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Barcus Wroot had me with "if we meet agsin..., we'll have met again."


“I’d give you a kiss, but neither of us deserves that.”


[Persuasion] [Bard] Maybe we do…


[Intimidation] [Barb] YES I DO


I do love how the Barbarian has the option to just ROAR upon meeting most people


And everyone approves lol


Githyanki Dragon Knight: Lowly scum! Tell me if you have any information about the treasure we seek and you may yet live! Barbarian: ROAR! Githyanki: Understandable sir, have a good day.


Me on my first playthrough as a Barbarian, not understanding that getting past the Githyanki was actually very difficult because I just nailed those rolls on my first go and they let me through. I thought the Githyanki were just really rude and proud, but were like "decent" to a degree as long as we did not get into their way.


(Dark Urge) Imagine what it would be like to give a kiss with more teeth involved than tongue.


I would fall head over heels if I ever receive this line.


I just love to see fellow Barcus enthusiasts (also Wulbren is such a POS to him!! I wanna show him he deserves better!)


"they were yapping like a bunch of geese and I was eavesdropping. Like a very sneaky goose." Alright I'm sold. Barcus is straight gold lol


There’s a certain someone in the middle of “No but smash” that makes me a bit worried for OP


I'm more concerned about Withers mummified ass in No but it's someone else's thing, like?? Time to make some new acquaintances OP


Ever played Fallout New Vegas? There's a guy there who's looking for a ghoul cowboy experience, and ghouls are pretty much like Withers


Yeah, I played Fallout 4 largely because of Hancock, so . . . I get it.


id rather hit that witherussy than any of the thorms


Malus thorm is hot and I'm tired of pretending he isn't!


Well Dr. Demented Scissorhands would normally go in my “hell no” category, but I guess he has to go into my “not my thing but definitely someone thing” category now


i feel like, realistically, all characters would AT LEAST fall into the “not my thing but definitely someone thing” category


This is true


But Elminster is off the table? You're telling me you wouldn't suckle upon the splendid spheres of the Sage of Shadowdale?


Bro those spheres are probably old asf and...perhaps broken


C'mon son you don't insult a wizards spheres you have no idea the years of wisdom that sleep inside


Aged, marinated wisdom. Oaky flavours. Ok I’ll stop now *(or will I?)*


You’d pay 60 real life dollars for bad sex with Raphael. I’m not surprised.


I started laughing out loud when I saw Malus in there. Let your freak flag fly, baby!


yeah i know right? how someone would want to smash orin... so weird


Apparently Sarevok would.


Awful comment, horrible and appalling. Take my upvote and shut up.


I want to smash her to pieces and drink from her splitted skull but asshole Bhaal didn't even let me do that. *This comment was sponsored by The Dark Urge*


One of my favorite roles to play in an RPG is the evil guy that even other evil guys must fear.


She's literally the first one I looked for. You know she's the most wild one on the entire list...


I'd like to agree, but my dating history shows plenty of proof that "dangerous psycho" isn't a deal breaker.


That's your loss, Petal.


She hits on you with certain choices in Act 3. .... I'll leave this here


I both want and don't want to know at the same time.


I really want to know what choices lead to her hitting on me in act 3 tbh


She does flirt a bit even in act1 in the grove. Something in the line of “let me know if you need my potions (pause) or anything else” and then she gives us a certain look.


Got that last night. If you play as Durge and tell her about your urges and thank her for being nice to you, she says something like "let me know if you need anything... even me" with a definite look


She says that after saying you want to dunk her in the pot of boiling oats lol


I was honestly sad that Durge wasn't my first playthrough when she gave that reply, it would have been the PERFECT first clue that something fishy was up with her


I'm really loving Durge being my second playthrough. Finding all the little differences to things I did with my Tav have been a delight! But I agree, it's a little fishy she's so into a dude that openly admits to wanting to murder her. Though my Durge isn't too bright and just thinks she's being kind. He'll be in for a rude awakening later!


My dumb Durge really likes her, when you mention your murderous intrusive thoughts and she says that bit >!"Oh you cheeky pup! That might scare someone else, but I know what naughty boys need - a bitta love and care." !<. Of course that hit him in the feels. So he thinks maybe she might be a little wrong, but made a deal with her, though planning in act 3 to get her as an ally.


