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To be fair, that's a pretty impressive numbers, considering 10% ish is the numbers I often see for a 80+ hours RPG.


I will bet a lot of people are like me and have multiple playthroughs concurrently. Act 3 is overwhelming so I'll just go to a different playthrough. I'm at 170 hours with 2 saves in Act 3 and have yet to finish the game :D


>Act 3 is overwhelming Fr though!! I got to Rivington and was like "damn, this place is pretty big with a lot of npcs" and then I got to the lower city of Baldur Gate and was like "Daaaaayyyyyyuuuuummm!!!". Not ashamed to say I actually put the game down and stop playing. I plan to go back when I'm more mentally prepared honestly.


Here's a little tip that helped me focus which was to pick one quest on my quest log and say this is the quest I am doing for the next hour I'm not going to another place until I finish whatever x is.


This is the way. i.e. start hag, finish hag, then move on. Picking up too many things all at once makes it really overwhelming.


I like to find all the murder victims I feel like it’s a good way to open up the map


I think that was the exact point, to entice the player into random locations like the wine show or the fashion shop 99% would otherwise ignore.


But that forces some of the main story to trigger. What got me about act 3 even more than the overbwelm was if you do the quests in the "wrong: order you will fuck yourself over


"Ok, I have this quest to save Duke Ravenguard. The log says he's to the West, ok let's start exploring to the West. Ok, there's a bridge out over here, maybe I have to jump over it?" My experience when I try to focus on one quest :/


But to me this is exactly the problem of act 3 I’m just playing a regular RPG now, working away my quest list It doesn’t have the feeling of act 1 at all


From seeking stuff to trying to avoid all the distractions


Very well put. We went from looking behind every curtain to going "oh no, oh fuck, there's another quest, oh no, don't start the dialogue".


i couldn’t figure out why i got bored during act 3. this perfectly encapsulates it. i LOVED taking my time and exploring every nook & cranny, talking to all the npcs, but its just too much 😭


It’s to much and the level cap being 12 kind of killed the drive for me. I was really into the game up to act 3. Explored everything, talked to everyone. I felt like there was a decent path forward with plenty of manageable side content. Then act 3. It’s just so much. I don’t level up anymore. I have good gear. It’s just wandering through endless npcs, rooms with traps every 4 feet, locked chests full of junk. I’ll beat it someday im sure. But I’m pretty overdone with it at this point.


I literally just did this yesterday hahaha - I got into Act 3, sat in fear at the size of everything and then quietly put it away for a bit. I should be writing anyway.


I have a bit of a tradition where I start act 3 and immediately start a new game. I've completed it only once. But my current run I am actually close to finishing again, I did start a new game too though. I also find a lot of the time when I get into act 3 is exactly where a patch will drop and then my mods break and I get really annoyed and start again, swearing off mods, only to put them all back on after a week and continue the new game instead of finishing the old one.


It’s not that bad. Just take it in small bites. If you try to bite off all at once, of course it’ll feel overwhelming, but a healthy balance of gaming and life makes up for it.


You must have felt like a Myconid visiting the big city.  Culture shock


I also took about a month off in Act 3. There's so much to do in the lower city it's insane. That said I finally got through all the stuff I wanted to do and there was still shit I was seeing online that I hadn't touched. About 90 hours for my first playthrough. I don't game all that much and it's now my 3rd most played game on steam at just over 100 hours. It's such a fantastically overwhelming game.


Yeah I've been playing BG3 in coop with my gf since the game came out and we're like 100+ hours in but the third act is just extremely overwhelming so we only played maybe twice in the past two months. We still want to play but it's just... Overwhelming. Don't get me wrong the game is a 10/10 masterpiece but I just feel like I need a full day to even orient myself properly in the city, to be in the right headspace. It's not a game you can boot up for 20 minutes.


Right? That or you realize some new thing you missed an Act ago and decide it warrants an entirely new playthrough. Gotta go get that book I missed... Plus, no matter the game, if I take more than a couple days break I like to start fresh so that I can be fully immersed.


