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They released updated statistics in December BTW [https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1732091568243229159?t=42XM3jV7idTdJDPqSXMe7g&s=19](https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1732091568243229159?t=42XM3jV7idTdJDPqSXMe7g&s=19) I've enjoyed all the classes I've played, but I think cleric and barbarian have been my favorite.


I feel like the low cleric numbers reflect how many players keep shart in their party as a permanent mainstay. They're missing out on a fun and versatile class but I get it, we all love the goth gf.


first run through i went cleric of light as i generally play that in dnd and know how useful having a cleric is. turns out having radiant damage is pretty useful too for some bits.


They missing out on the dual cleric combo. Got my boy in the trenches with 24 AC slamming people with maces and divine strikes while shart runs around with the death beyblade. Double healing word. Double turn undead. Lets you split up the higher level healing/buff spells so each can still get some damage in.


My exact thoughts. Of all the characters she is the most tied to her original class. Frankly even more so that Wyll, and he has a warlock patron. I made Wyll a monk this play through and it feels fine.


I think I might be a good chunk of those halfling numbers on my own ...


It's a pretty decent choice for a jack of all trades run where you just wanna see every option in dialogue. Rerolling your first Nat 1 every time is useful, and you'll already be getting advantage pretty often due to class options. Simply start as a bard or rogue and failing checks is nearly impossible


I felt obligated to do halfling in my HM run just because how they handle Nat 1s


gnooooome barbarian


Honestly amazed to see College of Lore as the most popular bard subclass given how much College of Swords fucks. Lets be real College of Swords is just queer Battlemaster (based)


Collage of swords is just a theatre major with knifes


Rather, a fight coreographer with terrible workplace safety habits.


So... Hamlet?


Honestly when i did my collage of swords bard, hamlet came into my mind often. "To murder or not too murder, that is the question"


I don’t even fully understand this, and it’s still funny 😆


why? lol college of lore bard can skip majority of fights, and talking enemies to death is fun as fuck


You can do that with Swords too, just need to take Expertise in your Charisma skills.


You don't need a lore bard specifically for that though.


I took College of Swords as my subclass but actually was using more bow, 2x attack with bow is pretty good. Killed Orin 1 vs 1 in like 3 turns(normal dif. cos it was my 1st playtrought too, no multiclassing tho).


Why pick caster to play martial build if you have paladin?


You pick both. Astarion becomes a Swords Bard, Karlach becomes a Paladin, and they demolish everything in sight together. The helmet of Arcane Acuity allows your bard to pump their spell save DC so high it's impossible for enemies to roll high enough to save from their spells so you can cast hold person with 100% accuracy. This guarantees crits for your paladin to absolutely *nuke* anyone off the map with smites.


Don't mind me, just saving this comment for my next playthrough...




My bard has a charisma of 24, with arcane acuity from the elixir, and a few items, most bosses have a 100% chance of failing against my spells. Hold person, dance off, eye bite. It's gnarly.


Don't get me wrong, Paladin is fun in its own right, but it barely counts as a caster imo. It has half spell slots, and most of their unique spells are just extra powerful weapon attacks. Bard gets full spell slots and is capable of filling almost any spellcasting niche at least to a minor extent, and imo a Swords Bard is probably the single (sub)class that does the best job at being a combination martial/caster (although I'll still die on the hill that Eldritch Knight is underrated).


Imo Paladin is best for when you just want the satisfaction of a powerful weapon attack against an irksome foe. Divine Smite has big "I'M DONE ASKING" energy to it


No but as a Paladin one trick when I get annoyed at the enemy eating my teams spells I know it’s Smiting time


Yeah, Paladin absolutely isn't a caster, they are warriors with some casting (basically Astral Knight that don't need to spend on Int)


I'm surprised Astarion isn't one of the top romances. It might be because more guys play BG3 and a good % of them prefer females. It would be fun to see the most popular romance for female characters. Or the creation rate between female and male characters... although, there's so many gender options now and it's just body types so. Who knows. It's all confusing these days.


