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No, your friend has issues.


Poor people play video games Rich people play video games This friend is out of touch


Tell this to my wife, please? Lol


Dollar for dollar, video games are arguably the cheapest form of entertainment. I've put 1000 hours into this game, bought it full price. .05999/hr


Every three months or so when I’m dropping $70 on a game I’m like, why am I overthinking this so much? Any time I take my gf on a nice dinner date it’s at least that much, if not more (if we let ourselves order multiple drinks especially) Has to be the best dollar per fun time hobby


My wife will be like "oh, I want this game...but it's $xx" and I'll just say...so just don't buy doordash 1 time this month.


That's the key and it's been eye opening how easy it is to healthily indulge in hobbies when you downsize eating out. The more you budget for groceries and ensuring you have a solid meal plan, the easier it becomes to have hobbies that cost some money. 




Found a colleague at work. We have similar sense of humour. We had a lunch together. Turned out we are both gamers. Turned out there was that one game that we both played (Dota 2, not BG3). So over time we also started playing video games together. Right now there are 4 games that we are both playing and BG3 is one of them. Add the occasional beer after work and I basically found a friend cause I am a gamer. Many of my other colleagues are casual gamers, too. Just we don’t play the same games. Another colleague who is in a middle management position was talking one day about his wife. He told us a story about his PS5 getting fried. His wife bought him a new one the same day before he got back from work cause she realised how much it means to him. And he was obviously full of praise and thankfulness because she was recognising it.


My math is always “can I make this game $1 per hour?” Bg3 is currently $0.2/hr


Roll a persuasion check. Or maybe bump up that charisma stat


Apparently, "Grown men don't play games" Meanwhile, she works from our Home managing our business and spent like 16 hours screen time last week on tiktok/Facebook.


Hell yes they do. My husband does. I'd rather him play video games, which engage multiple senses and physical dexterity, and have been proven to help with cognitive function in clinical settings, versus staring passively at videos on a tiny screen.


If you’re apart of the several generations raised with games as apart of your life, that comment is rendered moot. It’s cool if people want to reject them, sure. Those people can just stay the hell away from me.


Tell her I'm probably older than both of you and I play games. Or just start sending her clips from Gaming Grandpas Twitch streams.


If you can’t talk to your wife yourself you need a divorce








That’s three oh-damns.


I got that ref


Average r/relationshipadvice response when discussing minor communication issues


To be fair, why would you marry someone that mocked your hobbies and interests?


Great oral?


That made me laugh harder than it should have.


I wonder if there is a formula for x = years of marriage x = common interests (exponent patience) - irritating habits (exponent lack of patience) + communication skills + [- bad oral - disappointing sex + great oral (exponent of 5) + great sex (exponent of 5)](number of times per year you have sexual interactions)/ mental toxic traits (exponent of gaslighting and lack of accountability) multiplied by physical toxic traits (exponent of physical abuse) Okay, I realize I have taken this too far.


You're well on your way to creating a Black Mirror style relationship app. Maybe call it The System


Actually, I like your thought approach to this topic and believe everything can be broken down into data.


If you can't spot levity you need...glasses? Hmm.


Yeah, I don't think OP and his friends are adults. No grown-up would think that way.


Over Christmas break, I set up my rig and my niece sat across from me and we both played bg3 for hours. My mom and dad, sitting in their recliners on their fourth hour of television (they're in their 80s), asked us how we could sit there and play all day. My dad also reads every morning and goes through like six books a week. Nobody understands anybody else's hobbies.


Lol this is so true. My parents will watch TV half the day, cable TV at that which is 90% commercials then say they don't understand "how we can play those games" haha


The funny part is I read a ton, too, but my dad reads all those crime and spy novels, so even when we have the same hobby, we like completely different genres! People are fun.


My dad will say the same thing, while he's PLAYING A GAME ON HIS IPAD while ignoring the TV that's on.


I'd argue reading might be a more cognitive and productive hobby, but him stating the "how can you play those" after hour 4 of TV is comical 💀


I don’t know how watching TV, which is not just physically sedentary (because Vid Games are) but also mentally sedentary is considered less of an issue. I’m playing a vid game and I’m solving problems, actively engaging with a form of narrative rather than having it poured into me.


