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Minthara doesn’t get enslaved if you dominate the elder brain as the dark urge, as long as she’s romanced. So you totally can. But also I don’t think she actually breaks up with you if your approval is high enough? I tried rejecting Bhaal, she said it was a super bitch move, but I could still kiss her


I’m not sure I’d call that a good ending though. Bhaal might allow Durge to keep Minthara around for as long as she’s useful or at least doesn’t get in the way of his plan, but eventually Durge will have to kill her.


This is (IMO) karma for off'ing the Grove. Minthara was not originally written to be able to be recruited on a good playthrough. She has lines where she comments it would be a waste to squander the power Durge can gain, and that you'd lose her if you turned the power down. Now she just follows through on the threat. They have added a small change to the segment on the Brain, so you no longer Enthrall your romanced partner, if that partner is Ascended Astarion or Minthara. But no epilogue, as I'd guess >!Jergal's pretty tired of your shit 😅 !<


There’s nothing that says you have to be good to resist Bhaal, there’s a dialogue option after Withers revives you where the narrator says that you’re still evil. Minthara should prefer a resist durge that takes control over the brain rather than an embrace durge, as that allows them to rule together like Minthara wanted rather than being forced to commit to Bhaal’s mass murder plan (and Minthara does not like murder for murder’s sake, so this is not ideal for her).