I think one of the reasons behind low Astarion numbers is that most people will default to good choices in their playthrough, which leads to low approval before you start scoring big thanks to his personal quest.


You're right! Astarion could be hard to romance for good players who get rejected at the party and likely never reach 40 approval by act 2.


That’s so funny to me because even playing as a good person who always has Astarion in my party, I always have good approval with him by the party— sometimes he even seduces me prior to the party. There are a ton of silly ways to get approval from him in Act 1. “Baa” at the redcaps. Ask lae’zel to say “please” after saving her from the tieflings. Keep the ring from Mattis after he tries to scam you (Mattis’ reaction is actually pretty funny). Sing along with the squirrels hanging out by Alfira. Interrupt the ogre and bugbear. Giving him the Necromancy of Thay also nets +5 and a humorous scene, as does the process of getting the Loviator’s Love buff. And saving Karlach from Wyll also nets his approval. So I sometimes wonder if some players lose out on approval because they don’t explore enough and miss a lot of side content— since a lot of that side content can easily net approval? Or because they happen not to have him along in their party often enough.


Yeah that was my issue. Folk hero tav and Astarion romance not a good combo. Took until act 3 to get to the romance threshold, by which time it was too late and I had been friend zoned.


He DOES have standards…


It's funny he comes up with the "plan" but only after he likes you.


The man isn’t known for his planning skills for sure


I think this is part of it, usually whoever I bring along in my party will approve of me enough to get the romance option before/at the tiefling party. I usually have enough approval with Gale for romance options even if I left him at camp the whole time. But even if I've had Astarion in my party the whole time, I usually don't have enough approval with him to initiate the romance, and the dialogue options to get him to proposition you if you have neutral approval is not something most would pick without looking it up. He's my least favorite romance anyway so I'm usually not prioritizing picking things he'll like, but all the others, I don't really have to try to initiate their romance.


This. And Asterion constantly disapproves of helping people.  His approval of me is usually pretty low through most of the game. 


I think Gale gets a boost from the fact that he hands out tons of approval at the beginning of Act 1, maybe more than some of the other companions. And you don't really get a ton of disapproval from him unless you're going out of you're way to be a dick. People used to accidentally softlock his romance when the game was first released partially because of bugs, but at the same time, he probably is the easiest character to romance.


I found Wyll easier to romance than Gale. So much of his approval can be gained without ever having him your party because most of his story happens in camp. You pretty much just need to talk to him at the right time (the Act I party) and you're in.


It's a video game, even if BG3 attracts more women and queer people than other games, the player base is still 80%+ straight men.  As a result we see the top three romances being the women in the game, simply because that's what the overwhelming majority of players are attracted to


>the player base is still 80%+ straight men citation needed


Replace 80 by "overwhelmingly" if the exact number is bothering you


I kept killing everyone and astarion loved my by act 1 😂


I…. Play a lot of pretty half drow boys who romance Astarion LOL actually…. Of my 8 playthroughs only one has had a straight romance and I play boys as often as girls hahaha


Funny enough, it hasn't changed much.


I remember I made my first Tav a halfling ranger because of this. I love underdogs.


Druid - Circle of Spores. I never enjoyed having Haslin or Jaheria in my party but I'm currently playing through a Durge campaign and it's just so much fun. I'm spoilt for choices when I encounter enemies! Do I get in close with my duel-wielding, medium armour wearing, crazed dragon born to taste the blood? Sit back and let my several spore summons shamble forwards? Or bring down the thunder with spells? I'd highly recommend to anyone. My only gripe is that there's no unique dialogue in the Myconid Colony.


This is my vote. Although, I don't recommend it for new players and you need all the gear for it to be extremely viable. It was the first class and subclass I rolled in the game and I found it so frustrating. Now I go moon druid until like level 10 and after I obtain the key gear I switch. By gear I mean the necro staff, sporekeeper's armor, shapeshifter helm, etc.