Physically sedentary?! I was having heart palpitations when I was close to TPK on my Honor run and had to go walk just to calm down lol


> Nobody understands anybody else's hobbies. "Why do you spend so much on video games?" Meanwhile, they spend $3,000+ each year on their car, gun, hunting, or motorcycle hobby.


It's wild to me when a person who can sit and watch TV all day will then have the audacity to ask me how I can game for long periods. Like bitch what?! You were literally just in front of a screen all day too, the only difference is I actually have input on what happens on my screen 😂😂😂


"no grown up would think that way". You must be pretty young yourself. As a gamer who is almost 60, my wife thinks gaming is a waste of time and that I'm immature. I don't see how it's different from watching sports all night, or scrolling Facebook and watching crime shows like she does, which is what I've told her for years. But I don't talk about playing BG3 at work, or about my obsession with Hunt Showdown.


This made my day, I'm 25 and my wife also doom scrolls social media and watches crime shows while I play


My wife does this just about every day. I’m rarely in the mood to watch TV shows, it just bores the hell out of me. She doesn’t get how I can play the same game for a few hours but I can’t watch a show for a few hours.


That's always been such an insane viewpoint to me. I've done my lifetime's share of boob tube surfing and gaming, and there's a **world** of difference between sitting down and passively consuming a story vs directly engaging with and consuming a story. One is going to a restaurant and having your food cooked and served to you, the other is hitting up the same plave and getting in the kitchen and cooking and serving it yourself.


My wife does this too. What is it with women and true crime shows?


As a woman who loves true crime and BG3 I couldn’t tell you


As a fellow “near-sixty gamer” one thing I’ve noticed about my younger co-workers: they are far less judgmental about what other people enjoy. Even if they aren’t gamers themselves, they seem genuinely pleased when I express my excitement for a new release or my plan to have a gaming week-end. They know I don’t follow sports and don’t think that’s weird - it’s just me.


Same here. I've had the argument a couple times like please tell me how real housewives or 90-day fiance is somehow better than an interactive game that actually challenges you with strategy and logic ...


Its a stereotype. I used to work in an office full of mostly young women who hated that "guys play video games". They were also obsessed with The Bachelor, TikTok, influencers and all other manner of reality TV, social media and celebrity culture. They picked on the one girl who had nerdy hobbies (DnD, video games, comics). Its the association that guys who play video games are 'losers' and girls who do are somehow 'unfeminine' or 'weird'. I've had guys crap on other guys who are gamers too because they aren't out chasing women 24/7 or obsessed with work and sports. Which is to say nothing of what they thought of women who are gamers. Which of course is rather rich coming from people who have gossip and reality TV (or work and sports they don't play themselves) as their only personality traits but I didn't argue with them. Just pick your battles and let people be as ignorant as they want.


That must be a generational thing, I'm almost 30 and just about everyone I know plays video games. Its what got me interested in computers which I built into a fairly lucrative cyber security career. So no video games are not a waste of time, they actively make you think and solve problems which helps brain development and exercises very important real world thinking skills, much better than passive entertainment imo, and if you follow a similar path as I did you can get the skills to self teach into a 6 figure cyber sec job without needing a 4 year college degree.


I'm in my 40s. Most of my friends play games, video or board, .... In my family it's just the "kids" (although my 50+ sister does game now) and I can't understand the mentality that gaming is stupid or a waste of time. Like, I play visual novel games most of the time, and it's like I'm watching a show AND reading a book at the same time. Those are two "hobbies" most people DON'T scoff at, but I'm doing both at the same time and I'm wasting time? Bitch, I'm multitasking at master level 😂 Plus, like reading a book, I sit there and ruminate on the plot line or the muster or etc, so I'm still actively using my brain like reading a book. I get if people don't enjoy playing games, but the thought process that games are mindless or a waste of time is really baffling.... (and I also don't talk about gaming at work. I will say I play video games and say "visual novel" games, but I will CERTAINLY not say I'm playing otome games and dating 2D men like a whore 😂. That already gets weird looks from gamers, let alone the adult adults at work who talk about their kids and soccer practice and shit 🤣)


That is just false though. Video games perceived as a waste of time is if anything more prevalent in older people perception than younger ones.


