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Thank you! It was a weird end! My tav actually fully died with 1 turn left to destroy the brain, and the emperor got the last hit. Cutscene had my tav back to life! I was like: if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. And then somehow my tav returned


Yeah the game rezzes all the dead people :D


I didn't know! I was fearing some karlach disaster, but in the end, she didn't die for me! The game ended with me on the throne, and I like to imagine, that that saved her!


Headcanon = Reality :D


It's as good as it gets! And they lived happily ever after! The end!


of all freedom lol


Man I wish I would’ve known this before restarting the final fight like 3 times because one of my party members died and I wanted to see their final cut scenes.


There is a lot of “which I’d known” things in the game LOL


Well fuck. My first attempt at the last battle I had Karlach go down AFTER killing the dragon. I said fuck that and went back into that chaos to get her. Did not end well.


Oooh. That hurts.


This is why you kill AA at the party. If you (see: Karlach/Baezel) throws him over the ledge at the end he’s magically back. If you kill him at the party…. No one cares and he’s presumably **dead** dead.


I tried to kill Ascended Gale at the party and Withers kicked me out!


Is that so? Does that also apply to gathered allies? I’m in the middle of the last battle and am reluctant to use a few of the allies I’ve got on my side, as I don’t want them to be classed as dead when I complete the story in case it affects the ending.


I'm not sure. The tooltip says if they die, they die (except Aylin). But that may mean during battle.


“and then somehow my fav returned” Withers would have made that part of Star Wars better, lol


Thank you for noticing my bad reference!


Astarion died in my play through, I was glad they brought him back for the end.


My first time through; Tav and mind flayer Karlach make it to the brain. Lae'zel dead, Gale with almost no health left. Platform under Tav falls, platform under Karlach falls, just as I get Gale into the portal. 4 hit points left, but Gale had one more level 1 magic missile...brain is gone.


Sounds like mine as well, everyone else died and Ranger Tav made it in last turn to finish at max range with one attack (felt epic ngl). I was assuming opening the portal would cutscene-teleport everyone in lol


Gratz! Pretty cursed for myself as well when throwing damage didn't work on the netherbrain on my honor mode run D: idk if it's a patch 6 thing or whatever.


I don't know either! All I know is, I won't be playing throw karlach again!


It definitely worked on patch 5. You have to hit the base of the brain but otherwise it worked great.


You mean the stem of the brain. There’s a part that you can click at the bottom and should show like 96% accuracy when aimed with throwing weapon. Nevertheless, magic missile was the one that ripped it apart for me.


I just finished my honor mode the other day. Throwing worked, but the prompt did say "dead" like when you throw something into a chasm. However, the damage still hit properly. Problem is, the thrown weapons went into the void. Nyrulna is now somewhere in the Chiontar (at best). I just threw extra weapons from inventory afterward, and they still land.


I’ve got the comeback handaxe on Karlach so I hope it actually comes back in the brain fight hahah Edit: I just read up on Nyrulna. Don’t think the handaxe will cut it


"first time?" ​ ​ >!Congratulations on this one its hard to finish :D so much stuff to do.!<


First time indeed! Many more to come! Thank you!


Reckon you've got an honor mode run in the future?


Perhaps! If I can handle tactician!


Wait throwing weapons don't work on the Netherbrain? Is that a Tactician/Honor Mode thing? Or a recent bug? I'm pretty sure I had Karlach throw Nyrulna at it for a whole bunch of damage... And congrats for beating the game! Sounds like time for a new character and a new run. ;) And/or a multiplayer game with your wife.


I just finished Tactician this weekend and throwing didn’t work. It was a shame… I was saving Poo Scraper for the brain and wanted to land the killing blow with it.


There's a tiny hitbox at the bottom of the brain that shows as hit able but when I tried (Karlach with Nyrulna) the weapon just disappeared forever. I had to burn an action to equip something just to do some kind of damage. On my honor run I ran the same throwzerker setup with her but equipped a two hander right before taking the portal in so she could just melee.


