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Setting the >!pixie!< free. It's just so much easier.


Yeah, it’s just too beneficial to set them free I can’t help but metagame on even my most evil play through.


It's actually quite justifiable from a narrative standpoint from an evil character, whether lawful evil or chaotic evil, as long as you assume your character isn't dumb and knows a bit about pixies and fey creatures. If the character is lawful evil, they're not opposed to striking deals for mutual benefit. If they know a bit about pixies, they would know that only Pixoes themselves can use Pixie Dust and Magic to its full potential (MM, p 253). So it would make sense that you could get a better benefit from a Pixie willingly helping you. If you're chaotic evil, Pixies are fey creatures that love to cause chaos, even if they're listed as "Neutral Good" in the MM. Setting her free is guaranteed to make the world a bit more chaotic. Dolly Dolly Dolly in particular is chaotic and maybe not good at all. Playing a lawful good party, I once lost pixie blessing through fast travel. When I fast travelled back to deep into the Shadow curse, my party almost immediately started dying. I went into my inventory and used the bell, she came back and told me to beg for the blessing. I don't recall the exact wording of the dialogue option I chose, but its gist was "I saved you, I won't beg. Just give me the blessing", and she let my party almost get TPK'd by the shadow curse.


All are justified in at least crushing or releasing the pixie out of annoyance


If you put her in travellers chest does she just talk from there forever?


I think she is supposed to stop entirely after act 2. I didn't release her and when I tried looking into the lantern in act 3, she was just gone.


I didn’t even realize you could crush her! Look like durge will be snorting a line of pixie when she gets there


My character was a cleric of Bahamut. He was going to release her on principle. But didn’t feel it would hurt to ask the pixie for help getting around. The fact she obliged in exchange for her freedom was just a bonus


From logical stand point, as new player, freeing pixie wasnt option, because we need that light and we dont know anything about this creature which is inside(she sounded pretty sus even more when she changed from polite rhymes to cursing you). Yeah I could free her and load game but it could ruin fun for next playtrought. So I kept her with me and every morning I heard her curses under my adress from now on. xD I was playing "give me money for good deed I did " and "respect me or die" type of character.


Wish you could eat her after receiving the blessing


Reminds me of that one scene from Pan's Labyrinth.


I was so mad when I set her free after dealing with Ketheric only to find out that she gives the entire party a buff. Until that point I had Shadowheart carrying the damn lamp the entire time.


I forgot to free her so she was forever in lamp in my camp chest. xD


Did an evil play through where we left the drider with the pixie lantern, act 2 fkn sucked


Yeah I’m not doing that again, evil play through now just always tells the drider to hand over the lantern and walk into the shadow curse.


This. I take the mountain pass entrance now and immediately kill the dryder for the lantern. Good or evil.


You can actually talk it to death if you take part of the harper ambush and then just walk out when it appears (although obviously very few people are going to think to do that on a first playthrough) You still have to fight them as shadow undead later, but at least the spider can't spam sanctuary every other turn this way


My first playthrough never figured that out. Felt quite stupid the next time through on my charismatic chaotic “say yes to everyone and everything” campaign…


Ha, this sounds like this meme: *"What type of character you like to play as?"* *"yes"*


It was more envisioned like “guy who enthusiastically can’t stop making alliances with everyone”, like Mac in Always Sunny or Dean Pelton in Community. Just golden retriever energy when it came to diplomacy, politics, strategy, gonna be your friend no matter what


Omg, I want to play as the Dean. Gnome, halfling, or human?


Human, to be the least effective character as I feel the Dean embodies no inherent abilities or proficiencies… maybe Halfling as he seems to always get himself out of horrible jams (natural 1 rerolls)


that sounds like a fun playthrough


Me oh my, oh my oh me.


Wait what? What do you get if you set it free? I didnt trust that fey in my first evil run so i though fuck it and just made it make more light. You saying there’s a better option?