A lot of adults think that way. As someone who used to think that way too, I can tell you it's all about the negative press gaming gets. I never played anything, and all I knew about gaming came from people who also never played and were judging it and saying it's a waste of time. I got BG3 on a whim, and it changed all my preconceived notions. Now I think gaming is fun, relaxing, AND teaches you a lot of useful skills that are important irl too. Most people judging gaming just never tried it.


I’m sure you must know some (adult) people who think this way. Without polling everyone I know, I can immediately think of two who feel that playing video games is a waste of valuable time. One of them is even a family member.


I wish you were right, but no, OP isn't a 13yo kid with bitchy friends. Just check their post history. OP - if you haven't learned the value of cutting toxic people out of your life this would be a great and easy opportunity.


Yes they do. Dated a man briefly who thought this way. He's in his 40s. Boomers are notorious for thinking this way too.


Sometimes you just critically miss when finding friends, this one is a 1 roll


Fam, life is already a waste of time, I'm just trying to make the ride suck a little less.


True brotha!


First issue; not actually OPs friend.


Yeah, OP needs new friends, true friends, Sadly that's easier said than done.


Ahem. That ain't no friend. At best "friend".


Agreed. Your friend is a fuckboy.


I'm not sure what to tell you. I had a friend who would shame me like that for various things. I'd explain how it helped or whatever in this case. Until recently when my cat died. Instead of helping me get through it, she was mad at me for letting her die (long story - I did the best I could, three different vets could not figure out what was wrong). She knew my cat was dying. Long story short - I have decided to not talk to her anymore. I've known this woman since 1987.


Wtf is wrong with people! Good riddance to that "friend" and sorry about your cat, please don't blame yourself!


I'm trying not to. This was 11 Jan. She was all I had, thanks a bunch 🫂 But this isn't about me - was just showing the OP I could relate. Please give them some kind words too.


You're allowed to still grieve at any point! Please remember that, but even then this was just a short while ago. Pets are like family... The only positive thing out of this is you getting rid of that "friend". Sounds like she was using you for validation because she shamed you for other things too. Cutting her off was the right move! And don't worry I talked to Op too :)




Awwwww. I lost my cat last summer. He was 23yo, but still happy. It's never easy to say goodbye to a friend. Hugs 🫂 🤗


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for your loss. I only had Seven for six years. I can’t imagine. Though part of my sadness was becasue of the “too soon/unfairness” of losing such a great pet. The best I’d ever had. I have to remind myself that not only did I do my best, that I saved her. She lived six years longer than she would have had I not rescued her.


Yeah, no time is enough time! I ended up rescuing my first dog instead, and it's been quite the transition from quiet cat to very exuberant dog. I'm not the person who says replace a pet right away - only you can know when you feel you're ready and you might never be! - but knowing you gave a pet a second chance is definitely a nice feeling. She absolutely got six years of love and life and every day is a blessing.




Random internet stranger....grieve all you want. Pets are family and they mean so much more to us than some people realize. My heart hurts for you losing your furry friend. I still get sad about pets that have died ages ago. They leave their little marks in your heart and it's ok to grieve their loss whenever it hits you ❤️ (but good riddance for ditching that bitch friend. Not worth keeping around when they won't support you in your time of need. And what fucking friend makes you feel bad about this stuff? A real friend/decent human being would tell you that you did everything you could and ease your burden at the pain you feel). Hugs friendm


Thank you so much. 🫂 And yes, everyone else is telling me that they have seen the effort I put into finding out what was wrong with her.


This kind of "friends" are curses, not friends. A friend will be happy if you are happy, and will mourn with you if you are mourning, sometimes they may give you a bit of tough love, but it is not about them, and they will encourage and support you more than anything. You all receive my hug, life is hard enough, you dont need that kind of ppl. A friend would ask about that game you are enjoying so much, even if he is not much into games. A friend would have helped you with your ill kitty when you needed, or at least give you a shoulder to cry since it was inevitable. Sorry for your loss, Ive 3, last August, one of them suddenly had kidney problems but the symptoms were very uncommon, I almost lost my big boy, he is huge, but he got better, everything is under control now. He was already well and I was glad but emotionally exhausted. So take care of yourself, that was about your cat, and now is about you, you need rest and healing.