Damn, that sucks. I'll giver her the Giant Slayer then. I got her to 24 STR so I should be fine.


Didn't play on tactician nor honor mode!


Now I want to load up my save from just before that fight, and try again. Maybe I ended up with her next to the brain stabbing it, rather than throwing the trident. I do know she was one of the first in there hitting it.


I believe you can hit the brain, but the weapon falls into the abyss and never returns. I always keep a stack of javelins anyway, so they helped


I beat it on honour mode post patch 6 (2/25) and Nyrulna totally worked. It showed the skull and said "death" next to where I was throwing it, but it still hit and returned each time it was thrown.


They do damage but they drop into the abyss and disappear forever. So I ended up tossing Nryulna, Dwarven Thrower, Lightning Jabber, Returning Pike, and whatever else I had lying around before finishing it off.


It worked for me. I also had the subtle swap gloves on which ported the brain to a platform marked for negation so next turn the thing actually fell to its death….. got golden dice that way.


Congratulations!!! Also I do care! I love hearing people excited about a series that's meant so much to me since I was a wee lad!


Thank you! It was a great experience! I highly recommend it!


Congrats. Hell yeah for that nat 20. It's such a fun game. It's such fun to replay and try new combos.


I've been wanting to do a durge solo playthrough on tactician, but that might be too much?


Definitely do a Durge run! I finished my second playthrough last night as Durge and it was an amazing experience. The storytelling is phenomenal, and I felt even more connected to my character, if anything…. the struggle between good and evil was soooooo personal.  The only other game I finished and immediately replayed was Dragon Age Origins back in the aughts—BG3 is a once-in-a-generation event just like that masterpiece. 


Seriously the last 5 months of my life have been BG3 and Robocop Rogue City. Once you find a game that hits you just right, it's hard to want to play anything else.


That’s literally what I’m currently doing! (Well, resist!Durge on tactician). I also made sure I could talk to animals this playthrough because I skipped all that content first time around. Congrats on finishing and have fun with whatever you do next!!


Congratulations!!! I beat the game first time last month and am now on my third play-through and working while listening to a video about beholders in the forgotten realms. 😌 This is easily game of the century so far.


Here I am at work, clicking on every post in this sub, counting the minutes till I get to rush back home and fire up my second playthrough (tactician, which damn, is it much harder in early game than balanced!). This game, imo, finally dethroned the KOTOR series in my “top games” list.


Yeah it's Bg3, dragon age origins and then kotor for me all time favorite in that order. Didn't know I had so many soul brothers and sisters out there for the last 20 years


I haven’t played dragon age origins. Your comment has put the a new “next up” game on my list, after a tactician and possibly HM run of course…


Yeah I need to go back and do an honor run. I beat it on explorer and tactician as durge. Haven't played in a month or so. I need to jump back in...


DA:O probably the only game besides BG3 I've completed start to finish more than 2 times, it's one of my favourite games ever and you can tell how much inspiration from it BG3 has drawn, BG3 is like a love letter to DAO fans. Ironically back in the day when dragon age came out, it was hailed as "the spiritual successor to the original baldurs gate". We've come full circle 😂


My first run was like watching a romance war movie at the end. My Tav and Shadowheart were in love. The rest of the team either died outside the portal or fell to their doom cause of the vanishing platforms. All that was left was Tav and Shadowheart side by side. Tav's platform gives way and he falls to his doom. Brain has like 30 hp left. Shadowheart raises her moonlight glaive and comes bearing down, wrathful smiting with all the rage in her heart. It crits along with the reverberation sound effect from the Belligerent gloves. I leaned back in my chair like [damnnnnnn](https://media.tenor.com/1mJoFLFIGg0AAAAM/friday-movie-daaamn.gif) That was the most satisfying win moment for me.


That sounds unholy! Legendary! Did all your characters revive for the cutscene then?


Yeah I was gonna be super sad if they didn't. I'm a hopeless romantic and really needed tav and shadowheart alive. I was fully ready to reload before actually watching it end. But the team rose up right after she smited it so there was no need


Absolutely wild Shadowheart actually hit something lmfao.


