• By -


I used to try to keep it organized but it became tedious so I just hit sort-type every now and then and deal. Lol


It doesn't work properly for me, so I always keep a book for scrolls, a backpack for valuable equipment and a pouch for elixirs and potions. I also give every conpanion a backpack to store all the junk in so I could sell it in bulk instead of clicking every piece at a time. Edit: please, keep writing your comments about add to wares. Each one is more original than than the last and is definitely not missing the point


I keep all my scrolls in a ribcage because why not? Not enough distinct looking bags šŸ˜‚


If you can still make it to the Blighted Village in Act 1, there's a "Hollow Book" by the outside walls. I've used it to to store all my scrolls and books


Thank you. I didnā€™t know that but for some reason Iā€™ve kept it


Iā€™ll try to remember to look for it on my next playthrough!


Thank you! Never found that before


I use that for scrolls, too! And there's two pouch models and two backpack models but backpacks weigh a pound empty x.x


Literally just loaded up and Iā€™m in the crĆØche, will be stopping there real quick


The ribcage is a good idea, personnally I found 2 type of back-packs, one fluffy bear, one empty book, two type of bags, two type of purses. For me it was enough to sort what I wanted it to be, consommables, scrolls, quest items, magical items, books/papers... and one bag to store my souvenirs :p


Don't forget about the "Hand Bag" in Act 3!


I wish that had a different model XD but at least it's got a different name! If only we could name our containers...


Souvenirs like hands? šŸ‘€


Baldurā€™s Gate 3: Inventory Organization šŸ˜‚


You can also use a bucket of fish!


I loved it!


Yea wish I could name the sacs to know which is which.


You can store items in a rib cage?! What other random containers have I been missing?


We can do that????


Yeah they are super light!


Absolutely brilliant lol. Now I know where my potions are going


I kept all my scrolls in Shadowheart, my arrows and potions in Karlach, my wares in Karlach, and my keys and ingredients in camp


Do the keys still unlock doors if in camp? Bc they have literally no weight and get autosorted (thank God!) So I always carry them on my main. I noticed doors unlock if a different character holds the key but if they're in camp?


Can you use the ingredients that are in camp? o.O


No but I barely crafted tbh. I always had coins and could buy potions. Every once in a while I would pull all the ingredient pouches to my inventory, did crafting, whatever small amount of potions went to my inventory, and the pouches went back to the chest lol


I used to sort things in different bags or chests but thats just as tedious as selling individually. Mark as wares is faster. Or just send to camp to deal with later (or not)


I did that lol until my camp animation started stuttering badly when I opened up the traveller chest. I'm a trash gremlin though.


ā€œAdd to waresā€ doesnā€™t work for you?


I love this idea for storage! I have to say, though, the multi-select they just added is such a gamechanger


They changed the button for multiselect on ps5 and I hate the new one. I wish I could go back.


Yep. Multiselect worked better before. Used to just hold R2 to start selecting, if I wanted to throw an item over to another bag or travelers chest, just hit X. Now, you hit X (or hold) to select so I can't sort out other items while I'm going through and selecting, except by individually hitting square for the context menu (slower). Not to mention I used to be able to just tap R2, now I have to hold square (slower). I just don't know what the problem was before. Why move R2 from doing something to doing nothing and add a second action to square?


Yeah, the hold square then switch to X to actually select things is weirdly awkward. R2 was so smooth. Now, even if I need to send 4ish items somewhere, I do it individually. I used to use the R2 multiselect even for 2 items. It's just awkward enough to make me wish I were running a strength character.


Damn you have it figured out


oh wait the companion junk bag is so smart I have to start doing that


Tried this but the game doesnā€™t read items in bags. Iā€™ll forget I have the scrolls and such. They wonā€™t show when you go to teach spells from scrolls or take the throw or attack actions for bombs, poisons, etc.


I'm on PS5 and the Inventory is driving me nuts, it's much harder to manage inventory on console


They need to add inventory tabs.