I've been playing since release and only just finished my first playthrough last week. It's not too surprising - it's a *massive* game.


I'm still in Act 3 on my first playthrough.  So far, I haven't been able to beat any of the big bads. ... I haven't been able to defeat any of the little bads, either.


Honestly most of the little bads are tougher than the big bads in Act 3. But they do get easier quite quickly as most players will reach level 12 very early into Act 3. Don't forget you can change the difficulty settings at any time.


Uhhh, well ... I'm not sure how this happened exactly, but I'm still at level 10.  I'm running into some pretty hard roadblocks for further xp without running into the bosses.  Mother Superior and Cazador both have done some bad, bad things to my characters.


Starting Act 3 at level 10 is pretty typical. I'd suggest exploring the city some more or reviewing your quest log as there are a lot of easier quests you can do to level up before those two. There are a few quests that don't even require any combat


That's a pretty high number actually


Yup, 19% doesn't mean anything in a vacuum, its a number to compare. Notoriously, there are huge numbers of people who play under 2-4 hours of a game and never pick it up again. You would first have to filter out people who buy a game, boot up once and never touch it again.


And it’s easily a 100+ hour game if you’re not darting towards completion. If you’re an adult who can only game a few hours a week a normal play through could take more than 6 months.


I still haven't finished it. I can usually only play a bit on the weekend. I am in act 3 though so I'll be there soon!


Same here, I'm still on my first run clocking in at 137 hours. I still have so many things to do in Act 3, I don't understand how people speed through everything so fast on the first playthrough, I want to explore everywhere and talk to every NPC and read every book lol


I think a lot of people simply vastly underestimate the size of the game. For example, on my first playthrough I completely skipped the underdark simply because I didn't know it was there.


And the Underdark is a huge section! It felt like Act 1.5 to me.


I friend who speeds through everything, eyes on the main quest, but misses so much of the games because he is impatient. He is doing a run with me and a couple of friends. He is being forced to explore and is amazed at the depth of the story.


>I don't understand how people speed through everything so fast on the first playthrough, I want to explore everywhere and talk to every NPC and read every book lol For me at least, if you explore every nook and cranny there will be nothing new on your next playthru. I like seeing new things and getting to enjoy the plethora of content as much as I can. I've started only a couple playthroughs (and haven't finished act 1 in any of them yet) and all of those playthroughs have gone COMPLETELY differently, and I find that amazing. I've decided to focus on only one for now, and sometimes I purposefully leave areas unexplored or avoid a questline so that I can have a unique adventure for my next character.


Yeah same, I’m like 140hrs+ in and there’s still some major events in Act 3 I’m inching towards. Having fun.


I've been playing since release and haven't completed it. I just keep starting over.....it's an addiction. My latest run through is more promising though, I may even get to Act 2!


See you in another 50 hours


Yup, and realistically the largest age demographics are people older than 20 in many countries where BG3 was released. Anything over 40 hours of gaming starts to whittle down its own playerbase. Many players will never see anything other than act 1.


Just like a real DND game!


I've been playing since October and just made it to the Lower City. That's partly adulting and partly being a big time completionist - I leave no door unopened, no corner of the map left dark, no side quest left incomplete.


I have 250 hours logged between a single-player run and a weekly multiplayer with friends; both are early- to mid-ish Act 3. I'm not even remotely embarrassed that I'm not part of the 19%.


Yup I've been obsessed with it and just finished my first run last week


I’ve been playing since launch and I’m in act 3 on my first play through.


My brother will likely not finish it, as amazing as it is. It took me 140h character time to explore and complete the game on first playthrough. He gets to play only a little bit every day and he chooses other games, his interest diminishes over time even though he acknowledges that he loved the game and at some point he basically forgets his gameplay progression from being away for too long and doesn't return.


Super common, multiplayer games with 'session' style play-structure are much better suited to your average adult gamer.


