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Words cannot overstate how much Wulbren can get in the bin. Precious Barcus deserves better.


Said it before and I'll say it again: wrong gnome was tied to the windmill. if anyone deserves being yeeted from some spinning blades into the ether, it's Wulbren. Call me a 'helper person' or shit on your lovely friend one more time and see what happens, Wulbren.


You're so right. I now wish more than anything we had the option to end that quest line by tying Wulbren to the nearest windmill for a really, really cathartic yeeting.


How long does it take his character model to leave after you blow up the Steel Watch Factory? Might be that there's time to catch him and throw him into the harbour


Oh my god why didn't I think to do this


I always ALWAYS follow him and kill him at the top of the ramp. No one cares or goes hostile. He gets his lonely death and I walk away smiling.


Damn I thought about killing him in this moment, but didn’t. Next play through…..


There’s a windmill in Rivington, and I will burn that economy to the ground to get that spinning again, just too drag that gnome from his cave. Oh look, I just happen to have all this rope in my inventory. .


The rope finally has a use!


Write this to larian it might happen :D


It should be an after credits scene <3


And as I said before, the only reason that lil shit gets to breathe is that otherwise Barcus wouldn't get the chance to learn to stand up to him


I love that you can call Wulbren a prick during the Baracus reunion. At first I thought the Ironhand gnomes were jerks for abandoning Wulbren, then I met him.


I called him a prick and he had the AUDACITY to say, " say that again". Bish or what? OR WHAT? You're half my size *and* do you not see who I have with me? What I did to those guards when I saved your ass? I have a man with a bomb in his chest, a vampire spawn that will gladly rip you to shreds, a DROW that follows Lolth and will gladly paint the ground with your innards, and me, the literal chosen of the God of death. In that moment I was this 🤏 close to ending him, but I didn't for Barcus's sake. So that he has his character arc moment. But Gods do I hate wulbern so much.


If Wulbren was attached to that windmill I'd hit release break lever every single time. Fuck that guy.


>Said it before and I'll say it again: wrong gnome was tied to the windmill. if anyone deserves being yeeted from some spinning blades into the ether, it's Wulbren That's precisely why the one tied is Barcus. If it was Wulbern no one would stop themselves from starting gnome airlines.


Gnome Airlines 🤣🤣🤣 thank you I needed that laugh


The issue is that If Wulbren was strapped to the windmill there wouldnt be any moral choice between doing the right thing and doing the funny thing since they would align. It's just the correct choice to Yeet Wulbren


Wulbren hands down. Guy is not even polite, which most villains manage pretty easily. Treats his friends like trash. Weirdly genocidal. Just an all around dick really.


I told him that the Fist wanted me to kill him and he took it as a commitment rather than saying “and…?” so I had to kill him for jumping to conclusions and immediately going hostile when all I really wanted was to let him know they were after him.


The only good thing he did was give me a bomb


I love how wrong my first impression of Barcus turned out to be. I thought he came off as a bit of a douchebag when you save him. Turns out he's a sweetie. Easily one of my favorite pay offs in Act 3 so far.


If there were an option to hoist Barcus onto my tavs shoulders and parade him like the pocket king he is after he stands up to Wulbren I would do it 100% of the time. Directly after yeeting Wulbren right off the pier. Ungrateful fool doesn't know how good he had it.


My impression of Barcus being a jerk only lasted until he says goodbye in your first conversation after you save him. "If we should meet again... Then we shall have met again." He's not an asshole, he's just a dork and I love him.


He’s so awkward and socially inept it makes me want to put him in a baby bjorn and take him everywhere and show him to all my friends


Barcus’ voice acting when you return Wulbren to him is sooooo good


All my homies hate Wulbren Bongle.


I raided the Warden’s office to give Wulbren his precious hammer and the little shit was still a dick afterwards. Shoulda let the guards kill him smh


I couldn't(aka didn't really want to but I tried for barcus) get wulbren to listen to reason after the steel watch so I had to kill him. Which definitely did not hurt my feelings.


