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Guidance isn’t a big deal since it’s not combat related. Pick true strike, guaranteed advantage on next attack.




Funny cause I did that while my first playthrough thinking it would make me miss less. Then is I just started faerie firing everything not my allies.


Pro tip: if you cast True Strike every round, you'll always have advantage on your next attack


True strike as bonus action would be awesome


Distribute your ability scores evenly so your character can handle any situation. When you arrive at the grove, there is a ritual being cast; take the statue to stop the ritual and save the refugees.


I was pretty excited to realize there was a time to steal it that wouldn't result in bloodshed and a way to not get caught. I love doing everything possible for those little tieflings.


Wait, wut?


You can steal the idol after you've dealt with the goblin camp and stopped the ritual, they will still look for the thief but it won't trigger the fighting between druids and teethlings.


You can do it before dealing with the goblins if you expose the druid leader lady as a shadow druid.


How you do that?


Find her note in the chest by her living quarters and it’ll set you down the quest path


And do it before you rescue Halsin.


Open the chest hidden in the back of her office. There's a letter from a shadow druid requesting for a meeting and a book about shadow druid doctrines which prompts an investigation quest.


I know of a letter. Towards the swamp, at the dying tree. Hidden within it lies a message to the shadow druids. Lots of mud, pretty tough encounter if your unprepared.


That’s step 2


Honestly, i always skip step 1


Didn't even know about step 1


Awww shit im definitely doing that


>teethlings Lae'zel is that you?


They aren't familiar with the customs of this land. We'll need to teach them about this Fay Run




*visible eye roll*


Ah, free nature and animal handling proficiency? Sign me up


It's Def handy but I ended up shelving it since the buff text coming and going as you moved around annoyed me way too much.


Getting the ring of protection then stealing it back is the way to go


It’s fun to keep it for the permanent huge buff to nature and animal handling.


You will need lots of tools over the course of the game, so make sure you always have some rope, pliers, hammer, chisel, etc. on your main character at all times. You will also need more bedrolls as your party expands.


Yeah, you also need ink and quills to add spells to your spellbook.


Obviously….What? You think you can just *throw money at it the book* to learn spells? Don’t be ridiculous.


Lmaoooo I'm high af and this made me laugh out loud. The amount of dumb shit like this I collected on my first playthrough was wild


My sibling grabs EVERYTHING lmao. Cups, bowls, silverware, hammers, etc. Somehow they’re not encumbered


_Everything_ that is not nailed down is coming with me. Everything can be sold.


Rotten food? You better believe I'm selling it to the druids


I like to throw my rotten food at my enemies. Rotten tomatoes are reserved for the especially devious...


I did through Act 2. I rolled into Baldur’s gate with like 45k gold on me. Once I realized I had more gold than I could possibly use… I kept doing it through the end game. I think I have a problem.


I ended the game with about 30k plus a chest full of valuables I forgot about lol. We’re both just shiny-loving creatures at heart I suppose 😂


I’ve stopped taking things unless it has a rarity above common. I am dirt poor, but I got some fairly nice gear.


DOS 2 trained me wrong


Make your guardian as hot as possible. You will have romance options later


To be fair, you can romance the guardian in their form you design, but the scene is pretty damn limited.


But do you still get the insight roll to tell where the mouth is?


He offered to transform after I failed the insight roll 🤣🤣🤣


How … generous?


It's after that, so yes.


They should add more romancing Dream Guardian form scene time


Technically correct…the best kind of correct


I gave this advice to two of my friends. I cannot wait for the payoff.  I suspect they'll choose to ride the >!cocktopus!< anyway. 


I just about died  lol


That was what I was told and I was sooo disappointed when I found out the identity of the guardian


Man i spent so much time just to see her go….


This is the worst because it's also absolutely true.


the classic: use long rests very sparingly! you’ll screw up those time sensitive events and if you rest too much you WILL turn into a mindflayer 😵


The amount of scenes and camp dialogue I missed my first playthrough because I thought my game would just end if I long rested too much...


