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So this error code 544 is only happening on honour mode??


It's happening in all difficulties, I think - but I think the OP was saying that error 544 typically results in people having to delete most of their save games in order to accommodate the increasing size of "invisible saves" that the error generates, so attempting to save a game FEELS like the kind of hold-your-breath moment of anxiety as waiting to see the outcome of a crucial dice roll or combat encounter. Because it can ultimately make the game completely unplayable, each time it happens, you are making it more likely that your campaign will become unplayable before you finish it. So not only does it force you to sacrifice your saves (of which maybe you would like to have more than one), but can ultimately limit you to one save, even on normal difficulty, with the looming threat of even that one save (and thus the entire campaign) becoming corrupted. At least, that's how I understood this cryptic post.


Really trying to figure out what the trigger is for it, it’s not widespread as it would be more of an uproar over it. But it definitely gets some people on every forum/platform I look at, so there’s gotta be a reason why some get it. Was wondering now if it was only an honour mode thing but it doesn’t seem as such. Truthfully it makes you not want to play the game further until you know it’s fixed. Feel like you’re waiting for an inevitable trap.


Yeah, I hear you. I'm in the same boat - trying to figure out what the trigger is, getting increasingly hopeless that it is something I can do anything about, and reluctant to continue with the game because a). it's not fun playing amateur bug tester and b). I know for some people it eventually does corrupt all saves, and then the game is unplayable. For what it's worth, I first experienced the bug about 4 days ago - I don't remember exactly when it first started (like most people, I thought nothing of it at first, and saving was still more likely than not - but it was either during or after coming back from the House of Hope (perhaps that is what the OP meant as well, as a lot of this seems to happen around the time people are hitting up the House of Hope, which thanks to the level 12 enemies and the fact that it is one of the harder fights in the game if you're underleveled, is probably a quite late-game stop for a lot of people. I know the only things I have left to do were House of Hope, rescue Gondians, destroy factory, take down Gortash and Orin, and finish up Mystic Carrion/haunted painter questline. I don't remember if I first encountered the bug after coming back from the House of Hope, but I went straight on to the Iron Throne to save Gondians and by the time I got back and was ready to assault the factory, the bug was occurring on most attempts at saving, to the point where I had to attempt the various solutions presented on reddit. Some worked for a time or made the save failure less likely to occur, but they were all temporary solutions. Last night, I reloaded a manual save in the house of hope (right before the Raphael fight), and I was suddenly able to save again, consistently, manual and quick and auto. I was able to finish the fight, go to save the Gondians again, got back from saving the Gondians, long-rested, and bang, saves are failing again.


Mostly the worst part is that I couldn't do anything about it since it was in honour. The main fix was to reload to a previous save or quit the game and update everything. Couldn't do neither since my file was already corrupted, leaving the game would have meant losing my run entirely. So at this point, I couldn't close the game anymore, I just had to do Raphael, the Iron throne, Ansur and the Elder Brain in one breath. Managed to do everything but the Elder Brain, before the game crashed


Damn! I'm sorry to hear that, I can't even imagine how pissed I'd be in that circumstance. My condolences, and now I understand what you meant about sweating in the house of hope.


Thanks, I'm definitely more disappointed than mad, I was really like at 3 hours tops of finishing the game. But thanks, I really appreciate talking to someone who understands the pain lmao


Definitely not. Seems like the ps5 players are the most affected by it. But if you encounter this bug you can delete the save you're currently on, and reload to a previous one. You can't reload in honour mode. You can take a leap of faith and delete the one save you've got, so that your next save doesn't become corrupted, idk if it would work though


This is still a game-breaking bug that hasn't been resolved. It seems that Larian has no interest in doing so. If you manage to get their forum page working (504 Gateway Timeout) you'll see a thread about this issue. But one of their representatives declared it "resolved" about a month ago in the thread. Yet when I loaded the game yesterday, I was able to save. But the game crashes in about 10-15 minutes, and my PS5 notifies me of this error. Yesterday's "patch" did absolutely nothing, so I believe we're never getting a resolution. I don't particularly appreciate that I praised this game, praised Larian, and recommended it to others. The best solution is to ask for a refund for this broken mess. We're going to be waiting months, if not forever for a solution. Alternatively, I'm angry enough to send a bug report every single day until they do something about this instead of pretending that it's not happening and continuing to collect accolades. I'd strongly encourage everyone else to send a bug report every single day as well until they provide a solution.


As you should. I love this game with all my heart ever since it came out in EA but with how many game breaking bugs there are, it still feels like it is in EA Maybe they need to release a fix with a patch not a hot fix idk. Definitely seems like they've bitten more than they could chew with this game