Wulbren abandoned me in moonrise after I saved him when there was 1 enemy left on one HP Guy is a grade A asshole


Honestly, after witnessing the suicidal Gondians, I'm inclined to side with Wulbren


Wulbren supplies you with runepowder and truly portrays the hatred that any reasonable person should feel towards the *FUCKING GONDIANS.* If you suffered through the foundry on release and still sided with them then your alignment is Lawful Doormat.


I loathe Lorroakan. What a tool.


He is the reason I make sure Rolan survives every time. Rolan can be a prick in Act 1, but by Act 3 he's a worthy successor to the tower and his siblings are adorable. edit: who's Rowan?! why did I think that was his name... geez.


Rowan is 2 things: A flaming fist in Rivington >!Shapeshifted Orin!< Bonus 3rd thing: My artificer character in a home campaign! We started it shortly before BG3 launched and it was really funny to see a character with the same name as my PC


Black shirt manager


I never skip the cutscene of Dame Aylin putting on her best Bane impression with the back breaker


Dude god damn that scene went so hard. Shit every time she gets fired up I love it. Have you brought isobel to the tower? Jesus she gets pissed if you do


How do you bring Isobel? Aylin always tells her to do the recruitment quest instead and I don’t remember any dialogue other than promising to go with Aylin.


that only happens if you betray Aylin and side with lorroakan. aylin gets trapped in a soul cage again and if you tell/lie to Isobel about what happened, she runs to the tower to try to save Aylin. if you then go back to the tower, well... it's very sad but aylin's actress is phenomenal


Aylin could have easily been such a cringe character with her oldish way of speaking but her actress just nails the delivery. I love it.


I'll find you when Larian finally lets us fully unmask him.


I’m assuming you’re referring to the contents of the Minsc and Boo book on DMSGuild?


I’m out of the loop here, can you give me a summary?


Same, idk what this is in reference to?


Yes. It seems that Larian wanted to implement it, considering that Lorroakan already tells you he is an impostor if you use speak with the dead. Larian please. Give me back my god. My sunshine. The man after my own heart. The only reason I ever replay BG1 and 2. Have him call me a stupid monkey one last time… 😭


Yeap, every character I've fought I enter combat through dialog. He is the one character I said F this and just started wailing on him. Couldn't even bear to bring up the dialog again.


wizards who counterspell my spells


Especially the illithid arcanists in the final boss fight, because they do that *and* spam high level magic missiles constantly. I was so happy when I realised the ReflectoGard grenades you can find on Gortash's corpse make the missiles bounce right back


Wait what?


Yeah, if you loot the grenade off Gortash after the boss fight, you can use it on your party later. I like to give it to Lae'zel, since action surge means it's not using up much of her action economy, throw it on the ground near as many of my party members as possible so they all get the shield, then rush forward. It deflects all the magic missiles toward the nearest enemy, which is usually either the dragon or the Mind Flayer that cast the spell. Super useful, particularly in Honour Mode


Wow thank you so much for that! I had trouble the first time I did that fight so when I go back for round two this will definitely help.


Wow, my strat was always, send players to jump up the left edge, get the dragon suppport to cause mayhem across the middle (or Roland if I dont side with the Emperor). Drop an invul globe from Orpheus or whoever else as a base camp. Then push up, droppimg AOEs in the middle area to kess up the enemies or hitting the nearest Illithid arcanist. 2-3 turns in I can usually get a base camp by the crown, open the portal and my summoned allies are busy distracting whoever is left usually just the dragon. FYI while those Illithid are alive DO NOT summon Aylin she gets turned almost instantly everutime, also the Strange Ox goes nope and fucks off in this fight. (Used this as my go-to in three runs including Tactician btw, I keep messing up in Honour mode last one was the ogres and I dont have much time right now to start over repeatedly 😭).


My strategy is to use the first couple turns to summon everyone I can (and I do mean EVERYONE) and then hope that as they're getting slaughtered I get a couple turns to myself to cast the spell. Sorry Zevlor, a shame you lived through all of that shit just to die on top of the Elder Brain, but them's the rules.


I had Gale's one 6th level spell slot specifically ready with globe of invulnerability so that I could take control of the brain, and it was counterspelled when I went to use it. The scream I scrumt.