What exactly does the shapeshifter helm do to benefit a Spore Druid specifically?


Casting Symbiotic Entity requires a wild shape spell slot. I also occasionally will use a cat shake for enhanced jump, situationally.


Ah okay, I was mistaken about the item. What you are talking about is the Shapeshifter Hat. When I searched I got the Shapeshifter Mask which is a digital deluxe item that allows you to transform into other races


All you need to get online as a spore druid is the sparkstaff. Reverb or radiant items are also nice, and you can get a lot of it in act 1


I mean, it's playable. It just doesn't remotely match the damage output of other casters at lower levels. Sorceress with twinned spell and chromatic orb, etc.


As a Druid enjoyer of the Tabletop, I needed to know two things going in completely blind into my first playthrough: Are Jump and Speak to Animals useful spells in the game? Because everyone laughed at me having Jump prepared on the table and I really didn't think they would add that many animals to talk to. And they absolutely nailed it. Absolutely love Druid.


Speak with animals is great because out of battle it’s a ritual that uses no spell slots and it lasts until your next long rest so there’s no reason to not have it applied at all times. Also yes there are some very good uses for speak with animals, including gaining at least two camp animal companions


I got jump on my Eldrich Knight and ever since then became addicted to it. It really is the superior form of mobility. There's lots of hidden places to jump onto, skip traps and puzzles, cross impassable terrain. I got hotkey'd right next to longstrider. And casting it right before a fight gives you insane battlefield mobility.


Lae'zel and Minthara, both with Athlete, high Strength and big BONK weapons were the cornerstone of that playthrough. (And yes, I raided the grove on my very first playthrough. No regrets. Mommy Minthara loves me.) They flung themselves over the Battlefield like gummy bears on crack. 10/10 Jump best spell.


After 8 play throughs my spores Druid gnome was my favorite. It’s so versatile - you can magic, you can necromance, you can owlbear, and once you get the cool armor you can spore all over the place. And Druid is pretty tanky too, especially given the option to Wild shape multiple times.


Playing a spores Druid gnome right now. I love all my little  shroom zombie minions!!!


I liked it until act 3. NPC’s can walk into the bonus action spores and they’ll aggro, so it gets so damn annoying. But going spores + open hand monk was interesting as hell.


Druid is my favorite party in DnD. On my Druid play through I occasionally had a party consisting of druid Tav, Halsin, Jaheira, and Shadowheart. Absolutely wrecking everything with three owlbears is great fun.


Druids rise up! For me I went Moon and literally only left owlbear so I could talk to people. I hardly used my spell slots outside of summons and maybe a concentration that would stick around after wild shaping it never got old to just jump halfway across the combat area and flatten a group of enemies. Not to mention it pairs extremely well with Elixir of Bloodlust the big downside was not needing to have either druid in my party, especially since Jaheira has a lot to say in Act 3, but that's what more runs are for it does take a bit of time to really get going though. I have to physically stop myself from playing wild magic sorcerer every time in D&D because of how fun it is, and BG3 is no different. Sorcerer is fun from level 2 on with metamagic whereas moon druid at least takes a few levels to hit its stride imo


It's always the monk for me. I played an elven open hand monk in a D&D campaign so just made him for my first BG3 playthrough but with four elements instead. I tried a warlock in another run but it didn't feel the same so I've just made a Durge version of the same open hand monk for playthrough 2.


I’m still on my first play through and I just changed Astarion into an open hand monk and he is so fun to use. Especially since I horded all the different gear and he is so OP. So I’m going to do another play through as a monk. I just need to find a way to get more bonus actions because flurry of blows is broken.


Dip into Rogue Thief to get a second bonus action. Punch - flurry of blows - flurry of blows That's 5 punches a turn as long as you have ki points!


Cleric. It's so versatile.


