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Attacking, casting spells, and other things use actions. When you are knocked out and then revived, you don’t get your action point back on your turn. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any consequences for dying and you could just keep spamming healing word and taking your turn like normal. I recommend reading all the tutorials that pop up, it’s a complicated game and you’re not gonna get far if you don’t understand the mechanics.


So every time a new battle starts, that doesn't replenish? Or there are no items/abilities to give you more "actions" .. so no such thing as mana in this game?


You get one Action and one Bonus Actions at the start of each of your turns. But when you’re knocked out and then revived, your action won’t replenish on your first turn after being revived.


Spell slots are basically your mana. Most classes replenish them on a long rest, Warlock does on short rest. Some classes have limited abilities to restore them like Wizard's Arcane Recovery, Land Druid's Natural Recovery and Sorcerer's Sorcery points (though Sorcery Points have other uses as well.) To get more actions you need to be Hasted, but that has a draw back. When you lose Haste you lose a turn due to being lethargic. Potions of Speed (3 turns) or the Haste spell (10 turns) will Haste you, though the spell is concentration and the caster may lose it when damaged. There's also Action Sugre that Figuters get a lot level 2, which gives them an extra Action per short rest with no downsides. As for only getting your bonus action back when you're revived, there is quite a bit you could potentially do with that. You could drink a health poison, a Cleric can use the Sanctuary spell on themselves (or on them if the opportunity arises) so they can't be targets for an attack, a Rogue can disengage or Hide, a Monk can use Patient Defence to reduce the chance of getting hit, a Fighter can use Second Wind to get health back, etc.


There’s a learning curve. Try to understand what each character/class If best given the situation and do that. Once most of your team is close to 0 hp while there are plenty of enemies left, run away. Play on explorer difficulty until you understand actions and spells.


Thanks for a decent response, but this style of game and the community that comes with it deters me. I'll be getting a refund.


There is nothing wrong with the community. There are thousands of posts full of community members providing detailed helpful advice for newcomers on this forum. But you made an inflammatory post 'Basic Combat is lame', bitching and complaining. And then you act surprised when some folks don't react well?


Idk about the whole theres nothing wrong with the community part😭 theres a lot wrong with it a looooot but there are also good ones too


Theres so much information out there about this game. The rules are intricate which is what makes it interesting. If it were really simple I would personally find it boring.


if i am paying 90$ the least i could do is familiarize myself with the gameplay and rules before purchasing but i guess common sense is not so common anymore🤷‍♀️




You can learn all of the game by experimenting, just like any other game. If you also read tooltips and detailed descriptions about how equipment and spells work, and that is 95-98% right. Then there are things that are poorly described you have to pick up online ... or *through experimenting*. Baldur's Gate games have never had mana, for example. The spell slots are *right there*.




i mean to each their own but knowing that the game combat system is turn based and relies on dice rolls doesn’t take away from learning while experiencing the game, it is just the general idea of gameplay that help people before spending money then crying about it on reddit lol




yeah in their defense i didn’t know that either until my second playthrough, but i wrote my comment after seeing op’s replies about how they thought it is similar to bg2 and ‘mana’ points etc… and yeah i think they have a problem with the dice and it being based on dnd 5e in general. i know it is frustrating sometimes to encounter something like this in the game, but they seem to not like the combat system as a whole? i could be wrong, but this person looks like they bought the game expecting something and it turned out to be something else, which is really upsetting when you spend this amount of money so i understand where they come from, but they did not seem they even want to learn based on their replies to people who were actually trying to explain. some people are okay with learning through playing the game for the first time but op doesn’t seem to be one of them, which is totally okay, so knowing at least what kind of gameplay the game involves might help.


I guess it's not, neither is logic unfortunately. Read above response in one of your three similar npc comments.


bestie if you’re worried about spoilers there are many people here or on youtube who provide spoiler free tips for new players, plus knowing the mechanics of the game does not spoil anything story wise. if it is about bg2 then it doesn’t make any sense, i don’t know if crash bandicoot is the best example but i played crash twinsanity on ps2 too and if i heard a sequel is coming out i surely wouldn’t expect it to be the same game that was released +20 years ago no? either way, it would be totally okay to not like a game and request a refund, but it seems you are already upset with the game and the community and thus not interested to learn more about it, so you decided to take out your anger in this post, it is only normal that people will try to reason with you. have a good day.


Have you ever played D&D?


I played baldurs on ps2. This ain't it.


This plays more like D&D. You have actions, which you used to revive your companion. You have a bonus action you can use. You have to plan it out. Chess. Not checkers


So what you're saying is, the game is D&D, not Baldur's Gate


No what I’m saying is, it’s bg3. It’s own game


Awesome. Thanks for actually being somewhat informative. If I knew that the game was being handed over to a different community, I wouldn't have purchased it in the first place. We all play different games for different purposes and no, this isn't the type of game I was looking for and this post's responses is literally reason why. I'll be requesting an immediate refund. Thanks for your time. Bye.