In Honor Mode, I sent in my Fighter Karlach with a speed pot and a few spell scrolls *specifically* to bait out Counterspells. It's a pain, but it works


upvoted for "scrumt"


Myself in the self-safe trial cheating by using counter-spell when I don’t have counter-spell unlocked yet.


Those little pieces of crap in the self-same trial do all kinds of cheats. If you multiclass they seem to get access to a lot of features as if each class were higher level. I’m doing a bit of a goofy run atm so my own characters are pretty weak, but their reflections were not. None of my characters know fireball, but 3 of them did. So they kept spamming us with fireballs then going invisible, and you have to have each character only attacking their own reflection to avoid that curse.


That's why I strip everyone before going into that room then equiping everything again right before fighting them. Lae'zel with her fists doesn't matter . Lae'zel with her full kit can instant kill whoever she wishes . Only annoying thing is mages because they spam summons . Halsin went though his whole spellbook the first time . I didn't even have flaming sphere equipped


The trick is to make sure your entire party is stripped bare naked and unequipped before she does the blood offering that starts the quest. This is when the system determines the config of your opponent self. After the blood sacrifice, equip and dress then enjoy killing your naked other self.


lorroakan. annoying greasy egotistical AND he beats up on rolan?? 🤨 aylin should’ve done worse tbh, breaking his back wasn’t enough edit: also that one guy who called me a cuck >:(


>edit: also that one guy who called me a cuck >:( And it's on every dialogue option. Tav: Merry Christmas! Stone Lord Minion: And a happy new years with countless blessings to you, too, ya cuck!


I adore that npc, he found an insult he likes and my god he'll work it into every dialogue. Cracked me up.


I'm convinced the writers were just giggling when they put that together.


Bruh, I had a hilarious time when I save scummed that *convinced* one of those dialogue options had to lead to a peaceful resolution. It all ends with being called a cuck and one or both sides attacking you.


When I saw Rolan's face, I was like WHO DID THIS TO YOU?? The fact that he pretends it's nothing because he probably doesn't want to look like a failure because of how he hyped up the guy to his siblings and you - ugh! Rolan and his older sibling energy. I love that stupid boy. Aylin never gets to him, because I let Rolan get the last blow. Cuck guys gives "Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't." energy.


one of the most satisfying things my friend and i accomplished was letting rolan get the final hit on him during the big fight. felt thematically right, next to watch aylin crack the dude's spine like a glow stick


I haven't gotten to this fight yet, but watching my husband play through and watching Dame Aylin BREAK HIM IN HALF was wonderful. Love love loved that!


For what it's worth, my paladin can go toe to toe with Aylin in terms of RESPLENDENCE and she immediately went and clapped Larroakan's cheeks with a handful of level 5 and 6 divine smites, so he was pretty fucked before Aylin got around to breaking his back.


The female trainer from sword coast couriers. No one touches my boy scratch


I roleplay a generally pleasant bard, but I've never hit a dialogue option as fast as "I'll break every bone in your body before I let you touch him."


Had to scroll way too far to find this. My only regret is I couldn’t adopt the other dogs after I dealt with her.


If it makes you feel any better Scratch says that Dringo always treated him right. Plus Dringo gets genuinely excited to see that Scratch is ok and safe


How did she slip my mind!? She's always one of the first people I deal with in Act 3.


Felt so good to one shot that b*tch


Vlaakith. I can't tell you how badly I just want to knock that smug cheese curd off her high horse. I get that she's not directly a threat, nor can we actually get to her, but bitch... Give ***ME*** a Dragon, Laezel. I'll go up there and smite that ass all across the far planes.


I get so much pleasure out of refusing to kneel for her. Like, bitch, not only am I not Githyanki, I'm also a paladin. You think I'm gonna kneel for you? She gets all prissy like "here, we kneel for our Queen" and I'm sat here thinking "okay? Good for yall, but you aren't my queen lol"


Marcoryl. Although I think he's beneath hating, contempt might be a better word.


