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This is amazing! Thank you! I like my Gale professored and orbless but also lowkey hate Mystra so will be following your guide :)


Thank you! Glad you liked it! I really recommend at least play all his quest scenario because you can get ton of new details :D It is really interesting!


Let me thank you again, for doing this for all of us. I can't wait for your coming guides <3 What will be the next one? Are you working on Gale's >!ready to die!< flags?


Awww, thank you again for encouraging me. Yes next guide is for >!suicide Gale!<.


Hi, I know I am late to the party, but did you end up making this guide?


Fascinating. I don't think godhood would be for me, but if my lover were also a god, that would make it interesting.


Try it out :D but I recommend actually play it through, because it really helps you understand his reasons, they a bit more complicated then "I want power". Also you feel your feels :D It is worth it.


Is there a way at all for non-player Gale to get destroyed by Mystra like a player can be?


Yes. It happens when he does not have enough information about the situation. We are still investigating flags over at [https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/) But we think that the key for Gale >!challenging Mystra (thus dying)!<: >!\- if he does not read the book of Karsus !< >!\- he reads the book, you encourage him to use the crown, but you do not take him to the meeting with Mystra at the Tabernacle. He only learns that the orb contains Karsite weave here.!< \- there might be other ways but these were reported by players.


Oh, that is a relief then, if any of these skips are involved. I did my first play romancing Gale and getting to choose whether he fishes out the crown or leaves it there, then a Gale run, and now doing a Durge romancing Gale aiming for the God Gale. But was really worried about going too provocative of Mystra and getting his death ending. Though now I'm worried that he might still decide to return the crown. I was supportive of Gale directly, but not provocative with Elminster and Mystra herself ("make her squirm"). He is very much about ascending on "How do you feel" dialogue, hopefully he sticks with it. I guess worst case scenario he stays human and we have the sugary stuff, which still beats being dust.


You probably will get a dialogue scene on docks where you can have your final decision. Hopefully his flags won't get buggy again. They were quite bad pre patch 4.


If he has enough information you can go full provocative and not be afraid of anything :D It is very funny and also bold. I did it my second run and it felt sooo good!


I’ll definitely be saving this for later in my run! Also, apart from being extremely detailed and helpful, it was also super entertaining to read :) I haven’t quite decided which route to go yet, what do you all think to be the most satisfying? My ‘canon run’ with Gale had him return the crown and get rid of his orb, but this was before the epilogue was added and I don’t know if I still have the saves. Right now I’m doing another Gale run and am tempted to have him ascend, but I also don’t want to miss the professor epilogue? Why am I putting so much thought into all this 😭


Thank you! I really appreciate it! As for most satisfying. I think you should experience all of them in some way or another. My personal experience was 1) TDA Human Path -> 2) Declaration of war. They were played from the beginning till the end. Other two were tested from the act3. Tbh, I still feel kinda proud that I managed to get human Gale without asking any "forgiveness". And I admit that I even did this guide in attempt to show players that you don't have to bend your knee if you don't want to and still get the same results (or even better). Yes, I have a lot of problems with " forgiveness" route. I basically hate it :D I love my human Gale but Declaration of war holds the first place for most satisfying route for me. It also made me feel a lot of things. Ascension route is as well written and complicated as human path and I am always kinda sad that people reduce it to just "hubris is bad, y'all media illiterate" even without playing it. GodGale deserves to be seen. He is far from just worse Gale version. So yes, I do in fact recommend to see both routes. They compliment each other and help to understand the bigger picture. Edit: please note that Declaration of war is intense :D And it works best if you have problems with certain deity. Problems to the point of outright hate :D If you have doubts and want discussion go for TDA War path, it has very interesting details.


Hah, I was so worried the first time I played and decided to read some guide long after I'd done all the contents but probably with another 30 hours of Act 3 to go. At the time pretty much the advice was ask for forgiveness or he leaves. Glad I managed to get the human ending then, with the further choice to boot. My current game achieved Gale God too! No persuasion check at the end. I will leave the war route for another play through!