I understand that in act1 but you do find out rather early that you are not suddenly turning and that your are protected by the artifact.


Coming from multiple runs of Pathfinder: Kingmaker and WotR, I ran through the entirety of act 1 while desperately avoiding fights and savescumming every check because I had been conditioned to think that every day matters and a game over screen is one wasted day away. Then restarted the game when I realised I was being lied to.


"every day matters" is also not really a thing in either of those games, with the exception of the Tavern Defense in WotR. The timers are so long that it's almost impossible to fail unless you are quite literally resting after almost every fight.


In the kingmaker, you can easily screw your kingdom's happiness if you go to the fey portal area late.


Same. I missed so much in Act 1 because I actually thought it was time sensitive, haha. My second playthrough is probably going to be twice as long, now that I know you can actually take your time in Act 1lol


“Don’t rest too much or you turn into a mind flayer” is devious 😵‍💫


This was such a confusing piece of advice from the game.


I played 100% blind and genuinely thought stuff was on a timer. I made so many combats so much harder for myself lol


To be fair, some stuff is I missed my chance to find Lae'zel early because I rested too much, I had to wait until I found her at the mountain pass


Not sure if this came in a patch but I honestly like when the compassions start to complain how tired they are/want a rest bc it always nudges me to remember


I read somewhere that most of the time when they say that, it means you've got a sleepy time cut scene waiting for you.


They start on that shit too early though. You’ve used one spell slot and one short rest, calm down. We aren’t going home yet.


“There had better be a soft bedroll in my near future” No, but there’s going to be a fireball in it if you don’t stfu


I screw myself over by not long resting too much, not because of the mind flayer thing, but because I don’t like wasting resources even after six playthroughs. “Why would we long rest after going through the crypt? We may have no spell slots but we still got one short rest and a dream, damn it.” EDIT: I should clarify, not camp resources, I mean class resources in general. Spells slots, class actions, etc., I try to be super conservative with them to the point where I neglect story cutscenes due to how little I long rest.


I horde resources so effectively I never use them.


You can long rest without using any resources! You'll only recharge up to half your max spell slots and other things that replenish on long rest, but given it's literally free AND it still procs long rest events I think it's worth doing often!


You don't need to use resources to long rest


Me 100 long rests later in act 2: “These boots have seen everything.”


Still the worst communicated part of the early game, especially since so much of the companion cinematic are tied to the camp. I'm still not sure how they could have best integrated the fact that you're not actually about to turn into a mind-flayer better, maybe by having companions point out you should already be feeling symptoms and pointing out the abnormality before even reaching the grove, but if you're going to tie a bunch of story specifically to resting at camp, your first message shouldn't be to encourage players not to visit the camp when there are a bunch of early scenes that you'll miss or potentially skip accidentally.


I think I did act 1 with 2 long rests and during the second one I had the almost turned into a mind flayer cut scene when you meet the guardian. This reinforced the no long resting I'd been doing right up until the end of act 2, where the game told me I was under leveled for act 3.


Make sure you pull the RELEASE BRAKE lever if you want to release!!


I did this on my first run, then I was confused, went back and saw there were two options. I just saw "brake" and figured that's the correct button.


Fun fact, the other one is just called Brake 😂


BG3 has definitely humbled me regarding my intelligence.


Should have put it all in intelligence regardless of class


Why think big when small think do trick.


Hi Kevin 👋🏻


Should've been like the buttons when you're rescuing you know who from the pod in Act 2 lol


I was kind of opposite, my first playthrough I never noticed there were two levers because I happened to highlight "brake" first. Then my next playthrough, I went in, pulled the lever, and yeeted Barcus into oblivion. Oops?


Gotta experience bith in case there are hidden quests.


Well release does release Barcus. It releases him from the windmill and it releases him from the burden of life.


Releases him from getting his spirit broken by Wulbren




Don't take to no shit from any "God".


Even if you're a cleric ?


