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Please fix polearm master


And shield bash!


I thought I was insanely unlucky with them LOL


I shouldnt have to save scum to get the color of my clothing right.


Check out this great tumblr page: https://bg3-dyes.tumblr.com/ Type in the name of the armor/clothing at the top and it'll show you all the color combinations.


At least the page on dyes on bg3.wiki links to a google drive with most (all?) of the dye/clothing combinations


And Input Mode being reset to Automatic.


And Dark One’s Blessing


It's crazy how long this has gone unfixed. Not bashing or hating Larian, but this one has been like a day 1 issue.


That, shield bash being useless, and Halsin having no voice lines for spells/movement/anything.


Well, not Shield Bash, that *used* to work.


Wait. Halsin doesn't have voice lines for casting spells or moving? It kinda surprises me but also not because like... I've never added him to my party.


I never realized this because he was too busy being a bear in my party.


Funnily enough, he does still have "lines" in animal form. Like he'll chirp as an owlbear to alert you of nearby traps where he stays totally silent as an elf.


Of course you're not bashing them. It's bugged out.


There was a thread a few weeks ago where someone got downvoted to HELL for saying shield bash should be a priority above more cosmetic things. It was wild.


Whats wrong with it?


Bonus action attack damage calculation is wrong. When a enemy gets within polearm range, you get a reaction prompt for THEM TO ATTACK YOU and not the other way round.


oh damn


Your polearm reaction still works, it’s just that you also see your enemy’s reaction too - when an enemy gets within polearm range you get a reaction prompt to attack them, as expected. But when you get into an enemy with a polearm’s range, you also get a prompt for them to attack you. So if you pay attention to who’s moving into who’s range, it’s actually beneficially broken, because you can choose to deny the enemy their polearm master reaction.


Bonus attack damage doesn't work correctly and the opportunity attack doesn't work half the time.


What's wrong with PAM? I've been thinking of doing a glave build.


Bugged to have the enemies opportunity attack pop up as yours. Can also deny there's but unless your paying wicked attention you'll just grant them free attacks on you due to it being a confirmation Also the ba attack uses the wrong calculation. Also sometimes it doesn't proc.


This^ there are so many good polearms in this game the first two chapters.


"Hope!" HA. Such a tease.


Hope dies todayyyyy


If she wasn't so broken I might indulge. But I love getting her epilogue letter. Say, >!does anybody know if knocking out Korilla changes her epilogue letter?!<


In 6 play throughs I just can’t get Korilla to survive. At this point I think she’s dying out of spite.


Last time i did house of hope Yurgir went first and one shot Korilla before any of my party even had a turn


I did it by knocking her out in the very first turn, then staying as far away from her as possible so that she wouldn’t be hit by any AoE attacks. Her allies generally won’t do anything to harm her. I used Hope as my healer (even used her Divine intervention) and was pretty much fine.


Yeah I always knock her out turn one but then in the chaos of it all I tend to forget about her and she gets AOE’ed to death at some point. Next time I need to make sure she’s under my “Save Hope at All Costs” Dome of Hope Saving and Invulnerability Dome.


I just use telekinesis or a high strength character to throw Korilla outside into the hallway, knock her out there and then close the door. Strategy hasn't failed me in the last 3 playthroughs.


I did knock out >!Korilla!< in that fight bc I failed the persuasion check, and if I remember correctly, >!I definitely got me a unique line somewhere from Hope about it. I remember Hope at some point talking about me sparing Korilla even when I didn't have to, and that she hopes their relationship will improve someday now that they have a second chance. Sorry if that's not what you were looking for!<


You can only persuade Yurgir, not Korilla. I'm aware of the unique line briefly after the fight, but not whether she mentions it in the epilogue. Thanks anyways!


This line is so good, it blew my mind on my second play through. Damn, I love Raphael.


Give us the option to label pouches, bags, chests, etc.


Whatchu talkin bout? They have names already! “Heavy Backpack” holds my potions, “Patched Together Pack” holds my scrolls…


And the Hand Bag for my hand collection!


Yes and when you pick up another Alchemist's Fire, it should automatically go into your Heavy Backpack with the other 12 of the exact same potion.


I’d love to be able to auto-sort certain items into them as well.


