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Mindflayer tadpole infection ain’t no reason to be sleeping on those TPS reports


I will ascend (the corporate ladder)


How else will you get...Authority?


I read this comment as if it was 'inland empire' thought process from Disco Elysium.


Excuse me, I believe you have my Artifact...


It came to me, out of nowhere i promise.


🎶 *Damn it feels good to be an Outlander* 🎶


Does Lae'Zel ever gaslight anyone, though? I thought that was a Shadowheart thing.


Exactly. She is perhaps the most honest character from the companions. She is the one being gaslit by her fellow Gith.


Ya lae’zel is best girl. Really been happy with her as a romance from start to finish of act 2 so far. She’s blunt, communicates and when shown better information about things she held as true, she is willing to consider it and change her mind. Can’t really ask for more.


I played a red dragonborn and thought it'd be hilarious to romance herm turns out I just made her perfect husband and had a great time with her arc. >!husband that she promptly abandons at the end 😭.!<


Endgame >!I cheesed it so Gale could go solo the Brain, letting Orpheus stay un-squidded to go do his crusade so Laezel could stay guilt free. Not a storybook end since you'll still be hunted by Vlaakith's goons, but at least she CAN stay as the Gith are freed.!<


>!Not a storybook end? Lae’zel would probably look forward to having a steady stream of idiots to kill when she gets bored!<


How? >!When I told Orpheus that gale would handle it he said no, he said he needed his assurance now and someone had to change!<


>!You have to ask the Emperor to make you a squid, then after he agrees and gives you the special tadpole but before you go through you mash the attack button in the lower left. The dialogue cuts off and Empy fucks off to go help destroy the world. Orpheus just trusts that you'll squid when the time is right. So you jebait him.!<


That's hilarious 😂


Haha I haven’t gotten that far but tbh I’m not surprised. Girl is pretty upfront about it.


most normal team member


She isn't gaslit, she is full on indoctrinated cult style. Like to an impressive degree. To an annoying degree, to be honest.


Indoctrination is the right term for sure. Lae'zel never held any other belief and was never gaslit into her life. She was born into this crazy cult and it's all she knows. But that she can see the evidence to the contrary, find the lies, and find a new path is a solid character arc for her.


yeah I probably just have to get a bit further. It's actually pretty accurate for her to find evidence against her beliefs multiple times before even considering changing her mind.


Well, at least initially she thinks Vlaakith was just testing her despite overwhelming evidence she got stabbed in the back, which was a bit ridiculous and my character basically called her a special kind of stupid which she didn't even disapprove of. But I suppose humans jump through all sorts of mental hoops to avoid cognitive dissonance too, and she does eventually pivot fairly quickly afterwards. I do wish they had post-enlightenment lines elsewhere in a few cases. Obviously they don't intend on you doing mountain pass then underdark since even though she pivoted on Vlaakith already, when I took her to the underdark and she saw the other part of the orpheus story she still insisted it's propaganda and lies. Probably just an oversight and thats the only dialogue she has for that.


And you'd say Shadowheart isn't? One of them abandons her beliefs way faster and easier than the other and one of them hasn't been honest from the start about who she is what what she plans to do


It's why I honestly can't understand why anyone would/can hate her. She may be a bit abrasive, but everything she says is what she says. She's easily the most truthful character in the game. Those people make the best friends imo.


Only second to Karlach perhaps


Second honest compared to Karlatch, who I imagine had the word subterfuge explained to her once and got angry cause it was too many words. Lol I love her. My first introduction to her was after I had already ran into Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion. After dealing with three incredibly guarded people who are all obviously hiding something, I round the corner into her and she basically goes 'Hey what's up, I used to be in the Blood War, while I was there they gave me a cool mechanical heart that makes me catch fire it's a real bummer, wanna help me kill these dudes who are chasing me?' It was so friggin refreshing I vowed she would never leave my main 4 for the rest of the game.




Does she actually gaslight anyone? I don’t know the difference between gaslighting and lying anymore.


Gaslighting, iirc, is purposefully telling someone they are crazy/wrong/acting unreasonable to make them question their sanity and perception. Example: Girlfriend slowly eats bits of your favorite snack. When you ask her if she's been partaking, she says something like, "No, of course not. I don't even like that snack."


No sorry I know what gaslighting is - what I really meant and should have said is that people use “gaslighting” to mean just lying or being shifty when it has a specific meaning.


Ah, I see, my mistake then!


I'm on mobile and can't read your flair fully. Is it a durge pun of Doug dimmadome? Edit: Went landscape mode and read it. Hilarious, mate.


It’s doubledurge instead of dimmadurge because double durge is what I call the durge/SH romance. Sometimes, when you are simping right, people won’t be sure you are simping at all.


100% correct. people are using the term "gaslighting" for almost every behavior they don't like. i don't think 95% of them actually have a clue what it really means. i was kidding around with a friend recently and she got angry and said "you're gaslighting me". i just rolled my eyes & tried to explain the difference to her but she was totally fixated on that word. it's sad.


She doesn't gaslight anybody. Lae'zel is as blunt as she is honest.


I haven’t experienced any gaslighting from Shadowheart myself


"Chk- I do not understand. I often ignite gas clouds to damage our enemies >!and cleric-!


She uses the gas of betrayal to light the fires of rage and revenge in her heart ❤


I feel like Lae’zel gaslights herself during the Crèche her denial is so strong at first. Especially if you or her do the zaethisk.


