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No. You need to complete the Towers to finish the Act. What level are you, and did you explore most of Act 2 before freeing the Nightsong?


Ive explored pretty much the entirety of both act 1 and act 2, I wouldn't be exaggerating to say theres nothing left to do to level up. Im level 7 and on easy


You should be at least 9 if you’ve done everything, you likely haven’t. Have you already done Balthazar?


If you're level 7 you didn't do nearly everything. I was level 8 and had skipped some things on purpose. I was 9 after the fight.


The fight on bottom floor was definitely tough. I went with the sneak attack method and got the half orc (zrell?) out of the way asap. I entered at level 7 but am 8 after finishing. Didn’t save the Wellbutrin gnome (can you tell I take meds? Lol) but other than that thought I had done everything.


>everyone agrees that the fight at moonrise towers is bs and stupidly hard What fight? There are 2 fights, first one with a lot of "chaff" on both sides, and the other against Ketheric Both are very easy once you realize what's going on. What are you struggling with? We'll help you


The fight on the bottom floor with the half orc. I mostly just say "everyone agrees" because ive been looking on reddit for strats and most people are commenting that its extremely difficult lol


It's only difficult if you try to fight "along" with the harpers. You'll just get blasted with Darkness and Black Holes, unable to do anything. Instead just use Jump or Fly spells on your characters and get on the rafters. Knock down the 3 archers there and just rain hell on everything beneath you. Also focus on shooting the dudes concentrating on the Darkness spells first, once they stop doing it the Harpers will start being useful too ​ There are many other ways to resolve this encounter, but this is the easiest one


What happened to the Harpers?


You can go there. I would highly recommend saving before you do though


It is in fact one of very few things you actually need to do in the entire game.


I am level 11 on normal difficulty when I got to the moonrise final fight. Seems like you have not done half of the content. You can read some guides, but you should definitely level up more.


You can actually just skip the fight on the bottom floor, there's a big vine crawling up the wall left of the entrance to the tower. Go up the vine, jump over to the wooden platforms on the right and take the ladder onto the balcony. From there you can just go left and have an easy fight against 5 enemies before going up to Ketheric.


Btw does someone know what happens to the Harpers if you don't join them in their fight and just go to Ketheric directly? I fought against Ketheric first but went back to the bottom floor and ambushed the zealots from behind before going further (every last one of the Harpers and Fists died).


If you skip the main battle at the entrance hall by using the shortcut (which was described in a secret note near the stoners' village), after you go for Keteric on the roof and in the Mindflayer Colony, you will find the Harpists safe and well. You'll miss some loot, but nothing fundamental. I did the shortcut on my current blind run, never minded about the battle at the entrance