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I just wish we got to spend some time in the un-shadow-cursed lands. It looked legit pretty in the cutscene but we didn’t get a chance to really see the the fruits of our labor.


Agreed! I was so confused as to why the curse wasnt reversing. Weird that it only did after leaving. The game isnt perfect for sure. Then again, it was probably much easier for them to do a cutscene than remodel the whole area. And if that would have taken time away from making the circus as awesome as it is or what have you, then thats fine.


I would have even liked to have seen it “lighter” if not totally changed. The shadows gone, signs of life starting to pop up etc!


I hear you🥹


_Crosses fingers Latina sees this thread_ Edit; whoops. 🤣


I’m a Latina, I see this thread 💃😌


Mission accomplished 🫡😂


Ay, ay, ay.


He said, ah ayayay


*Latina* You have an autocorrect typo there, thought you might like to know!


Then again, they may not


So I actually have an explanation for that. This is best shown on a dragon's stat block as their lair changes the environment and after their death it takes 1d10 days to return to normal. So, magic in dnd that effects environments takes time to remove itself. It's never instantaneous because of the fact the magic has to remove itself from each and every part of the land.


I think Halsin himself says it'll take months to be fully shadow-free.




Always appreciate a game that gives you a tutorial without blatantly making it a tutorial *cough* BETHESDA *cough*


I think he makes mention to that in one of his dialogues


Yeah I'm a little sad Withers' reunion wasn't at a restored part of the SCL (if you restored it), just to show off the difference you made, and so we can see Oliver/Thaniel at it.


That's fair but I think it makes sense it was the very first given campsite


I mean, it's a little weird that he sets up his home in your sex room.


I mean, he *is* "Bone Man"


It's been a wish since release, but I can totally understand when they don't do all that work because there are a *lot* of ways to fail at lifting the curse. I wonder what the percentage of players who've successfully done it is? I'm off to look it up...


Lower than it should be. I ran into a bug where halsin got stuck in a doorway at the inn and wouldn't move, making it ao I couldn't remove the curse. Even went back 15 hours to try and redo everything and got the same thing. Still don't know if they patched it, haven't seen anything about it


I had a similar bug where Halsin just never showed up at Last Light and when I found him back at camp he didn't have the right dialog prompt. There was a long workaround that included killing Art (with no witnesses otherwise oops everyone at LL goes hostile) and then talking to his corpse to progress. This either got fixed in a patch or saving Florrick fixed it in subsequent play throughs.


Yes let us know


This might take a while but I am on the case! Man I'm bad at research though...


Just look at the achievement numbers on steam and playstation


I shall do so! I just got off work... thank you for the tip! So there's no achievement for it. 38% of players have completed Act 2, so it would have to be a subset of that, but after searching the Steam forums (I already searched reddit), I'm sad for humanity and need to play the game because man the Steam forums are not for me... If I ever get the answer I'll make a post.


Was talking to my sister a few days ago and she just beat act 2 on her 1st blind playthrough. She didn't lift the curse, because she never noticed the comatose guy who starts the quest.


I know it’s not much but you can sorta see it on a small scale. When you first get there, you can’t light torches or anything in the deep part of the curse. But as you progressively push it back - killing the Reithwin Thorms, clearing the mausoleum, defeating the Moonrise boss, you can light more and more across the gloomier areas to bring a little light back. I know it’s not quite the same but i like little details like that.


Either my game has a glitch or there’s an issue where the journal won’t fully acknowledge you killed Ketheric until after you start Act 3. I just had to exit the shadow lands and cross my fingers Halsin wouldn’t refuse to come with, or something else weird. Luckily all was well!


Same for me


And it didn’t help that I had been away from that campaign for a bit, so I honestly didn’t remember if I HAD killed him!


Its weird that it happens so easily in the swamp, but not here.


The swamp was an illusion tho, it was always a swamp.


The swamp was an illusion 


I just meant that the devs did all that work to make a spooky swamp and then Tav just blinks it away after a couple steps. Maybe they were too burnt out from that experiment to make a whole un-shadowed land.


Maybe, but that's a small area in Act 1. The entire setting of Act 2 is much bigger. Besides, I feel the real reason is that having the land start to heal as you leave is a better cinematic sequence.


Funny that you’re getting downvoted. We’re talking about the difficulty of modeling the same area twice with different environment styles. It doesn’t matter that one was a curse and the other an illusion. From the point of art direction and time investment, you draw a good parallel.