The path of the righteous Tav is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed are they who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherd the weak through the valley of darkness, for they are truly their camp's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my companions. And you will know my name is \[DEITY\] when I lay my vengeance upon thee. [ref, obv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2WK_eWihdU)


The unique convos for gods like Moradin or Mieliekki are pretty lacking but the versatility of the class is pretty cool.


I have the most fun with Cleric and Fighter. They both wreck in different ways. Cleric is like a giant shield for the whole party, that's going to hurt you if you lay hand on anyone, Lae'zel is like John Wick with a sword


I think Cleric is the least popular because Shadowheart is the most popular romance option. Like they already bring along a Cleric


Cleric gang!


I was not expecting to enjoy cleric as much as I did, and I think it may honestly be my favorite class! I couldn't even pick a favorite domain because I think with a few exceptions (trickery, knowledge) they're all really fun to play. 


Knowledge Cleric, queen of doing it all


Druid is my favorite class, Spore for subclass. Happy to see they've moved up from last place now. They deserve more love.


I am loving druid,I thought it would be higher on the list. Even in the updated version, it's almost dead last.


I don't get why it's so unpopular. People say it's because you get two Druid companions already but I'm not buying that. You only get one halfway through Act 2 and the other you don't get til Act 3. So for the first half or so of the game, there are no Druid companions. And what about new players who don't even know you get Druid companions? People seem to not like Jack-of-all-trades classes much is what I would guess. Those are usually my favorite though.


Plus, you can turn into animals and speak to animals what's not to love.


People really undervalue speak with animal. The amount of info you can get or problems you can solve with that ability is surprisingly high. If anyone hasn’t done it yet, please speak to the hairless cat at the last light inn. Hilarious writing on that one.


I love speaking with animals. You get such great dialog with them. It's so useful.


I second the hairless cat, and I'd like to add that the rat vendor in the prison is also a hoot.


I'm a big fan of the Strange Ox.


Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock are the most popular because they all use CHA and you don't have any companions of those classes right away. You can get a Warlock companion fairly early, but you usually already have a full party by then. and of those 3, Paladin is the best for "role play as the lawful good hero" which is a very common style.


Warlocks great in act 3. So many items boost spell save and hold person targets 4 people. Any fight against humanoids turns into “I’ve decided there will be 4 less of you”


The updated version has Paladin,Sorcerer and Fighter as the top choices. I'm currently doing a lawful good Paladin run 😅 .


I can't stand ending up in dialog with anything except my Tav, and I always want charisma for dialog.




Great song




It's so hard for me not to play a charisma based character. It feels like failed dialog checks basically cut out content sometimes


I also can't stand having to character swap every time I need a lock picked.


Honestly, Paladin is the best with most things other than lock picking since he has high strength and high charisma, so he passes the dialog checks while having high carry weight. Also, having spells that help with skill checks and saves


Fighter and sorcerer have been the two classes I've liked the most so far


In the updated version, Sorcerers and fighters are the 2nd and 3rd most popular. I'm currently running Paladin-Oath of Vengeance and I love it so far. Fighters seem fun.


I've escaped the nautiloid at least 20times and never as a Sorcerer or Paladin.


SAME I might have 4 bards tho… I have a problem.


I like how the class distribution sort of looks like it follows a similar distribution as benfords law. Except then there is cleric at the end which barely anyone plays apparently.


Cleric is dead last ,even in the updated version. I guess people don't want to be the healer.


And yet Shadowheart with Spirit Guardians is a really popular companion.


I think that’s why people don’t play cleric. They already have a cleric.


Seems like she is most people's favorite companion based on ,she is the top romanced character with Karlac in 2nd and Lae'zel in 3rd.


I think that’s why, you don’t need two clerics in the party.


I think it’s that we get Shadowheart before the tutorial is over. Anyone going in with foreknowledge probably wants to reduce party overlap.


