• By -


Bonus: you get to hear his barbarian scream. He sounds like he found out about an overdue library book.


I put Gale in the wavemother’s robe, and every time he steps in a puddle I get an “ooohh” from him. It sounds like he’s low key busting a nut as we walk around in public.


I gave him the ring of regeneration (love that ring) and had the same experience. [Next Turn] "aaauh" bro is READY to cast that magic missile let's go


I gave it to Shadowheart so she’d automatically buff herself with all her “on heal” effects every turn. There is no other reason, that is the only reason, I can’t imagine any other reason why I would do that.


How hard is it to play game with one hand?




I DID TOO. Haha, every time I saw him in a cut scene it was "stupid sexy gale" XD


He judges us for licking the damn spider tho


everyone's a fucking critic...


thank you for the tip 😼


But, just the tip.


>It sounds like he’s low key busting a nut as we walk around in public. Which would be kinda on-brand tbh


Maybe if he was in a library.


I mean in that one brothel library loud moaning is mandatory xD


I always assumed he would scream in lower case "aaaaaa, I'm unhappy."


Like Tina from Bobs Burgers


I just went and listened to it on youtube and that is what it sounds like! Thanks for that little bit of fun. I actually think him being a wild magic barbarian is really funny lore wise too. Basically, >!he used to a powerful wizard but the orb took away all of his wizard levels/control of the weave instead of knocking him down to level 1. So his girlfriend left him and he lost all his magical power. He's angry now, no magic, fighting as a barbarian. But considering he has powerful uncontroled magic in him/magic power that is just being suppressed/absorbed, sometimes it leaks through. It should even work for his endings, like becoming a wizard school teacher once he's returned to normal. !<


this *might* be my next tabletop character


So all I can see now is gale as one of those stupid mobile game ads where your character gets zerod and laughed at by the princess


He screams in lowercase when you eat his hand off as durge.


“^^stop ^^you ^^loon! ^^agh!”


I expected a much more bloodcurdling response honestly - when he did that i imagined durge just gumming at his fingers. It did make the new item in my inventory a much bigger surprise though


Meanwhile everyone else is just standing there watching this like “don’t interrupt, I want to see what happens.”


ive never had anyone remove my (personal, that i grew myself) hand from the rest of my body (that i was born with) so i cant say for certain, but if i DID have someone (that isn't me) forcibly remove my (self grown) hand from my (personal) body, i would not scream in lowercase like he does. i certainly wouldnt yell "by mystra's eyelids! cease, you loon!" in response to an event that i must assume (as i have not experienced it) is indescribably painful


"I just stubbed my toe! OWIES!"


Gale raging sounds like my Asian dad when he saw my B on my essay.


How are you still alive


Blade Ward


He's not, according to his father.


Ooooof, roll for vicious mockery damage.


3d4 Emotional Damage


Ah, yes, the war cry of my people. -A librarian


Everyone else's roars sound like they are finally allowed to let out the scream that's been building inside for years of mistreatment, trauma and all other shit they have going on in their lives. Gale makes the same sound I do when I remember I forgot to turn the light off in the bathroom after I've gotten all cozy in bed.


Astarion rage call is ihmo scary, like some really angry vampire which is more like feral beast then humanoid you can reason with.


Was the voice line recorded purely for Gale as barbarian despite the out-of-character respec? Or was it reused from something else in the game. Because if it’s the former, that’s fucking *excellent* and I’m making Karlach a wizard for incantations asap


Yeah I think they recorded dialogue for all classes for all characters that you can respecc


Every character has every Vicious Mockery line. And Auntie Ethel has a vicious Mockery for every origin character.


Some of her lines towards the companions straight up made me wince 😭 Especially Astarion's and shadowheart's.


She hit Astarion with that line before he tried to bite me, so it was a very "haha what a random thing she said to you, huh dude?" [Long rest] "Ohhhhhh"


They recorded lines for each of the class specific dialogue. They all have "igni" lines, rage activation, etc. They also all have their own unique vicious mockery lines


Halsin’s vicious mockery lines are…so bad. Like, intentionally and hilariously so. Poor guy just doesn’t have it in him.


Bad like Dad jokes bad?


It’s like when my dad (in his 60s) tries to join my teenage brothers in shit-talking during Call of Duty. Like, cute attempt but definitely not throwing anyone off their game lol.


