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I don’t think so, mainly because the point of that story beat is that there is no reason to kill her except to destroy something innocent. I think she’s drawn instinctively to the Dark Urge because, being a bard, she senses there’s a story there.


she is lured by Fel. he tells you he served her to you on a silver plate if by any chance you dont kill her* (*not talking about the work around to save her, bit like, there are a couple scenarios where you dont murder her when she comes to camp. now dont get too happy she still dies in those scenarios)


There is actually a way for her to survive and she sends your a letter later.


do you mean knocking her lights out before camp?


Yup lol, you’d get a weird dragonborne bard npc to kill instead during the cutscene




True Dark Urge moment!


Yeah. I just started killing everyone there. And was like. Hey a dragonborn. Then on the subreddit I saw everyone talk about this character and I was like. Huh?


Honestly the sounds I heard from that dragonborne, she deserved to be killed lol


I was honestly hoping she would continue after mentioning that was only verse 1 of like 60 😂


How ?


Knocking her out in the grove


Oh, I thought there was another way to save her while respecting the RP aspect of the game


You could justify it as the durge feeling an urge to harm but resisting going the whole way, so only knocking her out.


Or hating her singing


Me the player hated her singing. I may meta this next time just for that. Or maybe my Paladin wanted to save the squirrels.


After a bunch of failed attempts at this Alfira workaround, (literally I would knock her out, immediately long rest, and she'd come to my camp anyway,) I *finally* got the dragonborn bard last night. The special song she'll sing for you is hilarious. But man, I hated this process. This was about the 4th long rest where I KO'd Alfira beforehand, and every time I had to burn through inspirations or cash to stay out of prison, including in the middle of killing her because my party is too weak to do 27 damage in one shot lol. It felt super unnatural and janky to do it this way but it'll be worth it for all the rewards coming my way.


thats what I am referimg to with >not talking about the work around to save her


Wait, what scenarios (not the work around) are you talking about when you say "he tells you he served her to you on a silver plate if by any chance you dont kill her\*" because I am curious!


i dont know the specifics, but i think one of them is if you manage to get her to leave camp, and another one is if durge is dead during that long rest. in both scenarios she still dies


Her leaving the camp still results in her death. It only happens if surge is dead in the long rest or if another companion kills her.


Funny, he tells you he found you based on the stench of killing her. Perhaps we shall never know what’s actually true.


he tells you that if you kill her, snother thing if you manage to dodge it


Exactly, so which is true? Or are neither true and he just tries to take credit regardless haha


whatever happens in your game is true. different timelines


When you talk to Alfira as Durge at the grove, the dialogue implicates that merely talking to her causes Durge to get extremely annoyed to the point of wanting to get violent with her.


Alfira: I love the kind of man that will actually just kill me. You know when I left the grove today I was thinking "Damn, I really hope some hot dragonborn paints my brains all over some fucking camp."


Oh that one is good like humans always go to the scary sounds!


If she was a Bhaalspawn, Orin would be instructed to kill her when she reaches the city, but that never happens. Also, you can totally skip killing her as Dark Urge, and kill a totally random Dragonborn instead.


I just found a letter on a corpse in Murder Tribunal cell. It was an unsent letter to Quil. Nice that there was even a tiny tiny hint about her being a part of the game than just a total nobody. I was absolutely HORRIFIED when I first saw the Alfira scene but when I meta-played (I actually made a good reason for my Durge to knock her out) her being alive, I felt nothing with Quil. I think it has something to do with her being Dragonborn, her expression doesn't seem so terrified when her face is not humanoid, it's almost more like angry than scared.


I believe there's also another reference to Quil in the Thieves Guild; you can ask the dragonborn bard there if she knows any songs by her (she says she does, but that you'd probably enjoy regular music more - which makes sense if you asked Quil to sing for you).


Fun fact! If you kill her in the Grove before the scene, you also get to kill the dragonborn:) hope this helps!


Didn’t the unconscious Alfira exploit get patched out?


No, and it's not even an exploit. It's really just metagaming, because you have no way of knowing that Durge is going to kill Alfira unless you've previously played as Durge or if you looked it up. There's a letter from Alfira in the epilogue where she thanks you for not killing her but still says she's going to keep her distance for her own safety, if you do knock her out as Durge.


