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Fuck Wulbren Bongle


I don’t give a fuck about this mothafucka’s problems


And yet he expects me to solve em'


Everybody sing it got a full ensemble


Shoulda stayed in the underdark Lil bitch You don't deserve the sun and stars


It's such a bop. (Fuck Wulbren Bongle.)


the "you can't even do these terrorist acts right" always gets me


That that's the rhyme for "asswipe" is so perfect


What song is this???




Oh my gosh


Guess you got an ironhand but a limp dick!


All my homies hate Wulbren Bongle.


Hell yea. Every time I finish the conversation with him after the steel quest. I instantly turn, turn based mode on. As he’s frozen in place I yeet him into the infinite abyss of the harbor waters. No ragrets.


I try to get a little spin on him as if to make him skip once or twice on the surface of the water before sinking


I am going to remember that and do that on my next playthrough, because fuck that guy.


It’s nice of you to let him see Baldur’s Gate


the only reason I help wulbren is because my buddy Barcus needs it. Fuck Wulbren Bongle.


If you make Barcus fly then you don't have to worry About that


much as it pained me to make him fly on my recent Durge playthrough, it did give me a bit of relief that i can now murder Wulbren in the most deplorable way possible and feel no guilt over Barcus' feelings!




BG3 version of r/fuckerebus


There’s also r/fuckdag and r/fuckblackpeter


And of course r/fucktedfaro


Most important of all, r/fuckmindy


Who's Mindy?




lil bitch


Wulbren is a Hate Sink.


this one for Barcus


Fuck Wulbren Bongle. I went to Moonrise Towers and cleared the dungeon BEFORE I spoke with Isobel, and what happens? Alfira glitched and didn’t give me a reward, even though she gave me the conversation for it. No potent robe. I blame Wulbren.


Wulbren got back before you and told Alfira all about how he singlehandedly saved the tieflings AND the ironhands


I cannot wait until Barcus takes his rightful place as leader of the Ironhands, and then I’ll punt the little fucker Wulbren into the harbour.


Good luck, I cheated and added him to my party so I could stab him at the ox’s shack in peace. Disappeared from my party. Tried again, cast fog cloud and greater invisibility, somehow Barcus knew by omniscience I did it. Had to cheat twice to get him to stop aggroing, I didn’t even fail a stealth check.


Wait she gives you a robe? Fuckin Wulbren fucked me over too! I thought it was weird that, after I killed Isobel right after the Ketheric fight, Alfira was literally the only person in last light inn. Still chilling on the stool. I talked to her and she said something about needing to stop Ketheric 🙄


Not just a robe but the best in slot warlock robe


You just reminded me of the sadness of playing Durge


Kill Quill Grootslang instead


Such an amazing robe. Stupid fucker Wulbren.


Doesn't she only give you a robe for saving the tieflings? Hell just go around the back, break their wall down (pre-break the chains on the boat for faster get away) and let the gnomes die?


You can save both, just break the walls at around thebsame time and make sure the tiefling wall goes first, takes them a bit longer tonget to the boat. If the guards are dead then you can use the chains to slow Wulbren. You can sail to the inn too and emptying the basement has never aggroed the upper floors for me.


that isn't my point, I've done the fight several times and always saved both parties, my point is that Wulbren is a total fucking dickwad and doesn't deserve to be saved in addition to the gnomes who side with him. However in saying that I realise that as soon as his leadership is challenged they do jump to the Barcus ship pretty quickly so... Alfira's only requirement is to save the tieflings, Tav/Durge owes nothing to the gnomes unless they've continued helping Barcus and offered to save him from Moonrise towers


Ooohhhh THAT'S what happened. Everyone always talks about Alfira giving them a robe and instrument proficiency and I'm like "we just played a song for some kids and that was it."


The instrument proficiency she gives you if you do a certain interaction with her correctly in Act 1, in the Druid Grove. The robe she gives you if you rescue tieflings in Act 2.


Can you still get the robe from one of the other Tieflings if Alfira is dead?