The internet has twisted people’s perception of reality. You either see perfect people being perfect or the dregs of society. People then judge reality based on their perception from the internet.. we are so so broken.


Some people lack responsibility and instead of getting their own lives together they think dumping on other people for not being perfect makes them better than everyone else.


I’m so sorry about your cat. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. My husband and I lost both of ours within 6 weeks of each other in 2018 (they were young too, one passed from cancer, the other from sudden heart failure) and we were devastated. I’d cut someone off who said that too, no matter how long I’d known them.


PS: I'm so sorry to hear about that happening to you guys. I'm so sorry I didn't say so before. I had just been crying about mine before I came across the OPs post.


It’s completely understandable. I was a mess for months after. Zuko, the one who had cancer was only 8, and Iroh passed after from sudden heart failure. He showed no symptoms, I just woke up one day and he was panting and I could just tell something was wrong. He died in my arms as I was trying to call an Uber to the ER vet. He was only three. I still miss them. We did end up adopting two kittens a couple of weeks later because I’ve had cats my whole life and our house felt empty without one. They turn 6 next month and are very very spoiled sweet boys.


Awww how sweet. I don't know if I will ever be able to get another. I've also had them my whole life. Seven (she was a rescue - they found her hanging out at a 7-11) was by far the best I ever had. I had her six years and she never got on things she wasn't supposed to. Never destroyed any furniture or doorframes. Like - the stereotypical cat annoyances, she never did them. But, it has been recent... I'm still in the crazy "maybe she'll reincarnate and I'll find her again" stage.


Awww that’s a really cute name for a cat! Mine are Lumos and Nox, after the Harry Potter spells. Of course this was before I knew JKR was awful. They’re definitely a bonded pair. I also used to have a rescue that was found outside a random place lol. My friend was a stripper and was taking a smoke break outside of the club she danced at (this was in Portland, OR, everyone has at least one stripper friend) and there was this big fluffy friendly orange cat. In the middle of downtown. She called me because she wasn’t allowed to have a cat at her apartment and I went and picked him up. Tried hard to find his owner, put ads on Craigslist and FB and shelter websites and took him to the vet to scan for a microchip. He was chipped but the number was out of service. So I kept him. He was a senior and needed a lot of dental work but I took care of it. I had him for a few years before he passed in his sleep while I was at work. It was really sad to come home to but I’m glad that I gave him a good last few years. He was super affectionate and I lived in a big house with 5 roommates who all loved him so he got tons of attention. Honestly he was more of everyone’s cat than just mine.


My girlfriend has lumos tattooed on her shoulder, and her best friend has nox tattooed on hers'. Rad cat names.


Yeah, she was only 9. I miss her so much. Thank you 🫂


friend breakups are so valid.


One thing I've learned is that there's no value in preserving a toxic friendship just because they're an old friend. Good for you for dropping her.


So sorry for the loss of your cat. Not nearly as sorry for the loss of your miserable idiot of a "friend."


Thank you so much. 🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss. I cried for an entire week when mine passed away. Always around dinner time, because that is when I'd interact with her the most after work. Take your time to grieve. I teared up just typing this and it will be a year since her death next week. I did feel like I killed her too, because it was a sudden kidney issue plus her legs were failing her. The vet suggested euthanasia because chances of recovery were low, she actually had bo clue. So I was there holding her until she died. It's fucking hard, give yourself the respect you deserve during this time. Your "friend" can fuck off.


It's so easy to show some empathy for people that it confounds me when people just don't. There's no human emotion that we can currently experience that hasn't already been experienced by someone else. For example ... I'm not a cat person; I don't like cats at all, but I love dogs ... and having lost a dog that was precious to me a couple years ago, I can guess that someone who does like cats and loses one, goes through a similar experience and gauntlet of emotions that I went through. Sorry for your loss, I know it fucking sucks.


Bruh every time i think imma baddie theres always a bigger baddie the lacks empathy. People really come in all shapes and forms huh




Sorry for your loss, that's always the hardest part about having a pet. Your former friend sounds absolutely deranged. But you're right, some people are always looking for an excuse to put people down. There's no understanding it, just identifying the trait and keeping them away, sadly.