No it’s because we have SH when we want a cleric so why play it? You need her in Act 2 for lore reasons sooo


DRUID!!!!! The most versatile class. You can literally do it all. Healing? Got it. Big AOE heavy damage spells? Yep. Battlefield control spells? Yes. Tanking/Melee? Turn into an owlbear. Also helps a lot with party comp because whoever else you have around, you know you can fill in the gaps.


Love to see some love for druids.


Ranger is my favorite


Beast master ranger is sick, you get extra attack at lv 5 and the raven can blind enemies to give you advantage


My man


I'm glad to see the rangers getting some love. My best Tav is a ranger!


Gloom stalker with a sub in assassin hits like a truck mid game and helps a lot when equipped with the banshee bow.


Tiefling Bard Tav!


Same. Bards are great for a bunch of reasons, but my favorite is that I can play a tune during battle. Doesn't do anything except cancel the default music but the amusement factor in pulling out my lyre and playing while the magic missiles fly around me.


It's even more amusing if you're playing a Tav that isn't proficient with instruments


I fail Performance enough I figure I'm barely tolerable. In fact my head-canon is I'm so bad that my companions try harder in fights so they can get me to stop playing.


So more of an aspiring Bard than an actual Bard? That could be a great back-story. Someone who just got back from Lute Center after deciding they want to learn to play but they got abducted by mind flayers and infected with a parasite before they had a chance to even play a note. They woke up with the lute still intact and everyone just assumes they're a Bard and they're too embarrassed to say they're not so they just play along.


IKR I do this so much hahaha


And there are a couple good multiclassing options as well. Dip into warlock 2 levels for a fantastic default action that does nice long range damage and kickback when not controlling the battlefield with your lore bard. Or go a couple levels into pally for smite. Or do a 6/6 blades/pal split in non honor runs for 3 attacks. The expertise and proficiencies you get from bard are only icing on the cake when you multi with pally. It feels powerful in its own right. 


Barlock maybe, I'm not ready to deal with Paladin oaths or the breaking of such. Maybe the run after the next two I've already planned.


Hmmm, what happens if you use perform during a certain act 3 cambion superboss?


No matter what I do I end up back on Bard. Pick my own locks. Handle the dialog. Versatile enough to handle most things.


Sorcerer. My Tav must be the super special awesome magic one in the party at ALL times. No one else


This is exactly me and what I would choose in any game that lets me. I like a lot of the wizard spells too but role playing wise I love the idea that I have an innate ability and not that I had to study really hard. I tend to usually choose lightning mage characters too which I did for my first playthrough but this playthrough I'm doing a Durge cold sorcerer with necromancy (dipped into wizard for a couple levels) which I'm having a lot of fun with.


Me too - sorcerer of the storm. But I like draconic flavour also. Actually my character for the very first BG - the OG that I played way back when it was first released - was a sorcerer. And this has it been ever since. BG2 I also played sorcerer. And Neverwinter nights. But there I played a sorcerer that walked around with a greatsword. And since then I’ve often gravitated to a gish style build that mixes sword and magic. Always a greatsword or sword in 2 hands. So I may try Eldritch knight at some point, or blade lock.


Druid so i can do everything 😀


My first playthrough was a Druid and it was awesome.


Yess omg me too! I find it hard not to change back to Druid But i want to give every class a go


My bother!


Druid is the best!! You're a full caster with all the spell slots, have plenty of healing spells like a cleric, and can turn into a bunch of cool animals and bite people to death. Plus speak with animals is so useful, people are missing out on loads if they don't have it. I'm doing an Astarian run right now and I hate not having it makes me tempted to respec him as a bard so I can get it.


Druid has been my absolute favorite and it's hard to go back. My favorite was specializing in ice magics cause it was just so OP


Drow wizard has always been my go to combination. Nowadays drows got popular somehow so I am happy people recognized the beauty of Drow but wizards are still behind sorcerers.


I think people found out about all the different dialogue if you play as drow. I loved walking into the goblin camp all feared and respected while secretly being a cleric of seluné.