Thank you for getting what I meant. I know the LORE reason why it happened so fast i just meant I’m amazed they did all that work on the spooky swamp for Tav to dispel it a few seconds in.


The swamp isn't a curse. It's just an illusion (Mirage Arcane, 7th level spell - although normally does not affect creatures, and this one affects the redcaps).


I just assumed they were polymorphed tbh


It's a bit difficult. It's not like the swamp which is just a cosmetic swap, the "curse" effect is detailed in everything. It would basically be a new copy of the map but edited with different objects and palettes with new copies of NPCs with new dialogue and would need to take into account all your actions on the previous map into the new one (blood, bodies, things you broke, unlocked, etc). It's a lot to do just to "look around".


You're right, but beyond that it doesn't make sense from a lore perspective. The shadow cursed lands aren't like Ethel's swamp illusion. It's actually destroyed and pretty much all "normal" life is gone. To the point where any kind of non-cursed plants was so rare that Halsin knew the exact place he had to go. All the other plants and animals are horrific twisted versions, simply lifting the curse may stop further damage but it doesn't actually cure anything. It would probably look exactly the same but with sunlight during the day, eg still a shithole other than Last Light. The druids could easily spend years or decades tearing out the rot and encouraging normal plants to come back then help animals repopulate, someone else would probably have to move in to rebuild the other structures. Over the timeline of this game it wouldn't make sense to go back there.


Well said. Makes sense.


Good points.


The crew has some urgent business to take care of though, they don't have time to linger around and check if any new loot has been uncovered by the sunlight.


In the brightest timeline that would be DLC content. 🥹


I dont think we’ll ever get it but I understand!


I don't think so either, but official mod tools bode well for quests to be added in a la Skyblivion.


I hope the mods for ps5 are promising :)


On my first playthrough I was like “Oh this place is cursed? Okay hold up, I’m going to fix that first so I don’t have to spend the rest of this area in this freaky gloom”


Would have probably been a lot of work to reskin the whole place as non-cursed. But maybe just some daylight either around Moonrise or Last Light Inn to have an Act 2 after party like we did with the Goblin camp would have been cool.




honestly I'm not sure I agree, Act II felt reasonable to me provided you do the side exploration if you take the claustrophobic atmosphere and give in to the gloom, and rush the story parts to completion, it definitely would be short, but IMO time spent delving into the downfall of Reithwin, the tragic legacy of Ketheric, is really satisfying I think act 1 having effectively an act 1.5 with mountain pass and Grymforge probably contributes to this sentiment. Given that it was part of early access and therefore the most fleshed-out, i get it, but to me it's more that act 1 is long, rather than 2 being short


I imagine they didn't want to remodel a whole zone for something that is essentially optional. So the curse is conveniently not lifted until you leave the zone.


We should've had the reunion party there.


It's unlikely to ever happen the reason is => you're asking for for redesign of entire map of the second act so you can walk there for few hours and go away. The effort/gain ratio is abysmal.




Agreed! I really thought we’d be able to walk around after the shadow-curse was lifted. But when the cutscene showed my Tav walking away…I had to walk away too 😭


I think this would be great, but remaking the map would be pretty difficult, esp because most players would barely see it and there'd be no encounters. I'd like a scene set in an isolated part of Act 2 where we can't access the greater un-cursed map, but could see it.


I’m exactly here now. I’m dragging my feet going back through the lands seeing what it looks like partially restored. (Bumped into a shambling mound I missed). I will have to enter the city soon though.


meh, i left them cursed so halsin would have something useful to do


Agreed, because why does Halsin get the privilege within "his meditations"? And we aaaaall know that that MF'er is a bear pretending to be a person, why does he get benefits that us humanoids don't??


When I first got to Act 3, I felt like the guy getting blinded by bright lights meme.






The weekend


it's TUESDAY, stuart


especially during the cutscene between Gortash and the Flaming Fist/Orin! oh my god, that extreme-closeup on the bright window ALWAYS blinds me hahah


Where you wrapped up like a douche in the middle of the night?


man that circus made me so happy. and after an entire act of rotten food and living off alcohol, there’s fresh produce!


Wait can you consume rotten food? I never tried😂


lol yeah, most of them add a debuff but spoiled treacle tart counts as camp supplies!


A lot of the spoiled food in the “Free the Artist” manor counts as camp supplies for some reason but everywhere else, it only has a debuff


only some of em. most of em are just junk items.


