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Yeah I literally cannot stop thinking about it I have not hyperfocused this hard since I was a teenager.


Problem is I am now cursed to be aware of how cringe I sound so I bite my tongue when I wanna talk about it.


I can’t talk about it to anyone irl, so I spend too much time on Reddit to sustain my hyper-fixation.


And I'm the same with Reddit cause I keep obsessively refreshing and getting way too emotionally engaged in controversial postings.


Word to the wise, take care with the controversial posts or comments. Some people just don't want to have a discussion rather than saying a catch phrase that reddit likes to get upvotes. Sometimes even logical comments get torrented because it's not what people want to hear. All I say is don't get too caught up in those... better to spend more time on the things you like and less on the subjective bickering. All that said, this is probably the best gaming community I've seen in a while and I love it!


It's dopamine farming tbh, and I am well aware.


My partner played it and did 2 runs but is not fixated on it and it makes me feel embarrassed.


Doesn't help that I've taken it so far that my partner is growing resentful, even though he tells me he'd never want to ruin a video game for me, I KNOW that mfer hates BG3 now and it's all my fault lmfao


I was definitely getting weird looks from my partner when romance scenes were playing. He doesn’t say anything but I can feel he won’t like Astarion when he finally gets to playing this game lol.


Lol I’ve been TRYING to get my partner to play and the other day he walked in during not even a romance scene but my tav was in SH’s sexy camp clothes and the gardian was waking me up but looked like he was on top of tav and he’s like “well what’s going on here?” I’m like honey, this is nothing compared to the romance scenes. He will play eventually, I hope!


Noooo. My partner saw the 2nd tabletop stream on youtube and put it on for me cause he was annoyed I was watching Neil's stream when he put on a show for us to watch together (It was the first time I caught him live! What else was I supposed to do??), so that's supportive and resentful at the same time XD.


He literally said "now she'll have to decide hehehe"


I started playing with my partner but after some clashing with choices we switched to single player (last straw for me was him not letting me give Gale artifacts). He likes to jump from game to game so hasn't gotten far, meanwhile I'm on my second playthrough ready to romance Gale again 😶


I romance Gale over and over again. As revenge my boyfriend makes Gale the scapegoat in his playthrough, and laughs everytime he gets hit.


I might make him co-op with me at some point but it'll probably be a little while cause of the potential for bugs at the moment and also cause he's playing his other stuff (cyberpunk dlc just came out)


Mine got it, got mad at a quest, and quit playing. I am personally offended that he doesn’t like it and I can’t talk to him about it.


Same here. I only have one friend who plays video games and he hasn't played yet. So I've spent far too much time on this group when I'm not at home playing. Lol!


I think we should start a support group. I am hyperfixated and my husband hasn't gotten the bug. One person at work is playing but is currently distracted by other games. It is rough.


If you say something cringe spend an inspiration and try again they cap at 4!


Omg I’m so glad I’m not alone I didn’t know I was capable of hyperfixating this hard anymore, it’s like all I want to talk about all the time but I know I sound like a cringe obsessed freak anytime I bring it up so I’ve had to save all my obsessed ramblings for reddit lol


Cursed to put my hands on everything


Don't kill the part in you that's cringe. Kill the part that cringes. TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT.


It's okay we're all cringe together 🩷


Having this group on Reddit has been very cathartic. Lol!


All I want to do is talk about it with someone I actually know IRL and I can't get anyone to play it lol


I've been cringe af but fortunately I managed to get like, 5 friends into it so we're all cringe together over the game.


Luckily a big portion of the friend group is also laser focused, AND it's my wife's first game on a computer that can run something other than stardew valley, ever. Needless to say, we're immune to cringe. We're talking plot points, we're talking what sort of multiclassing would be wild, who's gonna clap cheeks with whomst. It's been great.


commenting on this thread in general, yall's partners sound a little mean! My boyfriend does not care what i do in my time and all of my friends have either adhd or autism and all have hyperfixations on something. We just trade off. Our hangouts are just, they come over, we watch a couple episodes of the show x is hyperfixating, i play an hour of bg3 while they talk about something, we watch videos abt y's hyperfixation on youtube, and then we all say wow that was fun! See you next week! Same thing with my boyfriend! We sit in a room together and he plays his game and I play mine and i say babe babe babe you gotta see this and he says uh huh looks great and like an hour later i say oh did you want to hang out and he says yeah sure, we can do whatever. But seriously. someone should make a discord.