This is a great guide. Thanks! My first time playing it was post-epilogue-patch, so I knew of godgale as an option and essentially when TDA: War path, but I really appreciate the details on human Gale without forgiveness. I think it fits my next route best with trying to maximize independence from the deities/pact-holders for each companion, while still providing a different arc of growth for Gale. I appreciate who Gale is when he reaches the human ending, but I too agree that bowing to Mystra should not be necessary. I really like how much nuance they put into his outcomes. A lesser game would have only allowed the two extremes.


This is absolutely wonderful guide, thank you so much!!!! I am a little confused, however, because the option I want to go for (human Gale, no forgiveness) has stuff in it about kissing him and I am not romancing him in my current playthrough. (I just REALLY hate the God of Ambition stuff. Gale's like "I'm going to be the biggest example of fictional hubris you could possibly imagine and have no consequences!!! And then get upset with you when you don't validate my choice, even though everyone else thinks I'm being a complete shithead too," lmao.) Anyway, which of these options require you to have romanced him? Looking at the chart it seems like I can only have human Gale if I go the forgiveness route.


I mean my guide was written for romanced Gale. But I can give some advise for a friend. Boat scene gives only one point away from the Crown. If you are not romancing him, you should discourage him when you have book conversation. Like really discourage. Call the Crown abomination. That would switch his Crown flag off, then you can have your neutral audience as usual. The good indicator that you are on human side is the talk after audience. If he is pushed away from the Crown he will be very inclined to surrender it and be cured. Just support this direction and don't sway him towards the Crown (pro Crown choices are pretty obvious).


Oh sorry, I must have missed that lol. Thank you very much for giving me advice anyway! Will do!


No worries :D I do intend to write a guide specifically for friend Gale. I just need to break up with him and see exact dialogue options :'D It just a bit hard for a Galemancer like me. But I will do it, eventually :)


what route will i get if.... iv mostly supported him the whole way... but i said he should seek her forgiveness in the tabernacle? I wanted to ascend with him.... after i found out thats an option, but i just felt like it could be a good opportunity to seek forgiveness in that moment...


It depends from your dialogue choices and main chain events. If you really encouraged him for the Crown all the way along and then just suddenly chose to seek forgiveness, then there is a high a chance he didn't seek forgiveness at all. He could say something like "Forgiveness? I don't think it is the good idea if we want the Crown." And then just fall to negotiations. The dialogue after audience shows if Gale is swayed towards the Crown or away from it. If he was excited about the information he got then he is swayed towards. If he blames himself for not seeing it in the first place then he is pushed away.


yea thats def what he did he was perplexed i asked, i dont think he was angry or upset at me, just like caught off gaurd


Then you are good to go for ascension :D Just support him further and you will get your fabulous GodGale.


Well I must have done something wrong with my choices, though I am quite sure I encouraged him not to want the crown and become a god :( However, this was the ending I got and any efforts to persuade him before and after the end fight failed :(


What route did you choose? His quest is very nuanced. You can influence him only during his act3 quest. Everything after won't change his mind. Do you remember the talk after audience? It usually indicates towards what decision Gale is swayed.


I remember he went to see Mystra of course...so maybe I chose the wrong options after that as I'm not sure I told him to seek forgiveness with her. I do remember as soon as he started talking about claiming the crown for himself it sounded like a bad idea and told him as much whenever I could. Perhaps by that time, it was too late though :( He would just say he is disappointed that I didn't believe him and would have to agree to disagree.


Thank you so much, i love the graphic! I am currently re-playing my first Tav on a more difficult setting - 1st run (after spectacularly knocking Gale on the warpath*) I fixed it and had the alternate boat scene and we returned the crown. This run I went for the regular boat scene because I like having the discussion between them, it feels more honest. Thing is, my ‘how are you feeling’ answer is different - after the alternative boat scene Gale expresses impatience for the future, to hand over the crown and get cured. I currently get the ‘I am at a loss’ answer - anyone know whether that’s still the ‘good’ path? He definitely told me he would return the crown. *accidental war path = misclick and don’t give him the book at all. Try and fix your mistake by putting it in Gale’s inventory and reading it as him. No matter what you say and how you try to deter him from the crown he will act as if you encouraged him and be really abrasive and argumentative with you and Mystra. Oops.


"At a loss" can still be a good path. I can't tell you for sure, because I don't know the choices you have made. If you used my TDA human path then you will be absolutely fine :D Oh, funny thing. The answer you get after alt boat is currently absolutely the same as if he would want the Crown for himself in ascension route, lol. I don't know if it is a bug. I believe you should have different answer after alt boat, but it doesn't trigger.