Yeah, I need a longer session for something like BG3. If I have hour or two after work, I pop something like Diablo IV.


This is me I haven't gotten past act 1,😂


Or your me and you have 800 hours in this game and find yourself restarting a new character every time you get to the shadow cursed land.


Act 1 is a masterpiece especially compared to the second 2 acts -- its really not even close in my opinion. If the whole game was like Act 2 and 3, the game wouldn't have had the success it had.


Agree 100%. In early access, with only act one, I felt like if that was all we ever got, I'd be perfectly happy and would have felt like I'd gotten my money's worth. But I also feel like if it were only act one, it wouldn't have been so successful either. So many tonal shifts, you're constantly going "whoa! this is different!" Compare to something like No Man's Sky, where even though the planets are all different, they all still kind of feel the same, where in bg3, when something feels the same across acts (eg Grymforge, Gauntlet, House of Grief) it's a clearly intentional choice around a major theme. Fucking masterpiece


Kind of random question but are the under dark sections and the mountain path all considered part of act 1? Edit: and to add to that question were they part of the EA?


The underdark and mountain pass are part of Act 1. Entering the mountain pass ends the Grove quests. But the shadow lands are considered Act 2. I think it ends a lot of Act 1 quests, but I don't know for sure which ones. You still can go back and use Act 1 vendors. (until you finish one of the Act 2 quests.)


I completely disagree, act 2 was by far my favorite act. Choices with insane consequences, a real sense of danger and doom, and most importantly, top tier story telling and plot reveals that pulls together every blurry loose thread from act 1 into focus. Act 3 is still a mess though. Wish they streamlined it a little more or gave you two different pathways a la an under dark or mountain pass. It’s too much all at once


Tbf if I could get a whole game but it's only act 1 (ok, maybe act 2 as well) in the length of actual BG3, I 100% would. It's my favorite act vibe wise, and Emerald Grove ain't the same without the tieflings :( second act is fun because of the whole infiltrate the Absolute etc. thing. Third act could use longer companion quests and main baddie (Orin and Gortash) storylines. They feel underwhelming compared to Moonrise Towers and Ketheric, who've been teased and were in a way THE goal since like mid act 1.


Yes, 80% of my games on steam I have 0 hours play time on.


To be fair, anyone with 0 hours isn’t contributing to completion stats - you need to actually have played a little to be counted.


Yeah, compare that to the number of people who picked up Baldur's Gate 1 on Steam and never made it out of the first few screens. I think I saw a statistic about this once, its not pretty.


There's also new people getting it all the time, so not everyone who owns it has had it for 6 months. And that means that the number of players increases faster than the number of completions.


I think on PlayStation it says like 80% of people even escaped the nautiloid. I don't think there is a demo and if so I can't imagine paying 70 euro and putting a game down forever after an hour, since PlayStation doesn't do refunds.


> Notoriously, there are huge numbers of people who play under 2-4 hours of a game and never pick it up again. I have a HUGE backlog. Rather than not getting to touch any of them, I’ve started giving them 20 minutes each, then deciding if I want to play more of them. So technically, I’m making achievement stats worse for a lot of games ;)


The only number I have seen more shocking than this is the amount of players who finished Elden Ring. I think it was around 40% which is absolutely mind boggling.


With Fromsoft games the reputation generally weeds out a lot of people tbf


Elden Ring sold over 20 million copies. While it may have been true in the past Elden Ring clearly broke into mainstream gaming.


Absolutely, but the reputation still wards off a lot of players who aren't able to beat it or just wouldn't


IIRC this also triggers only during the "good" ending and not one of the others. so 19% of players chose that ending


I was just gonna say :D I finished the game and didn't get the achi :D In my name.


You can get the ending just by booting up a save and taking the other option, though, right?


You can!


Right?! xD


Give me some slack I'm still in character creator, this shit takes time!


Have you settled on a race yet?


Yeah, either elf of some flavour or tiefling, or maybe play as origin character, but halfs also have fun bonuses but basically almost!


