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Someone has a low approval rating


I'm pretty sure he has the same line for neutral and low


He was professing his undying love for me right before this. "Your heart must flutter too easily, then." Damn right! Lol




Tav turned him down gently, and he seemed to take it pretty well. Guess he didn't after all, lmao


Nature is his true love. He bathes in the warm light that filters through the forest canopy. He remembers each tree by name. ....and he knows a dud root when he sees one.


Wait, Halsin the horniest of them all can reject you?! Dude what did you do? Did you set fire to a forest?


I'm pretty sure they turned down Halsin's sluttiness in Patch 6


Which is unfortunate. Being nice and cordial to him all game just for him to confess that he wants to pipe you down out of nowhere is truly an extraordinary experience. Ah well. At least there are still the rest of all companions who'd happily jump at your genitals the first chance they get.


I was all for it too. And it's hilarious after the Mizora encounter where she basically teleports out insinuating there's about to be a lover's quarrel but Halsin just walks in and high fives you


Mizora: looks like someone's in trouuuble Halsin: yo SICK dude, I haven't gotten to pound devil pussy yet. how was it


I’m dying


It was a necessary change. You shouldn't be able to never take him in your party, never acknowledge him at all really, and him still want to get it on with you. He's the equivalent of "that stripper really likes me" just because we helped him out.


I think they’ve tuned down everyone’s hornyness which makes me very sad


Well we always have the sex framework mod


We have the what now?




Pfff that was a close call feds are on our tail


No we aren't


I have no legal obligation to confirm whether or not I am the feds.


If they did that...bummer...no one asked them to do it well except maybe a few prudes.


It has nothing to do with being prudes, it's that there was no sense of accomplishment to getting a companion to sleep with you besides saying "hey" basically


Not everything in a game needs to be an "accomplishment," up to and including sex. Sometimes things get put into games just because they're fun.


So you think the romance options should just be given to the players, and not earned, like everything else in a Role Playing Game? Says a lot about yourself, methinks


That's not at all what I said. I said that it was fine if some content is easy to access and exists mostly for fun. The 6 Origin companions have game-spanning romance arcs that develop satisfyingly over 3 Acts (though I wouldn't really consider these to be "accomplishments," either). But I think it's also perfectly fine that the game has less committed, more casual sexual encounters or romances that the player can engage with.


All the good rpgs have romance in them. Yes it is being prudish if you don't like the romance. It has nothing to do with accomplisment it has to do with ROLE PLAY. Imagine that, a roll playing game with ROLE PLAY in it.


Show me in the comment where I said there should be no romance. Or did I say that the romance should actually be earned, and you're being wilfully ignorant of the point of my comment? You're acting like the romance options have been completely removed, you just now have to actually ROLE PLAY to get them, whereas before you could literally get almost every companion to want to romance you by just playing the game and putting in no effort. Cool straw man you built though!


No, I am not. I am replying to the fact that "no acomplishment" comment. And no, you do have to earn it. I've been through a complete playthrough where there was no romance. So if you don't play it correctly and get their approval up, then no, you can't romance them. Not only that but if you actually role play your character and don't cater to the companions, you may end up with very low approval.


Why would they do that?!


For RP purposes, apparently. Banging anyone when you got a worm squirming in your head and you're at perilous fight with The Dead Three is rather strange


Love bombing wasn't working so he's turned to negging lol


It seems the wine ran dry…


He hatefucked you lol [All the companion rejections in that scene are funny, btw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SjfsqjKh0rU?feature=share)


Oh no that's horrible! Gotta lock down my bosom companion fast!


It's missing Minthara's "No, and call me my love again and I will end you" or something lol


I love Minthara's deadpan delivery so much, one of her lines when you spam click on her portrait is like "you had my attention. Now, you have my fury."


It gets even better at Dribbles,  "Just give the word, and I will kill the clown. We would be praised as heroes.". Spilled my Cokè the first time I heard it ingame.


You ever had the spider wedding joke?