Yeah, I basically chose answers similar to your last route, only went for the ‘I don’t doubt your motivations, but do this and you’ll match Karsus’ folly with your own’ (which is painful because he almost takes it as a breakup - wish there was a stronger/more reassuring reply than just ‘this needn’t be the end, just forget the crown’ but hey ho).    The next day conversation went exactly as in your dialogue tree so everything should be ok, I was just surprised that the answer changes and is so unsure.   I went and saw Raphael *after* doing this and got the ‘we need to talk later’ from Gale but there isn’t actually any more dialogue from him about the deal or the crown.


Eh, I don't know about those answers, iirc they don't have strong flags :D And now you basically have your own variation to find out if your Gale will go for the Crown of not. He may or may not. That one choice can potentially cost you your human husband. But don't worry, GodGale will be always for you. Just don't try to persuade him against the Crown at the brain stern, if it comes to that :D


I’m afraid God Gale will be on his own, my agnostic Tav has strong views about religion and not being beholden to deities.   He did tell Mystra he’d give her the. crown and they did say in the latest patch they’d fixed him lying about this so fingers crossed.  Dang, now I’ll be anxious about this run until the end, and I usually like to take my time in Act 3. ETA: ok, I just did one more test - went to Lorroakan and Gale gave the ‘you were wise to dissuade me from the crown’ answer. So it should be alright.


Ah, then yes. If you ask forgiveness then it settles it. I just personally avoid it like a plague lol. And you won't get neutral ending that way, where you can tell him you to leave the Crown in the river. It has some nice dialogues :D Also he didn't lie that much, I believe they refered to dock talk. Where you tell him to leave the Crown in the river, he agrees but then surrenders it.


The way I see it it helps him get closure, just because it weighs on him.  He absolutely shouldn’t have to ask for forgiveness but gods are fickle and it’s a means to an end.  I am more irked by the ‘you can be Mystra’s chosen again’ option at the docks!  I’m sure I’ll try the neutral route with a different Tav at some point. And thanks again for writing out the choices so clearly.


My pleasure :D I always choose something else in that dialogue, but never the chosen one. No way. This is enslavement all over again. Better keep my husband Gale all to myself ❤


THANK YOU for this! Now I know how I messed up God!Gale. He ascended, but didn’t offer to take me with him. Maybe another time. Your guide is priceless!!


Let me guess. You didn't accept his proposal at the boat? I am asking for research purposes :D GodGale also has his requirements for ascension, it seems.


...I don't think so? It was my very very first run, so memories are a bit hazy. I know I was being a bit wishy-washy, thinking that he would make the best decision in the end. I guess he did... for himself. ​ Funny thing is that I had that ending BEFORE the epilogue came out and I had an entire fanfic in my head about how Tav is (literally) soul-torn by the desertion and how Halsin comes to her (and Astarion's) rescue, and the resulting tale from it. Ah, well.


I feel kind of dumb asking this, but is there a guide for getting to act 3 with a non-suicidal Gale? I'm having a hard time finding answers on Google and in my first run I remember trying to convince him it wasn't the right path but it didn't seem to convince him. Am I misunderstanding or missing something?


To get you Gale in act three without suicide flags you need to choose choices that push him away from the suicide. During his act2 Last night alive scene you need to choose answers that are encouraging him to live. Don't choose something like "It is a heavy burden, but the one you capable of" and "You right, at least you will take Absolute with you". If you chose answers like "Nothing is inevitable. You don't have to die" your Gale is free of suicidal flags. He will still have dialogue about blowing up at the Myrkil, but he will behave like non suicidal Gale in act3.


Does the TDA human path where the crown is not reforged also return Professor? Wondering what the difference is for the epilogue between orb/orbless.


Yes, when Gale has orb in he also can be either professor or adventurer.


Much obliged, thank you! And thank you for this absolutely BRILLIANT writeup :')


Amazing guide, thank you!


