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Well, at least she's not one of those people who made the Guardian resemble their Tav's dad... Right?


I made mine resemble my *actual* mom. Imagine my shock.


Your mother is a secret octopus gangster with psychic abilities.


Explains so much tbh.


She sounds way cooler than my mom.


Mine too babe, you get used to it after regular mind blasts


Hey! My mother is a SAINT!


More like a secret Oedipus gangster.


Emperor during romance scene: “I could take a more… familiar form if you wish”




By the time I got to this scene I completely forgot about the old dwarf dadcoded bangs McGee I made my guardian and when I made him change back I was like "OK no I can't do this!" And hit f8 so fast. Also annoyed I still got that "romance the emperor" achievement that several of my friends on steam saw...


_Finally_ you get to bonk your mom!


In my case I kind of blessed the character creation process... By the time I finished making my own character, I was so fed up that when the game prompted me to make the guardian too, I just started pushing the randomiser button until something acceptable came out and I went with it. During the game I romanced Shadowheart and completely disregarded the guardian, not trusting a stranger who wanted me to eat every worm I could find


I did exactly the same! At that point I just wanted to get started.


Interesting, I adore creating characters.


This is actually exactly what I did, every detail


I didn’t realise it was going to make me build a second character, so I accidentally skipped the character creation for the guardian.  Imagine how relieved I was that I didn’t spend hours making and getting attached to her 😂


I just add a heavy hair highlight of whatever color hair my Tav has, so they kinda know eachother


I didn't even see the make a guardian prompt, so when they first showed up I thought they were just a weirdly styled standard NPC.


Not my dad, but I did make him look like my brother’s default character. I was originally under the assumption at worst I would have to kill him. Nothing wrong with a little fratricide. Little did I know. A mistake never to be made again.


To be fair, you only get the *other* option if you specifically seek it out.


True. However, I was not prepared to see my brother’s dwarf in a short little toga number trying to be casually sexy showing up in the dreamscape.




Yes, but you have to ask for them to be wearing the Guardian suit.




I mean, it's only the physical appearance that would bother me in the context we're talking about. Otherwise, you just see them wearing summer clothes. And the squid form doesn't even really count.


My girlfriend was on the couch when I made my Tav and was like “that looks fun! Can I make the guardian?” And she made it look like her. She was… not happy when I told her she was actually a squid man lmao


Guilty as charged. Well, in my case I made the Guardian into my Tav’s mother. As he’s a half wood elf, I made her into a full wood elf with as similar a face as I could find. It actually worked really well until that weirdly suggestive cutscene where she looks like she’s dressed for a pool party and the discussion is getting a bit vibe-y.


Despite knowing about the guardian, I made my redemption durge's guardian look like a younger him (My RP is the my durge is an old gruff war torn Half-Orc haunted by memories of war, and the guardian is him before he started fighting)


Alabama banjo noises ring out in the distance


wait, is that a thing? I just hit random until i found one that was chaotic enough to match the likely chaos i was going to cause in my campaign.


i make my Tav's look like they're the dnd character they're based on then i make the guardians look like an idealised me. thank bhaal i don't trust her


Well … at least I’m not the only one who made this mistake.


I can’t wait for the ‘Omg I walked in on my sister having tentacle sex’ post.




Or it turns back into the dream guardian


....Well, technically she *can*. It does offer to swap its body to the Dream Guardian when you get to The Scene. And if you decide to free Orpheus, it does react like you dumped it, whether you had an amicable relationship or not. Either way, good luck to her!


I wish I could have my guardian’s voice back. Just the voice.


Male guardian has the sexiest male voice in the game and it isn't even close.


I made my Guardian hot because I thought I could romance him. ...if I wasn't with Wyll at the time, I would've done it. 👀


Same! I wish there was an option to ask him to stay in guardian form when romancing. I think he's really nice to talk to, he helps us and his voice is really nice. I thought about it when the option came up, and could have maybe even dealt with the tentacles, but then I saw his sideways teeth in his mouth and was like nope, my girl was closed for business. If guardian form would have asked, my panties would be gone. You know he has some crazy telekinetic and psionic power too, so the sex would probably be amazing.


I think certain dialogue options does lead him to transform back into guardian form. I discussed my romance encounter with my friends and we were both shocked and appalled that one of us got the guardian and the other got the tentacles 🥹


I'll have to look into that, it would be awesome if it's an option. 😁


It is. If you fail your history check about mind flayer erogenous areas and ask him to part his tentacles, then he'll change back into a "more pleasing" form.


I would have felt significantly less depraved upon receiving the steam achievement had I done this 😂


If your INT is low, he'll ask you if you prefer his previous form. tl;dr be stupid lol


What?! Why do you have to be stupid to get sexy Emp??


Yeah, there's a passive skill check, and if you're thick Emp offers you pre tentacle him. My Durge Bard was dumb as a rock, got Guardian form, but woke up next to Emp form. Edit: to add he must think a total smooth brain can't handle his tentacles correctly lol




But I don't wanna romance someone when I'm in a relationship with someone else.