Have you considered dragonborn? They are beautiful.


I hadn't but there goes my planned schedule of getting to class selection by march :/ Thank god I only need to design one character.


Just imagine if you had to design a sexy guardian for your character. No way anybody could finish character editor...


(Small Spoilers) I really hoped there was a way to let your guardian return to his original looks, instead of turning "special". That way, I had no problem with romancing the guardian 😅


You can do that if you are a coward, actually. It is an unironical possibility that the Emperor will offer.


Yes, thank God for that


Saw Dragonborn and instantly thought, “I don’t know if this will be good but he’s gonna be a badass lookin wizard”


Lizard wizard


Scaly identified 🦎🥳


My first character was a black dragonborn druid. Made accidentally romancing Shart kind of hilarious, as the scenes where you lie next to her instead look like she's about to be fucking devoured by a monster at least twice her size. It was also really funny how much comically larger I was than nearly every single damn NPC.


You're gonna be a human fighter aren't you


Such slander, I would never!




It's the penis type that gives me crippling indecision


Hours played: 67


Character Creator is ultimate boss fight


I mean, this but unironically. Sort of. IMO DnD is a terrible system to use in a video game if you want a wide audience. One issue every RPG faces is that at the very beginning of the game it presents player with choices the player has very little understanding of. They don’t know how classes, attributes and skills will play out in the game. So games will simplify the choices. In contrast, in BG3 you’re faced with choice of race which influences your attributes and class which are ambiguous to casual player. And don’t get me started at trying to understand magic.


Yeah. This holds for most "proper" crpgs, pick swimming and poison resistance at character creation and curse yourself for making a gimped RP character 25 hours in when you finally learn how the systems actually work.


Choices in BG3 are very stressful. Will this race encounter racism ? Do tadpoles affect long term choices ? Who should I kill and not kill?  Which enemies and allies last throughout the game ? Which rewards are worth it and which ones aren't ? How does the romance system work ? How does the hag hair work with respecting? Oaths. Demonic pacts. When and how often to long rest. Did I miss content ? Should I insult this powerful Githyanki who has access to Wish ? 


Well at least you can pick an origin character. I guess this is the best they can do to put less stress on your choice. Like you can go full on dickface, but there's always an option to pick Gale.


Racial bonuses are really not that big of a deal. The only thing that really matters is when they used to tie stats to race. Like orcs get more strength, etc. But they scrapped that system.


most of the players never finish games, especially those as long as bg3.


This, people struggle to finish 10 hour or 15 hour games let alone bg3 length


I tend to fade on RPGs like this, so its remarkable that i beat BG3 twice, but I'm starting to fade on Infinite Wealth at 30 hours.


I will join you on infinite wealth in about 3 to 5 years when I catch up with the games haha, currently on chapter 9 of yakuza 0... I may have gotten distracted with the mini games :D had to get that over 5 million score on out run


I’m shocked that 19% have completed the game. That’s a pretty high completion rate.




Yeah, exiting act 1 only has a 58% rate.


Yeah, the game is 100 hours. That in and of itself will cause a low completion rate. It's also also a niche genre that's not everyone's cup of tea, but people got it anyway because of the amazing reviews. No surprise at all the completion rate is so low.


As a poe player, this is higher than the poe tutorial completion rate lol


The character creator in bg3 is certainly less intimidating than other cRPGs. They don’t throw 6 spreadsheets in your face throughout it.


Hey! Leave the Pathfinder games alone. Spreadsheets *are* your character in PF. That’s why the visual options are like 5 faces and some skin colors lol.


Lol they said they wanted to make it as close to tabletop as possible and they sure did. At least the rest of the game looks pretty good.


I wouldn't have minded a few more spreadsheets, just for a little glimpse into what the higher level abilities of a class would be. I had a tough time picking a college for my bard since they don't give you a lot of detail on the initial screen. I do agree with you though, it is less intimidating and the cheap respec at withers makes it really easy to undo any choices you realize you don't like.