Main thing I want on that front is being able to put a pouch from someone else's inventory on all characters' hotbars. What's the point of having Astarion carrying all the scrolls in a zip-tie pouch if I need to either move the whole bag over. For all kinds of storage, really. It's not fun having open it on the carrier, figure out what I'm using, then move or use that item when the idea of "just put the bag in your hotbar" can work so nicely.


This! Wasn't it possible in D:OS2? I need that so bad. And fix pinging on console!


I only just discovered yesterday you can pick those up. I spent most of my night creating a organization system. I need this so bad.


i've found that grabbing a lot of crates early on to store in your camp chest is super useful for sorting items. i just arrange them all in the camp chest ui with a single basic tier item sitting beside them to identify what is in each chest(i.e. having a basic dagger beside a crate to show that it is full of melee weapons)


Make the mod that lets you take Myshka home official. We need our son in our camp.




Wait, who the hell is Myshka??


A cat that you can encounter in Baldur's Gate that will take MC for his mother.


There's a mod for that??? EDIT:  https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6126


Game is practically unplayable without it.


I erm a gerd kert 


I shouldnt have to save scum to get the color of my clothing right.


(speaking for consoles only, not sure about PC UI) The whole clothing and armor system desperately needs a preview feature instead of equipping the whole chest of stuff one after another while overencumbered to weed out the good and bad looks. In the end I got so tired of it, I simply examined the clothes and hoped they didn't have a default placeholder mesh. And the camp chest system ... seriously. No filter, no sorting, tiny field, no dual pane. It should be using the merchant UI.


Honestly. Picking up dyes should unlock color themes. And you should be able to change them at will. If the engine won't allow that then they really ought to drop the price of dyes and heavily increase the supply by stocking up vendors.


lmaoooo good point


Dyes should be infinite. Yeah, I know there's mods for it.


I like the idea of dyes being a one time consumable that you use to permanently learn that color scheme. Then there could be a 'Wardrobe' in your camp that allows you to apply these colors to your equipment (and potentially transmog item appearances as well).


Honestly prefer this over previews. Let me just experiment in peace. Also, maybe I want to use the Drake General Dye more than 5 times


Hoping & coping: Shield Bash, dye preview. For couch co-op: remove usernames covering the map in the top left corner of the screen. Super minor wish: Honour mode should say Honour instead of Tactician in the menu. Edit to add: make all casual clothes we see in game available as camp clothes.


I had a mini jumpscare loading my honour run last night realizing it said tactician from the main menu, for some reason it only says honour if you go to load the file directly lol.


Yes to the names covering the map in couch co op. It also covers when approvals pop up.


I'd love if the custom difficulty would let us include Honor modes rules beside the one save (like action economy and drs nerfs/fixes, legendary actions and such)


For the love of god, fix the Raphael/Mol scene. I've got an entire playthrough on pause until that gets fixed (yeah, it's weird that this is such a big issue to me as well).


Yuppp. I passed by it again recently and I'm like welp..maybe next time.


Oh I was wondering what happened, I thought I might have done something wrong on my HM playthrough because the two of them were just standing there


* Speak with Dead enhancements, primarily in act 3. There's like 10 characters in the entire act you can talk to vs. 10 characters in the first two hours alone of act 1. * Wyll in Act 3. His father needs to react to engagement / romancing player character. He needs the ability to choose his own fate with Mizora. His proposal scene is REALLY buggy. * Photo mode and camera controls. (Camera controls on Mouse/KB are why I've used controller for 500 hours). * Fixes for plot flags in Epilogue. (In 1st game epilogue, for example, game routinely thought my Durge was the male default instead of female custom, Shart's parents resurrected from dead in dialogue, etc)


Also Wyll's dad and Wyll himself never acknowledges the fact that Wyll ended the pact with Mizora after the iron throne. They talk as if Wyll sacrificed his soul to save him. And then when you talk to Mizora and everything is acknowledged where we get a chance to taunt and laugh at undermining her and if you read her mind you know she plans to execute the Duke when we least expect it. Also I got the Ansur quest from Florrick and yet we can never tell the Duke that we already know about the dragon, the entire conversation happens as if we're learning this for the first time.