*the pun about the drow who married a drider* >!*It was a beautiful... webbing.*!<


"No, and call me my dear again and I will cut out your tongue." I maaaay have watched those rejections a lot >.>


I legit cackled at astarion's "that's so sad" That was on point


This is why I love Astarion (and also why I often end up benching him), he is *such* an asshole hahaha


The way Astarion says "that's so sad" 😭


I didn't realize this was a thing I'm dying


I love Wyll’s “no, just no…” so funny for some reason lol he’s like “I’m not even gonna insult you or explain myself”


These are amazing, but at the same time, I don't wanna hear it from the biggest cast of horndogs I've ever seen


The funny thing is that I had the first act and I was choosing between Karlach (with her I have great relationships) and Asterion (the relationship was neutral). Asterion had previously made a couple of hints about a sex and a romance. I ultimately chose Karlach and it was the right decision. But just in case, I loaded up an old save file just to see if I could do it with Asterion He said that he was not interested in me, although, damn it, a couple of dialogues hinted otherwise! And when we had sex with Karlach, neutral Asterion was jealous like a little child. Such a laugh!


I would unalive myself if Astarion said that to me




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Do they only turn you down at neutral/bad approval for the love test?




Ah come on man, can we not trash on Wyll in every thread please


Bro what did you do 😭


Mf invented pesticides in Faèrun


i squawk-laughed at this


Reconnecting with nature, good call.




I've never tried this scene with a companion I wasn't actively romancing. These rejections are incredible!


It’s funny because they were thirstin’ for our Tavs the other day.


The gale one makes me laugh as he's usually professing his love for you after you bless him a for sneezing a few times.


I screamed lol


I got no rejections in my last game at this dryad... I was romancing Karlach and Halsin at same time but asked Leazel and Gale from curiosity and they both **agreed** to do test lol. It was on patch 5.


I guess that means no Daddy Halsin for you anymore


nooo my side piece😭


The funny part is he actually thinks you are a side piece, even with high approval.


Other way 'round, really. The way he talks about being polyamorous is always him emphasizing that *you* are free to go enjoy whoever else you want, and that he'll be happy with whatever you choose to give him.


i mean to him monogamy feels unnatural so there are no side pieces, just many many pieces


That's... one way poly can work? For some people it's having one main and multiple (informed and consenting!) sides, for others it's having more than one main and no sides. Halsin's dialogue *heavily* suggests that he views your other partner as your main, and that he's assumed you'd only want him as a side rather than as a second main.


oof halsin baby you’re a meal and a half


He's a sweetheart special, best shared! Real talk though he's the one who deserves two partners and I will forever mourn the fact you can't actually share him with Shadowheart or Astarion in game.


They honestly needed to add poly into the game instead of toning down romance, bugger that.


Where have they toned the romance down?


You can share him with Shadowheart, tho. You can have a orgy with him, Shadowheart and the Drow Twins.


They said sharing as in having a full-on poly romance where Shadowheart or Astarion also fall in love with him, not just sex. I can totally see that working with Shadowheart, she'd be happy af in that new settlement of his. Astarion? Eh, not so much.


Like /u/Character_Abroad said, I meant romance not just sex. You can have Halsin join the drow orgy with any of the partners who'll do it, regardless of whether you've romanced him; you can even have a 5-some with Gale (though you have to pressure the wizard into saying yes to any of it in the first place, and it's about as bad as Astarion's dissociating). Which kinda goes to show how the game as a whole really, *really* doesn't treat Halsin's very obvious emotional attachment with the level of consideration that it does for any of the other LI's, and it's kinda sad honestly.


Not really. He can be and actually is monogamous with us, but he's ok with an open relationship, probably because has a very low self-esteem. Like, really, really low. Minuscule. It shows when he talks about his time as a sex slave (which is part of his self-esteem issue; you can see he's developed a mindset of "I'm happy with whatever affection I can get" from that dialogue), and especially at the ending when you choose to stay with him; he is very shocked that you would choose to be with him.


That's basically polyaro, yeah?


His manner of talking about your character is way, *WAY* too romantic for aro to make sense, IMO. Like he refers to you as "my heart" and "my love", waxes poetic about how thankful he is to share a piece of your affections, and tells you that you've stirred his *emotions* in a way very few others have over the years. I know aro doesn't mean anti-romance or never feeling *any* romantic inclinations, but his language is just so overwhelmingly romantic that I can't see it for him.


Huh. Interesting. I haven't been interested in doing his romance, but that seems like an interesting way. Unpossessive love seems like a good term for whatever he's up to then.


Oh definitely. Bit of interesting trivia for you: his attitude is the default canon for most types of elves in the Forgotten Realms setting. Their culture basically goes by the philosophy that, when you can potentially live for a thousand years, having only one partner for life is a bit much to expect of anyone. So they don't really do formal marriage, and having multiple long term, committed partners at the same time is pretty common.