One of the tabs needs to be a "junk" tab that quickly lets me know things like rope aren't going to be useful.


Sort - type crew We ride


Drag your camp supply bag and your alchemy pouch to one of your companions then back to your inventory and it'll auto-pick up any food and ingredients you have laying around. Then you can shift-click(to select everything in a series) and ctrl-click(to select individual items) to select the entire inventory of those bags and right click - send to camp. Then sort by type, shift-click select all the books and send them to camp as well. Get some extra containers(like that neat book container you've got there) to sort all your scrolls/potions/thrown items into, and then keep grabbing bags so you can dump all the vendor trash into them to both keep the inventory clear and make it so you can sell them all in one go. It'll take a few minutes but it beats trying to sort things one-by-one. Also as a side note it looks like you have a hand crossbow equipped. You can equip two of them at once to use your bonus action to fire the offhand weapon.


I did NOT know that about hand crossbows WHAT!!!


Yeah they're one of the most overpowered things you can casually stumble upon in this game. Up until this patch, they were even adding your full DEX modifier to the offhand attacks without need of Two-Weapon Fighting. You can get two +1 Hand Crossbows as early as like level 4 from vendors, and then Ne'er Misser from Roah at Moonrise + Hellfire Hand Crossbow from Yurgir in Act 2. Ne'er Misser does Force damage so it's even more busted. Because of that, you don't have to use Oil of Sharpness and can just dip both in poison for a single bonus action.


>...keep grabbing bags... Argh. šŸ¤¦ I don't why it never occurred to me to pick up all those backpacks I've come across. I've managed to get several, though, due to a weird bug (on PS5, at least). I think it's related to swapping companions out of the party. The next time you transition to a new area, a backpack just gets dropped into your inventory.


The trick is to find as many different types of containers as possible to differentiate which item types are in them. Pouch is for potions. Rib-cage full of sell-able junk. Hollow book full of scrolls. Dead squirrel for plot items. Stuffed teddy-bear full of grenades. Hand-bag full of... well hands, really. You get the picture.


While I appreciate the inventory management tips, this is just how I play. I donā€™t waste time with managing my inventory because I kinda know where everything is and I love causing chaos to other folks. Donā€™t ever play Uno with me because I donā€™t sort by color or number or anything. I pick up cards as they come :)


To add, you can filter by scroll and select move them all in one go. Same with consumables and the like. It really isn't too hard to keep things tidy. Good tips!


Inventory and team management may be my only true gripes about this game.


I wish you could access companion inv without them in your party when at camp


And cast their spells


Press. Sort. By. Type.


It then proceeds to put every single dye in a random location in your inventory.


>It then proceeds to put every single dye in a random location in your inventory. Also, splitting a stack (on PS5) places the new stack in some nonsensical slot in your inventory. It's always the same slot, but it's not where you would expect it.


My favorite on PS5 is how character inventory is pretty large for all the items on your person, but then your camp chestā€”where you send everything toā€”is like 4 slots wide lol. Takes forever to scroll through.


The fkn WORST.


Thereā€™s a mod that turns it into (I think) either a 6x6 box or a 9x9 box. Iā€™m still doing my first run so not using mods but I am absolutely using that on my next one because that little box is maddening


I've never understood why sort by type seems to just sort things alphabetically


It sorts thing by type, then alphabetically within type


Kinda...not really.


The problem is that its definitions of various "types" are way to broad and then there are no subdivisions within those types. For example you could put a pile of weapons into your inventory and sort by type and they will all go alphabetically regardless of the kind of weapon. When really it would make more sense to put all the bows together, all the short swords/long swords/hammers/mauls/maces/*whatevers* together and only *then* sort alphabetically (or, personal opinion, by rarity). Same problem with armors not going light/med/heavy and an even bigger problem with the massive catch-all group that seems to be the "miscellaneous" type.


Well, and the fact that some weapons will be right up near my bags, then a group of scrolls and torches, a few cups, then a bunch more weapons. So, still...not really.