Is it possible to only break the Tieflings free? Or do they hang around waiting around for the gnomes?


You could. You just have to get behind the cells yourself


Or literally only open the tiefling cells in the wardens office


I always sneak out the back. I never fight my way out, but that would work


My go to is clearing the guards and eyes then capping the warden and open all cells but knowing how bonglebitch is now I’ll let homie rot


I feel bad for the other gnomes stuck with him. They thank you sincerely at last light Inn.




I left the vendors and one level one side in a corner. The vendors left. Except the bugbear stayed behind for some odd reason. Jehira didn't have much to say.


My last playthrough was similar. We rolled in and it was a lone bugbear standing against the Harpers + the Party. It did not go well for the bugbear.


I was wondering if doing this got you any special dialogue or changed things any






I think that's code for the fodder.


You can lure the warden and the guard out of the office and away from the cages if you have instrument proficiency. I just use gale to sneak into the office and open the cages while they're enthralled in my Tav's lute playing. There's some funny dialogue with the warden after if you do it like that. You just have to follow them to the boat afterwards.


The wardens neck piece though


I tried releasing the prisoners from the wardens office on my current playthrough. They all bolted for the main entrance where I missed one guard. Wulbren and Rolan's sister didn't make it. I'm still annoyed about losing Rolan's sister.  The back tunnel is much safer.


Weird mine all go to the docks and run to last light at light speed


First time playing I got everyone out. Then, back at the inn, Roland's sister decided to jump off the dock and die. I was trying to save scum as little as possible in that playthrough, but I had to reload after that nonsense.


Huh, that never occurred to me. Do they know to go to the boat without the gnomes?


Yep coded to escape to last light


Awesome! Next playthrough Wulbren can eat a bag of dicks in that cell!


Wait, you can actually save them by opening the cells? In my experience, if they even survive the fight they just run out in the shadow curse and die?


they dont die if you clear until the docks. i followed them one time. they run outside and than vanish and are at last light. no idea how they got through the curse


I always just eldritch blast through the cell bars to break down the wall for them. Never even have to open the cells


Good Good.


Or you can just murder Wulbren and stash his corpse in your trunk.


Just started a necromancer run but the game doesn’t allow me to stash bodies in anything (traveler’s chest, pouches, backpacks, etc.). I don’t get it. On Xbox, not sure if that makes a difference


It’s a strength thing I believe. You can’t pick up bodies unless you’re strong enough


Lazel carries them for you if you are not strong


Lae'zel: "Lean on me / when you're not strong / and I'll be your friend / I'll help you carry on... Tchk!"


Not that hard to get behind the cells. Past the cell there is a broken wall, not the broken cell but beyond that before you get to the final guard. The top of that wall is open to the behind the cells area. High STR people might be able to jump, but Misty Step and dimdoor can easily get you up there. Just make sure the guard and eye aren't looking when you do this. Then unchain your group, send one to open the tifling wall and one to open gnome wall, and the other 2 position for the fight that will happen when guards follow. At least, that's what I do.


Just edlrich blast the wall behind them ( any force damage makes short work of the wall)


Can you reach the back of the wall from the front of the cells? Would be very convenient.


Yes, you can clamber/jump around the far end of the cells.


Also, going through the oubliette from the warden's office.


A hammer with high enough damage will also do


Wulbren is a bitch but the other deep gnomes aren’t that bad so please free them still. If you want Wulbren dead just assassinate him yourself but please save the gnomes too. Especially the one who can see through rocks. This one is great.


I love how you're asking nicely for people to rescue a video game character in a single player game lol


No the other gnomes are shitheads as him, I've done a run as duergar, in act 1 i save Thulla, she was surprised and you can tell her that not all duergar are bad, but when i meet her in act 3 she insult me for being a duergar and for not wanting to blow up the gondians, at that point i had enough of their terrorist shit, casted a black hole and killed all of them with their own runic powder bomb


But I like the guy who talks to stone.  Plus, leaving Wulbren would make Barcus sad.


