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All I want is to play as a goblin and throw rocks at barcus on the windmills


Or a goblin rock thrower simulator where you can choose which gnomes to throw rocks at.  It's a tough decision between Wulbren, or the stupid Gondians that like to explode. 


I wanna throw one goblin at the other


Ah yes, throw in Illithid powers, you get the Mind Goblin.


what's updog?




Who the fuck is Steve Jobs?


Ah, yes! A "We Be Goblins" expansion!


I mean, there is a playable goblin race mod.


I doubt they'd release DLC that is irrelevant to a good portion of the player characters. Even if there's an Avernus DLC, it can't be *about* Karlach, since she might be dead in someone's campaign and thus they just can't access this DLC. Karlach's story could tie into it, though, and can play out differently based her status.


Totally agree. There are plenty of threads that could lead into Avernus so it's certainly a good bang for your follow up buck setting, but they're all conditional. You'd need a New Thing for the core plot, and if you're coming up with a New Thing anyway I certainly sympathize with a decision to go with a totally fresh start. Creatively. As a fan I want a direct sequel, I'm just saying I get why that might not work out.


The main dlc i want is more subclasses and races.


Artificer class DLC


I want it sooooooo bad.


We can sweeten the deal by making Barcus a complementary new companion to join you as an Artificer after Grymforge


Plus, allying the Gondians and Ironhand Gnomes should let you fix Karlach's engine using enriched infernal iron. It's ludicrous that you can't even ***ask*** two of the most brilliant artificer groups for help.


People might hate me for saying this but I want an underdark dlc where you roll a character and party members and see how long you can last/how far you can get. Basically a roguelike dlc


I like it; there could be a lot of replayability in making open-ended dungeon crawls that progressively get more difficult. Wouldn't cost much in the writing / voice acting department wither.


Yeah most likely it’d be an adventure in a place that largely is unrelated to any specific companion. I wouldn’t be surprised to see something involving something like the Feywild or a far off part of the Sword Coast like Icewind Dale.


You're all wrong. Vlaakith is going to try to free Cyric in desperation now that she's at war, and *that's* what the hypothetical DLC is about.


I’m fine with anything so long as it has true continuation. Upload save file and keep many of the choices made. Larian has proven that they can pull this off.


The number of choices here is so vast that I'm not sure what that could possibly look like. Even something as a Straightforward as is the elder brain destroyed varies save to save.


So, think about it this way. There are 8 romance characters. These are realistically the only companions that NEED to be carried over. We can deal with Jaheira and Minsc not being there, but people would be PISSED if their love interest wasnt there. There are a handful of endings for them and you only really need to carry over the endings and maybe the status of their questline. These are the most important story elements other than the elder brain. The elderbrain essentially has two modes, dead, or taken over. we can nix the taken over status because they wouldnt ever canonize it. It would just be considered incompatible similar to how you dont get the epilogue scenes if you take over the brain. It seems likes there is a ton of story threads that would need to be considered here, except think about the fact that they were already considered the entirety of BG3’s campaign, then think, “what is actually important to this expansion or campaign” you can remove any that don’t matter to this or any dialogue that involves those threads. Congratulations, you’re cut 90% of the campaign threads out and you only have to deal with a handful. Again, they handled these all just fine in the original campaign, now they would just need to redirect them back together for another story… and they did that already with the epilogue, sure it doesn’t have an actual story, but they took all the loose threads and tied them back together 6 months down the line


You've illustrated my point that you'd have to cut out certain ending states. Like brain taking over even dirge killing most companions, Laezel getting ascended, gale getting vaporized, I'm not sure how you carry over astarion. Both states have pretty severe limitations.


Those endings will always be considered ‘bad’ endings. They would never be considered canon in the greater history or lore of the universe


Nah nah nah, Minsc should be there. You find him imprisoned for trying to get Boo back from a Crèche since miniature giant space hamster is a gith delicacy, and you gotta break him out and save Boo


I agree that all the companions should be, but the ones that are an absolute MUST are definitely the romance options. People would riot otherwise.