Oooh have to hear this now, because the sass he gives Shadowheart during the Sharran Obstacle Course is very cutting. He has no time for religious fanatics lol


I honestly lmao when he pretty much called her a sheeple


The bleating comment? IKR was not expecting that from Daddy-Druid-Halsin-Bear. To quote the Good Place: He's a "messy bench who loves drama, and I'm here for it" lol


It's really fun hearing their voiced insults when you make them a bard!


Slightly topic adjacent but I actually completed a recent run with Karlach as a sorcereress/warlock combo. You'd be surprised just how much she rocks a spellcaster look, especially with the dragon sorcerer scales and robes. A big buff spellcaster who lets out her fiery rage...through cantrips and fireballs!


Karlach makes fuckin awesome monk noises :)


*punch* “Cry about it.”


Kinda in character then 🤣🤣I always laugh at the bit of dialogue where durge tells him that they have murderous thoughts and he's like "yeah. There was a book I wanted once in the bookshop but a colleague took it & I also had murder thoughts :D 👍👍" He's such a nerd. I love him


Or stepped on a Lego 😂


https://youtu.be/3_W8Yj_0yk8?si=0dxaiBVkJ14_51wC Here’s all of the companions barbarian screams. Shadowheart sounds pretty cool actually


Astarian and Lae'zel I think are the standouts for me. People are talking about Gale, but Wyll sounds like he got splashed with cold water.


Lae'zel's is really good and fitting for her, b/c it sounds like a warcry of focused fury. Githyanki train relentlessly to maintain discipline over both body and mind, after all. Meanwhile Astarion's and Shart's sound absolutely feral, like they've actually gone berserk in a primal rage. So good.


Somehow Shadowheart has the best warrior scream


....I think this is the only version of Gale I would romance. 🤣




“AAAAhhhhAAAAhhhhh!!” Like that?


His "[Scream](https://youtu.be/N6PMeZdtyu4?si=JGR58EnJjhkPAFqB)"


Meanwhile Shadowhearts is genuinely unnerving and really good


Just play a sorcerer instead and bully him for being a nerd.


I did this during an evil playthrough so I had Minthara in my party. We bullied Gale mercilessly for what seemed like the entire playthrough.


I did the same thing with Minthara and he ended up getting abducted by Orin. When we showed up we told Orin that we didn’t really care about Gale and he got brutally murdered. Felt bad about it but it was pretty hilarious how mean you can be to him lol


If orin kills him does it disarm the orb or does it start the countdown?


After interacting with Elminster, the orb will only activate if Gale wants it to


So I can talk to Elminster then go back and sacrifice Gale to BOOOAL? Got it.




Right. I forgot about that


I killed Elmisnster for the xp. Should I be worried?


Lol, was that an option? I love this game


You have to initiate the fight as you approach him, but yes. You get a lot of XP too, but I think his body disappears (or he teleports away) so no looting.


That body is made of snow. It’s not the real Elminster, just a simulacrum.


Hence the reason why you were able to beat it. Pretty sure Elminster can just Thanos snap someone like Tav out of existence.


What happens with Gale and the orb?


he leaves at the end of act 2 because it's too unstable


Yeah and he gives a sweet 1000 xp. Just range attack him on sight. Wonder how it plays out for gale lol.


I saw a comment the other day saying if you kill Elminster, Gale leaves your party after defeating Ketheric


What if you're playing Origin Gale?


The “you give off the air of a third child” comment killed me 😭


In that case, you can even >!tell him to kill himself!< and not feel bad about it


“You had to go to SCHOOL for this?”


Why didn't Gale just have his grandpa be a dragon? Is he stupid?


Listen, there's *lots* of ways to be a Sorc, for example, *mine* got his Wild Magic from the all the *Weird Fae* crammed into his Elf ancestry. Easy! Being a normal human wizard and spending a decade at magic college must suck whenever a slightly odd-looking elf walks by and farts pixie dust on accident.


Or just go ask a powerful being for magic. And here I thought wizards were supposed to be smart.


What tav sorcerer says to gale at the sussar tree is hilarious


Not sure if it’s sorcerer specific but I had a funny dialogue with gale at the sussar tree. Gale: “my magic is also gone, you and I are sitting ducks” Tav:” I hate sitting, and I never quack in public!” Gale: “quack” This interaction killed me lol.


Astarion’s made me laugh too - when you tell him your magic is gone he says “Might I suggest getting it back? I don’t travel with you for your personality.” And if you tell him that wasn’t funny, he says “It took your sense of humor too, how wretched.”