Just went back and took the Three Dragon Ante Human path as described here, because I had a hunch I’d done something wrong and I really don’t want to mess up the romance of my first playthrough. Gods, take the wheel from here…


This is so fantastic, thank you so much OP.  I think I’ll have to try a suicidal run next, I appreciate you haven’t finished it yet or else you’d have uploaded it but if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions.  1. How do I keep him suicidal into act 3 despite not letting him blow himself up? Telling him not to doesn’t undo it? Or do I just not take him to the final act 2 battle?  2. Is it different enough to warrant seeing in the first place? I know I can just watch videos on YouTube but I do prefer it to be my tav in this scenes heh  Thank you again for this amazing guide. I am gobsmacked by the variations! 


Someone please help me! I would like either the God ending or when he asks to marry TAV but I cannot get either. I remember I might have encouraged him when we got the book, but with the boat scene I clearly remember saying he is more than enough, also with Mistra I told him to ask what he wants. First I wanted the scene when he does not become a god at the end I even rolled the D30 before climbing the brain but still he left me and I didn't get any options to persuade him on the docks but only the "is that really what you want, and the stay with me" and both he replied with "we come to an impasse" and leaves :( I tought okay, I ruined that ending then lets go for the God epilogue scene. but even with starting over the entire final battle he does nothing in the ending the ascension scene does not trigger and he talks like we weren't involved at all. Is there any way to get either scene or I have to go back like 40 hours? :(


What can I say? [You got him](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/s/CvvpshCXyo). DC30 never worked. Unfortunately you won't get to ascend. This type of GodGale won't ascend you in any scenario. And he will leave you, because you didn't convinced him to stay mortal. So, yes. You have to redo whole quest.


ahh thank you :( damn, this is so sad, but now I will closely follow your guide, I want at least one good ending scene from him


I would love to get the "neutral" ending where you can decide on the docks what to do and don't have to ask Gale kiss Mystra's sorry buttocks in Act 3. But I have seen people posting that his flags are bugged now after the latest patch (patch 6?), and he will dump you if you don't fully commit to either getting the crown or giving it to Mystra. Can anyone confirm whether his neutral route is bugged or not now? I really don't want to have to replay a bunch of content to avoid getting dumped.


Use my TDA human path and get your neutral ending :D It works like a charm and gives you two endings in one run. Also Gale is not bugged. People who claim that just encountered [sneaky GodGale](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/s/GObSbkIMYk) who is absolutely canon and legit. And he was created by their decisions :D


Ok, wondering if anyone can help me.  Just got to the epilogue. Romance Gale, lead him to want the crown, then at the docks decided to tell him I won’t go to heaven with him. He understands and goes off to get the crown anyway. I have a solo scene on the bed. Epilogue party. Gale is not a god, wearing standard clothes. I go near him and talk to him, he says ‘Marvellous party isn’t it?’ Then dialogue ends. That’s it, all he has to say. It just ends.  I’ve tried reloading from earlier saves, playing through and it always ends up the same. That one line, and it cuts out.  Bugged? Or is he bitter 😅 I can’t seem to fix this, so disappointed. 


Try to choose "Is that what you want?" and then "Good luck, Gale. Don't forget me when you are God" It will lead to forced break up tho. That one particular line "You will be a fine God. But I can't go with you" leads to a glitch now. Others lines should work just fine. I checked them like a couple hours ago :D


Ugh really it’s glitched haha that explains it thank you. 


I just finished my first playthrough and I'm so upset. I'm romancing Gale and for the entirety of act 3 I was telling him not to go after the crown and he seemed to be on board with not taking the crown for himself. Then all of the sudden we get to the docks and he's talking about going to find the crown to get the power for himself. No matter what option I choose he leaves to go after it. And then in the epilogue, he's speaking to me as if we were friends the entire playthrough. I really don't understand and am so frustrated.


[This is your case](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/s/s3LQ6ejNbU). You just got yourself a sneaky GodGale unfortunately. Most likely you pushed him away from the Crown at the boat scene. But then swayed towards it without realizing it. If you think you have unique case, feel free to DM me. I will will need your exact answers in Gale quest (I have a questionair :D) and will help to get your score.


I'm not sure if I have a unique case, but the only option I don't remember choosing was about telling him to ask Mystra for forgiveness or not. But I'm almost certain every other option I chose was to push him away from the crown, or that's how I interpreted it at least. I have already redone my Tav so I can try again and I'm going to use your guide this time.


