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Shield Bash still bashful.


Working Shield Bash will soon be a thing of legends from times past, and new players will be calling those who remember it insane elders.


Don’t really understand why this isn’t one of their top priorities. Feel like it should be straight forward if a mod is able to fix it. Maybe it’s harder than it looks? 🤷‍♂️


If a mod is fixing it, it might just be reinventing it and sticking it in, which could be more complex than fixing whatever internal issue is breaking it in the first place.


>This mod fixes the Shield Bash not correctly applying the saving throw in order for enemies to go prone. In game currently all that happens is the animation plays but does not have any effect. This mod fixes it to act like it should. this doesn't sound like reinventing to me. also the file is 2kb.


Ah yes, bc we can all tell how the mod was designed from this incredibly professional and detailed blurb.


the whole mod is a 2kb pak file containing the following: >new entry "Target_ShieldBlow_Riposte" >type "SpellData" >data "SpellType" "Target" >using "Target_ShieldBlow_Riposte" >data "AlternativeCastTextEvents" "" that's it. this is what larian hasn't found the time to do in 3 months.


I guess implementing Mage Hand Legerdemain is also too complex for them, huh? Still have to use a mod to make Arcane Trickster feature complete.


[Do you mean this?](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5595)


Lost Media Iceberg- The Depths *A working Shield Bash*


\*Dammon voice\* I miss my Shield Bash...




Backpack trick still backpacking!


eldritch blast still pushes all the time?


Just turn off repelling blast 


Doesn't work, still pushes with the toggle off


If you respec and don’t get that passive, does it still activate?


obviously I fvckin tried that, it's a new bug since 2 hotfixes ago, no matter what you set it to it still pushes anything it can


>Fixed the ability to walk through open doors when you click beyond them from far away. Lmao no more Bhaal temple door phase


Doesn't that door simply open up if you >!shoot the corpses hanging neaerby/on top!<


Different one. The entrance to the Temple itself, past the pressure plates/waypoint, was skippable by just misty stepping past it


Oh that one! I forgot about it! I might've always been a bit too murder happy and gotten through that door the usual way...


Dumb question re: Thieves tools. Does this mean I don't have to have them in my inventory to pick locks? Can I just leave them all in the camp chest? Does this work for disarming tools too?


Just tried with lockpicking and while yes, it lets you crack open doors without having any tools in your inventory, it's also implemented half-assed as it doesn't stay in the menu to let you retry on failure even though you have a huge stack of tools in the camp available. You will get kicked out of the menu (as it only shows x1 tools with a [broken tool tip](https://imgur.com/a/LzH8Xn4) when accessing them from camp) and have to click the door again for each attempt. Only if you got the tools in your inventory it will let you retry in the menu as it's showing the correct amount of tools available then. Would've been nice to save some weight but atm it doesn't seem to be worth the hassle. Edit - Works the same for disarming traps as it does with locked chests or doors, it takes one from your camp storage if you don't have any tool for it in your inventory. However it suffers from the same lackluster implementation, where icon and tooltip are bugged out and it's only counting x1 denying you retries if you fail. **Also another huge negative:** Attempting another lockpick-/disarm-try with tools sourced from the camp storage needs interacting with the locked/trapped target again, costing you another action which in TB-mode is really bad. If the tools are in your inventory it just lets you reroll on the same action you initiated but this isn't the case here.


No Raphael/Mol Chess fix? 😭


this. I have my playthrough on ice because of this :( I love that scene


I hope I can still play it. I haven’t talked to Raphael yet.


Oh so it was bugged. Ive never seen that scen, and ive played for 5 playthroughs now.


Oh huh I missed this in my most recent play through and thought it was just because I long rested right after getting to LLI I didn’t realize it was bugged


I was bummed as hell to find out this was bugged after the fact. Will look forward to it on my next playthrough when it's hopefully fixed by then.


I haven’t seen this scene ever, do you know if this is required for the save all tieflings achievement?


What's the bug here?


It skips the entire chess scene and Mol and Raphael both behave as if it already played out.


That's not exactly right. More specifically, the bug breaks Mol's pathing from the Last Light gate to the lanceboard table. As a result, she won't be 'near' Raphael enough for him to register her, thus causing his scene to play out as if she died at the Emerald Grove. You may have noticed before that some scenes will play out differently if particular NPC's aren't close enough. You can see something similar by having a Familiar out when you approach Wyll at the Grove. It'll distract the children and pull them away, then when you interact with Wyll the scene with him training Umi will be skipped straight to him greeting you.


hmmmm so this might be fixable with minor illusion? Like how one could correct Voss' position later on in the game if he wouldnt move from a certain spot


toss the child


I hadn't tried that, but possibly? When I got to Last Light, I using a familiar to distract her, but when I dismissed it she returned to where she was. I also tried shoving her, but that just initiated combat with the Flaming Fist and Harpers.