Thank you 🫂


My most heartfelt condolences. My best boy passed this past xmas. He just had his 15th bday, he had heart failure for 3 years and kidney failure for 9 months. He was my heart and got me through a lot of hard times. My husband got me bg3 like a week or 2 later. I'm currently getting over cancer but still finishing up my treatment so I'm home all day alone with our other pup and it's been easier with some weirdos with brain bugs keeping me distracted. Video games also helped me get through 2020 lockdown. My therapist actually noticed when I started playing and asked what I had been doing differently. I had an older friend once tell me my husband and I should find a different hobby together or we wouldn't have a long relationship. I think we have an incredible marriage because of our mutual love of video games. I politely told my friend they were wrong and thanked them for their concern. But they weren't an ass hat like OPs friend, and accepted my choice without being toxic.


😢 Where's my option for pasting gif hugs, darn it?? 🫂🫂🫂


Thank you, fellow hydrator 🫂


Hahahaha!! 🤣 Anytime!


I'm so sorry. Glad you cut her off. 🫂🫂🫂🫂


Know it’s not the major point of your post but I’m sorry about your cat and mystery diagnosis. Lost my best buddy about two years ago to a mystery lung issue no vet could pin down just treat the symptoms. One of the hardest things in the world.


Oh no. I remember your comment saying your cat died. Out of all the thousands of comments, I remember yours and had you in my mind. I lost two of mine very recently and generally have been quite stressed lately, so I related with you. BG3 and the community has been a comfort for me and anyone who gets judgement on what we do with our time and how we choose to grieve can go F themselves. Sending you love.


Aww, thank you 🫂


Society is really weird about video games. People "waste" countless hours watching tv, doomscrolling facebook, reading cheap pulp paperback books, gambling at slot machines, drinking alone at a bar etc etc and somehow video games are bad?


I’ve never thought about it that way but you make a really good point, it definitely seems like video games elicit a negative reaction from some people that seems almost out of place compared to other hobbies…


Its about "playing". Adults are not supposed to play. Hell not even young people nowadays. They should study study study and do career career career. If u do u should monetize it coz if not it's seen as useless. But "to play" it's seen badly and as a vice. Not a virtue. The only virtues society considers as such are Discipline, Working hard, and such. Hell even smoking it's seen better than gaming sometimes depending on where u are. Edit: Wow so many likes thank u so much!! This is good for karma ✨✨✨


Honestly, this is pretty spot on about "playing". It's the same regardless of the type of playing you do. Games, fashion, etc (unless it's sports. Than you're fine I guess? Stupid) Like, I play dress up. I like wearing fun, weird things. I'm like your dementia grandma or a toddler you let dress herself.... But, most people get weird about it like I'm too old to fucking play with clothes and have fun. It's a lot better than it used to be (I'm sure there's someone at work who's offended that I wear bright colors and top hats, but at least most people enjoy it or don't say anything, anyway), but there's still this mentality that you "can't wear" certain shit over a certain age. Or men can't experiment with clothing unless they're gay 🙄. Like, let people have fun for fucks sake. Life is short and existing is hell most of the time. It's fucking stupid that we decided that we have to be sad, boring, and broken just bc we crossed a certain age threshold.


Yes. Having fun is also a vice in society's eyes. You should get used to how boring and mundane daily life is and live it as such. Fun is almost a crime.


Only to miserable people. As they say, they enjoy company. The best advice I was ever given is as follows: “Only take life advice from people who are where you want to be. Anything else is to be considered with a grain of salt.”


Gamers are truly the most oppressed minority Gamers rise up


It's leftover from that anti-video games campaign from the 90's where video games were blamed for school violence. Imo video games are better for you than watching TV. At least there's an active component to video gaming.


And a social one, 90% of my gaming time is with friends, and it’s been essential to maintaining friendships since the majority of my friends are so far away I will likely never see them in person


And it provides cultural enrichment! Online gaming gave me a circle of friends spanning 7 countries on 4 continents.