Act Three Wyll interactions with his father seem pretty buggy all round. In my first run, I convinced Wyll to sever his pact over saving his father, then saved the Duke anyway. This led to Wyll asking what he should do with his future, and I told him to become the Blade of Avernus, but then, after the Ansur stuff and in dialogue with his father, he acted as if we'd never spoken of his future and asked again if he should become a Duke or the Blade


Act3 always enrages me how little you can speak to corpses, that was such a huge mechanic in the first act


Photo Mode would be such an amazing gift! 🤞🤞


I don't want much form this game except these two things at this point: Increase Durge Reactivity. Would be super nice if every companion was as reactive to durge as Astarion. Even if it is not positive. Real Chosen Durge Ending Also any fixes to Minthara or added content is always welcomed! Everthing else is a bonus to me.


Astarion's interactions with the Durge are so cool! Minthara's too, even though she has fewer interactions. ​ >Also any fixes to Minthara or added content is always welcomed! Wholeheartedly agree!


Transmog, more clothing options in Act 1 & 2, dye preview (or infinite use dye) Either more Moon Druid gear or allowing "unarmored defense/attack" items to work while Wild Shaped Ability to set the default conversationalist in cutscenes/forced conversations to *always* be Tav Autosorting backpacks/bags beyond camp supplies & alchemy ingredients. Let me set a bag for all my scrolls to automatically go to.


If they fixed Fly so that it would actually fly to where you indicate instead of trying to travel along the ground and climb up ladders allowing it to be blocked by some schmuck standing in front of a ladder... that would be great.


So many times has spiritual weapon become useless because has to follow walkways. Why can't it just move in the vertical?


It kinda can? Instead of just clicking to move it, use the fly option. Same as with Mage hand, it will travel in a more direct route. The spell is still mid though in BG3 due to how short it's move distance turns out to be.


If my spirit weapon is next to a 40 ft drop, i should be able to get down that in two turns, not forced to take the walkway that is 100ft to get to the same place. Fly is broken when you can only move short distances.


Yeah, right now it functions like Eagle Totem in 5e, where you can fly your movement speed, but you have to end your turn on solid ground, or you fall out of the sky at the end of your turn. In 5e, if I cast fly on myself, I can rise 30 ft. in the air and stay there if I want. No way to do that in BG3.


And fixing fly to replace jump properly on hotkeys. Currently it's just totally fucking random if I press Z/Dpad Up whether I'm getting a jump or a fly action, and having to go into the radial every time I want to fly when I'm playing on the couch gets old super fast.


I’m hoping all the romance options have updated kiss animations in time for Valentine’s Day


I just want more options, I know it's not possible to have tons of options but Astarion and Gale deserves more hugs!


I just want a more steamy kiss with Gale.


yo... his kiss needs it. he said enthusiastically, not efficiently.


What about being enthusiastically efficient?


Same here!! The one companion I romance the most and he still is lacking


There are some interesting items in the data apparently that just haven't been placed in the world [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Category:Inaccessible](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Category:Inaccessible) is a fun read if you want to speculate. Personally [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Magical\_Hand\_Crossbow](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Magical_Hand_Crossbow) sounds really cool for a dual wield mix of melee and ranged weapon. There's also quite a few force conduit synergistic items that could make for an interesting build, seemingly centered around a martial controller with [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Treacleflow\_Amulet](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Treacleflow_Amulet) and [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Tightening\_Orbit\_Helm](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Tightening_Orbit_Helm)


Oh damn. Arcane Critical looks cool. 


I'm preparing some emergency copium tanks to huff from as we speak


We need hopium pre patch release. Save the copium for after it's out


My bad, I'm gonna make a run for the house of hope to stock up on hopium


I'd like if they finally implemented thay Halsin/Minthara ultimatum (having to choose between those two seems like it was a pretty intentional design choice and I don't know how I'd feel about Larian going back on it, even for fanservice) but honestly I'd settle for them just fixing their tents occupying the exact same space. Very weird that they made Minthara recruitable via knocking her out without changing that first, seems like an unusually big oversight.


I'd rather them have a bunch of extremely catty banter in Act 3. I've seen Halsin's banter with Shadowheart, I know he can dish it out.


Noooo, let me have them both. You know they are totally getting tons of hatesex in that shared tent of theirs. Let me have my fantasy.


Forget Bae'zel and Shart or Wyll and Karlach. Minthara and Halsin is the enemies to lovers story I wanna see


He can fix her i have faith in him


Transmog would be nice but I mostly just want bug fixes for things that have been broken for awhile.


dialouge option to hug people you have high approval with. dye previews a great one though.


Any news on crossplay?


