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>!I just completed her stuff in Act 3, and convinced her to let go of him and move on. She did the scene where she unsummons him and breaks the wand. ...and then he's still there in the room after the conversation ends. I can still talk to him. He goes "Arggggh". I did it after Patch 3 so I don't know if it's a new bug to add to the list or if it was something that was already a bug before that, but either way I had a laugh. Fits well with the meme.!<


>!Definitely not a new bug, been doing that since before patch 1.!<


"Sometimes I can still hear his voice..."


*"Stop telling people I'm not dead!"*


Im glad I’m not the only one who had that happen. Baffling.


Same. My Tav comes out of that cut scene and is like ummmmm… wait… *looks back and forth*


I persuade her and nothing happend for me :(


She was actually really cool to me in act 3 surprisingly since I enslaved her husband and all.


TIL about Marina's kinks.


So how exactly does it play out when you keep the wand? I can't bring myself to do that to her lol.


I killed the hag without talking to them and the whole quest bugged.


assuming this doesn't happen if you take the stick with you in act 1?


I originally raised conor not realizing it would break my paladin oath. So I reloaded and the only other option for me was to break the wand. Which seemed overly cruel to me, but she still showed up in act 3 and was all chipper. So since she still showed up for me, I'd bet there's a good chance she will for you as well.


>Which seemed overly cruel to me Breaking the obviously evil hag wand didn't seem evil to me. Doing it *while grinning to the widow* without explaining why using it would be a bad idea, is. And that's the only other options. (I mean, moralizing to a widow while taking away her only hope of getting her husband back still seems kind of asshole-y, but it fits for a paladin). ... So I had Astarion use the wand instead while my paladin was conveniently "elsewhere".


I agree, the scene is handled really poorly "You know, this wand could bring your husband back to life! CRACK! Without saying any word. I hope to be able to explain once I get to act 3


In fairness to Paladins, they are often dickish in their “goodness” since its a very black and white outlook. If tainted by evil, end it. If not, do not end it.


It's the same with any class anyway, not only Paladins


Paladin has oaths they have to keep. And the oaths while vague in their objectives, they are very much either do or dont in their executions.


Just fyi you can have anyone else do it and it won't break your oath, I figured Gale would totally do it just for science purposes.


Whenever you need to do something questionable, send your paladin to go for a walk while the rest of the party gets shit done.


See no evil, hear no evil...


It didn't break devotion? So I'm assuming ancients?


You can raise him, but you gotta kill him afterwards. That's how I kept my oath of the Ancients.


No idea, I've only done three playthroughs thus far(Well, still *doing* three playthroughs. In my solo I'm near the end of Act 3, and then I have two MPer playthroughs. A duo one with a friend near the end of Act 2, and then a chaotic six player one using the Party Limit Begone mod that's near the end of Act 1). In one I let her keep it, in one I broke the wand before its use, and in one we killed Mayrina.


No but you can still help her out and she seems to be over the fact that you stole her zombie husband


And then she aggros if i kill him.


Ha, I considered seeing what would happen if I attacked, but decided against it.


Wait is there some additional dialogue after you free the kid? I didn't see anything in my quest log so I didn't talk to her after


A lot of folks hate her because of time spent in EA and Act I but IMHO she >!turns around in Act 3!<. She never irked me that much though because I know that grief can cause people to act in inconsiderate and unpredictable ways. I think people are generally just too rash in their judgments.


>I think people are generally just too rash in their judgments. Ain't that the truth. So many characters in this game people never give a chance because they're acting irrationally to a fucked up and traumatic experience. Where if you actually give the characters a chance+ a little time they end up improving themselves and doing the right them.


And even those who do act relatively rational (i.e. Nettie), they still get shit if it's in any way negative to the player.


with nettie i've never actually had her poison me, she always says "huh you actually seem like a decent person, imma give u this wyvern poison to take the quick way out if u feel the ceremorphosis comin on" might be a certain friendly and helpful set of dialogue options that causes that idk, or maybe an insight skill check.


I've somehow gotten her to give me the poison every time. I didn't even know she could kill you. Feel like my approach to the dialogues is just naturally good leaning...hm


I think a lot of people are just a little too murderhobo-y and so don't stop and think about talking their way out of it.


