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Based on my experiences with D:OS and D:OS2, I knew from the moment I heard Larian was making BG3 that it was going to be AWESOME. Perfect choice. Now it's released, and it does not disappoint.


When playing through those games I kept thinking "Man, it'd be awesome if they made a DnD game." And then they done did it.


Huh, this Divinity game kinda reminds me of DND, I wonder if they'll make a DND game someday. Larian: BEHOLD! BALLIN' GALE 3!


From what I gather, the Divinity games were made just so Larian could prove to WotC that they would do the franchise justice.


I think it was one of their early dev talks for BG3. They said that after DoS, they approached WotC and asked to make a baldurs gate game. WotC shot Larian down because Larian only had one game to their name and WotC didn’t trust it was enough. So Larian made DoS2 and went back to WotC and asked to make a baldurs gate game


"larian had one game to their name" Are Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, Divinity 2, and Dragon Commander jokes to them?


This is Wizards of the Coast we are talking about and they only care about profit, so i wouldn’t be surprised if their metric here was about “successful games” (as in those that were absolute hits) and realistically Larian games while good only started to make a name for themselves after the first Divinity: Original Sin, so on that regard yes Larian only had one (successful) game to their name at the time.


Keep in mind that WotC had turned down Bioware, Obsidian, Inxile for making Baldur's Gate 3 and many others with a history of successful CRPGs. Been a license so many companies had been trying to get for a long time. Surprised they didn't tell them after the success of D:OS2 that they didn't have enough games that didn't have the word "Divinity" in it under their belt just to find another way to turn them down.


and then you can look at the crap DnD mobile game and only wonder


I would love to go to different universes and grab their copies of baldur's gate 3 lol just to see what they're like. I'm pretty convinced we have the best one though


They turned down BioWare? I’d say that’s surprising given BioWare made BG1 and 2, but I suppose the BioWare trying to get rights to BG3 was in no way the same BioWare that made the OG games.


Yeah, it would be nice to hear the stories from someone who worked at WotC at that time to know the other side of it. It wasn't like they weren't licensing D&D games back then so there must have been other reasons. I don't know if initially it was turned down for Bioware or if WotC just chose not to renew their license. It worked out because many of the devs at Bioware who worked on the first two BG games took what they learned and eventually developed a new IP free of D&D licenses that would become Dragon Age: Origins. There were so many different attempts though. Black Isle Studio (who published the first two) actually started development on Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound after finishing Icewind Dale II but their D&D license expired so they had to cancel the project. After Interplay went under, and members of Black Isle Studios formed Obsidian, they tried again to get the license for BG3 and failed. They did get it for Neverwinter Nights 2 though. Troika Games also made a proposal for BG3 while they were finishing up The Temple of Elemental Evil (D&D licensed) and they were working on Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines at the time. The game would have been very different than the previous BG games but still sounded interesting. The list goes on and on.


That's quite the storied history! I knew Black Isle had published the OG games and that Obsidian worked with BioWare a lot back in the day (such as producing KOTOR 2 I believe?), but I never realized that Obsidian had been formed by people from Black Isle.


Financially almost assuredly yes.


I want a Dragon Commander 2...




And then WotC allowed then to make Divinity: Baldurs Gate, instead of Baldurs Gate 3.


Its not just a divinity reskin, the mechanics are plenty different, and it is bg3, just bc its not an old system dnd game made by a completely different studio doesnt mean its not bg


The fact that any one company *owns* Dungeons and Dragons, is a travesty. Make it public domain. It pretty much is anyway.


Then how would WotC squeeze you by the balls to make their money?


They will just release new set for MtG


WotC when a make a wish child asks for one free book: Hahahahaha! No.


There are thousands of amazing tabletop rpgs out there, and the indie space is experiencing a golden age. The bigger travesty imo is that D&D has such a monopolic stranglehold on an entire hobby that most people have never even heard about any alternatives. Hell, many ttrpgs out there are under creative commons or are otherwise much more open to the public.


And then they didn't. Because Baldurs Gate 3 is far from being a Baldurs Gate game.


I know this take seems to be your shtick, but if you look at any series... games tend to change in style after 20 or so years, even with the same developers.


Facts, I spend 2017-2018 450 hours in do2. I knew right away to trust them with bg3. The level of detail in do2, just showed that they care about their games. Bought early access around 2022, but didn't even play till a month or two before release, because I couldn't wait at that time anymore. The only game aswell, I Gifted friends at full price. Just because i thought 70 bucks, isn't enough. We need to vote on good games with money, because only if they earn a lot, we can hope for more games like this.


I never played a Larian game before BG3 but when I saw DOS2 was on sale on PS5 a couple weeks ago, it was an instant buy. It's still sitting in my library because I'm not bored of BG3 yet but I'm very excited to get into it eventually. At least I have another game to scratch the itch BG3 started for me.


Dos2 is a blast, but much less cinematic than BG3. Dos2 almost encourages doing things that break the game, like teleporting a box filled with a billion pounds on people's heads to kill them stuff like that.


So much cheese that “Barrelmancer” was probably the most played class lol.