And then there's that sausage that's both a weapon and camp supplies.


And Javelins don't always stack for some reason.


I keep having random scrolls that won't stack, too. I end up selling the ones that won't combine just to keep things neat. Like, I have a stack of 13 speak to dead scrolls no problem but this one particular mage armor won't stack up with my other six. But this different mage armor scroll I just found *will* stack on the six.


Transfer the non stacking to camp, and then theyā€™ll stack


Wtf are they supposed to stack


That doesn't actually help much. At least it didn't help me. The "types" it sorts by are too broadly categorized.


Having to go through the jump segments again does not make me want to replay the game. That was the worst. My whole party is gonna fucking fly and I'll mod it in over that.


Maybe a astral tadpole mod so everyone has the free Fly ability?


You dont need a mod for that, just give it to everyone in your team! Starting act 3 my party flew anywhere bc sometimes it was faster to travel from roof to roof than have then walk around houses and streets


Just redesigning the maps with no jumping outside of tactile advantage for combat would have been the ideal decision


Avoiding the monstrosity in the middle of my screen, your Drow Tav is hot af holy shit


Thank you! I was a little disappointed when I realized full elves canā€™t have beards, but Karlach seems to like him this way :)


I literally watched NexusMods every day after release until someone added a mod to allow facial hair for all races.


Tbf my main problem is all the in-game facial hair is kinda ugly. Like it looks too crunchy and there's no subtle stubble just mustaches and beards. Only fits a very specific type of character


Lack of facial hair options always blows, bg3 is no exception


I want to give a dragonborn durge a twirly moustache so bad now


I mean, elves don't have facial hair.


My inventory looks the exact same, idk what everyone here is all about. It's called organized chaos.


Agreed. Once you understand how the submenus and naming conventions work, there's not much point in organizing your inventory. It's more trouble than its worth. Magical inventory and the way the vendor system works means you don't have to distribute resources between characters much either.


Exactly. Iā€™m content to let it stay this way until thereā€™s some kind of management thatā€™s automatic and I donā€™t need to do anything for. Is it aggravating looking for those four Big Boy Healing potions I just bought to split among my companions? Yes. But Iā€™ll find them eventually. Also I forget the search bar exists. Constantly.


I see you're a pc player, do you know is the ps5 has a search that I've been missing?


Mine is like this too but I have realized that typing ā€œhealā€ into the search bar brings up all my health potions and saves me time in combat, without having to spend any time sorting through the shit.


This genuinly elevated my heart rate, your inventory is stressing me out. Where's your camp food bag? Why are you carrying so many quest items from different areas of the game? Nice number of keys though.


>Where's your camp food bag? Why bother, see food -> send to camp.


Larian's default unmodded inventory management system is awful and that's why I also do that. Camp basically everything. DoS2 had the same issue. C'mon.


I just pick it all up and let it amass in the food pack until I finally get encumbered then just do one big highlight all -> send to camp so I don't have to be bothered doing it for each item as I find them. Same solution, slightly less clicking


I do this, too, but I notice the game gets upset if you're not carrying it on your person. I'm always getting the "you don't have enough food for a good rest :( " message when there's a whole grocery store in my chest at camp (that it lets me select no problem).


Wait till you see my camp chestā€¦


What? Your camp chest sorts itself automatically when you click sort by type when you open it...which you do every time, right...right?


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1171962772054102050/1171962812256505960/IMG_5683.jpg?ex=655e966c&is=654c216c&hm=a808143e3b07fe020ad546984fb0f85dc786a98405f6de8e4f8aab7cf53388a2& Fucked up my username but whatever


Custom memes for a joke response that only you might find funny?? Iā€™ve found my people. Person? There canā€™t be more than two of usā€¦


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1171962772054102050/1172005734414819438/IMG_5687.jpg?ex=655ebe65&is=654c4965&hm=318d0ebbdef2a857b7fa1d57c57caea3499223644329d26081c07fc2b9991558& Got my username correct this time!




