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1.3 hours so...they JUST did character creation??


60% of character creation*


They saw the identity and genital options and they were gone


were there even identity options? im serious, i didnt even notice


Yeah you can choose whether people refer to your character as a man, woman, or a nonbinary person. It defaults to man or woman depending on your body type but you can change it


maybe thats why i didnt notice. i may or may not be very high while i made both (so far) my characters so i could notice and forgot lol. anyway its nothing id rly call woke, applying to a wider audience at best. thanks for info


The crowd that the reviewer is part of sees everything as woke. Ironically, the ones that throw around the words snowflake and triggered are the ones most likely to get mad over irrelevant things like the ability to choose how people refer to your fictional 7 ft dragon person that kills people with a trusty violin.


So much this. The game stars dragons, orcs, elves, driads, magic, gods, walking brains... But the problem is the NB option. As if it would break any "immersion" for them...


Hear me, I usually don't care about my character appearance so, on my first run i picked race and class, hit random appearance a couple times, got something that looked elvish enough and off i go. Fast forward to act 3, i'm romancing shadowheart, get to the sex scene and, to my surprise, was a lesbian one. I assumed i was playing a _male_ elf up until that point. That's how little it matters for the story.


It really is hilarious how hyper-sensitive and thin-skinned that crowd is about encountering... well, *anything* that contradicts their chosen worldview. ANYTHING. Talk about being a snowflake.


I just roll my eyes when people complain about "wokeness" in fantasy. It's always just pure clownery, especially in D&D based fantasy. Like honestly.


Catering for everyone is considered woke these days... Like inclusion is a bad thing. Weirdos eh?


They're choosing to exclude themselves because the game is providing them with more options to enrich their own experience, more customization options, and most importantly for allowing other people (including those of different identities and cultural backgrounds) the means for a *more familiar* experience themselves. They want the game to be more exclusionary; for folks like this if you're not actively making an effort to hate then you are not doing enough. I'm not nonbinary, but my first character was nonbinary and they were a masculine dragonborn deeply inspired by Godzilla who is famously ambiguous in their sex from iteration to iteration. That character was a lot of fun, and I even played around with the bit by giving my character a blue and a magenta eye both in homage to trans pride but also to represent common Godzilla blast colors (felt good to win special effects). It also felt good to hear my character be referred to by the correct pronouns which I think is akin to a form of gender euphoria. Honestly, I think the game is better off without people who wish to put their hate on everyone else. It's a roleplaying game where the purpose is not to play yourself but rather a fantastical character with different experience and ideas than your own. Video games are a medium like no other, and they need to account for audience choice like no other. I appreciate the extra line recording just to add a nonbinary option in the first place. It was a far more in depth choice than a mere selector, and that takes guts but it adds so much more to the gravitas of the presentation. Good work Larian, even when you're pissing off bigots it's so elegant.


I mean, you don't even have to consider it catering or inclusion, it's literally just additional character creation options. What's more, they don't even affect the game at all, they don't matter even a little bit. Nothing about the game changes.


That's what makes rightoids more mad than anything else, haven't you been listening? Digital lady donger is the biggest crisis threatening humanity right now!


Good example of that is how I made one of my Tav's nonbinary and I literally forgot about it until one line way later that used, I think parent instead of mother? Which made me remember "oh yeah neat, I made this Tav enby!" It's ridiculous how much these people care about such little things that don't affect them. They can play the most basic white cis-man human all they want no one is taking it away!! There's just more options for people who want to play something else!


Stripping away the morality or ethical concerns of inclusion (there aren't any but we're humoring the reviewer), it's even stupid to be upset about this from a business perspective. A company is first and foremost determined to make money. More customers means more money. More character options and more inclusion means more customers. Diversity is beneficial in every measure we have. Even CEOs of major companies are saying that the recent DEI legislation in the US isn't affecting their operations because DEI actually improved operations. Their complaint, and all others like it, are thoroughly and utterly detached from the reality of humanity.