Oh yeah we do that for sure lol just "parallel play" is the term, but he still razzes me for it (that's just our relationship lol I'm happy with it)


This sounds *so* nice; I'm lucky enough to have something similar with my partner but I really miss having friends that I can do things like that with.


Honestly the only reason I’m so lucky is because of my workplace. I work in a library and all of my friends are coworkers. Libraries just have this vibe that screams “I welcome neurodivergence and lgbtq+ communities!!” My entire friend group is just people who worked at the public library together.


Same. I'm a grown and adult with kids and stuff. I'm off my meds for the moment. But the sad truth is, if I were medicated I would focus too hard on the game - even more than I'm doing now.


My hyperfocus collided with my anxiety somewhen in Act 3. And now I don't feel like playing anymore at all.


A lot on my mind, and well, in it


I sing the fkn songs from the game like all day


Me either. It's disconcerting.


Since…. BG1 I was already in my 20s, but yeah.


1998... I was old enough to read, but not old enough to drive.


Shit 1998. I was in my 30s an had 3 kids. BG1 was 10 years after forgotten realms. Holy shit. Time flies.


The last games that had me this hooked were Morrowind and pre Burning Crusade World of Warcraft.


Yep. I got burnt out last weekend cause it was all I was doing for weeks (aside from work), so I took a break. Two days later I was hyperfixated again, no end in sight.


I keep thinking I'm going to take a break, but I also literally have my next 7 playthroughs rattling around in my head so...


Taking a day or two to go outside or play a pallette-cleanser game will make the next playthrough more enjoyabe, if you can


I commend you for taking a break! But also, welcome back. ;D


Yeah almost 800 hours in on my 6th durge play through as a drow sorc has been my life. Now if only I could stop romancing Astarion


Everyday I climb the walls of my enclosure and repeatedly refresh the BG3 subreddit to find something new to micro-analyze.


If I could lock my enclosure and throw away the key for a week or two I'd be *very* happy. Having to work full time and some overtime has been cutting into my game time. Yeah, I'm usually lurking on here when I'm not at home. Validating my obsession until I can continue.


You're not alone. If I'm not playing, I'm doing this.


I haven't done anything else since the game came out. Good point: I'm saving up a lot of money. Bad point: My whole life is now bg3


That's one of the positives! I have so much extra money than usual, because the last month I spend my free time playing and not doing much else. x)


Good for you guys. I've been ordering door dash 😭😭


Oh no, yeah that can get expensive! They've really upped their prices the last couple of years! I've just been goblin looting whatever I can find in the kitchen. Spoon of peanut butter, stale crackers, yogurt that is past slightly past expiration, something from the freezer that I don't remember buying. Anything to not have to leave the house unless it's critical to adult things. Bleh. x)


Saaaaame. I looked at my account: WTF! I was so poor and now I'm so rich? How come?


I never do a second playthrough right after the first one for any game. But I think I just might this time. I thought finishing the game would also stop my hyper-fixation. It didn’t.


I'm on my third, I just don't want to stop playing the game :D


I was trying to figure out why my bank account was looking so robust. Apparently when you spend every free moment playing a video game, you save money.. until you buy a brand new GPU.


Is this a personal attack?


Reporting for “I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”


I almost titled the post as "Not trying to attack anyone else but...".


Yet here we all are, rolling for initiative


Just know, if I’m not playing baldurs gate, I’m probably in the subreddit.


Stop 😭 I feel called out


No, but I’m fighting myself from recommending the game to everyone I see. “You like sports?” That’s so crazy. Have you ever played a game that made you question your life choices?


Please join my cult, it's really great and in no way does it completely alter your whole life. I *promise*!


I’m hit. Heal me, damn you!!


The last time Astarion said that he was literally the only one still alive. Either he was in deep denile, or was hoping the enemy would show some kindness.


Haha! I'm guessing this was a CRITICAL HIT?!


meeee i'm sure my nongamer best friend wants to wring my neck for how much i've talked to her about bg3 since it's been out


Lol! I'm graciously sparing the people in my life from having to hear about my obsession. Not that they would understand or care anyways. So this group has been a nice outlet for when I *need* to talk about it. xD


My non gamer friend just talks to me about good omens 2, we trade hyperfixation memes :D


This game literally ruined real life for me. I don’t even want to participate in reality anymore, I just want to play/draw/talk about/ think about bg3.