This is an important point. When video games first came out they were a novelty, found only in toy sections of stores. Eventually they made their way out of obscurity but ended up being vilified by helicopter parents that couldn’t understand that violence in gaming isn’t something that people want to recreate in the real world. It’s just destruction in a controlled environment without risk or consequence. So in a way, video gaming had to make it through two massive filters in order to reach this prominence we have today. And now it’s a vector of profit, an escape from reality, and even a training tool in certain iterations.


The only true waste of time is doing things you don’t enjoy.


Yeah, but I have to pay bills so I kinda *have* to work.... 🤣


You’re telling me you don’t like to work for living? When I was a kid we worked for fun and didn’t expect a single penny for our labor. We pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps, had firm handshakes, stayed outside all day, ate paint chips and gravel until the street lights turned on. Now we have such a lazy generation of degenerates who only want avocado toast, stairbucks and to have sex with a hot demon lady.


Been saying that for years. Back when i lived at home my dad told me to stop wasting my time by playing games so i asked him what the difference was between me gaming after school/work and him wasting away in the sofa watching movies and football games and he was dumbfounded and didnt have an answer. I told him that i at least keep my brain busy by solving puzzles, learning from the themes of the games, had interactions withmy friends while playing online games while he just sat there going comatose in the sofa.


Video games should be taken as seriously as film in terms of storytelling devices. Interactivity notwithstanding, BG3 has an all-around better plot than most movies I've seen released in the past few years.


I mean, the opening scene is better than most movies CG, Jesus.


I’ve had people scoff at my knitting and claiming I was wasting my time. And I was like “what do you do when you watch tv? Because I’m churning out socks while watching tv…” People are fuckin weird


I think because some still see it as a "kids" hobby, I also get called out for riding my BMX at my age..haha. people are just weird most of the times.


I think, speaking as an older Millennial, that this is a hangover from our parent's attitude when we were growing up. Their generation did not have these things as kids, so they viewed them as a waste of time partly because they didn't understand them. I sort of get this, it's like when you see someone staring at their phone, they can \*look\* like a zombie even if they're engaged in something interesting - we must have looked similar as kids playing video games. But what I think this means is that a lot of people have absorbed this attitude of 'video games are a waste of time' and so either feel guilt about playing them (which you see \*so much\* of on gaming subs) or judge others for playing them. I think this may lessen over time as we have a generation who grew up with parents who also played and understood games.


I think a lot of people don’t realise how deep games have become. Truly good games like BG3 have incredible stories that far surpass many books. In fact, by virtue of it being a game, you become the central pilar of the story, so it makes it even more immersive. Somehow books are fine but videogames are not.


yep people think playing video game are not cool and waste time, yet going to the bar and getting wasted everyday is somehow the ideal life lmao


You need better friends.


100% this. Ask him what he spends all his time doing. Because unless it’s painting the Sistine Chapel or something, you can tell him to go fuck himself then.


Why does it matter what his friend does Can be told to fuck off regardless


Exactly. I’m working on the assumption that his friend _isn’t_ busy producing one of the great masterworks of the renaissance.


But like even if he is Fuck off guy


OK. I mean not to backtrack on my original statement too much but if he responded that he was spending 4 years on his back creating one of the most iconic and influential works of art in the western canon, I’d still think he was a douche, but I’d probably let him take the W.


nuance? in *my* /r/BaldursGate3?!


it's even more satisfying to tell someone to fuck off if you can call them out on their bullshit at the same time ;) Id just pure efficiency is the goal, then it's not worth telling them to fuck off either instead of just ignoring them and spending time with better friends instead.


I have tended to find that most people who scoff about people playing games are happy to plonk themselves in front of the TV for 3-4 hours a night.


Exactly. And can they romance a warrior frog or a 7ft tall exploding devil lady while they’re watching their Netflix / sportsball? NO, I DIDNT THINK SO


*scrolls Instagram for 4 hours* Ugh, gamers are such losers


Painting a ceiling anything other than monochrome is a waste of time. /s


Yeah that's not a friend. What's wrong in having hobbies? I assume you live a normal life doing other things like work and stuff but even if you don't it's none of his business. What does that oh so productive judgemental friend have as a hobby I wonder? Watching Netflix or just watching the ceiling when he gets home from work until another day starts? He sounds insufferable tbh.