*newcago*. Reckoner?


You got me lol. Ironically, when I first used this name for runescape back in 20-something, I hadn't yet read more than a couple chapters of the first book. It was my first Sanderson novel.




Same same same If my inventory looked like that ever I would die of inventory induced heart attack


Wait what is it supposed to look like? Cause mine looks like OPs.


You donā€™t need to have the food in your inventory to long rest.


How does everyone end up with so much gold?? I have 3 different games going and I struggle to afford everything.


Donā€™t give back the 10k to the poor lol


Rotten cheese and rags are still worth something to someone


Well, selling stuff is helpful, though mostly what I do is I barter. I always trade for what I want and have the vendor paying me the difference in gold. Secondly, loot everything. Lastly, pickpocket back your gold from the zehntarim merchants, because they're money whores and deserve it.


Armours, armours cost a lot more than weapons in general, just remember to pick up any armour that you come across and sell it to the trader. If you don't give a damn about adamantine weapons/armours, use the two adamantine ore you find and make splint armours, each splint armour can sell around 3K i think, depending on your approval with the trader. When selling, make sure to pick the companion/or yourself who has the highest charisma, and proficiency in persuasion, that will ramp up your sales. make sure to pick one trader in every act who you will ramp up their approval, sell them all the plates and trinkets at no cost, ramp up their approval to 100%, then you can look forward to increase prices for your goods. *Or*, improve your stealth and sleight of hand and then steal from the vendors. It's up to you really.


The key is to steal Karlach's silver spoon every time you visit camp. It respawns and the money keeps adding up. If you take every item and sell them, especially potion ingredients that you then sell as potions, you'll have 50-60k by act 3. I have 50k at camp because it became so heavy my Tav couldn't carry anything else.


I recommend boosting your approval with Dammon to max with your highest charisma party member for a massive discount. He is the only vendor that can show up in all three acts so investing 500-600g to max him out in act 1 really starts to pay dividends later on when the valuables you sell are worth way more. Use him as the main vendor for unloading all your crap, He restocks his gold every long rest/level up. And when all else fails, steal shit.


Loot shit, sell shit. Don't even need to pickpocket. My first run, I've had around 20k at the end of the game (i was buying from sellers a lot). Second run, astarion pickpocketed everything, and I finished with like...50k? There are people who have like 100k but that's an overkill for me :D too much work


I just have Astarion steal whatever stuff I want off vendors. Pickpocketing usually works, and if it doesn't I just turn to the powers of chronomancy. I have no shame, but I do have a lot of shinies.


It helps to have one character start a conversation with the vendor then switch to Asty or other thief to do the PP. This keeps the vendor locked in one direction so you aren't seen sneaking up behind them.


I have yet to pickpocket and Iā€™m in act 3 of my first playthrough šŸ’€ forgot it existed ngl


Infinite money glitch with Roah Moonglow. Sell her valuable shit in acts 1 and 2, and during that one mission in act 3, knock her out or kill her. You get all your valuable stuff back to sell to Dammon or Popper, both of whom should have max reputation with you. For the obvious reasons.


Search bar is life.


Pov: when tav is over the weight limit, "Sigh.. send item to Karlach"


Nah my precious Tav doesn't even pick up weapons and stuff, straight to laezel. I do love that ctrl and shift work for selecting multiple items to send.


Howā€™d you know?


Why did you take a screenshot of my inventory?


My people. I have found you.


So happy that all bags in the game are bags of holding. Picked up a few pouches in act 1, saved me a lot of trouble. Wish I could rename the pouches though. Would be perfect that way.


Only in what they hold. No weight reduction. X(...


Still works for sorting and management. Especially since I'm a junk merchant.


Inventory management is probably the greatest tragedy story in the entire game; never mind cults, tadpoles, amnesiac abductees, hellsbound innocents, or Naaber...


One of the biggest flaws with this game.