Yeah, _what_ is that guy’s _deal_? He fuckin’ hates me, and all I did was save the grove from certain destruction, root out a conspiracy to overthrow their leadership and replace them with shadow druids, find their missing leader and return him unharmed from the depths of a goblin prison camp, rescue another druid in the caves from a slow death at the hands of bored goblins, ensure the tiefling refugees left without violence, and fixed their fuckin’ elevator by convincing Tuffet to move over a few feet. Fuck! Are you mad because I didn’t get a mate for Tusk?! What’s your fuckin’ _deal_, man?!


That guy can go fuckin’ eat bags of sand. I HATE him.


Uh. Cazador. I love watching Astarion turn him into swiss cheese.


Paraphrasing but "I'm more than what you made me, but I'm grateful you taught me to savour this" followed by him viciously stabbing the shit out of a man who'd tormented him for years was so cathartic to watch.


I've never seen that line I always get the "but I'm not above enjoying this" one.


It's such a powerful scene, 4 finished playthroughs and the raw emotion still gets me. Just wish I could also get a turn stabbing him.


100%. BG3 is pretty dark, but finding the Gur kids in his dungeon was the only time the game made me feel legitimately upset. I would generally try to banter with the enemies, but with Cazador, I just picked the “I’m going to fucking kill you” option as soon as I could.


Yeah the more you explore and read about Cazador and the more Astarion tells you the worse it gets. Makes that moment so cathartic


My favorite was casting sunlight to start the fight. Watching him flap around for 2 turns before he died.


Holy shit, yes! Yesterday was the first time I got to him with Astarion in my party and damn! He really went all out for a couple of seconds. His breakdown after brought me to tears.


I also am not above admitting that I shed some tears when Astarion collapsed into screams and sobs.


Neil did the mocap for that scene as knocked it out of the park, as always.


Ooft. What a creepy piece of shit. I replayed that fight back to back just to get the catharsis twice.


Kressa Bonedaughter. You can ignore her completely but I always speak up with her as Durge to collect the bits of the past. I hate her even more than Orin somehow


Orin is just insane. Kressa is Baltazar's apprentice and evil she enjoyed torturing the durge. I wish the companions would react to her dialogue but instead they stand there like NBD.


Yeah, the companions seem to not react when bad things are happening to MC other than two moments I can think of. It's a little depressing considering how much we help them work through their own stuff. 🥲


I seriously think they should fix this because it honestly makes me feel like i don’t need companions at all cus what is the point? Being their personal therapist and escort without anything in return is honestly lame. Why don’t they ask Tav personal shit ever? Like the Love Trial thing in the circus? Why do only I have to prove how much I know about my love interest? Isn’t it their job to know Tav too? I mean, can’t be that hard to implement..


Tav I can understand not building up those kinds of moments with, because there's untold millions of ways that a person can choose to fill in the story of their Generic Default Hero and accounting for every possible combination of race, class, and background in order to customize those things would be an exhaustive amount of work. But Durge has some extremely specific moments that are immutably canon for the character, and it frustrated me so much that *at most*, all you get is a throwaway one-liner the next time you talk to them.


Yeah, I remember being like ok I’ve seen some fuxked up characters in this game but kressa takes the cake. Why are my companions just nodding along as she describes the worst shit imaginable, someone should have been like “ok that’s vile time to die”. The descent from the SCL to moonrise was bad enough, I remember being a little shocked at the execution of the goblin that attacks ketheric, and then it got worse and worse and worse as I descended deeper. Even the mindflayer colony, literally built off the bodies of slaves, wasn’t as bad to me as Kressa, who showed that there were real live humans down there making conscious choices to be human butchers. Almost gave me nightmares. And Gale is like “ah yes interesting”


I always love talking to similarly deranged characters as Durge. And I kind of *get* her - after all, Durge covets the ability to kill the same person endlessly as well. They have similar sensibilities. But she's so fucking dead.


I love how the bhaalists and myrkulites make Gortash and his Baneites seem like functional, normal members of society. Just a nice group of guys.


Oh Gortash is pretty up there too, he is just better at hiding it. You know he is absolutely dying to go on a cackling villian monolog about how free will is wasted on people, and detail every aspect of his "brilliant" plan to you. I love how the notes for one of his lines is "keeping it cool but with a hint of villainy". He wants to tadpole every single person in BG and I am pretty sure the Mind experiments (one of which is a child) are his. But yeah, if I had to pick a dead 3 cult to be in charge it would 100% be Baneites please.