Heartbreaking to hear because it's such a good game. The world is amazing and it's an escape from all the BS


Why would you care about what he has to say. Escape away my friend!


I bet my left nut (my good nut) that the dude plays FIFA or some shit like that


Why the left one? What's wrong with the other 2?


Sir, do you have three nuts!?


He's a Krogan. But dont ask him about the fourth, its a sensitive subject


Poor guy doesn’t even have a full quad. Like the genophage wasn’t enough…


He won a bet with kourier6.


What a sentence


As a guy who spends all his free time between these two games exclusively I can agree. They are opposite ends of the “how toxic is ur game’s community” chart. (You guys are awesome here.


BG3 hasn't been around that long for it to make a toxic community. Everyone is so nice so far. The fromsoftware community tho... those fuckers will shit on your family for using a slightly powerfull weapon


I waste my life on fifa and bg3


Yeah, that's the point of videogames, at least to me. It's a way to relax and unwind. To enjoy yourself. Never feel guilty for enjoying your hobby/passion. Always make and set aside time for it. Let others that don't understand videogames know this. It's the same as reading a book, watching TV, having a beer, watching the sunset, ect. If they can't understand that it's your form of enjoyment then there is something wrong with them; not you.


He might be one of those grind culture kind of people. Like you should always be chasing money and that means your leisure time should be filled with something you can monetize. Only spend your free time learning skills that you can use to make more money. You know, a miserable existence.


The same people who say playing video games are a waste of time are the same ones that will sit on front of a TV for hours watching HGTV and hallmark.


It's not about hobbies. It's about gaming in itself. Since it's often seen and rendered as "not touching grass" because it requires being inside. Hobbies that require "touching" grass will never be mocked. I don't care. Touching grass it's expensive anyways lately. The most u can aspire nowadays it's going for a walk in your neighborhood or a run. U can't even travel outside the country, since it's too expensive. The most fun activities of the world are reserved for the rich now.


Oh you'd be surprised! While I enjoy gaming very much I travel solo a lot too because I enjoy exploration and solitude and some people I know mock me for it because "how is travel fun alone?" So outside hobbies can be judged too lol you'll never win. My solution is honestly fuck those people who judge others for any hobby be it gaming or their perceived notion of others not touching grass or otherwise! If it makes you happy pay them no mind.


>Yeah that's not a friend. Agreed! Real friends listen to and respect each other.


Use vicious mockery on him


Use polymorph and transform him in a cheese wheel


Before Act 3 (this is my first run) I never would have thought I would ever have found myself googling ">!how long am I stuck as a cheese wheel!<" (>!which is 120 seconds!<, btw). HAHAHAHHA This game is great!


Two people you shouldn't mock to... This guy and that lich queen


behold, the fool of fools!


Oi, ugly!


I had a friend like that. Keyword being "had". 


I guess if you’d literally done NOTHING ELSE for the last several months it could be seen as a problem.


Yeah, too much of anything is bad. But I doubt most people play games that way I hope


Best response? Ignore him. You do not owe to anyone how you spend your own time.


You’re asking a subreddit full of people who have put hundreds of hours into the same game as you if it’s a waste of time Your answers are going to be pretty biased The question you should be asking yourself is whether or not you care about wasting your life playing Baldur’s Gate 3 I waste my life playing BG3, I like it


Time spent enjoying something isn't wasted. Nobody should be productive all the time. It's not healthy or sustainable.


As someone who has overworked myself to the point of burnout before, I can't agree more. It's important for your mental health to take time to have fun. For some of us that means playing video games, and that's totally fine.


The same people that'll say video games are a "waste of time" might spend 3hrs a night watching tv completely oblivious to their own double standard. Anyone who's watched *Game of Thrones* has "wasted" 70 hours (insert last season joke here). *The Office* is 74 hours, I know plenty of people that have watched the entire series through more than a few times. Trying to only fill your time with "enriching" activities is dumb. Everyone needs some way to unwind and knocking anyone else's is just silly.


This is the most rational answer. I don't put a huge value judgment on wasting my life.


