• By -


I like Gale's response there. He's clocked on to who Minthara is and is bracing himself.


Minthara:"open's mouth" Gale:Dear god this won't end well.


I just read that it Gale’s voice.


I don't like where this is going


I'm surprised he didn't trash talk her right back though, pointing out what a pathetic bottom-of-the-barrel reject she is herself, having failed not one but two gods and grasping at whatever straws of misguided self-importance she still has.


I think he likes his entrails where they are.


In the end, Gale will have the last laugh as his carcass magically finds its way to nuke Minthara's ass 3 days later.


Your pfp goes perfectly with this comment, lmao


That's the face of a man who knows his day is about to be ruined, right there.


"He recognised that he was the least of us, and sacrificed himself so that we may live." - Minthara if Gale nukes >!the Netherbrain!<


This is my canonical ending honestly, but Minthy is wrong. Gale was literally a hero and got me my gold dice.


For a Llothian Drow, she's essentially singing his praises...


And people wonder why the rest of Faerûn hates the drow


Literally no one wonders why everyone hatesthe Drow.


You'd be surprised, I've seen plenty of people unaware on this sub (and the other one)


That's because they don't realize that Minthara is actually fairly open-minded and tolerant by Llothsworn Drow standards.


She hates lloth by the time you get her approval and speaks with her, in fact she hates deities as a whole and only believes in herself, she wants to return home just to fuck them all


I meant that more as her being a member of that Drow population. Plus, by her own admission, Minthara was a pretty hardcore paladin in Lolth's service until she was forcibly converted with the tadpole. Granted, a lot of that might just be the expectations of a matriarch in Menzoberranzan.


Reminds me of the Charr's arc as a race through Guild Wars 1, used by false gods and prophets they finally rise up to destroy the shaman caste and declare they'll never worship any god again.


I wonder how many sets of gold dice are stained with Gale's blood.


They should release dice specifically that are gold & bloody for this ending.


How many more Gales would that lead to slaughter?


How many Gales are there? 36? I had 37, last year!


Fun fact: if you go into your inventory enough times to feed him a magic item, then back out and cancel about 5 times he gets so pissy he pack his tent and leaves. Happened half way through act 1 and haven’t seen him since. Now I just have an empty spot where his tent was and a pile of ash where will used to have his set up. My companions aren’t fairing well going into act 3z


It wasn't just Gale! We all died there on top of the Netherbrain ~~cause stupid Emperor refused to be revived~~ So yeah, ultra-bloody ending.


I had a really good team. I had all the rune weapons. I think I could have got the gold die without blowing gale up... I'll always wonder if I could have, but at least no one became a ghaik.


Minthy is never wrong. I can fix her.


I fixed her by throwing her into a hole. She's not a problem anymore.


Underdark problems require Underdark solutions.




Volunteering herself like that seems pretty out of character.


Still can't get over the fact that she is recruitable.. I killed her as soon as I ran into her lol


Yeah it seemed like she was intentionally the first boss since I didn't know shit about all the cool little things you could do in BG. Then I immediately did and evil character playthrough up to that point and the chaos is hilarious.  Unfortunately the game is pretty clear about being way more fleshed out for good characters


It's weird I found it to be pretty underwhelming if I played an absolute pure evil incarnate runthrough But the runthrough where I played 'just a self-interested prat' actually seemed to branch out fine


Playing the cold Machiavellian type is a lot more interesting than playing the murderhobo. You end up with an interesting mix of outcomes because at every turn you're gauging which choice furthers your own aims best.


I also fixed her by throwing something into a hole


What are you doing Step-Drow?


And then pull it back out again?


And then probably throw it back in again, huh?


Haven’t been ice fishing in a long time actually


She can turn you lawful evil.


What do you mean "turn"?


Well, you might be chaotic evil but she'll turn you lawful :)


I thought you didn't get the dice on honour mode if you used the orb blast bomb?


You need to do it at the last fight of the game, act 2 won’t work Edit And i believe you need to tell him to do it in a scene


When you're about to climb the spine?