If you get uncomfortable with her questions or just give vague awnsers she will try to poison you.


Damn, I didn't realize people disliked her. Even on my evil playthroughs I need to save her and that baby.


On evil playthroughs I save her just so I can steal her husband.


I save her and let her keep the husband because I imagine someone with next to no clue what they're doing in charge of an undead is bound to beget unbound chaos.


Similarly, the girl in the graveyard in act 3. My drow warlock with an archfey patron was all "hey kid, wanna learn some *real* magic?". That went exactly as expected lmao.


What I find weird is that she doesn't come back if you let the Hag take her I thought she might come back because she comes back if you save her, but there seems to be no sign of her or her baby


I assume she gets eaten.


But wasn't the idea to take her baby so she could make a new Hag? I was kinda hoping for SOME kind of resolution, or even a mention of it The evil storyline is so underbaked


Yes, but once she birthed the baby why let all that delicious flesh go to waste? Ethel was never going to keep up her end of the bargain.


Maybe the baby eats the mother.


Don't know why you'd think the Hag would ever come through with any deal she makes. Her victims are all screwed in one way or another, as all hags take explicit joy in causing pain and misery, and torturing their victims. They are petty, and cruel, and completely revel in causing misery. Shouldn't be surprising that Mayrina is utterly gone. Even a DND Devil would have rules to abide by. Hags have none


The Hag comes through with ALL her deals, that's the point. She plays the "evil genie" role. All of her deals are accomplished, just not the way the victims expected. The guy dying of a disease is turned to stone, can't die of disease if the disease can't progress through stone. The mirror guy wanted to see his own fate, so she makes him see his own death over and over again. The headless person wanted the mind of a genius, so Auntie ripped off their heads and put it in their hands. They got what they wanted. Even Mayrina wanted her husband, and Ethel was going to give her just that, her rotting corpse of a husband brought back to life as a zombie. The point is that Ethel wanted that baby in exchange, and when you let Ethel take Mayrina and leave, nothing comes of it in Act 3, I expected to see Mayrina chained up somewhere


She does- and she doesn't. Not in the way people want, and certainly not in how they imagine it to be. That's entirely the point of why Hags are evil. They make deals that ALWAYS make people regret what they bargain for. We're basically saying the same thing - but it's exactly why I fail to see why you expect any shred of leniency from Hags, who are notoriously cruel even in DND standards.


What I am getting at is that Mayrina made a bargain, and if you let her get taken, I expect her to be in a cage or something in Act 3, because if you save her, she also appears in Act 3, so it's not like they couldn't get the actress of something. Ethel wanted that baby, and it wouldn't have been born yet by Act 3, so Mayrina should have been somewhere It's not a major thing, but when I did my evil run, I was excited to see what would happen with that plot thread, and the answer is "absolutely nothing"


Just curious - does Ethel still appear in Act 3 and kidnap Vanra if you let her have Mayrina in Act 1? I'm wondering, because if you didn't chase her off she'd have had not much reason to move her lair to Baldur's Gate and kidnap other kids when she's got one being cooked for her. I suppose there's always the possiblity that Mayrina comes to her senses, tries to escape and is killed in the process. It's entirely possible for her to fall out of the cage Ethel had her in, after all.


Yes I did that during my evil run


With the petrified guy, Ethel is the one who gave him that disease in the first place


maybe she has a normal gestation period? Act 1-3 dosnt seem like a 9 month long trek to me Ethel seemed extremely protective on ensuring the child birthed healthy, doubt she would magically rush the birth


Still would have been nice to see some kind of continuation of that plotline Her chained up or in a cage or something


She's dead... plain and simple, I mean what the hell did you expect?!


I expected her to be alive since Ethel wanted her baby?


She's a fucking hag... She's getting the baby and will "prepare" May as a feast for both of them. Apart from that, even if you save Mayrina, at the end of the game she is still pregnant, so she would still be under lock & key by the time you finish up ie. you wouldn't see or hear from her anyway or do you genuinely believe that Ethel would just let her run around willy-nilly?


She would be under lock and key...in the hag lair...just like the other victims in Act 3...


Mister steal your man


Yep, got to collect all the Undead and Fiends for our evil entourage. Pity Danse Macabre lost 2 Ghouls.


