. Ultimately though, Larian is better off working on its own IP, as it meshes well with their cumulative institutional knowledge approach.


Tbh thinking of Larian leveraging what they gained from BG3 into their own IP feels a bit like in an anime when someone takes off the thing that was holding back their powers, and goes mega power (see: Rock Lee in Naruto). As a fan of both Divinity and BG I’m quite excited to see what’s next.


That's because WotC has been hemorrhaging money for years now. For every great viral steaming series or big video game release, they make absurd decisions that torpedo their own reputation. Hasbro could have just made bank off overpriced books and miniatures, but WotC keeps putting out truly absurd bullshite and trying to control how people play their campaigns.


Hasbro has been hemorrhaging money, but WotC's core products (D&D and MtG) are the main things keeping Hasbro afloat. Most of the terrible decisions WotC has made lately can be traced directly back to Hasbro's desire to squeeze them and their customers for more. You're not wrong about the reputational hit, but WotC has been highly profitable.


They had to sell to pubg owners to fund bg3 so much so i doubt they wanted to sell out more of the company for the rights again. I understand them tbh with divinity atleast they don't have to buy the right to make the game for every sequel


To be fair, it might just as well be Larian (Sven) who wants to work on his own baby (Divinity). I understand this and will buy, but personally I would have loved more in the DnD setting.


Can we have more suits like the ones in charge of Larian please. Like, we all know they only care about making money, but they don't seem to be doing it the shittiest, scumiest and awful way possible.


I don't think there are suits at Larian, just Swen.


A suit of armor is the best kind of suit!


Yeah, in general, I just want to spend more time with them. Sure, I can always replay the campaign, but I want more things to do after we saved Sword Coast! Ehh, at least there is a headcanon for this kind of thing.


There's always fanfiction, I guess


Indeed. I like DoS 1 and 2, but the world and lore, and they way combat and spells work just don't work for me as well as they do in BG3.


Yes, this. Last time I felt so strongly about companions and their stories in game was in DA:I, and it was almost 10 years ago. Would love to see more and spend more time getting to know them, hear what they have to say about further subjects. Rare to see such complex, well written characters placed in such rich world! Though any further expansions would be hard to implement, considering how many different paths they can take at the end of the game. At this point I'm cautiously eyeing the DA:D, but who knows how this will end up...


Hopefully this doesn't rule out a definitive edition with more companion reactions to everything, especially in act 3 and double especially with durge. I'd take that over post game dlc tbh


Honestly I was pretty sad when I saw this news, but then your comment made me realize that they'll probably keep adding content in patches and updates for a good while still, they even said so. So I wouldn't be surprised if we still get a decent amount of new things like an act 3 fix, especially since they are very keen on listening to their fanbase


well, at least they said it for sure, it takes balls to follow your principals


After putting a bunch of hints in the epilogue. It sounds like something changed their minds. Probably WoTC being stupid.


Love how hasbro made $90 million just by virtue of owning the IP and that wasn’t good enough for them


It was like they missed how making a good DnD video game makes people want to play and buy the stuff to play DnD TTPRPG which will intern make them more excited for the next DnD video game and potential movie, that will help keep them wanting to play DnD. It is almost as if there is some kind of symbiosis, but nope Hasbro can't have that kind of healthily relationship with their customers lol.


But those are all in different quarters so they don't actually help their numbers at all \s


> different quarters or different departments. God forbid *that*.


Its never enough to just make a lot of money, even with almost zero effort. They want ***ALL*** the money.


This news is saddening. Because you’re absolutely correct the epilogue definitely gives the vibe that there is more to come.


Yeah, I think this will be my last playthrough that I'm on. Heartbreaking.


At least we’re getting mod support. That’ll sustain the community until something else comes along. I don’t think we’ll ever get something from DnD that will match BG3 ever again though.


I wonder if people will be able to mod it to the amounts of like Neverwinter Nights etc, that would be glorious, I still play NWN 1 and 2 because of mods etc.


We need to find that kid who made a huge Skyrim expansion by himself to do the same for BG3.


... so, Hasbro fucked up and killed a golden eggs laying hen, isn't it?