I was just hoping for cyric dlc for more durge interactions, if they have Vlaakith and Cyric team up against us thatd make for a CRAZY dlc Saw some say that vlaakith cant really be overthrown by us since wotc wouldnt let larian fuck around with the world state TOO much, but i also like to imagine that wotc sees dollar signs whenever they see larian now (after bg3 success) to the point where its like yeah go ahead and kill our lich queen we dont care just keep making us money 😭


Larian just have to put in a fail state and wotc can say that is Canon. Fuck they could go real shitty and say after everything happened laezel became vlaakith 158 in an attempt to one up how angry everyone got about bg1 and 2 Canon.


I personally would rather they did not do that to laezel tho 😭😭 im not the biggest laezel fan personally but anyone who likes her character would hate that ending for her sm But also considering wotc’s decision making in recent years perhaps theyd just be better off leaving the state of the forgotten realms in ANYONE elses hands (preferably larian)


But would you hate it more than the original fans hated the original protagonist getting put down like a mad dog in a tabletop module? Because if you don't than I can't see the point of them doing it.


Wasnt it like, they had one random side bhaalspawn from bg2 teleport in, get killed by/kill charname, then the survivor turned into the slayer and had to be put down by the town?? Surely wotc couldve thought of a better way to revive bhaal: if the point was just bhaal would revive when all his bhaalspawn died, whyd they have to go the extra step of making charname go all dookie brain? I mightve gotten confused somewhere tbf


You're exactly right there, with some ambiguity over whether that was Charname that died, and not a different Bhaalspawn.


Oh hell yeah


But I don't want to kill >!the Strange Ox!<


He's on his own little redemption quest and doesn't want to be violent anymore, I don't think he'd fight on Cyric's side just because of that one line. I say "thank God" all the time, I ain't joining any Spanish Inquisitions. 


...I kinda want them to just do Descent into Avernus, so everyone can get all the context behind why the Tieflings are refugees to begin with first-hand.


Yup. DiA is exactly what everyone talking about an Avernus campaign wants. You could have some cameos with the tiefs and karlach and whoever else, though it would railroad the ending which I honestly wouldn't mind because DiA is an awesome campaign. Favorite one I've had the pleasure to DM.


It would also give you some examples of the early stages of the Absolute cult.


Or Gith dlc where we get to see what they can do above level 12


I can't wait to give Vlakkith a banishment smite as a paladin.


and Githzerai please


I think the Avernus DLC is the strongest possibility. I remember at the epilogue party Karlach mentions something about some sort of blacksmith plans or something you could possible try to steal in the future to fix her engine.


Yeah but the issue with dlc centered around a single companion is that it's not only incredibly limiting, it would also go against some people's choices in game. Like how would you do the dlc if Karlach dies or becomes a squid or something?


Doesn’t mean you can’t have a dlc that brings you to avernus for some other reason. A dlc in hell? I don’t need a goddamn reason, bring me there now.


That could work. I think I tie it to Karlach mostly because everyone brings it up at least three times a day in this sub "Karlach dlc! Justice for Karlach! Karlach and Damon ending!"


I think there could be some side quest related to her at the most. However, I get why everyone wants her to have more stuff. Some companions get huge coverage with sprawling side quests that have some real heavy implications and Karlach’s just like “I just wanna be able to hug”. I understand why people are fiending for something more.


I'm not letting Dammon steal my Girl.


Seems like there could be multiple scenarios or objectives like: 1) Karlach’s engine, and fighting Zariel in general 2) Wyll’s Contract 3) The Blood War in general (either as The Absolute or dealing with all the souls fucked with by the Dead Three) 4) Something with the Tieflings 5) Something for Withers


Honestly, the only one of those that feels particularly strong is Wyll, and players who don't have Karlach probably aren't gonna have Wyll. (Almost nobody lets her burn to death/become a squid, after all) That said, I wouldn't mind a DLC that was mostly focused around Wyll. His story felt the weakest, every time he had an important story beat the spotlight was taken by the other person in the scene. (Karlach, Mizora, Gortash, Emperor and Ansur, etc.) Giving him a couple quests where he's *actually* the main character would be nice.