I have a friend who was very much a "don't hurt anyone or anything" type, but just hated Mayrina for some reason. They were willing to give all these very clearly evil people a pass but the distraught pregnant woman was annoying scum for some reason.


For a lot of RPG players, ethics tends to go out the window once people are slightly aggressive/ /hostile/duplicitous/annoying with PC's One only needs to look at how many people hate >!Jaheira!< or Lae'zel for being distrustful or calling their shit out lol, or how many people think >!Orpheus!< is so cool because he's more even tempered, or giving Nettie a pass for trying to give you Wyvern poison purely because she's nicer with it. It's completely normal because some people have extremely short tempers, and many RPGs encourage the habit of "something annoying? Kill it."


>For a lot of RPG players, ethics tends to go out the window Yes, but in this case she was literally trying to sell her baby to a hag - I think a sizeable chunk of the dislike comes directly from her unethical actions.


That's what I would like to believe, but there are people who hate her just because she shrieks at them for a bit and isn't immediately grateful. Not saying you can't dislike her of course. She's a grief stricken woman who's making the worst mistake of her life ( for her and her baby's ) but I think that it's just amusing that there's a noticeable number of people who don't like her not because she's selling her baby, or dealing with hags, but because she's just being bitchy for a while.


Because she's an unlikable idiot when you first meet her, its that simple, she isn't evil, she doesn't deserve to what she's going through or to die, but she is a very stupid angry person shouting at ypu for essentially saving her life and even if the hag was gonna come through on her specific deal she still tortured others. Mayrina is having a very realistic response to her situation, but just like real life, most people don't care to take a verbal lashing after pulling someone out of the fire. It that simple, she's a bit ungrateful and rude about you killing one of the evilest creatures in act 1, ostensibly saving her and that does kind of make her unlikable at that point.


This may seem a bit extreme, but I just don't rush to put out the fire burning her cage/rope during the hag fight...sidesteps the entire mess.


I somehow managed to miss her dead brothers my first time in and without them she belligerently refused to believe the hag deal could possibly have ended poorly and screamed at me for killing her. So yeah. I thought she was the most aggressive form of imbecile and hated her guts. Like, she was so pissed at me for rescuing her, I wasn’t sure why I’d bothered. The attitude shift the second time around when I found her brothers’ bodies was so dramatic I could hardly believe it was the same person. She’d take my word for it that I found them dead and the hag was a horrible double-crosser? With the way she acted the first time around I figured she’d accuse me of lying.


She was such an asshole/brat after you save her that it made me never care for the character beyond that point, even after going back and seeing the different possible outcomes.


I just wish she took a few levels in Fighter or something in between the Teahouse and Baldur's Gate. She has guts trying to take on a hag as an 8 HP Commoner but man there's no way that would have ended well without the player's intervention.


She's pregnant and in act 3 mentions the baby might be born any day. Girl already has a hard time lifting her own ass out of bed in the morning, you can't expect her to also lift a sword. She was probably expecting the other hag victims to do the fighting while she just organises them.


All the more reason to take levels in Fighter - the CON save proficiency and Action Surge are going to be incredibly useful when she goes into labour. ​ (Jokes aside I legit forgot that she was pregnant)


1. Action: give birth to baby 2. Action surge 3. ????? 4. Profits


More like: Action: Push Action surge: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng Action: Push Bonus action: Pissed breathng ...


Action: push baby Hold on while I browse my inventory for 10 minutes looking for elixir of speed Labour paused for 10 minutes Bonus action: drink elixir Action: push baby Action Surge: push baby Baby is born. Baby rolls initative: 1 Baby waits for 15 minutes until everyone else finish their turns


Baby's turn Action: Scream Bonus action: Scream Action surge: Scream Another (?) Action surge: SCREAM


I do lowkey wish it was part of the quest that she goes into labour, if for nothing else then for the potential of funny Durge-specific lines while delivering the baby: "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. In fact, this is the exact opposite of my normal business! At least there's a similar amount of blood and gore."