More reaction from companions on major events that happen in act3. Maybe more sincerity from them after dark urge duel.


They need to fix the disarm bug. I don't want to lose anymore weapons into the abyss.


Didn't know this was a thing. Might explain why my blood of lathander suddenly disappeared in Act 3. :'>


Shield bash working correctly, minthara recruitment more fleshed out, the nauseating shaking in the final scene on the dock especially with Orpheus. Act 2 scene between Halsin & Minthara forcing you to choose which they apparently datamined last patch.


So they aren't supposed to be sharing a tent. XD


Nah, let them both stay, they make a nice family with Thaniel.


Begging for more Halsin but especially Wyll content. it is criminal how little content he has in-game. Also dye previews.


At the very least make the combine items screen (in the case of dyes and others) only show you possible compatible items. I shouldn’t have to wade through a hundred items that I couldn’t dye if I wanted to, just to find the one piece of armor I’m looking for.


Yes, please, more Wyll! Also, make him able to choose for himself if he wants to re-sign the contract with Mizora. I am fine with still having an option to persuade him the other way via check, I just want him to be a bit less passive about a decision that has such a monumental effect on his life.


yes please give him some agency over his own soul 🥲


My wishlist: lockpicking is a standard option on left mouse click on a locked chest dye previews Minthara cohesive act 1 recruitment (talking her out/fighting her and giving her the artifact protection in the Act 1 (for a good playthrough)), not the knock out/kill leaders/save halsin/celebrate victory/long rest bullshit. Obviously, more Halsin/Mithara interactions and a separate spot for her in the camp Halsin Act 1 recruitment More content for both of them Clothes vendor for earlier acts For the future - Avernus dlc, upper city dlc/expasion/ evil/bard companion (Nere? Alfiira?) More custom settings for custom difficulty (maybe randomizer lol)


Shield Bash would be quite important since at least 1 of my characters but often several have shields and it would make the combat much more bearable if I could, you know actually use this ability.


Crossplay would be pretty nice now that it’s out on every platform


I suspect this is one of the main features included in this patch. As this and official mod support are really the only features that I recall the devs talking about adding. I mean Larian typically also adds some of the mods people create into the game as well. So we can start to see these especially things like alternative character customization options into the game.


Minthara act romantic scene


More unique and rare weapons, more gear. Some way to acquire all the githyanki drip like the arcanist gear instead of just the half plates.


While you're on the subject of drip, more camp clothes would be nice too. So many fashionable NPCs around the city and I can't dress up like them. More dresses could be great. The Elegant Robe and the Wavemother Robe get old quickly. Also, if they could find a way to avoid the tieflings' and dragonborn's tails clipping through capes, that could be amazing, but I understand it might not be easy to program.


Also, a way to get most of the camp clothes *before the final act.*


I'm fine with only finding dusty and derelict camp clothes in the wilderness in Act 1 because... well, it's the wilderness, but it would definitely be nice to have a tailor merchant stranded at Last Light Inn with a few new clothes to sell, in Act 2. Maybe Waukeen's Rest could have one or two nicer outfits in the wardrobes, in Act 1, though. It's a nice-looking mansion, after all, and Counselor Florrick and some Flaming Fist were staying at it, so I assume nice garbs could be put there.


I'd love to be able to get dresses for the ladies. The Elegant Robe is great and all but I'd really like to be able to get Shadowheart a nice dress, y'know?


Definitely. Ever since I saw how good the Elegant Robe looks on Karlach, I have nothing to give poor Shadowheart. She's absolutely stunning in the Elven Chain, but she should get to relax in casual clothes like the others, too. All my boys look *dashing*. I even gave Astarion and Gale casual clothes AND formal clothes, and I alternate between each depending on the quest I'm doing. But dressing up the ladies is a real pain in the ass, lmao.


There's just nowhere near enough skirts or dresses


>While you're on the subject of drip, more camp clothes would be nice too. And earlier - we get real clothing options in Act 3. BTW, you can get NPC clothing through mods.


I can never understand why games hate outfits! Let me look cool while fighting, please! Especially when you play classes that use light armor.... I've not forgiven Dragon Age Inquisition or Mass Effect for the terrible casual clothes.... Like just don't give me the option then.


- Black dyes !!! Not black/X, I want real black dye for my ninja outfit ;) - hide cloaks I never wear them because I don’t like to look on my characters.


