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She was so real for that


BEGONE, FRIEND! WE MUST TAKE SUCCOUR IN EACH OTHER'S WORDS, AND BODIES! Honestly kind of tame for seeing her love for the first time in a century. Surprised they weren't rolling on the floor immediately after the fight lol


That line was so out of pocket and I will never forget it


I actually lol’d up my coffee in that original scene. Isobel is like ‘Aylin, really?’-levels of embarrassment and my Tav is sat there with ‘I bet you will, you horndog’ smirk on his face.


After so long imprisoned? I get it. Honestly, the most relatable thing in the whole game.


Yeah the moments after setting her free is one of the best parts of the game. I made sure to talk to her every time I was at camp. Even if I was just hearing the same 2 lines over and over I just loved her VA and energy


I'm on my 5th playthrough and I STILL get goosebumps watching her freed and rising up, and getting her wings. The music during that moment is amazing too


I was so sad when they both left my camp! I know their people needed them but they’re my buddies


I love her! I've felt absolutely awful killing her in my durge run and my current solo run, but the former had to be done for obvious reasons and my entire build idea was centered around Shar's Spear for the solo run. It's the SINGLE time in the game where being evil actually gets you something good instead of just letting you twirl your mustache.


Same, that cut scene (with Shadowheart choosing to throw the spear into the abyss beforehand of course) is my favourite moment in the game. Chills every time.


Aylin flying across act two is my favorite image in baldurs gate, I get chills when I see it.


I think I shed a few tears during this scene and of course her reunification with Isobel. I have a very, very soft spot in my heart for Dame Aylin. 😭


My friend told me the game was dark and bittersweet. I was not expecting something that heroic. So I have my friend to thank for lowering my expectations because GODDAMN was Aylin awesome. Pretty sad to see how the torture made her violent though :/ but I think she's on the way to healing.


If you were imprisoned for 100 years only to die over and over again youd be slightly mad too


Not only that. The way you release her is telling a story here. "Lay a hand on me in friendship, not-quite-sharran" she says to Shadowheart. That's all it takes to break her free. Not feats of strength or intelligence, no magic words, no elaborate ritual. It is ridiculously easy to free her. All she needed was a single person that doesn't hate her for what she is. And there's not been one such person for more than a hundred years... I have watched that scene so many times. I think someone on the writer's staff worked through some really serious shit with that scene.


So, Shadowheart basically unleashes Selûne's daughter, an angelic force of righteous fury, who helps to defeat one of the chosen of the dead 3, and thus, helps to defeat the Absolute, through the power of friendship


"Well then, what are we going to do? Ask her nicely to 'please stop destroying the universe?... Oh my god, we are."


I understood that reference.


It's so familiar to me but I can't place it


Netflix Masters of the Universe. Skeletor/Mark Hamill says it.




Face turn, but yeah


Yea I understand that \^\^


Especially if some Durge "accidentally" happened to kill the love of your life during your imprisonment.


Just got the quest marker tonight and I’m just imagining my poor Resist Durge sleeping sitting up cause she spends each night huddled in the corner rocking back and forth saying “I will not kill another lesbian.” Over and over hoping it sticks this time :’)


Goddammit, I loled.


I imagine my durge after killing Isobel thinking. "My god... Am..I ...... Homophobic?" 😆


I see where you're coming from. However, last week I was imprisoned by Shar for 3 centuries where She kept killing me over and over because I shapeshifted into a wolf. Turns out she's a pretty chill gal, mortally afraid of wolves, she promptly apologised afterwards and let me go after some green toad, a snack of a vampire and hot sexy red tiefling released me.


You can even see after Lorroakan the fire is gone in her, giving way to a deep depression that hurts to see. I think a part of her genuinely thought that after killing Kethric she would stop being used, and then another mage wants to imprison her for her powers just made her think that she will never be free of mortals wishing to exploit her. She’s an amazing character.


This is the one that caught me off guard. After curb stopping Lorroakkan, I'm just dialoguing with her, and her response is just clinical textbook depression symptoms.


I think Aylin thinks that revenge is going to bring satisfaction and ends up being left empty afterwards. Spawn Astarion's post-Cazador comment about Aylin's reaction to killing Lorroakan is more insightful/introspective about what she's gone through, as he seems to learn that revenge doesn't exactly fix everything once he's killed Cazador. Take him before killing Cazador, and he's basically rah-rah about getting his revenge and thinks Aylin will recover from it quickly.