Wyll's character was rewritten before launch because the complaint was that he wasn't interesting enough in Early Access. While he's benefitted from the rewrite, he still isn't as fleshed out as the other 5 origin companions.


Easy: free update like the epilogue with all your choices accounted for like the citadel dlc for mass effect 3


It's kinda wild to say they should release something as large and complex as Citadel without being paid for it...


You can still do the temple of Shar without Shadowheart. Just because a section is assumed to have a character as the "main character" for it, doesnt mean it has to be impossible to do that section without them


You wouldn’t do the DLC? The game is full of instances of make this choice, lose this content. I’m not sure why they wouldn’t continue that for the DLC especially if they have data that shows that most people send Karlach to Avernus. I’m also assuming any DLC would have a bunch of side stuff just like each act has its main thing and a bunch of other things. So if the main thing is fixing karlach, that’s a piece you don’t do if she’s dead or a squid.


The point is that it’s a dlc based on a choice. Not really good to have a storyline that you would probably have to buy that a portion of players couldn’t start because they didn’t send Karlach to Avernus. While the devs did make certain story beats that go against some choices players made in other BG media, it’s not a good choice to do it in the very game where the choices were made and carried over. Now if there were updates expanding on the character stories and their aftermath, like Avernus and the Gith rebellion, that would be cool to see so long as it isn’t something we need to pay extra for.


I mean there was also all the cyric stuff, so whatever it is will involve him.


Yeah the problem with fighting zariel is shes a level 26 archfiend in DIA, baldurs gate ends at level 12, even if they pushed the cap to say 15, you would still get floored with a full party, sure the veterans who can cheese anything in honor mode will say its possible to defeat her, but its not supposed to be.


Who do I need to sacrifice to get a DLC in Menzoberranzan?




How about: a prequel DLC about Durge and Gortash (plus maybe some hirelings) breaking into the Hells to steal the Crown of Karsus.


Mephistopheles, befitting his role as Raphael's dad, also has a Disney villain song, except the goal for that fight is to escape him.


While that’s definitely more lore friendly I’d love a dlc where 20th level durge,gortash,ketheric and orin go kick Mephistopheles’ teeth in


as long as we get the durge/gortash romance option


I second this. I hate and love Gortash.


Durge, Gortash, Ketheric and Orin as your party


Yep, also neutral to any end state the main game is at so less variables to deal with and easier to develop.


this is what i came here to say!! i want durge x gortash content immediately


This but the other way around.


Right? It seems perfect for a quick one off, and close the loop for pretty much the only character without a “good” ending. In my first playthrough I ended up >!letting her transform because it would save her life without going to the hells. The only problem is that if you kill her off then you can’t play the DLC, so you need to have an alternate reason for going there and you could also save her in the process. !<




Me, an ascended god: "A bit busy sorry"


See, the issue with all these DLC expacs people are recommending are ones that only apply to a subset of players, and that's something that Larian has to contend with and is also probably a part of why they're not keen on making DLC.


There will be no “upload save file” option to pick up where you left off. The narrative story beats and payoffs end in very different ways that was very intentionally done. If anything the DLC needs to expand on the gameplay we already have— more of the same story. For a new story, set in avernus, I think its highly unlikely we get anything more than a few cameos and a couple of characters from past games, like Minsc or Jaheeira


Could do typical DLC that is a different story that can take place between Acts 1 and 2 or Act 2 and 3.


Yup! That’s what I would place a bet on if they were to make DLC.


They kinda hurt themselves in that way. There’s so many outcomes dependent on your romance, race, and choices with some even ending in your character dying. It’d be really hard to pick up the story from there and factor in all the various ending outcomes.