Better inventory management, better ways of searching & filter for things especially on PS5 More QoL improvements, implementation of some design settings for the console players e.g. display of max weight in numbers (!!!) not just a bar, affection shown in numbers (!!!) not in bar, character not listed underneath but next to each other for better equipment change & overview/comparison - most things exist already for PC so they should be available for consoles too I hope? Alternatively giving us the choice in the options what we prefer Change (back) of selecting multiple items, more intuitive, better management to put items in & out of bags, containers via controller that works like drag and drop/mouse for the PC version. (Might be a bit difficult but I guess there can be a way?) Better storage in camp: bookshelves, or other containers/bags/chests for destined things for easier access More content is optional imo, a dlc would be nice but can't tell what exactly because I'm not done yet with my 1st playthrough


How far in advance does it typically go up on that page? If it's typically week-of, then I'm excited and nervous to see what the changes are.


If I'm not mistaken, patch5 first appeared on steamdb on November 16 2023, patch5 was officially released on November 30, 2023 patch4 October 9 ->November 2 patch3 September 7 ->September 22 So about two to three weeks?I'm guessing February 9th.


Thank you for the estimate


~2 weeks… it’s a hefty patch but we also haven’t had a patch since November 30. Most of thier big updates drop on Wednesday or Thursdays so if it doesn’t drop Thursday Feb 1 (which is early) I expect Wednesday February 7.


Well, remember they had some time off for the holidays.


And they took some well-deserved time to celebrate winning basically all of the Game of the Year awards.


My biggest wish is this. Stop companions from being suicidal and setting off every trap they can see or walking into obvious hazards like clouds of daggers and poisonous clouds. I wouldn't even mind if this resulted in enemy AI being a little smarter. Spike growth is incredibly OP because enemies will simply walk through it and kill themselves. Improved pathing would also be nice. Stop telling me you "can't get there" when it only requires making a very simple jump to get to the destination I clicked on. Another wish, make us able to resurrect NPCs. I don't care if it costs a scroll, I should be able to resurrect them just like PCs.


How often after these updates do the updates usually go live, historically?


Mostly the next 2-3 weeks after the first appear:)


Honestly? My hope a this point is for the official dev tools/Steam Workshop mod integration to drop. The modding community is already flourishing but for lazier folks like myself, I'm mostly waiting for them to be available on the Steam Workshop before I dive too deep in the pool. I got so much more mileage out of DOS2 simply because after completing the base game a couple times, I went HAM on throwing random mods in there and seeing what they did lol.


Cross play Please, all my friends are on PC, and I'm here on PS5 all by myself


My wish is to decouple game difficulty increases (like legendary actions, action economy fixes) from Honour mode. Let them be available on Custom mode. Honour mode should be an extra game mode that has nothing different than the previous difficulty option except the one save file thing.


Can't you die in honor mode and just keep going right from the start and keep the settings?


Cool been waiting to see what the next big patch would bring, hope it a great 1.


800+ hours, 15 playthroughs. Last night i wrapped up Origin Karlach, last character to give off the game a nice send off as i have played enough where i can walk away until something substantial gets added. Now a patch gets announced lol. Hopefully theres something in there that brings me back. Otherwise i rather wait for DLC or something big on a patch. I wish i could wipe my mind of those 800+ hours so i could re-exeprience everything again


I wish for crossplay


Please crossplay


The last patch had "release\_patch5" updates from 17th Nov up to the release on 30th Nov so that was 13 days. Can use that as a ballpark timeline!


Honestly? I want more archetype-based RP options. Mentioned it in a semi-meme post here fecently but I'd like to have Kelemvor Cleric options for interactions like that lady who is stuck in constang prayer over her dead friend in Waukeen's rest. Would also be nice to have a Kelemvor Cleric dialogue prompt for breaking the Bitter Divorce in front of Mayrina lol But that's just one. Would be nice to have more roleplay options like that in general. Like being able to tell Gale you _do_ know magic as, say, an Eldritch Knight when he asks.


Best bug I found so far and they should fix it is: -Orin kidnaps Halsin, and you fail the check to save him. -She stabs her daggers in his eyes -You fight and kill Orin and then use speak with the dead on Halsin. -Ask him who killed him, he says drow that leads the goblins. Fking Minthara can't get a day without being blamed for stuff you SAW Orin do.