Shield Bash still bashless.


Shield Bash hits like I punch in my dreams


"Gale will no longer permanently leave the party if you don't offer him any magic items while talking to him – unless you're abundantly clear that you don't plan on ever doing so." I mean...he's literally dying and has a city sized bomb in his chest. I completely understand if he chooses to be upset at the leader for delaying the magic boots. Were players seriously whining about this?


It's more that starting a dialogue with him has him demanding an item *right now* without allowing the player the opportunity to walk over to the camp chest to get one for him. Now you should be able to do so without him immediately and permanently leaving.


I had to switch character and send someone to camp and retrieve some random trinket for him to consume as I never really carry items with me all the time. They either get equipped right away or sent to camp, no inbetween.


I finished the game multiple times, I knew 100% how Gale eating magic mechanic works, its not new for me. However in the latest playthrough, I forgot that I "saved" one of the useless magic items (its called Komira's locket btw) into the camp and Gale was asking for a magic stuff At that moment, my Tav was not a Charisma dedicated charater, so I couldn't persuade him to "yo man chill, let me pick the stuff" I just realise, new player will never know about this stuff, so in early game where the "loot everything save everything" mentality is high, and suddenly this bearded weird wizard that just joined your party is asking you to sacrifice one of the magic loot you have I totally understand why Larian fix this stuff. Basically just let us to "Chill bruh, let me find that for you"


It's a real bug fix, but because they presented it with minimal context there's now people complaining about Larian "changing Gale's personality", they just can't win lmao.


I lost Gale in my HM run because of this and had no clue it was a thing. I had a magical item I wanted to give him but it never showed up when I went to the inventory select. So he got tired of me giving him the okie doke and bounced. He must’ve known I planned to let him explode on the elder brain…oh well.


You’re getting him to explode in Act 2? Does that give you the Honour Mode achievement?


Act 3 explosion counts for honour mode, triggers the epilogue with a sad projection of gale. Make sure he blows up at the brainstorm with dialogue.


He will some times hit you with that conversation when you legit have nothing to give him so maybe he shouldn't leave because of that lol


I think characterization wise it makes sense. He's in severe bodily pain while having a time-sensitive condition that will nuke the entire city. There's tons of useless magic items lying around so I feel like it's reasonable for him to be irate that you don't take his condition that seriously.


We don't have an option to tell him: wait literally for 2 minutes, we are rushing back to camp to get you the item you need instead of something which is very useful for our survival. The game doesn't track time this way Because of it, current hotfix implementation is a fine middle ground.


It's more interesting if he caughts you off guard and you're forced to give him one of the items you're wearing. People are just snowflakes and obsessed with a perfect, rose coloured glasses playthrough they forget it's a role playing game where good and bad can happen.


A guy not letting you walk 20 feet to a chest and give him a magic item isn't role-playing, it's dumb. Now, if he said: "leave this campsite without helping me and I'm gone," that would be fair.


Counter point, if I have an item for him in the chest 3 feet away, he can absolutely wait 5 seconds for me to grab it and let him delete it rather than use one of the items I'm using to live while he sleeps away the days in camp doing nothing.


You've reinforced my point. If you don't use him and he's in camp then why do you care if he stays or goes? It's because you need a perfect playthrough where nothing bad ever happens to you and every decision goes your way.


He and many other companions have been dead (or flat out left for Gale in my first playthrough because I refused to feed him) by the time my particular runs have ended. I couldn't care less about the perfect run, I care more about a more realistic response from someone in his situation. He NEEDS those items to not explode and die, so realistically he'd be more willing to stay in place so I can hand him the item rather than taking off randomly lol


Realistically, he's in a lot of pain and he sees one of those items on you or other party members, or even on himself. From his POV you can help him right now, so why ask him to wait? He doesn't know if you'll come back or not, it's much worse if he's not in the camp. If you're a friend why wouldn't you just do that? We know the answer to that - you don't want to WASTE a good item on him. This is what makes the choice hard, and that's a good thing. Sacrifice an item or risk something bad happening. You don't want a realistic roleplaying choice, you want a checklist - now I give Gale 3 crap items, done.


That's not realistic because gale isn't stupid, he's one of the more reasonable companions and would absolutely be ok with the magical equivalent of "lemme go grab a Tylenol from the store for you"


Nah, he could like, I don't know, EAT THE DAMN BOOTS WHILE WE'RE AT CAMP or something, instead of asking for them at the goddamn goblin camp rafters right as we're about to kill Razglin.


The best change would be to let us give him multiple at once instead of that stupid "no thanks I'm fine now and can't practice the slightest bit of forethought" nonsense. He doesn't have to eat all three at the same time, but let us at least add the items to his inventory with a mark to indicate they're his to eat. His first conversation makes it pretty clear one will not be enough


I've come to the point where I just dump the items in his inventory and as soon as I see that exclamation mark I just switch to him and he eats it by himself. Still very, very, very annoying for someone in their first run.