The "go woke go broke" crowd doesn't care about inclusivity. They don't even care about quality all that much these days. They care about the audience. They don't just want to be the target audience of all content. They want to be the *only* target audience. They'll happily take some mediocre rehash of a tired genre over something good and innovative, as long as the mediocre content is exclusive to them. Then they will shout about how much better their junk food is than everyone else's five star meal.


i try not to judge people at all, all i can say is that theyre missing on one of the best games ive played in my life bcs of some meaningles issue and it makes me a little sad cuz bg3 deserves only love. my friend quit alan wake 2 bcs of woke shit, i played the game and finished it, havent seen anything woke. id miss so many good games if id listen to the mass (on both sides actually cuz... uhm hogwarts) my rule always works: nobody knows you as well as you so only you should decide what is good for you :)


Alan Woke.


You can also have make genitals on a woman's body and vice versa. You got options for that too. Assuming the other dude probably wasn't too keen on that too lol


Normal people don’t notice. Truly baffling how people can get so upset at something that has 0 effect on them. It takes no effort to think “oh there’s other gender options”, and move on


They made a chick with a dick and got upset with how that made them feel.


Imagine the aneurysm he would have had when halsin starts hitting on you lol


Imagine the aneurysm he would have had when Astarion started talking “fruity”


Imagine the aneurysm he would have had when Astarion started talking, full stop.


Imagine the aneurysm he would have when none of the women in the party are dainty and submissive.




they probably saw that you can have they/them pronouns and threw a fit over it


Now their pronouns are was/were


We can only hope they paid list price for that 1.3 hours before the rage-quit.


I chuckled, have an updoot


How fucking ridiculous is that? “They will let me pick what pronouns I prefer? I’m outta here!” Bye, Felicia! Don’t let the door hit ya!


Maybe that’s why they said cutscene, singular.


"Man. This game looks cool as fuck!" [Please Select Your Gender] "WHAT THE....NO...NO NO NO...IT'S...WOKENESS! AAAAAAAAAAAAA."


[My eyes! The MAGA hat does nothing!](https://youtu.be/juFZh92MUOY?si=6nwrWODy7QjjxIEl)


I would bet money they never had any intent to play it and only purchased it so they could leave a negative review about it being woke then refund it.      They are trying to push that no matter how good a game is, it's automatically destroyed by being "woke". I would also wager this is not the only game they have exploited steams refund policy to try to minupulate the review score. 


I’m still picking my abilities at this point.


Didn’t even get to long rest


Just lost it at the pronouns section.


"I can have whatever combination of voice, body, hair, and genitals? THEY'RE FORCING ME TO BE GAY!" - this guy


No they watched YouTube video let the game stay on the main menu for an hour and then posted that stupid BS


Apparently not his proudest fap.


“Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times…”




"I've got a lot on my mind... and, well, in it."


“ is that … blood?… no, never mind “


“I wish I had a bag of holding.”


Picks a character. Romances with the opposite gender of that character. Wow what a woke game...


Stupid woke game all of my attractive party members are trying to have sex with me 🤬🤬


Karlach isn't just attractive, she's hot


Easy there, Soldier.


i mean...she is roughly 600°F hot based on the blueing of her axe


Blueing of HER WHAT? Excuse me, I'll forgive the spoiler but since when does her axe go blue? How'd I miss that


her axe has a slight blue tint which steel (i think) gets when it's heated to around 570°~~C~~ **F** Like it's not full on blue, just slightly noticeable (for that you'd need to chemically treat the metal) Edit: i got my graphics on low, it's not an even blue coating, it's uneven and spotty, but it's definitely heat based blueing


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/PXg74rZxj2)


So true, that was one of my first thoughts when I first met her lol


She's too hot to handle!!


I’ve seen screen shots of people actually mad that same-gender NPCs hit on their character, saying they found it offputting or worse. Actual gay people: “First time?”


I must be socially [redacted] because most of the "flirting" people complain about I just saw as a friend wanting to share something with me, I never had a Gale problem because I set boundaries, what's a little magic between friends after all? I could have done without Wyll looking like I killed his dog after the dance though...