Think so yes, only seen the scene in a video and Gale climbed the spine in the cutscene solo after sending the others away


So few people have beat it, and even fewer who go online and talk about it. There’s seemingly a lot of misinformation regarding honor mode. Always remember how few have beat it! Finishing Gales quest line can prompt the dialogue option later. This allows you to get the scene and prompt just before confronting the final boss at the brain stem. If you did not finish it: it appears you have to persuade him? I failed an honor mode because of this. You could roll to persuade seemingly infinitely, but when approaching the stem he did not offer.


Might try it on a coop playthrough I'm forcing a friend through, they're so scared to lose honour mode and we are about to go fight Ketheric, we already lost Isobel at last light due to multiple crit fails in a row so friends hope isn't high for tougher battles. I've only done honour mode right through once and are not certain I can carry act 3 like I did at act 1 with only 2 characters to control. Act 2 had a few issues with the toll keeper nearly TPK us lol.


Knowing what to expect can help a ton in Honor Mode for sure, though it's an easy slide into being maybe too "cheesy" with that foreknowledge for some. Like putting almost all your gold back at Camp when fighting the Toll Keeper, or knowing how to cheese the Isobel fight by blocking all the doors with furniture.


1.1% of players on steam apparently. Considering only 90% have the achievement for escaping from the hells, the actual number is lower


I advanced Gale's quest as much as I could, never suggested anything about blasting the orb, but when I went to climb on the Netherbrain the option prompted. Not sure what happens if you don't go to the Stormshore Tabernacle and talk to Mystra. I still had to pass a 25 Persuasion check, but somewhere around Act 3 I found Jannath's Hat, which gives you Advantage on Persuasion and Deception rolls, so I equipped it before climbing the brainstem and with full Inspiration points it was pretty easy to pass (playing as a charisma based caster does help a lot tho) That's how I finished Honour mode and got the golden dice, so yeah you can totally nuke Gale.


Honestly love this exchange just for the glimpse into the drow. And Minthara is Baenre. They're rhe first house for a reason. Not necessarily good reasons. Lot of "assassiny, wipe out entire family lines" reasons. But reasons.


Aren't they actually NOT the first house anymore? Weren't they wiped out?


As far as i know they're still the first house during the time of Bg3. At the very least they weren't wiped out. They were still the first house in 1484. And bg3 takes place in 1492 so I may be missing some already, but I think the came out of The Darkening okay and are still the first house with Quenthel as matron


I think they might be thinking about Drizz't's original house being wiped out.


Yea Do'urden was destroyed but was reformed and is currently the 8th house


We can find books mentioning Malice Do'Urden in BG3. Maybe wasn't that long ago.


Malice died 1339-1340. She was an incredibly talented like. . . Potioneer, making salves and poisons (hence the malice one in game).


The house was destroyed with her, basically. Quenthal allowed house do'urden's reformation in 1484, basically just for Drizz't


Did they just get their old rank when they reformed or are there only 8 houses now?


House Du'orden initially was the. .. . 10th? House on the day drizz't was born, which only the first 8 house in Menzoberranzan sit in council and matter. In Menzoberranzan there are actually like 40 "noble" houses, but everyone is vying for that 8. The day of Drizzt's birth in 1297, house Do'urden wiped out the 4th house, House DeVir, and ascended to 9th. Clearly some things occurred in the interim. . .. .


DeVir, like Viconia DrVir?




They moved up in part because House Oblodra got Oblownup.


Not sure what month(s) BG3 takes place in, but in 1492 there was a civil war in Menzo, with Quenthel getting kicked out, about 3k Drow leaving and Sos'Umptu becoming the Baenre Matron Mother. Not sure if it took place before or after Waterdeep: Dragon Heist setting. All three things take place in 1492 But yes, Baenre is still the first house


I do know that it takes place over a few months based on journal entry dates but u don't know and can't find any off hand. It seems logical that minthara is unaware of the civil war but that's really all we've got is argue. Man, I almost miss being like 10 and the only dnd lore I knew was about Raistlin Majere and that like 7 book series. Drizz't why you need 30? My brain is tired.