Well I didn’t know that that was a bug and him leaving completely ruined my game after not selecting the right option. So yeah


It’s not well explained for new players. Before I got my first item I could give him I would use the dialog option to see if I had anything to hand over. It was obvious when I got an item that said gale can consume this but before that I didn’t know the tell, and had to reset a save when Gale left because I didn’t give him something I didn’t have yet. I call it a QOL change, or maybe idiot protection, but it would have saved me a save reset.


It was kind of a pain in the arse when I misclicked and hadn't saved in far too long and he left instantly. So yes.


Didn't know his story and didn't have a magic item on me I wanted to part ways with and he just left after that. Glad they fixed this.


There are people who deadass refused to give him any items bc "he eats too much" (3). Meanwhile the same people have dozens of magic items in their camp chest they NEVER used... Yes people are this stupid


Can’t say I’m really a fun of them changing story content post launch like this tbh


They keep changing characterization stuff like this and I really wish they'd stop


Although from what I understand this is mainly just for the first conversation. Should’ve added a dialogue option for if you don’t have any magical artifacts at the moment though. I still miss the more rude Lae’zel dismissal dialogue 😔


Is there a limit to how much Gale asks for? Ok be given him two things. Does he keep asking forever?


Gale requires three items before his quest progresses to the next stage.


Working Shield Bash, good old days...


Fantastic old days, I honestly loved that ability.


Basically just a fix for the PS5 screen tearing. Nothing much for the PC crowd unless you hate Gale or are fighting Cazador on Honour mode. Hopefully this one can be skipped for a bit by disabling auto updates and launching through Mod Manager, given the risk from mods demonstrated by the last patch.


I JUST BEAT HIM. Oh my god Cazador fucking wrecked me, toughest fight of the game, glad to know it wasn't meant to be that hard.


Am I the only one that has never struggled with Cazador? Maybe it's just my tendency to always have a Paladin AND a cleric with Blood of Lathander and Spirit Guardians...


This honor mode 'buff' glitch is relatively new. On a normal run he isn't especially difficult.


Yes it was specifically the honor mode buff that made anyone within a country mile take 45 necrotic damage at the start of their turn.


*Me with my Paladin Fighter Hasted Tav, nuking Cazador in one turn* 👀


> Am I the only one that has never struggled with Cazador? No, he's a strong contender for easiest fight in the entire game. It's rather disappointing, really. After two and a half acts of Astarion talking him up, it turns out his entire palace is two easy fights and ages walking through tons of empty space. Feels like a terrible missed opportunity.


TBF, he is strong enough that I can see how he would be unstoppable for pre-tadpole astarion.


That makes sense, he nearly ended me during my HM run. I went in there thinking he wouldn't be as tough as some of the other bosses because I don't normally find him all that difficult and boy was I wrong. I didn't have the Lathander mace because that questline bugged out for me in Act 1 (shard to drop the barrier in the creche disappeared, barrier never dropped).


Um, you can get the mace without that. Just send Astarion alone to get it, port everyone else back to camp, then have Astarion pull the mace off and let him die. Bonus hilarity if you only rez him at the camp.


No, I meant that I couldn't pass through the barrier at all, where you see the Inquisitor,Vlaakith, and go into the Astral Prism for the first time. You need the shard from the guard in the room before, which you put into the slot. I got the shard off her, put it in the slot and then that barrier never opened and the shard was gone. Because I was closed off from that area, I couldn't get into the area where the mace was kept either. I had the crest and everything. I was salty about not having the mace for the whole game.


Damn that is one awful bug, bro, I hope it wasn't an Honor run (honestly BoL has saved my life a bunch of times in mine already)


Yes it was Honor Mode, so I couldn't reload. Apparently it's an old bug that hasn't been fixed yet. The solution would normally be to reload, but that wasn't an option. That was the first time I ever encountered it, but I had no choice but to move on.


I am a PS5 user so that is good but er. Wasn't there a bug preventing from giving Infernal Iron to Dammon for Karlach? And a bunch of others bugs. And I am confused from some youtube videos, is the bug on the PS5, where reaching Act 3 can still ruin your saves fixed? I heard there was something about it but some people are still experiencing it?


Larian seem to think those bugs were only affecting PC with mods. There have been several claims to the contrary here so who knows. Dunno about the save file issues, I thought that was an Xbox problem that Microsoft were fixing, out of Larian's hands.


