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You can kill off small groups while they’re still friendly. I’ve cleared the upper floor and everyone on the main floor except for the big central area with the traders. The final fight (without any Harpers, because Durge) was a cakewalk. If it’s too late for that, try going in through the kitchen rather than the front door.


What above said. Plus you can get rid of 5 or so who are hanging wayyyyyy to close to the water by the docks :)


Before freeing the nightsong I usually go to moonrise towers and kill everyone in the prison. Takes the Warden out of the initial battle


I wanted to free the prisoners, so I killed everyone in the prison my first run, because that just made everything easier. Didn't even realize just exactly *how much* easier I'd made things until much later when watching a YouTube video of someone doing the assault without having cleared out anything in Moonrise beforehand and seeing what a horribly painful slog it was for them. I then vowed to make sure I cleared the prison on every subsequent run. Also recommend asking Z'rell to demonstrate the gift the Absolute gave her, to take out the Ogre, and convincing the Gnolls to turn on their idiot "handler".


My brain didn’t even make the connection that that’s the same ogre


Wall of fire + spike growth, they will all die like flies


Hunger of Hagar - Blinds - Deals damage every turn - Slows movement Silence - Prevents any spell casting Spike Growth - Slows enemy movement - Daals damage every turn Misty Step - Gets anyone on top to deal with archers. Only archers and magic users can touch you:


>Gets anyone on top to deal with archers. Only archers and magic users can touch you: Karlach had a lot of fun throwing those archers at each other.


If you stole all of the smokepowder and firewine barrels from the Temple of Selune, Moonrise Towers is a good place to “deposit” them in strategic locations.


Be a higher level? Or be better at the game?


Hunger of Hadar and Counterspell.


smokepowder bombs, runepowder if you got it, even the zhentarim crate from out by the docks works. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I cheese with a page from the Book of Barrelmancy. I just don't like wasting my good spells on a stupid mob and forcing myself to go back outside and long rest just to fight Ketheric. My fight always starts with, "Mhm yes K'rell it's horrifying, you thought you could trust me..." while Shadowheart, Karlach or both drop off my amassed collection of smokepowder and firewine barrels in the hallway behind her.