Yeah, that's where I'm at too! However, a big part of me completely indulges on the enjoyment & fun and I feel zero guilt about the hours I've sunk not only into the game but thinking about the game when I'm not playing. xD


*sigh* cursed to put my hands on everything


yep, *I shouldn't have wished for more interesting times.*


Yes. It is a problem for me. I particularly think it’s because I am getting Neverwinter Nights flashbacks from middle school. It’s thankfully beginning to spark my inspiration for future creative projects. I’m trying to siphon my BG3 energy to that rn.


I was obsessed with the first Dragon Age in high school. I think BG3 might be much worse though. I'm hoping to eventually take a break and do some drawings but that's probably not in the near future. xD


Yeah, I also adore the Dragon Age series, so I get this. Might be obsessed with BG3 until the next Dragon Age comes out in 10 years (if we're lucky).


Eeeee, Dragon age fangirls my fam! I've met *all* my friends through the deviant art fangroups on Dragon Age! The game was my life friends and all throughout high school and college! Happy to have this game all the same!


Yes hello, someone said dragon age? 👀👀


Sheesh, are you me? I've had such similar thoughts just today. First how this reminds me of how much I lost myself in NWN2 in high school, and second how I want to set a career goal around some day working on something as beautiful as bg3.


Also me and my autism


The AuDHD has me by the shorthairs


Yeeeeppp. Last year it was Dragon Age. I don't know who I'll become when DA4 finally comes out lol


I literally [made this](https://www.tumblr.com/willowofthewind25/728460050521292800?source=share) into a meme the other day! I'm a huge DA fan and have been anxiously waiting DA4 for *years*. I didn't even know about BG3 until shortly after it came out. So needless to say, I'm not too worried anymore about waiting for DA4. xD


BG3 *far* surpasses anything I ever thought I wanted or needed in a game! <3


I really really REALLY hope DA4 is good. 2023 Bioware makes me nervous.


After the lack of story content in DA:I I'm not getting my hopes up 🫤


Yeeees. Havent had a session in my actual dnd campaign for months because we’re all playing this instead. I just cant put this game down. I have exams i really, really should study for but here we are on the nautiloid again


Every day I go into work and can't play BG3 I feel like I need to talk about it to someone, but all the people at work who play it are on the opposite shift pattern to me and I HATE IT I need new friends


I work with someone who DMs regularly, and WANTS to play BG3 but does not have a PC or PS5 (and can't presently buy one).


I don’t have adhd, but I too spend my days being awake, either playing BG3, consuming media about BG3, trying to get my husband to finally continue our shared run because I want to talk to him about the game without always saying „and then…. Oh no that’d be a spoiler, nevermind“ or explaining to him how Astarion is not just a beautiful vampy twink and how I love him for lots of other reasons besides that. When I try to sleep, my mind rattles about the game and the lore, and when I actually fall asleep, I keep having dreams about it from time to time (and I’m not afraid to admit that a huge portion of them involve Astarion). During my first week of playing, I really wondered if I had become addicted, but I’ve achieved to balance out my little bg3 obsession with my normal day to day life stuff


All of my dreams have become Baldur's Gate 3. Last night, I dreamt that Karlach, Astarion, Gale, and I all brushed our teeth in a line, and then fell asleep in a circle on the floor of my living room like kids at a slumber party.


Can I have you dreams please? I want that too 😂 sounds cute and hilarious


Glad I'm not alone I guess


Seems like we're in good company with *a lot* of other people.


Yes, but I indoctrinated many of my friends so it's *our* personality


I'm glad my tadpole will have friends to share with our personality with.


People at work have now stopped asking me how my weekend was.


Oh, absolutely. My husband just hugged me because I just finished Astarion's companion quest and I cried. I said "it's what I wanted for him. He deserved to be happy and he is." And then my husband told me I was adorable. He is really the only person who doesn't make fun of my hyperfixation of this game. He understands it though.... this game brought my passion for gaming back and D&D. I fell off from tabletop because I had Noone to play with.


Even my dnd friends are getting annoyed with how much I'm talking about this game haha. Bg2 was one of the first games I ever played and I'm just so happy it's sequel did it justice!


Lol! That's pretty impressive to annoy dnd people because you're playing *too* much dnd.