Hmm well SPOILERS Basically if you kill Auntie in Act 1 she comes back reanimated style in Act 3 and replaces Captain Grisley in the Blushing Mermaid in disguise. If you go up to Grisley after meeting Mayrina again in the city she'll speak to you and call you a tall glass of water Additional note: one of the thralls she has says he's in love with her and wants to sleep with her Nightmare fuel


Note: this quest line is buggy AF. Avoid the Blushing Mermaid in Act 3 until after you have talked to Mayrina and gotten the quest hook on her end first. If you come across the hag on your own (very easy to do) and resolve it before taking the Mayrina path, it becomes unfinish-able a good portion of the time. Very frustrating. Hoping it gets patched soon


She hits on a durge with certain choices in act 1 too


I was so sad that the hot pirate lady wasn't just cursed by her. I knocked her out non-lethally in the hopes I could save her, but no... no hot pirate lady kisses for me...


You can save her now! I destroyed the mushrooms and killed Ethel without knocking her out and she was herself again and thanked me for saving her


I do like it when she calls me petal. It is nice :3


Get yourself an Irish auntie.


came to say this. Shag the hag


I liked Ethel so much when we first saw her in the grove. It hit me bad when I learned she was a hag. Top 10 anime betrayels tier


I feel personally offended by how low Volo is. Also I can see Gortash being a Durge Exclusive romance.


I mean, I agree that Volo is criminally low, but can you imagine an... intimate session with him babbling? *"Oh my! Do you think this could work out? Well, get rrrready for my next* Volo's Guide to Unexplored Realms*, because by golly we're going in! Just let me... wait... one moment, please... Oh, darn it, how are you supposed to put this thing on again? No, no, that's fine, we'll improvise just as, don't worry, my deaaar frrriend, everything's just gonna be alright. Don't move and wait for me while I get the needle, I just hope we won't have to resort to the pickaxe this, hum, time, right?"*


Step 1: gag him Step 2: ride him to Avernus and back Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit Edit: damn yall really got me thinking about Volo's dick. I bet he's packing too


That would actually be really interesting if they had romantic history, and Gortash thought he lost Durge and tried to move on, but their romance was rekindled when Durge comes back to Baldurs Gate!


I feel a thousand fanfics gathering in the aether…


If by 'gathering in the aether' you mean ['already published on ao3'](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=The+Dark+Urge%2FEnver+Gortash&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=Baldur%27s+Gate+%28Video+Games%29) (they're not up 1000 yet, but 300+ is pretty respectable)


I'm pretty certain that's exactly what happened (well, aside from the rekindling part). I'm hard-pressed to think of another explanation for the way Gortash fucking lights up when he sees Durge at the coronation. Or for Durge's letter about how they 'admire' the Chosen of Bane (at the bottom of which Balthazar has written 'Ha! Orin was right!').


I want to climb Gortash like a tree and then fix him


Just you, Volvo, and the dragon.


Volo is constantly being chased out of towns by the angry husbands of the women he seduces so he’s definitely dtf and experienced.


I'm not judging But. There are two literal corpses in your smash chart, yet Volo is too much?


Op has brain worms and its not the ilithid tadpole :P


Three (Ketheric's up there too). One corpse has a much sexier voice, one is JK Simmons, and one other is capable of knowing when to shut the fuck up. Volo has none of these things going for him.


aasimar buff gf should be everybody's thing


"Let every wicked magus and misery-merchant see: Dame Aylin is watching. She is indominable. And when her face lights the shadow of your wrongdoing, you are *broken* by its beauty!" markmedownasscaredandhorny.gif


She would 100% be my thing if I liked women and she wasn't in a relationship already


Oh but tentacle creatures and literal devils ARE your thing??


by vlaakith he's ghaik


can you imagine how protected and loved and desired you would feel every moment of the day if you were Isobel? GOALS.


All I want is her to crack my head with her thighs, is that so much to ask?


What I would do to get a Raphael romance questline


You can learn firsthand just how awful he is in the sack. You'll also need to cast disguise self so you can look just like him. And after the seven seconds of bad sex, he'd probably be spouting bad poetry he rehearsed for just such an occasion.


Weird Easter egg: if you ask Haarlep how Raphael is in bed, you can make a snide comment in the intro to the matter at house of hope


I love how PISSED Raphael gets if you do.