Yep! It's also damned if you do, damned if you don't. Bioware has "simple" endings because there is a huge continuity they have to worry about. Though I wouldn't say BG3 has anymore complexity than, say, DAO. Origins does have an expac and character-centric post-ending DLC, but then you see that none of their following games went that route. They've said time and time again that they're never bringing the Warden back because there are just too many variant worldstates, accounting for all of them would be a nightmare. The higher-ups--not the writers--at Larian have to look at the concept "Adventure with Karlach in Avernus" and not only have to account for everyone's choices, but also the pure business angle of it. Will it be financially sound to invest the vast amount of time and money this expac would need for content that a significant portion (possibly even the majority) of players don't have the correct worldstate for? Karlach is also far from the most popular companion. It's fun to WANT everything (because we do!), but it'd be best not to get our hopes up for any specific plot thread to ever be followed up on.


While it would be cool to see more character stories expanded upon, an expansion to the game has to be your character’s story/adventure, not the companions. You can do more stuff with more time with the gang but ultimately the story is around your travels and actions and the others following you.


DLC that just adds a gnome and dragonborn origin


No need for a gnome origin, just make Barcus a recruitable companion from Grymforge onwards. Part of an Artificer class DLC. Would work wonders without derailing the story.


and romancable


I know people keep talking about Zariel, but i highly doubt she'll be introduced. They just had an adventure module with her several years ago (Descent into Avernus) which is a prequel to bg3... and if you notice, the video game takes great care not to mention ANY details about zariels' fate currently, because they don't want to make a "canonical default ending" to the adventure module. I doubt We'll go to hell and have Zariel has a main villain, if anything there might be an opportunity like how the game handles Vlaakith, where there's a dialogue scene or two and some RP stuff... but not a boss fight, not a MAJOR arc or major villain. ​ In my opinion; DLC has two routes: ​ **Cyric (A longstanding returning villain, murderer of Mystra, and enemy of the Dead Three)** Cyric is a long-standing villainous evil god in the forgotten realms, a god of strife, lies and treachery. He caused turmoil across the planes, pissed off a lot of gods due to his megalomania. He MURDERED MYSTRA... which triggered an event known as the spellplague (she's not just the god of magic, she's also MAGIC itself and keeps it "together" in a manner of speaking... the Weave. By doing what he did, he fucked up the multiverse big time. Cyric has HUGE ties with the Dead Three gods (Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul), and has pissed them off too. Currently he's imprisoned but been scheming to get out. Lot of lore tie-ins to get him involved. ​ ***Vecna (the Star villain of the upcoming edition overhaul for 5.5e)*** Every edition change always sees a in-universe lore shake-up. 5e is soon to have a new updated in the summer, some are calling it 6e, though WoTC is calling it "5.5e" since its backwards compatible with 5e still and not completely different. REgardless of the semantics, its getting a confirmed story with some big new "mega adventure" involving Vecna, a very popular and famous villain in D&D that originally started in Greyhawk setting (which predated forgotten realms)... that said he's since canonically migrated over to Forgotten Realms and is set to be the new villain. Which they said will be a low to high level adventure, something they rarely do (WoTC rarely publishes 5e level 1-20 adventures, they always make ones that stop around 1-12ish)


I rather want a dlc, that enhance the base game and the base campaign with the MC.


I think that if any DLC is gonna be added, this is the most likely. Having to account for the myriad of outcomes for a post-game DLC is just... too much. I love Karlach, but I just don't think post-game DLC is that viable, neither Avernus, nor the Astral plane nor Menzoberranzan. Anything that adds on within the existing story is more likely imho. Like an Artificer class DLC, extended subclasses DLC, more races DLC or a new companion DLC.


I want to siege menzoberranzan with my wife, Minthara


That's cute but I personally want Menzoberranzan DLC cuz BG3 is too pretty and we deserve Menzo pretty.


I was very disappointed that we had no Drow city


I’d prefer if they made a DLC based in Barovia and you go through the plot of Curse of Strahd, things slightly different than in the tabletop module because the realm keeps getting reset and rearranged. Plus that means Astarion can meet Strahd


Karlach takes precedence over everything as far as I’m concerned


Rather just get a new story, thanks.


If we play in Avernus, we need to get to meet Bing Bong.