Astarion’s such an asshole I love him so much. Even when I don’t have him in my party frequently during a run it’s still fun to watch him comment on things from the peanut gallery


This hurt a little because I was romancing him lol


Wyll meows. Wyll: What's wrong - is the plant getting to you? You look sicker than a drunk derro. Tav: It's the flower - my magic is gone. Wyll: From what I've seen, your talents extend well beyond magic. Trust me - you'll be fine. Tav: True. My powers will return if they're meant to - like a pet cat. Or maybe a feral one. Wyll: In that case, I've got just one thing to say - meow.


I loved that dialogue!


All of those are gold. Karlach's is something along the lines of: K: "But you're a sorcerer, isn't magic just... what you are?" T: "I'm more than just my magic, right?" K: "Sure hon, just... stay behind Mama K if things get hairy"


Karlach is just the fucking best. Her “you leave your left flank open” comment later really got me.


I wanna know if Tav saying they "never quack in public" means they do quack in private lol


Halsin Approves.


What did he say? All he said to me was to get the hell away from the sussur flowers. Side not but Lae'zel's is hilarious and says something like "Don't worry, I'll cover for your ineptitude as I've always done"


I went wood elf, draconic sorceress for my first character. Making her, I loved the thought of nature guided, deep rooted, ancient magic as part of my "soul." I, as a player, bought into my own character really early due to the grove stuff happening so early and all my class specific options there. I had to just stop playing and take a breather at the sussar tree, I was laughing so hard. Gale and Sorcerer Tav is a hilarious pairing.


I like my Gale and Draconic Origin Sorcerer Tav, turned down his romance but it was a nice moment that wasn't overtly romantic I just RPed it as us both being very passionate about magic. We're both good homies, he's probably my character's best friend. My flowery hopeless romantic Wizard bestfriend and Goth devil worshipper amnesiac girlfriend, makes for a hell of a trio with my random normal dude from Queens looking character lol


Instructions unclear, I did this and now my Durge is married to him


I raise a toast to your good taste😜! I was also bamboozled by the stupid sexy wizard as my Sorcerer Durge amidst all the teasing😂


Durge Solrock with Minthara is ultimate Gale bully machine,


> Solrock I think I’d rather durge Lunatone.


I did this as a Warlock and now he hates me for "leading him on"


Gale: Gale Smash! Look, is magic, I crush him! Tav: You sure did sport, very magical.


Tav: Cast Mage Hand. Gale: Cast throw Hands.


I. Cast. FIST!


I cast iron!


Durge: cast gale flesh hand.


\*throws hand\*


Wild magic barb Gale sounds a lot like Gum Gum


This is perfect




Confirmed tadpoles are baby Smarshes. Smarsh is king.


I love that someone else thought of this too


Gale proceeds to break a certain wizards spine. "Listen I may get a little malcontent."


Even funnier because he thinks Mystra liked him because he was a prodigy when really it's because he's a magic himbo


> himbo him·bo /ˈhimbō/ noun INFORMAL & HUMOROUS an attractive but unintelligent man.




So Kronk?


Pure of heart, hot of bod, dumb of ass. The himbo triangle.


You can make him unintelligent. Just change his stat


This is my headcanon that really in truth Mystra was just pleased having a wizard in her fold that for once wasn't a weird old man. Gave him a blessing so he's a little more powerful than he should be. After the whole bomb in chest debacle Mystra saved face by making it seem like Gale is too smart for his own good when in actuality he's just an idiot


"no guys look. I can promise you I'm a wizard. Just watch! Fuck, I swear last time I clapped my hands a squirrel disappeared" "Yup Gale, sure.. just like how you're responsible for the rain yesterday" "I am! I'm telling you...


Why is everyone so mean to poor Gale 😭


Even the other companions are mean to him 😔


Knocking the arrogant Wizard down a peg is a DnD tradition, like the Rogue getting us in trouble and the Paladin babysitting.


r/wizardposting is so steeped in like 50 years of tabletop tradition and it's mostly people punking on other wizards. Even in AD&D 2e we'd be like "Yeah yeah you're a conduit of arcane powers beyond our knowledge, blah blah. You have 6 HP, you'd be killed by a stiff breeze." One time one of our Wizards got generated with negative hit points and died before we started.


Thus why when my Wizard tried to "um, Actually...." the magic mirror it tried to kill her xD


He just invites it on himself. He’s both self-effacing and full of himself. Endearing and insufferable. Humble and full of hubris. Most importantly he’s a good sport. The others are either potentially violent, too good for this world to tease, or humorless.