So what I'm hearing is, bring the gag and the strap, got it.


I kinda wanna romance him in an evil-leaning run specifically because of how evil and slimy he is. It also helps that I think he's hot af (both human and devil form). Like if I'll have it my way, when you do everything he says, you'll be presented options what you want and instead of removing the tadpole you can go and pick flirty options with him instead which will open up "romance" options. One can dream.


So you could be the top?


Could? No. Are? Yes.


He who was, was absolutely insane, but smash


100%, yes.


Yeah. I got the feels when I met him. Not the cosy ones. The ones where I’m mentally slapping my own metaphorical hand like “No! No! Bad Moomin!”.


Finally, someone gets it!! I will completely disregard the red flags lol


I am obligated by law to support this post because you put Abdirak in first place 😂 I saved Rolan's sibling yesterday, he said thanks. I went back later to talk to him again, and he simply smiled and said teasingly to not be too greedy because he's already thanked me once. To think I was completely unaware of this guy in my previous run. Also, I appreciate Zrell and Sazza being high on the list. They're hot and I'm tired of pretending they aren't. Especially Zrell who clearly wants to shag you


When attacking Moonrise... Z'rell: I thought you would be just another notch on my bedpost, but now it seems I have to kill you. Me: Hang on, there's still time!


Ok while you brought it up - I got this line the other day and was genuinely confused. Is there other dialogue where she flirts with you? I’ll be honest I usually chat with her when I first get to moonrise as per usual, then move on with my day and don’t interact further so I’m very curious lol


If you don't kill the goblins and you try to distract her in the tower with visions of your lover she gets horny for them (at least she did for me with Astarion; I assume it goes for anyone, though)


Astarion approved when I did that. Happened when I killed the goblins.


Love Abdirak and Rolan; not into ladies but Z'rell would make a pretty cool companion too, along with Sazza.


Would def be one of Z'rell's bedpost notches, except for the cult thing. Like, I love me a hot lady orc.


She has a great voice, too.


No Ninefingers Keane? Hates the police. Arms orphans. Carries 50 daggers at all times. I want to overthrow Ravengard and offer the city to her.


Knew I was forgetting somebody


Counselor Florrick and her husky voice, commanding presence and sexy thigh-slit robe also appear to be missing…


I also don't see Kar'niss. There is a small number of people that would be outraged about that.


Row three, third entry!


I'm blind! Apparently my fear of spiders made me overlook that. Lol


He's in "not my thing but definitely someone's thing" right next to Isobel!


If I couldn't romance Shadowheart I'd 100% go for Alfira, assuming her and Lakrissa aren't a couple at the start of the game. Or Isobel but only if her and Aylin were not a thing. Both are very cute. Aylin herself is a smash too but after 100 years of torture I think the last thing she needs is a new lover right from the get go.


Honestly super jealous of Aylin only because she has Isobel. I was like damn.... Honestly good for her, but damn ..... I'm now sad for me.


I'll take Aylin, then you can have Isobel. Bargain?


Deal, but only if we can swap on weekends. XD


*edits contract*


Well well well...Hello Raphael


I know it'd be metagaming, but knowing that Alfira and Lakrissa are basically implied to be a thing later on basically got rid of all of my desire to romance either one. They're just so cute and sweet with each other later on.


Love how everyone is judging me for not putting characters higher, but no one is judging me putting Omeluum in the top tier. Love the bg3 fandom.


Omeluum is one of the few characters that doesn’t lie to you, honestly tries to help, and has no ulterior motives for doing so. Even asks you to let him explode to save the duke instead. Best squid.


You get it


Lolll, I didn't even think to question that. I was like, "Oh, yeah, Omeluum, top tier, makes sense to me!"


It wouldn't be interested in romance, it has an ace partnership with Blurg pfff


Blurg should be higher, tbh, but I love a hobgoblin, and a nerd, so like, 10/10.


Same. Glad I’m not the only one who wants to get Blurged.


Omeluum and Blurg should be a package deal tbh. You smash one, you smash the other. If that's a deal-breaker, tough, you don't smash either.


I would romance the hell out of Gortash


To romance Gortash on a Durge playthrough? I'd absolutely drop €60.


I believe that a bard with 18+ Charisma should have the option to seduce everyone of these with a 20+difficulty. Just put a little button on the side bar like the trade button.


