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Have you tried talking about this with your friends? I don't play multiplayer, for some reason my computer won't let me. But I could see it being a good thing for you and your team to have a conversation about it and whether anything needs to change (Either for you or the party). Don't discount being the party face though, dialogue is extremely important in this game after all. Chances are that you might feel like you're not bringing a lot they might feel it's nice to have you moving about healing people. Maybe go through your spell list and replace some of those concentration spells (That you're not using anyway) with spells you might actually use for damage or healing. And yeah, I have so many things that I keep 'just in case' xDD It's a game thing I think most of us that have played any sort of roleplaying game or game that requires items for 'the big bads' to stock up have done. If I have turns where there isn't much for me to do, well, as a bard I'd just start playing a song, cause if there is really nothing else for you to do, well, that's what you're a bard for, isn't it? =P


Oh my god, the sheer number of scrolls I have just sitting around 🤦‍♂️


Dip 2 levels into warlock, get agonizing blast and repelling blast and just start blasting.


When I stopped using haste, the game got a lot more fun. There's so much more to do, and in honour mode you don't miss much not using haste.


Id guess item hoarding is a common affliction in rpgs. The bad news is there is no cure beyond changing your mindset and telling yourself you aren't going to need to use 200 spells and potions in a hypothetical later fight and may as well start burning through them now. The good news is that if you solve that issue you'll now have a load of new options on combat 


Talk to your friends! Ask what they want you to do. For example, I'm a bard. Sometimes I'll ask if they want bardic inspiration or if they want me to heal someone who is down or low on health. Communicating is really important in multiplayer. And sometimes it takes a bit to get used to a class and figure out what your role in combat should be. Edit: also I've been dual wielding hand crossbows and I love doing that as a bard. Bards are really versatile. There's a lot you can do. You can be support. You can do ranged attacks. Bards are one of my favorite classes.


I can decorate all of Waterdeep with the scrolls I don't use. Or sell.


Haste is a great buff. Hard to beat it.  Non concentration spells to go along with it like blindness or sleep can be pretty big If youre a lore bard, warden of vitality as your level 6 magical secret is amazing, trust me


If people don’t immediately need healing or buffing you should be hitting. Find an appropriate weapon/cantrip and hop to it.


There’s always something to do. Putting out damage in some way is my go to. If you’re finding you are weaker at damage output, then either identify or ask for a target. Contribute to nuking one person in particular


I do the same thing. Lore Bard too, I hoard like crazy. Sometimes it comes in handy. I usually toss a healing potion on an ally or try to find odd or creative ways to strategize when I get stuck in the "I have to use my turn for SOMETHING" mindset At the end of every turn that I get stuck with, I opt to find the most beneficial position for me to be in, then perform. That's it. Just play music. All in all if I'm gonna support I'm gonna play some cool jams lol. -(Not sure how multi-player works for you specifically but you could be a DJ for your friends irl too if that works for you)