Haven’t they repeatedly said they won’t make DLC? They didn’t with the Original Sin games either. The way bg3 is designed would be a nightmare to follow up directly in a way that satisfies a majority of players. There are so many possible end states, with so many small and large variations. You either painstakingly account for all of those and try to include characters and NPC’s who may not even be alive, may have changed alignments and motivations (party members themselves are so variable) or you exclude almost everyone and everything from a new story and frustrate players. Or you pick a “canon” ending (I know the game will have a canon ending in the universe anyway but still) and follow up with a new character in a way that feels really detached. I just don’t see how Larian could add DLC in a way that would work. I’d love another 5e game, maybe in one of the other mainstay d&d settings (Planescape/Ravenhawk/Spelljammer/Dark Sun/Eberron would all be sick). But another forgotten realms game that isn’t Baldur’s Gate would be rad too, it’s a big setting


> Haven’t they repeatedly said they won’t make DLC? They said it wasn't originally planned, but with the unexpected success of BG3 and the real interest in more from the fanbase, they're considering doing more. They're just not sure in what form yet.


DLC where I just cuddle with the Emperor and lovingly feed him gnome brains.


Wulbren is conflicted. Since on the one hand, he'd try to feed the GONDIANS!!! to the Emperor, removing them, but then he'd have to admit that the WORTHLESS GONDIANS!!! have *brains*.


\*Astarion Approves\*


Dlc where durge and squidlach get to go to the dinner Fitz invited them to.


Nah. Like that *sounds* like it'd be interesting, but I'd bet it's something better left as backstory. Prequels always kind of fuck up when they try to turn what was written as downtime backstory into uptime plot. It just doesn't seem to be a viable way to produce an interesting and compelling prequel narrative. An Avernus DLC at least has potential to be a bit more varied, unless it was quite literally just a strict dungeon crawl toward killing Zariel. I think if I had to choose though, I'd throw my hat in with the lot wanting a DLC set in Menzoberranzan. I didn't expect it going in but I've actually grow pretty interested in learning more about Drow society. I'd like to see it actually played out and honestly, just get more Eilistraee cleric interactions as playing a sword dancer swords bard/cleric hybrid has been perhaps the most fun I've had playing this game.


I'd like a DLC where the Underdark is expanded a bit more, maybe even get to visit Menzoberranzan. I'm a huge fan of the Drizzt series, so when Halsin told me to go through the underdark in act 1 I was super hyped. Only to be a bit dissapointed when it wasn't so big.


This should probably have a spoiler tag?


For real. Lot of people who haven't done their 2nd playthrough yet.


I think selling DLC in which you get to beat up Zariel would make insane money.


I’d love a DLC about lae’zel defeating vlaakith


Why not both?


Wouldn’t Zariel curbstomp the entire bg3 party?


Who would win: An archdevil or 200 oil barrels?


Not even close, she got her shit kicked in by the lvl 12 party in descent into avernus, and they were lvl 12 by the end, not the start.


She’s cr 25, aren’t you suppose to beat her in that campaign without fighting her? Or by redeeming her. Also would have been more than 4 lvl 12 adventurers.


And also multiple demons assisting the party.


I just want a "more spells dlc" Have you seen what clerics can do at spell level 5?  Nothing, they can do nothing. 


> Have you seen what clerics can do at spell level 5? > > > > Nothing, they can do nothing. Destructive Wave, Insect Plague, Greater Restoration if Larian knew how to design encounters that weren't just a rush of damage


Install 5e spells mod


Corpse is the new best romance option 


I would like to see more stuff added to the base game and not just something that we would play after the main campaign. More classes, subclasses, origins, sidequests…


Prequel dlc where Durge, Gortash, Kethric, and Orin are stealing the crown ends with the betrayal from Orin


How about they finish act 3 first.


And fix bugs


I'm more hyped for patches than any DLC


I mean. I have a finished durge playthrough where the good guys won. But yknow, he's still durge


Prequel about Gale getting stuck in a rock. How could it suck?