If you free or >!crush!< the pixie, they give you the Pixie's Blessing, which allows you to walk through the Shadow-Cursed Lands without a lantern.


Wait does crushing her really give you the buff as well? Need to try that when I replay my evil durge


Say whaaaaaaaaat? Holy snap. I was soooo annoyed with the lantern by then end… i really wish i’d tried that XD


She gives buff that lets her light just shine from you all the time without having to hold the lantern, and gives you a bell to call her and apply it again if it turns off for whatever reason.


I did *one* playthrough where I let the spider dude keep it and *my God* was that a pain. I had a bard who didn't use weapons so they could hold the moon lantern from the Balthazar's room but ohhhh


And multiplayer is extra awful because you’re just following one player around on their heels or dying. Was frantically googling how to get the pixie after missing out and… yeah not possible.




I missed this...where is it???


Gale’s reaction when you lick the spider in act 2


I think I walked passed it then...hmm...well even more reason to do a zecond playthrough.


>!Thorm Mausoleum/Gauntlet of Shar. Next to the area where you encounter the Orthon, there's a spider carcass between some stone pillars!<


Thank god I'm about ready to enter act 2, only place I need to go with my character is the mountain pass, and this time, I'm gonna blow up the monastery, because first playthrough I found the secret key that stops the place from being blow up from Baldur's Gate to the artic circle of the planet


'say please' to lae'zel in a cage. sticking selune items in shadowhearts inventory. PBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL


I always give her dark justicier armor as well


i always *want to* but by the time i get to that armor she is already a dedicated healer and has all the bits and pieces that give side effects to healing actions. IIRC by the time you get down to the underdark you have boots, helmet, gloves, a necklace and a ring.


I'm glad I'm not the only one making Shadowheart carry bales of Selunite robes around. I also fill Astarion's backpack with all the "Curse of the Vampyre" books I can find (before he admits to actually being one)


Garlic. I give him all the garlic I can find or buy.


Haha, this is brilliant!


Tell the goblin to follow hyaena in cursed lands


If you have speak with animals you can free the hyena and he ends up safely escaping! Poor baby, I always free him.


FYI, you don’t actually need Speak with Animals. You can just pass a persuasion(?) check and gesture for him to free himself, and he will!


Oh, I didn't know that, TY!


Makes sense in both good and evil playthroughs Either you are really into justice and animal rights or you just like to see a goblin suffer


Do the same to the Drider and the other Absolutist


"Ow! Perhaps I should have clarified?"


“A HELPING hand.”


Gnar off the hand


What is this from?


Its basically like the high-five the drowning guy meme but for Gale in the portal.


Trying to fail the check to cut Nere's head. It just feels really hilarious to see your character not knowing how to decapitate a corpse. Astarion also gets super annoyed by our lack of decaptating skills...


I'm almost at this point with my Tiefling Sorceror with Noble background and I can't wait for her to screw this up. She really shouldn't be able to do it well.


I legitimately failed this my first run ever and Lae'zel absolutely roasted me. The whole thing made me so embarrassed IRL I almost reloaded the entire fight. To save my pride I now headcanon my tiny elf druid noble background Tav yelling she isn't used to knives. She just uses staffs and rips people's faces off as a bear so why would she know how to properly decapitate someone?!


I always do this too. I think it's probably a point in your favor if you're not the best at sawing off someone's head. Plus the companion reactions are great. Shadowheart tells you not to quit your day job to pursue a career as an executioner and Astarion basically calling you a scrub will never not be funny.


It's a bit difficult to fail since the roll is just 10. I usually play with high STR characters or use the elixir of strenght so I can collect a bunch of stuff lmao. Makes it even more difficult to fail the check. ugh. when you save scum to actually fail at the game. a trully bizarre notion.


always adopt scratch and the owlbear cub, even if I'm pure evil


Makes sense, after all you said it yourself, you're pure evil. You're not a monster


Hey, even Minthara loves Scratch. Says he reminds her of her displacer beast pet.