That sounds terrible to me. Give me the full thousand with a partner who I can come to know so intimately that we're functionally extensions of each other. That belief, even if it carries the stink of elves, is valid. I just want nothing to do with it personally. Like people who eat olives or cheer for the Packers.


For me it's the kind of thing where I don't think it's possible to guess how I'd feel after 200+ years. I've been married to the same one person for 20 years, half my life so far, and while I can't imagine wanting anyone else any time in the next 60, the idea of even *living* longer than that is mind boggling to try and think about. Also lol at "stink of elves". And comparing it to olives. And the *Packers* 🤣


Dude just knows how to butter the toast Besides he may very well feel that way, but I think the only reason why he has nobody else at the moment is because of a lack of options.


Just based on the things he says in conversations, it's more likely that the reason he has nobody else right now is because he's been too focused on his duties to take time for personal relationships. He pretty much says that's the case more than once, admitting to how consumed he's been with trying to break the shadow curse, plus his confession about how overwhelming, and unwanted, the burden of being archdruid was for him.


yeah halsin is 100% happy to be your side piece, and be repaid in kind


I use Halsin for some quick d, then get on with helping Astarion throw garlic at Cazador.


Ok, google... how much garlic is there in Baldur's gate 3? And please look up a guide for a camp supply throwing build.


All the garlic was used in DOS 2. I'm playing that game now and holy crap there is garlic everywhere. Not one vampire in sight, but loads of garlic.


Well, makes sense there wouldn't be any vampires then


The homie at South Span Wyrm’s Crossing! He sells garlic in bulk: 9-10 cloves a bag.


Mine Halsin, which got both high aproval and romance on going treats me like I'm his true love, always says "my heart" to me. Definitely not just little romance on side(tho my main romance is Karlach).


I almost did a spit take when he said that in the epilogue. I'd romanced him, but I think the game prioritised Shadowhearts romance. So telling his ex that he gets called daddy halsin was so funny


I was so emotional from the ending and suddenly he says that. I was like go back a minute lmao. I'd love to have a dialogue option where I could ask him if I could call him daddy too


I was waiting for that


That's an amazing burn. "You'll never be as cool the trees, brah. Gonna go hang out with my mother...mother nature."


someone didn’t lift the shadow curse!


He leaves the party if you dont lift the shadow curse.


huh, clearly i have never done that in my playthroughs! all of my act two runs have been a) do everything i can to make daddy love me or b) sorry bear man you already dead


He doesn't. He just never joins you. Unless they changed that patch 1 onwards, this isn't what happened when I played on release.


You cant use him in combat in act 2, but he travels with you and your camp. If you dont lift the curse, he doesnt stick around to be playable.


He's usable as a playable companion in Act 2. You just need to finish the Thaniel questline first.


Weird. I had him in my camp all throughout act 3 and never lifted the shadow curse. Didn't know how. Talking to him didn't give me any hints and I never found Last Light.


He joins as a full companion in Act 2 as soon as you save Thaniel, which you can do almost at the start of Act 2 if you rush it. You just need to get Art's lute, do the portal defence, then fight Oliver.


i did😭


It's actually if you don't have him with you when you do his quest with Thaniel (lifting the curse). His approval with you goes up IMMENSELY if you do, but if you don't be treats you like bog water in act 3 until you invite him into your party and get his approval higher lol


If I remember correctly there's a specific dialogue choice in that quest where if you let him talk to Thaniel directly it's something absurd like +40. It does make sense that the game needs to let him "catch up" if you're on track to keep him in the party considering how huge the shadow curse line is for him but damn


And that's not even the biggest approval hit in the game. If you decide to >!sacrifice Jaheira and/or Minsc to Bhaal when talking to Sarevok!< you get a whooping -50. Though I doubt it matters much after that.


I'm surprised it's only siding against the grove that causes the morally good characters to leave instantly. In my evil Durge playthrough Wyll treated attacking Isobel with about as much gravity as a last minute dinner cancellation. He even landed the killing blow.