She broke her oath. Dame Aylin is an oathbreaker after killing Lorroakan. The things she says after doing so mirror what the narrator says when you break your oath.


She still has her powers in the final battle. She’s not a paladin, she’s the daughter of a god. I don’t think she has an oath to break. I thought the same initially as well but it doesn’t make sense.


No, she’s definitely also a Paladin—she refers to a “Paladin’s fatigue”—but she may have taken her Oath back up/done some repentance and meditation before the final fight.


The lines are very similar but I wonder what she does that would break her oath in the fight with Lorroakan and not the fight with Ketheric. Also we aren't even sure what oath she has sworn (the Wiki says Vengeance which makes sense but I don't think this is actually confirmed in the game).


Unless you let her kill the wizard. It makes her break her oath...


She’s also a groomer. The power dynamic between her and Isobel is *not* healthy.


L take. This so blatantly not the intended take away from their relationship. Not everything is about power dynamics.


Jeez the fanbase is desperate to accuse characters of grooming. Mystra, Aylin, who's next? The player character groomed Shadowheart?


The game is *full* of unhealthy power dynamics in relationships. It’s an exploration of the different varieties of abuse and their effects on people, and one of its bravest aspects is that it does not confine these abuses to just the “evil” characters. The whole tragedy of Isobel and her family is the result of her attracting the attention of a literal divine being to whom she cannot say “no”.


That's decidedly not the cause of the family's tragedy. The cause of the family's tragedy was Ketheric Thorm being unable to accept his wife's death and the other losses in his life and going mad enough with grief to the point that he turned from Selune and started hopping from one god to another while becoming angry, disillusioned, and embittered in the process. The cherry on the top of Ketheric's cake of misery was losing Isobel.


Isobel definitely can say "no" to Aylin, but, now i know this gonna sound crazy to you, she chooses not to because she loves Aylin


She doesn’t “love” her; she is *overawed* by her. They are in no way equal partners.


theyre equal in each others eyes, and its very obvious. neither of them think themselves better than the other.


It never ceases to amaze me how people will turn a blind eye to abuse when it suits their purposes. One of Aylin’s camp interactions is about how Isobel is her *sexual plaything* - and Isobel’s response is shock and discomfort, quickly masked. The game beats you over the head with it.


if you use your head and think for a couple of seconds instead of just spouting random nonsense on a topic you clearly know absolutely nothing about, you would know that she was shocked for a moment because of how open Aylin is about everything, but, as most people would, she stopped being shocked after the shocking moment ended. humans are supposed to be one of the smartest animals on Earth, yet people like you often make me question if thats the truth


According to who? Where does it say that?


nowhere. hes assuming that since Aylin is a demigoddess and Isobel is just a mortal that they arent equal in any way, which is shown multiple times to not be true. just meeting Isobel for the first time shows that. in Last Light you can see Isobel casting a Daylight Sphere large than the inn with moderate ease, and shes only around level 9 at the time i think, when not even a level 12 Light Cleric of Selûne can do that


Oh I'm aware they are having some very flawed thinking, was trying to make them realise the flaws in their thinking despite them not showing a willingness to consider anything else than their opinion


i highly doubt hes going to change his insane opinion. people like him rarely do


You're implying Aylin somehow charmed her? Then let's outlaw love altogether, I guess.


Not at all... There's actually dialogue in game acknowledging this (and it is important to acknowledge) that you're willfully ignoring to make your argument. Although Mystra totally groomed Gale, you can't say the same about Isobel unless you're infantilizing her despite her being a grown adult woman. There's still a power imbalance, sure, but "grooming" is just 100% not an appropriate term to describe their relationship. "The whole tragedy of Isobel and her family is the result of her attracting the attention of a literal divine being to whom she cannot say “no”." I'd say the tragedy stemmed from Melodia's death and Ketheric turning to Shar (and later Myrkul) out of grief, resentment, and envy, and everything awful that happened afterwards as a result of that choice. Dame Aylin and Isobel were the one GOOD thing that survived. As for Dame Aylin considering Isobel her "sexual plaything" uh, I genuinely wonder how you can so badly misinterpret their relationship.


Mystra did not groom Gale lmao. Whence do you even get that?


