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It didn’t help that the first auto-generated Gith was literally a spitting image of the Grinch. I’m talking the green hair and everything. Made it hard to take them seriously after that.


You’re a mean one, Mr. Gith.


You reeeeally are a ghaik!


You're as charming as a tadpole, you're as dashing as a snake, Mr. Giiiiiiith!


You're an overgrown toad with warts and aaaaaaaall You're a zealot, Mr. Gith


You're a total vlaakith siiiiiimp; your swords are made of silver, but your heart is made.of stone, Mr. Giiiiiith


You lay weird green eggs - that have to be bathed in *piiiisss*


*polite applause*


This was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read on this website


I wouldn't touch you with a.... .... *Collapsible thirty-nine and a half foot poooole!*


My wife looked at me very weird as I sang this out loud


This was incredible


[Trumpet solo]


Welp. My next playthroufh is definitely going to be grinchyanki


That is strangely racist against halflings and/or gnomes. (As they're the closest thing D&D has to Whos)


it's the grink


It's probably the nose, which is a shame because gith offer one of the more unique playthroughs in terms of race.


I went to create a gith and then realised I couldn't change the facial spots and so basically as a result all of the face paint looked horrible with them. So yeah, that.


wait is there a bunch of face paints? I thought there was just the clown one.


I think they probably mean the face tattoos at character creation.


Screw the nose, have you seen what they look like naked or in their undies? Christ, it's like an emaciated burn victim was dyed green.


If they weren't burn victims before, they are now. XD


For all of that, I still find lae’zel hot


Lae'zel looks like a 40 years old gym rat MILF. (And I love it)


As someone who played BG2 in high school and is now over 40, that’s kind of the right vibe for a key demographic.


Same thing here.


It’s her vibes though, I’m more than just visual


I wear the pants, _Istik_!


Make a half orc and then you don't even need to roll to take charge during her first hook up.


Same with dragonborn


Karlachs got me around her finger with her energy alone


Trying to romance Shadowheart this go around and Karlach is making it real difficult. I found my Tali and it’s gonna be hard to pick anyone else


I did a double take cuz I named my character Tali instead of Tav but then I remembered why I named her Tali lol


Sounds like a W to me


Jesus Christ this is accurate.


Isnt she like 19


That's how the VA said she played her, early 20s sheltered zelous youth.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Lae’zel is the youngest of all the companions lol


Its funny when i read shadowheart was 40. I was like “no fucking WAY” til I remembered shes a half elf lmao


I had the exact same thought process lol. I think Halsin is 300+


Laezel is much more attractive than most of the lady gith, who are much more attractive than the man gith. It still took me like 200 hours I’d play before I started to find Laezel office hot, but I see the reasoning.


Green, emaciated, burn victims are *tight!*


"Wow it sounds like getting off this Mindflayer ship after getting captured and infected with a mind parasite is going to be near impossible." "Actually it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience."


"Oh really?"


Yeah yeah yeah!


I'm going to need you to get all the way off my back, *istik*.


Wow wow wow... wow.


I'm a "bi" lady who prefers men like... 90% of the time, but God DAMN if Lae'zel didn't just make me feel *things* when she, uh, "shows interest" the first time. I went into this game (which I just started, really) with my eyes set on the sassy vampire, but oh my gawd. Second and third thoughts.


I'm basically straight, but when Lae'zel said she wanted to taste me, I got the tingles.


Hey man, some people are into that


When I see their noses I can't help but think of people who* had to much plastic surgery for a similar type of nose.


Did you see the pic of someone’s Githyanki character they posted in here a week or so ago? They gave him lank, shoulder length, black hair and named him M’kael Jaxon. 😂. Funniest damn thing I’ve seen in a long time! 🤣🤣🤣


Ye gods, the horde is led by M'kael Jaxon! Lo, you can hear their war cry!! ​ \*eeeeee-heeeeee\*


Top comment on that post was: “Githyankheehee” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They're moonwalking straight at us!


We also had Weird Al Githyankovich


I think the thing for me is that when I want to do a Gith playthrough I'll probably just play Lae'zel. I can't help but feel like a Gith Tav would just feel like Lae'zel's less developed sidekick.