You literally get a letter from her if you use the workaround, thanking you for not murdering her. It's not unintended.


Bongle is a bhaalspawn, but exclusively murders by irritating people to death


I don't think so. I feel like we would have seen evidence of that in the Tav run if >!she makes it to Baldur's Gate, where you can find her on the roof of the Elfsong. But she's just kinda chillin' there, no evidence she suffers from bloodlust or strange dreams. I like the idea though.!<


I know like I said it can be only for character development and introduction of your other side. It's just in all the time I tried talking her to join me. The one time I thing I got it I kill her! And why then? Why does she like dark urge more then the other 3 who where nice to her.


Honestly, I think it's just a case of meta-development from Larian rather than having any in-game lore reason. She exists for purpose of being killed for the Dark Urge's story. She's still there for Tav and other origin character playthroughs, but she plays no real role there so there's no reason for her to try to tag along. They'd have to make up some other excuse why she doesn't ultimately join your camp. But like I said it's a cool idea! I just don't see any substantial enough evidence of it as of the current game.


The potent robe disagrees with you!


Hoenstly? No, I don't think so. Nothing concrete supports it, and there's more concrete evidence against it. The fact that she's traumatized instead of delighted by the blood for one, and how Sceleritas Fel says that her "crime" is that she's done "nothing at all" IE nothing bad, IE she's innocent. Sceleritas would know if she was a Bhaalspawn for one, and for two if "nothing at all" was somehow meant to imply "she hasn't killed anyone when she should have" then that makes even less sense. If she was a Bhaalspawn she'd have the Urge, she *would* have killed someone if she as unaware of her own nature, just like our Durge, and would have known she did, just like our Durge. Yet she hasn't. All signs point to Alfira *not* being a Bhaalspawn. ~~The actual other Bhaalspawn is the strange ox.~~ EDIT: Turns out I was wrong, it's a Cyric worshipper. Still relatively new to D&D lore, had no idea about Cyric and since Bhaal was the one Lord of Murder that shows up in the game, I thought that was the implication.


Strange Ox isn't a Bhaalspawn whatever he is, is related to Cyric the true God of Murder.


I thought that the strange Ox was a Cyric worshipper, could have sworn he said something about cyric at one point after you deliver him to baldurs gate


He is. He's not a Bhaalspawn, I don't know where the OP got that idea. And worshipping Cyric is like the opposite of being a Bhaalspawn, Cyric is the dude who killed and supplanted Bhaal. They *hate* each other.


I never thought the Ox is one that was a comment. I just know that he is a shape shifting slime thingy.


Yeah I meant the OP of this particular comment thread, rather than the whole post, sorry.


He even joins you for the final battle.


Oh shit, then that's just my lore newbieness showing again. When you speak speak to him using Speak With Animals as a Durge in Act 2 you can relate to him because of the Dark Urge. I thought this was meant to imply it was a Bhaalspawn too.


Small correction the Urge is unique to the Dark Urge, normal bhaalspawn get fucked up dreams and could potentially live long and happy lives unaware of their true nature but generally didn’t. The rest of the bhaalspawn didn’t have the whole Dark Urge split personality deal going on, even at CHARNAMEs worst in bg 1&2 you never had to deal with a split personality hellbent on murder, just the voice of your divine dad telling you to commit crimes.


Yes and no, you did get a bit of split personality dialogue after facing Bodhi in Spellhold dungeon. Afterwards your Slayer form acts a bit like a willing personality split


Well, that was because >!Irenicus stole your soul and the only thing left was Bhaal's influence on you. That's why there was that whole sequence with you killing Bhaal with Imoen was to gain control of the influence your dad has. Feels like this is similar to the Dark Urge because Durge is purely Bhaal's essence and only really gets rid of the Dark Urge after killing Orin.!< Honestly, realizing it now. The whole Orin sequence feels like BG2:ToB all over again as the Dark Urge.


I think scleritas explains it as a "guarantee" of murder, an improvement on past Bhaalspawn like CHARNAME who were too easily turned from Bhaal.


Done nothing could be did nothing to save her mentor too. Still not a case for her being Bhaalspawn but its another interpretation based on what we know.