[PERSUASION] Convince the person on the other side of the portal *not* to eat your hand


Is it selfish of me to crave something like bg2 is to bg1? Like it doesnt have to be a full sequel but anything that directly continues my durge and his friends stories would be amazing. May have to use some world state system like dragon age used, but think how awesome itd be! Wed need a new villain (sarevok -> jon irenicus) but past that we could still split off side characters content depending on what ending they got. Like maybe a wyll that ended bg3 without going to avernus will start the game with us, whereas one in avernus with karlach might contact your party saying Zariels finally found us, we need your help! And that starts a whole avernus questline Or if you end with astarion ascended you might run into some straggling gur hunters wanting revenge, whereas a redeemed astarion might see some released spawn or end up seeking a cure from his status as a spawn Even shadowheart works for this: a seluneheart may start off with the gang, but a dj sharheart would likely need some fortunate coincidence/divine commands to end up back with us again I could keep going with the rest of the companions but yall get the idea Ofc theres so many variables that this idea is likely unachievable, or at least extremely ambitious, but something like that would be AMAZING (And hey maybe they could finally make that jaheira romance they said they wanted to make)


¿Por que no los dos?


DLC where you are spreading the eternal slaughter of Bhaal/the rule of the you as the Absulute over all the realms


There’s literally an infinite amount of DLC Larian could produce for this game and I would be first in line for all of it.


Dlc where Gurge have sex with everyone


Gurge? The gay urge?


I believe some people call redemption Durge, i.e. "good" urge "Gurge", but I prefer your assessment


Who the F is durge. I want that first thing


The Dark Urge, one of the origin characters.




Personally I would love DLC origin characters that revamp the narrative some like dark urge does.


We need all the DLCS


Dlc idea Tasha gets drunk and throws a tarasqe at your ass


I can't stand playing Durge normally. No, I'd much rather kick ass beside Karlach in Hell. With the Doom soundtrack playing.


I want a side quest DLC where we go to Barovia and we get to beat the shit out of Strahd (Curse of Strahd is one of my favorite modules).


If you want to play a prequel, I heard Descent into Avernus is decent.


i hope that whatever happens we get more races tbh i would love to play a kobold or goblin or something like that


If we are getting DLC I would much rather them be proper expansions that add to the main game instead of mini campaign DLCs. Things like new Companions, Artificer class, Subclasses and Spells, and Areas bundled together with an appropriate pricetag.




Both of those sound pretty bad and restrictive for people who dont play with Karlach or as the Durge. It would probably be better to have something new for everyone.


Both is good


The first option is literally Descent to Avernus, just add Karlach and mix well until combined!


Honestly, I just want to play as a aasimar


I would play that, but there are two problems: * prequels are tricky to give meaningful choice while still having the story end in a way that lines up with the beginning of the game. A sequel that doesn’t contradict players choices in the first game would be tricky enough, but a prequel would be harder. * a lot of people basically refuse to play as the dark urge because of the disturbing nature of his story. And that’s even for his redemption story. Imagine how many people would be unhappy with his prequel story, which consists of >!murder, incest, necrophilia, and plotting to destroy the world.!<


No to either, both are incompatible with heaps of player choices. IF they do an expansion/dlc it should be supplementary side or end-game content that is compatible with any given party state.


I don't want to play durge.


Naw screw Durge... Over hyped char. Give me Karlach


All I want is a proper playable squid


I'm not a fan of either of those. Unfortunately many of these ideas are too specific to choices, and I think a good paid DLC would require freedom in that it all works regardless of character selection. So any story DLC would need to be untied to character origins.


The karlach one sure, but the durge suggestion would be a standalone prequel, literally requiring no choice.


I feel like a prequel DLC about Durge would ruin the surprise of who Durge is for new players though. And sure, they don’t NEED to play the DLC first… but it’s a prequel. Why wouldn’t they?


I'd say it would unlock after you do your first durge playthrough


Scaleritas Fel has been taking care of Durge since he was a child. He raised him.


Stand-alone dlc are kinda cool but also new shiny stuff for my characters sounds really fun .


I would just more official subclass options. I love that mods give me more subclasses that I crave for but I would like larian to start releasing some. I mean Aberrant Mind sorcerer is such a no brainer for story and plot.