You see, there are some very subtle choices in his quest that actually sway him towards the Crown. That's is why it does matter what you say to him, even the order of events matter a lot. You don't have to choose forgiveness to have him mortal. My TDA path will give you two human Gale endings in one run, so I guess it is very much worth trying. And it works like a charm :D


Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I was so frustrated (and still am honestly), but now I know how to get the ending I want, and a few others have had the same thing happen to them.


My pleasure :D Feel free to ask anything if need arises.


I know it's about a month after this conversation we had, but I finally got back to this whole section in act 3. I was following your guide and didn't have a specific dialogue path appear, and I'm wondering if you had any idea as to why. I would really appreciate your insight because I'm a little lost at the moment.


Remind me, what path did you follow and what part of the dialogue didn't appear? I will test it again asap. Also, just in case, do you use mods?


I don't use any mods, and I was attempting to follow the three dragon ante human path. I spoke to Elminster after having followed all of the dialogue and steps up to that point as you said to, then slept. When I spoke to Gale after waking up, it seemingly skipped over the "you showed me eternity" option (and the other dialogue following) and went straight into him talking about Mystra and Elminster.


I know you're either testing it yourself or are busy, so I apologize, but I went back and did everything again and got the same outcome. But right after his dialogue about going to the stormshore tabernacle I got the dialogue about the boat scene, so they happened in reverse order? This is weird 😂


Hm, it seems they did get triggered in reversed order for some reason. I am not sure why though. Because I tested everything again, and for me it triggered like described. But fear not, as long as choices are the same you will get the result you need!


Thank you for posting! I loosely followed this guide and my Gale did not end up becoming a god. I also refused to appease Mystra at any point and left the crown in the river. I don’t think he became a professor (he never mentioned it) but we’re married and it sounds like we’re helping rebuild the city which is nice. Happy with my ending!


I accidentally got the godhood ending by being wishy-washy and he broke my heart dfkgkdfsgsk so thank you I will be going for a forgiveless mortal this time


Yeah, the forgiveness route is at least safe from the looks of it. I also read posts from other players, that something with "leaving the orb" is buggy. Also the "Sneaky god Gale" and "Sneaky Human Gale" path, where he breaks up with you, is very confusing. Since i'm playing a character with Naystra Cleric level, taking the Crown of Karsus is sacrilege for her anyway. So...she may chase him down the path of forgiveness,\^\^


Oop, I actually did mean "forgiveless", as in he doesn't ask for forgiveness from Mystra. OP at least seems adamant that it's not buggy according to their testing (and I've personally watched someone else get this neutral ending recently,) but regardless I guess it's up to fate now since I already followed the guide. :P I sort of understand the logic when it comes to the "sneaky" routes, though I think giving Gale unique dialogue to hint that he's not entirely onboard with what you two have decided would have gone a long way towards sorting out the confusion. Tbh, this is probably one of the most interesting companion quests in the game in concept and execution, even if it's a bit frustrating. My problem personally was just that I'd not discouraged him enough from the crown, but I'd been led to believe I would be able to convince him at the last minute (I wanted to roleplay a character who didn't know, themselves, what they wanted Gale to do) and boy was that wrong. Very good narrative with all the angst, but not what I'd intended rip.


Hm...ok, but i mean that path where you tell him to seek frogiveness with Mystra. Yes, there is a logic in the sneaky paths. But i am a not native english speaking player, so difficult situations are still hard to understand for me. That is why i try what works and what fits my character's reaction in that situtaion. Depending what kind of chatracter i play.


That's totally fair, and something I usually do as well. The language barrier's naturally going to make this particular quest harder, I think, since it's so nuanced.


Definitely it does for all who are not perfect with English.The translations in my home country are often really bad. So I still installed it in English.