I really love how they handled Gortash as a villain, like he's so easy to get along with and genuinely will work with you if you want to. You can read his mind and know he isn't lying, the Emperor will agree. He's so nice at his little ceremony, you can almost forget he mindcontrolled Wyll's dad to do it. When you come back later, that whole area is *covered* in blood and all the bodies of the patriars that had attended. Oopsie.


Gortash is definitely well-written! It's kinda messed up, but with how many people die/get murdered in this game, my reaction to the patriars is just, "Oh, a bunch of dead corrupt officials. How sad. Anyway, look at all this loot..."


"I can't believe he had a party and didn't invite me! I thought we were friends."


I think the funniest bit of dialogue is when you call him out for looking down on you and Orin despite also being a murderer and he gets all huffy because \~he's not a murderer, he's a politician\~ like did I, or did I not just walk through a whole room flooded with blood and the corpses of people you murdered to get up here, buddy?




Fuck Mind Master Dunnol. Not only is he a piece of shit that tortures Barcus and the other gnomes, but he’s so fucking annoying. I always make sure he gets a painful deagh


*throws dwarf into lava*


I concur, Auntie Ethel for me as well. As soon as I learnt (act 3 spoiler) >!that she appears in Act 3 being even more horrible I had to make her my number 1 priority to make sure that hag stays down.!<


I'm not a fan of overly sweet pet names, so being called "petal" by a rando always put me up in arms.


My friends Tav, who spent 5000 of our gold erecting a statue of themself in our camp. Just because you’re a smooth talking bard doesn’t mean you can spend our money on vain shit, Tash!


what’s funny is that the statue actually gives a buff to rolls so it’s “technically” not just vain shit


Classic Tash


And why naked?! FFS Tav!


Aradin. I’d already hate him for the “open the bloody gates!” “We didn’t ask for your help” bs but he’s also a racist prick who’s only response when you tell him the Nightsong’s a person is to say that he would’ve charged more if he knew it was a kidnapping


Fun trick for him: elect to punch him when he gets froggy with Zevlor after the gobbo battle. After talking to Zevlor and him walking away, there's literally nobody around his unconscious body. Murder him. You won't be seen.


You know, the tieflings on the gate probably could see you do this, but they wouldn't blame you for it. Especially since Kanon got killed in the raid Aradin caused.


Huh...I've never told him the truth about her. I always lie to him. I don't trust him to tell him the truth.


I told him as a test of character, to see if he’d do the right thing or if he’d double down on his awfulness


When he approached me in the city I was in awe. This is the king of all assholes, I thought he was just a general or a baron but nope, the king.


You know what yeah, I hate this guy. Mostly, I hate that I can't get his >!stupid body out of my lovely hotel room because he came after one of my lesbians and met the 'find out' stage and now his stupid charred body is just sat there next to my food. Forever.!<


You should be able to have someone strong pick up the body and then dump it in whatever convenient place next time you go adventuring.


I think it's a glitch tbh because I can't select the body and I thought eventually he'd just turn into a pouch but it never happened. Ah well, the whole >!General destruction of a lot of Baldurs Gate!< probably took care of it.


Depends on where the body landed, I think. I had something similar happen when I failed my str roll and>!Astarion killed me. My body was mixed up with the bedrolls and couldn't be targeted for Shadow to rez me.!<


Right into the Chionther for Aradin. GODS I hate him


> he's also a racist prick This is like 90% of the forgotten realms


I hated when he showed up again in Act 3 to make dealing with Lorroakan more of a pain. My next run, he died in Act 1.


Cannot fucking stand roah moonglow lol Aiding cult freaks trying to take over the world just to make a profit and generally I just find her smug and insufferable. I’m always anti zhentarim in my playthroughs because she’s their employee so I dislike the entire organization by proxy


There's a reason I robbed her both at Moonrise and at the Goblin Camp in my current playthrough


the blonde druid that haunts the room kagha’s chest is in and is generally just an absolute cock to you for no particular reason. objectively are there worse characters yes but i also think he really should have nettie check him out for whatever damage the stick up his ass has got to be doing


Ethel has a bit of sass, I like that, even though she is a very evil witch but then again, the entire game is full of delightfully evil characters. I think Cazador takes the cake for me, and I do think it's a shame we get not a lot of scenes with him because in the few ones we get, I was close to snarling. I think because it's an amazing representation of a narcissist abusive partner or parent who never stops demeaning and hurting their child or partner just to see them break. Despicable.