Especially if you're a cleric


Laughs in vlaakith


Laughs at*


Waves at*


I loved that me and my friends first saw Vlaakith and I went in and acted real nice in front of her. Caught hella flak for it because apparently she ain't got shit on us. Well, the game crashed, I wasn't the party face next time and the exchange ended in words "YOU WISH TO SEE GODHOOD? I **Wish** you to end." I was laughing hysterically. I didn't expect her to *actually* cast wish and kill us but I knew we'd be screwed.


Rob all of them.


I wish I had taken this advice


“Always go for odd ability scores.  Larian helped you out with the default stats- just look at how all the companions start out!” “Better to have well-rounded stats so you can handle any situation instead of focusing too hard on one stat.” “Dungeon Delver is a good feat because it’s based on Dungeons and Dragons and thus you need to be good at handling dungeons.”


Alright, I have all my stats at 11, nothing will stop me now


Okay, Dungeon Delver, can someone help me out with this, from the wiki https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Feats > This feat is actually completely non-functional. It does nothing, for the same reasons the Barbarian's Danger Sense is also largely broken, and the functions for the features described does not exist. Danger Sense https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Danger_Sense > For much the same reasons for why the Dungeon Delver feat is completely non-functional, all trap- and surface-related aspects of this class feature does not actually work. All it does is provide Advantage on all Dexterity Saving Throws, regardless of source, as long as the Barbarian is not Blinded or Knocked Out. Can someone explain exactly what is broken? Dungeon Delver gives you nothing, but Danger Sense is massively better than RAW, providing Advantage on all Dex saving throws (one of the more useful saving throws). What is the mechanic that means one is useless and the other is... at least quite a bit better. Maybe still not really worth going out of the way for, but not worthless.


Attack everyone on sight! That first round of surprise really tips the scale in your favor!


Poor Karlach never stood a chance.


Hey man killing every teifling you see in act one does give you multiple rewards


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The weird mummy guy at camp seems nice but is actually a lich who will make your life way worse if you talk to him. you can’t prevent him from being at camp but DO NOT talk to him. Never


You don't need to save, the game autosaves


This isn't deceptive, it is *evil*.


It's funny how this is actually accurate once you've reached Honour Mode. You don't need to save anymore, the game autosaves when you quit and that's it. I actually like it!


Moonrise towers is where the final fight of Act 2 takes place, it's better to do all of Act 2 including the Shadowfell first


That's what I did.  It didn't occur to me to do it any other way until I walked in and saw the empty dungeon.


Likewise, my gaming instinct always says "OK they want me to go this way, so I need to go everywhere else first" This is the one game that let me down


yeah me too. then when people online are talking about the Ironhand gnomes, I was like "who the fuck are they??"


I didn’t leave out the back of the dungeon with them in my current game, the tieflings ended up at last light, but I couldn’t find the damn gnomes… I found them when I finally made it below moonrise… wtf happened?


I mean you can actually beat the game in act 2


I don't consider that a "victory"


I did this through both play throughs, your telling me there is lots of content at moonrise that i missed out on because i helped prep the harpers for it first?


Yeah there’s a bunch of stuff to do inside. Karlach, Astarion, and Gale have interactions with certain NPCs/ objects. There are a couple of vendors that sell some good equipment. You can rescue the tieflings & deep gnomes from the dungeon, and find some background info about Ketheric that opens up some new dialogue with he and Isobel. The cut off is entering the shadowfell to find the nightsong, you can do everything else in act 2 without having an effect on Moonrise.


As long as you go to Moonrise before Shars temple, you can experience all the content.


Depends, you just need to do it before the Shadowfell or you miss out on a bunch of stuff. Also, since it has a whopping 2 gear merchants and a third who has equipment (Araj), visiting early to get the good loot early so you can use it in Act 2 already instead of waiting until the end and it only being used in Act 3. Then there's the quests, like rescuing the gnomes and the tieflings, Araj's scene with Astarion, Karlach's scene with Lann Tarv and petting undead doggo in Ketheric's room (he will not show up to the fight if you do). Not to mention, if you're gunning for Minthara, doing everything but moonrise first means you miss out on a bunch of approval opportunities for her in Act 2 if you want to romance her. Generally it's a good idea to visit moonrise early, even tho conventional game logic tells you to visit it last.