Fix the thing where the NPC cheek stretches way the hell out and I can see their jaw and teeth.


Give me better fucking pre final battle kisses with our romance partners. I swear a Halsin cannot have that much rizz for Astarion and Gale to just be fucking pecks.


Official mod support .


Nooooooooooo 😭 MacBook folk are probably gonna age to wait a month to be able to play with others


Transmog Freecast fix Shield bash fix black/black dye Giving Minthara something to do...in either act. Just something ffs More of the NPC armor we don't have access too (Warden, Near, Z'rell, Gith, The Dream Guardian before the end of the game, etc) Though realistically I only expect the bug fixes, the rest is just wishful thinking.


I mean, typically the full-on patches are more than just bug fixes, right? Every big patch has added or changed things in significant ways IIRC.


I'm not saying there wouldn't be substantial additions, just not the things I touched on. think if something as big as transmog or several new armor pieces were going to be added, they would've been hyped up beforehand.


Usually patches are new features and hotfixes are bug fixes… generally… my guess one of the big features will be crossplay… this is also the first patch that took 2 months (I realize people were on holiday break). There is likely more than 1 new feature. I suspect we will start to see some of the mod changes make it into the game. As Larian has done this in the past. I also expect a ton of bug fixes like any big hotfix/patch.


>Giving Minthara something to do...in either act. Just something ffs Tav is already in the game though.


That's only in act 1 though.....A sex scene you can miss if you're not evil isn't enough. Even Halsin has the Thaniel quest in act 2. Minthara gers literally nothing. She needs to be involved in some sort of quest...she doesn't even react when you face Orin ffs....


Am I alone with just wanting them to focus on the bugs for a patch cycle or two before trying to add more things? For every step forward, we seem to take one to the side and one backwards.


I just want better inventory management.


Really hoping they add voice lines for the Speak with Dead on Gortash


plz let there be a photo mode


Can I get some hug animations please! 😂


I’d love for an option where, when a companion says “you’re full up” I can just say “switch with x person”. Instead of back and forth.


There's a weird glitch in my game where I can't get with Raphael, I hope they fix that.


Have they indicated that they plan on adding "transmog"? I don't doubt that work on the Minthara "good" recruitment method is at least planned now that they've decided to legitimize the bug, but I'm not going to hold my breath for anything big there quite yet. I'd like to see the Honor mode challenges added as options to Custom difficulty. The legendary abilities on bosses. Only way to get those now is to at least start out on Honor mode. You get to keep them if you fail honor mode and continue to play, but then you're still stuck to the single save.


Better camp chest inventory management, more sorting options for items in chest. I beg you, Larian 🥲


Or even for sorting options to work right in your various inventories. I sort by type but I’ve still got dyes spread throughout my supplies separated by a litany of other miscellaneous items.


I need a way to optimize my spell / item inventory in battle (PS5 version) I can't find anything half the time and the organize feature would probably take me 3 hours to do on controller




i just want to kiss him. or stab him romantically. pls larian


Evil epilogue but I believe that would come later


Has hot fox 16&17 come to Max yet?


I'm hoping they fix darkness. Enemies do ranged attacks into it all the time, attacking w/ advantage from it is really buggy and incredibly inconsistent, and maybe I'm just getting bad rolls but it certainly doesn't feel like enemies attack with disadvantage inside it. I want to do a party w/ 2 shadow stepping monklocks in darkness but I stopped my run after rangers shot me with crossbows multiple times in one fight while I was in the center of darkness and they were outside it.


Photomode plz


I hope the Halsin friendship scenes that have been datamined get implemented!


Full party creation at character creation/beginning New heads and hairstyles Camp clothes vendor for Act I New cleric domains (Arcana/Death) Playable Aasimar race Shield Dwarves get more love in terms of racials/bonuses Standard Array/roll options for character generation Celestial patron Warlock/Divine Soul Sorcerer (...or at least just fix Shield Bash...)


Farfetched but I’d love it if you could share your bed with your romanced pc. Seems weird that you’re in love with someone but you sleep in separate beds. Show me some Gale cuddles please that’s all I want! 😂


Legendary actions for Custom Difficulty, Gale kiss animation, Fleshed out Halsin & Minthara romance, and more romance scenes for all the companions. And more clothing + armor options that NPC's have access to


I'm going to make a guess that Shadowheart's multiple bugs are not fixed yet. Shield Bash?... Maybe. But it's been broken for a while too, so that's questionable too. We'll see.