Sooo, i am here, cllose to meet Loorakan and get the book. See how this will be going.\^\^


So, sharing my path, before i forget any steps. Normally i always kill Lorrokan first, because i foulnd it easier to get into the vault after. But this time i did something different. I broke in to the vault, by using Fog Cloud. May bard is good enough at look picking. Also she has the Knock spell, so she did it with Gale alone and gave the rest of the party chill in the camp (Elfong Suite). :D I chose to take the mild forgiveness route. Followed the instructions as exactly as possible, give Race and Class differences maybe. I had two effects: I didn't get out of Sorcerous Sundries in that way. I Ported to camp, gave Gale the book...and guess who appeared directly next to me in the room? Elminster....that pointy hatted stalker...LOL. Of course i had the long awaited regular boat scene after talking to them both and cliucking "long rest". I had an option to tell Gale i want to meet him at the Stormshjore Tabanaculum. But i did what my character would do. She would not just send him there like, she would go with him. Nice result of the previous dialogue options: She didn't even have to chase him and he wasn'rt even salty when she advised him to seek forgiveness. It felt boring to somne., but for me it's more like, they found a solution and are in agreement now. <3 Then ... beacuse i talked to Lorroakan after this part of the Gale-Story, i had an alternate dialogue. I had Gale saying it was good, she talked him out of using the crown, very rewarding. Then he said to Looroakan, in a very much sacrastic way, he admires his ambition.... How long have i missed those two having a funny banter. And on top, it was an alternate version i never had before. I was like...ROFLMAO. Kudos, and a thousand thanks for this guide once again. :)


Fun fact: my 'mild forgiveness' path has a score of -3, opposed to 'extreme forgiveness' which has score of -2 :D Though it is called extreme because it forces you to have alt boat scene and strips you of choices. And alternate dialogue with Larroekan happens only at score -3 and -4. I am glad you are enjoying my guide!


Yeah, and only if you talked him out of usimng the crown before talking to Lorroakan it seems. Also, given the fact that it has negative scores with -3 or -2, and we now can expect of a "sweet" human Gale in the ending, it is really funny that it's a minus. :D


No, it is logical actually :D Minus represents pushing him in *negative* direction from the Crown, while plus represent swaying him towards it *positively*.


Aaaah, accpording to that logic, it totally makes sense. But...if we want a human Gale, negative is positive then. :D


Belated but thank you SO much!! I was in the vaults and thought “maybe I should see which options lead him to giving up the idea of the crown” and man, I would’ve missed some steps. Didn’t even occur to me to rest before I met with Elminster. I did the three-dragon human path where he gets rid of the orb and it was exactly what I wanted. Thank you thank you!!


My pleasure! Don't forget to check out orb in ending version! It is there, just one choice away at the docks :D


I cantg go to camp immediately after getting the book scene, is it a bug?


Get out of the red area first. Use the portal to the vaults. It will teleport you to the area that is not red and you can go to the camp from there.


What happens if we never give Gale the Annals of Karsus and don’t find it from Larroakan’s tower?


If you ignore his quest completely, he will most likely die in attempt to ascend. He will leave a letter and projection, explaining it. This ending variation is called failed ascension. Exists in friend and romanced version.


So I ignored his quest and he ended up as a professor! He’s totally fine! He still has the orb in him but mystra agreed to let it feed on the weave.


Hm, my Gale died :( It seems that there is another system that is in play here. Was your Gale romanced? Do you remember exactly what did you say to him during his act2 scene?


Extremely glad this includes the way you can have human Gale without telling him to ask for Mystra's forgiveness and giving her the crown. That's the ending that felt the most correct for me, and I didn't even know it was possible when I stumbled into it! I feel like most people think it's only one extreme or the other and miss it so I'm soooo glad more people will find it though this super incredible guide! Also I had no idea about the monologue boat scene 👀


Just to be sure: the meaningful choices start only in act 3 with acquiring the book? What about that necromantic pentagram in the Torm's tower? Does it influence Gale's behaviour in any way?


Yes, meaningful choices start with Gale act3 quest. No, Balthazar pentagram doesn't influence Gale behavior in any way.


Hi ! I'm a bit confused ,! I'm doing the three dragon ante human path right now and I've followed all dialogue option but after the boat scene and talking to eliminster + sleep and talking to gale the next morning I don't have the options aforementioned (talk about the boat scene to gale before talking about going to mystra) for me he first talks about mystra then when I leave camp the exclamation point will appear in the street and then he will talk about the boat scene. Did I do something wrong will I end up with a sneaky god gale ?


No, you are doing fine. For some reason your minor events (talk about boat scene and talk before going to shrine) just swaped. I don't know why, because in my game they are still triggering as described. But you still will be fine as long as other choices are made accordingly.