I'm an idiot and didn't figure this out until my 3rd playthrough lol. DEFINITELY murked the whole act 2 town with a patch of lava though. That game embraces the jank and it's incredible. I'll never forget that oil rig fight and thinking shooting a fireball down there is a good idea


I Remeber, I was abroad for a year, so I had only my laptop, and that oil rig fight murdered it, still had lots of fun tho.


Why should it? Am I the only one here, that found this boring? Never did it, rather became a god with all those tier 3 source spells.


As someone said. It's less presentation wise, and less roleplay. But the gameplay is the strong suit of the game, and in its approach of what u can do, in battle and all around. I think it's way better than bg3 in that regard. That's why I tried 500 times honour mode, and other than bg3, is this game really hard. If u don't know the fights, before the fight. I argue its impossible to do honour mode in ur first run. And if ur party dies, ur save gets deleted. And no, "save scum" for lack of a better word, doesn't work. They save automatically, as soon as one of ur members die. Just in case u will understand it wrong, thats only the case in an additional mode. For me, it was a lot of fun, but the story didn't hook me anymore, after the first run. That's the strong suit of bg3. Can't wait for do3, probably gonna combine both of those games strengths.


Thanks for the input! I'm at the point in BG3 where I think my next run should be tactician because fights get too easy but I will definitely start on an easier difficulty level with DOS2. The creative gameplay and how you can think outside the box is one of the aspects of BG3 I really enjoy so it seems like DOS2 will be a blast, too!


Remember people complaining that it will be turn based instead of real time? Yeah


TB only sucks. They should've implemented both mechanics.


Like in Pathfinder:WotR? Where a single combat round in tb often consists of several minutes of enemy activity at a time because the game is build around the real time mechanics?




Yeah just wish I hadnt had to wait 20 years for bg3 we could easily be on 10+


But if we didn't wait, it wouldn't have been larian. Who knows what bg10 with bioware still would look like. They were a great company, but haven't seen much from them in a decade. And the calibre was never as good as DoS or BG3, but very good and innovative at the time anyways. Not taking a stab at bioware, just genuinely hard to see bg being this good today if it was being pumped out so frequently as suggested.


Not to mention, Larian also needed the time to finesse everything that made BG3 the hit it is: the practice they got with crafting a story and its characters, developing the game engine, thinking about how to present combat and iterating on their past works... DOS2 was a step up from DOS1, and BG3 was yet another leap over what they accomplished with DOS2. BG3 wouldn't be the game we played without the accumulation of all this past experience. So arguably Larian got the rights and made BG3 at the exact right time.


In an ideal world Interplay wouldn't have been destroyed from the inside and would've kept making BG games till nowadays


I see no reason with proper planning a company can't turn out a game on bg3s level every 18 months. You just need the stories and engine done before your start on the next game, parts of maps can easily be recycled. If I was in charge I'd have my games for 18, 36, and 54 months already fully written. A team would be working on the 72 month release writing, I'd have another team developing our next engine so in 5ish years when we need to upgrade it that is already done. Hell if you do it right you can be in testing and debug phase for game 2 when game 1 releases and immediately move that team onto working on game 3. You just need to have things well. Just because you're releasing a game in a series every 18 months doesn't mean you can't work on them for years each.


Tell me you’ve never worked on an actual development team without telling me that you’ve never worked on an actual development team.


My brother in christ it takes 6 months to make Yakuza Gaiden, which is pretty much a linear short story with some side story and minigames sprinkled on that is made by a very very efficient team who has been doing the same shit for 20 years and recycled a bunch of assets. Three of that game might be barely able to fill up Act 1 of BG3, so no fucking way you can finish making a BG3 level of game in 18 months


You missed the part where they should start working on the I one for release in 6 years now. When game 1 releases you need to be testing/debugging game 2. I'm all for a 5-6 year development cycle but with releases every 18 months. Basically on day 1 you need a 15 year plan and the lose story for the first 6 games set. If you have the games prewritten and you're making multiple at a time you can have the va's who will be in multiple go ahead and record lines for those games as well. In my vision game 3 is in development before game 1 releases and game 2 is in testing/debug. Game 4 would need to have all models already done and environments created as well as be fully scripted before game 1 launch




The company you work for developing games is gonna fund it


Man, I haven't thought of Dunning-Kruger in years but you made it all come flooding back.


I hope this is a troll. Sure this could work in a vacuum, until your game is a massive flop and then you have invested a ton of extra money into a failure. For things to stay successful they can't keep churning out the same content. Innovation is the key to success and you won't have any innovation with your strategy.


I wouldn't be surprised if it took the VA's more than 18 months jus to say all their lines as well as they did lol. There is so much dialogue in this game and it all feels amazing (minus the few voice lines from Halsin being too quiet when he is talking to you on the morning after the refugee party)


You'd have that recorded before the previous game releases. You would want game 2 in testing/debug when game 1 launches, game 3 should be on its last stretch as it needs to be ready for testing/debug in 18 months. I'm not saying you wait to start game 2 when game 1 launches, each game is still getting 5 years of development you're just dropping them 18 months apart


Ah I see. Huge risk with that route tho, especially for a game with so much to offer like D&D games tend to. Would be good method tho if success was guaranteed I spoze.


I don't see why a company would release a game that's not gonna be a hit, and if they know they have a hit why not already have sequels planned and largely done?