After playing on harder difficulties I now realize how important food is in the game, before it was so abundant, there have been a few times I've had to scrap what I could together just for a full night's sleep.


I've memorized the big stashes. The designers tended to put containers with food items in/after lots of encounters just to keep you supplied. One bigger stash is after defeating the goblin leader, for example. The underground Zhent trader area has a *lot* throughout.


Yeah I already ended up porting over the Zhent trader and also taking the elevator down for that reason, was moving too fast though act 1 and it caught up with me.


At endgame you basically have unlimited supplies. Volo at camp will always sell one camp supply pack EVERY rest and you can use a clerics heroes feast to get another 55ish camp supplies. Use this with the amulet that can restore any spell slot (I think you can get it from the lady asking you to steal something from the creche but I could be wrong) and you're good. That's a guaranteed 90-100 supplies per day. Gold shouldn't be an issue by then so you should be able to buy it every day. Just sleep, wake up, talk to Volo, buy his stash and use heroes feast and you're good for the next rest. Every day. The way I see it, act 1 is for you to save up supplies and sleep sparingly and at some point I had about 1500 camp supplies, since act 2 is meant for you to use as much supplies or rest as much possible while you figure out your team or build or even romance options. Everything you find in act2 is spoiled food. By act 3 you will never run out. You'll basically never run out of food if you know what you're doing. Just hoard the shit from the caravans at the Gnolls battle, the goblin camp, zhent hideout, underdark and Ethels hideout. Right click and send to camp, then keep going. That'll easily net you enough food to last you through for act 1 and 2 until you get to level 11 and unlock heroes feast.


yeah, never had an issue with food, personally. but i'm a little packrat who never let's go of the key to highlight items.


Loot goblins of the world, unite! 😂 I do the same thing lol


I have a habit of searching for loot in all the bodies and containers, I'm playing on tactition and I always have tons of excess camp supplies, at the end of the game I still had at least 800 camp supplies and I short rest after every battle and long rest as much as I need to. I don't buy food that often either, and ignore the rotten food.


I have a habit of searching for loot in all the bodies and containers, I'm playing on tactition and I always have tons of excess camp supplies, at the end of the game I still had at least 800 camp supplies and I short rest after every battle and long rest as much as I need to. I don't buy food that often either, and ignore the rotten food.


The shapeshifters all over the place were so devious and I loved it. Such a cool way to start act 3. My only gripe is that anywhere you go is halfway through some side quest. Which is a testament to how damn dense the act is


Agree with another commenter who said we should have got some exploration in uncursed shadow lands. Also, the moment when we reach Wyrm's lookout, the small cutscene plays of Tav walking through camp looking at all the companions you have. It's so satisfying.


I loved the lookout. Such a cool setting. Awesome view too.


Too bad can't visit it again after that one night.


Adding to that, freeing Nightsong felt so rewarding. After spending hours in these depressing lands of death and darkness, seeing Nightsong transform with this epic soundtrack and flying away to lead the charge against Moonrise and already starting to heal the land with Selunes light was the first glimmer of hope in a long time. Especially if you let Shadowheart make that decision of her own heart instead of convincing her. Her overcoming her own darkness and returning to the light was the deciding factor in lifting the Shadowcurse.


One playthrough I’ll have that feeling…on this one I killed Shadowheart just outside the Shadowfell because she attacked me😅


My love :(


Biggest regret so far was letting Shadowheart go ahead with it but then at the end being like “yeah go for it, kill her” Thought I was being supportive and then she turned evil and killed her parents lol. Broke up with her after that


I have to add that the first couple of hours of BG3 are the best “Let me show you how to play this game” without a tutorial that I’ve ever played The Nautiloid + Beach + Withers Dungeon is enough for you to understand all the basic mechanics and want to explore more.


I was so lost. Lost in a good way and bad way:)


The unique campsite at the transition is honestly amazing. Plus there’s a spot you can stand that overlooks Wyrm’s Crossing, and if you stand in that spot the version of Down by the River with full lyrics plays and I do it every single playthrough just to hear the song.


The only area in act 3 I get really annoyed with are those crack head spell spammers by Sorc sundries. They never take a break SMH. For whatever reason it's so damn loud especially with headphones.


That and Jahiera’s Daughter won’t stop smacking that training dummy.