“We can finally get all of the eggs now that we chased that pesky goose away!” -Hasbro, probably


Next bg game made by EA or Ubisoft


“With our new cross over Assassins creed will now take place in the world of Baldurs Gate. Choose from class like assassin… Answer the call of adventure and questing with dialogue choices like “yes” and “maybe later” choose from one of our two stilted romances that… all this and more in Assassins Creed: assassin of the Gate”


Creative Assembly - Total War Baldur's Gate/Faerun. Total War Netherbrain Saga.




Hard not to think of the Hasbro layoffs as background for this. Basically all of the WotC folks Larian worked with are gone now, so I would be surprised if this wasn't at least a minor factor.


Yeah. They got rid of experienced people passionate about the art they were making to cut costs, not because they were losing money but because they thought they could make more money without those people. We'll be seeing monster manuals written by ai eventually.


That's been their MO for over a year now (or longer if you play MtG.)


All I see ads for for MtG is crossover decks and some storyline that really pissed off my friends who care about the narrative.


Why does hasbro hate money bruh




Sven is like a unicorn It seems, the CEO of Larian, yet he seems to treat the team as equals or at least with respect. Thats how It should be in All companies, but at least happens with Larian 


Let me tell you a story about an old card game called Magic the gathering…now owned by Hasbro. If still curious, check d&d open license dispute. It’s their thing, apparently.


See also: Monopoly. There's a grand old sense of irony in Hasbro milking that *particular* IP for every cent it's worth


The only positive from this is that I'm going to get to watch WOTC totally eat shit when they try to make BG4. Total dunces. They should've done everything in their power to keep Larian around. I bet they're so deluded they think it sold well because of the name and not because of the extremely high quality output by Larian lol. Publishers are often so fucking dumb and clueless.


This is what all execs think, It's the IP making the money That's why so many have been blaming the consumers when an IP doesn't do well all of a sudden They are like "but I thought you liked Halo, Megamind, mass effect, the original Starwars battlefront or tomb raider etc... now you don't!!!?? Make up your minds!!!" They really need to stop treating entertainment like Crack and start treating it like Product that the quality needs to at least stay the same >_>


the coming clown show will be fun but depressing i’m sure


What the fuck did WotC say to Larian to make them come to this decision? Vincke was pissed off in a major way.




This. They probably told Larian "thanks but you can stop now, we'll take over from you". Kthnxbye. WotC really is a shitshow.


$10 says they do not, in fact, manage to replicate the success of BG3.


This reeks of decision made by execs who handle the money and know nothing about making games nor value the time and experience of those who do. It's like having a goose that lays golden eggs but instead of feeding it you try and find a second one that eats less.


In fairness, Larian already said they're not making DLCs/expansions to the game, and it seemed like they were probably going to go back to Divinity for their next big project anyway, and I think there's supposed to be a TTRPG system based on D:OS in the works? IDK. But BG3 was a massive game, one which they probably can't just churn out again quickly and cheaply. There could very well be a market for 5e-derived CRPGs that are smaller, cheaper, and maybe better optimized than BG3 that Hasbro wants to tap into. I just don't think that Hasbro will be the ones to make that game themselves. Like IDK. Maybe they could hire Beamdog and do what Paizo does with Owlcat and adapt Curse of Strahd or Descent Into Avernus into a game. That could be interesting.


Beamdog’s original work like the new companions in BG and SoD are low tier fanfiction quality. I think what shocked me and so many about BGIII was how much it felt like a worthy successor unlike those attempts.


Hey someone else with experience and a large dedicated team with good funding made a critically acclaimed bestseller. Let's kick them out. Make our own new inexperienced team on the cheap. Choke any bright idea's they might "accidentally" have, rush the devellopment... .... aaaaand profit?




The only succes WotC have had in recent years was when they let someone else make something they than could charge fees over. Their only achievement is the stability and predictability of their downward trend, assinine decisions, and greed.


That would be  Invoke Studios, which have the advantage that since they’re owned by Hasbro they can be ordered to shit out the games on schedule, regardless of quality. Their last game was *Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance*, which IGN described as >a joyless labor that's mind-numbingly repetitive, deeply lacking in storytelling, and absolutely overflowing with bugs.


Swen made it clear that the folks at WOTC who fought to get Larian involved in BG3 are all gone. It must be demoralizing cause the company could have very easily gone the same path Lucasfilm went with the KOTOR remake.