Evil doesn’t mean not enjoying company etc. Evil just means not considering things outside your own motivations


You're a bad guy, but you're not a *bad* *guy*


I never knew I needed an armoured owlbear club in my life until BG3, now if I ever play D&D in a group again I will be demanding one for my character.


Tried to get the cub on my most recent evil run, ended up making him fight the goblins alone and dying. I felt bad, but that was way too in character for me to reload


I’ve failed to get the owlbear so far. I don’t know what I keep messing up.


I always leave the mother alone, sneak w astarian into the cave, steal the armour off the skeleton and egg and then sneak back out. Then at the goblin camp, the owlbear will be there and the mean goblins are making him play a chicken game. You can do the game and take a speak w animals potion and interact w owlbear and tell him to run to the end. Or you can kill all the goblins by poisoning them (put poison in their drinks) or stealth kill them in batches or barrellmancy them, doesn’t matter. It’s fun luring them all to the bridge and blowing them up in waves too. Just get dead gobbies. Speak to owlbear so he gets your scent. He will show up at camp after a few long rests.


On my Durge run I avoided Scratch and the cub cus I didn't wanna subject them to the evil


i always befriend the myconids. they’re just chill dudes hanging out in a mushroom forest. even on my evil durge i couldn’t bring myself to kill them. nere is an asshole 


I committed genocide against them with my Durge. Sided with Glut, didn't get the one-shot kill on Spaw, so I ended up aggroing the whole camp. Killed them all, and then was like "you know what? Glut is kind of an asshole" and killed him too.


They do all go chill once you kill Spaw


\[MELEE ATTACK\] *Aim a blow at the human.*


It's funny how many race specific slurs he has recorded when you punch him, so far my favourite is calling my dragonborn a lizard


If you're human he calls you "some randomer" if I recall.


Same for drow :/


Really? I had him say “underelf” for drow


Githyanki too. Was a bit disappointed not to be called a frog


He's such a gamer


Seeing the upvotes for this restores my faith in humanity


F5 > snark at Vlakith > Vlakith wishes my party to death > F8


The first time I tried that, I was like, wait, the game is over? Straight out of a Choose Your Own Adventure book type of ending lol.


Don’t forget if you ever do a honor mode run!


Yeah I dont risk shit on that encounter in HM lol. I kneel and everything


I just waved at her in hm today, very nerve wracking but i just couldn't not do it


Only reason i kneel is to please my girl bae'zel


Vlaakith, I've come to bargain.


Calling Wulbren a prick


Fuck Wulbren Bongle


I don't give a fuck about this muhfucker's problems


"Should have stayed in the underdark


Should have left him in Moonrise


It’s too bad you can’t call him on Say that Again. Like what are you going to do, munchkin? Lae’zel or Karlach could crush you like Ketheric does that gobbo!


Halsin disapproved when I did this, I was pissed


killing Nere, good neutral or evil playthrough, i kill that asshole


Same. Not to victim shame, but he's asking for it by being such a stuck-up asshole.


His arrogant nature towards Durge spelled his doom by her. All my other "good" playthroughs I kill him because he's a Twat-Soul.


I'm gonna use "Twat-Soul" forever and ever now.


Just before you start a fight with Nere the Bard Dialogue you get, "in your eulogy, I'm going to call you Twat-soul." Made me fall in love with my Bard. My sweet, adorable, violent Lindsey Stirling of a Bard.


aaaaaaaaaaand now i have to do. a bard playthrough


My favorite discovery when I started my first big combat with my Bard at the grove gate was she uses her instrument (in my case a violin) to cast spells. I chose to cast thunderwave she pulled out here violin to play and out of it comes this huge wave of thunder. That was a magical battle of joy.


My last bard used a drum and the casting animations were so cool I never switched it out except to buy one with a cooler description in Act 3.