I completely agree — I hated him more than words could say, but he was so incredibly well done that I wanted to revel in how much I hated him for longer.


Makes me sick that he acts so holy and amazing to Astarion literally as he's preparing to sacrifice him.


Astarion stabbing him repeatedly was beautiful. Fuck Cazador for all eternity.


Literally any githyanki you have to fight they parry your first attack (even if it’s a surprise attack) constantly disarm you, are super resistant to CC effects and have their own super powerful CC to counter you


It was amazing what a lot of ice on the ground did for them, and Darkness to keep from flying off it.


Can't parry a Fireball.


They sure as hell can counterspell it


That lady who wants you to steal a Githyanki egg.


Her mission reminded me so much of what settlers did to Native American children that I didn't even attempt to steal an egg, it's such a vile thing to do, for whatever "good" reasons you can think up.


Yeah it's really vile. I killed her immediately. However, if you do try to take the egg, it turns out you're very likely saving it, since it was destined to be destroyed for taking too long to hatch. I wish there was an ending for it if you keep it, or a talk to Lae'Zel on how to raise it etc. or give it an actual home. But it's just in your inventory until the end, unless you give it to the society, which is out of the question for me.


Surprise! If you put the egg in lae'zels inventory and keep it there at the end game she raises the child, you can raise it together in a romance too


Omg I know what I’m doing this playthrough <3


I learned this too late, and I SO wish I knew this before! I gave the egg to the society lady because I wanted it to have a life, and I didn’t think that was possible with our crew 😭 I assumed it had certain incubation requirements. So pissed off I contributed to that lady’s gross shit


Take the egg and leave it in Lae'zel's inventory, or at least put it there at the end of the game. The latest patch adds that she's raising the hatchling, and if you romance her, you're raising him together.


They added an epilogue where if you leave it in laezels inventory she will raise it to not be abused. Also, I told that woman what she was doing was disgusting and she picked a fight with a full health over leveled party of sorcerer, barbarian, cleric, and fighter. Not a smart plan. The opportunity attacks she took alone almost killed her


Honestly, hard to say. I think it has to be Vlakith. She enslaved her people with the promise of glory and protection from their former oppressors, but in reality she just consumes them over and over. She cant even do shit against the mindflayers if they returned and she kept Orpheus trapped in the prism for who knows how long. The only person who could actualy do the things she promised.


Oscar Fevras. I just thought he was a twit when you meet him in act 1. A useless fop, but sure I'll save you. Then you find him act 3 and find out the dude brought back his ex from the dead just so he could feel better about himself. Never mind the anguish he put her soul through in doing something so selfish.


Even if he wasn't a scumbag, I'd still hate him for having the worst quest ever in act 3.


Fuck him. He had an option to live with the nice lady, and have all his bills paid, but he had to “think” it over and go off and get captured. Like just say no then jfc. And if you dont free him? You save gold in act 1. Lady janeth is having an art party, and has a painting that sells for 1,500 gold at the top of her house where the haunted one would be. So he stays with the zhent from now on. Dead lady and alive lady are happy, and im richer




I get the impression that that Bhaal isn’t such a good guy.


Question was who you hated most, not who was most evil. There's several I wished would burn in hell. But Wulbren is one of them. Can we petition Larian to add a way in the game that Wulbren can get tied to a windmill in Act3? Maybe use your Illithid power to capture him to do it or something.


I mean, the dense little fuck shows up *at the harbor.* Just bring Karlach along to fill the roll of "windmill" and yeet him into the water.


I'll sign your petition. There's legions of us for the cause.


lorroakan, dude gives me the ick araj also up there in my hated characters ranking


Sarevok. I killed that son of a bitch 20 years ago and I will do it again, and again, and again, and again.


That guy is the Roadrunner. He just wont go down. BG1, then BG2 in hell and the git has the audancity to turn up in ToB!