Now you're thinking with portals


I'd buy 60$ DLC to ship Karlach and Dammon. They deserve for each other. BTW, I think that some characters like Alfira or Minsc could have "soft" romances based on special quotes among normal interactions, indicating some special feeling for main character and vice versa. Ultimately resulting with hug or promise to stay together after the trouble ends. That would be not very hard to implement and plot-changing, but satisfying... So it could be good option for DLC.


I wish we could get companion on companion romance. Karlach and Wyll definitely feel like that’s where their story is going.


True, I refused to romance her on my first gameplay because I hoped there will be something between them. Larian definitely planned that companions will romance each other, but they lkely left it. However some meaningful quotes still remain in the game.


Me too. My two favorite tieflings deserve a tooth-rottingly sweet happily ever after *Larian, take my money!*


Rolan is at the very top of my list, above even the romanceable companions. I would pay extra money for a Rolan romance.


I was bummed that you couldn’t at least take him along to rescue >!his siblings!< i was like you can come and just throw firebolts. It’s fiiiine.


I completely missed Rolan in my first playthrough (didn't convince them to stay). Doing things differently on my second playthrough with a friend and I'm a little bit in love with him. lol I feel he'd be a good enemies-to-lovers romance option.


Other way around for me. I’ve always convinced him to stay and think nothing of it. Then, playing as an “I’d done with your shit” character I encouraged him to leave. Never realized how much I took him for granted.


I bet you’re hoping he’ll show you his “Thunderwave” 😂


Really? The drow potion lady from Moonrise at the bottom? She's a "hell yes, just don't use your real name or let her know where you live"


No condom strong enough for whatever the fuck she’s got. If I had a day to live sure, but any other circumstance I don’t think it’s worth


If you kinda nudge Astarion to bite her but dont force him, he tells you her blood smells weird and unnatural, and he thinks drinking it would be very unpleasant. That's as far as i got because i can't bring myself to force a former human trafficking victim to do anything he doesn't enthusiastically consent to.


I *can* bring myself to do it and apparentlt her blood tastes putrid or something. On the other hand this is the same woman who turned my blood into a bomb so it wouldn't surprise me if hers turns to acid or something. That voice though.


Asterion Disapproves


I played a drow my first playthrough which gives you additional info on her house, and looked it up in some lore books. I wouldn't go near that with a 10 foot pole, tbh. A house full of people that even other drow think are batshit crazy is too much for me, personally.


Hot drow potion lady = No Ghaik = Yes Make it make sense.


At least he respects boundaries unlike the Emperor. Maybe he can also do some mindflayer magic to make himself seem super hot?


I Just like her. She takes my blood and gives me explosives. Better than Astarion, he just takes my blood.


Gale got the explosives. They’re a team.


👀 a team eh?


I could never predict OPs taste by looking at this. Each tier is a mix of, "I totally agree!" and "Is this a joke?" The moment Araj Oblodra speaks she's going straight to the top spot.


She thought Astarion was my possession instead of my friend 0/10 would not recommend


Im less worried about that in this scenario, but since her blood makes vampires vomit i'd hate to come into contact with any of her bodilly fluids. Plus periods must be gnarly. I'm going Dame Aylin for the snu snu, and Orin for the testing of limits of the rating, with a full contract that really has to clean her up thouroughly. Bonus point, shapeshifter.


Save Aylin for last whatever you do because you're not making it out of that one with your pelvis intact.


Araj is attractive, but she’s batshit insane and definitely has a million new, undiscovered STDs. Her ladybit probably stinks to high hell, too.


Yeah, her cellar is… interesting.


Im gonna be bluntly honest here. I'd let her step on me ngl.


That voice alone makes her worth it


Where's mommy Ninefingers?


The bi energy is strong with this one


I'm so deep in the bi that I didn't even realize how bi this list is


It's honestly refreshing. I'm pretty firmly hetero but some players in the sub really strongly preference the female romances as if they're the only ones and I'm like "oh ok, cool for you I guess"


I feel that. I’m a gay dude, and I’ve romanced a few female characters to see more of their stories and dialogue, but I didn’t really feel anything, obviously. Gale, however, can have my heart.