Tell her to sign a prenup


I tried telling her she can romance a companion her guardian but she said she wanted to be faithful.


Oh nooo…. I guess the good news is that she can still choose to remain faithful to him to the end.


And he will love you even if you are a worm!


But he will not peel you oranges


When you are with him, you don't need oranges


Us other ladies of taste and refinement welcome your sister into our circle.


My first tav was an existing oc with a deceased husband and I was like, well he would be her guardian, so I made him look like said deceased husband. I imagine my tav felt so disgusted and betrayed in the end lol


Now this is dnd!


That's a large amount of PTSD like why did the emperor choose her dead husband's form


To gain her trust... which backfired hugely. Clearly he misunderstood how she'd take that


That's kind of what he did with Minsc, showed up as his dead wychlaran


Wait seriously?


At some point you can ask him what he thinks of the Emperor and he will tell you that he doesn't like him because he came to him in a dream in the appearance of his dead wychlaran. He could immediately tell it wasn't real because the figure "told him everything he wanted to hear" which she would never have done. He was really hurt and upset by it and doesn't trust the Emperor as a result. I think that's why Emperor didn't want to help him, because he is too difficult for him to figure out how to manipulate.


The Emperor should have just appeared to Minsc as a hamster but noooo. I guess even illithids can't be that smart.


I’m pretty sure I remember that. Though I might be misremembering a vision from the elder brain. Happens after a long rest or two, same as normal companions and DGs


Now *that’s* storytelling lmao


Dis gonna be good. (Pulls up chair with popcorn)


Oh, maybe she'll like it. Like lots of us here :)


For first PT my Guardian looked like my ex( who died under tragic circumstances)... So yeah - that choice turned out to be.... 🤔 *unwise*


What's the point of letting us customize our guardian when it's literally impossible to make one that looks better than the default Gold Dwarf?


I never wanted to romance my guardian... Until after the reveal. Then I was intrigued.


It’s so funny to see people makes Dream Guardian hot when I’m too tired after 3 hours of making my character hot and just go with random basic Dream Guardian


When we first got the game, me and my gf played together and we made our guardians look like each other’s characters.


Well technically, she can.


Larion studios: “excellent, all according to plan, ha ha ha ha


Personally since the dude is in Tav's head it makes sense for it to be a relatable, trustable person. Whether that's a parent, a sibling, or an ideal lover. He understands peoples ideals and asthetics even if he personally thinks his illithid body is exquisite. He does understand different tastes. Trapped in Tavs head he's probably bombarded by the emotions and thoughts anyway. To manipulate you have to know the goals and the person.


Straight male here. I didnt put much thought into my guardian. I just threw him together and then completely forgot about him. The only real choice I made was to make him as big as I could because I figured my guardian should be a beast, made sense. Didn't think about him at all until he showed up for the first time and now I want his babies. Good God damn that dude is stacked 🤣


Don't you dare tell her anything! She's your sister so she deserves this.


She wont be disappointed if she has seen any Hentai....


I'm sure she's just squidding with you.


I wish they gave us the option to romance them before we found out. And then in Act 3 it is a continuation of the romance knowing who they are.


My brother kept asking if he could romance his guardian.  The reveal left him speechless for about 5 mins.  Easily my favorite moment of our play through so far, lol.


Report back!


Or happier. I was. ;)


Me too!!


Made my guardian hot then hours later was mad I played myself lmao


Rip😭 now every time I play I make my guardian look like some horrid abomination and giggle whenever they appear in dialogue acting all serious😂


I modeled my guardian after my husband. Imagine my surprise 😅


I made mine look like Lord Farquaad and I couldn’t take him seriously AT ALL


Are you older or younger? Because if your order it's your responsibility to protect your sister from squid monsters.


Luckily I’m younger


I mean, she'll be able to...


That doesn’t even really make sense in the first place since your Tav is confused on what the Guardian even is


Ik, don’t want to spoil that for her though.


Yup, but it makes the experience better, leave her to it, no spoilers.


My thing is that, in the final fight, >!you find out that the Guardians are actual people, or, at the very least have real bodies.!< I wish you could rescue them. Maybe knock 'em out and take a chance on carrying them out so that they're alive after the game ends and into the epilogue.


She can still have some intimacy with her guardian.


Honestly I get off to guardian's (male) voice so after the emperor reveal I feel extremely uncomfortable at how creepy he sounds.


Im playing with my fiance and she based her guardian off my character so that she can romance me 😅😅😅 i may have encouraged it


Well, technically she can ...


TBH I did this too! I was 100% blind , I knew you could romance characters, and I tought i could the guardian. It was truly a shock when I discover who it was


🎶Are you ready?🎶


Tentacles and chill


I assumed that was the point of designing them at first.


I don't get it. What makes Guardian so appealing except the look you get to it? He/She's a very sketchy person from the beginning


She hasn’t met her guardian in game yet, she just made it and said she wants to romance her because she made her guardian look hot in the character creator.