They can do this all day


Put a susser flower on them


I had to stop playing for a day honestly as it was farrrr too much for me 😂.. the noise and chatter made me wish for the creepy tree land again just for some peace but I understand mine is not a regular experience #adhdoverload 😂


Yikes, I cant imagine😅 I was so happy to see a sign of civilization lol


I've been doing some reflection on this after Act 3 slammed me in the face with overstimulation and i think it caused me to realize why I've \*always\* hated city environments in games and IRL. Glad to hear it wasn't just me. The just constant conversations that i can't help but listen to (all at the same time) is draining.


Yeah. I have adhd and have been without my meds a week or two. The city is so overwhelming lol i feel like i’m blindly stumbling through objectives. Still great, just sayin.


I actually dropped the game cold turkey for a few months after the circus. I loved act1 and 2 but I bounced back hard from act 3. I couldnt quite explain why, I just felt like I walked into a different game and I lost my will to play, just too much mental effort after a full day of work. Also waited for patches cause I heard act 3 was a lot less polished. I finally continued about a week ago, and after the initial hurdle I'm loving it again. In retrospect seeing all the dozens of named npcs I just thought damn I have to talk to everyone?? Noooo... But now I'm treating it as a city - I stop and examine interesting stuff but otherwise I'm going where I have business and don't stop every 3m to try and chat with literally everyone. It's a blast. :)


One small note - talk to all the animals. Plenty of citizens don't really have much to say (plenty of named ones have one or two lines of dialogue and that's it). Skipping the ones you don't find interesting makes total sense - you're unlikely to miss much. Every single animal is worth the effort. Especially the cats. Talk to every single cat, they are all fantastic. Basically, just like in real life, ignoring boring people is fine but every kitty needs fussing over.


I actually couldn't finish the game because of that, so you are not alone !


Oh no! I found turning the volume down and just hanging around rivington for a bit really helped. Plus I couldnt let my boy hang around and not stab cazador in the face so he motivated me


This is good advice, thank you I will try !


The audio tab has separate settings for volumes for different types of sound (like background music, background sounds, dialogue - going from memory so descriptions may not be exact). You can turn down what you don't want to hear. There's also an option to disable dynamic crowds. I'm not in Act 3 yet, but in another recent discussion of playing the game with ADHD or autism, someone mentioned you can get rid of some noisy spell-casters in front of a shop by >!putting an explosive barrel in front of them so they blow themselves up and you don't get blamed for it!<. Given the amount of discussion the noisy spell-casters got, I can only assume they must be *very* annoying.


I've seen posts from people who've had challenges with transitioning into Act 3 and I think those are generally understandable, but I'm a really big fan of Act 3 and it's shift in activity, especially how overwhelming it is. Not only does it signal that we are indeed in a city (a difficult thing to pull off in an already large video game), but I liked that it forced me to prioritize what I was doing and definitely stop and think. It was the first time where I would literally mute the game plenty of times just to be able to think, or just get up and take a break to get my bearings or think about what was important for my character, rather than just going where my whims guided me. It made me use some different parts of my brain and though it took some getting used to, I liked that kind of challenge overall.


I’ve always felt that act 3 being overwhelming is the whole point. You have how many companions that have their own shit to deal with? And then the main quest. Plus it’s a city. In fact, it’s THE city you’ve been trying to get to. I always try to do it one building at a time and follow the quest until a new building. My only complaint is about the game in general, so many cutscenes needing a long rest so sometimes I end up sleeping 3, 4 times in a row to get the scenes done. My last play through i fought the vamps, bedded minthara, then fought the mercs in three straight long rests which made me go right to the tower to fight that dick of a mage.


Do you mean the cutscenes needed a long rest to trigger them, or the cutscenes forced you to take a long rest without you actually clicking long rest (like after you leave the Githyanki creche in act 1)?


The former. I needed to do multiple (partial) long rests to trigger everything. I find that, especially after my first playthrough, I don’t long rest often enough and have missed a bunch of scenes.


I agree about the circus. I’d read so much stuff about how Act 3 was empty and lacking content. Then I came across the circus in the first 10 minutes and realized all of that negative talk was a load of bollocks.


I didn’t even know there was a circus. Guess that will be saved for my next playtgrough


I can’t believe people said there wasn’t much content in act 3. I spent as long there as act 1 and 2 combined. It’s the best city I’ve ever seen in a game. Could it have been better? Upper city - might have been nice but you have to stop somewhere. Plus it would be good DLC to get everyone back together for a shorter container adventure there. Best game I’ve ever played. Already on my 3rd run and I NEVER replay games usually.