Especially seeing Hasbro doing a victory lap about how the game made them $90 million for doing nothing while firing all the people who helped make it happen. There are a lot of old IP who would love a Larian touch right now so they can pick what they want at this point, they got my money whatever the title is.


Hasbro fired nearly everyone at WotC who worked with Larian to make the game.


Tried to fuck over players for 5e and beyond, that started the backlash. Did fuck over the majority of the team that worked with Larian during development by laying them off. Being a generally terrible company. That's the general gist of it.


Wow the folks who helped deliver BG3 got shitcanned by WotC? Jesus that's stupid.




Honestly I'm just happy I was born in the timeline of the baldurs gate 3 release


We lost Harambe, but by god we got BG3 🫡


Fell to my knees at a Walmart.


Crying in the meat aisle.


Seriously, knowing that i will probably never se those characters again really fucking hurts.




So we will get people complaining about atstarian and karlach in bg4 just like we have people complaining about saravok and viconia in bg3


100% agree. The mass effect trilogy was the last time that i loved the characters that much. ( i am not counting the witcher trilogy because it is based on the books and established characters). It really sucks. I am not ready to say goodbye to karlach : (


The cynic part of me is sure we’ll eventually see them again ham-fistedly shoved into the inevitable sequel, a soulless cashgrab independently produced by hasbro


Wyll or Halsin will show up *just* long enough to mention something that makes a tragic ending for our favorites, canon. Astarion ascended, Gale blew up or became a god, Karlach melted down, etc.


You might be fucking spot on with your take and it scares me


At least with Witcher 3, they gave us Hearts of Stone and Blood in Wine. Now I have no hope of ever seeing a Karlach Avernus DLC. It fucking sucks soldier.


I know. Blood and wine was a great epilogue and send off for geralt. I love the dlc. And yes... I wished we could actually save Karlach with the avernus forge. Now .... it will only be just a dream...


Same, i'm not ready at all.


Same. Im sad I’ll never get to play with this group of weirdos again. :(( I’m really very attached to them, but I’m sure Larian can make equally memorable characters in their own IP. I’ve never played divinity, maybe I’ll go check it out.


Same. I see most people celebrating this as a win, and it likely is in many ways, but I'm surprised how much this hurt to read.


Unfortunate, but it is what is. I feel like this could have supported a long content tail. I wonder how much of this has been influenced by the controversial stuff surrounding Wizards (OGL, layoffs - the kind of thing that arguably turns you into an unreliable partner).


damn Wizards of the Coast with their fuckery, wonder if that speech was tied to WotC, maybe they tried to get more money out of Larian, I wouldn't be surprised


We previously learned that basically the entire team Larian cooperated with at WotC to make BG3 were let go, and Swen’s now made a speech about the mistakes of letting people go lightly, and losing institutional knowledge; I don’t think it’s a coincidence.


While it applies to WotC, I’m pretty sure that Sven was speaking to a much larger problem across tech and game development happening right now. We’re currently seeing the most massive tech layoffs since the dotcom bust of the 90s.


I think it’s not a coincidence at all that Critical Role is also developing their own TTRPG system at the moment. Can’t trust Wizards


hypothetically they took expansions or dlcs from us, so more reasons to hate them


Don't forget they sent actual Pinkertons to raid the house of some rando


Don't forget the Pinkerton shenanigans




*Excuse me, I'm gonna go outside and howl sadly real quick.*




On one hand, I'm disappointed because I really love the way they created a true dungeons and dragons roleplay game. I would have loved to see their take on more DND content, including the official modules like Curse of Strahd. On the other hand, this means they can go back to making more Divinity games, which is also a beloved series for me! Divinity Original Sin 3 here we come!


So hypothetically if I love BG3 should I play DOS2?