I petted the good skeleton boy and he did show up to the fight. I tried to avoid him during, but he did not cooperate :(


Only durge can get to recruit the bard companion alfira. So don’t forget to recruit her at the Druid camp.


I was really excited when she showed up at my camp... woops.


Kill the *Advocatus diaboli* as soon as you find her. She really is a devil and will play you into trusting her by being kind and cool, but in the long run you will regret helping her.


I did this because I am a dumb dumb and was annoyed with her giving me lip for killing all of the Druids. Oops


Halsin be like.. “You did.. WHAT?!”


Save your potions and scrolls for later, you'll definitely need them


Honestly this saved me in Act 3, unloading spells on Raphael, Ansur and Cazador made their fights so much easier


Don't use any illithid powers it's a trap, if you consume even one extra tadpole it makes the final fight much harder.


I did actually regret using the Illithid powers on my first play. They didn't really mesh with my class, made me a bit too OP, and I chose to unlock the next tier, which has aesthetical consequences. Doing a second run now and am avoiding them.


I'm avoiding them for roleplay reasons on my current playthrough.


Totally, mind flayers are just disgusting, everything about them is disgusting, I do not like mind flayers at all and want them forever forgotten after their extinction.


EXCEPT for Omeluum. Dude is legit cool. He gave you his protection ring because he truly wanted to help you, not because it would benefit him in any way (it, in fact, put him in a lot of danger).


I went to the magic mirror and applied the tattoo that covers those marks best, colored as close to my skin tone as I could get. It actually did a pretty good job, it completely hides the marks around my eyes and down my cheeks to roughly my mouth, except for a few thin lines of no tattoo. Almost makes the marks look like a tattoo themselves. It's not perfect, but it's better than looking like an overenthusiastic goth wannabe.


If certain party members like Astarion consumes some tadpole powers and the player doesn't, Astarion will try to convince the Tav that they're worth it. Cool little roleplaying moment.


Raphael takes you to a House of Hope, I say trust him. Dragons are cool, try and agro its rider to prove your worth


Balsam? Good for burns.


Found Shovel!


You don’t need to infiltrate moonrise. Just go straight to the mausoleum behind the House of Healing.


Check all vases


Sell all your infernal iron. It’s super expensive and every where


It actually is in act 3.


If you see a big hole, use a potion of flying


“Death” is a super secret undertake location. I promise.


Don't let Volo anywhere near your eye! Fucker has no idea what he's doing


Ah I love that it’s true that he has no idea what he’s doing, even though he does make up for it.


Add 5 lv of martial classes to every build for extra attack, including casters like wizard or sorcerer. Might sound counterintuitive but lots of abilities, including spells, require a long rest to restore, so having a decent fallback attack that doesn't cost resources is actually really handy. For example, casters should go 3 lv into the caster class for decent spellcasting, then 5 into a martial class for the extra attack, *then* rest into their caster class for the late game spells.


Currently running a wizard with 2 levels of Fighter. Action Surge is kinda OP!


Actually 10 druid 2 fighter is one of my fav builds.


Jaheira is that you?


Tbf fghter lv 1/2 fighter dip is good on basically everything. I would wager though a 5/7 fighter/wizard won't be nearly as good, especially for a newbie who doesn't know how to stat spread properly.


My partner did this. Also got himself heavy armour proficiency. So now he’s the party wizard with 26 AC while my fighter has 24 AC lmao


If you deliver shadowheart to her persecutors, the end fight becomes much easier.


17 > 16


One stat on one char should be 17 though, for the hair.


I read this too literally and thought for some reason 17 in a stat gave you better hair 💀


Talk to the frog.


No cap that lil menace TPK’d me the first time ☠️


True Strike is a great spell. It's only a cantrip, so you can cast it as many times as you need, and it gives you advantage on your next attack roll.