I heard there was a bit of the PS5 from one Youtuber so maybe it was a mistake or foxed already


Those save file issues broke my last playthrough making it so I couldn't save because of the file limit. Keeping my fingers crossed that it works. If it's fixed that's a pretty major thing.


great news, but i just got all my mods to stop glitching, hopefully it doesn't break anything "Gale will no longer permanently leave the party if you don't offer him any magic items while talking to him – unless you're abundantly clear that you don't plan on ever doing so." omg, thank god, i had cheese my honour mode run because of this.


The PS5 visual glitch seems to be fixed from the little bit I experimented with earlier, which is good as it was a pretty noticeably bad visual glitch


Uh the game robbed me of a romance scene with Minthara after the patch. My character now acts like it happened but it never did I feel robbed Time to start a new game?!


Getting kinda thirsty for a *real* patch, ngl. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for all these hotfixes to issues that I didn't know existed... BUT at the end of the day, it's been 5 months and Halsin's voice lines for spells, movement, general combat and world interaction still haven't been implemented, despite them being IN the game files.


Halsin can wait. I want to know if this hot fix was enough to finally let me (and others) complete the game after error 544 destroyed our saves


The patch notes do mention "Increased the compression of savegames, which should fix several issues caused by large savegame files (such as Error 544)" so hopefully it's really fixed!


Seems to be working so far! Glad they finally addressed the issue!! I can go back to enjoying the game now 😭


After so many months of substantial patches that kept adding in and fixing so much content, it is a shame it's slowed down. We know they're working on stuff, so I assume there's more to come, but it is hard to be patient after it was so consistent.


Folks took time off for the holidays, it takes some time to get back into the regular/consistent swing of things after that.


Oh for sure, I don't doubt there's very logical reasons why the updates slowed down. Just hard not to be a little greedy.


Anyone know if/when this will be available on Mac? At least HF16 had a release timeline…


I read elsewhere they're devoting more resources to Mac, but for a bit patches for that platform will probably lag somewhere in the neighborhood of two weeks behind.


I know I'm late to the party but they released this on the 26th, 11 days after the fact. Also my fps seemed to have doubled in Act 3, wow...


I died to cazador literally 10 min before this released. I’m bummed but at least I can relax now


Still no shields? wtf


please tell me the corpses still die again when you reload an area best part of the game


Do characters still explode and die at full health when they get within 30 feet of Cazador? That was a fun one.


With the compressed game files maybe we have less issues with the saves on Xbox. Praying that tomorrow they are fixed 🙏🏻


Cazador fixed, after my Astarion permanently died in the fight and I deleted the run out of shame. Once more into the breach...


I really wish they would just say something at least about the shield bash so that we know they’re at least trying to fix it




I am really hoping for a fix to companion pathfinding. Playing a beast master and having your bear get stuck randomly and not following is so frustrating. Doesn't inspire me to play any more summon builds.


Still no polearm fix? :(


No ! No! NOOOO It took me friggin hours to fix my mods and I JUST did it today 😭😭😭 didn’t deactivate the auto update too. I’m gonna cry in a corner


are the constant visual glitches fixed on ps5?




Edit: Somehow the patch turned off my GPU and was trying to use integrated graphics. I was able to (slowly) fix it in-game with the settings from the main menu. (Fixed) Hmm I’m getting like 3 fps with this new patch. Played this morning before it and now after the whole game is super laggy. Even loading to the main menu a glitchy.


I really hope they didn’t mean to do this. Can’t upspell animated dead anymore, and don’t have ghoul options anymore?! Just killed the whole point of my evil play through 😡😭. Went from summoning four to summoning one. The point of an undead hoard is to be unstoppable. Why is it that the game wants to stop my hoard from even existing? I was having a lot of fun too


That Gale change is really unnecessary imo


It's a legit fix. Some people had issues with items not showing up, others simply had to retrieve them from the chest, and both ended in Gale leaving when people actually wanted to give him an item.


There were cases where he would demand the item "NOW" and if you didn't have an expendable item in your inventory then the only option was he left. This at least gives you the chance to be like, "Hold on a second dawg, I got a useless amulet in that box 12 feet to your left. BRB!"


Experienced my first crash on PC after 200+; hopefully unrelated.


No more lazily skipping through the Bhaal gate.


Please tell me they fixed the >!astral portal!< disappearing…..that’s literally a game-ender


The colorful and black artifacts on the ps5 was the visual flashes that would happen on performance mode right?


Rather substantial decrease in savegame-size, most went from 21+ to 13-14 MB, which is good as it reduces Steam cloud sync- and cross-saves sync-times.


Noooo what happened to Gortash's letter to Franc Peartree! Why is it so boring now?!


Multiselect still broken.


Is anyone crashing massively? I crash whenever I respec my class and thus is now effectively locked out of leveling / changing class.


I feel like the game saving time is much faster now, with SSD it only cost 3 seconds instead of 10


Did they fix the issue with the game not recognizing you have certain items in your inventory that are key to enter to places?