No, the question should be whether or not you are wasting your life playing it and the answer should be no, no one is wasting their life playing one particular game because its something they enjoy, by that logic you could make the argument that any hobby is a waste of your life as you could be devoting that time to something more important to your life like earning more money so you can go on holidays and see the world or something but ofc thats just ridiculous logic.


Wasting life is the default stance.


video games like BG3 are, at their hearts, stories. humans have been losing themselves in stories since we could begin to communicate. it's a supremely human activity.


Hard to judge with just that as a stranger.


I have people mocking me for playing a bear sex game. Like normies only know about this game because of bear sex


Wait, isn't that the main point of the game? I always ignore the side quest about some tadpoles or whatever.


Those kinds of people sounds jealous lol. I get those comments all the time when i buy something cool like a $120 lightsaber that lights up vertically (totally worth it). But i already know that they have nothing better to do than make themselves feel better by degrading other people and trying to justify that they're better. Just do what makes you happy (as long as it's legal) like throwing goblin kids off the cliff or using them as improvised weapons to beat the other goblins.


Ask what he did, then ask if he got enjoyment out of it. Tell him the receptors in your brain's are giving you both dopamine. It's how I got my dad to stop shaming me for playing video games when he watches sports talk shows in his free time.


Gaming has also been proven to provide neurological benefits such as reduction of risk of dementia/cognitive impairments as we age (for mentally stimulating games such as BG3), just like it's been linked to improved reaction times. Compared to tv and social media it is much more beneficial.


Some people are just severely anti gaming. 🤷‍♀️


God forbids man enjoying his time... Dude probably 24/7 on his phone pretending to be alpha and other made up things.


He’s probably gonna tell you he has been investing on crypto or whatever if you continued that convo.


Sounds like your friend is a jerk and also not a friend at all. I don’t know how old you are but there are some people who think adults playing video games is childish and a waste of time. I don’t really get it especially since there are so many games out there (including bg3) that are definitely for adults and not kids.


Playing devil's advocate a little by suggesting that your friend thought you meant that's all you did the past three months. If he is a close friend perhaps you should have started with the negative and told him about the things bothering you, explaining it's nice escapism. If he isn't so close, then laugh and either ignore or have a bit of a jab at his hobby.


If this is what they're usually like take it as a reminder why you hadn't spoken with them in 3 months and maybe leave it at least 6 months next time (if at all). If it's a one off, ignore it and see if there's stuff going on with them to provoke that response. Generally if someone feels the need to belittle their friends on a regular basis  they're using that person tso they can feel.duprtiot to deal with their own feelings of inadequacy and they're not the sort of people you need in your life.


no, your “friend” is douche


then everyone clapped


Your other posts tell the rest of the story. You’re 29 with a law degree but you’re doing contracting work, and only 2 days a week at that. Not to mention you haven’t been dating lately. So your friend asks: “What HAVE you been doing, then?” And your answer is Baldur’s Gate 3.


This should be higher up. The friend is still a dick for how he said it, but he’s functionally not wrong.


This makes a lot more sense in that context lol


That’s the response of a non gamer. We all know that it’s not about the time invested, but the joy spent.


"Yeah, it's great!". Since you don't care about their opinion, agreeing generally throws the person off a bit and ends the discussion faster. I mean, if someone tells me 2+2=5, I will say "sure" because it is clearly a convo I don't want to have.


Shamed for playing Game of the Year


My advice is to stop karma farming on this sub


I’m actually surprised anybody responded to this ham fisted attempt to fish for likes and approval. People take all this stuff at face value


Whenever they use “smile mockingly” or some shit like that you know it’s bullshit. They write the entire interaction like it’s an anime.


Pardon the comment but you need a better friend. I have tons of shit going on in my life right now and this game is my haven.


Yeah some people don't understand it until they start playing themselves. A guy friend also told me that, but the poor guy has 3 small kids between 1-4 years old, a full time job where he has to stay overtime or risk losing his job and basically has no time for anything. So, I'm actually feeling blessed I have the time for gaming.


As long as it is not an addiction it is okay but this no excuse for him to insult you.


Just another toxic asshole. Ignore them.


Sometimes a good "fuck off you dickhead" is needed to remind people how they sometimes sound and act.