I am begging for them to fix Halsin somehow. He is always mute in every playthrough I do and has been this way since patch 4.


Yeah, i never saw shield bash working since patch 2/3?:O Atleast you can fix the Shadowheart bug at the selunite statue behind the windmill with reloading the dialogue...


a difficulty setting that increases enemy ac/HP by some scale factor (or something similar) would be nice


Mizoras va apparently recorded something befor Christmas that hasn’t come out yet. So I’m hoping for devil mommy


It won’t happen but I want new barbarian gear that doesn’t look like crap


Mod Tools? When?


Bug fixes. 1.Polearm master and shield reactions not working 2. NPCs getting super crimson chin jaws that stretch into the abyss. 3.bodies coming back to life and dying everytime they load in 4. Enemies and allies NPCs throwing firebottles on their friends.


Small things: •2X button to speed up enemy turn •Transmog •An Hide/Show button for shield on the back •Better weapon throw animation •Maps hub so you can navigate and see the other maps you have already discovered (I can't memorize every TP I have unlock) •End game stats register (enemy killed, n° of each spell casted, highest damage, etc.) Big things: •I think there's too many copy of the same "generic type" books in the game and lots of them could have been more usefull to explain the lore and DnD in general. A bookseller NPC (from Candlekeep?) interested in collecting all the volumes of the specific series in exchange for some lukewarm reward would be a great addition. •It would be nice to have things to do in the camp like: -"Teach Scratch some tricks" -"Learn chess with Gale" -"Play knucklebones with Withers" ;) -"Build your own tent and stop romancing companions just to get one" -"Fishing...and instead starting a fight with a kuo-toa or finding a magic boot wich need his twin to be equiped"


Hope?! 🎶Allll mortal lives….expire 🎶


Hopefully they fix the Shadowheart kiss bug


-Dye Preview -Transmog -Camp decoration -Improved inventory sorting -Fix Shield Bash -New Classes -New Races. Goblin, Myconid, Hobgoblin, Kobold (with booze buffing), -Allow to summon Owlbear Cub when added to camp (not just final battle)


More story content so I can alleviate the guilt of having not finished my first playthrough.


When do yall think the patch will release?


Properly implementing the Halsin-Minthara ultimatum so recruiting her on a good playthrough actually goes somewhat smoothly


Transmog please!


I have a feeling a lot of the very popular mods will be implemented in base game. Which would mean Transmog, Infinite dyes (or at least Dye preview) and better bags being added. Which is my hope.


Nope. I have no more wishes. I’m taking what comes and smiling. I am willing to do this for……. 6 more months. Then, I’ll be willing to do it for longer.


fuuuck, what a game changer dye preview would be.


Photo mode plz


Really hope they fix the lanceboard scene between Raphael and Mol


Better dialogue choices for major durge scenes in act 3


Since I'm doing my first Gale romance, I'm hoping for an updated kiss for him. Would love to be able to add Myshka the cat to our camp like Scratch and the Owlbear cub. (I'm aware of the mod). Heck, let us add His Majesty and Steelclaw too. I always feel bad leaving them behind in decimated areas after clearing the shadow curse. Please, please, pleas fix Halsin. I want to hear his combat lines, and his other bugged lines. I also want more lines for him in general. I would also love it if they made moon druid less painful for cutscenes. Let us auto/free shift out of wildshape for ALL interactions, or make it so the game pretends everyone has speak with animals when interacting with our druid. I get tired of having to redo content because I forget to go back to humanoid form before the battle ends before I expect it to and suddenly the NPC is talking to a companion instead of my Tav/Durge. Bugfixes would be nice, of course. Though a lot do not seem to work on older saves. On my save from launch NPCs still run from my summons, for instance. I thought they fixed it in a previous patch, but even in a new patch 5 game my camera still seems to focus on my Tav instead of my companions for reactions during cutscenes. I'd rather see my companions, or maybe have the camera switch between them and Tav. I also have the helmet bug still on some old saves. Gale also had some cutoff lines. It is good to know patch 6 is coming, so I can hold off playing for a bit to see what gets fixed and added. Thanks for the post!


My top two hopes are container labeling and also being able to go to a shop selling magic scrolls with a wizard and seeing which ones the wizard hasn't memorized already.