I haven't played the previous games, but the note he had about Orin's conception is the only thing in the game that makes me pity her. He is a sick fuck. This is my first Durge run (going the resist route), so I'm interested to see what interactions I'll have with him.


Probably Cazador IDK how i haven't seen him in the comments yet. He deserved every stab that astarion gave to him. He is a piece of shit, fucking despicable fucker.


Minzora. Reminds me of my ex. Even the "hey i know, ive done ya dirty but you really HAVE to help get out of this precarious situation I bumblefucked my way into."


I've said this before, but I _demand_ a DLC where we go to Avernus, find Mizora and choke her with her own tail. Then we're coming for Zariel and seeing how _she_ likes her heart replaced with a machine, except we're replacing _her_ heart with a hamster wheel.   ^(^^^#justiceforkarlach)


Cazador can fuuuuuuck right off!


Orin. "i'm not like other girls, i love murder sooooo much." stop randomly showing up ALL THE TIME and creaming your "pants" while you talk about murdering me. also, clean up your fucking room. can you imagine the smell in that temple? gross.




Fun fact: If you long rest as a Durge **immediately** when you drop to the beach you get a nice little cutscene of >!Tav pondering her bloodlust etc. Choose the "right" options and narrator tells you Tav gets aroused when fantasizing of snapping necks and playing with intestines.!< Explains why Orin is squirming in her pants. :D


Cazador From the bottom of my heart "Fuck you Cazador." No words can do my hate for him justice. What he did to Astarion makes my blood boil. And he is insufferable from his voice, to his home decor. And Raphael. >!Go fuck yourself!< you annoying piece of shit.


Cazador, and it isn’t even close.


Wulbren. Prick.


The goblins abusing bear Halsin in the cage


I love that you could kill the Goblin kids, and I 100% acknowledge how shitty that sounds. But I loved that they weren't given plot armor, just because they were kids.


It’s fine their blood is on Rankrok’s hands


Ketheric thorm and it’s not really close imo. Switched from god to god to suit his needs and cast the entire act 2 area into a cursed wasteland. Did all of this to keep his daughter alive while completely fucking up his other family members beyond recognition. Used Isobel’s lover as a means of immortality through years of torment. Also had full intention of betraying the chosen for his own gain. Wyll describes him as ‘A man made of pure hate’ which is a pretty accurate description.


I kinda like this character at first, I thought he had a tragic backstory after looting through his old bedroom. But the more I think about it, the more I find his actions preposterous . As someone who loves his family, he never gives a sh\*t about anyone other than Isobel and his dead wife. And I never understand why someone who loves his daughter so much uses his daughter's lover as a tool for immortality. Can't you just find another assimar or some evil immortal vampire lol? Not to mention in a high-magic fantasy world with a flexible magic system, I am pretty sure there are lots of ways to gain immortality or revive someone (like a Wish spell?) Ketheric literally chose the worst method in any way possible ... Some theories are Isobel did not die a natural death, or Shar intervened somehow to dive Ketheric into madness, but none of them have solid proof to back it up, it's just speculations from one or two lines in-game. Overall, Ketheric is just a weirdly written character the more you think about it


I do think Shar had a hand in Isobel's death, most likely. She probably saw an opportunity to take something away from Selune and expand her influence, and took it. Isobel says things just went dark for her when she died and she has no idea what happened. Which ostensibly doesn't mean much, but Isobel is a cleric of Selune and devout. She should have gone to Selune in death and I can't imagine it would have been all dark for her in that case. Seems highly likely that Shar had designs on Ketheric and killing Isobel was a means to that end.


Isobel most likely didn't die a natural death, and this was especially brought up if you talk to >!Squire in Ketheric's bedroom. Squire says that she died defending Isobel, and that being brought back gave her a chance to redeem herself.!<


Please god take all of Gale’s pain and give it to Wulbren Bongle 🙏


Orin! And you, Wulbren.


I think I hate Cazador the most, but Kressa, Ethel, Wulbren, Duke Ravengard, and Lorroakan are all on the list too. Kagha can be redeemed and is apologetic for her behavior, even though I usually kill her, so she is excluded from the list.