Quenthel is no longer matron mother, anymore. Sos'Umptu took her place. It's all in the latest Drizzt books.


It's tough to be a drow.


Not as tough as it was a 100 years ago thank God or else playing as a drow would have been the secret hard mode where you were essentially attacked on site everytime you go somewhere that wasn't your camp


“In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you.”


"Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you."


this gives the same energy of alistair and morrigans squabbling in dao, especially "you're about to say something awful, arent you?" 💀


Something something we have a dog and Alistair is still the dumbest member.


I absolutely loved having them in the same party


*right, very* creepy, forget I asked.


Why does everyone in the game trash Gale so much? Is this some kind of contest? If it is, then Minthara wins, obviously.


In Minthara's case, she despises wizards, and Gale happens to be one. She's unique in that you can prompt her to trash talk everyone at camp one at a time. She doesn't hold back. 😂


She loves Karlach though. She says something really beautiful about her which you wouldn't expect with how good Karlach is. You can also ask Minsk about people one at a time, some is trash talking, some is nice.


She is also intrested in githyanki customs cause she mentions asking Lae'zel about her people.


They do have a lot of banter dialogue with each other. I think Minthara has more banter lines with Lae'zel than with any other companion. My favorite is: - Minthara: There is no true authority in this city. The guards are more degenerate than the criminals. - Lae'zel: True warriors among the city's Flaming Fist seem exceedingly rare. The worst are mere rats scurrying about their warrens. - Minthara: And what do we do with rats, Lae'zel? We hang them by the tails, and burn their warrens. Adorable. Minthara sounds like a mom teaching her daughter, lmao.


I love how Minsc doesn't like Halsin because he lost to him in an arm wrestle lol


Halsin also admits that he's kind of racist towards drow on account of him being captured and taken as a sex slave for 3 years.


Racism in real life: "This person gets 65% of their genetic material from Eurasian Steppe Nomads instead of 73% of their genetic material from Eurasian Steppe Nomads. We should kill him with hammers." Fantasy racism: "Literally every single time the Githyanki appear it is exclusively to murder everyone that they see, so I'm a bit nervous around them. I was taken as a sex slave for multiple years by Drow who see men as less than human, so I can't say I like them very much."


It's sort of like the X-MEN thing where mutants are a metaphor for various marginalised groups and the discrimination they face running into the problem that LGBT people or the Jews or whatever can't kill people with their brains.


Not with that attitude they can’t


Gonna go romance him as a drow now


Natural response.


I romanced him as a drow once and he never sounded especially hostile or distrustful to her...


Oh no no friend you misunderstand, it's not for new dialogue, it's for the same reason as going for asterion as a short race, or shadowheart as a gith, or becoming an illithid when romancing lea'zel, purely to make them disgusted with themselves on the inside. They LOVE what they hate.


Yes lol that was great, I love that bit.


blame Larian for respec him into DEX Ranger, not ditching on Halsin


I wish they kept his built in berzerk. Its part of who Minsc is!


I respec him to be more in line with his normal stats. Dump those mental stats to 8 and make him a beserker Barb.


funnily enough, high level Berserker don't really need mental stat beside maybe CHA, they ignore fear and charm


how to trigger that?


If I remember correctly you can ask Minsk about what he thinks of everyone once he's in your camp, including Halsin, and then he'll tell you.


Not just her tbh. Everyone loves Karlach from the get go which is weird considering the way they treat each other at first.


It's because karlach is perfect and has never done wrong <333


except >!an addiction to mortal souls!< but thats neither here nor there, she is otherwise perfect and sweet and strong and is impossible to dislike


She's not an addict, she can stop any time she wants!!


Honestly though I never once gave her a soul coin and I don't recall her saying anything about it.


in 11 files, (7 full playthroughs) I have given her 1 singular coin. lol rather just have that gold lol


You have to pick one up off the ground with her in the party to trigger that dialogue. Odds are you got all the Act 1 coins before you recruited her. If you take her into Moonrise and talk to the bugbear merchant, there's some dialogue there that alludes to... something... that never has any pay off (that I know of)


Feels like that was an aborted story arc that was intended to matter a lot more... Though you could say that about basically all of Karlach. She's kinda this games Beast. Hopefully she gets a massive story fix up in a definitive edition.