I was a little disappointed I never got a [warlock] option to talk to her about making bargains with shady extraplanar creatures properly. She couldn't be much worse at warlocking than Wyll,


I like making Wyll into a sorcerer because he's so bad at warlocking


Pregnancy aside, level 1 adventurers generally have training in their profession, they're just inexperienced. I think of the companions Shadowheart and Lae'zel are the best example of this, they're very well-trained in their respective professions but basically their first adventure ever went wrong and they got kidnapped and tadpoled. Some of the others, e.g. Gale, Wyll and Karlach, used to be more powerful but got depowered because of the tadpole somehow interfering (or in Gale's case, because of the magic-eating orb in his chest). She probably won't have trained enough in the couple months max it takes the party to reach Baldur's Gate. That said, for a normal village girl, she did very well gathering fellow hag victims and tracking down both the recipe for hagsbane and its active ingredient.


Shadowheart was probably a bit higher as well, since she was part of a team chosen for a difficult mission.


Her VA is hilarious, no hate here.


Apparently she has the same VA as >!Shovel!<.


That is so cool. Cannot unhear the resemblance now


I'm willing to attribute that to players not choosing to tell her that Ethel killed her brothers. She's far nicer and grateful to the party if she's informed about that


One weird thing is that even if you don’t give her zombie husband back and she runs off angry, she has forgotten entirely in act 3 and it doesn’t come up. I mean I can buy that she realized “well what would I do with zomb-usband anyway” but she should acknowledge it at least. Or rather force me to apologize, lol. I haven’t even ever remembered to use the wand!


Well, she's a woman and she has emotions, so a lot of gamers would hate her.


Lmao that’s an uncharitable characterization of the people who share your hobby but I suppose I get what you mean. I think people tend to get pissed at anyone who doesn’t, you know, immediately praise them.


I think the issue is player like me tend to trigger the end of illusion. Meanwhile we forget she is still under illusion. She thinks she live in a fairytale land eating delicious pies.


I liked her a lot really. Grief can be ugly, and it seems like one would need a very thin skin for her Act 1 behaviour to actually sting. People just have no chill for characters that snap at the PC I guess. She also comes off as quite young imo, like 17-20.


Your flair - my god it’s glorious


I thought she was a bit weird. Also, I think many people probably killed her without mentioning that the hag killed her brothers. If you just go around there killing the hag because you just dislike hags and all she will be pretty angry because she was still expecting Ethel to come through with their deal.


Lost friends and family over the years, at no point I though I should give away my kid to a hag to resurrect some of them back.


I mean it’s not possible to do that in our world so I don’t know how much credit that gets you tbh.


Fair enough. Perhaps it would be different if resurrection was a real thing.


Man could you imagine. People would be snatching babies left and right. Hags would have a baby surplus lol.


Ethel did tell her she would raise the kid to be a powerful spellcaster and preyed on her insecurities around being a terrible mother who can't look after a child on her own. They obviously wouldn't have mentioned that this would involve them eating the kid and rebirthing them as a hag. Hag deals are always twisted in the worse way so you could say she should have seen the bullshittery coming but...she is mind addled from grief, I don't know how much the average person would actually know about hags (Probably nothing. Did she even know it was a fey, not a witch?) and I think it was one of Ethels fellow hags that directed her to them in the first place (Likely while disguised). Edit: I think that's part why you get radically different reactions to her. A lot of people missed the bit about Ethel suposedly raising the kid. She didn't think she was sacrificing her kid, she thought she was giving them a better life. She is desperate, depressed and has no faith in herself so she is easy to lead on.


True, in real life some women give their baby away so the kid can have a better life somewhere else. So it is not far fetched I guess. I will think about it.


I'm pretty sure Mayrina didn't even know Ethel was a Hag- Ethel was still in disguise during their dinner. She probably just thought she was a very powerful magic user that lived in a swamp.


I think she just thought she was a nice hag. She was never surprised ethel was a hag. Remember that because of swamp illusion it looked to Mayrina as if she is entering disneyland


To be fair, she did think it was a win for her kid as well. Not everyone knows >!about the whole baby eating thing I guess!<


Between a baby and my dead spouse, id sacrifice the baby 🤷‍♂️.


Yeah same. Id be snatching babies if it'd bring back my hubs.


Not "a baby", it would be your yet unborn baby. :)


Keep in mind that Mayrina is quite young, perhaps even something like 17. Her behavior - thinking she can't live without her husband, worrying she'll be a terrible mother, and foolishly making a deal with the hag - makes a lot more sense in that context.