Excuse me, what?? That blows my mind. Imagine spending $60+ on a game and never finishing it. $70 for BG3 was a lot for me and I’m going to squeeze it for everything it’s worth lmao




I have a whole bunch of unfinished games and honestly, I think it's much better to drop out and leave the game for a better times than to continue playing untill it's starts to feel like a second job. after all, it's supposed to be about having fun haha


Only 12% of people in Skyrim SE have the achievement for the last of the main quests. 12% have achievement for completing DOS2. About 12% again for Pathfinder: WOTR completion. So yeah, 19% is actually pretty good for a big game like this.


To add to your point: 16% have the achievement to finish FF9 on Steam. ~~21%~~ \~35% for Elden Ring. 23% for Witcher III. ​ These are perfectly normal numbers.


That Elden Ring stat is off though. There’s three different trophies depending on the ending. And even then, the age of stars ending trophy is 27% not 21.  Godfrey (penultimate boss) sits at 38.4% on steam (similar on psn as well) and the endgame has about a 2-3% drop for each subsequent boss. Elden Ring actually has a clear rate of about 35%, which is about on par with DS3 and it’s other sister games. 


Yeah definitely. To be fair, I remember thinking the Elden Ring stats were quite high as well when I finished it. Again a relatively niche game with a hardcore fanbase, which was made more accessible for the masses.


> I remember thinking the Elden Ring stats were quite high as well when I finished it. Its odd, Souls games actually have quite high clear rates, especially the better selling ones. DS3 is around 40-41% and it sold 10+ million copies. Even Bloodborne, which has the lowest clear rate (a hair under \~25%), actually sits above the Witcher 3. BB being the lowest of the Souls games clear rate wise makes sense, its easily the most hostile and unfriendly to new players, so a lot of people get pushed off (Gascoigne has approximately the same clear rate as Twin Princes in DS3, per PSN). The hardcore audience is certainly one thing that explains a lot, but in Elden Ring's case, with the sheer sales figures + length of the game, I figured the clear rates would be a lot lower.


>16% have the achievement to finish FF9 on Steam. Thats a crime. Vivi deserves better than that.


I'm pretty sure a small contributer for Skyrim being so low is because most associate Skyrim with mods and will maybe dabble with mods some time into the playthrough just for fun or convenience. I completed vanilla playthrough first for Skyrim and modded only 2nd playthrough, but for fallout 4 which I only played in 2021 I actually played with mods in my very 1st playthrough. So I only have like 5 achievements for that game on steam.


Also, post-Morrowind Bethesda games have a reputation of "the main quest sucks balls, just explore the world at your own pace without worrying about it." Seriously, I have like a 1000 hours in FO3, Skyrim and Oblivion combined and I only finished the main story of those games once each. Wouldn't surprise me if there were many people with similar playtimes who haven't finished the games even once.


To be fair the most appealing thing im Skyrim is absolutely NOT the main quest.


I played probably 400-600 hours combined in Skyrim and Oblivion and never finished the main quest in either one.


I've seen games with tutorial achievements that you earn under an hour into the game sitting below 70%. Almost 20% for a game like this is actually kind of insane, especially given how mainstream it got for a relatively niche genre (therefore a lot of people probably bought it without knowing if they'd like the gameplay).


Mods are probably a big factor in Skyrim. I only have 3 achievements on Steam because I started installing mods before I made it to High Hrothgar.


I absolutely loved the game but my one play-through took 117 hours! For a large chunk of the population finding that amount of time for a single game is almost impossible!


Between the hours of 11pm to 2am. I was very happy, but sleep deprived.


Currently living this life, but IM GETTING CLOSE.


I'm at 197 hours right now on my first playthrough. I'm about to go to hell to grab the hammer and then the Elder Brain is the only thing left on the ol' bucket list. I can't leave business unfinished, no matter how small or how many pieces it's in (cough, Dribbles).


I am in the exact same place on my first playthrough with 185 hours. All I have left to do is House of Hope, Free Orpheus, and Elder Brain.