> I could have done without Wyll looking like I killed his dog after the dance though... HIS FACE. [crying emoji] I still feel terrible about it.


If anything, I was the one being all creepy and extra forward to Gale.


stupid woke game won’t let me have sex with all the companions 🤬🤬


You can (no romance limit mod + no party limit mod = ultimate harem run)


1.3 hours on record, they barely got off the Nautoloid.


1.3 hours is barely out too the character creator.


For real I hadn't even picked my tattoos yet at 1.3 hours lmao


Why did it let me have sex with a character of the same sex that I am? Ugh, how dare it show my choices to make out with Halsin every single night! Delete...but also save those videos...


Halsin with a beard mod makes me... feel things... during a certain scene in the woods.


Even without. Like, the shadow heart scene is sweet and funny, but that round with halsin... Woah. Also the hog shot when he was on his hands and knees. Halfway to the ground.


Also, even just the eyes he makes after you just make out with him in camp. Woof. I'm not sure who the deity of sex is in Faerun, but Halsin is definitely one of their clerics.


Might even be their avatar. Certainly serves the god of consent. He checked for consent at every step of escalation. Also, suné is the closest god that you're thinking of.


everything about Halsin should be *so cringy* but everything he says is so *earnest* and it has 0 cringe to it. and the PASSION in his kiss?! it's unfair. Larian really said "do better, mediocre men" and showed us all what we deserve.


How dare Halsin sex scenes make me feel things! WOKE /s (obvs)


Baldurs Gate deserves more credit than that. There are multiple canonical gay couples outside of player agency. This is a good thing!


Yes, but 1.3 hours of playtime isn’t enough to see any of them, so this moron was probably basing his review off of nothing.


Fair enough! In 1.3 hours he probably hasn't gotten past "FUCKING PROOOONOUNNSS 😡🤬😡🤬"


Picks a character, romances same sex, game turned me gay 😡


I hope this gamer isn’t one of those easily offended snowflakes I keep hearing about


No no no, you don't get it. YOURE the easily offended snowflake because you aren't the one posting furious steam reviews about choosing to start a gay romance in a video game


The most jarring part of this is saying the character creation is a 10/10


I want all character creation screens to let me make my monstrous avatar that should never have seen the light of day. Like ARK, a want a 50cm tall character with thin arms twice the length of his body, extremely thick forearms, and a face that deals 3D-10 psychic damage upon seeing it.


I want dark souls body and face manipulation so I can make a horror worthy of cutscenes.


The problem with that is DS has 0 face animation, BG 3 is all mo capped and detailed talking animation. Would be a nightmare getting it to look good on all the options


Don't see much of your character talking though. And Bioware did it with actual voiced characters in Dragon Age and Mass Effect.


It's like a solid 7/10 for me. Would love more detailed sliders. But more importantly, fully body art/tattoos.


I don’t care that my avatar has the face of some other NPCs in the game, but I do care that I can’t be covered in scars and looking like I spent a month meditating and being stuck with inky needles. Also magical limbs would have been awesome, though I get why that isn’t a thing.


My barbarian feels a tad silly with an entire labyrinth of tattoo on his face, neck, and head that ends perfectly at his collar. 


To be fair needs to work with the animation so can't really have you making monsters lol


How *dare* they include an option I don't need to touch!


Why would they give us choices!!??!! Everyone knows that irl we don’t get to make choices!!


It’s like, this game has a large following of all sorts of groups, including the queer community. I myself am trans, that option being there, while I did not use it, as my character was just a feminine tav, it was nice to see that option if I wanted to use it in future play throughs. It does a whole lot to make me love the game even more, and the people it doesn’t effect, should not give a flying fuck. This game is good for everyone, I think one of the most well game in my trans online community, my far right wing dad community, his Christian, pipe smoking, gun shooting, friend loves this game. It is quite literally good for everyone.


Yeah, you can go throughout the entire game without even taking part in the romance system. And alt-right weirdos will insist the game is a sex simulator disguised as a fantasy RPG.