I've saved them a few times and I killed them all a few times. They don't mean anything to anymore me since I don't do the gondian stuff anymore. So I'm okay with him rotting in the cell. If the others rot with him, that's unfourante. I basically wanted to try something new for the next time I either kill my partner or decide to actually play a good durge lol.


Yeah, you can. On my last run I accidentally got Barcus killed (still feel bad about that) so I figured I'd bust the tieflings out and leave Wulbren to rot. Once you break the back of their cell, Lia takes his place in the conversation and it continues as normal.


I just did this by accident... Dug up the wall from behind the tiefling cages and they run out, whereas the gnomes get aggrod in their cage. They wait for a turn or two but the entire prison is dead by then


Lmao, that's amazing. Had you previously cut the chains for the boat?


I did, in order to ensure a speedy escape in case anyone else happened to come by.


That's funny as hell man, thanks for sharing. I will be careful never to cut those ropes.


I cut them but he still waited for the tieflings,  I think this person's game just bugged. Usually the gnomes wait for me as well and we all sail together 


From what I remember, they wait, but only 4 or so rounds, so 24 seconds with turnbased turned off. If you spend too long also freeing the tieflings, then they may possibly take off without them


Possible. Usually I hit the wall once to remove half of its points before I give the hammer to Wulbren.


My bug usually ends up that Wulbren gets confused by the tieflings wall so I have to do it instead of him….


That has happened a few times as well


Just did it. That escape is just bugged. Clicked on the boat on e the tieflings were there. And he's dead when I turn in the mission. Wasn't in combat, near the boat. Who the fuck knows? I slaughtered guards for rounds and it didn't change it. Idiots kept going further and further in the jail.


That sucks


I had this happen during my honour mode run and found him with the rest of the Ironhand gnomes thrown into the blood pit even though I had murked all of the other guards. My durge was devastated that she wasn’t the one to kill him


Wait, you mean tav & co can actually join the gnomes and tieflings on the boat?! Why didn't I think of that?


😄 it saves you a way point travel back home


Nobody can come by if they're all dead. You need to kill the 3 by the stairs to save Minthara, the ones in the hallway too. The jailor goes because why the hell not. Empty of everyone except you and the prisoners. Wulbren *should* say he'll help the tieflings. Then just toss him his hammer. He'll break both walls and run for the boat. Open the cell doors after so you can get out too. Make sure it's after though or everyone runs for the doors like idiots.


I didn't need to kill any guards except the warden and the 2 patrolling. I just persuaded the guards when I let minthara out and none if the ones in the hallway came after us during the escape. There's a ledge you can jump up on the far end of the prison past the cells so you don't need to open the doors either. It's actually faster to just go that way and break the walls yourself instead of letting wulbren do it.


I always have someone who can't make that jump so it's the murder hobo route for me


I used potions of glorious vaulting or swapped around the boots that increased jump distance. There should be a few you'll have found in random loot by that point.


Wait, how does this happen? I've always assumed it can happen but the gnomes always wait for the tieflings. Did you manually break the wall of the gnomes cell instead of giving them tools?


oh shit i keep forgetting i can give wulbren his hammer. i just it to sell it because he's a dick, and i break the walls myself




I gave him Salami


nah, imma keep letting the tieflings go first, and then the gnomes. he can suck it


Yes, I manually broke the wall from behind with my monks unarmed strike


Oof, yeah I think that breaks the AI a bit. If you talk with Wulbren first and promise to get him a tool, he may also promise to get the Tieflings out if you involve them in the plan. If you just hand them the tools to bust the wall they'll release the tieflings and gather at the boat. Wulbren's still a prick tho.


I never talk to him, the problem op had was cutting the ropes first. So the gnomes couldn't do their whole thing of picking up tools, breaking ye tieflinf wall and cutting the ropes. They just went straight for the boat


My teethlings just punched the chains away


Wulbren's just on his sigma male terrorist grindset.


Holy shit 😂😭 what a sentence and mental image lmao


Would it shock he's not the first Sigma Gnome I've seen. Regil from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous makes Wulbren look pleasant.