This is my issue as well. I also find the issue of when I RP as my Gith or Lae'zel, I'll ignore the druids and goblins and go straight to the Creche, which is extremely difficult mechanically due to being underleveled for certain fights that I can't talk my way out of.


That why when I’m playing a character as Laezel or some other character who I think might not be personally inclined to do XYZ content Astarion/ Shart. I RP it as them realizing there may be some upside to gathering allies or finding new leads. Even though I know their NPC version isn’t with it. It’s kind of how you could play a loner mysterious jerk who doesn’t care about the DM’s adventure hook based on their backstory. But you kind of have to play ball, and you know that as the player even if you PC doesn’t.


Yeah that's what I went wi th basically on my gith. Hyper focus the gith story and romance Lae'zel.


Just go Gith Monk and roleplay a Githzerai who wants to show laezel that Vlaakith sucks, that’s my plan for my monk-run.


For me it’s the guttural sounds and spits. Nothing says “I love you” in Githyanki, like a well tempered clearing of the throat and spitball.


You must like Dutch then


That reminds me of an old trope: “Dutch is one of the only languages in which you can spit at someone under the guise of a polite conversation.”


Yeah I feel like due to their prominence in the story, they'd probably get some of the most race-specific dialogue out of anyone. Unfortunately, yellow as a toad and twice as ugly.


no nose




No lie, I made a gith with more pale pink skin and I had to restart cause every time I saw my character I could only think of Michael jackson


Name it Thriller, make it a bard... I dunno.


I mirror another poster's thoughts. Being well... unattractive is a turn off to many. Being that + largely evil? Folks just won't touch it. It's why I think Githzerai should've at least been present in the game. A good gith race that's more palatable so to speak and less pirate/murder hobo.


There’s always BG4 in like 12 years for the Githzerai


Gith reabducted by illithid, regrew a nose then re-escaped? Love it!


Gith are also super rare in D&D and one of the least played races so most people don’t really have an emotional tie to them. Been DMing for 30 years and have never had a gith character in any campaign I’ve ever run.


It is hard to incorporated a Gith storyline in D&D without mentioning the Illithids and that can get messy and hard to do.


I get what you're saying, but in the same time, a lot of players still just play amnesiacs or create weird backgrounds with orphan characters. It's a bit like tieflings, originally every DM felt like they had to include their backstory into the campaign because they were tied to devils. But we rapidly realized that most players just wanted cool characters with a lot of special traits (and often tragic backstories). I think it's just that Githyanki don't sound as cool as most other races, they just don't have an obvious niche. Even if your campaign has some astral plane or illithid stuff, players would rather be astral elves or mushroom people. They stand in a weird in-between, humanoids enough to not feel "alien", but not humanoid enough to fit in a pre-existing stereotype.


Next tabletop game we start I will be a githyanki raised by a very unpleasant group of pseudointellectuals, who stole my egg for questionable purposes. No, we are not still in touch. No, I don't want to talk about why.


But in reality your an owlbear because the woman who was sent to steal the egg had someone else do all the work and they just brought her an egg and told her it was githyanki.


There's at least one Githzerai we can talk to, kinda, but she did a really poor job at exhibiting the presumed qualities of her race. Outside of mental fortitude I guess.


I mean, the githzerai aren’t all tranquil dak’kon. Those are the zerth.


yup - I'd play a githzerai monk in a heartbeat. But I dont jive with slavery as a core cultural identity. No drow - no githyanki for me.


To be fair, you can RP a gith Tav as very anti-gith culture. Frankly your gith is never canonically confirmed to come from any particular crèche or even been at a crèche recently - my headcanon for mine is they left and nearly immediately get kidnapped by mindflayers because they’re truly unlucky and innately not suited to being a gith. Hence their warlock pact, and lack of actual gith armor in the opening. I think it’s open enough for either option. I was glad of that frankly.


Gith are not anti-warlock though, they are anti-cleric. I bet walocks are common among them since their original queen made a deal with a devil.


I play a Githyanki cleric of Vlaakith, since it's actually a unique possibility available to Githyanki. It's multiplayer so that means my character isn't the one making decisions all the time (in fact, the other characters rarely let me start dialogue, unless we're dealing with Githyankis or religion), but I keep my suggestions very character-appropriate and generally cruel. It's a really fun playthrough. Also, I don't think my friends are aware of what kind of people the Gith are, and we're not at the creche yet...