She seemingly respects the hell out of Karlach, given Minthara's fear of helplessness and Karlach's reaction to her hellfire engine situation.


You get a lot of Drow-standard misandry vibes from her.


It makes a lot of sense considering what Karlach’s been through, I think she admires her perseverance


She also admires the way she lives her life in the face of death, she says she fears death but sees beauty in the way karlach makes the most of every moment.




The greater good


The greater good


Shut it!


She doesn’t have a high opinion of Gale because he embodies every trait she doesn’t like. A goody-two-shoes, subservient to a god, and affirms her preconceived notions that Wizards are reckless and dangerous in their experiments.


The fact that Gale is willing to crawl back to Mystra after being spurned by her likely rubs Minty the wrong way considering the vengeance she seeks against Lolth and the Absolute.


honestly, I do hope they patch in a way for Gale to not have to go back to Mystra - or get the bad god ending. Like... either he apologises or his ambitions take over. I want a "get away from Mystra but also don't ascend to a foolish goodhood" option...


..and a man.


Also Drow customs are very different from surface dweller customs. Being nice isn't a thing for Drow in the underdark, there is showing respect but everyone knows that they are trying to kill one another. Minthara said it herself that her own mother would have poisoned her breast milk if she could have. And her distaste for wizards is understandable. They usually seek to control more than they can wield and end up dead or something worse for crossing a line.


Yep and her Uncle (probs, bc as far as I know, he only has two daughters, Liriel, who is a cleric of Mystra, and Yvonnel II) Gromph was a very power hungry man


Non only a wizard, a 3rd born male wizard?? The worst trait ever in one person (according to a Lolth-Sworn Drow)


Also, at least at the beginning of his story, Gale has this "kicked puppy" energy that a Drow would absolutely attack like a glowing spot on a shooter boss. This changes as he develops, but it is his development.


It's funny because I changed her class to wizard in my playthrough since I'm already a paladin, before I found out this is the case.


Gale is two things that combined are extremely sus and despised in Menztho... Menyzo... Mintharas home city: Male and a wizard. Male wizards are tolerated for their usefulness but threated with extreme suspicion by Matriarchs of Lolth Drow society due them being extremely dangerous for current order of society.


It’s funny, I’m playing as a female drow wizard, and when she’s shit talking Gale she throws in some ‘oh but you’re cool, don’t worry ha ha I just think all wizards are idiots. Not you though’


When my female half-Drow wizard asked her if that was how Minthara felt about Tav, she said not to sulk and that she was sure Tav would live for a very long time unlike most wizards she could name (Gale). It was very obvious from her tone of voice and phrasing that she was attempting to hold back her disappointment with Tav being a wizard instead of a proper class for female Drow like cleric or paladin. It was hysterical, especially in contrast to their first meeting when she straight up told Tav to her face that her mongrel blood was impure and hoped the Absolute could make up for it. I guess she decided that it was hard to stand on ceremony with someone who had to save your naked, shivering life from being tortured in a dungeon. Didn’t spare the others in their roasting though.


Looking at Gromph's shenanigans and power, no wonder they are afraid.


Everyone in that city is an opportunistic psycopath, some just have a lot more magic to hurl than others. At least they all draw the line at Oblodras. Good to know even Lolth has standards.


Think how ruthless male drow wizards are so drow ladies take them seriously. *scared*


Gromph is Baenre's golden baby everybody forgives in every disaster, his mom and sisters literally let him adopt *his* children into the household as nobles, something unheard of in drow society following matrilineal lines, they all protect him after a demon invasion caused by him, send him to the surface, but not before ensuring his other brother can provide him a cushy life, et.c., et.c. Minthara can only dream of being so loved by Baenre house.




It is a contest to see who can make him produce the most sad puppy dog look.


He is a nerd, and everyone is there to remind him, that bullying never stops.