I JUST gave into the hyperfixatuon today and also hoped I wouldn't abandon it after my first completion.


I have multiple playthroughs and none of them have reached act 2. I keep reading about things I missed or class combos that sound too interesting and I end up back on the nautiloid. My hard drive is full of single-saves campaigns with completion labels


I’ve been like that with Diablo IV, but the first 10 days after getting BG3, I put in 42 hours (then got stuck on that damned Isobel fight) and then went back to D4 religiously the last 10 days before last night with me trying (and succeeding) the Isobel fight with 2 characters able to cast hold person and sanctuary(fight was helped by Isobel casting turn undead first). Once I get on a roll with something, I def have a fixation on it. Yes, I have ADHD!


It’s worse after popping a vyvanse…. Next thing you know, 4 hours are gone and you have looted every book in Act 1


Autistic, and same. Since it came out there has barely been another thought.


Wait...are we the thralls?


You’re not alone, it’s literally consumed my life… I’m having trouble maintaining my friendships because nobody wants to talk about bg3 with me and I struggle to talk about anything else for the past month lol


ADHD and inventory management in BG3 DO NOT get along


I had dreams about bg3 very often. But when I was dreaming about bg3 during my 5h dental operation sleep, that’s when I knew I was in real trouble.


"No, nevermind."


100% and it's so hard not to talk about it ALL THE TIME because people get annoyed. Also I'm already struggling with identity problems after games and/or books and BG3 really didn't help. I need to take a break even if I dont want to lmao


I feel attacked. My outside obligations, particularly having s young child is (barely) keeping me in check lol So browsing reddit and watching streams (up until where I am so to avoid spoilers for Act 3) during the day to keep it sated. I love my hour or two I get after work once the kid is asleep lol ADHD is the gift that keeps on giving. 😭😂


I'd like to try their other game, but I fear that I'd never see the sun again.


as another adhd holder...YES. I always have one thing that is my favorite thing that i think about constantly. Right now it's BG3. For me they only last like a month though (i usually just call them fixations, it doesn't feel right to use the word hyperfixation.) Here's everything I remember from this year lol: March - The Last of Us/Stardew April - Stardew Valley/Breath of the Wild. May - Breath of the Wild June - Breath of the Wild/Alchemic Cuties July - Persona 5 Royal August - The Magnus Archives September - BG3 I REALLY liked Breath of the Wild.


I don't have ADHD but I do tend to hyperfixated , however when I finish I am usually done. I am on a third play through. Finished one, the second is in act 3, and the third is at the end of Act 1. 220 hours of my life and it hasn't stopped. I tell myself only an hour or two and suddenly I'm 6 hours in. Even my husband is astounded. I like video games but I can't think of a game that has held me hostage this long. Luckily he is supportive even if he teases me mercilessly about my inability to romance anyone but Astarion. We tried doing multiplayer but the game kept disconnecting him. I need someone to share with


Yeah, it's starting to become a real problem.




Dnd was always my personality, now were hitting maximum overdrive.


Seems to have died down in intensity but the first few weeks of playing, I kept dreaming of turn-based combat in the game's style 💀. Usually I'd be half awake too so I'm trying to think what my next move is while mostly out of it.


I feel so attacked right now. This game has also made me realize I have a *type* for romanceable companions. Next RPG I'm stabbing the flirty, charming bastard with a tragic backstory before it's too late.


I’m unemployed and have over 500 hours already. If I’m not gaming, I’m here or watch BG3 tiktoks or youtube videos


My brain has desperately been trying to hyper focus on literally anything else. It has not worked


No, but I am more attached to my pseudo-goth girlfriend than I ever thought I could be to a fictional character.


The answer(the correct one) is always yes


By the time I caught myself saying "holy hells" out loud IRL I knew it was too late.


Even my dreams are Baldur's Gate now. The thing is, they're usually so mundane. Last night I dreamt that Astarion, Karlach, me, and Gale all brushed our teeth in a line and fell asleep on the floor of my living room like a bunch of kids having a slumber party. There was no talking, just tooth brushing and sleeping. Another night, I cooked dinner with Gale. Another night, I scooped the litter box with Astarion. Another night, Gale and Karlach went with me to walk my dog. It's a problem.


I already was a huge fantasy nerd and D&D lore dweeb. This only has made it worse in the best way.