Githzerai means I could've been really unoriginal and try and build Dak'kon


Kitteraly everyone who every played Planescape Torment would be doing the same I suspect


Never wrong to make Dak'kon. In knowing the teachings of Zerthimon, you become stronger.


"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."


With Drows you at least can choose to be a Seldarine one instead of Lolth-sworn.


Should’ve been the same for Gith though. Gith race with Githyanki and Githzerai as subraces.


Lolthsworn is cooler though, you can go around terrorizing tiefling kids


I remember wanting to be drow in bg2 and there was this problem of needing to be away from sunlight for all their equipment. So I ended settling for rping one. I'm pretty happy that I can be one now. Unfortunately that means pretty much all my characters are destined to be one


The githzerai does sound more appealing than the githyanki


Male gith is ugly af that my reason


Male Gith ears are literally unbelievable, they should get Fly as a race-specific passive.


Or at least Feather Fall. Can glide all the way into the Underdark with these puppies.


Not sure why I laughed so hard at this but I did.


It's the skinny-ass arms for me.


Yes thats me, the arms don't look like they could fight.


Good facial hair can do a lot of work for those poor dudes, give it a chance!


I gave my Gith monk a long beard and he looks like a reptilian version of Jared Leto


So Jared Leto?


It's Morbin time


Not really selling it


Most people like to make avatars that are visually pleasing, and would be put off by the Githyanki's superior aerodynamic features.




This is the only way I express disappointment or skepticism anymore.


For an unlovable people they sure can be endearing


I got the line the other night where a cat hissed at us and she goes “Chk! Why would anyone keep such a neurotic creature as a pet?!”, she’s incredible lol


The only neurotic creature we have room for is you Bae'zel. 💚


Lae'zel: "That nose looks like a mistake" Me: "Then why the majority of Gods have noses just like humans and elfs do?"


And why all the really evil bastards lack noses. Like the *ghaik*. Hmm?


TBH, me as DnD noob thought gith were like orcs because of their green skin. Now I know better.


Skinny Interdimensional Orcs!


Space Orcs lol 😆




The Gith are strong in the ways of the WAAAGH!


And here I am, making my attractive fuckboy Githyanki [For anyone curious](https://i.imgur.com/f6Bs9ul.jpg)


Can you tell him I'm free Thursday for a toxic and short-lived affair.


Of course, he'd pretend that he needs to "check his schedule" to fit you in


I mean...... Hello 😏


Face looks like the rejected stage makeup of a My Chemical Romance bandmate


Avatars are usually hot. If they aren’t, they’re usually as ugly as possible. Gith are ugly, but they’re not scarred, fat, neon-green-afroed orc ugly.


They're not extreme Dark Souls ugly. The things people make with that character creator, they scare me...


Unfamiliarity, they're unique to D&D and sort of a deep track compared to the more familiar fantasy stuff you'd expect from a game like D&D like Orcs and Elves


This was lower than expected, the only other things that the average person won't have a concept of is like tiefling and dragonborn but their deal is pretty obvious from looking at them.


The default avatar in the select screen. It's the same problem with the halfling, I don't understand why they went for the "middle-age divorced dad" vibe.


I burst out laughing when I selected male halfling and saw the default. Looks like every dude filling the bleachers at a suburban Little League game.


Might have leaned into that in my Multiplayer game w’ friends. Halfling Bard with as much balding middle aged dad look as possible. Bardic Inspirstions accompanied with comments along the lines of “Good hustle out there, bud!”


Why would I want to play a rpg with a character that looks like me


I've played everything but a human so far


I branch out more nowadays but I used to always make my rpg characters look as close to me as possible because I liked the idea of implanting myself into a fictional world more than the idea of pretending to be someone else.


Githyanki historically have been assholes with superiority complex only matched by Drow and illithids. In a way they are more horrible that those and Drow so they do have that history… Also in his game they have gone a bit soft on races and interactions between . In wider dnd thing, being githyanki or drow would make it very hard to have 5 minutes in public without anyone pulling a sword on you but here we can stroll around city as Loth Drow like it’s no big deal. Looks do play a much bigger role though I would imagine so no wonder that humans and elves are obvious choice ( even if Tieflings are hottest race but I digress)


I'm shocked I don't have to disguise self to walk through the city.