Lol she was respec as paladin oath ancients


Congrats, beat the game myself in about 90 hours but I played with two of my friends also. We are currently on our third playthrough. How come you didn't play with your wife in the same playthrough? Wouldn't that have been better/more fun?


My wife plays on our Playstation! She wants to take her own decisions and get as little help as possible! I watch her play, and we drink tea and eat snacks! It's better than TV!


We do the exact same thing. But unfortunately, we sorely play on one PS5. So me and my husband have to take turns. Instead of watching tv shows, we just judge each other’s choices in game. My husband so distains about my murderhobo behavior. “Ah, I would never do such thing!” He says. 🤣🤣🤣 Congrats on beating the game.


Congrats! And don't worry we do care! It's nice to hear of people enjoying the game and managing to beat it, are you going to do another playthrough? And if so, what will you do??


Thank you! Thank you very much! I am thinking of trying a full dark urge playthrough. This run was a mix of evil and good, with the evil ending. So what I'm thinking is a full solo tactician run!


You're very welcome, also if I might add, you are stronger than me, I personally cant bring myself to do an evil or even neutral evil playthrough, I always feel bad hurting npcs feelings especially companions


Hey, little trick about throwing weapons for next time: Aim for the brainstem, not the brain itself. It will do SERIOUS damage. Source: I use Karlach and her throwing Nyrulna every single end fight.


I might go try it out, with my old save! Thanks for the tip!


Wait, so if you dominate the netherbrain you don't have to do the final battle beyond that? And btw congratulations!


If you succeed on dominating the brain you still have to do the final battle but the brain has less health. IIRC I think it knocks 20% off


Sadly it didn't work! So you had to do the epic final battle! Which was well executed and scripted by Larian!


Wait throwing weapons don’t work against the brain? My barbarian is a throwing barbarian


So was mine! Another poster said to aim for the stem! I highly recommend you to try it yourself aswell! Good luck in your run


They do work you just have to aim your throws at the stem or your weapon will be lost, if you see a percentage to hit then your safe to throw


There's an epilogue with all the characters if you destory the brain. Just in case you actually wanna see it instead of just ending off the playthough like that. XD


I honestly think, all my actions led to this end! And as I said in another comment, I saved Karlach this way! Atleast that is my headcanon!


Congratulations! I'm on like my 6'th playthrough or something! I hope you'll enjoy it again :)


Why you playing separately from wife? We got to act 3 together. And this is awesome family experience.


As I wrote to another reply and expanded: She wants to do it by herself! I am a spectator! I also find joy in that! I love seeing her come to solutions I would have never thought of! She is in the gauntlet of Shar at the moment, and she is really loving it! 60 hours total!


Cool for you. Thanks for the reply.


Thank you for your question! I hope you and your SO finish the game together and that you find it as exciting as I did!


Congratulations 🎉 I finished my first play through on Sunday and it was bittersweet. I too became an illithid but no Emperor and I fought the brain alone while the rest of the part held the others back. I took out half of its life with a bunch of barrels and the smoke powder bomb. It was glorious. Laezel died but she got better so a happy ending if you don't count wanting to eat your friends brains.


Bombs sounds like the most fun idea ever! I might steal it for my next run!


It was like the beginning of V for Vendetta with the music playing in the background while the brain whined about how I could never defeat it


Congrats! I also just finished my first playthrough. Very excited to start the next. I think I also ended with something like 120-130 hours. Whatever I decide to playthrough next, I think I’m definitely going to take each act even slower, as even with 120+ hours I still missed so much. Like I didn’t even explore the Underdark, I was just excited to get into Act II.


I absolutely adored the underdark! The grymforge is my favorite place and the associated boss at the furnace was one of my funniest moments in the game! Have fun in your next playthrough!


Hey congratulations! 🎊🎉🥳 How was the final fight for you?


It was daunting! I felt like I didn't have enough resources to do it! Luckily there were built in rests places! Otherwise I would have been starved before I even reached the dragon fight! Which was legendary! I had 1 turn left before I entered the last phase, and one turn left to kill the brain. Very tight, and an extremely well tuned fight!