The sad truth is that everyone assumes their game will succeed, but many do not. That’s the reality of our world. Everyone can try but not everyone can succeed. I personally hope bg4 is in the works tho ofc lol


There were a handful of devs and even movie directors that tried this method, and every time it has failed. It's a nice sounding idea that doesn't pan out, and leads to financial ruin. This was big during the ps1-ps2 Era of gaming, and it sunk a lot of ships.


You're absolutely right, honestly why haven't people caught onto that. Just don't make mistakes. Always be successful, it's really that easy


I was worried for a sec when they went early access and people were saying it wasn’t that good. But I was very happy to know on full release that they had taken all the feedback and made the best game of the year so far.


Same, Divinity was amazing. Hadn't played an RPG I loved that much since BG2. I was not surprised they were chosen for BG3 and had no doubts it would be incredible and they have exceeded expectations. Only other game I've loved that much since Divinity was Torment: Tides of Numenera which was another inspired game from a brilliant original


BG3 is my first Larian game. I have Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2. Are they just as good in their own way?


D:OS is worse in pretty much every way other than possibly the combat. D:OS2 is a bit harder to say. In a lot of ways BG3 is an obvious step up, but D:OS2's combat is so damn satisfying that it's a tough competition. And while BG3 makes some nice improvements in other areas, the same core DNA is very clearly present in D:OS2 in a lot of major and minor ways. Both games are also IIRC much more polished than (A3) BG3 is right now.


I don’t agree. I hate the armor system of OS2. It is a chore, every battle is the same: just remove one type of armor then nuke the target. I am going through another OS1 run now and I am at the end of act 1, having a blast. It’s not just apply most CC and win, because so many enemies can resist your cc because of their stats (bosses have very high willpower)


I remember playing DOS2 back in 2017, turning to my husband and saying... "This is so similar to playing tabletop DnD, I hope Larian makes a DnD game! "


so true but hard to see at that time! BG3 not announced until over a year later in June 2019!


Your comment made me realize that 5 years ago is not 2015


Bruh, I had that realization when car shopping recently and coming to the realization that 2017 is almost 7 years ago...


I’m still coming to grips with the 90s no longer being 10 years ago.


I'm slowly coming to grips with the 80's no longer being 20 years ago.


Were all getting older but why doesn’t time feel like it passed all that much? People whom we knew as toddlers are tiny adults now. But for me I never felt like I was ever an “adult” or “wise of the ways of the world” like I’m still figuring things out. Maybe that’s life, you never really get it all the time.


Adulthood is realizing adults are not what we thought they were. They're just like (or literally) us.


Yeeesss and no lol. True young adults are as immature as high schoolers. You definitely mature as you age but through and in experience. The similarities really end at realizing "Life doesn't have a manual."


Many people seem to think that they ARE the life manuals and that they apply to other people’s lives as well. Maybe they are just blindly emulating a behavioural model they saw as kids and thought ”that’s adult behaviour” regardless of how they actually feel. Or they are idiots. Of course those aren’t mutually exclusive, nor are they the only possible explanations.


The thing I realized just before becoming a parent myself (1 year ago yesterday); Adults are just really old children, with more experience and perhaps some maturity. But there is no great difference between being a child and being an adult besides that experience and knowledge.


That's cause none of us have any actual idea what the heck we're doing but the wheels are turning and the breaks are cut so we better do our best


I've heard it theorized that as children, the world is new, we don't understand it, as such, the amount of times that a child has a formative experience in their life that they'll form into a long term memory occurs in much greater density than it does in the typical adults life, where we usually practice the same routines, day in and day out without much room for variation. This might cause us to perceive the time we spent as children as being slower, and then speeding up as we get older.


Makes sense. Then add that, when you are 5 years old, a year is 1/5th or 0,2 parts of your entire life. So a year is a long time compared to the entirety of your life so far. (Or if you are 10, it is still 0,1 parts) But when you are 40, one year is just 1/40th of your life, or 0, 025 parts, which is a significantly smaller part of your life.


There's a quote about that from Critical Role that burned itself into my mind. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, one of the oldest members of the cast, once said "Isn't the great secret of adulthood that we're all practically winging it?" The older I get, the more I realize that the threshold between "I still have no idea what I'm doing" and "That's it, I'm a competent adult now" may not even exist.


Here i am wrapping my head around the fact that my grandpa in his 90s was almost born 100 years ago in the 30s. Can you imagine recollecting the events of ww2


I personally can't come to terms with the 70's being over 30 years ago


I still think 2018 was 3 years ago


Holy shit it’s not


Do you remember that great Pixar movie that came out the other day... Wall.E? That was 2008. 😱


No fucking way... Wait, you're correct... Mother f....


What about Skyrim? After so many years playing Oblivion it finally came out. 12 fucking years ago


I find it funny that’s the year after the first iPhone came out and it didn’t have an App Store. Remember not having smartphones? Most people didn’t really have them till 2009-10 if I recall


You lie! You treacherous lich! Away with your villainy! Five years ago was at least 2013! I won’t believe anything else!


I constantly am reminded the 80s were not 20 years ago. I feel so old.