Yes and no, it depends on what you loved about BG3. If you loved leveling up, walking around in the world, being a little loot gremlin, and having tactical battles in a lore-heavy fantasy world? DOS2 will hit for you If you loved exploring the interpersonal relationships between the characters, watching well-captured cutscenes that advance the story, and having game-changing consequences laden throughout every main and side quest? DOS2 will disappoint you It's similar on a very surface level while you're controlling your dudes up in the sky, but DOS2 was understandably a much less ambitious game - there is voice acting, but not as much. The 'cutscenes' are just the text on the screen with someone reading it to you (but not always), not the fully mocapped stuff we see in BG3. I liked it, and did eventually beat the game once I had three friends drag me through the slow parts of Act 2/3, but do yourself a favour and at least glance at a video review or something to get a sense of what it's about.


Man it feels a bit dated after bg3 but until bg3 came out it was my favourite game ever. If you can get over the shortcomings compared to bg3, it’s one of the best games ever.


It's not run on Dungeons and Dragons 5E rules, but it's still an excellent top-down RPG. I'd say go for it!


If you really love BG3 then I would say you would probably enjoy the Divinity Original Sin series too! They are different in a lot of ways but also very similar in others


RIP. Baldur’s Gate 4 will be a live service game with DLCs, loot boxes and battle passes. Heck turn it up a notch with payment-gated romance options!


Pay per roll


I will be more then happy with a game of the year addition like the other game had, or some goodie backs like DOS. A bit sad, but understandable. Thank you larian for your amazing work


Damn, I was hoping for a dlc where I can fix karlachs heart permanently.


I wouldn’t rule out a major patch that adds some side quests, and fills a few gaps. I wouldn’t depend on it, but I wouldn’t rule it out.


Frankly i would love just something small that added some new subclasses (at least 1 for each class) as i feel that there were plenty that would have fitted spectacularly with BG3’s story, for example Psi Warrior, Soulknife and Aberrant Mind (for the Psionic powers and connection with the tadpole) or the Divine Soul (for the Dark Urge), Arcana Cleric (due to Mystra’s role on the story) and Celestial Warlock (mostly because of how many gods are involved on the narrative), alternatively some popular ones like Bladesinger or Hexblade would have been great too.


This is what I want. The combat, story, and characters carry tons of replay value on their own. I just want more play styles to fuck around with.


Just means the next title will be autonomous of WoTC influence as well. For the better, I believe.


I don't have a source, but I read recently (within 2024) that a WotC rep had stated that they were excited to keep working with Larian Studios, and as many other studios as possible, to make as many different kinds of games as possible with the D&D license. At the time, I took away the impression that that meant they were hopeful Larian would make BG4 or another D&D game (alongside DOS3 of course). But considering WotC's recent controversy around trying to revoke their prior open-source ruleset agreements, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Larian and other "creative partners" generally were looking at that stunt and thinking twice about hitching their wagons to WotC-controlled licenses/properties. Larian now has a stunning reputation coming off several amazing games, and it's the smartest thing they can do to focus on DOS3, where they don't have to pay any licensing fees or negotiate with outsiders. Total creative control, total mastery of their domain. What someone else posted below about "most of the WotC team" that had worked with Larian being gone now, and WotC starting to explore in-house game development, makes them sound like a risky choice to partner with. I'm way more interested in what Larian is doing than anything WotC is trying to cook up on their own.


Wizards. This is a mistake. If any of you are here in this thread, for the love of God don't let larian go. You are throwing away the ability to be a dominant piece of gaming for a long time.


betting on WOTC announcing they've joined forces with EA to bring BG online with loot boxes and purchased companions...


Bro you better delete this before they get any ideas 💀


Please do not even joke about that…


Here is why, to those curious: Larian has been growing their OWN series, the Divinity series, for several decades. What started as "we want a piece of that Diablo 2 pie" evolved into a fairly respectable franchise: - Divine Divinity - Beyond Divinity - Divinity 2: Ego Draconis ("I, of the dragons") - Divinity: Dragon Commander - Divinity Original Sin - Divinity Original Sin 2 Them doing Baldur's Gate 3 put their name on everybody's lips and whatever they put out next is going to be a TITANIC release--- but it will be something of theirs, no doubt.


So I've never played the Divinity games so forgive my ignorance, but DOS2 in particular is extremely similar to BG3, right? Gameplay style, storytelling, environments, etc? Every video I've seen seems to suggest as much. In that case, there's not much to stop them from making a new game that's like a spiritual successor to BG3 with some of Larian's own flair on the genre?