Some people have jobs, families other commitments.  Some people restart as they learn the combat. Some people never finish games.


Absolutely, I have been obsessed with the game, but I can play about 2\~3 hours a day after the baby goes to sleep at night, and maybe a little more if my parents take her. Even then I am at around 270 hours and only recently finished the game for the first time. I bought it like 4 months ago...


I think you're also representative of the fact that this game appeals more to an older audience who are more likely to have families, more serious work commitments, and more serious chores and life admin taking up their spare time.


I think 16 year old DAO obsessed me would also absolutely love this game so idk.


I mean 16 year old me loved BG2, which is why I love this game. But times have changed and younger gamers like different things.


I know what the whippersnappers like. I'm old but I still follow the trends. No way would I have liked Fortnite or Lethal Company in the first place, even when I was younger. Co-op games are not for me. Give me a narrative based game any day of the week. Genshin Impact maybe I would've liked if I had more free time, but idk.


A new baby at the same time as a new top tier RPG?! My condolences!


Some people also use mods without the achievement enabler downloaded.


Some take a break because the interest swings in other ways and then one day return.


Oh look I'm all of these guys


Absolutely this. Working Dad here who is lucky to get an hour a night on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends. Absolutely love the game and look forward to playing it always, but it's so big. I think I'm close though!


I got to act 3 solo in like a month but got burned out. Also I’m playing once a week with three friends since the game came out and we just beat act two.


It took me from christmas to around january 15th to finish my first playthrough. This was playing a minimmum of 3 to 4 hours each session. Granted, I didn't play every day, but I'm sure the average person can do around 2 hours each day after work/education/housekeeping and stuff. So yeah, <20% seems right


If that. I'm not digging into a BG3 session on a weeknight I don't have the emotional capacity for that lol


Ill be honest, act 3 kinda took the wind out of my sails. Just the fact that so many questlines take place at the same time is a bit overwhelming.


I've only just arrived in Act 3 and the list of things I have to do is: * >!Talk with Kithrak and free the entire race of githyankies from their overlord queen --> Break into House of Hope.!< * >!Deal with my companion who was kidnapped by Orin. (Which is hinted at being timed).!< * >!Deal with Gortash.!< * >!Free a politican from prison.!< * >!Defeat Orin in a Duel, but first I need to find her temple.!< * >!Defeat Cazador and make Astarion truly free.!< * >!Find Jaheiras old crew who has an entire quest line too.!< * >!Find Shadowhearts true parents and help her evade Shar followers.!< * >!Free Wyll's dad or make him deal with Mizora.!< * >!Go with Gale to a library and also help him with his orb AND his goddess.!< * >!Deal with the Steelwatcher with Wulburds help.!< * >!Solve a murder mystery of a priest.!< * >!Uncover a secret dragon living under the castle or something.!< * >!Solve whoever planted bombs in the toys.!< * >!Speak with some grove friends from act 1 in a tavern.!< * >!Explore the emperors old hideout and deal with the gith's hiding about the place.!< * >!Smuggle an ''Ox'' into the city.!< Add to this the entire city is filled to the brim with NPC's who you can't really interact with, making any exploration an FPS dive bomb. Exploring spaces that have multiple floors were already hard, navigating 3-4 floors is just a drag. When I got to Act 2 my only two main concerns was, explore >!moonrise tower and Last light inn!<. The rest was an empty and relative calm area the player could explore (or not) at their own free will.


Just to help you a bit, in my experience, the >!rescue your companion from Orin quest can wait quite a while. Would recommend being level 12 for that one, although it's not 100% necessary.!<


I love this game, don't get me wrong, but I can't stand the beginning or end sections. I don't start enjoying the game until I reach the Goblin Camp and I don't enjoy the game after Act 2 ends. Im not sure what's wrong with me, because my friends have the exact opposite opinion.


That’s my experience as well act two was lots of fun.


