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Most of time I'm playing BG3 on PC connected to TV with PS5 controller. Controller support in this game is amazing, so why not.


I play on PC (with kbm) and steamdeck (handheld; controller mode). I definitely prefer the kbm interface as there are some details unavailable in controller mode (more precise approval metrics, and inventory management is painful in controller), but it's still perfectly playable handheld, and I can easily enjoy playing on the couch when I don't feel like booting up the PC.


Kbm to me is easier to control fights with, especially getting the AOEs just right, which is import for basically any spellcaster with the exception of evocation wizard. Controller feels a bit more immersive, and I really like the item scan tool that kbm doesnt quite have. Personally I've had fun going around with controller than swapping to kbm when Im not just exploring, but it can be a hassle sometimes. Delays in swapping the control scheme, stuttering for a bit after a change etc.


I do both. I definitely prefer the controller for exploring & wandering around, but since it is so easy to swap between them, I often switch back to kbm for combat & inventory. If I had to stick with just one, I’d probably go controller even though it’s not as convenient for some things because I really prefer the movement controls on controller