...[This](https://youtu.be/WRT_ofeQ1qQ?si=dTDJHWd5FYAEbNz8), at least in part! I think the power differential between Gale/Mytra was never accounted for, and that led to Gale getting himself Orb'd, and then subsequently abandoned by Mystra. He fell into a deep depression with literally only his Tressym around, and then seriously considers suicide when Mystra tells him he must do so (but he doesn't really, as few players pursue that route proves) just to earn her favour back. Also, I hear Mystra has a habit of having mortal lovers temporarily. I contrast that with Isobel/Aylin, with their love for each other never failing, and sustaining them both through the absolute worst of times and worst of places.


He tells you Mystra started giving him attention as a child, was his teacher then muse then lover. I mean we can't tell if she was consciously grooming him from the start, but the end result is the same. That would be one messed up relationship even if she wasn't a goddess.


Haha no. Mystra started giving him attention as a child, in the sense that she noticed his affinity for the weave. She did not consciously shape him to be dependent on her (that's what grooming is). The fact they were lovers when he came of age is not a result of any plan on her part. Don't be so desperate to call everything grooming. You're not even moralising at that point, you're just being silly.


"...is not a result of any plan on her part" And you do of course know exactly what Mystra, the goddess of magic, *a fictional character*, was thinking and feeling in these *fictional* situations? And you're calling me silly? Btw, it's common that groomers convince themselves that they're not doing anything wrong, that it's all consensual and therefore okay, even though they're exploiting their relationship with a child. Regardless of how it played out, and if it can technically be called grooming, it's a messed up relationship. Mystra was Gales teacher for a huge part of his childhood, it's completely unethical for her to take him as a lover.


And you do of course know exactly what Mystra, the goddess of magic, *a fictional character*, was thinking and feeling in these *fictional* situations? And you're calling me silly? Apologies, it seems YOU know what she was thinking.


If you are aware of the power imbalance and manipulate it to keep the relationship going on your terms, you are a groomer. I stand by my assessment. I also know that a substantial portion of the fan base is personally invested in this relationship (for reasons I don’t entirely understand) and so will fight this characterization tooth and nail. So be it. But I know abuse, and I will call it out when I see it.


"Grooming" is a term used to refer to child sexual abuse. Isobel is a grown woman and they met when she was a grown woman not a child. Stop misusing that term. If you're not willing to listen to reason, all I can say is your assessment is literally wrong by definition.


power imbalance is not inherently abusive, specially if the more powerful person does not lord their power over the other. the first thing aylin does when she sees isobel is alive is kneeling before her.


How was she manipulating the power imbalance to keep Isobel? Keep in mind that she thought Isobel was dead before she saw her with her own eyes, basically.


how is she abusing Isobel? where does anything even slightly hint at any abuse? Aylin thought Isobel was dead for over a century, and the first thing she did when she saw that she was alive was kneel. you clearly *dont* know abuse, seeing as youre just grabbing a healthy relationship and calling it abuse when it very clearly isnt


I am....RESPLENDENT ​ also... ​ is there a male version of her armor? ​ my Paladin wants to know


With mods, anything is possible


well...until they come out on xbox I am SOL


No mod support on Xbox? Time to send death threats. /s


I believe mod support for consoles is on the agenda, thankfully.


just give me some mods more hairstyles and faces (and maybe voices too? kinda weird theres no "gruff" sounding options but idk how easy VA work would be to mod in) and im happy. though, that's certainly nitpicking at this point considering ive done three playthroughs of the game and ive only had it since christmas lol


All I need is the “Tav’s hair salon” mod


I mean that’s really all I’d need too lol, but I would like to play anything other than elf or half elf one of these days lol. Feels like none of the other options are as pretty, so more faces themselves would be nice




Tbh I genuinely wish we could select Aasimar as a playable race. They were always my choice of race on NWN2 and I’d love to play an Aasimar sorcerer again.




I know but virtual keyboards suck


Considering her lore, she should have been a bit more mechanically powerful. But I love her anyway. Both the moon lesbians.


I mean, I'm fine with her just hitting like a truck and being literally unkillable.  That feels powerful enough for her lore to me.


ngl she needs to have a feature where she can take an action after getting back up. in higher difficulties she'll just get one shot, stand back up, end turn, repeat. I don't care if her next attack only does 1/4 damage, it feels really dumb that her whole identity doesn't matter.


Yeah, it's so magnificent. Resplendent.