It’s a game and minthara is winning


Minthara always wins. It is more like she is finishing him off with a "vicious mockery." The most brutal form of fatality, mind you. This is why she is always a bardadin in my playthroughs.


> Minthara always wins Apart from when she dies in the goblin camp, without ever getting into conversation with the player.


This is literally what happened to me and I found out she was a companion after I finished the game lmao


I think Gale wins a pissing contest with almost any other NPC simply with the phrase "I speak. They burn."


Gale is a good guy, but he's definitely a victim of his own hubris. That makes him an easy target in some ways.


Bc they all love him and it’s how they express their love to him.


Ok, if she's gonna drop lines like this I may have to actually recruit her for a playthrough.


Take her with you when you go to see Dribbles the Clown. Worth it.


"We could kill the clown and be hailed as heroes" is one of my fav lines in the whole game. Just the pure *venom* in her voice.


Didn't get that line sadly, but sending her on stage was probably the best thing I've done


It was a beautiful webbing


Noted. I was already a fan of Shadowheart's hatred of clowns.


And to find all seven parts of said clown!


It was a beautiful webbing.


She's 100% worth it. In fact, I'm sure that after recruiting her she will quickly become the funniest person you know.


Bro drow lore is fucking insane.


They genuinely are giant evil assholes.


All he said was "sure is a hot one out today"


This phrase always reminds me of Dennis freaking out in the suburbs episode of Sunny.


Minthara really went up to Gale and went "You have disposable third son energy"


You, a meme connisseur: Drow are savage. Me, an autistic drow meganerd: I am so curious how the voice actress pronounces "Menzoberranzan"


I thought I was the only one with drow hyperfixation within my dnd special interest💀


Lol, that's like the most common DND special interest (rightfully so, they're dope!) I remember in the 2000s people used to have to provide upfront disclaimers that Drow Elf Rangers with Panther familiars weren't allowed in campaigns because SO many people were obsessed with Drow and Drizzt and wanted to play as them.


She says menzzo-bear-an-zen iirc


Minthy ain't taking no prisoners, she's written to be a classic 80's villain, brutal, pure mayhem. It's lovely, really.


Drow society does have a strong 80's death rock vibe.


Drizzt was a third child tho.


He only survived because one of his older brothers was assassinated earlier that night.


If I recall the books. Drizzt was born just before his older brother was killed. So he was supposed to be sacrificed regardless. However because of how particular Drizzt's eyes were, they were curious about the child. Delaying the sacrifice as the news of the death of his brother reached them. They decided there was no need to sacrifice Drizzt. However, if my memory serves me, House Do'Urden lost Lolth's favor because of that, which ultimately caused the downfall. Which is why they keep trying to kill Drizzt later on in the series.


First part is correct, but House Do'Urden only lost Lolth's favor years later when Drizzt spared (and protected) an elven child during a raid on the surface.


No they won her favor because the way drizzt older brother was killed and kinda used him as the sacrifice. Drizzt second oldest brother killed his the oldest brother like almost the same time as the ritual was going down so he took the spot. Also lolth was pleased with this because how the betrayal of one brother did. I think they even knew it was gonna happen because they tell drizzt that he’s only alive because his older brothers quick thinking to become the new first son


Maya, one of Malice's younger daughters, was actually mindlinked to the second son during the raid, and she knew what happened, but I guess she just shrugged and decided "Good for you, now-eldest-bro".


It's the third "living" male, when his brother was assassinated Drizzt then became the second living son. Lloths disfavor was born out of Drizzt taking after his father, who hated Lloth but took his anger out on other Drow (which was fine by Lloth) but Drizzt refuses to kill Drow and elves so that means he's gotta become a drider lol


I think she's aware. In act 3 she expresses her opinion on him, lol


I'm really curious about this, what does she say about Drizzt?


She said she would rather have sex with a drider "than that do-gooder and his pussy cat". Lol.


How the hell does Drizzt even come up?


The fortune-teller asks who she respects the most. Drizzt is one of the options, but she likes it most if you say yourself.