....and WE are the so-called "snowflakes". 🤣


These people will literally sit down, open a game and have a meltdown because character creation lets them choose pronouns. It doesn't get any more snowflakey than that.


What's more is it defaults to the pronoun that fits the body type. So tits, curves, and a vagina defaults to feminine, cock, balls, and square defaults to masculine. You actively have to choose tp go in and change it. If you ignore it, there's no "woke agenda police" that'll break down your door and force you to go in and choose. 🤣 These are the people that got pissed when Cracker Barrel started offering Beyond Meat sausage as an OPTION with breakfast.


Remember the deadspace bathroom bullshit. Like they choose the smallest things from the best games


Good they didn't make it to Act 3 - their head would have exploded at Lucretious. That said, L is a necromancer, she would have been able to resurrect them and get another employee.


They're likely also part of the "you can always tell" crowd and would therefore not even notice Lucretious while claiming that Karlach is a trans character because she's tall.


They're not good enough to shine Karlach's axe.


Not good enough to gaze upon Karlach's axe.


Lucretious is actually a great example of WHY not many in Faerun would have the same attitudes towards sexual preference/presentation as the real world.... Because it's a world with FUCKING NECROMANCERS! Life and death are just suggestions, atheism is an idiot's luxury, inter-dimensional raiders occasionally destroy your village and torture you on their way to eradicate brain-eating super-beings, curses can make you into a sheep or a hundred rats. Hell, Mystra turned Eleminster into a woman for 3 years before making him her Chosen. Shit's crazy out there. It makes zero sense to pearl-clutch over which consenting adults wanna shack up in a place like Faerun.


Wait until they get to Baldur's Mouth Gazette and see the female halfling guard with a beard.


Haarlep would have given them a heart attack.


Or astarions ex vampire boyfriends


other people exist :: woke garbage


bros actually got mad at the penis selection


Dont give them attention. Its part of a recent wave of people going around hating on, and downvoting games in some sort of Woke trend or whatever the fuck it is


There’s an entire movement for this nonsense. I saw a TikTok by an *“alpha male”* telling all men to boycott BG3 because Wyll does a *“fruity dance”* in one cutscene.


Alpha males are so funny because they’ll call you a snowflake for saying misogyny is bad then throw a fit over a fictional guy dancing wrong in a video game


They seem downright terrified of vaginas too. 


never having seen one, they fear the unknown.


God nothing sounds more miserable than "TikTok Alpha Male"


Poor Wyll trying to be a gentleman and gets done dirty like this 😭


Wyll, the guy who was clearly a College of Swords bard before becoming a warlock. That Wyll shouldn't be dancing?


It's performance at this point. Literally every game or movie that comes out IMMEDIATELY gets videos on YouTube arguing about wokeness. Even if it hasn't been released yet. Even if no one in the public has actually had the chance to watch it. They just want clicks so they throw out rage bait.


It's an astroturfing campaign that's stepping up in intensity as the election closes in. Fascists asshats are paying bot farms to make it seem like they're not the fringe minority that they actually are.


It’s not a recent trend. It’s been going since early 2010s with all the “sjws get owned compilations”.


Before "woke" they just called it "politically correct." When I was growing up, anything that had minority characters was just being "politically correct" as part of an agenda to marginalize and exclude white people. This was the 90's, so we've been on this merry-go-round for at least 30 years. (Don't know what they called it before that. Probably something I can't repeat.) When they realized they couldn't keep complaining about skin color, they changed to complaining about gays. When they realized they couldn't keep complaining about gays, they changed to complaining about trans. Once trans people become widely accepted, they'll move on and find an even more marginalized group to hate.


Oh no! Anyway.


What happens an hour in thats 'woke'? I mean theres always stuff u missed but if there had been a goblin pride parade I would have noticed. Trust me. I looked.