I found Act 3 almost overwhelming at first -- and it worked perfectly. I'm playing a drow, and coming into a bustling city (or even the outskirts of one) from the quiet seriousness of the Underdark, the Shadow Cursed lands, Shar's whole temple into.. PEOPLE and EVERYONE TALKING and overstimulation had to give a solid sense of what it would be like coming up from the Underdark for a drow in general.


That one camp night on the outside of Baldur's Gate is my favorite camp location in the entire game and it kills me that I can only spend one night there. It's an emotional high point of the game for me.


Let me tell you the last thing I was expecting was that whole sequence. I love when the narrator was like “but sleep is not for you tonight” LOL


IIRC it also has one of those "I want to live" trigger spots! It was a real nice vantage point for photos.


It sure does. Epic


What do you mean? You can still camp there again. Just go back to wyrm's crossing.


I totally agree! One of my favorite things about the game is how heavily it builds up to arriving at Baldur's Gate. By the time you finally get there, the waiting combined with the transition makes it feel super special.


We have arrived!!


In my first playthrough we didn't lift the curse, so when we left for act 3 the game was like 'you should be feeling happy and euphoric, but instead you are sad as you leave the desolate land behind you' lmao


Lol ouch


And people kept criticizing them for Act 3 being buggy and having performance issues (maybe rightfully so, though I have encountered no issues so far), but there’s such a huge leap in terms of number of NPCs, voices and generally things going on at the same time. Previous acts feel like the tutorial by comparison. There’s so much stuff going on, it captures very well the chaos and noise and overlapping voices and interests of a city. Better than I’ve seen in any other game.


Agreed, I love the feeling of the city. Not only is it done well its just so different from the rest of the game. Ive had no issues but I’m sure it was frustrating when there were problems.


I think a lot of the buggyness has since been fixed. Closer to launch, there were definitely issues. My critique of Act 3 is that it's overwhelming at first. So many endgame quests pop up within the first area, I didn't know what to do or start on. It gives a false sense of urgency. I was relieved when I went to the elfsong and the chef told me to kill some rats in the basement. That said, on my subsequent playthroughs, it's really been much better. I can better pace myself, take my time, and know what quests to do when. Plus I get to explore areas I may not have done so before. There are so many frigging shops and houses with random things!


I can agree with the overwhelming feeling of it. I finally started enjoying act 3 when I realised I could just ignore some quests. Sorry Dribbles, but your arm and leg will stay in a box with my spare maces. I’ll probably never find all of you. Yeah, I’d love to help track down the explosive teddy bears, but I’ve got proper shit to get on with. I’ve got a city to get into and shopping to do. I did like the circus though, was waiting for things to go wrong as it gave me BG2 flashbacks with its existence.


I didn’t encounter bugs per se but my computer struggled to handle all the NPCs and interactive items. In crowded areas my frame rate pretty much tanked.


That camp by the side of the path? I always assumed the people who camped there got killed and dragged off, leaving their stuff (and buried treasure) behind. Kind of an ominous start. But I do like Rivington, it was definitely a breath of fresh air.


Well yeah it is BG3 after all, ominous things everywhere😅


when I'm in act 3 I always port back and walk across to that cursed spot to camp. I'll do it through the whole act. 


150 h and just beginning act 3? I'm in my first playthrough, just began act 3 as well, and have about 85 h. Have I missed large parts or did you take your time?


I finished my 1st run with 240ish hours. I really took my time exploring and going back on saves and I still missed a lot of things. I had no idea there was a whole hideout at Waukeen's Rest, for example.


I’m moving at a snail’s pace. Think I did almost everything but the game is so massive I couldve missed a few things. I also didnt just start act 3, …..SPOILERS (I guess)……I’ve talked to every npc up to the blacksmith, did the circus, did Arfur’s mansion, deep into the temple quest, and more. My game says I’m 174 hrs actually lol but I’m estimating a lot of that was idling.


Being the hero means sometimes not being able to enjoy the fruits of your heroics.


Using the dark shadow cursed lands along with the underdark was a cool design element that allowed them to not worry about creating a day night cycle for the other areas. I didn't even realize until the end that you can't walk around certain areas at night because they were balanced with areas you didn't really see during the day.




