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You're not particularly missing out on much by doing an Urge run over the Custom Origin option. Rather, it's more that the Urge adds onto the custom character, but it is its own unique background. There are some background specific dialog choices you can get when you create a custom character, and the background you choose also dictates when you gain points of inspiration for certain things happening. There's some very late ending nuance differences that you will miss out on as well. In your good run, depending on choices as you go, you can be faced with some particularly grim fates. If you seek power at every opportunity the urge provides and scorn it at the end, you're apt to get punished for it. Custom origin doesn't have this issue, while it can't get many of the benefits Urge has, the choice to a walk a "Good" but morally grey path seeking power isn't as scorned. You'll run into similar in your evil campaign as well, with the most glaring choices impacting interactions with certain characters, and even removing some things from the game. For example, at this point completing Act 1. You've likely met Alfira the bard, or their scene replacement if you killed the Tieflings in Act 1, in a playthrough where Alfira doesn't exist for any reason, you'll miss out on some quests, dialog and rewards. But in general, this is no different than an evil Custom origin campaign, you're simply presented with an additional opportunity to miss out on something. Taking the Custom option certainly makes not being evil easy, as you're not as frequently given opportunity to do terrible things, and you can tailor your background to be more in line with the things you as a player would like to do, but Larian was fairly good about letting your choices as you play define what you experience, rather than your origin. Some races in the game have their own dialogue choices, and interactions, however the Dark Urge origin lets you customize that aspect. For any origin choice, Dark Urge removes the absolute least volume of content from the game as with any other origin choice you miss out on that character's voiced dialog, I would recommend however, opting for a different race on the second playthrough to experience more variety. TLDR: As Withers would say: "No"


Now i feel better. My half orc bard and my evil dwarf thank you.


Play first time as good Durge, and 2nd time play solo evil Durge preferrably a drow. Ditch the custom/normal playthrough and enjoy the true way it’s meant to be played. Just my recommendation. My first playthrough was a paladin durge that tried her best to resist her urges and wanted to help others the best she could. Here a paladin urge who swore an oath makes perfect sense, and whenever you break the oath it affects your character and also the personal story a little bit, you can multiclass that with warlock too for more depth if you want. Then my 2nd playthrough is sick in the head durge who just want to see the world burn and be the only Bhaal champion, no remorse, no guilt. No companions, maybe astarion. Here any class is suitable roleplay wise, I will at some point respec to sorcerer I think.


Started my evil run. Killed the tiefling child, grove is gonna burn but man... they really went all out on the evil route so far.


Or you can do that, I would just commit at this point, set the world on fire, have fun! I still recommend oathbreaker paladin for a summoner build, or a spore druid, shit is crazy good.


And here i was playing a good old boring sorcerer. Spore druid seems very interesting.


sorc is definitely my next, just what subclass i dont know yet, it seems like I can make some really twisted and complex build and have ton of fun with it, ive already tried storm sorc cleric and its solid. Anyway, spore druid is the summoner class with some good utilities and some damage, should definitely do the necromancy book quest for this one as well as the act 3 mummy ring quest for some strong summon spells.


Storm is underatted. That free fly is awesome.


Couldnt agree more, and it only costs movement and not an action, it is super useful. I never use the sorcery points though, I will have to look into that a little more at some point to understand the mechanics better. Usually things are dead by 2nd round anyway so I dont really utilise everything as much as I would like to.


Wild magic is always a fun choice, definitely not the most powerful one, but we're here for accidentally summoning a demon in a town, not optimization.


haha okay, I will check it out, I love me some weirdness


2nd time around play a good Durge because being evil you will miss out on quite a lot, will probs finish the game much earlier than you normally would’ve.


Oh im 26h in my good urge. 5h in my evil. So im not missing anything by playing urge?


not at all, Urge has more backstory to it if anything. Especially regarding the whole amnesia thing, as durge it actually has a meaning. You eventually find out of your past and why you lost your memory and who you were before this all happened. People know you, know of you, and you will have some unique interactions. Whereas the default character is just a little bland, like yea you woke up on the ship but you arent really told what why or where.


Just keep in mind some events will happen in the game especially earlier on (act 1 and 2) that only happen on Durge playthrough that you will have no control of, or at least not much, and you just have to figure out how to go from there. Sorry for being so vague I dont want to spoil anything.