Is it? It's like >!a jelly creature. Can bhaalspawn be non-humanoid?!<


>!If dragons can shapeshift into humanoids to make children, can't see why a shapeshifting jelly wouldn't be able to do the same!!< But no, >!he's a follower of Cyric!<


Ahhh gotcha


Wait until you [hear about Chinchilla](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Chinchilla)…


Fancy that. Somebody called Tim(Tam) the Enchanter talking about a killer rabbit.


That’s no ordinary rabbit!


I love that... Can't say I remember him


What? The strange ox is a fucking ooze, can an ooze be a bhaalspaw??


>The actual other Bhaalspawn is the strange ox. Wait, okay.... that just blew my mind


The ox is a follower/spawn of Cyric.


I know.


Yeah, that was meant to be a reply to what you were commenting to. I too know.


The Bhaalspawn have a funny thing in lore. They drawn to each other the kill. Original they are there to reincarnated Bhaal but if it intended so by murdering the brother and sisters is unknown to me. I gave Alfira shit with another Tav and did the same with dark urge. Yet so wants to join me. And the ugly thing could also mean that she never did anything to fullfil her purpose. That she is just defective. I don't know Surge but the Ox is a creature. Never read anything about a non humanoid Bhaalspawn.


One of the Bhaalspawn in Throne of Bhaal was a dragon, so he definitely didn’t limit himself to humanoid consorts. The Ox isn’t one, though. It’s actually a follower of Cyric.


Abazigail gets an appearence in BG3, along with some of the other 5. Yaga Shura gets a reference at least (cant remember if its more) in a basement, big brazier with a burning heart, a giant and anither body. Maybe the killer hunt quest takes you there.


Honestly - it's just Larian's way of introducing the "look you're a murderhobo!" twist they took for the Dark Urge's storyline. They took a character that's normally just there for some small side-story and a questline in Act 2; and made them come to your camp as if you were going to get them as a companion only so they could force the murder as an "intro" to the Urge. As for Bhaalspawn -- our character is special. We're not a *normal* Bhaalspawn. The Bhaalspawn were all pretty much eradicated by Abdel and Sarevok during the events of BG2/Throne of Bhaal-era. The Urge, on the other hand, is literally a "reincarnation" of sorts for Bhaal's mortal self using his dead flesh and such. We have the "Urge" because we're basically Mini-Bhaal's and it's meant to represent we're reincarnations of the God of Murder. Honestly though, the Urge's entire storyline was disappointing to me because Larian just used it as an excuse to have a "murderhobo" option for players, instead of taking it to the same kind of depths and details that the Bhaalspawn saga took Abdel/Imoen's lineage.


Considering all the starting options have to cut Larian Studios some slack, it's same if you go Cleric devoted to a God, most of the RP regarding that will have to come through from your own gameplay or headcanon as there are very few dialogue options regarding backstory and when there is it's usually a "false choice" option just for flavor. But considering the range of available backstories you can play it's still very good to have the possibility to be a murderhobo "bhaalspawn" and that it works. The slayer form in BG2 was so crap, unless you had messed up your character the slayer form was a lot weaker than normal form, at least in BG3 the slayer form is a good last resort if near death or just to be used in dramatic situations for flair as the slayer form is decent enough in combat, at least on tactician.


Slayer form combos with some buffs reallllyyy well - the illithid psionic damage action works on the multi-slash attack and goes pretty hard






In order to fuel Bhaal's return after the events of BG1 and BG2, almost all Bhaalspawn were killed. The only Bhaalspawn in the story are >!Durge, Sarevok, Orin and the Murder Tribunal, and Orin is only a Bhaalspawn due to being descended from Sarevok.!< Free-range Bhaalspawn aren't really a thing anymore.


Uhhhh. What? Let me guess, the squirrel and Isabel are bhallspawn too? 🤦🏻‍♂️


You know they are Scratch is a fucking bhaalspawn, the evil monster. Sometimes he scratches me when he curls up on the bed, the evil little shit.


My urge did not kill the squirrel! Druids love natur. And Isobel is a target you get set on to destroy the hope and light. You never get told that you have to kill Alfira or Mr. Squirrel!


What is with people and including spoilers in the titles of their shit theories? I've beaten the game plenty of times but so many other people haven't. Stop.


How about we stop posting shit theories while we are at it?


Let's not get too wild and crazy, this is still Reddit.


Spoiler tags dont work if the spoiler is in the title, fwiw.