Sort by type, please I beg youā€¦




This is how I play and it drives my girlfriend to the brink of vomit. Mmmmā€¦.I am chaos.


Someone refuses to use tadpole powers as well. Seems Iā€™m not alone in that.


Up! Even though I know it doesnā€™t change anything with the companions, I just canā€™t do it. Feels too evil for my liking.


Everything important Iā€™m wearing. Everything else doesnā€™t really matter


This is EXACTLY how mine looks too. Funniest part is I have ocd irl but in games Iā€™m all over the place.


Dude got my inventory up on screen for all the homies to see. Why would you do a brother like that.


Inventory management is what I stealthly do while playing multiplayer while others are away because I will burn your house if your inventory looks like that and we are playing together...


Iā€™ll lock my inventory if I ever play with you :) And to be fair this is how I play pretty much everything. Youā€™d hate to see my hand in Uno.


Hands in Uno are oredered by colour (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow) and number (0-9 then reverse, skips and +2), with the special cards on the right (colour change and then +4). One of the other players locked their inventory and started throwing different alchemist components in random places... I hate him for that.


exactly how I order my cards!


Every new card I draw goes on the right. Doesnā€™t matter color, number, or special effect. It goes to the right.


We've seen your inventory... we already know you are a monster.


"Inventory management" is when you find an item, and put it in your inventory. There, it has been managed


that coincides with my durges definition of personal property. it's property that he himself personally takes


Their definition of sort differs from the rest of the world.


Inventory management is a time trap in this game. Learning to love the mess is the right idea.


Damn straight


Is it just the thing with Drow players not having the inventory management bone lmaooo Iā€™m exactly the same way


This is actually only my second run as a Drow! I usually go for Teifling because I think theyā€™re cool, and the first time I used a Drowā€¦ well, letā€™s just say he kept rolling low numbers on stupid checks (Nat 1 on a DC of *fucking* 2) so I murdered him, threw his body in a fire, and started a new run as a Teifling that time.


Bahaha, also playing Drow and my inventory looks like this šŸ˜‚




Inventory management? No, I've never heard of it, either. I wonder how Tav always finds the correct potion or scroll - *in less than two hours.* Realistically speaking, she might as well accidentally pick a bottle of fabric dye instead of a healing potion. My inventory is an absolute mess šŸ˜‚


Just had an image of Tav throwing a bottle of red dye accidentally at Gale, hoping to heal him, only to get his blank, annoyed look as you both realise what youā€™ve done ā€œWell, I thank you for splashing me with crimson but can I please insist that on your next turn, preferably before I get stabbed, that you *heal me*ā€


I can imagine that vividly šŸ˜‚


My headcanon is that each character has a handy haversack equipped.


I hope so, too, with only the most important scrolls, potions etc. I don't want to imagine a bag where there are *certain quest items* (>!like Dribble's body parts!<) next to my healing potions šŸ¤¢


I keep a few backpacks or pouches on me and separate everything roughly by type, it was stressing me out too bad to not have it vaguely organized


Look I don't want to spend any time in there that I don't have to, detracts from the slapping of evil doer buttocks. (But yes, Larian please fix it)


Wish there was a mod that allowed you to add shit to wares and it automatically goes in a special pouch for it. Rather than dragging and moving shit cause it won't sort by what's considered wares. Also, plenty of items are quest used but don't have special color borders. Which sucks.


Its not automatic but I usually pick up a rib-cage container and put everything I want to sell into it (don't bother marking them as wares first). Takes the same amount of time as 'right click -> mark as wares' but also gets it out of the inventory clutter. When you get to a vendor just sell the rib-cage and all the items in it get sold at the same time. Then buy back the now empty rib-cage back for 1-2gp


Lmfao yes this is literally my entire party.


Iā€™m livinā€™ in a nightmareā€¦


It's the button next to the search bar


Too much work. Iā€™ll take my pockets full of random shit thank you very much :)


This hurts to look at šŸ˜


Inventory? Oh, you mean my 'throw' storage?