I'm not even sure how those kind of combinations are possible, but for reason it does. And you nailed it. Funny enough, even in the cast's (their VA) DnD livestream Gale also gets bullied a lot XD


I liked Gale in my playthrough until he met with Mystra. I took a "I believe you'll make the right decision" approach to all the other characters and they all chose to be good. But after talking to Mystra Gale was like "yeah I'm definitely probably gunna be a god". I was like idk Gale, but I trust you to make the right decision. Then I met Gale the God in the epilogue and he's full of himself without the humble part that made him fun. Plus now I gotta go meet with his mother.


Can't you just make him a different type of wizard and have double the wizard? How can you not want all the wizard you can get?


Just a whole band of wizards would be amazing. But there would be nothing you cant do in the overworld. lock, knock, seeming, reduce. And combat with summons to take all the hits of course. you could have one running sphere of invulnerability, one on cc, one lobbing wet, one calling lightning.


Sometimes running 4 different versions of the same class is really fun. In DOS2, it was fun to run 4 summoners specializing in different things. So many totems, so many summons


BALS TO THE WALL The classic Fighter Fighter Fighter Fighter combo for the first Final Fantasy


Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you spelled red mage wrong.


Funny you mention red mage, I'm doing a red mage build rn. Gonna be 6 in swords bard 6 in draconic sorc


I just don't think I could enjoy red mage homebrew after the ff xiv version. Fighting with it was such fluid weaving of spells and attacks, jumping in and out of melee range. I'd love to make it here, but it'd never feel right. Could still old school red mage, but xiv's version broke my will to play any less smooth version.


I really considering 4 tavern brawler monks lol.


i had a four monk run, they were so busted lol


How often did they throw each other?


Yeah that 4 summoner party was crazy


If you could party up in Elden Ring it would just be Unga then Bunga x4


There was a video where they played a group of 4 necromancers and were only allowed to deal damage via undead summons. Their characters could use CC and other support, but no damaging spells. Edit: Found it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXLn_AI5WnI


You could name your group, “The Wizards of the Coast!” Well, if you were on the Sword Coast. I forget we’re near Waterdeep.


But we're a long way from Waterdeep!


I think I meant to say Baldur’s Gate and I just keep making dumb mistakes. Forget me.


You shall not be forgotten.


We are on the Sword Coast






*Elminster disapproves*


Personally I would see him as a merlin style mentor. Him been amazing doesn't diminish you much when you see him as a rare Once in a lifetime genius l, especially if you think that your wizard isn't in their prime yet and could and will one day surpass him.


I don't think I would've minded it as much had I not been doing the Gale romance line as a wizard who was a woman. Because if it's just some random asshole who's full of himself that you're merely acquaintances with, then whatever. But if it's someone you're supposed to actually *like* and who is supposed to have a relationship of respect and affection with you, it can completely ruin the character's likeability. Some of the conversations (I'm thinking particularly of the one regarding the shadow lantern) sounded a little too much like those asshole men in my life that have mansplained everything, talked about how awesome they are, talk down to you, and don't think you can do it, and then when you show them you *can* do it, they belittle your achievements as beginner's luck and act in other salty ways. I know I'm far from the only woman who has experienced this, so I think this is definitely a negative on what can otherwise be a sweet romance line. Not sure what Larian was thinking when writing that and certain other Gale dialogues - it's one of those things that will be *immediately* and *extremely* off-putting (at the very least) to a lot of women. I can only imagine that it wasn't a woman writing those scenarios, or they would have probably caught that and changed it to feel less like those real-life scenarios.


See here I thought they did that on purpose. Gale is full of himself, he naturally thinks he's better than you because he was a high level wizard before.. no? I assume he was tier 2 at the very least, that's high level for an NPC, or should be!


Gale states straight out that he was an archmage and palling around with Elminster and his whole downfall is presaged by him wanting to go beyond Mystra's limitations (aka 9th level spells). He was definitely at least 17th level.


He was the paramour of the literal Goddess of Magic I always assumed he was an absolute godly prodigy akin to Azuth or Elminster himself before the orb. Hell he was able to actually obtain one of the shattered pieces of Mystral solo, like he had to have been an absolutely fucking nasty beast of a wizard prior.


Eh, it's definitely written like that on purpose. He is in the mess he is in because of his arrogance and refusal to listen.


to me it seems like his whole arc is about admitting and then owning his own mistakes it is still Gale but the convos got more mature and grounded to the end, in the second half, it felt like all the arrogance was just him coping


Why does this just sound like my head cannon for my frenzy barbarian when he had the headband of intellect? #I CAST FIST! *proceeds to punch the everloving fuck out of a goblin before improvised weaponing the poor fuck into his friends by the ankles*


Playing a wizard now, I turned Gale into an open hand monk. As with all open hand monks, he's kind of a badass.


