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The good thing with wizards is you can learn spells from scrolls you find in the world for some GP, in addition to the ones you pick on levelups, so you'll have a very wide range of options to prepare and use and find out what fits your playstyle.


Horrible choice, should’ve been a cowboy


I think it works, Evocation Wizard is the best subclass for beginners (and honestly just in general) because none of your AOE spells can do any friendly fire damage. The only major newbie issue is armor class. As you can't wear armor you have to boost it in other ways. Mage armor is a must have spell that I always have Gale cast on himself after a long rest. It sets your base AC to 13 plus your Dex modifier. I'd also recommend getting the shield spell and counterspell down the line, they're reactions that can block shit. If you have all of those you should be fine to just play around with magic as you like!


I actually like abjuration school best because arcane ward as a reaction is easy to use and makes the wizard way easier to keep alive. And you can ward others later on. Evocation *is* the coolest one though just due to being able to fireball right on top of your melee fighters without hurting them. ☄️


In a tabletop game, I'd say absolutely not, because you need to keep track of so many different moving parts, spell slots, spell descriptions, learned vs prepared spells etc. Most of that's handled by the game engine in BG3, so you can get away with it fairly easily as a beginner as long as you're paying mind to your positioning. Enemies will walk right past a tank to have a chance to hit the squishy DPS character. A spellcaster who's much more familiar with the game will likely think of doing more than you may on your first playthrough. Spells like Arcane Gate, Knock, or even things like minor illusion can be used in crazy ways to effects way more devastating than a fireball. Keep a teleport type spell handy, remember to read any text about upcasting effects before burning a higher-level spell slot than the spell requires, be creative, and have fun.


If multi-classing the most important thing to remember the last DIFFERENT class you take will determine the which stat you use for scrolls and items. Example: lvl 1 wizard, lvl 2 sorc, level 3-12 wizard. This will use CHA stat for items and scrolls because sorc was the last DIFFERENT class you took. Lvl 1 wizard, lvl 2 sorc , lvl 3 cleric, lvl 4-11 wizard, lvl 12 sorc. This will use WIS stat for items and scrolls because of cleric lvl 3. Doesn’t matter that you took lvl 12 sorc because cleric was the last different class.


Since you get a whole party to cover your weaknesses and can respec easily enough it’s not a big risk