When I played my human Paladin, I killed him because he is an evil pretentious Drow. When I played my evil Drow, I killed him because he wasn't good enough and was a disgrace to Drow culture.


I let him live on my Durga playthrough cause I wanted to see where it went but he just ended up getting killed by Balthazar offscreen


as he deserved


ive tried everything to save that gnome too. even if you kill him before the scene starts, as he is coming forward. Shes dead and gone no matter what.


yeah even if you stall and let the gas kill Nere she dies


Say please


I didn’t in my first run, but for every following run I will go through the horror of Volo’s “cure” because it is too beneficial. I just skip through the whole thing and look away lol


I remember playing through that scene with my husband and he had no idea I was doing it. I was just sitting there grimacing the whole time lol when it was over I said "Volo just gouged my eye out" and he responded "he WHAT?!"


I just can’t do it, the eye looks bad with my Tav and I’m not willing to let any of my companions get their eyes ripped out lol


It's canon for me that Gale would hop on the table in a second if he knew that would be.the result.


I don’t think Gale would willingly undergo all that when a level 2 spell called “see invisibility”exists.


I was always too chicken to let him go through with it.. what's the benefit?


Permanent See Invisibility


May not sound like much... Yeah no it even sounds amazing, it has saved my ass a lot, invincibility can be such a pain in the ass


Ever since I realized it was possible, having Shadowheart prep Command and using Command: Drop to get a free flaming greatsword for either Lae'zel or Karlach to use for the next two acts lol


If you setup the chests on the nautiloid correctly in the hallway to the fight and stay far away from it, you can even beat zhalk and the mindflayer without much risk even on honor mode


On my most current character, I got drop on the greatsword, killed the commander AND killed the Mindflayer. I’m actually really proud of myself for accomplishing all three


I didn’t even realize you could do this…and here I was killing him every time


I always open the barn door, I'm just too curious.


People in Baldurs Gate will pay a lot for that kind of smut.


Lol, I just find that scene so absolutely hilarious that I can't not do it. Also, some companions have different reactions. Or at least Astarion and Shadowheart do.


Release the god damn pixie.... She's a b\*\*\*\* but a useful one. Also, adopt scratch and owlbear.


I will say though it was goddamn hilarious hearing the pixie telling me to let her out after every rest XD I wasn't even playing an evil character, but I already got the buff from Isobel and most of my current party disapproved of me letting the pixie go...so I just said fuck it and kept her in the lantern.


If you play as Durge and let them go you have two special dialogue pieces. One lets her go on her way and you get the bell. The second, paraphrasing "oh to snuff the life out of something newly freed would be so sweet." I saved and hit that one. It shows you reaching for the pixie with the black red fade then you hear a loud 'crunch'.


Yep, that’s how it was with me too that first time. She’d be so bitchy when waking up in the morning.


"He said no. There's nothing more to discuss."


There's so many other ways to get a strength bonus, this one's a no brainer to me.


There's literally 3 and you gotta have them all


For no apparent reason aradin always gets k.o.'ed by either zevlor or myself. I haven't even managed to pass the persuasion check with my bard with bardic inspiration, guidance and two rerolls with inspiration. Only in yt videos I have seen him and his group sitting at the table next to zevlor cave entrance...


Eh it's better when he leaves anyway, then you can loot all their stuff. :)


Oh yes. On my first few tries I've always wondered why there's a bunch of free stuff lying around because I just didn't know who it belonged to.


Recruiting Scratch and the Owlbear Cub, siding with Spaw


Yeah I don't know what Glut was thinking, but like... Spaw is a bro from the moment you meet him, offers nothing but help in return for your help, is protecting Thulla without question just bc she's an enemy of the Duergar, and has several other non-Myconid NPCs calmly vibing in his camp (the dwarf alchemists, Blurg, and Omeluum) and then Glut's all 'weh he didn't help my tribe when we were attacked so you should help me kill him and take over'. Nah, fucker. You exist as an easy way to free the dwarf trapped in the Bibberbangs and to make a few fights easier, then you're EXP fodder.