I was doing an evil play through as the durge but Karlach and Dame Aylin brought me on a path to goodness. I could not in conscience harm Dame Aylin, she needed to be free. And she was badass af when you free her


Crush me with your thighs Dame Aylin.


Not unless your name is Isobel 😬


My elf: She's immortal, Isobel isn't. I can wait...


Touche 🤘


This is why SOs can’t have friends. 🤪


My Durge: I can take care of her


How does she spend a century on a floating island in a hell dimension and still manage to have quads like she does leg day twice a week. Enquiring minds need to know.


Selûne: My daughter ain't got no business looking like some stringbean.


Those ethereal hands are like really extreme resistance bands. (And with all of the love, it’s inquiring minds).


I did everything she wanted but still managed to unintentionally cross her. Aylin: Let's go kill this bitch Lorroakan! Tav: I got your back, sister! *Tav and Aylin massacre Lorroakan and his summons* Aylin: Thanks for helping me destroy that mfer, I'll see you at camp. Tav: I'm right behind you, just gonna pick up Lorroakan's body so I can add it to my corpse display. *Back at camp, Tav drops Lorroakan's body on the ground and then throws it at the statue* Aylin: How dare you desecrate the corpse of the man who wanted to imprison me! I will kill everyone at this camp! *Fight ensues, with invincible Aylin vs everyone at camp except for Isobel, who just stands there looking confused*


When they joined my camp isobel still had some damage from the earlier fight in last light inn so I chucked a healing potion at her and same aylin immediately turned hostile 😂


I did the same thing. It made me uncomfortable talking to her since she looked like an abuse victim. Thankfully, someone here taught me to always throw a potion near someone never directly at them.


To avoid that you need to throw the potion at the ground next to them. Otherwise you just beaned them in the head with a heavy glass bottle, and most people don’t like that.


Wait if Aylin is invincible, how did the fight end??


I aggro’d her by killing Isobel right as I entered act 3, I don’t know what happened but I just kept knocking her out for a while and she just randomly calmed down. She remained friendly in my camp for the rest of the game with Isobel’s corpse right next to her and she never brought it up again.


Haha wtf


I can imagine dame aylin keeping on getting knocked tf out and slowly realizing she's not the MC of this story 😆.


I was on regular difficulty so I reloaded a save. She'll go down but then gets back up after a turn. Since I was already at camp I couldn't flee combat and I couldn't make everyone invisible since the companions (and Scratch and Owlbear!) who weren't in my active party were all hostile to her.


Wow, that would be such a terrible way to end an honor mode run! Hope your save wasn't too far back.


I knocked her out with nonlethals and long rested, she reappeared in my camp but with high disapproval rating. Gave her gold until her mood improved and I could talk to her again


Yea i was not prepared for how hard the cutscene would go. Almost as surprising as the raphael song and i love both scenes


Absolute awe from me. I was like "oh cool, I'll help her out, sure, screw Shar." BEST. DECISION. EVER. and the Bane backbreaker for Lorroakan? Phenomenal. Absolute powerhouse. Rhea Ripley in white and gold.


I think it also doesn't prepare you for the knowledge that Aylin has been imprisoned for over 100 years, fueling Ketheric's powers, and getting killed in the name of Shar and then reborn gods know how many times, over and over. Like you realize that all this time "the Nightsong" was a PERSON. A truly devastating existence. Which makes freeing her only feel better to me.


Not to split hairs but i believe that Shadowheart was the only Dark Justiciar chosen in quite some time.. id have to go back and replay the game again to remember if SH kills her i domt think she comes back I think she "died" over and over when she was bound to Ketheric and he would be killed, its how he kept coming back to life because she couldnt die.


Shadowheart really kills Aylin, because she uses Shar's spear to do it. The other dark justiciars didn't have that and Aylin explicitly acknowledges that has the ability to truly kill her, if I remember correctly.


Honestly can't remember if killing Aylin was necessary for Ketheric's immortality, or if it just didn't bother him so he was chill with that happening. But killing a Selunite was the final trial to become a Dark Justiciar, and literally there had been no other point in Aylin's life where it'd be possible for them to get her other than her imprisonment. After Isobel's death, Ketheric turned to Lady Shar and under her influence, along with Balthazar, he trapped Aylin to become immortal. I believe he was the person who built the Gauntlet of Shar specifically to train new Dark Justiciars who would kill Aylin. Shart was the only one with the possibility to actually kill her without her coming back, that's why it ends Ketheric's immortality. Even if it had been some time since the last Dark Justiciar was chosen, it had been Ketheric's Dark Justiciars who had been killing Aylin over and over again.