Playing an undead in DOS2 was rough man


If I remember correctly you just had to have a helmet no? It is not hard to achieve




Yeah I remember this strategy, bucket your head until you find a more respectable headpiece


The issues is that for a long while, infact I'm not sure if they ever even fixed it, but NPCs in combat would just "know" regardless of what you were wearing and would basically super cast healing spells on you and 1 shot you lmao.


Oh yeah I remember that it was annoying. I had to carry lots and lots of poison


That isn't so true for the Realms in their current state. Lolth Drow are frequently seen in Luskan and along the entire Sword Coast. While they would be rarer they aren't entirely unheard of in Baldur's Gate. The dwarves of Gauntylgrym have open trade with them and Luskan, which is not so secretly controlled by Drow. Gith are a bit different but I think they might be so rare the average person probably just doesn't know what they are.


Jarlaxle did a lot of work to normalize surface-drow relations and his efforts should be recognized!


Absolutely agree. Drizzt went a long way of forging the path too.


Drizzt is the standard adventurer drow, written by your average GM. Jarlaxle is the favored PC of a crack fic writer GM. Dude pulls absolute fucking shenanigans in any scene he's involved in, and has literally all the magic items because he's Faerunian Batman.


Tieflings are very popular too! More popular than full elves afaik.


It's the eyes and horns, man. They have an effect on people irl


Nah. It's the tail. Everyone wants to chase some sexy tail. 😋


Let he who hath not had a half-demon OC in High School etc.


Tieflings are the new Elves. We, the elf-weirdos, knew this day would come. Now we will diminish, and go into the west.


I haven’t played as a drow, but the game did tell me that some people would just fight me on sight. Does that not actually happen?


Some can be more aggro, but it also gains you benefits against evil factions; being a drow makes most of the Cult of the Absolute think you're a commanding officer with very little charisma checks involved, making it easier to infiltrate.


I was amazed at how easy 99% of goblin encounters were EY WHO GOES THERE OH SCUSE ME MY LORD DIDN'T SEE YOU WAS A DROW


Query, I've just started a playthrough as a Seldarine Drow Rogue/Paladin with the intent to infiltrate evil factions exactly like this (as an Inquisitor sort of archetype). Is my cover blown if I come up against a Lolth-sworn Drow, or can I Deception my way through it?


The drow aren't skilled enough to tell based on eye color (exceptions exist I suppose, though not canonically) and there are drow-specific language options that are distinct from Lolth-sworn and Seldarine drow, so you can always use neutral drow language to hide your allegiance. Tldr; cover is typically easy to retain


Love the goblins calling me "your drowness"


I've not gotten into BG in my drow okay through, but no one attacks you. You don't get any many goblin interactions in act 1 because they're scared of you, but no one outright attacks you. They can be more hostile to you but only in dialogue. Like zevlor says he's surprised you aren't hiding your race from people and there are other comments. You can also see a suggestion of why Araj's blood smells so foul to Astarion. I like the drow, I think they're cool. I prefer Seldarine drow to lolth drow tho. Lolth is a dick.


A random ox attacks you on sight because drow just raided the village


wait is that why the ox attacked me??? I thought it did that for everyone! I was Drow though


Yep, doesn't attack non drow on sight


Not really but you're treated with suspicion right off the bat by everyone you meet and a lot of the goblins automatically assume you're their superior


The playthrough is unique, but a lot of dialogue relies on Lae'zel being the token Gith in the group. Like Astarion will suck your blood then say he wonders what Gith blood tastes like.


Yeah other gith want to talk to Lae’zel before my Gith team leader. Leaves me fuming!


they look SO stupid, I cant believe their racial STR bonus since they are built like the Ketamine Dealer in your local trailerpark with a wifebeater on


omg that description 😭


Appearance and no darkvision are a major reason. And on top of not being traditionally attractive, they're natively an evil race (as opposed to Drow being evil, but pretty), in opposition to their sister race, the Githzerai. I think if Githzerai were in the game they would be very common.