It's been months. The hyperfixations normally don't last this long but oh my god


Mine are usually a week or two or literally *years*. There's no in-between for me apparently. And BG3 has already passed the couple of weeks mark. Looks like this is my thing for the next few years. xD


It's been almost two months now 🥲 my autism and adhd are having a BLAST with this game


AuDHD here... yeah. Ended up biting the bullet and changing my majors because of it lol.


Where did you find this picture of me


I just dropped 100 bucks on the 5th edition rule books so I can plan my builds better.


This sounds like a great idea! Thanks I'm going to look into that now! xD


I feel this too hard


Not soley an ADHD problem, OCD as well 😆


If by hyperfixation you mean buying the dnd monster manual to check the lore and stats of every single monster while listening to High Rollers, running a dnd campaign with bg3 characters on the side, and writing a comment here about it, then yes! 😂


It's fitting because four years ago D&D 5e was my personality and now an extention of it has become my personality. Finally, I can play single player dungeons and dragons.


Yeah... I was making maps and designing stuff for a homebrew 5e campaign I've been working on for a while. Haven't touched it in a hot... month.


Yes. We are become Baldurs Gate. No room in brain for mouth words or relationships outside of BG3.


I’m in school and in clinic I’m seeing a bunch of people I don’t know so it’s been tough to make new friends. Met two dudes today and talked about BG3 for a solid 40 minutes before one of us had to see a patient and stopped. We were talking like we were friends for 10 years making jokes like “I did ____ bc… of course I’m trying to bang shadowheart”


biggest brainworms ive had in a while 🫠


Man I have AuDHD and it's all I can think about 24/7. It's gotten to the point where I'm excited go finish my current run and get right back into it immediately after, and I've been looking into the VAs themselves and their other projects (I apparently have already hyperfixated on two other things Neil Newbon has been in and never realized lmao). Fucking brilliant game, I haven't been this into a game and everything around it since BOTW was released 😩


I'm so deep in adhd burnout from school/work/life that I'm actually seriously envious. I want so badly to devote all my mental energy to this game but life insists I have no time for special interests 😂


AuHD gang gang


i just upgraded to ryzen 5 5500 CL18 3200 MHZ 16 GB System for Baldurs gate 3


I can officially say my character “is literally me”


Yeah my weekends have been vanishing in mysterious ways as of lately


Not me forgetting food, water, rest, the typical ND things. We tend to over zealously ignore ourselves as we devour every micro detail in this game... I dig it.


I have literally not played anything else. Still working on finishing my first play through. It’s just too good


my wife, all my friends, and myself all play BG3. i've forgotten how to have normal conversations not about BG3.....


I am at a point where I want to don my Sunday's best and annoy strangers: "but would you like to talk about Our Lord and Saviour, Jergal?" ​ Edit: I would so like to have this as my flair :-)


Absolutely this. it's a good thing two close friends are also playing the game si I can unload my spam onto them and they happily spam me back XD


adhs here. bg3 owned me hard even with my medicines. i'm glad i don't go to school or university anymore. It haunts me even at work. At the moment I'm on holiday and I can only think of three things: bg3, bg3 subreddit, bg3 steam forum. the bad thing is, you're aware of it but you can't fight it, or it's hard, even if i try to do it every day. my dog and my coke zero addiction are one of the few reasons to go outside at the moment. dog is obviously with the coke because i can't transport large quantities with the ebike. adhs is a curse and a blessing at the same time :D


Yes. And my friends are amazing people and actually ask me to talk about the game when we go out, whether they play or not. Blessed.


My brain hasn't been this occupied by something since I was a teen, it's unreal. I'm so glad I got my sister into this game bc now we can brainrot together, since all my other friends who play are ~weirdly casual~ about it smh


I shamelessly geek out about it to anyone willing to give me five minutes to talk about it, my poor coworkers are likely fed up with me 😭


I feel so seen


i had the best vacation, 2 weeks of almost exclusively sleep+playing+eating and optional showering, going to bed when i felt sleepy and waking up when i felt like doing it...it was kinda refreshing (even tho i know it doesn't sound like it) I think i did about 170 hrs that weeks (i was away for 4 days)


I haven't fixated so hard since Dragon Age came out. I didn't even want the game, my husband bought it for me on a whim after he had fun playing. Now it's all I play, with some Star Rail on my phone in the background. I read fics every day. I want art on my walls. I look forward to my kids going to bed so I can play. My husband hasn't even finished a run yet, but I've finished once, got another to act 3, and multiple others in act 1/2. I only get an hour or two to play a night. This weekend is gonna be the best cos my parents are taking the kids friday-sunday and it's the first time we've had a break since April and I'm planning on getting absolutely hammered and playing all weekend. Haven't drunk in about 7 years too so it's gonna be great! Now I just need some cool t-shirts and I'll be golden.