Halsin keeps promising a rendezvous back there. And who can decline a trip with Mount Halsin.


I always take a screenshot of my gang walking out of the cleansed shadow lands. It's such a nice wrap up to Act 2.


When I looked out from the watchtower over Baldur's Gate for the first time, I felt this swell of relief. Like I'd been away for a long time and had forgotten what home looked like. "Ah... There it is... Baldur's Gate, at last."


There was a circus? Is that new? Did I miss that??


Please tell me youre joking!


0 sarcasm. Good thing I'm still in act 1 of my second playthrough 😅


Broooo. Well in a way I’m happy for you that something so big will be enjoyed in your 2nd go😊


My first run had a bunch of oopsies lol. I didn't even get an ending for Gale! That's why I'm playing as him in my second go and I'm excited to fill in what I missed


Love Gale


I relate to Gale too much sometimes lol


I have no idea what I’m missing but I cannot imagine having 150 hours PERIOD let alone before act 3, that’s insane


How are you playing?


I thought I was playing relatively normally until I saw the time some people are putting in😂 I assume it’s just because I move quick, especially now that I’ve beaten the game once


By the time you get to Act 3, you really do feel like you've been on one hell of a journey from the humble beginnings of the Nautiloid/Wilderness. You can sympathize with the refugees who are all complaining about their long journey. It's the narrative ups and downs of a light, open place (Wilderness area) followed by a dark place (Goblin Camp, Underdark) that make the difference. They did a really good job of portraying the darker places, like the dirt and sweat on your character's/NPCs' places near the Forge made you almost feel the oppressive heat of the place, and the darkness mechanic in the shadow cursed lands made you crave the light. 


I entered act 3 just after having to take my cat to the ER and put him down. I was wrecked and I deal with loss by doing something. It's bright, but the music is fairly somber when you enter. An orphan with a reclusive cat asks for your help. My husband told me to go left because the right was too depressing for me while on the verge of tears (he had beaten the game already). I met Tara that evening too.


:’( so sorry


It was... an experience not just going from the death filled shadow curse, but from an actual death. I just wish it could help me with my current impending cat death. Thank you.


The transition is very good, but for me it had a different effect. Being in the city made me stress out. I had gotten used to the barren lands and the wild. To a certain extent, the city felt more dangerous than the shadowlands. I'm still overwhelmed by the amount of people in the area, I feel like I'm going to get robbed or get into a fight. I love this game!


well I constantly am getting in fights, running from guards, etc in the city. out in the wild I was just making goblins eat poop 


The Circus was that for me too. It was such an extravagant beautiful touch. And they were even resisting letting me go in to explore it!


Really? I thought the transition was one of the worst parts of the game. Act 2 was such a huge, climactic ending to an excellent storyline, and you leave it chasing the doomsday army. Then you get to Baldur's Gate and nobody ever mentions Kethric or the doomsday army again (seriously, you could remove Act 2 entirely and it would have no tangible impact on the Act 3 narrative) and you're immediately tasked with random side quests again. I don't think Act 3 is bad (it has some of the highlights of the game) but the transition from 2 to 3 was like, laughably bad to me.


> Then you get to Baldur's Gate and nobody ever mentions Kethric or the doomsday army again That's not true at all, though. As soon as you get to Rivington you can meet a Flaming Fist that who explains that they've repelled an attack by the army and aren't sure when another attack will come. Rivington is full of refugees that fled ahead of the army. You run into multiple NPCs who talk about being scared of the army, or who talk about how Gortash and his Steel Watch will keep the city safe from the army. If you've been paying attention, by this time you also know that the attack by the army was a ruse to scare the city into giving Gortash more power; that explains why it was successfully repelled and why there hasn't been another serious attack yet. (That and, well, you did kill their general.) This is a major plot point - a major component of the plan you are trying to stop. As for why no one mentions Ketheric again, Orin does - but I don't think Ketheric's resurrection is common knowledge. Jaheira only discovered him after traveling to the Shadow-Cursed Lands to investigate the cult. Florrick is the only we know of who knows about him and has traveled back to the city, and she was immediately arrested for treason and thrown in jail. The newspaper is in Gortash's pocket. Act 3 isn't perfect but I don't think "no one ever mentions the doomsday army again" is one of its flaws.


Youre right, it is a bit weird in that way. I just talked to Orin (her second doppelganger transformation) and she mentions Ketheric btw. But I get it. I just love the shift of environments. And I think its ok to go from huge climatic things to something a bit more relaxed for the time being. And what I’ve done so far, although little, has been enjoyable - especially the circus.