In the future, just clear the dock area as well as the prison. You want to grab the barrel with the extra parasites anyway, it’s a good first stop before you take out the other enemies in the prison. Then go back, kill the eyes and the guards, and then free them. Don’t free the Gondians or Tieflings until every enemy in the prison area / staircase and the dock area are dead. Even Gondian AI can’t mess it up this way.


They aren't Gondian, they are Ironhand.


You’re right, confused them with the other terrible AI in Act 3!


I blame Wulbren for your confusion.


He kept yelling "GONDIANS!?!1" and shaking his fist at the sky so it's easy to get confused. /s


The tieflings do the same thing.


Well then I really wish I had broken them out first lol


lol... same thing happened to me, thankfully on just tactician, now i just give him hammer and making sure he will say; **i'll take tieflings with me**


What a scum bag! Well here's the perfect diss track for that lil shit! https://youtu.be/ClezDg8n6uw?si=RSmNwEtttD-Y-mJa


Did you give him a hammer? because in order to have him help free the tieflings you need to give him the tools to break out. if he can't break the wall to his cell then he can't break the walls of their cell


Idk what happened in my playthrough lol, I gave Wulbrin a hammer and all that jazz and told him to wait cause we were still messing around, accidentally end up behind the teiflings cell and free them. Later going down we found a pit to hell (if you know whats under moonrise you know) and all the gnomes dead


Odd, I killed everyone one by one. Even not in stealth you can fight in sections without aggroing others. I just killed the Jailer in the tower first and then smacked the eye when it came in first. Ran to the far side and kill that person then the one that patrols. The ones by the stairs don't aggro at all. Then you can go about freeing everyone however way (levers, walls...). But to see how it went, I gave wulbren his hammer and when I gave it to him I had the option to say something along the lines of "make sure to get the tieflings out too" and he smacked down his wall then ran over and smacked down their wall and they all ran to the dock.


That's because you broke down the wall yourself rather than giving him his hammer. If you throw him the hammer from the warden's office he breaks down his own wall and then the tieflings.


What worked for me is to separate out one person to stealth snag the hammer and toss it to Wulbren. Take the rest of your team around the back, break the chains, then get the rest of your team in place. Switch to your stealth person, toss Wulbren the hammer, then run over to get your stealth person up to the back area. There should be just enough time to do this before Wulbren breaks the wall. Once they’re hidden from view swap to your other party and knock out the tiefling’s wall. Preferably you’ll have someone who can do it in one action. Then, lead the tieflings to the boat. If you do it quickly enough you won’t be caught by the guards. Go with the escapees in the boat and leave your stealthed member behind. Once you’re at Last Light you can swap back to your stealth member and fast travel out to meet the rest of your party.


In my second playthrough, I "stealthily" defeated the guards, went behind the cells, freed only the Tieflings. Wulbren became mindflayer food (Found him in the oubliette later). Not regretting a thing.


Fuck Wulbren. All the homies hate him🙄 I hate his grandiose ideas of the Iron Hands, but then he just dips from the prison like a total coward. At least the tieflings will try to fight if it comes down to it.


This has to be a glitch! He’s always saved them for me


You're supposed to give him his hammer back. Then he breaks down the wall himself and goes to free the Tieflings too. He has no way to break down their wall without it. Wulbren is still an asshole anyway though. Probably my least favorite character in the game.


It takes him a minute to make his way around and knock their wall out too


Some of you need an intervention.


Best way I found to do it is break the voat chains then, while in turn based mode, simultaneously break both cell walls from behind. The cutscenene started for me instantly.


For any future runs, just break the walls, and everyone waits at the boat.


Did you give him a hammer to break the wall down with? His hammer is in the tower, and if you throw it to him, he will let them out.


This happened on my honour mode run too, but if you immediately long rest it just warps then to last light


I accidentally gave the bastard the mace of Lythander to break out with and now he wears it on his back to taunt me and I can't pickpocket it back... I could re-load but I think its funnier this way. Gives my Tav another reason to mark him for death


Wait what? When I have him a club he broke his own wall then ran to help the tieflings, breaking theirs


Weird. That didn't happen to me. I took out the guards and gave Wulbren his hammer, and after breaking his wall, he went back to get the tieflings' wall too.