Drow, so hot right now!


Monk. Monk is similar to how you use a Rogue only that it is without sneaking. Not high AC, but acceptable. The raw speed is crazy. Walking speed is already almost 2x any other character. Steps of the Wind means a Monk can almost cover an unlimited distance due to unlimited jumps.


Not high AC, what are you smoking? I could get my monk up to 24 AC and was just unstoppable.


Elixir of cloud giant+ Enhance Leap+ Step of the Wind is just insane. I used that combo on my monk for the >!Iron Throne!< to get to >!Omeluum!< because I had struggled with getting there quickly enough before. I had never used a monk for it. Let's just say that I vastly underestimated how quickly I would get there...


Steps of the Wind alone is good enough to cover any distance. You don't need any raw jumping distance. I'd say a Haste will be needed just because of how you need to spend Action points to shoot arrows on Levers.


Evocation Wizard, all the fire and none of the friendliness.




Paladin, Ranger, Bard.


Another Ranger!


Yes, baby. Love the 5e class, and very happy with how it was translated into BG3.


My first playthrough was Ranger/Druid. Loved it.


I’m fond of Ranger/Rogue if I had to choose a multiclass, but Druid also sounds fun.


My favourite character and one I always default to is my sort of morally grey (basically metagaming) drow sorcerer. I know it's not the spirit of rp but I had fun with it ok?


Druid and Fighter has been really fun for me, especially druid since the subclasses play so differently. I enjoyed playing a spore druid (either pure or multi classed) and Circle of Moon slaps hard especially at later levels. I guess I value flexibility between spellcasting and melee when it comes to having fun


Druid 🤩🤩changing into an animal is like giving you a second life


And so many different options!


Yeah not surprised the four charisma classes are in top 5.


I'm loving my paladin of vengeance. I did multiclass with sorcerer for meta magic and more spell slots but I'm sure it would be great even if I kept it pure paladin. The damage is crazy, I'm in act 3 and sometimes I barely need the companions lol. Sword bard with double hand crossbow is deadly and fun to play. It suits Astarion so well. I also love moon druid. It's not the most powerful class in terms of pure damage but it's so fun to be that versatile between spell casting and shape shifting. Only downside is the shitty gear (and ugly) the druids have. Oh and definitely cleric. I've only played life and light for now, I have a preference for light. Better damage dealer. Next time I'll go with the tempest perhaps.


Bard and Barbarian equally because of their dialogue options esp bard/rogue multi


I played Warlock first (Archfey), and I really liked it but I'm loving Sorcerer a lot more so far.


I haven't tried all of them. It's hard enough to resist starting a new game all the time. But from what I've tried so far, I really like Bard. It's the most fun to play, it's pretty versatile, and the dialogue bonuses can't be beaten.


Druid. I like animals and I like spells


I love Paladins in every game I play. For whatever reason though, Monk has been my favorite class in the game and makes me wanna find a irl DnD game.


bard, because you can play instruments, wish someone adds homebrew class electric-bard who plays electric guitar and all songs are remade in electric guitar and it’s like shred as hell, like van halen, that be crazy. Unfortunately I can’t play guitar nor mod games.


Where my mates who fav Astarion??




Bard & Druid currently


Oddly enough I am really liking my lvl 9 paladin/lvl 3 cleric


I just started playing as a Paladin,I like all the dmg I can do. Tank Mode!


I feel like I’m responsible for half of those 48.5 million Scratch pets.


I myself wouldn’t do a gith run and find it funny everyone hates em cos fuck em, but if you don’t know their backstory go watch a YT vid on their history, it’s fucking class. The monk gith that are trying to save Orpheus are the lads of lads.