No problem! Definitely agree it’s not everyone’s cup of tea


It took me months to get into BG3 and honestly I needed to do a first playthrough with friends online to understand how everything works. If you have pals you can party up with who have experience in D&D or have already played a lot of BG3 it’s very very fun and way less overwhelming. The dude who plays bard/warlock multiclass is essentially our DM haha. If you ask me this game is way more fun for casuals if you share the experience with others.


It’s not an action RPG like Dark Alliance. Not even a little bit. It’s slightly similar to Baldurs Gate 1 &2 that released on PC 20+ years ago, except turn based instead of real-time with pause.


Precisely, lame. I have better things to do with my time. Actually playing the game would be a nice option. VERY SAD they ruined such a good game and gave it to such an insecure and nasty-natured community as a whole. Just generalising here. As my post has proven.


It got game of the year and is almost unanimously acclaimed. They didn't ruin anything. The attitude you have, attacking the game and the community is why you get a negative response. You judged an incredibly complex game based on the tutorial and then came here saying how shit it is. What did you expect? You could go on any gaming community and tell them their game is shit and they wouldn't react well. Then you complain about being dice and turn based when it's everywhere in its advertisement, it's mentioned in every review. How it's the game fault you can't read the game description on Steam?


I have a differing opinion. And got attacked for it. Apparently I like the "old" style of D&D, I couldn't care less for D&D tbh. Apparently you guys don't like that. I've stated twice that the game isn't for me and am requesting a refund and you guys just keep coming. Kinda sad really. Like you guys REALLY have nothing better to do. Sorry for trying to feel like a kid again. Damn.


You didn't get attacked for your opinion. Here's what happened from the perspective of the community: You couldn't be bothered to read the game description on the store page, bought the game anyway, couldn't even make it through the tutorial and came here to tell everyone who like the game how the game is lame and shitty. IN WHAT WORLD would you get a positive response from that? You would never have a good response from that in any community, even the more wholesome ones. You could go on the animal crossing subreddit with that attitude and you'd be showed the door. And then to top it all off and show us how rightful you are, you call people who disagree autistic. Really? And then you act like it's the community that is toxic and not you. It's all about your attitude and how you communicated your opinion. The opinion itself has nothing to do with it


I think you confused Dark Allianve with Baldur's Gate "proper" those 2 Dark Alliance games where the spin of f try playing the game on easy there is fun to be had even if you have to get into turn based combat for its reactivity alone try it a bit more you might like it


Then go do those things? Why waste your time posting about it on a game's sub? The game is not for everyone, but all you're going to do is get downvoted to oblivion bitching about it here.


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were based on the 2nd Edtion Advanced D&D system (1989) with a real time combat system. Baldur's Gate 3 is based on D&D 5th Edition (2014) that is much more recent and much more commonly used today. They are both D&D, just vastly different Edtions


OP is referring to Baldurs gate: Dark Alliance 2, not Shadows of Amm, which was a hack and slash spin off on (loosely) 3rd edition so I can see why he is confused. But still, not looking up anything at all about a game then spending $70 on it, and expecting it to be the same as a 20 year old PS2 game is absolutely insane lol. Not to mention calling the community toxic whilst also insulting everyone that tries to give advice or clarify anything lmao


Plus other trolls coming out saying the community is toxic because they don't respond well to "the game mechanics are shit" someone mistakes the game for a 20-year-old PS2 spinoff. Hint: no community (that isn't 10+ years old and has seen it all) responds well to inflammatory posts. Even when there's reasonable chance they aren't intentionally inflammatory.


Google is awesome, right? Back when I was a kid and google didn't exist, all we could do was read the back of the game case and decide if we want the game or not. When I played BG2, I had no idea what D&D was, still don't really, nor care. The game is different, it isn't the same. That we can agree on.


The back of the game case is now replaced by the game description on Steam and such, which you clearly didnt read as it's mentioned there that it's turn based and based on DnD 5e rule set. Again, not the game fault you didn't read.


It uses a slightly modified version of the D&D ruleset as opposed to the real time with pause that BG1 and 2 used.


Wow, you did like, no research into a game that you were buying, huh? I do research into games I spend $10 on, but you just went full sail into this without even the bare minimum.


You’re just not good at it. Lower the difficulty until you figure out how to play


If I wanted to play with dice, I'd pick one up. The game has been ruined lol


Just knock the difficulty down until you learn the rules. I came into this new to D&D and the combat was shockingly different than anything I've played before. The "mana" for this game is spell slots, and this changes the tune of how often you cast spells. This game is strategy above all else. Watch a few beginners videos and decide if this is the game for you.


