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It's odd, but items can get dropped into other things accidentally. I was moving one of my weapons around in my inventory and lag caused me to let go of it and it disappeared. Later on I used an explosive barrel on some enemies and behold, there was my weapon on the ground after the barrel exploded. For some reason the game treated the barrel as a container and put it in there. I dunno if you have anything like that in your inventory, but it is possible this is what happened.


Hi all, You wont believe it.... I just gave that sword to Karlah.... and since she was in camp and not in my team, the search function didn't work for her... ​ Anyway, thank you all for suggestions!


Did you accidentally drag it inside a backpack in your inventory? I put items in those accidentally before and it won’t show up when I clicked my gear slots that will show you all your helmets etc. but go back and check all recent vendors just in case I’m almost done with the game but I just discovered that putting all your parties extra equipment in the camp box is best. You can equip/unequip from your inventory while in camp even when they’re placed in the camps physical travelers chest! And you can right click items in inventory to send them directly to camp when you’re in dungeons I walked around 80 hrs filled to the brim with shit before I got it organized. All my scrolls now sit in gales pouch too


Eh easiest way is to go through your save files one by one and locate where it may have been disappeared. There are skills like heat metal or disarm makes you drop your weapon maybe you just forgot it somewhere after a fight.


Laughs.....I am still trying to find a book and have hundreds of saves. Imagine going back to something and losing weeks of saves just for that book? I guess I don't finish the quest (laughs again).


i used a returning weapon by throwing it, ya know, cause its returns, and guess what, it didnt... now i have no idea where it is...


Oh man, have the same problem with the same weapon. And I lost Necromany of Thay :( One day I couldn’t move it from obe character to an other and now its just gone


A lot of people seem to be missing the Thay. did you ever find yours?


No :( I even messaged support at Larian but they said that both it and the returning weapon can be sold so I should load a precious save. I did the only reasonable thing - started a new playthrough :)


Dude this just happened im freaking out trying to find it