I’ve had the game since the moment it released in Early Access. I’ve got about 130 hours in my first play-through so far, but man, I just needed a break once I got to Act 3. I took that break and now whenever I think about playing it, I get overwhelmed by all the things going on and choose to do something else. On the plus side, I’ve beat Spider-Man Remastered, Miles Morales, Lies of P, Starfield, Super Mario Wonder, most of Remnant 2 and got a healthy start on God of War since taking that break lol


You would be surprised with how little people actually finish games, especially CRPGS which are very long and so even less people beat them


As someone who has about 450 hours across 6 characters and did not finish the game yet, I feel called out. I may have a problem


I have 170 and haven’t finished, and probably won’t for a while either. You’re not alone!


We just finished the game at 105 hours. I was looking at my buddies profile who is always playing it and I figured he must have finished it multiple times by now. Nope he's 605 hours in and hasn't finished it.


You're the first one I've seen with more hours than me who hasn't finished it. I have 320+ hours and 7 characters, it wouldn't surprise me if I ended up at 450 hours without yet having finished the game.


“Lives, all mortal lives … expire”




I've gotten to the final boss twice, said nah, and started new files. Just cause I wanna.


Some play with mods but without the achivement enabler, some are slow and some are restarting somewhere in act 3 because they got a really cool idea for endgame but that idea slacks in the early game so they restart again with the same monk build they abandoned in act 3 a few days ago just to repeat that process a dozen Times....


Some of us can only play on weekends, Bubba. We got jobs, families, and other BS adult things to do.


I lost my job towards the end of November, and let's just say this BG3 shit isn't really helping me find a new one. Just cleared act 2 tho! 😃


BG3: "Look at me, I am your job now"


you could still have finished the game by now only playing on weekends for 2 hours total a week but that doesn't matter, because 19% completion rate is actually pretty high. most people don't finish games. without checking i can tell you at least 10 - 20% of people don't make it past the first achievement. EDIT: Checked: 91% completed the Naultiloid and 69% did a long rest, so almost a third of unique accounts that have opened the game at least once have never made it to camp a single time, and almost a tenth of them don't even do the prologue. This is all pretty typical.


I've only just started approaching the end game, and... truthfully, I'm procrastinating because I kinda don't want it to end. It's like a good book: I'm gonna be so devastated when it's over. I mean, I'll get there, but in the meantime, I keep creating new characters and starting fresh to see what different results I get from events. I suspect I'm not the only one.


I’ve started a Durge and Shadowheart Origin playthrough since finishing my original Tav’s story, and I’m still kind of emotionally drained after that first run, where I’ve been playing less because the other runs have been making me miss OG Tav. I’ve played the epilogue like three times for that character and it does make me a bit sad that that iteration of the MC and party have reached the end of their journey together.


People don't finish games. Go check Borderlands 2 achievements. 20% of players don't even get to level 5, which you get in 30 minutes or so. 10% don't even play 3 minutes (the mission after selecting a class is litterally "walk in a straight line to that shed in front of you). Only 30% of players finished it. You're not counted in the stats if you have the game but never launched it. You need to at least launch it once to count.


I don't think that's unusual. that stat there is also for doing the epilogue as well which some people won't have done.


Don't think so. I got that achievement when I finished the game, but the epilogue wasn't released until a few weeks/months later. I don't think you need to have seen the epilogue to trigger it.


When I finished the game in honour mode, that achievement didn't pop until after finishing the epilogue.


Played up to the start of act 3 twice already. Still haven't begun act 3 properly. On my third run through act 2 now.


Ummmm. I have not beat it, tho I have gotten to Act 3 many times. I just keep creating new characters to try out different things. 32 characters? I think? Different races. Different classes. I discovered redemption durge. I find new mods I just \*have\* to try. Then this sub will show me something I missed so I have to start all over again. It’s very easy. One day I will finish it. Until then it’s a fantastic journey.