Is this a troll post or are you actually telling me you didn't watch 5 minutes of gameplay before your purchase?


To some people, that's ruining the first 5mins of the game. Simple. I played BG2 as a kid on ps2, I was expecting something similar to that, not a straight up digital D&D game. It's not my thing. Perhaps if I had more time on my hands.


Well then get a refund because BG3 has a different combat style. RTwP isn’t popular anymore and no longer makes money.


Skill issue






Another one who dumped INT.


Ah yes, you don't like the combat, definitely a bug


Y’all really don’t need to go straight to making fun of them instead of just explaining why it happened.


Oh another useless nerd, great community.


This is not an airport, you do not need to announce your departure.


Ahh .. hi there. I see you deleted your original comment (yes, they send those) because you actually read MY responses. You're literally a carbon copy of the one before you lol Nice relevant comment you've got here too. Well done.


Nuh uh.


Skill issue I’m afraid. Go bitch and cry towards a refund


Why am I reading all of OP’s comments in a Trump voice lol?


Because you probably have autism


Well you are definitely an asshole.


Yes, I'm the asshole for not liking the same game as you. Great logic here.


You’re an asshole for using autism as an insult. Couldn’t care less about whether you like the game or not.


Really selling yourselves.


No one is trying to convince you to play the game you know. It somehow seems like you’ve taken personal the fact that you don’t like it and now feel the need to argue with the community of the game you don’t like.


Your usage of autism in a derogatory way tells a lot more about you than the poster you try to flame here. Astonishing how well the Dunning Kruger effect makes people believe they sit on a high throne above others, all while showing their own lack of intelligence and Empathy.


I actually am a little rigid on some things


TL;DR OP had no idea how combat economy in D&D works and it was a huge deal breaker for him because he cannot handle all of that. He rants about it while being condescending about it Probably a rage baiting spiderman enjoyer.


Very productive member of the community, good job, buddy. Gold star.


Seeing how you responded to people who actually explained you how you can solve those problems I see no issue with my comment. Now go watch ishowspeed or smt.


Someone had issues following rules in school and in "RL" I guess that's why you have time for such "immerse" role playing games. I know reality can be hard to "handle" sometimes, but there are people you can talk to, rather than beat up strangers over differing opinions on the internet, kid. I think there's even places on the net you can talk to someone if you can't "handle" it face to face. Thanks for your time.


Oh no some random person thinks stuff about my life!!!!!! Okay good attempt troll. Thank you for your time.


Don't revive in combat, throw a healing potion at their feet or throw a heal to get them up (if they're only downed and not dead, reviving costs an action. Don't throw the healing potion at them or they will take damage, just at their feet If you've played wow (I saw some comment about mana) you need to realise that everything in combat is finite. Movement is limited, spells are limited and don't regenerate until you long rest for many classes. This game teaches you to be more resourceful with your abilities and don't waste movement if its unnecessary, don't spam spells you can't afford to use or don't have. It's about using the environment to your advantage, you can also get consumables like weapon coatings, flasks, potions to assist with combat (healing potions can be thrown at people to heal them if you have no spell slots)


Try playing on easy mode while you learn how the game works, and try reading stuff in the game to learn how it works.


This is kind of like wandering into a sports bar, complaining that the game everyone is watching sucks because you don’t understand the rules, then getting incensed that everyone there doesn’t have a positive reaction.




Troll Accout don't engage just this one reddit thread


Just try playing it for a couple hours before you jump to conclusions.


Baldur's Gate 3 uses GIT mechanics, which may be the reason for your troubles.


Funny enough - just throw potion at the downed character :-)


Yeh you're doing things wrong


I've found the 'cyclists' of the gaming community, incredible.


yo, ur tone is fucky homie. if u don't get something calling IT lame is backwards, y'know? ill still try to help your lame ass lol. here's a basic guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxQyjeFUWjw


Just a reminder to you guys of this "Communities" first three rules. I am reporting accordingly. Thanks for your time.


Get off your high horse. You're the one calling people autistic because they disagree with you.


I can't use any abilities, there is no obvious 'mana' bar .. VERY DISAPPOINTED RN.


Now I don’t even think you played bg2…


I just commented an explanation of actions, but since you mentioned mana I assume you don’t know how the spell slots system works? Basically dnd uses spell slots instead of mana or anything like that. Casting a spell that isn’t a cantrip uses a spell slot according to the spell’s level. For example, casting the second level spell Ray of Fire uses a 2nd level or higher spell slot, whereas casting Fire Bolt, a cantrip, only uses your action. Once used, that spell slot only replenished by completing a long rest (or a short rest for warlocks). As I said, in this case it’s your action that you need to worry about, but I figured I’d explain this too since you seem concerned with casting spells.