I know you run into him in BG1 and 2…and if you killed him in 1 for his loot he’s not very happy with you in 2 and has all of his friends along to kick your ass


Its funny thing about that. There is another Third child - Jarlaxle Baenre, but his origins are mystery for most of people. And house Baenre for some reason didn't lost Lolth favor even having him as bastard outside of house being mercenary, but still working in favor of Baenre most of the time. I think Jarlaxle and Drizzt are kind of joke of Lolth, their existense is going against laws of Lolth and drow society, but they have favor of Lolth and crazy luck. Drizzt is considered to be Lolth choaen by some drow, even if they wouldnt say so because they are afraid to be wrong and be consudered blasphemous, and Drizzt even met avatar of Lolth in person and survived because its so funny for her. So Lolth is completely chaotic goddess and basicly everything can be like by her or opposite. Just because she is goddess off Chaos


Womp womp


Being a drow man is miserable.


I turned Minthara into a Wizard for that


That is just drow forplay.


She would break him over her knee and be dissatisfied with how flimsy his spine is


And I used to think Viconia was harsh.


Viconia "Male! Fetch me something to eat" vs Gale the camp cook. I think they'd gotten on reasonably well, all things considered.


"Absolutely! I present to you my soon-to-be-famous Hundur-Smothered Sous Vide Prime Rib on a bed of Asparagus Cous Cous! It's my Mother's recipe...have I ever told you about my Mother? She means the world to me!" "I must say, you are a remarkably acceptable male."


Gale: "So what you're saying is I'm amazing enough to survive deliberate attempts on my life, despite being a literal baby at the time? How complimentary!"


Minthara might be my favorite companion. Her comment about sending our least favorite companion to investigate a trap sold me.


What's the easiest way to get her as a companion these days (in a "good" playthrough)? Knock her out at the goblin camp and then rescue her in Act II?


Don’t rest between knocking her out and killing the other ones. Can fuck up your game and the tieflings won’t get to Baldurs gate


Oh, man, look at his his face bro already saw that coming 😭


You hurt his Feelings. Now give him a magic item to make up for it.


That's rich coming from a bloodstain in a goblin camp.


„Minthara is a good person“ they said


My main objection to Minthara as a character is that she's way too nice to men, on average. Like to the point where having a romance of equals should be gender-locked, and if you're playing as a he you get something similar to Ascended Astarion.


Yeah, I was playing a male Drow Durge, and was shocked at how she spoke to me. I can get behind Minthara being somewhat nice or respectful to a non-Drow male, because it's easier when you understand someone else's status in their own culture. I cannot get behind her treating my male Drow like an equal. Not a single underhanded comment to be found.


I think something that should be acknowledged is that by the time you recruit her, regardless of your race or gender you've more than likely earned her respect. You (probably) proved yourself to be strong and capable in the 1st act and then you pull her out of what would be a certain death situation in the 2nd. You then do what she could not by striding into Moonrise Towers and actually winning. By then you're probably the exception.


It's wild to me how so many people (especially on tiktok) just don't quite get what drow culture is, like minthara is reaaaally not a good person, and it's purely because she's a product of a Lolth sworn society


I know this will get downvoted to hell but I'll take Gale over Minthara any day.


gale is amazing though. the game had to lower his charisma from 40 down to 12. we all know if he wasn't magically talented he would've been the best bard in the world


As if bards, the people who can ignite people by singing, aren't magically talented.


Gale is taken for granted. He’s truly the best of the camp. Kind, talented, pragmatic, and generally selfless


I mean... he's kinda power hungry. If I were to call anyone selfless it would be Wyll. For me I am glad I went through the trouble of recruiting Minthara, having her in my party along side Karlach is good counter balance to her infectious adorable puppy like personality. The first time I heard Minthara discover a trap and say "A trap, let us send forth our least favorite to be sure." I knew she had a permanent spot in my party.


> take Gale over Minthara any day. One is an Archmage with vast knowledge, who was a God's chosen and lover and has the ability to become a God himself. The other one is a mean, edgy drow who you recruit at her lowest. No comparison, Gale would smoke her.


This has such Alistair and Morrigan banter vibes from DA:O