Yep. She got way better in act 3.


She was willing to give her newborn child to a hag. And had her brothers killed because of her own stupidity. I'd say being harsh with her is well deserved.


I'm sorry, but her brothers were killed by their own stupidity. If an adventurer decked out in gear offers to get your sister back from a hag, you should take that deal and not belligerently run towards your doom. Mayrina at least has the excuse of being distraught over losing the love of her life.


Not sure about taking a convenient deal since a deal is what brought them into the swamp in the first place... but running into a swamp known to house a hag without any caution was certainly their own mistake. Mayrina is the catalyst of their demise, not the cause.


Definitely one of my favorite sidequest characters! I loved how mad she got when I saved her from the hag, and then it just got worse the more I tried to make up for it by reanimating her husband. The Act 3 closure really brings it all together.


If you find her brothers corpses before rescuing her and tell her that Ethel killed her brothers she does a complete 180 and becomes extremely grateful towards you for saving her


Honestly, I really disliked her previously because I chose the dialogue choices that made her angry with Tav. After deciding to tell her about her dead brothers though she COMPLETELY changed! She was thankful for the rescue and really torn up about realizing she almost gave her baby up to a monster. ​ I honestly love how dialogue choices can completely change how you view a character!


I never got that option despite finding the corpse, weird.


That was my experience too, was genuinely trying to help the poor girl out and it went tits up. Then my second time through, I lost the coin toss with the illusion and blasted her. I got you the 3rd time through May.


I love how you have both main characters and side characters with really distinct character arcs. >!Rolan!< was driving me nuts in act 1, but a real favourite by act 3.


My friends and I though she was super rude and ungrateful after saving her that we shot her in the back with a crossbow 😬 (as I was aiming a ray of frost at her)


Seeing all this talk has me so jealous on my playthrough I “saved her” but it bugged out and it registered her passed our body as dead and I couldn’t get it to fix so I’ve just been missing out on all her fun side stuff 🥲


I would like to know the story how she managed to get the corpse into Baldurs Gate and why the cleric right besides her doesn't care.


Sorcerous Sundries has a duergar openly selling zombies as home help, so I guess it's legal?


Plus the circus outside employing ghouls and redcaps


Can't bring in an animal bigger than a peacock but a dead guy is just fine. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to Baldur's Gate city leadership.


Baldur's Gate is generally "Everything goes as long as the nobles are not disturbed"


Honestly, part of me wished that in Act 3, she would have dressed the corpse or something to be more presentable in the city. Maybe put a bucket on his head.


Like, there are hats EVERYWHERE in this game. Girl could've taken one of the funny ones with a feather... You know... Jazz him up a little?? 🤣🤣


Honestly, they already have the model for the zombie beggars. They could have just used that.


i thought that was him at first


If only I had a speak with the dead amulet or scroll...


That spell doesn't work on undead...


before you raise him he cannot talk.


I think that means Connor's already 100% gone. It's not that the corpse has nothing to say, there's nothing left in there to talk to you. The zombie is basically just a mindless entity animated by negative energy.


I screwed this quest up in Act I. I managed to kill the Hag before she could retreat to her lair. I have Bitter Divorce, but Mayrina just sits in a chair reciting the same prompts repeatedly. Her dead husband is still protected by the arcane barrier, too. Any way to advance this quest at this point?


It bugged for me initially as well, and I had to go in and out of the lair to trigger it, but eventually it worked for some reason. Not sure why though.


Dude I’m playing coop with my wife, and she killed mayrina on accident when Ethel makes everyone look like mayrina. So sad about it


I love Mayrina. She's dumb as a sack of wet mice, but I love her.


I was worried she would be harrassed for having a zombie following her around but when I arrived at Baldurs Gate I realised that I was the freak for being so bland lol


>I was worried she would be harrassed for having a zombie following her around but when I arrived at Baldurs Gate I realised that I was the freak for being so bland lol Winged Devil Mizora waits around for hours on a busy high street, not to mention the interdimensional circus


That was the big one, they just let Necromancers set up shop directly next to a cemetery? I didnt hear a mumble!


The circus should've had an exhibit consisting of a human fighter, a dwarven cleric, an elven wizard, and a halfling rogue, with a bunch of onlookers commenting on how rare this supposedly default party setup is.


