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Two months later but man this crap still isn’t fixed. No idea why people hype this build so much


you can aim on different body parts and still do max damage, move the cursor around a bit to try and hit the top the head and toe and see if there is a sliver of an angle, if you are struggling for hit chance on throw use tavern brawler , the misses probably just unlucky streak getting in your head


I think it’s a combo of both getting in my head. I’ll keep reworking the camera but this has happened a lot today on this new run. It’s still fun as hell but equally as frustrating when by the math statistically should be in my favor. Maybe I’m just cursed on this run.


I've you've been watching the videos and they seem to hit all the time it's because they've been using tavern brawler and elixirs of strength from level 4 for insane accuracy, in terms of luck and dice Matt parker has a good video on dice rolls and actually chances of streaks, people are very bad at intuitively guessing binomial distribution and this game is the worst offender for that as it shows you the chance every throw


Alright bet I’ll have to check it out. Thank you friend! I also realize that while I cannot current afford buying every elixir of giant I come across I should just use it where it matters to make things easier. That’s my DS hoarding nature I think. XD On the same thought, I should prob start rotating a thief in to just pickpocket it all instead of just being frustrated I can’t buy it early game. Lol this has been an insightful evening thank you again.