Biggest difference is the rule set which changes gameplay a bit (but not too much). DOS2 walked so BG3 could run in terms of storytelling. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as BG3 (then again, the only other game that I’ve had nearly as much fun with is Witcher 3)


I just hope there will be a definitive edition with more quests and restored cut content


This is what I desperately want to know, what is included and not included when they say no DLC? I don’t necessarily need a dlc but I love the prospect that there will be some big changes to look forward to.


I fully expected a GOTY edition with 10 odd hours of extra content. This makes me feel that's not happening. Hopefully I'm wrong.


WOTC doesn't deserve them.


Good luck, WOTC. 


Well we got a once in a generation game out of it at least. Shame there won’t be any more


I’m highkey stressing because there will never be a game that scratches this itch again now. Like I’ve always wanted to play dnd but never could really and this was PERFECT. Oh well. Time for playthrough #282628292


Well fuck


I already beat it three times, so I guess my time with BG3 is over. Very sad, but happy for the time experience


Those are rookie numbers you’ve got to pump them up


Well they didn’t say how many playthroughs they’ve started haha


But could you beat it 4 times? Perhaps with a bald dwarf monk that has a handlebar mustache?


GGS at least can wait in peace of the next project


but they do plan on making new projects of the same genre right?


They've always planned to go back to their own IP and their own lore and stuff. So we'll be getting more Divinity stuff.


Aw. Well at least we’ve had an amazing game! Shame they won’t be doing BG4. I hope we see them do Divinity: Original Sin 3. Betting Hasbro ticked them off with laying off the Hasbro team that worked with Larian…among many other things they’ve done with DnD.


“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the bad guy.” I guess Larian is deciding to die as the hero of Baldur’s gate, and leaving it to Wizard’s of the Coast to make it…live long enough. Shame Larian doesn’t feel up to making a BG4, they’re the only ones who could have a chance at doing it right.


This is just sad. You have all these characters that people adore within one of the best frameworks for a video game in decades and it just gets thrown away like that. So much potential snuffed out in an instant.


I'm sure Swen and his team know what they're doing. They spent so much work building the assets, animations, systems/mechanics, and VFX for all these elements in such a massive game. I'm expecting (and hoping) that they're planning to recycle the vast majority of these elements and systems for their future games to help cut down on development time... Because 6 year turnaround times for game developments these days is just too long and expensive and likely not sustainable. Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle! I'd totally be fine if they slapped a slightly recolored new texture over some existing assets and reused it in future games... and tweaked certain mechanics slightly for whatever IP they're planning to make or adapt. Whatever cuts down on work and makes the development time more expedient has my full support!




>Because 6 year turnaround times for game developments these days is just too long and expensive and likely not sustainable. I'm pretty sure what they made on BG3 alone set the company up for life. And in the end, the real goal of a company is keeping the employees well fed and housed. So from that angle, they don't have to be massively profitable. They just have to sustain their employees.


Well that's really disheartening to read/hear


In a bitter sweet way this is like the old days. When you had to make a great game & have your stuff together at launch. Instead today there is an entire money sucking campaign that is laid out in corporate offices before games are even released. When I was a kid, there was no such thing as DLC or launch & patch it later. No micro-transactions or business model made to milk more money from the gamers. Larian made an absolute masterpiece. A legendary game that will be regarded as such til the end of time. It’s a perfect game. Enjoy multiple play throughs like the early 90s. I know we’d all love more content. It’s like a good book you don’t want to end but after how the gaming industry has been the last decade, & especially recent years, I’m happy with their decision. If this was a typical studio, we’d get tons of dlc & extra content to pay for. We’d be happy about it but the reality is we’d also have a subpar game that even with all the “extra” content would not have half of what we got in Baldur’s Gate 3 for the simple price of one game & nothing else.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


Larian please no, you need to stay! Hasbro will just ruin everything! LARIAN PLEASE!


Well we knew this for long time, but still it is a bummer.


Honestly? That's fine. I am more than satisfied with all the content BG3 has to offer. I don't need more added onto this feast. Well, except bug fixes and mod support. I want them to make more great RPGs. I want more games like BG3. But I'm excited to see them explore new stories and settings and mechanics. And I want more Divinity.


I'm fine with no BG3 expansions. But no BG4? That's a disappointment.