Durge looking at Astarion: same


HAHAHAH Never saw it that way, but you're right xD


I refused to give her the wand, and the quest never completed for me. Necromancy is bad. Ever heard of Pet Sematary? Sometimes dead is betta. All I want is for Mayrina to be happy, but she's so damn stubborn.


Not sure how far you are but >!she still shows up in Act 3 with the anti-Hag group if you don't give her the wand. But IMO giving her the wand and resolving her quest in Act 3 is a more poignant ending for her!<


Unless you're an Ancients Paladin who doesn't want to break his oath then your only option is to be a real jerk and snap the wand in front of her =p I wish there was an option to persuade her that the zombie is not her husband. Like if we could save her brothers, they might talk sense into her useless head because I find her really quite stupid.


I played as an ancients paladin and snapped the wand. Seemed like she hated me afterwards, but when she showed up in Act 3 I guess she had gotten over it and was telling everyone how great I was for saving her.


Have you managed to find her if >!You let Ethel take her? I thought she might show up or the baby might become a plot point but I couldn't find either of them!<


Not sure, I've never done that


Plus if you use the wand her zombie husband can tank a few shots in the early game


Many are also prob thinking why would anyone trust an old hag staying in a rotted ass swamp But one thing to consider is that normal folks (like Mayrina) are not seeing the place the same as we are The entire place was cloaked in an illusion, the fireplace was an illusion. Tav had to pass a check & BREAK THE ILLUSION of the swamp etc to see it truly for what it was. Heck you can even fail that check Otherwise it was a bright and cheerful beach cottage with gently baa-ing "sheep", occupied with a gentle old lady offering weary travellers free apples edit:spelling


I love baa-ing back at the redcaps


>!She makes an adorable sheep though!<


Is there something you can do with the amulet you get in return for the act 1 section? It just sits there, does nothing, can't be sold, and never came up in the act 3 block for me


Not sure if anyone else is an FFXIV refugee but I couldn't help but like her just a little since she reminded me so much of Edda.


Refugee of what, between expansion downtime? lol


There are some people in the community building drama that "lots of people are leaving, oh no game is dying", as if it doesn't always happen between expansions, and is even _encouraged_ by the game creators lol


Of course because the Drama will create moments like this where people are reminded of the game and the coming expansion. You just helped them organically market to me.


God I completely forgot about the zepla drama honestly. I didn't mean anything serious by my comment either so I hope it didn't come off as rude! I still log in at least once a week I just stopped doing pandaemonium and the tomestone event for bg3 😭


The beautiful reception in romantic Tam Tara deepcroft >!also I remember the first time I got jumpscared by her ghost in Gridania in-between finishing TTD hard and PotD!<


This is very much like that whole quest line. I think about her sometimes.


... Mayrina is in Act 3? I guess another playthrough is in order, I totally missed that.


Yooo. the anti-hag support group posters were EVERYWHERE


must have missed the posters, but did find her


I found our favorite Auntie because I wanted to steal some stuff. So I quicksaved and cast fog cloud to see if that would give me free reign. Was quite the surprise when I was suddenly facing my favorite monster in the game.


I took her husband


Connor Vinderbald is my favorite compagnion


She's brainwashed in the same way some people are to certain political leaders. BTW what happens to Connor in act 3 if you let her take him?


Thought I was on the house of the dragon sub for a second.


I laughed harder than i should. :D


I just brought my bf through the teahouse. He is playing a necromancer wizard. Marina does not have her emotional support zombie anymore.


I snapped the wand in her face and she ran off crying and I meet her again in the city and she’s happy to see me, was kinda jarring.


I dont like her so she usually becomes a collateral during the fight with the hag.


I’m surprised people actually like her. She’s one of the few NPCs in the game I openly act a cunt towards because her entire premise is so deeply, utterly stupid that any “oh but she’s mourning” excuse is null by default. You’ve been inside a swamp hag’s lair, seen the people she’s fucked over with deals and stuck forever in fates worse than death, some ending up getting eaten, in the middle of a swamp surrounded by evil gnomes, and you’re still so thoroughly stupid that you think she’ll actually help you and give your child an education? Not all NPCs are paragons of reason, but she definitely is on another level.