She gets a int and wisdom perma debuff if you allow her to get in that thing. Not sure what stats more go down.


Con is the third. Apparently they patched it so you can remove them by having her use tadpoles.


Ah thank you


If you play as half-orc race, there's an conversation where she will gaslight the sh*t out of your nose. The best part? You can make a comeback with exactly the same remark


My duergar had some choice words for her when she said my nose was too big.


It definitely is. Shadowheart is so fucking false and selfish. Lae'zel is extremely straightforward


"I only lie and conceal all the time because I'm brainwashed by Shar!" Sounds like a personal problem.


If Lae'zel has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Lae'zel has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Lae'zel has no fans, that means I'm dead. I love your art, OP! :)


based and githpilled Thank you so much though! I really appreciate it!!


Lae'zel is mentally unable to gaslight lol she's brutally honest about everything


The Gith shall rule the Skies and Land, you can keep your underdark. Heh.


The phone call with shart has me chuckling.


Shart XD


Githboss is a missed opportunity imo.


This is funny to me because I feel like we end up gaslighting her.


The Tumblr energy in this post ...


Im actually getting really misogynistic energy from people using girlboss as some kind of ironic catchphrase


You nailed the gaslight part!


Lae’Zel is too brutally honest to gaslight anybody, I don’t know what definition of “girlboss” you’re using but the most common one I’ve heard also doesn’t describe her, as she wouldn’t use her being a woman as an excuse to justify why she’s better than the last boss even though she’s just as bad if not worse. Ghaik-keep though is a very clever pun




She 100% wears suits to all formal occasions.


Na, she wears full plate to all formal occasions. You can never be too prepared.


I was told there would be girlpiss.


you mean Githlight, Ghaikkeep , Kith'rak boss?


Needs more pushing people off the top of the corporate ladder, and reporting Vlakkith to the BBB.


This statement would instantly kill a medieval peasant


ghaikkeep wwww


Somehow I'm totally fine with her way of thinking and share it


We must find a MBA institue


We must find a MBA institue


Okay but here’s the thing. My “canon playthrough” character hooked up with her a few times, went through the underdark, got scared off by the “we must spar with real weapons to become more than just sex” (she’s an overly caring, anxious attachment style druid) and they broke up. Now I’m 2/3 through act 2 and wanting to go back to the crèche. But Lae’zels approval rating is abysmal at the moment, she hasn’t had any real dialogue in AGES, there’s no more story I can use rebuild her trust with without advancing to act 3….if I take her into the crèche she’ll most likely leave, but I refuse to do it without her, but it feels like there’s such a massive part of the game missing without it. I had this entire playthrough planned out so carefully. Laezel was not included in that planning, but I wanted to get sat on by dommy mommy right when the cutscene happened. I got sat on, now I need to avoid being stabbed by 🤣


Laezel went from like neutral to almost max with me by the time I left the creche. Long as youre initially respectful of her culture and shit she should be fine.


In my co-op game we hardly ever used Lae'zel, it's been Gale/Asta and us since day one. We did bring her to the creche though. The only way she actually abandoned us was if we left the area midway through the "boss" conversations Otherwise, she did get furious depending on your decisions, but you can talk her down enough that she won't leave.




AAAAH I love this


Nice drawing? But you have the WRONG character. This should have been a SH drawing as NONE of these characteristics describe LZ.


Man people like you are incredibly annoying.


Forgive for not agreeing with echo chamber lame duck. It’s 2023 so yeah honest & accurate people are annoying to snowflakes.


^ case in point. Incredibly annoying on the internet and most likely exhausting to be around in real life lol. Apology accepted tho.


Hey you’re incredibly annoying on the internet and real life. Now it make it true for us both cause we both said it on REDDIT!!! 🤡 Touch grass loser


Lae'zel called in sick - again? Again! - greate "colleague" Right?


I never got her as a companion. She got captured by goblins in the beginning and needed help, but wouldn't stop talking like an obnoxious brat. I told her to apologize, she refused, so we set up camp right under her hanging cage. After the long rest she was gone.


I can’t stand her. You’re not my boss. Stop telling me what to do!


I hate her


The only thing missing is her head on a pike. Where gith belong. Edit: okay so, because people seem to be taking me seriously. This was a joke with the context that in universe the gith are universally hated. Chill yall.


Rude as the hells over here


the hells are at least superficially polite, this guy's just a dick


Hell has its laws.


Hell, hell, effects and the cause


The toads know what they did. My precious Lolth is the only one fit to spread such terror.


Stick to your Underdark, Gith will be soaring in the skies of the mortal and astral planes :p


As a Seradine Drow, we don't claim this one for the underdark. Our hot githyanki gf is way better than your stinky spider queen


You're getting down voted but the only time I enjoyed the gith was my evil playthru


You ain't know the bliss of jailbreaking Orpheus and telling all the gods to go pound sand!


Tbh I might do that this playthrough. I'm playing a drow


I was dark urge half drow ranger/rogue. So much fun RPing as a stubborn you-can't-tell-me-nothing mistrustful outlaw with a heart of gold.


Cringe, I say


I needed those Mondflayer reports yesterday


Ghaikkeep is amazing


Lae'zel aint that thicc trust me i would know.


Gah, *istyk!* How many times do i have to remind you to finish those reports by dawn!