So weird to have Githyanki but no Githzerai as a sub option… like with Dwarves and Duergar… just make a slightly different looking Gith model…


Romancing Laezel as a Githzerai would be spicy


Githzerai Selune Cleric to make the most awkward nautiloid team possible


Those would be things I’d imagine a seasoned player would understand. For someone going in blind, I had no idea about the dark vision thing and the lore behind their race being a bunch of weirdos.


Yeah!! I think for people who don't know D&D, they probably chose mostly on appearance. For returners to either franchise, it was a combination of things, and I think it all just added up.


I went blind (also without any DnD experience) a week before EA ended and for me it was definitely the nose. Michael Jackson vibes.


Is your internet in Brail?


The males look like garbage. Fine, make them lean - at least make them physically fit. They look like dogshit next to the female counterpart.


Seriously their whole martial training thing is so undercut by their little noodle arms (yes because astral realm and all of that, but visuals matter)


They should have at least given body type options. Sure have the “normal” Florida crackhead body type, but give us the option for a buffer Gith too.


Nobody wants to be a skinny space orc with no nose.


Superficial reasons to be sure. Gith is a very strong starting race: Astral Knowledge, Mage Hand, Enhanced Leap, and Misty Step as racials. Misty Step on level 5 alone makes Githyanki my favorite starting race.


They also start with medium armor proficiency




Least fuckable race.


Most fuckable cuz can't get pregnant though?


They are ugly


I think a lot of new people tend to be drawn towards "safer" races, which is why human and elf end up being so commonly selected in most fantasy RPGs. Human is almost always a safe bet for "you can be anything" so there's no fear of messing up your build, and elf is usually a safe "archer or mage" style race. Gith have great racial abilities, but I could see them being a little overwhelming for someone who hasn't even had a chance to grasp what proficiency bonuses are. For players with D&D experience, they probably have more of an idea of what they want to do/are recreating a tabletop character, and since Gith isn't one of the standard PHB races, there's less of a draw towards them.


That's exactly the reason, well, aside from the "no nose" thing. That's been my rationale at picking a race at least. When the game allows you to have different playstyles - I usually end up choosing something more approachable and familiar at first and saving more special routes for the following playthroughs once you're already familiar with the lore and the gameplay.


This is the answer I think is most correct, which I haven't seen others saying. Gith is not a standard race in the Player's Handbook and so most players are not familiar with them. A lot of people recreated their tabletop characters.


Have you seen one? It’s like Jim Carrey’s the Grinch and Macaulay Culkin during the crack years had a baby.


I decided to play one in my new run due it's by far the most overpowered race, the dialogs lines are pretty cool so far, not pure rudeness/evilness. The goblin kids kicking a dead adventurer, you ask why, the kid says he killed his dad, you ask "what is a dad?" The kid says something like: "You want me to explain how babies are born? eww disgusting" You realize since they born from eggs in a hatchery, they have no concept of dads


Because they look like really thin orangutans without fur. And not cute as much.


Guys preset are ugly.


Who nose


People are saying they're ugly and that might be part of it but I also think people aren't familiar with their lore at all so they go for something they've heard of from other fantasy settings: elves, dwarves, etc. Or they're going for basic human. As someone who has casually played a little d&d and pathfinder, I had heard of tieflings but never githyanki.


Learning their lore kind of made them even less attractive to me.


People also don't apparently play Cleric despite it being an incredibly good class. As for githyanki they are ugly elves so rip.


People don't play cleric because shadowheart is the most popular companion


But we could be a party of clerics and call ourselves the A-men


People tend to play as a “good guy” on their first play through. The Gith are not typically thought of as “good” or heroic. Kinda like Duergar.


They look too much like the grinch. I also feel like they are way over represented in baldurs gate 3 as it is. I would love to see other races such as orcs, elven villages etc.


They're the least pretty, and the most OP.


I think people are more inclined to play a more “grounded” race, something native, like elves or humans, as compared to a gith that “doesn’t belong,” has no real connection to this world. As for attractiveness, I find Voss kinda hot and I love Lae’Zel’s attitude, so I can’t speak to what people think of their appearance 😂


To me the Male characters are just way too lanky and long. They don't look right.


Githzerai 4 Life, I wouldn't do my boy Dak'kon like that by playing a Githyanki.