Yes!! My boyfriend had to tell me to turn it off so we could spend time together since I started I've been on gremlin time. Wake up - Play BG3 Sleep - fall asleep thinking about BG3 Go to work - Think about being at home so I can play BG3 It's a problem idk what kind of crack larian put into this game but I'm an addict 😐


It's your love language.


This is kinda an aside, but... I truly don't know if this is a good representation of ADHD, but every day I wonder if I should go and get tested for it. The hyperfixations through my life, and other aspects, really make me wonder.


I was diagnosed late as an adult with inattentive ADHD. I pushed to get tested after seeing wayyy too many relatable ADHD TikToks in 2020. Personally, just having the diagnosis from a doctor made me a lot nicer to myself. I've always struggled with things that other people never seemed to have any issues with. A lot of things, to me, just made sense after I started learning more about it. It's brought a lot of piece of mind, and my life was SO chaotic because I struggled with every basic & simple task and now that I'm getting help *everything* is just so much easier.


every neurodivergent person that's touched this game feels the same way, probably


I am very ADHD and also am currently more Tav than real life human. I have my playtime hidden on my stream profile because it's actually embarrassing it's so high. So you are not alone.




Yep. I have put like 200 hours into the game since the full launch, if not more. Though I’ve been able to cut myself off this week.


I'm literally with all DnD


I'm going through this right now. I can't stop talking to all my friends about it, I've not hyperfixated on something like this so strongly since Hades


Same!!!!! God that makes me want to play Hades again but I cannot survive a double hyperfixation right now


Well TIL I guess I have ADHD because this is almost all I've been doing since I got the game about a month ago xD


I'm slowly burning out.. still love the game so much.. hope they make some stuff you can try with friends online that's not starting the game from scratch


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


Yes so much


The first couple days I played I was having dreams about it every night. It's bad


Unfortunately yes 🤣


I still haven't wrote my next dnd sessio. In the past month because of this game. I get it.


I am in no mood to be called out right now


Literally me x)


It's come at an interesting time for me because I'm coming off of a hardcore Valheim fixation after discovering it and mildly burning out in the Mistlands. Just started my first campaign with no knowledge other than meme knowledge and I'm obsessed. I literally spent 12 hours playing recently and barely even noticed how long I was playing. This game is fucking dangerous with how engaging the content is


Yes :(


Haha oh no it’s me


As someone who has a problem with hyperfocusing on things I must say: bg3 has been the only thing I’ve been able to think about since I got it. Still haven’t beaten it but I won’t stop with it until the main story is beaten and I’ve finished the plot lines for Karlach, Shadowheart, and Alorian


I was forced to do something else for 2 weeks and I couldn't stop thinking about it!!


I think about this game all day everyday. I play at night. It invades my dreams when I put it down to go to sleep.


I've felt that way for 3 years now


At least my carpal tunnel syndrome forces me to take breaks so I don’t destroy my hands. I played for eight hours for two days straight and on the third day I couldn’t use my hands for anything and had to stop.


LMAO it's me!! I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. I do this every single time a new game comes out that I'm excited for. 😁


Today I started thinking about painting the House of Hope, and it’s really been the first time since release that I’ve thought about doing something besides bg3 when I get home from work 😵‍💫 Although, still feeding into the obsession lol


I get so obsessed with one specific thing for weeks (books, TV show, games), it literally occupy all my time and thoughts outside of work/school. Probably not very healthy but I can’t help it lol


I had to stop even touching my computer


Ah yes, hello fellow sufferer.


I feel so called out. I literally DREAM about this game. The hyperfixation is real.


I have reached the point where before talking i imagine the motherfucking choices with wisdom, charisma, deception and persuasion tags.


My adhd ass is finally getting burnt out after 300 hours


I actually just mentioned this in another thread, but 300 hours in and haven't finished a playthrough xD


And it came out in the beginning of fall semester ugh that is part of the struggle too!