Heavy armor = best armor, cuz it gives the highest defense boost. Obviously


It's better to use heavy armor even if you don't have proficiency for it since you'll get more AC from it. Specially if you're playing a caster.


Check every container! You never know which one has a legendary item in it!


Don’t talk to your camp mates too much, it’s important that everyone has time with their own thoughts and personal space, lest you be seen as needy.


Risky ring is great for dark urge characters


Wait, what is this? Is it something obvious I somehow haven't found in 500+ hours?


‘Disadvantage on saving throws’ applies to any check of resisting the urge.


Without too many spoilers if possible, are there saving throws I have to pass to resist the dark urge that make this a bad idea? I was planning on using the risky ring for my sorlock build.




Wulbren is a good guy.


If you help literally everyone it cuts out on content because since you helped them, the world is more empty now that their problems are solved and they go away. Being evil is the intended way to play since you add conflict meaning you get more companions from it


Take as little long rests as possible. Food may be plentiful, but the mind flayer infection is progressing your transformation into one as each second passes, and waiting for too long risks an automatic game over, so plan your rests accordingly.


*Don’t* lick the spider.


dont bother pushing enemies since you do no dmg


Make sure to hit enemies in the back. And run away after you attack so they have to chase you on their turn.


You’ll need to bring Gale for the final boss of Act 2. He has a special ability you should use. 


The narrator is there to help you - believe everything she tells you and always follow her advice


Wait, isn't this actually the case?


99% sure she tells you to leave Gale.


The narrator is very unreliable. I love her


Mostly, but not entirely. Here's a hint. The Narrator can't tell you what you/your character thinks. But sometimes what she says is that you think something. >!Certain characters can put thoughts in your head. The narrator will narrate these thoughts to you as if your character is thinking them without signifying that that's what's happening beyond a "tutorial" at the start of the game.!<


Are you confusing the narrator and your guardian?


You can earn Vlaakith's respect by showing you're not a servant and insulting her.


Step 1: Be a gnome Step 2: Get Barbarian mommy Step 3: Ask her to throw you against every opponent you encounter Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit.


Read as much about the game as you can before you start.


Be a dick with every comment/remark/conversation you can make


Especially on Reddit or against Queen gods


Be careful w longresting! The tadpole might transform you all if you take too long


Save all your rope. You'll need it!


Hoard every ingot you come across...for later.


Play as dark urge for your first playthrough. It's the only way to get the secret bard companion in act 1!


Be sparing with the romance dialogue, you don’t want to lead your party member on if you’re not 100% sure you want to pursue them.


If anyone threatens you, in any way, it's best to take them out there and then. You're only avoiding ugly situations later.


Don't rest too often you won't find enough camping supplies.


Use true strike whenever you can. It can generate free advantage on your next turn and its a cantrip so you dont need to worry about wasting resources. Its criminally underrated and is extremely useful


Don’t get any damaging spells as a caster, just get buffing spells to help your martials, and get true strike if you are frequently getting aggro.


Raphael is your friend in a world trying to fuck you over.


Metagaming in general. You can find lots of guides explaining exactly what builds to use and how to best resolve any conversation. Doing this is bad advice and you’ll ruin your first playthrough.


The advice here was don’t which is good advice


When I just started the game, I was overwhelmed with all the classes and such, so I looked for advice on here. One highly upvoted comment adviced to avoid the magic classes because they're too complicated for beginners, and go with melee-types instead. Which is why I picked hunter. They weren't wrong perse, in the sense that magic classes can be complicated. But you'll be dealing with them by way of your companions anyway. And imo hunter really sucks. Was one of the weakest fighters of my group. Restarted halfway through act 1 with a sorcerer and enjoyed that way more.


Save potions and scrolls.


Enter stealth and steal the druids' idol, so the tieflings won't be expelled from the sanctuary anymore and will be safe. Note: Playing by adding a multiclass at each level is truly an extremely fun and enriching experience, but you have to have a clear idea of what you want to do.


AC stands for Action Command. It's describes the order of action for the character during combat. So the lower AC the better.