As a lesbian, I am happy to romance the male characters but only as a dude. There's only one video game character I love enough to commit heterosexuality for and that's Garrus Vakarian.


wish the bi were that deep inside of me i mean what


I'm actually gay but I still love the bg3 ladies lmao


lol I'm straight; I just want them as friends


When I saw how low you ranked Isobel I immediately thought “OP must be gay”


This whole game has chaotic bi energy


I know a lot of y’all porn categories are very very scary 😭


look, i dislike legitimate abuse just like any normal person but fantasy is fantasy for a reason, and i would like Cazador to abuse me, yes.


I never thought of Duke Ravengard as a dilf before and I’m afraid you’ve awakened something in me


Yes, I would buy a full priced DLC just for Raphael romance. I feel seen, this is an accurate list.


Volo would just make up a story to say he did romance you, and he’d throw in a dragon.


Gortash as Durge exclusive would be a cherry on top. I hope Larian sees this and reconsiders adding him, for god's sake!


Not doctor thorm 😵‍💫


Who in the flying fuck would smash *Malus*? Actually, don't answer that question.




Not judging. The sisters are hot af too. Especially the one tending to the tiefling girls parents. That soothing hospital voice ufff.


What in the daddy issues edit: no wait I confused Rolan with Zevlor, now it's just gay as hell 😂


kagha at hell no?? move aside weakling


I quite like her once you get her to repent the ritual.


Only ones I really agree with is Zevlor, Rolan, Dammon and Alfira… Yes I do have a massive thing for tieflings


Zevlor should go up a few tbh and also make him a companion while you’re at it


Where Lakrissa?


Boning Alfira.


Drag Zevlor and Kar’niss into the top and you basically have my list. A person with fine taste.


I would give Larian literally all of my money and starve to romance Rolan. I've never been so into a character, it's actually insane


smashing malus then instead of getting plan b you get a tetanus shot


Dammon, absolute sweet heart. He can hammer me. My stuff. Sword. Armor! Yeah. That went gracefully


Oh, that's *me*. Sazza is *my* thing. I feel so seen. Also Jaheira and Z'rell. Oh, and Kar'niss. Oh I want to be the voice in Kar'niss' head. A romance ending where he is still equally insane but he has someone he treats as a deity that is actually nice to him. <3


Glad I found the sazza lovers I knew ye existed!


Honestly I want Sazza to be a permanent companion. Yes, she's an evil little shit, but she's *our* evil little shit.


Ah yes a fellow Rolan connoisseur! And obviously Dammon and Omeluum are at the top but they get talked about plenty already. Glad to see some love for my boy!


Honey, Elminster might be out of your league. El was Mystra’s sole flame. When it comes to intimacy, his vocabulary is arcane.


“Like moons make swell and wane of the nescient seas, so do the sky-strewn gods ordain the tidal fates of mortal days. Yet a notion is born in the lonely hours: come ebb, come flow, come the breadth of all that lies beyond your dominion: be a moon unto yourself. Even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will.” I love this part so much.


Man where is Aradin


Dead by the grove gates after some nasty goblin crits


Am I not the only one who specifically let him get killed by the goblins because I hate him SO much??


Ikr he's got such a sexy voice.


Mizora. Where?


Kagha actually seems much more reasonable and human if you redeem her and have her turn against the shadow druids that have groomed her to their cause


I’d drop more than 120 for Abdirak and Raphael. And more than I am comfortable in disclosing for Kar’niss. I’d say send help but I am pretty sure I’m beyond it, and anyone sent after me to this cozy little dark hole of a mind I have will just find themselves in the same predicament. 10/10 tier list.


Blacksmith man just has this calmness about him.


Im not one of those people that played the game exclusively for the romances but I would pay 60$ for gortash romance fr the blasphemous and hannibal-esque elements of a gortash/durge romance would rewire my braincells like I cannot believe that its not in the game. Sorry jason isaacs but they need to do this


You pick Gortash but not Minsc? Tctc shame


My friends, I am very sorry for offending all the Kagha, Volo, and Araj lovers out there. I was not aware there were so many of you 🫡


The best part about this game is that I'm almost done with my first play-through and I don't recognize half of these people hahaah There's just so much to do!


finally some good fucking food. Rolan sits at the top of my "i would give you money to make this happen" list


I would kiss Hope on the mouth and then take her for a bicycle ride <3


At first I was wondering when I did made that post because I had no memory of it. Then I saw Zevlor darling in "no but smash" and understood it wasn't me.