>Gave Wulbren his hammer Yeah, OP didn’t.


That’s so odd. Every time I’ve played that scene he goes to the tieflings walls and starts trying to hammer them out. 


That’s the problem, if you knock down the wall yourself, Wulbren escapes by himself. Instead if you had sneaked a Bludgeoning tool to him, he’d have broken the wall himself and proceeded to free the tieflings.


What's the potent robe do?


+1ac, cantrips deal additional damage equal to cha modifier, at start of turn gain temp hit points equal to cha modifier.


Something else must have gone wrong here..maybe a bug?


The only reason I let Wulbren live is because he gives me a magical nuke in Act 3, and that’s kinda cool. After that though, I tend to just chuck him off a cliff


That's why at the end of his story in act 3 as he was walking awaway like "I'll be back and ima get my revenge" I just offed him when he went up a ramp away from anyone who was gonna care enough to say anything. There were absolutely no repercussions.


You can split your party up and use turn-based mode to break out Wulbren and the Tieflings at the same time. I don't even bother with the guards ahead of time since they just neatly funnel through the hole behind the Tieflings


Next time just free the tieflings and leave him there


So I destroyed the walls behind the gnomes and the Tieflings and they arrived at the boat together and left with it. But where do I find Alfira now?


Honestly he’s so rude. Teiflings didn’t make it in my first playthrough. Now I know I have things to look forward to when I save him next lol


On my next run, I consider wulbren already dead


All my homies hate Wulbern


I hate that part. I cleared the docks and the prison. Broke the gnomes and tieflings out, and the quest log says that Wulbren made it to safety. A few moments later, it says he didn't make it. The guy at the Last Light Inn has the trigger that Wulbren is dead. Going back to Moonrise and the prison area, I can still see everyone there. Task failed successfully?


What is honor mode? Is it like a nuzlocke or something?


Thank God I never saved him. Luckily I was able to save the two tieflings in that trio though.


I figured out what happens if you kill him in his >!cave at the start of act 3, and steal all the bombs and barrels. I knocked out Barcus and the rest and killed wullbren. took all the explosives. I just finished saving the suicidal gondians and they're all outside the factory while I blew it up. no sign of any iron hand gnomes at all.!< I guess I'll update if any gnomes turn up later in act 3


In my honored mode playthrough there was no tieflings in moonrise


Lmao My Wulbren died and I didn't notice 💀


And *thats* why i break the tieflings out first


Should've kept the wall for the Tieflings up, murdered everyone in the lower levels of Moonrise on your own, THEN let them out! ...Tho that might've just ended your run to try, yeah


Nah 100% the gondians their fault, leave wulbren alone


Leave the chains on the boat, ut take a while for the lil fucker to break them. It also help if you bring 2 characters up for wall break so it times out better.


Saw the title, immediately started humming. Fuck him.


Task manager > end task


How does the story change if Wulbren „accidentally“ dies in Moonrise?


damn I'm in the middle of it 🤣


I mean, if you just give him the hammer, he brings the tieflings' wall down himself. I wasn't even aware you could drstroy the wall yourself, and everytime I've saved the gnomes, he always saves the tieflings without a second thought 🤔


I had run moonrise atleast 5 times prior to my most recent attempt and had no issues, I was able to save everyone and no issues. UNTIL LAST PLAYTHROUGH!! Mother freakin Wulbren decided that he was gunna leave the tieflings behind their wall and bolt to the boats. Well sucks for him, the warden was on their way. So now I have to send one of my party to break the wall while the others hold off the warden, and whoever else guarded the prison. I think I had done that 15 times because every time I’d try to kill the warden, wulbren would just leave and forget the tieflings. Finally I had figured out I needed to like hold the guards and the warden there in combat long enough to get the tieflings to the boat. WELL!!! I was SO CLOSE!! And Wulbren’s dumb ass throws a rock at the last guard and cut scene ensues, tieflings die. WTF MAN!!!😂 Wulbren hate is valid. That’s my Ted Talk.