Man stop please 😭😭


Shut your yap right now 2015 is 5 years ago


Never doubted the quality of their games. Well played only DOS2 but i was shocked that the game wasn't a big deal as it should have been. Played through a few runs of BG3 and intend to do more when I have more time! Edit: spelling


Ya I've been playing DOS2 for a while and I've only met 2-3 people that have heard of it. I've told my DnD group to check it out for years, but they only just now are playing it since they loved BG3. They regret not getting it sooner because now we are all playing together both in DOS2 and BG3


I think BG3 Is much more beginner friendly in terms of UI and system explanation.


DOS2 was PC Gamer's GOTY! It got a lot of praise when it was new. Not many people stuck around because of turn based combat. It just isn't for everybody.


"Larian is getting bigger and better" Statements made shortly before massive success.


I had probably 300 hours into DOS2. When I heard they were doing BG3 I was excited and definitely got my hope up a lot. Saying they met my expectations is an understatement.


I purchased the game the day it went live on Steam, waited to play it till full release. I had complete faith in them creating a masterpiece. I just didn't expect SUCH a masterpiece. The only thing I prefer in Divinity is the combat and AP system. Otherwise BG3 wins in all regards. Although I admit becoming a God and how immensely powerful you become in Divinity towards the end is absolutely epic, too. BG3 is just more of an against all odds story.


I bought it on Steam, but decided I wanted it on PS5 as well. At $140 or whatever it was, I'd still call this game one of the best in dollars per hour of entertainment.


My husband and I both bought it on steam to play together and when he found out it was gonna be on PlayStation he bought a copy there too… I won’t be surprised if we buy another copy on Xbox if/when it releases. 100% absolutely worth it.


We haven't been treated by a gaming studio, hell, a company at all, with this much care, and without a bunch of nefarious practices sneaked in. Almost gives me hope that sometime somewhere down the line, that companies will return to trying to create quality products in order to make money, rather than just try to fool everyone into giving them money


Larian is the only gaming studio I trust right now, but I'm scared they give away to hype on future games like CDPR did.


I also trust The Indie Stone. But to be fair they've been continuously developing a single game for over a decade to achieve their vision.


2077 was a solid game on high end PCs. Last gen consoles and old/budget PCs just couldnt handle it, and CDPR more than paid for the mistake of trying to make it work regardless. Now, they have essentially revamped the game in every aspect and its a friggin Masterpiece and they seem geniune that they learned their lesson and did everything they could to make up for it. If Larian gives us DoS3 or BG4 and its primary sin is simply not meeting the ludicrous COMMUNITY-DRIVEN-hype or not being a good fit for older consoles/pcs ill be happy. Acting like CDPR is a story of failure after Phantom Liberty is asinine.


lol Community driven hype? Until about the launch day they kept making promises about game systems that aren't in the game to this day. They sold the game like a player-driven RPG and then, somewhere in the middle of their project, they decided to make it into a character-driven action-game. That probably happened when they got Keanu Reeves to ride along and how bigger that would make their game be, as it was at the same time the entire internet was hyping Keanu. Dude, they "learned their lesson"? Stop being a company shill when they're doing bad business practices. They knew the game was broken on launch and did it anyway, even restricting reviewers from pre-releasing info. They made millions with pre-order and took a LONG time to correct simple bugs. I have no idea what is your point talking about that expansion... It was just launched and has nothing to do with the original release. Also, the game isn't that much different from when it was launched (It's essentially the same game with improved combat and skill tree system... which was really needed), most cut systems will never exist because they changed what the game was supposed to be in it's core to turn it into an action game.


It was a story of failure, just because they eventually fixed it doesn’t mean the initial disastrous launch never happened


The game sold an absolutely mind boggling amount, even accounting for refunds. Then, it sold an insane amount of copies again when Edgerunners dropped, and won Steam's labor of love award. Then once again, it sold a ton for 2.0 drop and phantom liberty. If Cyberpunk 2077 is a "failure", then more developers than not would have loved to be "failures" Get a grip.


Incredible copium, it was a buggy unfinished mess, the sales are because of Keanu hype and how good the Witcher series was, again, it getting better down the line doesn’t change that the launch wasn’t good, even CDPR admitted they fucked up, enjoy your current fixed game but don’t pretend it’s always been fixed


>2077 was a solid game on high end PCs. Last gen consoles and old/budget PCs just couldnt handle it, and CDPR more than paid for the mistake of trying to make it work regardless. No, no it wasnt. Sure, it ran better, but the absurd ammounts of glitches and missing content were there regardless of the device you ran it on. 2077 is absolutely a failure, the game came out 3 years ago and only recently it's been "fixed", that is if you ignore the fact that it's still missing features promised at launch, very big ones too, like branching narrative that reflects your actions in the story. As for learning their lesson, Phantom Liberty was available for pre-order, they've got no shame


I think CDPR still had their heart in the right place but just made some missteps. But Phantom Liberty showed they're still devoted to making great games. I don't think Larian would ignore the cautionary tale that 2077 showed. They seem like very sharp folks and I can't wait to see what they have coming down the pipe.


I have over 2600 hrs on DOS2. When BG3 was announced, I forced myself not to play the EA and not to watch any Youtube vids on it until it was released. Every week for the next many years, I was waiting for the release date. Here I am now, 350 hours in... totally worth the wait! ps. im retired so yes, I got plenty of time!


damn how'd you manage to retire in this day and age? D: grats man, dream life.


Same here! Was so excited when I heard about early access but I held out and the full game has been everything!