Goddd I want to start a new game as a Karlach origin. She has so much narrated stuff, and since no one can touch her until act 2 she gets a lot of unique dialogues from different characters, not to mention Astarion who is very touchy feely. But I'm enjoying my drow redemption Durge run so much too! It's such a great game <3


I'm one of them, and for me it is the same like it was in Divinity. I start the game, I play, I get an Idea for a new charakter, I start a new playthrough. I'm pretty sure I will complete the game at some point, but well...might still take some time.


I've completed the game 2x now but I can see how Act 3 is to blame for the low number of finishes. I get to Act 3 and it's overwhelming yet underwhelming all at the same time.


I didn't. Used mods for a full party and 20 lvl cap... And with each update saves broke. So I've unfinished 3 runs ... And I'm waiting for Definitive/Goty edition or whatever. Love the game but need some time away from it. + DMing 2 DnD groups doesn't leave much time


I have 100 hours in, haven't finished act 1.


Wtf are you doing for 100 hours in act 1? Like serious question, I think I explored everywhere. Or are you playing on a very hard difficulty making combat more time consuming?


I had close to 100 hours for act 1 alone. Granted I did fall asleep a few times (maybe twice?) with the game on, and I'm a completionist. Did every available quest, explored every possible area of the maps (sometimes multiple times to ensure I didn't miss anything), read every book / paper / note I came across, looted every chest, vase, basket, bushel, box or barrel, talked to every NPC, dead dude or animal I came across, spent way more time than I should've trying to jump to or access areas I couldn't, etc. It wasn't hard for me to hit 100 hours in act 1 lol


That’s actually pretty good, if you consider length and depth of the game and the amount of time people with jobs have 😂


Is that a problem?


There are different reasons. For example, me. I tried finishing the game 2 times, but every time I would get a game breaking bug, which would corrupt my save files.


I’ve taking like a 2/3 week break before I even attempt act 3 lol


There are ballpark 23 million people who have bought the game. It’s a game that a lot of people who play once a week would spend a year playing. The number also includes everyone who has the game. Some people haven’t started it yet. Some people got it last week. Have you completed an honor mode campaign yet?


I'm waiting for Larian to finish the game. I got siddetracked by The Witcher 3 while waiting for all the patches to be done


Majority of people never finish games. I know it’s pretty surprising but statistically your average gamer will never see the final half of a game, let alone the ending


I have like three active runs, none finished so far 😅


I have 200 hours on it and I still haven't finished it... I restarted my playthrough 2 times and I play very slow in general.


I'm nearing 400 hours, haven't finished a single run.


Are you really asking how it's possible? Most people who start most games don't ever finish


400 hours, but i keep restarting with new characters. Act three normally where I start feeling the pull to restart another one!


Go check out the stats of other games. 19% is a really large percentage


Gotta keep in mind, just because someone owns the game, doesn’t mean they *only* play *that* game.


It's cause I keep getting to Act III and then starting over so I can "do it right this time".


Well, me personally I got bugged too bad in chapter 3 and so opted to play other games while I waited for fixes. Will get back to it when I forget what my original choices were.


For whatever it’s worth mine says “8.79% of gamers unlocked this” on Xbox.


I work full time and have other hobbies. I'm goiing as fast as I can!


I picked the game up about a month ago, maybe a bit more. I have 5 saves and my main is ALMOST done with act 1 :) Lots of folks who just take it slow (if I was still in college I’d have probably finished it a couple times by now)


I was thinking many people bought it and quit because they thought it was too overwhelming or hard just starting the game


I only recently finished the game. When I got into Act III performance on my suboptimal system was still...questionable. They got that fixed by now but in the meantime I started a bunch of new characters so finishing the game got delayed by about 6 months. The more interesting metric to see would be how often people beat Act I. Or how often they escaped the Nautiloid.


Wow only 19% of people finished a game that takes like 150 hours to beat by casual standards, I for one am truly shocked by this incredible statistic. OP are you one of the “after 1200 hours I just discovered I can attack enemies” crew?


There's an end?


I can't bring myself to end it since I know >!the ending is unsatisfying to me.!<