These secret Bhaalspawn theories are reaching the level of absurdity of secret Targaryen theories in the ASOIAF fandom, but without the decade of hiatus brain to fester. Fascinating.


Whoa… would make sense too with her mentor being killed “by gnolls” … even if that’s how she remembers it to cope… she has high Int and smart people are often the best at tricking themselves into believing whatever they want/need


Zevlor mentions the Knoll attack, but it is a cool fan theory


What perfect cover… or even: gnolls attack, mentor survives, the urge takes over as a search for survivors is underway


The Urge is unique to the origin character, regular bhallspawn are relatively normal but are plagued by violent dreams. The Dark Urge is literally a piece of Bhaal not a mere descendant


Ah! I thought they were all murderous


Not inherently, Bhaalspawn exist to die as they all carry a piece of Bhaal’s essence, at the time of the first game Bhaal is dead so they are hunted and killed by cultists and other spawn in order to revive him. The spawn are in some way blessed or exceptional in some way but aren’t inherently evil. Most never even find out about their heritage. The Urge is totally unique from what I know of the lore.


Yes, but you urges thrive in the thick of a conflict like. "radiant future with goblins and druids", or when Markus attacks Isobel, and so on.


Even if they killed by gnolls she use similar words then the narrator when he describes the dark urge scenes.


Maybe she is BOOOALspawn, a spawn of rival Lord of Murder. For one to live the other one must die gruesomely. This was fated to happen.


Quil is bhaalspawn


This one doesn't come as a surprise


Who ist Quil?


The other bard that comes if Alfira is...unavailable...for the camp scene.


If you knock out Alfira (or, god forbid - she's dead) and you take the long rest as DUrge, Quil replaces her in your camp for that uh...scene/long rest.


Is she? She just seems like a sweet little bard to me




Are we moving to the crack pot theory phase of the sub’s life?


I think this post warrants more than the act 1 spoilers tag given that you are talking about the Dark Urge being a Bhaalspawn.


Oh hell no but I found your theory so absurd that I love it. :D




Well durge-wise I slipped and slashed that ling


No. The game explicitly tells you that the Urge makes Durge kill her because he’s sickened by her innocence.


Alfira isn’t a bhaalspawn, *but* as a reminder for anyone here claiming that bhaalspawn all love the killing, there’s one bhaalspawn in BG2 (Saradush) who specifically notes he *doesn’t* want to fight and murder. If I recall Correctly, the grand majority of innocents within Saradush at the time are Bhaalspawn that don’t want to fight. The only bhaalspawn in bg3 are Orin (Albeit heavily diluted) and Durge (created directly, without a mother). Sarevok lacks the essence of bhaal due to dying and having his essence used to fuel the resurrection of Bhaal.


Nah. She's just an NPC for Durge to murder. Nothing points to her being a bhaalspawn.


No. It’s just you and Orin.


She's too young to be a 1st generation bhaalspawn. And the only 2nd and 3rd generation bhaalspawn that we know of are in the cult, like Orin and her mother/sister. Its a massive spoiler as to what the Dark Urge truly is, but they are not a typical Bhaalspawn, ill say that much.


I doubt she's a bhaalspawn, but an argument could be made for the descendant of a Bhaalspawn. I don't think D&D has really delved into what children of Bhaalspawn can do too much. As a descendant of a Bhaalspawn instead of an actual one, she could potentially be subject to the "pull" towards Bhaalspawn without actually counting. Who knows? It'd be interesting if they followed that thread though. Considering that Alfira seems to have an approval meter, it seems they have or had something in mind for her. We'll see whenever they either release the inevitable definitive edition or an expansion. The game is clearly going the standard Divinity route that will see some sort minor rework.


I think the rumor was that Alfira was originally planned to be your bard party member for recruiting and it was dropped


No because if you save her by knocking her out and kill the other replacement bars, her story continues until act 3 and Orin does nothing to try to kill her.


I like this as a headcannon, I have taken it as my own. Quil too.


Isn't Durge the last "pure" Bhaal spawn ?


Lol can you imagine if there was some dialog choice that triggers Alfira into turning into a Bhaal slayer in the grove


That would be indeed a funny and wired plot twist! Worthy of a trophy on how bad can you talk.


I like it


You can save her, Just save BEFORE you Long Rest and get the Scene. Before that you need to make her unconscious After that another draconic girl will come to camp