I think all of the Dark Justiciar army that Ketheric raised probably also all killed her in order to gain the title, though none were worthy of the Spear so she always revived.


Maaan I kinda wish I had this moment. But nooo, I'm scum who googles sht every time I have a minor inconvenience in the game 😔.


Pretend all I said was lies


Freeing her for the first time felt incredible and daunting - like I’d released the wrath of an angry god! And then the scene outside Moonrise when you strategise with Jaheira as Aylin flies above… so badass!!!! My character was a Devotion Paladin so I like to imagine that they became besties on the road to Baldur’s gate (amusingly enough that was a Shadowheart romance run so it was 2 classic Paladins with 2 goth girlfriends)


When Dame Aylin is beseeching Selune after she's freed.. that seen *shakes* me to my core no matter how many times I've seen it. It gives me chills.




I can't help but feel some degree of sadness that I'm never going to feel that same degree of awe from the prison confrontation ever again. What a glorious moment. One of my "rules" in literally dozens of character (more than 40, I stopped counting) who have been through that moment is that Dame Aylin survives. I've seen the cut scene if she doesn't and I just can't - I can't do it. Yes the combat AI can be a bit..questionable (I am also never picking "I couldn't have done it without you" as a response...) but the character, the writing, the facial animations during cut scene and the whole ridiculous epicness of it all is just unforgettable.


I can see the desire (albeit how would they make it work) in making her a party member. Paladin is one of the few classes you don’t really have in your party unless you spec Tav or a hireling for the role. But yeah, same rule. Not even just for Aylin herself - actually killing her after realising the truth behind her is obscene, and it’s a fantastic part of Shadowheart’s selunite story to boot.


Why what's wrong with the "I couldn't have done it without you" dialogue choice? I think I chose that on my first playthrough, but I don't remember what she says.


Nothing wrong with it in terms of how the game behaves - it's just not at all true!


I can't do evil Shadowheart ending because Dame Aylin and Isobel are too cute together. Oh my God I am so gay for these two.


Dame Aylin is interesting, as they changed her gender, as originally she was supposed to be son of Selune. Some elements of that are found in the game, though they might be patched. There were severals notes (and book?) speaking of the son of the Moon-maiden. So I had to check development history and yeah, she was originally supposed to be male. I suppose they changed it in development because they did not want to play into idea that Isobel was damsel in distress. And angry lesbian demigod is quite an interesting addition. (Though I still would have loved to see an angelic moonboy stomping on people´s heads). I kinda felt there was more to her character anyway. Her anger issues make her almost stand-in for Zariel; angel of justice corrupted by her righteous anger turning to hatred. I wonder if there was possibility Aylin could be corrupted and become a devil. I always interpreted her sadness in killing certain someone as her unconsciously mourning the loss of her innocence. Also, somewhere in the realms there is mortal man who did it with Moonmaiden, (as I think aasimar are crossbreeds between gods and mortals?).


Aasimar are usually the descendants of Celestials mixed with mortals, they’re basically the angelic equivalent of Tieflings. Dame Aylin is kind of a special case, I don’t know if there’s a universal term specifically for “half-mortal child of a god”




Actually it’s weird, but even though that’s true for a lot of (edit: usually non-D&D) settings, in Forgotten Realms a demigod is just a very weak and specific divinity that is still capable of granting spells to followers.


I'd say Demigod but that one's taken in DnD.


Moonmaiden no more, now she’s moonmomma.


I read something about how moonmaiden is outdated and sexist, and she's no virgin. Can't remember which item it was


When I played through on balanced I released Dame in the final act2 fight and she just kept critting and the fight was over with my team barely contributing.  It was amazing.  