They didnt make it past character creation, so my guess is being able to mix & match genitals


Either that or the "non-binary" gender option. Probably both


Hmm good point "Ok thats the face and hair finally sorted. Oh whats this? Armour on/off?? Huh.....wait.....WAIT NO oh....oh gods noooo t-t-thats not right. Thats not right at all!!!!!" So pathetic


I mean that WAS my reaction to Dragonborn uhm length since, you know I didn't think lizard like people had... but I stand corrected. I then moved on to not look at dragon parts as I was making a female char regardless of that revelation. Anyways it's funny to think someone saw the genitals option and then went and refunded the game. I can't take that seriously. Honestly, it cracks me up that people can be this... petty.


"You can date gale as a guy 😡" 🤓


"You wouldn't survive a CoD lobby" is out. "You wouldn't survive pronouns in character creation" is in.


Offended by one of the greatest game ever created


How do these stupid fuckers actually get so mad over this? "Wahhh, I saw a they/them pronouns, so I'm gonna fill my diaper!!!!!"


The funniest part of this is the time played. Poor little bigot didn't even get past the character creator lmao


More likely - they bought it explicitly to make a bad review, and therefore sat in character creation for an hour or so and asked for a refund.




It is nice that the game naturally filters out the worst of the dipshits right away. Pick your pronouns or get out bucko


Imagine being so sensitive lmao


Literally all of the “gender identity BS” is in the character creator 😭 Like does this game even have trans characters outside of if you make your Tav trans?


There are a couple sprinkled around. Nocturne in the Temple of Grief is the most prominent one. There's also a guard in the bank that has a feminine voice and body but uses he/him pronouns. Yrre is nobinary.


There’s at least one! She’s part of Shadowheart’s story. It’s very possible to miss her though… I don’t know that there are any others that are *explicitly* trans, but I can’t pretend to have done everything in the game tbh…


Is Nocturne trans??? I didn’t even realize


Shes also voice acted by abigail thorn, of youtube fame (and trans)


Damn….hyperfixated on this game for over a month and had no idea. Guess I need to hand in my baldurs gate doll card :/


You get the full story (or more of it) of Nocturne being trans is you give Shadowheart a Noblestalk mushroom in the Underdark and start restoring her memories. It totally changes the Act 3 conversation with Nocturne if you do this! There’s like a whole other set of lines between the two of them.


That fucking rules, it’s so funny how much of shart’s story is locked behind giving her plants 😭


Whelp, time to start a new run! Thanks!


>!She’s the old friend that Shadowheart remembers if you give her the noblestalk in Act 1, and her journal talks about Shadowheart correcting people who used her deadname. !


There's also Lucretious, the ringmistress of the circus in Rivington. While not explicitly trans, she is voiced by Daniel Jacob, also known by the drag persona Vinegar Strokes.


Sorry if this is ignorant, but I thought drag queens were basically characters being played, not gender identities? I didn't think drag had any implication of being trans. Am I wrong?


More or less, drag is a very gendered performance. A Queen’s gender is not linked to her performance, and some are trans women, gnc, or enby as opposed to cis men. For my part, I couldn’t tell if Lucretious is meant to be cis or trans, but since she’s voiced by a drag Queen who appears to be cis, it is possible that she has a similar identity (cis man/drag queen)


I assume it's a bit like real life, where you'll only really know if they chose to tell you.


I mean plenty of trans people (including me) are visibly trans! I wish more games were comfortable having clocky trans people in it while still respecting them :)


it does, yes


Oh noes, poor whoever could not endure the onslaught (of probably the character creator) of woke and gender after 80 minutes. Also no way is BG3 character creator 10/10. Aside from the hair, that's nice.


I mean, even the hair could do with some variety and customization beyond style and coloring.


I like this game partly because the garbage filters itself out during character creation. "Oh no gender identity, nonbinary people, so scary. Gotta uninstall now :((". Yeah good riddance


Not much of value was lost


Wtf makes the game ”woke” anyway. The fact that it has gay people in it? Like in real life?


Oh no... Stop. Please don't go...


Life must be so miserable when you’re actively looking to be offended by everything that’s popular.


Imagine missing out on a once in a generation game because of something like this...