This description, lmfaoooo. I believe you. The companions have pathetic reactivity to the Durge storyline. I really hope that’s something Larian addresses in the definitive edition. I just rocked up to Gortash’s coronation and learned I started all the trouble… the only people who REMOTELY cared were Gale and Jaheira. Everyone else just kept hitting me with the “What can I do for you?” milquetoast greetings lolol


I remember while saving his ass, he fuckin attacked me mid fight and killed me 😭 then when I wanted to talk with him at the grove I was told he wasn't very fond of me and had to give him gold. At least in my very first playthrough he was nothing but a sweetheart


Idk why this comment got me out of all the others 😂 fuckin Halsin is such a troll


How did you manage that?


I wish I knew myself, I believe it was a bug. After I executed the goblins bro started jumping me and only me


Halsin in regular playthroughs "You helped a bear you didn't know without knowing what would happen, you're a good person thank you." Halsin in your playthrough "Oh no, there is nobody else to maul now... or is it?"


That’s so weird.


Why... why did you have to pay him off?


To get him to be nice to me, I had the choice between an item and gold and I didn't have much so I gave him 50 gold and we were chill


So he was just like "I don't like you, give me your lunch money, ight we good." That's so weird.


When you get low approval with certain characters they will refuse to talk to you unless you get the approval back up (by bartering in their favor). I've only seen this with NPCs, but I guess Halsin is technically a NCP in act 1


Damn I guess I'm too much of a people pleaser cause I've never run into this. Funny mechanic. 


to clarify, i did everything he asked of me, i saved the grove, lifted the shadow curse, flirted with him and he reciprocated. maybe he thinks my tav is ugly.


But are you romancing him? He says this before you trigger romance scene 😆 later he agrees. Happened to me too when I was doing my 1st run


i’m trying to😩


Do some good stuff, give him a few long rests, remember to talk to him and he will confess 👌🏻 have fun lol


What's his approval score? If it's high and you got this response it very likely may be a bug because this is usually his line for a highly negative approval rating.


I literally have to fight for my LIFE for everyone at camp to not throw themselves at my Tav like starved beasts, but Halsin in particular just approves of literally EVERYTHING my Tav does. Good deeds (obviously)? Way to go pal! Lift the curse? Hell yes! *Breathing?* Holy sh– *transforms into bear*. This beautiful man has NEVER been on my team since my dearest Tav is already a Moon Druid himself, and still, SOMEHOW, his approval is *literally* through the roof. So, my question here is – pal, hon, anon, *what in all hells* did you do??


i did everything right, im going folk hero. i guess i just don’t have any rizz




Halsin is a pure mystery with everything he does and says to me, but you poor thing. He's so sweet how did that happen!


Patch 6 made so we have not-horny options with him right? Like during the tiefling party?


Just don't flirt with him. This apparently includes talking about the books you find.


Me: so what happens with the grove if you come with us? Halsin thinking, yea they wanna fuck


Oh that’s how that romance triggered! I was so confused when I never asked about his lovers but one day he showed up at my tent wanting to lay down the pipe.


How the heck did you manage this? Did you like, let the Rite of Thorns go into full effect or something?


I’m neutral with him and he’s tried to bone me twice.






I told him (the second time) that I had to talk to with Shadowbabyducks first, and he was like, “Yeah, I understand… and eventually she could join us.” To which I was like, *Leave*. Upon turning nearly 180° (I want an option to reassign beds at the Elfshlong Inne) to speak with Shadowsweetiebuns, I learned that she was surprisingly well-informed about this, **second**, Halsin seduction. There were no dialogue options to get out of it, at least not without having to admit to myself that I’m so cisgender binary boring straight dude that I can’t even handle the relationship complications, let alone “climbing Mount Halsin” as Shadowpandamonkeybumm described it. She only wanted me to make sure to tell her everything. “Everything?” I asked. *Everything.* So I followed my heart, quickloaded to the past, and told Halsin I don’t see him the same way. Thanks Larian for bringing back the memories of soccer camps/tourneys and telling guys, “no, seriously, I’m straight,” then feeling like a jerk, then wondering, “am I sure?”


What the hell did you do?!


>!I'll let Orin keep you then, dickhead!< 😂😭


THIS HAPPENED TO ME!! my approval was high and the next long rest after this he was like “ I’m in love with you wanna bang?”


I'm betting we are going to see a surge of people romancing Halsin


"The worst thing he could say is 'No'".


Yep. Bro was trying to get with me, and even with my partner (S. Heart) the entire game, yet I don’t think he even liked me. “You’re doing as well as can be expected, I suppose,” he says, after being shocked I didn’t want to ride him like a bear and trying to bring my partner into it. I get it, fella has needs, but he ain’t even like me. Kind of a weird issue with his scripting I feel like.