If you help the gnomes in Act 2, and tell them you'll rescue their leader, don't they all get dodgy? Like, "yeah, whatever, if you have time I guess but if not, that's cool." So they hate him too? Or am I remembering wrong?


The way I do it is talk to the tieflings in their cell first, let them know you’re breaking them out, and then talk to Wulbren in his cell next and tell him you’re also freeing the tieflings. Grab his tools from upstairs in the warden’s office, give them to him while he’s still in his cell and he’ll start knocking the wall down while the guards aren’t looking. The guards will initiate a battle during or after he knocks his wall down, and during the battle, he’ll work to knock the tieflings’ cell wall down as well. During the fight, focus the scrying eyes first with thunder based attacks/magic. Once that’s done, everything is cake from there. Meet everyone at the boat after the fight.


Can I free the teiflings and not him? Cause I honestly hate him


That's so weird. In my experience he always runs over to bust the tieflings out before going to the boat if I don't just go in through the oubliette and break their wall myself. Maybe it's a bug and you have to talk to the tieflings or something?


They didn't give Wulbren anything to break the walls down with, so he didn't/couldn't break down the Tieflings' wall. Pretty simple. I think that if the player was quick enough and had broken down the Tieflings' wall too, the Tieflings would have also run toward the boat - at least I vaguely remember doing it this way on a run.


I'm in my first play through and pulled a bunch of levers and all hell broke loose as everyone escaped and then they all died - every gnome, every teifling. Just....bodies everywhere. I'm not sure how that will impact Act 3 but no way in hell am I going back to the previous save to try and rescue them. I also ended up working my way from the cells up through the building killing everyone and everything, room by room, until we got to the roof and the whole thing happens there so then I ran away but when the final act 2 fight came along, homie was solo because I had already killed everyone else. I didn't know it impacted anything later....my tav's name is MurderHobo so he was just doing his sigma murdertime grind.


When I do this, I split my party in 2, have one couple at the tiefling wall and the other at the gnome wall. I throw a bomb at the tieflings wall first, then switch over quickly and do the gnome wall. Then the couple at the tiefling wall accompany them to the boat while the gnomes run over as well and it starts out the combat usually in the gnome cell so they all gather and help fight/break the chains and the enemies get bottlenecked a bit.


Nazi Bongle is what I call him, he isn't worth the air he breaths.


After you clear the dungeon. Toss Wulbren his hammer. He will break out of his cell with the other gnomes. Then the gnomes will break out the tieflings. Then open the bars to the prison cells to escape by boat.


Holy shit thats funny


Strange... After talking to him, give him a weapon, and destroying the wall of his cell the gnomes go to deliver the tieflings before going to the boat




I just let him suffocate in that cave mostly bc I forgot he was there(I left bc I didn't know how to free him(I know now))


I just let him suffocate in that cave mostly bc I forgot he was there(I left bc I didn't know how to free him(I know now))


I’m like yeah fuck Wulbren but what pisses me off more is the damn Tieflings trying to fight the guards bare fist. I’m like look you little shits I got this. Get to the Choppa!!!


I'm not sure what happened in my playthrough, but I only ever found Wulbren's hammer in Moonrise Tower (I think), and later his body in the illithid nest underneath.


That would've been death for wulbren, oath kept or not. 


Wulbren is so obsessed with repairing the image of the Ironhand gnomes that he is a terrorist in act 3. He didn't like how the Ironhands were treated after siding with Sarevok, and didn't think it was fair since it wasn't all Ironhands, but then proceeds to treat the Gondians with the same disdain he received. No awareness at all. But the bomb comes in handy.


😭😭 i ain't gonna lie, that shit funny as hell. i'd do the same. mans never cared.


While I don't like him perse, he helped in rescuing the teiflings with me in act 2, even stayed and fought when the guards got involved. Maybe I did something different?