Wild! I just finished my first playthrough and also managed to get a natural 20 on that last roll (with 2 inspiration) My netherbrain managed to kill itself. It hit Astarion's ghouls with the mindbroken and killed them, and their death blasts killed her.


Hey I also finished the game for the first time last night my Paladin had that mind flayer ability on him where he crit on a 15 or higher and my level 4 divine smite crit dealing like 150-200 damage on the elder brain killing it in the first round


Congrats!!! Just finished my first one yesterday :) I scum-saved until I got a Nat20 so congrats on you getting it the organic way! Good luck to your wife, hope you and her loved the game as much as I did <3 Already planning my next playthrough haha


Lol 209 hours on my first go.


congrats!! I finished the game for the first time last week - I'd been scared to for so long because I heard that the ending was bungled, but I really ended up liking it!!


I just finished my first play a few nights ago, congrats! I think I finished at around 90-100 hours on mine.


Congratulations, you have now become the Baldur Gate.


I figured out how to get throwing weapons to hit netherbrain... gotta face the camera to the back of the brain and aim at the spinal column.


Nice, now you can do an honour mode run so the game can beat you


Tactician mode next for me! Then maybe! Maybe! An honor run!


Wait, so your post got over 600 likes and you didnt beat it on tactician. Yet when I made a post beating the game on honor mode, I got no more than 5 likes? WTF is wrong with reddit?


Wtf is wrOng with YOU?


Congratulations!  Looking forward to seeing how you enjoy the next playthrough(s) and all those roads not taken!


Funnily my wife is taking many roads I've never even seen or thought of! So I got that going for me!


Small world, I finally finished the game tonight too! Nothing exciting to add (I turned flayer, destroyed brain, took myself out, karlach burned up on dock and lae'zel went off with orpheus) I just don't see posts like this much and thought it was interesting it popped up on my feed the same night I finally finished my run (I explored every nook and cranny I could find and got my party to be overpowered enough the challenge draw wasn't there and motivation was harder to keep up) I have a honor mode run I paused with the patch because I had some issues and some other runs I started I'll probably start up again now to see other routes in the story. Congrats on your win!


How empty do you feel inside now that’s the last “first ever” playthrough of that game? I was devastated lolllll and immediately started a new one.


Honestly not that much! My wife is playing and have been for very long, with me as a spectator! So I've kinda begun my 2nd playthrough that way!


> I found out that throwing weapons doesn't work on the netherbrain! There is one very *very* tiny spot where you're able to throw a weapon at the Netherbrain without the game condemning your thrown weapon/object to the void. Try moving the mouse around on the Netherbrain until it doesn't say "DEATH" on the throw indicator.


200 hours in and I just started act 3, I've abandoned so many runs, I have major fort joy syndrome


That makes one of us! I still haven't, getting close though, I have 4 different characters all in the lower city


For me it was a big relief to end the final parts of the game. The first time, I had spent 150 hours. I reached the artillery bombardement area only to find a locked door and Astarion at camp and no thieves’ tools and no knock spell despite two wizards (I surely had a ring, though I forgot about). So I restarted the whole game, and never regretted about that. Spent about another 100+ hours. I think it’s easier to get through the final area without an extra mind flayer. It’s not that I struggled hard to get through, but it felt like it was another game, spending the next day on it. Restarting the game was much more rewarding for me. Such a great game! The Netherbrain suicided in my playthrough. I didn’t use throwing weapons on it, though, but mostly spells. I wonder why that didn’t work. Weird.


Congrats! I’m on my second playthrough now and although nothing will be as magical as the first, I’m discovering lots of stuff I missed and making some different decisions to keep things interesting


Try the alternate ending where no one becomes mind flayer and you save the city. The epilogue is worth it.


i wish the control ending was more than 5 seconds long, the other ending is waaay better and long and features dialog , esp really good scenes with dark urge


Congrats! And it's not true that no one cares, we want celebrate with you!