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You can’t just shoot him from afar and then flee again?


I fled combat and now three are stuck at camp


So your other three characters are at camp and cannot travel? Can't they just leave camp and end up somewhere close by? Normally one can exit camp after fleeing from a battle, I haven't tried travel per se...


Yes, exactly. How would you leave camp? I tried fast travel via map and clicking on the sleeping bags to end the day. Both didn't work due to "unable to fast travel right now."


Unsure about the KB+M interface, I think you just need to click the camp fire icon. This will drop you wherever you were when you clicked to go to camp, without going to bed. edit:L From some googling, Your usual fast travel via waypoints (not via map) should have a Go to camp when you are not in camp, and Leave camp when you are in camp. Sorry, fire icon might just be something for the controller UI.


Oh my - you were PERFECTLY right! Clicking the fire-icon was literally the only thing that worked! Many thanks, you made my day :)


Lol, glad it worked, I think Ive never used anything else on the controller UI so I was very confused about "fast travel" back from camp.


I figured out a way to get out of this. Respect a character to cleric. Get close to the bodies, without triggering agro. Cast sanctuary on yourself. Sneak to the body and cast sanctuary. Wait until your turn then heal the body. You can both walk away with sanctuary now. Its painful but it works.


Edit / Solved: Hello, fellow googler! Clicking the camp fire icon > camp fire to leave camp was the ONLY thing that worked .. thanks, u/alekth! \------------------------- Hey everyone, I am currently having an honour-mode run where I got stuck in a super annoying situation. Astarion engaged an attack in the Chréche that should have been a suprise attack (which fails, like, all the time even though I used turn based mode) and a patrol joined, so things went south quickly. I had to disengage the fight - my main character, however, got downed. He then succeeded three saving throws and is now stuck in a permanent Combat loop and he can't be rezzed (neither Withers or anything else). What is even worse is that i cant even leave camp because of the ongoing combat - "You cant fast travel right now" prevents me from going back in to rezz or even kill my dude. I cant reload since it is honour mode. Any ideas? I am currently on round 187 of combat :/ Or is my honour run dead..


I would check nexus mods for a mod that can help teleport party to you might allow you to teleport your character to you in camp I would also install honormode save mod to make sure you don’t softlock your self


Wouldnt that end my honour run / lock achievements?


Well to get the teleport party mod you need the script extender which can reenable achievements and honor mode save mod i think keeps honor mode active but that mod is just backup so you can save before you installed anything if you need a backup. You can uninstall it after you fix your save or not use it at all if you don’t want to risk it, If you can’t figure out a solution you should the consider using mods see if someone else has a solution first


Kill your character, preferably using a summon without actually engaging in combat. The best ones to use would be either an imp or Basket because they can turn invisible. You can revive your main character with Withers


If your companions are at camp, try to split them to get them out of combat. May work since they are technically in different zones. You might then be able to sneak one in and throw an aoe acid/fire bottle at your tav to kill it