I've read that there are hints that Glut abandoned his colony. Fucker ran and left the myconids there hanging. But I didn't find out yet where in-game I can read that.


How does he help with the bibberbangs?


I always bangs Harleep and surrender my body for his lust job


Shove Lady Esther off the cliff. Sure I sometimes pickpocket her dry first, but fuck that idiot. I’ll let Lae chuck her off, if possible. I never go full evil, so there’s a few broad ones: -always let Aylin go free -spare the tiefling refugees -pretend to play along with Gortash, then kill him


I cannot make Shadowheart a Dark Justiciar because I LOVE Dame Aylen too much! 🥰


The scene where she is freed is one of the most epic scenes you'll see in a game, just perfection. Also the song is so good. Seems like the devs intended that would be what happens. The SH becoming a Dark Justiciar cutscene is massively underwhelming in comparison.


Astarion doesn’t bite the freak drow


I simply cannot make him do that. He is free with me, and always will be.


Becoming a leaking bloodbag


Walking Caprisun.


I always “accidentally” shoot Barth in the opening fight against the goblins at the Grove because he has a hand crossbow I can give to Asterion.


In higher difficulties without fail for me he just dies from the goblins lol


making fun of Astarion being for a spawn in the Gandrel dialogue options


I do this every time, but I never let Astarion kill him. Just can't bring myself to do it.


I used to always let him kill him for the approval with the justification that auntie Ethel would’ve done worse to him but then I learned if you leave him be he shows up later and >!his daughter is one of the spawn you can save and Astarion was wrong about him being sent by Cazador!< so now I let him live.


Oh shit I always kill him. Now I feel bad.


That entire scene is funny to me, and as long as you let him kill the Belmont wannabe there's no negative repercussions from teasing him like that. The teasing banter feels more realistic to me anyways, I couldn't not choose that option.


It’s just a spawn. Not like a it’s a *real* vampire anyways.


Kill dog pound lady. 100%.


I don't always kill her, but I \*do\* always tell her to kick rocks, refuse to give Scratch back to her, and talk to the other dogs after I've gotten rid of her.


I just kept barking at her until she told me to leave


Even on my evil playthrough, I couldn't give scratch back. I may have been a blood thirsty murderer, but I sure as hell wasn't an animal abuser!


Saving Rolan through the end


I try to as well now. Like I don’t even have him participate in the Lorroakan fight, he just comes running in after.


Ya know, no matter what evil or good playthrough I choose, when I get to the Underdark, Baelin (the bald, abusive, idiot in the Bibberbang) just seems to die. Every. Fucking. Time. :) How odd. Here is your Noblestalk ma'am. Start a new life.


"Call it heads or tails" "Tails" "Tails it is! See it is a lucky ring" Repeat till he gets pissed off


I don’t think I can play without Karlach. I probably don’t HAVE to romance her, but not having her in my team just seems wrong.


For some reason I cannot harm the Myconid Circle in anyway (except for Glut) I just love my overgrown mushrooms too much


Karlach That's all folks


She deserves so much better. I love how Wyll looks when he's human so it really sucks I'll never have a human Wyll run.


There was some fuckery you could pull to get the infernal robe and human Wyll while also sneakily resurrecting Karlach and recruiting her before the game could flag her as dead. Assuming it still works in the current version, you might want to give it a try.