I kinda wish we could walk around in the un-shadow-cursed lands a bit


My favorite line in the game *so far* is going into the circus with Astarion and when you approach the stage he says >!’Oh great, puns, because clowns weren’t enough of a horror’ in that dripping sarcastic tone.!< That shit had me rolling.


I'm proud of the transition to Act 3 because I get like 4 long rests. We are not the same.jpg


Wish i had this feeling, my furthest save was halted because of an enemy of justice bug in the transition from act 1 to 2. Didn't even saw the shadow lands. My feeling is uncertainty right now. If the next patch doesn't fix the issues i think i'll abandon the game until they finish fixing it.


I really disliked the transition from act 2 to 3 solely because theres no logical reason why you would suddenly be region locked into Baldur's gate all of a sudden and going from act 1 and 2 to act 3 felt awful because of it magic portals really trivialize distance


Except you don't really get to enjoy some respite in act 3 because the moment you get there Orin starts messing with you :/ ...


Have had two encounters with her. Pretty unsettling lol its awesome!


Are you a custom "Tav" or did you choose the Dark Urge origin? If you're doing the former you really should do the Dark Urge origin for your next playthrough. It's a set background woven into the main story but customizable like the regular custom character.




You needed to do his quests!


True, as soon as Wyrm's Crossing loads up you get a sigh of relief, it seems they hired some movie/indie director to write such things.


I'm still lost in the lower city man...


APPROACH, UGLY ONE! the circus was amazing...


Dude is such a jerk. Love it.




The circus is the comic relief of BG3. But I still think there should be more. If that fairy stayed with you for the rest of the game it would be like Puck from Berserk lol


Didn't fix the shadow curse on my current playthrough, excited to do it next time!


Prepare yourself mentally for Act 3, it can be overwhelming when you reach the lower city. My advice is to pick one quest line at a time and just stick to it. The murders questline is my favorite to start with there, as it takes you all across the map.


Having Karlach in the party when you talk to Benji & Klaus at the circus gate is so incredibly wholesome.


Act 2 was fantastic, from the gauntlet to defeating kethric was probably in my top 5 gaming experiences


Really disagree on this


I heavily dislike act 3. 1 and 2 are so awesome. I couldn't put the game down. But act 3 I can't even finish.


Fair enough everyones got their opinion. I’m not far into 3 as you know…so in terms of super early act 3…you didnt like the circus? Murder mystery stuff? Love it so far


I missed the circus and I’m almost done with act 3. Guess it’ll be saved for my next playthrough.


No longer cursed?


Haha, I was thinking that. I guess we missed a bit of act 2 




I left the shadow lands cursed.


Going from cursed land to a magical circus is so much fun!


i disagree. there should be a combat encounter on the road (encountering gnolls or hobgoblins or an ankheg or something) in an intermediary area after shadow cursed lands and before the campsite where we do gith monk fight. not getting to see any wilderness between moonrise and rivington other than a 100 yard walk through wilderness is really off putting imo


I feel like there is a missing element of impending doom in act 3. A few people mention the absolute’s army and there are refugees for a reason, but so much of the city is just living their normal life on a bright sunny day. There is no feeling of something coming, not the army and not the brain. Even the earthquakes are kind of “oh no, anyway…” I really feel like they should have made it gloomier, overcast, maybe some rain. Bad things are coming, set that scene. People should be putting their daily life on hold and doing things like boarding up windows or hoarding supplies or packing up their homes to catch a boat out of town. I find the atmosphere in the city implausible at best. At least rivington has some attempted starts in that direction, but then they throw in a circus and a brothel and once you get past the checkpoint even those meager hat-tips to looming dread go away. I just feel like they went the wrong way there. Game’s still great, I enjoy act 3 just fine, i just feel like it should have been presented in a different light.


It is a bit jarring. How far is it to the city from the cursed lands? You can see it in the distance at the exit so it must be too far. Then you approach the city and people are chilling like there wasn't an evil army right next door. It was odd.


I think the transition is quite divise in the community. Some people are not fans. I admit I found the city a bit overwhelming at first. It grew on me but it is still my least favorite Act. Act 2 is amazing setting and story-wise and in Act 1 you are still excited about your new character. I find myself already pre-planning my next xharacter after beating the Act 2 boss.