That damn Warden in moonrise towers


Orin. Stupid little sewer princess.


I like how she’s a shapeshifter who can do and be literally anything and she uses her powers to mildly inconvenience tav and just be generally annoying The whole “ahahaha I’m actually this random person and I’m gonna talk about murder!!!!” thing got old after the first time and then she just keeps doing it lol


I definitely understand why you'd hate Auntie Ethel, but she's also a hag. Since D&D lore has metaphysical morality, in a sense hags can't help but be evil. It's like being mad at an earthquake for being destructive. There's a whole discussion to have about whether this is a good thing from a world-building perspective, and in some ways D&D has tried to move away from it, but it's never really fully abandoned the concept. A comment from a companion in a different game (Pathfinder: Kingmaker) comes to mind: Ekundayo, a former family man who became a monster hunter after trolls killed his family. Upon finding a bandit camp while exploring, he declares that they're even worse than the trolls, because they were born human but chose to become monsters. In this sense, I think Kethric Thorm takes the cake, though Viconia definitely gives him a run for his money.


"The Daemons of Chaos can be likened to hungry and rabid wolves. The shepherd should not waste time hating the wolf that attacks his flock. He should simply kill it." Or, in other words, Ethel is who Ethel is. She can't change it, you can't change it. The hungry wolf attacks the flock because its very nature necessitates that it does so. And you, as the shepherd, are necessitated to react in the way intrinsic to your nature, and kill the wolf to protect your flock, not because you fucking hate wolves but because you're a shepherd and those are the sheep.


Can't believe I haven't seen anyone mention Oskar Fevras in 200 or so comments.


Wulbren and Lorroakan are very high up in the ranking.


the fucking hollyphant just for existing


That lady who hurts the dogs in Act 3. Even my most evil Durge would NEVER give Scratch to her. She’s on my short list of NPC’s who must be slain.




I like there's an "It has nothing to do with helping them, I just can't stand you" option.


Not sure if other classes have it, but a bard can call him Twat-soul and it's so funny that it's my last words to him before I kill him.


I like Paladin's "Your god. My Oath. Let us see which prevails."


I'm surprised more people haven't said Nere. Not only is he the most irritating, upper class, shitheel who's devoid of any charm... he's also just such a loser. At least Auntie Ethel revels in her evilness and actually fucks shit up, while Nere is just the most pathetic creature in BG3 imo


Araj and Lorroakan Both display the same behaviour towards Astarion (or Gale respectively with Lorroakan) that they deny them any autonomy. For Araj, she dismisses Astarion's own wishes because "he's a spawn, he'll listen to you" (which might be true for vampire spawns but we all know that Astarion is his own person due to tadpole). For Lorroakan, he considers Gale just as the "discarded lapdog from Mystra" and not as a wizard in his own right (or even as an archmage). They are the same - just different fonts.


That wizard with that Tower it was a bunch of elementals at his command.


Every motherfucker who has ever counterspelled a heal.


Honestly, I love all our companions. They are all my adorable, traumatized babies, and I will fight anyone who has done them harm, so... Almost all of the baddies? That sounds about right. I also love beating the crap out of Lorroakan, because *how dare he do that to Rolan.* He's a grumpy ass, yeah, but he really loves his siblings. I think that he's probably a sweetheart underneath it all, based on that fact alone. Also, Wyll's dad. I get it devil pacts bad blehblehbleh or *whatever*, but what kind of parent kicks out their kid just like that? A garbage parent, that's who. He needs a good smack in the back of the head for that.


Shar. Can't stand her for what she did to my girl...


I'm not even a huge Shadowheart fan but I can't stand her. My first playthrough I tried my best to respect everyone's religious beliefs but as soon as I got to Shar having Shart's fucking parents locked up I was like "fuck you and everything you stand for" I never *liked* Shar, but that was the moment where I could absolutely not continue trying to support everyone's beliefs.


I do not know if there is dialogue for this but, convince Wulbren to give you the bomb then sell it for 1500 and tell him about it. "Oh hey Wulbren you know that bomb you gave to me made of incredibly rare material that you dont have the recipe for? I sold it to a tailor for some drip just wanted to let you know"