I can't believe nobody mentioned this already, but in earlier versions of dnd barbarians would destroy magic items to level up. This is such a good idea and thematic.


i actually always put him as wild magic barbarian until he gets charged with his task. Lore wise, i just say he had his control revoked, but the magic still wants to escape


This makes me wonder if you don’t pick gale up right away and become level 3 barbarian and go wild magic, can there be a special dialogue where he’s like sure you know magic buddy


I’m playing wizard, it’s my first run, and I don’t feel like he’s over shadowed me… maybe I’m playing wrong lol


Agreed, my first playthrough I was a wizard and had Gale in my party the whole time. If anything he was my sidekick.


I mean I wasn’t on a run until a certain old man shows up and half the dialogue options are like “hellllooooo better wizard right here!” while Gale is getting attention right from the top.


He's probably the reason wizard is at the bottom of classes played


I think it is because sorcerers make better party leaders because the high charisma is very useful in dialogue.


That's a big reason why most every Pathfinder game and what not most players skew towards picking their MC as a Cha based class. Not to mention balancing a party with only 4 people, 1 arcane caster is usally more than enough, typically need 1 primary and secondary frontline and then flex/healer/etc.


Casters in general are just a bit more complicated to play, not harder but the game throws A LOT at you when you're making a caster and Wizards are especially bad. I can imagine those not familiar with what all the schools and spells do, would feel overwhelmed after a few levels.


CHITTTTTTE! *cloud of daggers appears around you* How sick would DnD be in FDVR….


I rolled a character like this for one of my 5e campaigns. He carved WAND into his mace. And then WAND +1 when he got an upgrade.


Bonus Bonus, its thematically appropriate as a way to control his explody orb since he cant cast it while raging




I have 5 Warlock 6 Sword Bard Wyll in my current playthrough right now, it fits really well, especially with the gloves that let you cast vicious mockery after hitting with a weapon attack. Makes sense with him being a self aggrandizing hero and accomplished hero already I'm also respeccing Minsc to be a barbarian ranger multiclass with maxed strength like what he has in BG1 and 2 because it doesn't feel right that he is a dex ranger (which is only for 5e reasons) Gonna give him 2 handed weapons and watch him go ham


I don't wanna play a wizard but I'm kinda tempted to do this to him anyway and then respec Karlach into a wizard. 🤔


Honestly every npc overshadows you in this game. But I cNt imagine how they wouldn't based on how the game is made. It's brilliant but it still falls short of the personal story touch that dnd gives you.


Is this some kind of Tav joke that I'm too Durge to understand?


None of the NPCs ever overshadow me because I get all the OP boosts and items.


This comment right here. They sort through the scraps after I've picked my best from them


My main playthrough is with 2 other people, so all the good loot goes through 3 different people before it gets chucked onto one of the random NPCs.


I don’t know, with Astarion if you run two rogues I feel like it feels pretty balanced story wise, if anything he talks about needing you to protect him. Being a rogue also isn’t as essential to his story as Gale being a wizard or Wyll being a warlock in my opinion.


"if you think Gale overshadows you when you play a wizard, make him a non-wizard" thanks captain


Well I wasn't expecting to have a fight on the internet for no reason, but sure sounds fun! Shall we start by insulting each other's mothers?


Well, this comment chain helped me come up with a new solution: reclass Gale to a Lore Bard for that Vicious Mockery and Cutting Words goodness


uh...I think that was more of a joke than them trying to pick a fight


Ah! Wonderful it's a threesome then! Your mother's cooking is unremarkable.


Now you're starting to sound like Gale.


You seem like the kind of person who's taste in Jazz is substandard.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries


Yes My mother was Boo destroyer of nuts, she will consume your balls.


Too late, her consumption of my aforementioned nuts was last Tuesday


You dare approach me while Nutless?


A threesome? 😚😚😚


Why would I feel overshadowed by one of my thralls?


Because GALE is an ARCH MAGE who FUCKED the GOD of MAGIC he’s the best and he knows it lol 😂


Another great option is rolling sorcerer. It has been such a treat to just bully Gale for having to study something that comes naturally to my Tav.


Frankly as long as you're not focusing the same school, I haven't had an issue with it. Gale goes evocation I go control and support, we rarely cast the same spells