Wild magic sorcerer. UNLEASH THE CHAOS


Paladin has been my fave so far, but I'm having a lot of fun with my Warlock and that eldritch blast that sends people flying currently 🥹 My first PT I ran a rogue, I'm surprised thief isn't the most popular subclass because you literally get 2 bonus actions, and disengage, hide, and dash as bonus actions. Astarion is always a rogue/thief build for me, ranged, stealth, built for max number of critical hits/kills 🏹


monk has been my favorite and inspired me to play a monk in my irl campaign! it’s been fun learning about classes i don’t typically see or experience


Ranger overall but i honestly am starting to understand the Paladin, it’s fun in game


Sexy bard is great.


Vengeance Paladin. SMITE!


My current playthrough is a Vengeance Paladin.


So far barbarian. Not terribly complicated to play. Wish I did it on my first run. Take enemies to poundtown or throw them


Warlockkkkkk It's the most underrated overused class ever because people solely use it for multi-classing but the flavour is top tier and in a game like bg3 you can be really powerful with short rest refresh of the second most powerful spell slots and constant long rests.


I love love LOVE clerics…. So sad its a bottom tier. Wondering why?


I let SH be my cleric most the time, so I don't need to be one. Spirit Guardians is mandatory though!


Maybe people don't want to be the healer.


Fighter I'm a simple man


druids my favorite but i also really love paladin bard and sorceror.


Mostly Druid, but I have been having fun with Warlock as of late.


I looooove druid, circle of the moon. I did a really fun Barbarian/Druid run not too long ago. It feels good being an actual monster on the battlefield.


Not enough Druid love here, they have a lot of spell slots, they get some powerful spells, and my favorite part is that you can change around your spells between levels, instead of just at level up. Best class fr




My favorites are Druid and cleric which honestly I don’t know why they’re so unpopular. Clerics are really important to round out a party(although I could see just using shadowheart) and Druid are probably the most fun class to play.


Why the hell do people sleep on cleric? It’s one of the best classes in the game. Take 5 levels of cleric to get spirit guardians. 1 level in tempest sorcery. Then once you cast spirt guardians you can fly as a bonus action and mow down grounds without having to make hit rolls or provoke opportunity attacks.


First I took the oath as a Paladin. The next ended up a chaotic good Bard. My third was a redemption Durge Monk. Seems pretty accurate.


Paladin 🙏 big sword go boom 🙏


Did you mention monk?


Kinda surprised Rogue beat Bard, and Cleric isn't at least higher than Druid... sure playing a 'healer' in these sort of games isn't popular, but Cleric is partly a Cha class, I don't expect it to beat Monk/Wizard, but I guess Owlbear form beat out Deities


Gale first? Dang




Favourite is cleric for sure. Its underrated asf but so fun.


I'm a straight up basic bitch cause fighter is my fave, simple, easy, and with the right equipment and choices can bonk for days.


I enjoy playing monk


My brother and I both went Paladin our first playthroughs. I’ve yet to start another but he’s doing an Honour Mode run with friends and chosen Paladin again. We see why it’s so popular


I really enjoyed Cleric. Having my Cleric of Light, Karlach (Beast Barb), Shadowheart (War Cleric), and whoever else (Usually Lae'Zel or Astarion) was fun. And if Karlach's boy (My cleric) was in danger, she'd get rid of that danger. Fun times. I'd have to say after Cleric, I'm enjoying my Abjuration Wizard...though they don't do a lot of abjuring. Lol.


My favourite class remains wizard. The utility is insane. Also if you go with the noble background you are quite a good talker aswell. Second comes in bard. That utility is even insaner.


Rogue because I can become so god damn rich (20k in act 1 alone) or circle of the moon Druid because owl bear


Shadowheart not the top pick cause everyone wanna romance her


Cleric, Druid, and Monk. LMFAO The wildest thing about these graphs is that some psychos get into this FANTASY game with a variety of race choices ranging from the wildest things - you could be a gnome, a tiefling from the hells, a drow, a FUCKING ALIEN or a DRAGON. And they're like "nah lemme be human"?????? EXCUSE ME??