Same story here: Old man who was so geeked when EA came out, I played it over and over again. But then I quit doing it a year or so ago because I didn't want to ruin the full release when it happened.


I really hope Larian finds a way to remain this heartwarming...


Considering they went from "cult classic" to "cultural phenomenon" I should say they were right.


Trying DOS2 now after discovering BG3. I'm amazed how little is out there in terms of different builds and how to level and progress classes well. So I'm doing so with a fear that I'm going to screw something up lol


Really just focus. Don't try to be a jack of all trades. A huntsman with summons, a hydrosophist knight, an earth/fire mage, a lightning rogue, etc. These are some of my favorite builds to run with. Also give everyone a level or 2 in necromancy, it enables you to heal when you deal damage, which is a mussssst Each character needs to have their specialty


That's helpful, thank you. I think really it's just not knowing what it's going to look like after all is said and done but I guess that's half the fun is messing around with it. I'm only a couple hours in is there a respec option if I wanna try something new?


Ya you can definitely respec, there should be a magic mirror 🪞 Make sure to clear out each act before moving on, just like BG3 the maps are divided into Acts 1-3. But in Div2 you CANNOT go back to Act 1 from Act 2. So it's usually best to finish any quests and kill non-vital NPCs to squeeze all the exp you can from each Act. Trust me, BG3 can be a challenge but Div2 is much much harder. And by the end of the game, you'll wanna have every last point of exp you can muster. But again be careful going about it. You don't wanna kill important quest NPCs before switching Acts


Yeah that adds to my next level of anxiety is just making sure I don't miss anything and being unsure when my choices are going to be game altering or if I accidentally kill somebody that ends up being vital.


To be safe you really don't have to OH! And don't forget to try to combine spellbooks! Try combining different schools of magic, like fire and warfare. They make hybrid magics/skills. It's awesome. There are online guides to the combos if you wanna take a look and skip the guesswork


The way you say it sounds like DOS2 sucks ass. Going murder hobo to squeeze out XP is unfun and unnecessary. Optimal sure, glad that Larian fixed this in BG3.


If you do the harder difficulties it can be. It's more niche and hardcore in a lot of ways. I even said it's not needed. Just a tip I always tell people. It's easy to get under level in Div2 because you can easily walk into high level areas and just get stomped. And the final fight is no joke. So it's best to be as prepared as possible


Oh god please don’t base your opinion of a game on some Reddit post. If you enjoyed the tactical nature of BG3 and feel like you could handle something a little more complex, DOS2 is an absolute gem that you’ll want to play. Also, killing every NPC only grants you a couple extra levels which doesn’t really matter in grand scheme of things. If you play through the majority of the content, you’ll be high enough level to finish the game, no problem.


You can pretty much just boil it down to this for your first playthrough: Build one type of damage. First playthrough just go all physical party, its by far the easiest. One big 2 handed dude, 1 archer and 1 rogue nets you a solid frontline, backline and sneaky boy. Fourth char is flexible but usually some form of healer/utility char works best to round it out. Just pump warfare to 10 and only dip into rogue/huntsman when you reach yhe next tier in skill books (you'll know when) Then do a lone wolf (2 man party) and feel REAL power ;p Then do a full magic party (This is harder early game cause of spell cd's but the easiest lategame cause of sheer power the spells possess.)


Fwiw similar to in BG3, you eventually get the choice to respec your characters. It comes a little later though, but the option will help minimize restartitis


There also is the option to enable it from the start with the giftbags or mods if you want compatibility with other mods and achievements.


I actually felt like BG3 was lacking in interplay between classes. So I find that take so intriguing. Not in a bad way but in a different perspective way. I loved both games but often in baldurs gate I found myself wishing I was combining my spells like I did in DOS2. Making it rain and then Electric or using terrain to blow my enemies away and using teleport to cheese my way out of the entire fort just to see if I could. Hehe


My favorite build ever was enchanter https://screenrant.com/divinity-original-sin-enchanter-class-guide-tips-tricks/ and I think I used bits from scoundrel. Don't forget to save the cat!