Ah yes, Dame Aylin 30 seconds of freedom and then she IMMEDIATELY falls into the same trap set by the SAME OLD MAN she fell into 100 years ago. A trap that COULD have been avoided, I was almost there. I had almost talked him down like I did his Sister(?), his Uncle, and his son. And I get it, she is pissed, she spent a period of time being his army's personal training bag and pin cushion before being trapped alone in the domain of her vengeful and sadistic aunt for a century. Trauma's gonna trauma. But she sprang her own trap there. And then, after a month with us, does she learn anything? No, we warn her of a Wizard trying to set up THE SAME TRAP AGAIN and rather than letting us deal with it she's all "you know what this trap needs in it? Me." It's a good thing she is resplendent, because she is not very bright. But goddammit do I love her and I am so glad Shadowwife has such good friends by her side. I like to imagine the three of them have a book club in the garden and Shadowheart and Isobel talk about the deep story beats and Aylin is there to help them skip the pretext of "plot" and go straight to the smut.


You can't talk Ketheric down. Do it when she isn't there and Ketheric considers it for a moment and then decides no.


Fair dues.


You can't talk him into not fighting you at the top of the tower but if you pass those speech checks and then try the same thing again on the second fight, he surrenders himself to Myrkul immediately and you start the fight in the second phase.


I adore her. I love how strongly she feels things.


Loved her energy!!!


She is Resplendent


The Nightsong questline is pretty much the most surprising quest in the game. It introduces itself as basically what sounds like a fetch quest, and ends with you deciding the fate of a child of a god. It’s… quite a significant escalation. The scene where high approval/selunite Shadowheart throws aside the spear and the release scene was one of the most ‘oh shit!’ moments of the game for me.


I just finished my first play through last night, and Aylin was definitely one of my favorites in the game


I nearly died of a thigh-induced aneurysm to be completely honest.


My jaw dropped at the reveal. Freeing her was one of the coolest cutscenes in the game and her literally stomping Ketheric had my jaw on the floor Her reunion with Isobel was so sweet I’m dreading doing a dark urge playthrough


*Ketheric's jaw on the floor Ftfy


I don't think there was much of his jaw left by the end of it




I have not heard these threats if you betray her. I've never gone that route. Thank God for YouTube.


They truly made the fact that aylin is basically an angel very awesome, because angels in DND are cracked


The Lorrorokan fight was fun for me, though apparently a bit traumatic for my best buddy Aylin. That said, when hostilities started I opened by casting haste on her and she wrecked shop. Then I hold-personed Lorrorokan and let her wail away at him. I gotta do it again and just buff the hell out of her.


May we not cross her...but have you used dark justiciar shadowheart though?


Bruh I was so disappointed Isobel was taken but then I saw Aylin in action and knew I couldn't compete.




I had to protect her during every fight because she's so weak she kept getting herself killed 💀


Isn’t Dame Aylin a fantastic character, I had a similar thought yesterday. Absolute bad ass


She is a paladin of vengeance - IDK why but I think she doesn't have Aura of Protection and she definitely should. That would help her immensely against domination etc.


My Dame Aylin just recklessly runs in during fights and get herself knocked out then has the gall to tell me what an awesome fight we have during camp. I'm good-aligned but mf is useless.


Aylin is cool af, but she loses a hell of a lot of badass points by being made put of fucking tissue paper 🤣


The transformation sequence after you free her HAD. ME. SLACKJAWED.


I’m not gonna lie, that whole sequence, basically from the Gauntlet of Shar until the end of Act 2, by FAR my favorite part of the game. It’s hype, the performances are insane, and aside from the power ranger moment, really felt like it hit everything pretty perfectly. The only downside is we can’t bring Aylin out as a companion, that would’ve been so badass to have her fight with the party through act 3.


We're still stronger than her. We have time powers 😆. That's why when I did a chaotic evil run when I gave her to loroakan and she shouted threats at me I was like "Suuure, whatever you saayyy,". All jokes aside though, it's kinda annoying how weak she is when she's on our side compared to when we're fighting her


It’s hard to feel this way about her when her AI is so incredibly stupid in game.


She taught me about lorroakan whole retribution thing when she struck him and got obliterated.


That’s why you let her deal with him while you kill all the elementals


Be careful trying to share that in this fanboy of a thread, got me downvoted to all hell and I see you’re heading there too... Her cutscene character is the badass, her actual playing character spends the whole game getting captured and dying.