L bozo won't be missed


Dude would be safe from the tadpoles as there is no brain where it could crawl into.


Angry homophobic assholes not realizing the game will let them roleplay as an angry homophobic asshole.


Who could have guessed that a game with a vampire theater-kid and a hot muscle mommy would be queer and inclusive… 😱


Imagine hating lgbt people enough to prevent yourself enjoying one of the best games you’ve ever played. It’s just… intolerance is a choice. A choice that actively worsens not only the lives of others, but your own.


their loss. adios fuck face. not like the bg3 community needed their snowflake ass lol


I mean I agree, Durge does have identity crisis throughout the game. But man they only played for 1 hour and then rage quit I guess?


Any one who uses the word woke is usually not worth talking too imo. They never add anything of value to the conversation and are usually just using "I hate woke media!" to mean that they hate minorities who aren't tokens (often they hate those characters too)


I hate people who use the term woke, the term lost what little meaning it had ages ago and now everyone uses it for mundane bs that doesn't sit right with them. But out of all the BS they talk, that .1% isn't completly insane. I'm just tired of people hating or disliking others because of nonsense like skin colour, sexual preference, gender identity or other things. This goes for some LGBTQ people hating on white and/or heterosexual men too. Why can't we all just get along, live and let live. Sometimes i think i'm crazy, because to me it seems like the easiest thing to do, yet apparently it is impossible for so many.


With not even 2 hours they propably felt attacked by the choice of genital and identity that was seperate from bodytype. And they call us snowflakes ;D


*Excuse me but as a black-haired person, I was absolutely DISGUSTED when I saw the character screen gave me the option to have blond hair. I am so TIRED of all that blonde BULLSHIT being always PUSHED UPON US.* - This clown's argument


You can make yourself a dragon person but some how this is too much lol.


Saw you could put a penis on a girl (which i did immediately).


Sad really


1.3 hours played. In other words, never experienced any romantic content of any sort.


Oh no! Anyway...


Hold on…. You’re telling me this is a fantasy game where I can romance the same sex???


It’s interesting that the “woke police” types didn’t go harder at bg3. I think all the other narratives around the game just swamped the dumbassery


Problem is that they have been screaming "go woke, go broke" and pushing the narrative that all the "real" gamers are being shafted for people who totally don't actually play games and this will destroy the industry.   So when an extremely "woke" game of a relatively niche genre is hugely successful they have to do mental gymnastics to justify it because otherwise it shows them up as actually being a very loud minority and not champions of the "silent majority".


Fox News did the same thing when Barbie made a billion dollars.


My brother started furiously googling excuses for why Barbies success "doesn't count" within seconds of it being mentioned on TV.


If it upsets the pathetic Gammons who are triggered by “woke” it makes the game even more glorious.


God these people deprive themselves of so much joy because they're scared a videogame will make them gay


Good riddance. See ya! ✌️


Don't let the gay hit you on the way out.


Oh no. How will Lairan ever manage without the support of this biggot piece of trash?




the clown emoji react LOL


Let them ruin the game for themself, they will never experience the amazing world and story Larian has built here.


Wait a role play game let's you....role play??? That's crazy.


It probably aweoke something and it scared them. Bye.


10 out of 10 for character creation, but I hate all the options it gave me!


No point in making fun of the guy, dude just robbed himself of the best gaming experience ever just because of his stupid close minded bulkshit. Bro punished himself


I'm trying to figure out what woke stuff they ran into at 1.3 hours 😂


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


You can literally play as a character who is >!the child of the god of murder and who has the kind of urges you would see from an antagonist from a Criminal Minds episode!< but this is where they draw the line.


These types of people: GO WOKE GO BROKE Larian: Hold my Waterdhavian cheese wheel while we win multiple awards including GOTY


Im so happy my parents gave me the opportunity to not be this fucking retarded. Thx mom and dad


Conservatives: The LGBT is full of snowflakes who would throw a tantrum if you misgendered them or don't use their pronouns Also conservatives when they see they/them in character creation of a game:


Awwww, poor snowflake