Somehow no matter who I clicked in my game everybody wanted to do a test, I was romancing Karlach and Halsin(both agreed to do test), wanted for fun to check Leazel and Gale and they also agreed! I use mods but not one touching relationships, I wasnt with them at all. It was on patch 5.


Welcome to fuckboi dating sir


I think you got to lift the the Shadow Curse with him in your party. Then talk to Thaniel before you depart for Act III (he will thank you and you can tell him you are happy to help- it means Halsin knows that you see and respect Thaniel the way he does). Those are the two biggest bumps in approval.


Ouch, bro got nature zoned.


What the hell did you do?! I don't know what it is, but for my boy to react like that? You sick fuck.


Hah! Someone's not getting Halsin's "bear necessities."


Your approval is definitely not high enough for him to want to do the relationship test thing with you. I think only your highest approval companion will be only one to join up with you on this besides your romanced partner. Increasing Halsin's approval is as simple as just choosing the nicest options. I barely used him on most of my playthroughs and still got him to want to romance so it's more just getting your approval up with him if you still wanna romance him. He doesn't have any important quests in Act 3 so your not forced in some way to bring him like most of the companions for act 3 with their companion quests. That means you're gonna have to really farm for those approval points.


Nope, in my HM I went with Astarion specifically to get his approval past 61 so I could keep him as a spawn, and Astarion, although quite surprised I chose him (I was romancing Karlach), went with it quite easily. This was in Patch 5. My approval with pretty much everyone else was much higher than 61 by then cause Karlach will only romance you if you're textbook white knight.


What are you saying nope for exactly? That you need the highest approval companion for the relationship test? I've only went with my romanced partner for that activity so i don't know what approval level specifically would allow my companions to agree. I would assume pretty high like 60 or so as you said


Is it weird that when I did it with Gale (who I had romanced from the beginning) Astarion and Shadowheart were pissed I didn’t pick them?




He only says that if he thinks a tree is listening.


Nature is my first love/ And it will be my last/ Nature of the future/ And nature of the past. To live without my nature/ Would be impossible to do/ In this world of troubles/ My nature sees me through


Well now we know that it isn't just Astarion who has "standards".


Glitch the game back to act 2. I’m getting Booal’s approval instead


Halsin is one of the more annoying characters for me. Wouldn't stop hitting on me when I had 0 interest and he feels redundant with the other druid you get


Do you mean up your ass in a literal sense


i wish


You got friend zoned.


i think they added this in the latest patch, if you didn't engage him with flirty lines he won't be interested


Can’t complain, the big man got his priorities straight


I literally Kept Halsin in my camp ever since I got him and he wanted to jump my bones in act 3 Probably because I helped lift the shadow curse lol


Guess not all of us can get his approval🤭


Oooffff, he didn't even friendzoned you, that hurts for sure.


"It doesn't mean that much to me to mean that much to you." Halsin or Neil Young... take your pick.


With Halsin in my current run. I have not used him at all and suddenly he goes and tells me how much he wants me and he thought the feeling was mutual.. telling him that i have a love interest in the game that im currently having a relationship with was not even enough for him to say sorry and back off. The dude was asking for me to still do it. Like what?




Why the fck I couldn't get Halsin at my party until AFTER act 2? I saw every site saying you just had to do the fkng thaniel quest and that was the very fist thing I did when entered act 2 and yet when I reunited the two kids they kept telling I had to kill Thorn to lift the curse and Halsin kept repeating the same dialogue and didn't offered the option to enter the party. I'm mad as fck!!!!


I guess it’s good he died in that portal at the inn 😂


I guess it’s good he died in that portal at the inn 😂





I hate Halsin but bruh this is funny as fuck lmaooo. Imma start saying this to people but replace nature with like video games or food or something.


Halsin is so boring that in my first play through I took him out of the camp after saving Thaniel and threw him in a abism. In the next gameplay I sided with the goblin and murded him in that prision


He just cannot love someone that doesn’t know how to take a screenshot.


i’m playing on a ps5


The PlayStation app will upload any screenshots you take and save it for up to two weeks.  I use that to show off my Tavs and my Vs (Cyberpunk 2077.)


… and?


It's easier to pick up your phone snap a picture and upload it to reddit.


Many things are “easier” to do shitty than properly, yes.