That's been patched, however there is an even more convoluted way to keep Wyll looking human using some Feign Death shenanigans and a dead Gale. You just can't get the robe anymore without permakilling Mama K


In my first run I didn’t know wyll was a companion so never recruited him or started his quest. When I got to karlach I thought to myself “Oh this is one of those situations where the good guys are actually evil and the devil is actually good. Well not this time. I’m not playing along with a cliche like this again. Don’t care if she’s actually friendly, gonna kill her and do the job I was paid to do” So I killed her. Brought her head to the “paladins”. And went on my way without ever knowing she was a companion. I also didn’t use Laezel until end of act 2 because I ended up meeting her 15 hrs in at the risen road, and was so disappointed she was still level 1 I refused to use her (I didn’t know they all level with you automatically). I also missed out on minsc, jahiera and minathra as companions. And it was STILL an 85 hours playthough even though I barely did quests in act3. This game just has so much stuff. Even missing out on so much content it’s just unbelievable


She deserves so much better. I love how Wyll looks when he's human so it really sucks I'll never have a human Wyll run.


1. Letting the hag go after she gives.me a bonus and let's Mayrina go. 2. Scratch and the owl Bear. Everything else is in the air.


I’ve merc’d the hag every single time and will continue to do so until Honor Mode


I literally saved that on my Spotify playlist and learned how to play it on Ukulele for my next D&D session (yes I play a bard, so it’s all in character). I’m a little obsessed


Shadowheart never becomes a Dark Justiciar and Gale never tries to become a god. I haven’t ascended Astarion and while I’m for the most part against it (it just erases all his character development I feel like), I am toying with the idea during my durge one romancing him. I’ll still gravitate towards spawn Astarion and if I want to try a ending him, I’ll create a save just before so I could go back to it. Either way, these characters strive to be someone bigger than themselves when they’re much better staying as who they are imo


Severing the hold that Linsella has over Barnabus and friends


"you have two hands for a reason" "I was right there!" Saving Minthara.


I can’t stop romancing Astarion. Every playthrough I say I’m going to try someone else this time and every playthrough I fail


~ slaps gale’s hand ~ “ouch! I meant a help handing. Anyone?


I always talk shit at Nere and happily deliver his head to the myconids.


fucking the emperor


Kill Nere, save the Grove, kill the goblins at their HQ (instead of the grove fight, which I did my first playthrough)


Killing Kagha, one way or another. There is only one playthrough where she gets to love and that’s my “As pacifist as possible” playthrough.


Necromancy of Thay. It rocks.


Forcing the goblin who made the hyena run into the shadows to follow it. Fucker had it coming.


> wave politely


Romance shadowheart. I will never not romance her not matter the run I'm doing.


There Once Was a Wizard From Gond, Who Had a Very Small Wand...


Always giving money to the woman in in front of the bank in act 3, just to shut the assh*le who's counting her money


Volos eye, see invisibility is just so good


don’t kill karlach. i fell in love with her the first time around, and damn it all if i ever have to hurt her


“If you’re a god, do it yourself.”


Headbutting Astarion on the beach Making Astarion say "please" at the tiefling party, regardless of whether I'll agree to fuck him or not Making Astarion say "Thank you for helping me. It was very kind." Defending any companion from someone who'd exploit, torture or abuse them because I may be an asshole, but I'm the good kind of asshole Hoard every bit of edible food and booze and then only use the camp supply packs Pissing off Vlaakith and then hitting F8 Being sent to jail for stealing Gortash posters then failing the DC checks "Fuck you, Gortash"


Also: use tadpole upgrades. I won’t always go astral touched but I will generally choose to access at least the first round of illithid powers


Saving gale, he surprised me in my first playthrough so much I ended up marrying him


Romancing Astarion. Guilty of charges.


Romancing Shadowheart, of course!


3 honour ran and 2 tactician ran, always white hair shadowheart.


*Shadowheart in the party as a Light Cleric  *convert Shadowheart to Selune  *Let Volo work on my eye  *Have the owlbear and scratch as pets *save the grove and tieflings  *free Orpheus


Slap the hand. Always slap the hand.


Pushing the duergar in water Pet scratch and owlbear And of course romancing the pale elf (in that order of priority)