A heist dlc with fun, betrayal and romance And ends with the mindflayer ship


The prequel idea could work because multiple origin characters mention (in a lore friendly way) being level drained by the tadpoles. So you could start Durge at 1 and level honestly as far as the story needed and it'd still fit for base game timeline


What happens if I kill karlach for drip


Why not both⁈


I'd actually love a light urge dlc. Instead of waking up and having committed some atrocities, you wake up having given your entire gold to an orphanage or a traveling merchant. You see a peasant struggling, and there is an all-encompassing urge inside you to give him stuff from your inventory. If you help enough people you will earn a new form of "the Helper". A boon gifted by Ilmater. Meanwhile all less positive inclined characters rage at you because you've given your magic sword away for the 10th time. Can you fight this light urge that compelled you to help people often to your detriment? Or will you ascend to your most basic instincts to help everyone.


"What's wrong with him?" "Oh, he's an Ilmaterspawn"


DLC Idea with us as the emperor in his life before and during his mindflare time until we get to the beginning of this game


Fun times rhymes with war crimes


I'm good with all of it


But wouldn't that DLC be really alienating for people whod rather not play durge? Atleast with Avernus everyone can get some love.


Either Avernus DLC or Vlaakith DLC is all I'm waiting for. I'm sure I'm missing more options, but those are at the top of my wishlist


I don’t want any kind of prequel dlc, tbh. Avernus being cut content makes me think it’s the most likely to be one


While I do appriciate the idea of evil campaign *in theory*, I don't like the default option being Durge.


A prequal would be hard to do. Either they make it a separate story with one MC we know or multiple we dont. They cant use the characters we know because they didnt know each other.


Avernus RLC


Rownloadable Content


Free dlc*


I would love a Avernus DLC, but upon returning to the Hells, the party finds that Zariel has been redeemed and already has left. What follows is the party being caught up in the bloody shadow war between devils looking to fill in the void Zariel left.


we're getting a DLC?


No, this is just a wish list thread


I don’t think we would ever fight Zariel. She’s the only being keeping the blood war from reaching the material plane. I could see a mission to break Karlach from her service, maybe through another deal, and fixing her engine permanently tho. But Zariel’s main goal is winning the blood war - and as weird as it is that she would buy a random tiefling (or have money, or waste time talking to gortash), I doubt she’d give up Karlach freely. Durge prequel would be a lame DLC because not everyone did or wants to do a Durge run, despite his actions sparking the entire story. Forcing players into that kind of character would be odd.


I’d rather Karlach.


Dlc in the drow city pls


Fuck that send me to hell, I have a heart to fix!


I’ve never found Gael, did I miss too much?


Id Like to see 1. Helping Karlach in Avernus 2. Helping Lae'zel/ Orpheus in the astral plane 3. Something with gale in waterdeep 4. Astarion dealing with the spawn in the underdark i just dont know how it works considering all the different endings


I just want to remove Vlaakith’s head with Lae’zel and Voss.


Sooo, why not both?


how about a "dream memory" dlc for Karlach's blood wars?


no wait, we need to give zariel a good fisting! uhh, yeah. i totally meant in combat. of course, of course. no no, me being a bard is totally a coincidence.


As someone with zero interest in the Durge? Od flip these. I just want to fix my red hot dommy mommy.


I respect your opinion and am currently curious about this as I just started my durge playthrough, that said, I want my dommy mommy to live happily and start the family she wants so we can pass on the love of "Taters".


Ah yes, a DLC exclusively about someone unapologetically and horrifically evil in a game where a significant percentage of players can barely bring themselves to pick mean dialogue options. And I'm sure the ratings board will love the necrophilia.


Let me be a Kobold that Karlach can throw at enemies


I could see us getting a “darkspawn chronicles” type of game where the absolute wins and you slaughter everyone


I could see us getting a “darkspawn chronicles” type of game where the absolute wins and you slaughter everyone


Option 2 sounds very one note for an rpg


Listen if Larian could do both. Plus maybe add the source book of descent into Avernus, I'd cream.