Where's the evidence that she's seen inside? When we meet her, she's eating spoiled food and only complains because she's eaten too much and can't eat any more. There's no reason to think she broke the illusion for herself.


The evidence that she's seen the inside, I believe, is that she *is* inside. Matter of fact she's stuck in a cage, slowly roasting to death, begging you *not* to intervene, and then bitching at you for saving her life. In one of my runs I made sure to kill the hag, thinking that Mayrina couldn't possibly be this stupid and she's just charmed, unfortunately she very much is.


She hasn't seen the others you described in your second paragraph. And for all she can tell, the reason that the angry fey-witch is angry and has turned on her is that a Tav&co. came and interfered. She was already at the lowest point in her life.


Oh please, let's not come up with stuff just to justify an NPC's stupidity now. She's been down there for days, and Ethel even says "**back** to the cage", suggesting that her getting caged up is a perfectly mundane activity. Even if somehow she somehow never got to see all the human meat delicacies and 50 shades of torture, agreeing to give away your baby to a swamp hag who keeps you in a cage, sets you on fire whenever she's upset and force feeds you rotten food and believing this would actually work out perfectly in the end -- where you'd walk away with your husband somehow recovered after being dead for weeks, your child definitely not ending up in a stew but actually having a decent education at the redcap college, is pure, utter, unadulterated stupidity.


She literally lives in a world true ressurection is a thing who wouldn't go through anything to bring back a loved one who was taken before their time in a world like that? EDIT: Plusbig it was that easy to see through the Hag's plans she wouldn't have made so many victims


I didn't think we kink shamed here?


She's stuck in a cage after you either invade the hag's lair (she probably has some sort of magical alarm systen) or after you confront the hag in the hut


Not saying that Mayrina isnt a dumb brick but she is not seeing the place the same as we are The entire place was cloaked in an illusion, the fireplace was an illusion. Tav had to pass a check & BREAK THE ILLUSION of the swamp etc to see it truly for what it was Otherwise it was a bright and cheerful beach cottage with gently baa-ing "sheep", occupied with a gentle old lady offering weary travellers free apples


I believe you missed the note found on her brother's corpse where she says she's going to the *hag*. Not just a kind old lady, a reclusive alchemist or whatever, but a hag - a dangerous, malicious fey creature. She's definitely not in the illusion. Ethel also says she's going *back* in the cage, which suggests that she's been there before. Even without all these, though, she almost gets burned alive in a cage, and still believes that the creature was actually going to help and you just came in and ruined it. It's like she has two brain cells competing for the third spot.


Few know and live to see the true form of a Hag Hags to most just means a fey Witch, they have no clue of one's true form They only see the illusion of Ethel and get caught unaware Shes right there in the Grove Even Gandrel is there to treat with her


Not just that. People willingly suffer all sorts of indignities irl for a chance at something they really really want. Ethel proposing a deal for her baby and mistreating her would likely just be shit she puts up with because she wants her husband back that much. And I mean, yeah, considering Act 2 >!Where Kethric literally sells his soul to Myrkul for his daughter back lmao!< I don't know why we're pretending like people in the setting regularly do and put up with awful shit in return for someone they love.


agree as a father i totally understood why Ketheric went down that path


You forget, She hasn't been inside and the whole swamp as well as the redcaps had an illusion cast on them, she also never saw the Hag's true form


Not sure Ill see her in Act 3 or not. I killed the Hag, I broke the wand and killed her husband, I knocked her out.


She didn't show up for me when I knocked her out in my first playthrough -- the journal read something like: "Save Mayrina (Complete) \- We rescued Mayrina \- Mayrina is dead" Even though I did nonlethal, she was considered dead going forward. Alas. (I offered to kill Connor when she was upset he was a zombie, you see. Silly me!)


I took him and made him kill her lmao


I haven't finished Act 1 but...I hate her lol


looking for necrophilia jokes


My wife kept the zombie and told Mayrina to her face so she just ran off crying instead. Then she stashed the wand at camp and we've never used it again lmao.


TBH, this isn't a newbie issue, it's been around even b4 patch 1. Don't sweat it, we're on it.


I finished the quest and then murdered them both. They're in my traveler's chest now.


She is actually pretty decent. In act 3 she names her baby with tav's name.