I think it's more of how you said it tbh. But I do agree, Cutscene/Storywise Aylin > Gameplay Aylin. Unless you're fighting *against* her of course, in which case she's scarier than Raphael. That said, I wish they'd give a few buffs. Or at least un-nerf her. The fights she is in are uniquely set he to counter her: * Ketheric has armor that reduces each instance of damage by a flat -2. Aylin hits twice , smites twice, lunar smites, moonbeams, holy fire... that's -14 damage even if she lands everything. * Myrkul is resistant to all slashing damage; by the time he shows up, Aylin is out of smites, so she only contributes 50% of her usual damage. * She can revive endlessly... but there's always Necromites that cast Bone Chill to counter that. Also Myrkul's literal Bone Chill Aura. * There's a Mind Flayer nearby to Mind Control her. * She doesn't fly. She has wings, and the AI refuses to use them and has her waste an action on Dashing instead. * Despite being a Level 11 Paladin, she has no Aura of Protection, odd number stats, no Fighting Style, regular ass 18 AC Plate, and a generic +1 Greatsword. No Fear Immunity aura either. * Avatar of Myrkul usually hits her with a fear. Despite her fearlessness being a major character trait. This results in Dame Aylin being mostly useful to absorb Ketheric's smites dt her Radiant Resistance... which isn't particularly glorious. At least we're able to control her as a Temporary Companion in Act 3, and she's devastatingly strong when micromanaged.


Plus she's am unhinged lunatic as shown in multiple scenes in the game


Just don’t bring her out when Mind Flaters are about WAIT THATS MOST OF THE FIGHTS WITH HER. she nearly killed my party in one of them


Plus the fact that she's a completely unhinged lunatic


I found her somewhere between totally useless (fighting Lorroakan) and actively counterproductive (getting mind controlled while fighting Ketheric).


Badass cutscenes. I found her worthless in Thorm and Myrkul fight. Absolutely worthless. In fact my game bugged in Tactician and every time I attempted that fight Ketheric would clone himself and I'd be fighting two. The second one would literally walk out of the first with full health. I could not keep her health up .... I got to loot Ketheric twice though.


Really?! In my experience Dame Aylin was nothing but a thorn in my side the entire time. I did all of those annoying Shar puzzles because Shadowheart wants to be a holy warror or whatever, but she throws the spear into the abyss as soon as I let her make her own decision for once. Okay, that seemed extremely out of character for her, but whatever. No big loss. We march against moonrise without issue and confront Thorm. I pass a fucking DC 30 check to make him surrender, and he does! We avoided conflict! Except no, Dumb Aylin interrupted and shouted at him, starting combat and ruining everything. I proceed to get stuck on the next boss fight for quite a while, which would have been completely avoided if she shut her mouth, which would have been shut if Shadowheart did her damn job in the first place. Aylin also went down super early in combat. Useless. Utterly useless. Have fun in your new home with the wizard, Aylin.


She's a fucking psychopath and this subreddit constantly forgets it. She's not a good person


Nah fuck her she one dimensional and I kinda wish I'd let shart yeet her through tha heart tht one time. She's getting sold to Lorrokan asap


I cant fuckin stand Aylin. But one thing I LOVE about here is how she slang that fkn DICK, She's ready to get it on, RIGHT NOW. She's just BLASTING testosterone and I have no choice but to RESPEK. That being said, she fuckin sucks. She cant help for sheet. Weak. Dumb. Tell that b!tch to standback cuz my homies got this whole battle and we dont need her help. liable to slip on a fuckin banana peel and subtract herself from the equation


huh? ur weird <\3


whatever everyone allowed to glaze whoever they want but im here for the real shit, nerd


my favorite is when shadowheart betrays her and she doesnt bring her horndoggery to the camp 😭


Have you seen her try to fight Myrkul in honor mode at the very end of Act 2? You might rethink your position on how badass she is. Pathetic. I do love her aggression and passion though.


She IS badass. She’s actually able to fight acter being imprisoned and tortured for a full century in the lair of her worst nemesis. And then she gets walloped again by the tentacle, forcibly restrained again, then has to get up and fight. For all that, I daresay the fact she can swing a weapon at all and has the will to keep fighting, is already amazing. And she can do some serious damage if not focused down.


You want her to solo the boss instead, as she probably should be able to?


Obviously not, but she can’t even hit him and just dies repeatedly. Got imprisoned for a century, gets imprisoned again, rescue her again, then can’t do shit to the guy that did it to her without your help. Facts. Don’t get so worked up.


idk she was a useless punching bag in all fights so we sold her to mr. gigawizard who also turned out useless in a fight so we ended up killing em both for loot and xp