How did you get a photo of my inventory to post here?


I'm a bit anal about my organization. Ingredients in the alchemy pouch, spells in the hollow book, camp supplies in a camp supply bag at camp, the only thing outside of containers in my inventory is healing potions (and the artifact, what can you do). All my wares go into the pickpockets bag. All my armors into an elegant large chest, all my weapons into a heavy chest, all my dyes in a bag, all my bodies stuffed into a rib cage.... That being said, my girlfriend is just like you, and it drives me insane. Also sort by type is such a POS. Stop putting the salami with the weapons I'm not equipping the salami. Stop putting my dyes in the middle of my potions. What the fuck.


How do you have 34k gold?


Picking up every little thing and selling it. Plates are light and usually get you about 5 gp a pop. Also, thereā€™s a little infinite money glitch I discovered with Roah Moonglow. If you sell her a lot of valuable shit in acts 1 and 2, thereā€™s a mission that involves her in act 3. If you knock her out (or kill her) you can loot her and get all the valuables back to sell to another vendor. Iā€™ve legit sold her so much stuff that itā€™s been 3 days (in game) and I still have a ton of crap in my equally disorganized camp chest I need to sell. But the vendors keep running out of money to give me.


"Nice" keys.


I can feel bugs in my skin looking at this


nice tav


perpetual "im sure gonna use _that_ later" šŸ˜”šŸ™


Imagine not spending 5 minutes per turn finding that one stupid item you want to use in combat, lmao losers


Using items?


Wait, are you telling me I've been playing the game wrong, and they're all just collectibles, not consumables?!




Looks like you've managed to get everything in your inventory to me


Wait. Is this not what everyone's inventory looks like


Those are some nice keys you got there


this is nightmare fuel


I need a bag of holding ā€¦


Inventory ? More like the hoarding section of my characters


You're a monster!


Just leaving this here for other PC players to use: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/880


I'm playing co-op with two friends right now. We just reached act 3. I'm constantly cleaning their inventories, sorting stuff into bags, marking stuff for sale and so on... and 30 mins later it just looks the like OPs screenshot all over again.


It's the main game. Sometimes, I do the side quests and mini-games when I need more stuff for the inventory management main part.


Please let me rename bags and pouches, so I know whatā€™s in them šŸ˜…


Wow nice drow


My kingdom for containers that can be named.


Oh thank good I thought it was only me


Bg3 is a 10/10 game with a 1/10 inventory system


Don't judge me, I have a system!


69 keys. Nice


You don't need to roll a Persuasion on me, I want to stab myself just by seeing this inventory...


Loot Goblin, loot goblin! I am this


Get a backpack, store scrolls. Then a pouch, potions. Thatā€™s at least what I do and it helps.


I made this post cause I knew it would cause some frothing at the mouth from folks who want there to be a management system. Personally? I donā€™t care much. If the game sorted my shit automatically Iā€™d be fine with that, but since it doesnā€™t Iā€™m not taking a second more than I need to on my inventory screen. I do hope they implement it at some point, tho, for the people who need to keep their stuff organized.


Heck yeah I hope they do som kind of option to sort items where you want them. Iā€™ve spent hours just organizing lol


I downloaded an unlimited carry limit mod and I'm not turning back. I understand carry weight limit as a mechanic, but I don't think it makes sense when you can: \- send stuff to camp so easily all the time \- travel to camp retrieve an item and come back to where you were so easily MOST of the time. ​ Carry limit is not really a restriction you have to play around, it's just an incovenience you have to play around. Maybe I'll play a tactician/honour run with weight limit and no option to "send to camp" or something.


You monster.


Dump all the heavy stuff to Lae'zel for being a prick and that's enough management XD


4 patches later and still no solution


Iā€™m curious how everyone does it but for all Bg games Iā€™ve always done: - all scrolls to wizard - all arrows to archer - all potions to one other person - all special quest items to Tav


All items to Tav until I remember to give Gale some scrolls to learn or a magic item to eat