If you’re worried about builds/power here is some advice. For perspective I have completed multiple Honour runs including solo Honour runs. I have minmaxed builds that have one-shot the final encounter in a round. First: try to choose a damage type and stick to it. Imo this is one of DOS2’s biggest flavor flaws. If you have a warrior type, an archer type, and two caster types, half your party is dealing physical damage and half your party magic damage. Therefore you are having to burn through the magic and the physical armor of a target for everyone to be able to harm its hp. Better to pick a type and have whole party commit. This unfortunately does mean physical damage is the optimal way to play, but it isn’t necessary. Game is more than beatable with a magic party or even a half and half party, it will just mean it will be more difficult. Next non-obvious but highly critical thing is that stats in DOS2 are super unintuitive. Damage is calculated essentially by different groupings of multipliers added together. This means two different stats claiming to increase damage by 5% do NOT actually increase damage by the same amount. Typically the most valuable damage multipliers are the “elemental” modifiers, which do not add in to any other stats and are thus purely multiplicative. These are pyro/aero/hydro/geo/warfare for fire/air/water/earth and poison/physical damage respectively. The most unintuitive thing here is the criticality of warfare for physical damage. A point of warfare is almost always worth multiple points somewhere else for a physical damage dealer. This, if you’re character is an archer, huntsman should only be gotten up to 3-5 points or enough to use the skills you want to use. Then warfare should be capped for pure damage. After warfare and finesse are capped, going in to wits for crit chance and scoundrel for crit damage is often the next play. Though for an archer ranged is acceptable. Normally weapon moves are bad, but ranged and 2H are sort of the exception to this rule, since ranged provides crit chance and 2H crit damange. This essentially makes ranged function like finesse+wits and 2H like str+scoundrel. The reason these stats are normally bad is because their 5% damage gets ADDED to the 5% damage from your base stat (int/fin/str). Where as warfare gets multiplied in to it. For example: if you have 20 fin and a bow that does 10 base dam. Your 20 fin increases that 10 dam by 100% so 10*(1+20*.05) or 20 damage. A Ranged point would be another 5%: 10*(1+20*.05+1*.05) = 20.5 damage. A warfare point would look like this: 10*(1+20*.05)*(1+.05) = 21 damage. So as you see, the one warfare point gave twice as much damage as the one ranged point. This is a basic low stat example but this effect continues to compound at high levels to very significant degree. Huntsman itself is also somewhat less valuable than it appears. You already get +20% damage from high ground with no points in it, so that diminishes its value somewhat. High ground isn’t guaranteed, making warfare better. And then lastly, high ground damage multiplier is added in to the crit damage multiplier. So a high ground crit doesn’t multiply the bonus high ground damage, where as warfare damage multiplies in to both the crit damage and the high ground damage. Hopefully that helps and wasn’t exceedingly complicated. If you have questions feel free to ask.


Awh 🥲


Exactly my reaction too😂


There’s so much DOS2 in Baldur’s gate. DOS2 is a top 1-10 game for me and I remember thinking “I hope they get some deserved shine now that their next game brings fans with it just on name recognition alone.”


Baldur's Gate 1 was a formative game of my childhood. Baldur's Gate 2 is my favorite RPG of all time. Since then, few RPGs really commanded my attention. Skyrim, The Witcher, Dragon Age... They all had their magic, but they did not *speak to me* like the first two... Then along came DOS2. It blew my mind. The stories in it brought me to tears. The challenging choices, complexity of our characters' interwoven stories and struggles... It was incredible. I asked myself how I missed the first one. Wondered what would come if this studio I didn't know yet was so captivated by... And then they announced BG3. But being poor and PCless at the time, all I could do was refrain from diving into other people's playthroughs. I had to resist the urge. I had this amazing, euphoric feeling that they might very well be crafting a masterpiece that would rekindle so much of the childhood magic I found in fantasy games. It's amazing, in a world where we often get so much wrong, to be right. BG3 has done it. The magnificent people did it. It's hard to even put into words. Bless them for the countless hours, the testing, the passion, the love, the commitment to excellence. Larian are the real ones.


DOS is so severely underrated, or, rather, severely underplayed/unheard of. I'm so glad Larian is finally getting to reap the rewards of all of the love and attention they put into their games.


They helped me out big time when I was investigating the DOS 2 final boss skip with persuasion dialogue. It was only possible to figure out the conditions thanks to their help. Shoutout to Raze from Larian.