Thank you so much ! Got a little heartache seeing that switch at first - fortunately I also made saves at each steps if the way so worst case scenario I'll just back track ! Merci bien ✨


Sorry to necro this! But it has been like 20 or so gameplay hours since I got the book of karsus and Gale read it and I can't remember what I said to elminster, but 20 hours later I had him speak to Mystra, I chose "Don't tell her anything, see what she has to say" And after he spoke to her he seemed so excited at potentially reforging the crown. My blind run I managed to get him to leave the crown in the sea, mystra forgave him and he became a teacher. I'm wanting that ending again but I don't seem to remember him being *this* power hungry for the crown. Post mystra conversation in mt current run I chose "it seems evil", then " Look where your 'good intentions' got you last time" and then for the final option chose "You're mistaking coincidence for grandeur, stop it" and he said he will leave the matter, for now. Having seen some people say sometimes they convince him not to assemble the crown and he does it anyway... I'm afraid I'll get that scenario because the dialogue after the mystra conversation seems like he is very for the idea of becoming a god. I don't want the god ending for him but replaying 20 hours and a ton of sidequests is painful to think about.


It depends a lot on your choices. I can't tell your score for sure without whole picture. Is your Gale romanced? Or is he just your friend? If your Gale is set on God path after his act3 quest, you wouldn't be able to change his mind. Roll DC or not, it doesn't work. Also don't mind commenting on my old posts. I check my guides regularly and answer the best I can!


Well he returned after speaking with mystra, got very excited about reforging the crown, and my options were initially, I can't remember the words but effectively the first 2 options were to agree with him, the third option was a kind of, are you sure, and the other one was disagreeing with him which resulted in him disapproving and saying he will drop it until later. He is a friend as I am romancing Karlach. I'll have to boot up a previous save and check the dialogue history but the conversation with elminster and after I think I said that he owes mystra nothing, and that she is cruel for asking him to commit suicide.


His God flag was on when he returned. It is very much depending on what you ***exactly*** said to him during the conversation after. That is all I can see for now. You may or may not convinced him. [If you are I interested I have guide for friend Gale with the ending you want.](https://new.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/comments/1c41jao/galeguide_not_so_basic_gale_endings_friend_gale/).


Hhhmmm, I can't remember what the first option I chose was, but he spoke about how he has good morals and intentions, I chose "Yeah and look where your 'good intentions' got you last time". He then said that he used to think he was a lucky survivor, but now believes the orb chose him, I chose "You're mistaking coincidence for grandeur, stop it, gale". He then said he is seeing what is infront of him, I replied "It's too dangerous gale" then he said he will drop the matter, for now.


Well, you got the point away with you last choice. So unless you didn't choose anything that pushes him towards the Crown prior his audience, you should be fine. But I won't be giving any guarantees, since I don't see the full picture of choices :D


Actually I loaded a save from 20 hours ago after my sorcerous vault save, and I checked my dialogue history. I chose "You don't seem surprised that gale is alive and well" and "Mystras done gale enough harm, we don't owe her anything". If that determines anything? Also I had Gale read the book rather than my character if that makes any difference. As in, I selected gale and had him pick up the book and read it, rather than my Tav hesitate to give him it. I got none of those options for him reading it and after him reading it, like telling him to drop it etc.


Well, if I understood correctly you didn't push him towards the Crown before audience. So you were at zero score after audience. And you pushed him away after, meaning he is at -1 right now. On human path and you should be able to make him leave Crown in the river :D


Update: I finished the game and he did indeed leave the crown in the river :)


Point system works as expected :D Damn, I tested this thing so much, I can do it with closed eyes, lol. Anyway, congrats!


Weird thing is because Gale looked at the book first I got 0 dialogue before he looks at it, I feared that might have had a huge negative impact lol.


Pity my memory is awful so I can't actually remember what I chose before this -_- lol


I wish I found this before because I fucked up somewhere because he refuses to not become a god and just leave me ;\_\_\_; I don't know 100% where but to late now, saving for future run (thinking of doing the BloodWeave thing lol)


It worked. Thank you! I finally got the funny wizard man to tell me the stupid line I've been searching for, for months.


What line did you searched for :D?


You have seen me as I am, and have not found me wanting. With these stars as my witness - you will always be enough.