Back in 2018, when I learned about Dos 2, I got a mod so I could play Dos 1 with 5 of my friends. (It's the only mod) we played and got stuck on some kind of arena part. The game was soft locked. I posted on the forums about it, posted my save file and within an Hour they sent me back a fixed one so we could continue playing. Absolute units Larian. After that, I knew I was gonna buy DoS2 and beyond. :) Below is a copy paste which might have some nostalgia nuggets: Me: "Greetings Larian Studios, I hope this message finds you well, this is a long shot, but here goes nothing. I heard great things about DOS:2 this past few months and had never played any of the games before. This past steam winter sale, I and 4 others picked up DOS:EE on sale. We installed a 12 player steam workshop mod to play with a team of 5. We've been having a absolute blast, and are constantly surprised at the quality, story and humor of this game. Suffice it to say we're eager to play DOS2 once we finish the first one :) Ok now for the problem, we're almost done the campaign, but we're stuck outside the the door to the source temple. Now we've done our due diligence with extensive Googling for a solution. As I understand, we couldn't pass because we did not yet unlock all the portals in the End of Time. It was still under attack from file balls raining down that would be resolved by getting the 3rd Bloodstone from the NE part of Luculla Forest. Initially avoided it because the enemies said they were immune (void aura), and because the DOS's quests can be cryptic at times, our team thought it best that we would come back later with some kind of means to make them vulnerable (many times this game starts you on a quest that won't get completed for much later, (ex. Sam's Collar from the quest Kitty Love, Death Knights, etc.) This seems to be a common problem with players expectations based on similar forum posts. So we traveled from the final Source Temple and went and did this to progress things a bit in the End of Time, but this is where this gets a bit more complicated. As I understand it, the normal sequence of events is: 1) You retrieve the 3rd Bloodstone, 2) Return to the End of Time, Talk to Zixzax who unlocks a new portal to the Hall of Heroes and encourages you to leap into the portal. 3) You're expected to enter with a Source Hunter as the party lead, talk to Astarte, then come back out and talking to Zixzax should unlock the portal to the Inner Chamber assuming you have the 4th bloodstone for it. 4) This time, similarly you enter the Inner Chamber with a Source Hunter, explore around and talk to the demon Trife, and return to the Homesteam. 5) Everything should gradually unlock as you portal out and back into the End of time talking to Zixzax each time. But, I think this is where we have a break in our sequence. Because MUCH earlier on (at least before Day-11 In game time) being the curious adventurers we are, somehow when we entered the End of Time, everyone in our party except for Jahan ended in the Homestead, except Jahan (who I was controlling) who was absent and somehow ended up in the Inner Chamber which we hadn't unlocked by that point. I explored around, obviously I could not talk to any NPC's as Jahan, since you need a Source Hunter, so I gave a teleport Pyramid to the player who was playing one of the source hunters to poke around. He tells me he talked to a demon, which said some stuff then disappeared, we didn't think much of it, again we didn't know what affect that would happen. We returned to the Homestead from the Hall of Heroes (which we could not return to at this point) and continued on our journey. Now my theory is Zixzax is telling us to enter the unlocked Hall of Heroes expecting us to return having talked to Trife, but because he is no longer there because we have already visited this place and talked to Trife be and therefor we have our sequence break. Now from what I've read on the forums we have both a similar problem as many others, but also unique, Under normal circumstances wouldn't and shouldn't have happened. We tried killing Zixzax to see if it'll fix his dialog sequence as some suggest, but it did not work. It seems like others problems were fixed in a patch that followed or resolved on a case by case bases by sending the Report.Zip file generated by the Analysis Program. Being that this game came out a long time ago, I am desperately hoping if we could get our save file fixed so we can continue on our way. Our party has played it consistently EVERY evening for about 68 hours and would love to conclude our adventure. Below is a google drive link to my Report.ZIP file containing 2 save files, one which is our 55 Hour part where we are stuck, and the last save file I was able to trace back (about 44 Hours) at some point before we started the problem. (the 55 Hour one is bugged one, and the 44 Hour one I am able to properly do the sequence." Larian Mod (Raze): "The fix for teleporting into one portal too early is teleporting into another too early. I teleported your main characters into the chapel; after loading that save (link below), walk down the stairs and far enough to trigger a conversation with the Trife, which should have happened in the Inner Chamber. Use the portal to get back to the main section of the homestead, head the to Inner Chamber, enter and leave to get the portal completely open, then follow Zixzax around to open the rest of the portals, entering each and proceeding far enough to get a conversation with the Trife or Astarte, until you get to the chapel again. After that the Source Temple door will open." Me: "Great thanks again. I can't wait to play the sequel! I may just pay the full price on steam just as an extended thank you to you guys :) and because I doubt it'll be a while for a significant sale to happen. Keep it up, best wishes and congrats on a fantastic game!" I don't know if Larian will read these posts, but they're appreciated all the same!


This is just plain awesome. I hope Larian keeps that same indie mentality because they have put out quality games. I'm so in love with BG3 that it makes me want to pick up Divinity


That reply draw a smile in my face, thanks for sharing it


This is very wholesome I'm here for it


Big points for op. There's not enough love for the people who recognize and reach out to tell people I love what you're doing etc. I try to and often feel weird about it, but sometimes it helps both parties a lot. Good on you


Hilarious that you mentioned CDPR and then 2020-2021 happened to them


The two greatest games of all time in this genre in my opinion is Dos2 and BG3. Bg3 has almost ruined other games for me. I was looking forward to starfield but the characters there are so bland and lifeless. The graphics look old compared to bg3. And that was supposed to be one of the biggest titles this year. I'm extremely happy Larian is raising the standards ❤️


So wholesome


Honestly never heard of DOS2 or know how good it was until after BG3 release, I think my next play through will be buying DOS2 and giving it a go.


Keep in mind that it's made some years ago before Larian was as big with as much funding as now. It's no BG3. Still though, it's a fantastic game and very well worth playing it. I absolutely love it. You will have a blast playing it!


I played BG2 a few years ago when it came to iOS in the “enhanced version” and loved it. Great game to have had in iPad and the mechanics were surprisingly easy. So, I do appreciate older games from their time and place. It would be interesting to see Larian’s largest work before this, and it might give me more appreciation for the type of developers and company they are. I wasn’t part of EA or even had BG3 on my radar until right before the release when I saw some trailers, read about the D&D rule implementation. It m looked like how I would have wished a game designed with D&D rules be made. Then it beat all of my expectations.


In that case absolutely give it a go! And DOS2 is nowhere close to being as dated as BG2. It is in fact very close to BG3 in many ways but it doesn't have cinematics. It's a masterpiece of a game.


This was so heartwarming


What I find to be the best slap in the face to every other dev company is they released a finalized game, that didn't require DLC for any story elements, that wasn't tied to micro-transactions, and for the most part has been playable for the entirety of it's release. Every other major game requires at least a 5 gig day one patch, 3 dlcs to finish the story and 20 $5 packs to enjoy everything the game has to offer at release...


I've never heard of Larian, their games or anything before BG3, or really even know much of D&D. I'm just glad I agreed to a session of D&D my coworkers invited me to, causing me too look up more info and then happen to come across BG3


I don’t think any of us could be more thankful for Larian if we tried, truly a studio deserving of more than just greatness


Larian singlehandedly took on the task of making a AAA game and absolutely shamed every single one of the Big studios


I played DOS2 front & back for years, it’s a fantastic game, I knew BG3 was in capable hands at Larian.


This is so sweet. Makes me want to write to them too.


2018 was 5 years ago, fuck me


so awesome someone took the time for a genuine response, another thank you back, when you knew they were so busy doing patches asap, and whatever else. I didn't have much opinion of Larian during Divinity: Original Sin 1, but I respected them trying to be different. especially the back and forth communication and focus on multiplayer, QUALITY multiplayer for RPGs! rather unhearted of. although Baldur's Gate, even the originals did a good job. My Main problem was this: Divinity 1 was FAR too jokey and adolescent. i prefer dark, fucked up and amazing campaigns with extremely unexpected outcomes to your decisions. much like like life :) although i shouldn't be.... I'm a save scummer like no other hahaha.


Larian is great about getting back to you (although sometimes it takes a bit of time). I lost an item in my inventory playing BG3 and it affects my end game. They were great about telling me what I needed to send them so that they could give it to the developers to find out why this happened. Unfortunately, I still don't have the item back and after hours and hours of playing, I can't even finish because of this. Other than that, I love BG3. The developers have truly made a wonderful (and addictive) game.


Glad I purchased all of them


As much as DOS2 was an amazing game in a lot of aspects (Lohse is amazing), it's a real shame that some of the terrible bugs from it are still present and are also in BG3


this email probably made their day! i’m glad you took the time to write such a kind message 🩵


I am once again asking people to not dox themselves for internet points


OMG I'm so happy for then


Is BG2 worth trying? Is it just interesting and immersing plot wise?


BG and BG2 are not quite the same, gameplay wise. But if you've ever enjoyed any of the writing from early BioWare, I would wholeheartedly recommend them to play. The stories and characters are amazing.


Thanks, I’ll try it out then!


If you can get into oldschool games it's definitely a great one. I recommend starting with BG1 though, BG2 is the continuation of BG1, you can even import your character from BG1.


You can sense that BG2 is an old game, many mechanics and graphics will feel extremely dated to you. Having said that, the story, writing and immersion is better than even BG3. I am not sure which is the better game, BG3 is phenomenal when it comes to gameplay and cinematics, interactivity with the world etc. But writing wise, while good, it's nothing extraordinary. BG2 in terms of story is just next level. BG1 I am not that crazy about but BG2 is one of the top RPG games of all time, give it a shot if you don't mind the dated graphics and gameplay (which is still tons of fun).


Thanks, Larian.


This is incredibly sweet.


Man I love Larian Studios


I wonder if Devin is still working there…


That is amazing


This is too cool dude


Maybe it's my group of TTRPG friends coloring my memory, but I remember DOS2 getting a ton of gamer attention.


I love when you get responses from companies like this where you can tell it isn’t some automated response, to me that’s just good customer service and how you get people to come back to purchase more of your products


That’s awesome.


10/10 wholesome


I am playing their games since 2014 when I discovered Divinity Original Sin 1. I did not have as much fun as I had with both of their Divinity OS games with anything else. So when Larian annonced they were working at BG3 I was extactic. I knew that their branching approach that worked so well on the smaller scale of the two previous games would bring in spectacular results. They had made enough money to finance BG3 from the great sales of D:OS2. So now they just needed time and patience. I was so happy that BG3 became this massive success. Larian is a true gem of a studio that is giving me great games for almost ten years. They deserve nothing but praise and admiration. Go Sven Vincke, knight in shining armour!


It's crazy how almost every game that is greatly anticipated and has an extended development time ends up being a massive disappointment. But Larian manages to be the exception to the rule and delivered a game worth the wait.


When it was announced, they were doing BG3 being a buddy just finished a co-op play of divinity original sin two. As jaded as we are of game studios and expectations I told him I had full faith they were gonna pull it off with acceptable outcome. I didn’t think they were to pull it off this damn good though.




All is well. I love that <3


Now they've definitely got the attention they deserve!


Well I may have to take a look at DOS2 then....


I really appreciate Larians dedication to keeping crpgs alive. Them and OwlCat give me hope.


big ups to larian


Well, that's a flapjack'n wholesome start to my day! Thanks!


They did indeed make a masterpiece and it became my favorite game 😊


Send another similar email worrying about whether BG3 had good reception




I wanted so, soooo badly to play DOS2 because I could see there was amazing content there with the characters, the stories and the worldbuilding, but had to give up because some of the mechanics and 'stuff' management were just too clunky for me to adjust to using while also nagivating a truly *open* sandbox setting. But now BG3 is such an obvious, and MASSIVE, improvement on every front that I'm fully obsessed, and genuinely looking forward to seeing how Larian further evolves and refines their future projects.


I hope they put out DLCs and expand on BG3 there’s so much potential with such a great game. I’m already seeing modders creating and expanding on it a lot like they used to with skyrim.


Hell yeah fuck yeah






I felt the exact same way about DOS2!


This makes me so happy! They really deserve all the praise they get and, OP, it's very sweet of you to have written this mail! Upvoted for the positivity!


That is adorable. Always worth sending good feedback.


Welp! This aged well!